HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 5rHE 5Iht2'AL : GODERICH ONTARIO
11'ltvtltsoAT. YKIIIIIVAST Is. 1e18. •
Our New Stock of Supplies Has Arrived
and it will be worth 'your while I.
drop in and look same over, as it in-
clude. Bicycles from $27.50 w $35.00.
Tires. Special Equipment for Ford
Can, such as Tire Holders, lavers,
Klaxon Hand Horns, Cement,
Wblstles, Cutouts, etc.
Our vulcaniser is working full time
and it would be a good time to have
your tires looked over.
of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing
and Furnishings
at absolutely lower prices than you have to pay for
the same goods in any other cloih-
ing store in Goderich.
Boys' Tweed Sults
Age .t t., n years T., clear 51.11).
Men's Overalls
White.- regular :i4h'. for 3.1c, -or
3 pans for Earl.
Boys' Lightweight
to r (noir 1:r• per garment.
l'ien's Socks
titey car brown, regular 'ale,
clear S ()sirs for '2
P1en's Buckskin Gloves
Lined and unlined. to clear at
odic or 1111 .
Men's Night Shirts
Regular SI psi, to clear II5c.
Men's Rubber Boots
high - grade, regular 111.51, to
Clear 13. 45.
(foods not proving sat istactory
can be exchanged or the money
%aaee II,i Out of the Wet
it is easier to keep dry
under wet conditions,
than to keep wet under
dry conditions ! With
our large. stock of
1 t and *eav Rub -
Th. ice Harvest.
Large quautit4a of ice are tieing
taken from the harbor !hid week.
Quasi i y will to .t large extent replace
quality this sea.e'n, as there is only
aboutaeo inches of clear ice on blocks
thirty inches thick, the balance being
' ',luta" toe,
Extended to February 28.
lo order that a few more sutracr.bere
may contribute. The Signal will ex-
tend to February 2Atb the offer to
give ten cents of every yearly advance
subscription received to the Belgian
relief fund. These who have not
already paid their 'subscription should
hand in their dollar at once.
Charge of Theft.
A mac giving the name of Patrick
O'Toole was brought before Police
Magistrate Kelly on Tuesday morn-
ing, charged with the theft of AAI(, a
gold watch, and several articles of
clothing. tbe property cf Mr. Dia,
McDonald, of Lochalsh. Mr. M. 0.
Cameron appeared for the defendant
and did not enter any plea. The case i
was remanded for one week.
Tha Last fif the Season.
Taking advantage of a last oppor-
tunity before the LeotenIseasou. a great
crowd gat.bered at Oddfellowi Hall on
Tuesday evening to participate in the
dance given under the management of
the Stewart orchestra. The hall was
too crowded for complete enjoyment
and ,light confusion was caused by
the supply of programs failing before
all were supplied. Depending upon a
verbal engagement some of the ladies
found they had two partners for the
•auie dance. Aside from these tt if -
ling discomforts tbe evening proved
very enjoyable At midnight lunch was
served and the dancers did not com-
plete the program with its num.:ous
extras until 3 a.ne.
W. C. T. U. Entertainment
The members of the W. C. T. U.
held an entertainment and social
evening at the Temperance Hall on
Monday evening The attendance
was not as large as bad been expected
and was composed largely ot ladies.
Mrs. J. H. Colborne prt.ided and after
the singing of a hymn gave the open-
ing address. Solos by M as V. Elliott,
Miss Albin and Miss McCreath were .
well rendered and heartily, applauded.
Master Riebard -Bowman won well -
merited applauue by his reciting of a
Son. poem entitled "Her Only S.Ad-
dressee were given by Mrs. Strachan,
Mrs J. E. Ford and Mrs. Janet Ham-
ilton, the fleet dealing with the dan-
gere besetting young life, Mrs. Ford
speaking on the suffrage movement, 1
and Mrd. Hamilton on the prospect,
of advanced temperance legislation)
growing out of war conditions. At i
the close of the program a dainty
lunch was served.
WtDNxsv.Y, Feb. 17th.
