HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 4C 4 Tsoasoalr. Filnnoiai 18. 1116 THE SIGNAL = GODKLRICH t ONTARIO GADSBY'S Li:TfER. PORTER'S HILL. MONDAY, Feb. 15th. t;oauused trop, eeae L Narita. --- Mr. Harold Potter, of Hicon, was visiting in the neighbor- , factored ; gold and silver sweepings; hood last week Miss Ivieon, of bullion fringe or gold fringe (doubt- Kippen, visited at Sterling McPhail'• lees for military uniforms); British last week Yrs. McDonald, of Lon-' and Canadian coin and foreign don. who has been visiting in the gold coin. Just read that passage neighborhood, returned to her home over again Isn't it lovely? Wbat last Friday.. . .Mire Butt. of Ter - I mean to sa is -they are all on' onto, is vi ting at Yam. Bmmerson s. LAURIER. WKKDNRMDAY, Feb. 17. LAl'RIKR L cats. --Mire Annie Mc- the o-the country from ocean w ocean. Lennart has gone to Toronto to visit it bury us up to our chine. Don't let her brother, John McLennan, for • it stop •t gold and silver -make it month Misr Isabel Walker has bonds and debentures and preferred returned to Kincardine after spending stock, anything you will. We love a week with friends herr .... Mrand our country, but, oh. you British In- Mra .1. Jamieson and family spent • vestor! Shall weever coax you back, few days at Anson Finley's, Mottling. you composite photograph of FactotumIsst week Mr. and Mn. Stewart and Golconda ! Ab, shall we ? Ah! Finl. and children are visiting make it three ab.! Make it ahs maoy Magas herr Mrs. Thos. Dixon abs ahs you like ! called on friends in this vicinky last week Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. McKenzie, at Montreal, a son, Febru- ary 14. Congratulotioos Quite • another took in the ball at Kint.ail Monday evening. the tree IisL \Ve will do oothiug ab- solutely nothing, either naturally or artificially. to ►trru tbat shiuing tide. Let it do its wotst. Let it sweep over How will the Opposition answer this new tariff of Tum White's? Well. A. K. Maclean will probably point out tbat it's beret) and a half per cent. more National Policy, that while it took the liberals fifteen years to cut it down teoand ahalf percent., it took the Conservatives only four year.. to raise it seven and a half per cent., a clear gain of five per cent. Free trade is like the than who tried to climh out of the well-falb back two feet for every one he goes up. From this the Opposition financial critic will probe DUNLOP. \VguNgsnAY, Feb. 17. MisJran Clutton left on Monday to spend some days visiting friends in Millbank, Carthage and vicinity. \Iib. Horace Horton has returned from town, where she has been stay- ably draw the conclusion that the ing with her mother, Mrs. O. Tieh- Borden Government finds it easier to bourne, of Angle.ea street, who has bawl the tariff torn to let well rnou,1h been iU for some time. alone. He may even contend that FOR THE PATatUTIC FUND. -On proteetion is the object and war Se the Monday, March 1st, ..be Y. P. S. C. E. goat. At any rate he will Inquire if will bold r social and concert in the they are going to keep1 this tariff ou• new basement of the Leeburn church. after the war and its consequences are The tables will be conducted on the over. He may even argue that the European plan -different edihles at tariff will do tree and more than the each table, and each booth represent - Finance Minister intimates -that is to ing a nation, Germany not excepted. say, will proctors Irws revalue than be One tuay buy what he wants at each expects and afford more protection booth, paying as he goes. As the cap - Ulan be discloser. abilities of the caterers here are el - Another point will he the British read well known, there is no need to preferential. Why this discrimine. speak further on that subject. Later on tion against the Mother Country. from there will be r concert in the church whom we borrow our money'' Are Proper. As the Adair is in aid of the Wig trying to get even with the inter- patriotic fund, we expect a large turn - est account? 