Norga,-Mrs. Prank Up.hall, Buch-
anan, Soak.. has been the guest of her
Mother and sister. Mr. and Miss ,Hay-
den. at Mhepparlton, for the past
two months and a half, leaves on
Thursday for Brampton. where she
will *prod a Abort time with ft lends,
after which she leaves for her howe
in the West Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Cousins spent the week -end near Kin-
cardine. the guests of their cousin, Miss
Ethel Bell lir. Thos. McBride,
of Saginaw, Mich.. visited friend* in
the village for • few days last week.
. Quite a number from here at-
tended a most enjoyahle reception
end donee given by Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McWhinney last Friday arm-
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stewart, who artived home from
their wedding trip on Thursday t o o t
Mr. Alfred Quaid was in Witigharn
for a few day• last week, bis sinter.
Mn. Adam Schaefer,. being in poor
health The Women's Miaionary
Society of the Presbyterian church
met at Mre. John Quaid's last Thurs-
day afternoon .. Mr. Hectcr Me-
Keuzie, who is in his last year at
Queen's University. Kiugeton, was
home for a few days but week. He
leaves soon for England with a num-
t her of doctors and students to aasi,t
bers, Wolk Overshoes in looking after the wounded Mr.
Lindsay Burrows has returned home
after spending a month with his
sister, Mrs. Hector Hawkins, at
Rogers City, Wis.-Misses Lena and
Olive Willis entertained • few of their
young friends at a dames. last Thursday
evening and all report a real good
time Master Gordon Pearson is
*pending a few days with friends in
(coder icb.
AN OLD Rtatnv eT Dtt'ARrs.-Tbe
late Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, whose death
occurred on the 2Kth of January, was
born in Fifeshire, Scotland, December
70., 18:2, and was thug in her ninety -
au Arctic,
we are prepervd to supply yon
with just what you mat need
to keep your feet dry. warm
end comfortable.
third year. Her maiden mute wee
Jean McKay. She spent her girlhood
days in Srntland. coming to Newark,
New .Jersey, in 111bi. While still a
resident of Newark she Well married
to the late Joseph Dunbar lo ltlaH.
Tbe following year they came to Can-
ed*. settling an the tarot on the and
concession of Ashfield no which the
deceased spent tb- remainder of her
life. Her hnahand porde-nate 1 her
seven )ear*. Mr.. Dunbar waw e
• woman of generous dhpn ttiews, bright
Double Track all the Way
t'nesosllsd Train Ssrvtse
Inghe•t Claus of IGgaloment
Mr. J. McEwen of Dundas,
Ont.. writes:-" For fifteen
years 1 suffered with Piles
and could get no permanent
cure until 1 tried Zam-Buk.
Perseverance with this herbal
balm resulted In a complete
cure, and 1 have not been
troubled with the painful all -
resent since."
Mr. Haney 1'ougere of Pnula-
mond. N S , says -" I suffered
terribly ooh Piles and could find
nothing to give me relief until I tried
Zam-But:. This cured nie I con-
sider Zam-Buk the finest ointment
oa the market."
Tbe abort are specimens of the
puny letters we are mattao i l y receo -
mg from men and women who hate
ended their suffering by using Zam-
Buk. Why not do likewise ?
Zam-Buk is best for eczema,
blood poisanusg, ulcers, sores, cuts,
bruises, and all skin injuries and
diseases. 50c. boa. all druggists
and stores, or post trot fromLan,-
Buk Co., Toronto. Send this ad-
vertisement with name of paper and
we cent stamp for free trial boa.
country where he thought there were
souse «•holes. On the day of the
shooting he called at l'audle's home for
a drink of rider and bring refused and
ordered off the place he became very
angry and fired at Caudle, but did not
hit him. He said be only wanted to
frighten the young men. Judge Holt
sent him to jail for three months, say-
ing that as the old man bad no home
be would be better off there than
roaming the country. Crown Attor-
ney Seager prosecuted and W. Proud -
foot, jr.. appeared for the defence.
M. 0. C. Euchre.
The members of the Menesetuog
Canoe Club and their lady friends
had a very pleasant eveuiog at
the Club rooms on Monday evening,
when a "euchre' was held. Cards
were played until 11 o'clock. Miss
Mabel Doty wining the lad \', prize and
Mr. A. G. Nisbet the gentleman's
prize. Lunch was then served and
afterwards music and dancing were
enjoyed. The party broke up +portly
after midnight.
Sunday Evening Recital.
.1t the (root we have may a ..rough dia-
mond from .ease of oar hsmas, bot they will
+blue os their return when they ret one of
1•ridham the Tailor... puha on.
A number of detectives made o raid
upon the local hotels last evening.
The result may he some cases in the
Police Court.
The name of Misr Washington was
omitted in the list of contributors fo
the Children's Aid Society published
in The Signal last week. Miss Wash-
ington's contribution was $1.00.
At Victoria street Methodist church
next Sunday Rev. Geo. Jewitt, of
Blyth, will preach mnrning and even-
ing, and assist the pastor in present-
ing the world'. missionary problem.
Adult Bible class at 3 p. M. All wade
The Boyer -Vincent Stock Company
is putting on some popular plays at
Victoria Opera House this week. For
the riaturday matinee the bill is "A
Jealous Wife," and on Saturday even-
ing the company will present "The
V birl pool,"
The G. C. 1. Literary Society met
on Ft iday evening. when the Yellow
ing, took part in the program : Mimes
Mar Redmond and Beth Boyd, in io-
struruental selections : Min Verna
Hamilton, in recitation : Mr. Bert
Cutt•,aa vocal soloist. geld also a num'
ber of the students in chor•rses. Dec-
lamations were given by Miss Mary
('lark and Master .lames Roar, the
former -on Admiral Jellicoe and the
latter on Emperor Francis Joseph.
The 1: C. 1. Journal was read by Mr.
Wilfred Dancey. Mies Jean Nairn. the
pre.ident. occupied the chair
Ft ,day morning, Feb. hath -Daniel L.
Mcleod was killed this morning at the
harbor. The stt. T. J. Drummond was
being moved in front of the flour mills
when a chain slipped and struck Mr.
Mcleod. with fatal result.
St. George's Choir Supper. ' ' The recital given by Mr. F. W.
A pleasing function took place on ( Robinson in tit. George's '•burch on
Monday evening in St. Georges pal ish Sunday evening drew :t large attend -
hall, where the choir of the church sat once, and the music rendered was
down to a delightful .upper provided ! much appreciated, Mr. Robinson's
by the chureh. After partaking of the ! numbers were : •'Fugue on a Trumpet
excellent repast speeches were made l Fanfare" (W. T. Best ). "(menthe
by the rector. Hev. J. B. Pothering- Moderne" (Le Mare): "Air and Var-
iations in 13 minor "ITown.heod Duf-
field); "March Solennelle' (Borow-
ham, M. A., who took the opportunity
of thanking the choir for the assist-,
*icter Tours to Calrforuia and :lire' full in her manner. nage was
a meuils•t of the Presbyterial. church
FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH and practie-3 h••r r• ligion in ber daily
Fast Train* Chokeof Restos life. Three daughters are left to
Low Foresees in erect mourn their loss : Mn. Thos. Baird.
for full strt'oelar• eee.slt O.T.& Ticket of Brutefi,ld ; Mils Sara Donbas., of
A ta eeooa or write C. K. HORNING. IM.trtet t Kemsack. Moak . and Mrs. Angus 1
psseeager Aieset, Terence. Gordon. of Ashfield : also a graod,o0,
F. F. LAWFI HI't t WING. Taint Pram S'bo.. B. Baird The fune•ra service,
and Ttek to. Panetta. O. H. LAUfl- t► ere eonducied by Rev. G. (comm,
Statism' tAssoc Phone on. th, interment being in Dungannon
cemetery. The pallbearers were rhte.
Baird, Angus Gordon, Joseph \Vtl•on.
Jas. Dunbar. Henry Lednor and Wm.
once and inspiration he is receiving
from them week by week : Sheriff ..rhe Way of Peace` t Lloyd) and Inc"
Reynolds. who spoke cat the olden days Shadows of the Evening Hour' ;Rath
in,tite r•burcbsituated on the lake bank, burn). Mi.i McCreath sang in good
forty years ago; Mr. F. W. Rohit. tone and with excellent ruunriation
son, the choirmaster; Mr. G.L. Parsons, and sea, heard with much pleasure.