001. The raise in postage? Is it wise? in i8911, with the old three -cent rate, there was • deficit of Riet9,00U a year in tbe Pnstof ice Department. Along came Sir William . clock, the Cana- dian inventor of two -cent stamps, and turned that eight hundred thousand dollar deficit into a million dollar sur- plus. Does it pay better to write more letters for ler money or less letters for more money? Will the rule work both ways? 1 don't think the debate will go very tar before somebody criti- eiaem the stamp taxes. The Govern- ment will he accused of having the country with its tonghe hanging out.. Another pertinent question will be, Why do you raise the tariff instead of pruning your estimate.? ie's a start- ling question. No government has ever pruned its estimate. with a gen- eral election in the offing, but the ucation will be asked just the same.This looks like a time for economy and- retrenchmroL Very well, why don't you do it? Why? i imagine that Why will he fought out in detail. The timetee will he raked fore and aft, -/O►d iffltloh' shifis being put on the job. H. F. G•11 11Y. KINGSBRIDGE. TUESDAY, Feb. 16. NoTEs OF THE CVRRK.-Mesar. Thomas and John Quigley are visiting at Clinton this week "Tripping the light fantastic" was the order of the day last work and dance -lovers should have been "almost" satisfied. The following was the week's program : Monday, dance et Mr. H. McKenzie's ; Wednesday, at Janie., Senna'..: Thuna- day, at Mr. Saunders' • Friday, at Mr. John P. Hog•n's and Mr. Richard Mc. Wbinory's Miss Mary McCarthy and Mips Marie Beninget have been on the sick list On Friday evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mn. McWhinney for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, who returned home on Thursday atter their honey- moon. A large number of friends and relatives were Present and were enter- tained by card playing and dancing, which lasted far into Saturday morn - ling Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young, of Ooderich, visited friends here last week. ' SALLOW COMPLEXION indicates indigestion, constipation or liver trouble. FIG PiLLS will regu- late your eystew and build up the nerve forces so thatou eon sleep an•I enjoy life. At •11 dealer. 26 and it cents, cr the Fig Pill Co., Si. Thomas, Ont. Sold in Godericb by E. R. Wigle, druggist. if a man dors not keep pace with hie companion* perhaps it is because he bears a different drummer.- Thoreeu. OUR Specialties Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt Attention to all small jobs and general repair work. W. R. PINDER Phone 156 11 Itou Street 69 are *Wiwi) k.dney downier.. Theki filter the blood of all that siweuWu't there. The blood pa. -ea through the kid- ney. every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation kx.ger than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in .need of stimulation. atrengtheding or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and moot imitated blood medicine there is Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 Will Barkley, and his wife. of near Echo Hay, were victims, Mrs. Barkley being fatally injured. Mr. and Mr«. Barkley were di tying on their way to spend the evening at Mn. Jim Bark- ley's, having a young team hitched in a cutter. When nearing $ railway crowing the night express came along and the yoong teem becoming fright- ened dashed forward right against the engine. Both horses \.vers killed and Mrs. Barkley received in uriee to her head from which she died the follow- ing morning. Mr. Barkley also was severely injured, having several ribs broken. He, however, is recovering. Mr. Barkley rays the' engineer gave no signal whistle when approaching the crossing. The Mickley§ are well known in this IocaGlg, having fcral- erly lived near Belfast. DUNGANNON. TVEDDAY, Feb. 16tb. Wouases INtrrlrt rr. The regular monthly tweeting of the Dungannon branch of the Women's Institute will he held in the Orange hall. Dun- gannon, on Thursday. February 5th. An interesting program is being pre- pared for this meeting. Mrs. Gro. H. Pentland will give a paper on •'The I Sunny aide of Life.' and Miss Mary MeCourt one on "How Con Our Insti- tute Help Our Girls All members are asked to be present. -E. ELLllrrr, Secretary. OFF FOR THE FRONT. - The follow ing from The Guelph Mercury refers t0 rs, cousin if Mr. W. P. Crozier, of Ashfield : "Dr. J. A. Crozier, Port Arthur, has received amble from Eng- land advising him of hos appointment as captain in an English regiment. He expects t.. arrive at the front within three week«, as he ie leaving for Eng. land on the Lusitania, with Lieut..t',.1. 