Mr. 111. Sturdy. and Mr. G. H. King Her assistance in the program was all
who desired to put on record his ap- the more rrcditahle from the fact
preri•tion of the kindness shown Mrs. that on shot notice she 'tok the
King and himself in inviting them to phare of snot het lady who was to be
ski). - Miss Louie Mcl'reath sang
*pend this pleasant evening with the thebrloitt un chi* o rar,on.
choir of St. George's. The remainder
of the evening was spent in music, Three Months for Shooting.
Mise M. A. Aitken, Miss Erma Thos. Bennett, of l akelet, was
Whitely, Mr. (i. I.. Parsons and Mr. I charged before Judge Holt on Friday
H. Sturdy contributing songs which , last with unlawful use of firearms and
were heartily applauded. Tbe singing I with -hooting at Roht. Caudle, of
of 'Tipperary,' '•God Save the King" Lakelet, on January Isth, with Intent
and t•Auid Lang Syne" brought an en- to do bodily harm. Bennett, who is
joyahle evening to a close. an old Fenian raid veteran. seventy-
five"year. of age, with ou fixed abode.
A continual supply of fresh oysters was in the habit of carrying an old
during the I -eaten mason kept at T. J- rifle, some
Balkeld's. Phone 0A. tof keeping flu flying an port of the
Evening Classes
Mts. Beck returned, to her borne
et Toronto on Men:sy, after
ing too months in town. •
- Ut.s Willa Ford, cat Loran, visited
at her home here over Sunday.
-Mr*. W. T. Fellow has returned
frosts a visit to friends at Toronto and
-Mr. 'McGregor, ut Stratford high
school stiff, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1H. Marshall this week.
S:tuwDgN i'XN1lALri. - A pleasing
Bent occurred at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Penhale. Brunson
line, un Wednesday, February Feb,
when their second daughter. Miss
Oliar, was united in marriage to Mr.
Tiros. Snowden, one of Stanley town-
ship's prosperous tanner: Promptly
at high noon the charming bride. wear-
ing a gown of brocaded cream silk,
trimmed with lace. entered the parlor
on the arm of her father to the strains
of the wedding march played by Miss
Ro-e Snowden. Miss Alice Watson
acted aabridestuaid, whilst Mr. Robert
Penhale. of Baytleld, supported the
groom.. The knot having been tied by
Rev. Mr. Brown, of Varna, the happy
couple receive) the congratulations of
all present, after which all partook of
n recbetche wedding breakfast.
Afterwards the l,tide and grooms took
their departure on a wedding tour, via
Hrucerield to London. St. Thomas and
!slagara Falls, the bride travelling in
a costume of blue lady's cloth with
bat to match. Many handsome and
valuable presents were in evidence,
the groom presenting his bride with
a handsome gold. bracelet. Mr.
and Mrs. Snowden have the good
wishes ot a wide circle of acquaint-
ances for a long and happy married
life. They will be at home to their
friends at the groom's tine new
reeidence.on the Sauble line on and
after February 21Itb.
A Valuable Feature
of a
Joint Account
opened with the Union
Bank of Canada In the
(lames of two persons,
Is that tf one dies the family funds are not tied up
Just when they ,.are bkely to be most needed. The
survivor can withdraw the money without delay or
Think It over -then open a Joint Account.
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
='Hitt Jessie Bell, of Detroit, ls via
icing her illaotber. Mn Wm. Bell. .
-Seafortb News : Fin Chief Tbosp•'
son, of Ooderbttb, was is town os
-Mr. Arthur Reid, of the Bank d1
Commerce staff, is taking a military
course at London.
-Clinton New Era : Miss Fanny
Blackstone, of Goderich, was coding
on friends in town on Saturday.
-Seaforth Expositor: Miss Lillian
Johnston. of (iodrrich, was the guest
of Mrs. Wm. Westcott this week.