1. J. Carrick. He saw eery ICP La a sur- geon in the South African war. 1)r. (*rosier is the son of Rev. H. and Mrs. l'.ozier, Tiffany street, Guelph. He visited his parents last Tuesday and Wednesday on his way to Britain." LUCK NOW WESTFIELD. TUESDAY. Feb. 16. NEWS OF THE Wash. -Mian Emma Campbell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Donlon Ainslie, of Siwcoe .... Mr. and Mis. Hardiaty spent a day in Tor- onto last .week Mr.,. John Bar- clay, of Dungannon, i. Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Campbell Mee. W. i'. Crosier and son Clifford. of Dungannon, spent a number of days visiting the formers parents and friends in the neighbothowd Mr. H1'aw Lindsay had +, narrow escape whilst engaged in killing a pig. He, was helping Mr. Thome.. IMmford to,. hoist a IiIg which they hod killed. when the tackle bt••ike. letting the pig fall back. Somehow Mr. Lindsay wise struck on the h - a l sod tendered un- conscioua .. The doctor was summoned and the injured man oc n recovered. We are glad to ray he is able to he Seasonable Footwear WE feel the veryleast we can do for you when you come into is store to to give you 8 o Rubbers that will be w utility coin fottable •od will wear to your satisfaction We want you to realism that your well fare is our fine eoneideration Our prices are most reason able. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North aide a ?quare Ooderlch of the Women's institute bald a very profitable meetingatt tee home of Miss H King last WW 7 A. Brophy, of the Ooderich Collegiate Institute, spent the week -end at her home Isere A number of young people from this 'icluity attended the dance et Auburn feet Friday evening A11 toppourt caving had • good time .... Mise Gotta Robinson tre•tsd • num- ber of her friends to • party last Fri- day evening. ..Quite • number of young people from this vicinity at- tended • party at Mr. It. Tbom n's, on the 17th concession, un Monday evening Mrs. John J. Wilson and daughter. of Auburn, Mrs. Duncan and Miss 1)unelda McDonald and Mies Nellie Miller, of Jamestown, visited at Wm. McAllister's this week. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. e, EAST WAWANOSH. Council meeting beld on February tkb. Members all present but Mi. Stackhouse. Minutes of last meeting reed and confirmed. Communications from several charitable institutions asking for donations in aid of rush, also from the Good Roads Association, were received and ordered to be filed, except that of the Children'+ Aid Society of Ooderich, the sum of 115 bring grantedin aid of that `Society. Cuitte-Irwin-that Dr. White, of Whitechutcb, be appointed M. O. H. in place of Dr. Stewart, who has re- signed. Cat tied. Go motion of Coun- cillors Irwin and Currie, John E. Eads was reappointed oullector for the cur- rent year at the mane salary as tot m- erly. The auditor( report and treas- urer's abstract for 1914 received and read. Moved by Mr. Currie, seconded by Mr. Buchanan. that the same as now read be adopted and that the auditors be paid $8 each for their ser- vice.. Carried. The sum or 63.75 was ordered to be refunded Mrs. ingold, being part of taxes on w. h. lot concrwion 3. The following accounts were paid : Wm. Nixon, gravel, $9.76; treasurer of Morris, settlement of boundary line account, $10.08; J. E. Ellis, balance of salary as collector, $15.0U; Mrs. iogold, re- fund part tale* w. h. lot&:, concession 3, 16:i 76: The Municipal World, as- aesemeut rolls and express charges, $4 tb : J. 8hoebottuw, repairing cul- vert, concession 10, 50 cents ; O. M. Elliott, grant to Children's Aid Mo aety. $5; A. Porterfield, fees as r eglatrar, in 1914, $12.20; F. Aodenon, salary as township treasur- er, $110; J. W. Bone and J. S. Scott, auditute, 168 each. Next meeting of council will he held on Monday, March 16th, at 1 o'clock. A. POrtTKKKFIELD, Clerk. WEST \VAWANOSH. Regular meeting of council held on February 9th. Members all present, Reeve Murray presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and continued, on motion tet Naylor and Johnston. Financial statrw -tet read by. treas- urer, showing b•lauce un band of 140181, was filed co motion by Mal - lough and Purdue. A letter from F. around again and aa well as ever.