-Mn. Carter has returned from De-
troit, where she spent the past two
months with her daughter, Mrs. (lrim-
-Mr. M. Elliott was in Toronto
on Tuesday in connection with the
Children's Aid Society, and while
there took the opportunity to he pres-
ent at the opening of the Provincial
-Mr. Ernest Porter bob returned
from London, where be bias been tak-
ing a courw9 to qualify as a military
officer. He has leeen•g+netted a pro-
visional lieutenant of the :Uri! Regi-
ment and has voluntrred for active
service. -
The Board of Trusters of the Goderich Collegiate Institute under
the direction of an Industrial Committee are instituting evening
classes in the following subjects
1. Wood working and mechanical drawing.
2. Cooking.
3. Dressmaking.
Two evening+ from 7.30 to it o'ckx k per week will be devote[ to each
Competent teachers with the necessary equipment will be provided.
A fee of one dollar per terns payable in advance will be charged and
refunded to the pupil on attending seventy-five per cent, of the lessons
nn his or her chosen subject.
Class No. 1
The object of this course it to improve mechanics in all kinds of wood
work, to make them more skilful and enable them to earn higher wages,
also to train .nil educate beginners desirous of entering this line of
vu. 'Lake t grtar(o ails Use
Past time to Whitby, Oshawa,
Bowsanvltle, Port Hope. Cobourg,
Bellevlllw, Trenton, etc.
,y ant. wk' ills Y. 4 i11 e iFOnPi., ire
The sac who dews things can snood
M 13131 bis WM do all the talking.
T INtwisv, Feb 11
Wheat . pr hes 5 t.a a s tome
Hash .ss to AS
' ser bosh .tit U .7t
. pry Er u Lig
par ert:hy , bs 1a to is
preset ass re 17s
,, :per tate es.
qua !M to MM
tea Mu 11.N
haws. ... Lie to IgM
sssv ase 1► •... ... •ss to ••
%sw', lisv hiss to . Classes will he started immediately.
ass ►ash •••• s• K pupils enrolled on applying No. 1
t Full information given and p p+ -
/tw e0} as M
este 7.M
#M w til Montreal, and No.. to syve
Class No. 2
is intended to teach housewives, housekeepers and more particularly
those without home training to cook economically anti at the sante
time to provide tasty, appetising and wholesome food.
Class No. 3
Will instruct in the making of dressers and children's clothes froom pat-
terns so that this wort may he done at home ecnn omicalli.
These classes have done «pod, work in other towns and if properly pat.
rosireri will do fully as well in ('widerich.
The /blit,, thankfully acknowl-
es et the foflowing contributions of
,oche: Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hndgens,
12 pairs; Mrs. James Clark, ti pairs:
Mrs. Cassidy, 4 pairs ; Mos. Hay, Mrs.
J. P. Brown, Mrs. Carroll. Mrs. WiI-
saer Smith. Mrs. Wm, Mct.'abe. Loyal.
Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. James Dickson,
Mrs. W. L. Horton,. 3 pairs each ;
Mrs. Wm. Green, Mrs. Summerville,
-Sr., Mrs. 1r. Farriah, Mrs. Thos. Bell,
,Har. Sam Potter, Loyal,Mrs. Fritsley,
Port .Albert, Mrs. Bali, iss Ball, Mrs.
Hager, , Mrs. Howell, sr., Mts. Thos.
Naftel. Mr,. J. Greenway, Mrs. Will
Carey, Mrs. Janet Green. Sheppardton,
Mrs P. Steel, Cedar Valley, ars. J.
McBride, Carlow, Mrs. Robt. Clark, 2
pairs each ; Mrs. Archie Horton,
Mrs. Aitken, Mrs. John Summerville,
Miss t.,eTouzel, Mrs.'fancott, Mrs. T.
M. Davis, Mrs. Wehner, Mrs. Robe
Johnston. Mrs. Swaffl«Id, Mrs. Ruth
Shaw. Miss Mildred Long wed Miss
Elizabeth Foster, sheppardton, Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs. Jos. Wilson, Mrs.
Howie. Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Mt.theson,
Mise Naftel, Miss Washington, Mrs.
Luscombe, Mrs, J. McWhinney, Mrs,
Bert MctVbinuey, Mr.. W. .1. Black,
Mrs. D. Jobneton, Mrs. S. Pentland,
Mrs. O. Johnston, Mrs. 1. Barkley.
Cedar Valley, Mrs, Chu. McPhee.
Carlow, 1 pair each.
The follswing also co'6tributed to
the hale sent Fehruary :nth, in either
work or material : Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.
Wird', Mrs. Eliot, Miss Beaumont,
Mrs. dePendry, Mrs. John Hotton,
Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Colborne, Sisters of
St. .loseph, Mrs. Hager, Mn. Yates.
Mrs. W. C. Pridham, Mrs. Anstey,
Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Oorl. Mrs. Nairn, Mrs.
Rutland, Mrs. H. J. Ma•Ewan, Miss
Naftel, Miss Templeton. Miss Strang,
Mrs. Mallough, 31rs. Phalen; Mrs.
J. Griffin, Mee. Coultburst, Mrs. Rob-
erts, Mrs W. L. Horton. Mrs. lion..
Mn. H. Horton, Mrs. Jas. Clark, Mrs.
Gallow, Miss Ball, Mrs. Jordan. Mn.
Reynolds, sr., Mrs. Aitken.
Other donation: were: Mies Bur-
ritt, cap ; Miss M. A. Burritt. 2 cape ;
Miss Irene Sault,, cap; Mrs. Col-
borne, belt ; Miss Florence Slade, Mr..
Proudfoot, Miss Jordan, Mrs. Taylor,
Mir Holt, 311s. Goldthorpe, Mrs.
Duckham, each one scarf ; Mn. Har-'
ritt, t3 pairs wristers ; Mrs. Holt, 1 pair
wristers ; Mrs. Macara, Mrs. Downing,
Miss Hayden. Mrs. Marshill (Victoria
school), one scant each ; 31, v. Hur-
ritt, 1 paint wristers ; Miss Fraser,
pairs wristers ; Miss Burritt, 2 c,p. ;
Mrs. Anstey, 1 belt ; Mrs. (Rev.)
Hamilton, Mrs. Thos. ('ox. Mrs. Jas.•
Yuill, each one pair wristers ; Miss
Lucas ( Victoria school). Mrs. Rnbt.
Young, 1 pairs socks each ; Mrs.
Graham iluron road, :i pairs • Miss
Ingredient. I+ whit p•.slut e. ooh wonderful I AuNlx• rxoe Mr". G. M. Elliott, Mrs. T.
rea'ulta In enring t stsrrh. Send for te+tlmon A Doherty (Shi ppar dtonh Mrs.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL AI'PLICATIONP. a,• then cam•
not reach the -.•a1 of the disuse. Catarrh le a
blood oe oon•titut ional dlamase. and In order to
cure It you mint take internal rrtneatea
Nabs ('atarrh Cure 1. ken Internally, and
seta directly on the blood and mumus our
how. Hall+ Catarrh Pure M not a quack
n.sdictor. It w.. pre.rribed by one of the beat
e iy.ictau- to thlr country for year. and 1. a
regular prr.rription. It r. outime ed of the
(c.t tonic. known .•tnuhine.i with the bed
blood purifier-. arl,ug direr 11 on the morons
.face-. rhe perfect rnmhin.tton of the two
• to
to t• Mr.B C Mannings : No. 2, to Mr. W. I,. Eliot, of the Bank of
ere 3 u A H MAC1l;LIN.
.n a n Chairman of Committee.
Nr Goderich. Peh 1Rth 1915
,,..•.w.. se JI le N
at the
Crockery -
We have still some very spec-
ial values to offer- in our
Crockery Department. Thr
reduction offered during the
December sale still . holds
good. As it will he impos-
sible to obtain some of these
choice pieces in the future it
is to your interest to pay u5
visit -now,
In this department we have
just received a fresh consign-
ment of Pure Home-made
Maple Syrup., the product of
1314. This is a real good ar-
ticle, also a fresh shipment of
White Clover Honey which
we can recommend.
Hamilton Street 1;odericb
Parsons ; St. Patrick's ward -Mr. J.
Acheson : St. David's ward -Meteor.:
H. Edwards and H. C. Dunlop ; "tt.
Andrew's ward-Messew. H. l;. Hod-
gen. and C. C. Lee. Membership fees
or contribution, maybe left with any
of these gentlemen.
Mince tbe publication of tbe last
list the following sums have been re•
ceived : Mrs. Strang. 51.10 (third
payment)! Mrs. Lane. 111.01 (second
payment); collected by Mies C. Lewis,
52: ''Third.," Y.L.B.C. of North unreel
Methodist church, •15.11. The last
sum, on the request of the contrib-
utors, has been sent to the R. C. bead
noire. The following donations for the
sixth hale have already been re-
ceived : -6 yds. flannelette. lis yds.
cheesecloth, 1 dcz. spools from Mrs.
J. P. Hume : tt pant slippers from
Mf. Sharman.
I.1a free.
F. J. (' H EN E Y t Co.. Prop-.. Toledo, it.
-told by d ruretate. I'rioe 7te.
Take Ha. amity fliti for emeiticat ion.
OUITUAKY.- -The death of Mrs. John
R. Mflidle;on occurred tint he 7th inst.
at the early age of twenty-eight years.
The deceased was a daughter of the
late Thomas N. Hayter. of Stephen
township, ant was married to her now
bereaved husband *ix years ago. She
lett four "mall children, one a bah, of
but two WorksAn old resident of
Huron county paned away no the K'h
inst., in the person of David Ferguson,
whoa, death took place et the home of
his daughter, Mrs. David Churchill. of
the 14th concession, in his sixty-ninth
year. The deceased was a native of
Scotland, coming to this rou0t.r in
childhood. He lived for over forty
ears in the township of Mullett. Dur-
ing the past six years he had lived
with his daughter in this township.
He is survived hl loo sorts and Ian
daughters : Jame". of this tt.wnsbip:
John. of Hulett : Mt• Thos. Noble.
of East Wawanosh. and Mn. Church-
ill I ask the ladies of the toilet' for dona-
The (ind,rirh Township Rifle Assn- tions of old linen to be made into
ciatlon will hold a shn t over their drowsing, and Mrs. Eliot. Mt-. Tsrlor
range nn Toyed.y, F,hruary gird. --T. and Mrs. Wigle were, appointed to
R. Kt rM.x, S«, re cry. look after the work. Thee don +tions
The rwgul+r wowing meetings of the should be sent to Mn. glint.
Unites, Patriotic Society of Godorirb 1 As coma tamable money is required
township will he held at the bonier of for the prdparation of nomnihly hake,
Mr. Rohl. Meliwain, jr., Rayfield and the funds of the Stel.ty aro roo-
med, on Friday afternoon. February nini low, a committee to twelve and
1(hh, and Mrs. T. M Johnston, Tay solicit suhsrriptIons baa hewn sp-
tor's (tuners. tea Thursday afternoon. ' pointed as 1. •blows : St. G-orges
ftebruary 2601. ward -Messrs. Geo. Porter and 0 L.
The best tea in the world cosies
from the hill -top gardens of Ceylon
and India. The test products of thee..
gartenr are in turn selected for Ma -
lads, 1t contains no cheapening elu•t,
stems or coarse leaves.
James Dickson. Mrs. Ellis (Sheppard.
took 2 pain each ; Mrs. J. Snider.
Mrs. W. L Eliot, Mita M. Snider.
Mrs. Roht. Mark, Mrs. Lusc.gmbe, 1
pair each : Mra. Sharp, Mika Josie
Saunders, 1 scat each
to the great need fur socks
Society im ur,king special efforts
to help in this directu.n. All knitted
aetkles should M• handed in as soon
as possible to Mrs. McKim, to be for
warded in the sixth hale.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Red Cross Society took plate in the
town council chamber on Monday
evening, with Archdeacon Junes -Hate -
man in the chair, Mt.. Kli. t Mr*.
Taylor and Mrs. McKim road re-
ports of the work that had been done
Out month, and arrangements w«re
made for preparing snot het hale. Mn.
McKim was authorized to spend OM
for yarn for socks and knee-capa : Mts.
Taylor and Mrs. Wigle site voted tib
Inc material Inc bandages, and Mrs.
Colborne's committee was enipowered
to purchase material for twelve hoop'.
WI nightshirts. It wan d.•e.ded to
Each biscuit bears a
picture of patriotic in
terest, such as Canad
ian Soldiers and troops
of the other oilier"
armies, Union Jack
British Bulldog, etc.
I0 varieties in all.
Their delicious flavor
and golden crispness
will give you a • -W
respect for the baker
Every iscuit guaran
teed, at your grocers
s $ n NMI a Cowan. Waded
lauds, - Comb