- .. S. Spence, Toronto. secretary of the Mr. John Wightn.xn had the misfor- Ontario Munici Association, urg- ingtuue to lose s valuable cow last week. all sonic( sties to become meter Mr. John Chimney sold his torn One te movement and send dele- driving bore in \Vioghaw last week Ratwe to ifs eonyeotiona, was filed fora good prier .on woodier if Mr. on motion by Malloughand Naylor. A Chsmuey intends getting an autowo- letter was received from the secretary bile, or possibly an aeroplane ... We .d the Huron Old Boy( Association, •re sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Tcrouto, asking for help in securing Bird. of Rant \Vawarnoarh. Mr. and information regarding the early his - Mrs Beni came to Canada from Eng= tory of West "awanoeh as a pint of land over forty, years ago. They tet. Huron county, the history of which tied in bast Wawanueh and have this Arxucistiun proposes to issue in lived there ever since. A number of book (crtu as soon as possible. Thie yrate ago they paid a visit to the matter was lett with the clerk in the home land. but decided the liked meantime. Auditors' report read by y Auditor H. H, Anderson, showing Canada hof paralysis, ao rrturtird. Mrs. balance on hand D, ember :i1 of MrsHud died of a Mr and 6:t Gt23, waw acbepted and usual num- relatives \V esteG bear kbuu..r are visiting i,r a copies ordered to he printed on relatives at Guelph motion by Msllougb and Pardon. ST. AUGUSTINE. Motion by Johnston and Naylor the: time for return of collector's roll he es- Tt est.vr. Feb. 16th. tended to March let, 1915. mind that Nr:rya NOTES. -Mr. John Boyle cheque be issued for collector's eatery. called on Kingsbridge friends thin Cat rind- Motion by Msllougb and Nay - week Mr. .lames and miss Jeao for that R. More be refunded 16.1.00, \Vilw,n are visiting [.tendon friends at an error in a.sesrment. The fbllow- present The bay prewieta are busy i"g xpp"intmenta were made: Fence - in this vicinity. Quite a number of viewers -Jas. Nivins, J. J. Washing- fmera are *shiny, hay .. ..Mr. ton, H. King. John Dorms",W arW. rm- l'harles Robinson ..pent the week -end strong. W. E. Gordon, G. A. GrAeer. in Toronto ..Mors Robb, of Am- Pound kewp•n-John Taylor. Joe. ,Iey, isvisitdughersister, Mrs \V m. Feegan, Thos. Doyle, C. C. Brown, Sylile. Mr. Roy Seiieis, of Bros- Ambrose Bropbey, .1r». Kennaban, 'tele, visited et .Ven. Thompson's thix Mrd Humphrey, W. Miller, Paul week Tile Fit. Auguotine branch Stu:-Itzer. Pitt -C. Girvin, H. Kerr, W. Campbell, W. Watson. (leo. Rutledge, J. Houston. H. Medd, R. Medd. jr., M. Nicholson, G. Horn, J. sp.oul, D. Nivine, F. Culbert. W. 11. Wilson, W. Johnston. F. Bruce, F. Mose, A. Feagan. W. J. Andrews. Ed Anderson, G. Caldwell, W. Smith, H. Bell, R. Smyth, J. Pollard, W. Boyle. W. Kennahan, T. Leddv, H. Lindsay, W. F•ttow, T. Woods, D. Fowler. W. Wilson, J. Cameron, U. Thompson, D. Mr Allister. G. Brop- bey, P. Walsh, J. Jefferson. 8. Thomp- son, J. Edwards, J. Lab/Mb', A. Harper. C. Durnin. L. Grant. Wil- son. W. J. Forehan, G. Kennebec), M. Cummins, J. Anderson, J. Welwter, 9. Thompson, W. Rutherford, W. J. Humphrey, J. B. Rutherford. W. k. Gonion, M. Humphrey, D. McKenzie, W. Woods, S. Taylor, 8. Phillips, J Martin, P Smeltzer, P. Watson, M. Orewr, .1. Miller, W. McQuillan, H. Phillips J. Forster. W. Donnelley. T. Inglis, i'. Vincent, J. Kagleston, P. McMillan. J. Purvis, O. A. Webb, K. Thompson, Dungannon, Dr. T. E. Case and H. Fowler, Account." am- ounting to no 13 were passed and paid on motion by !Taylor and Purdon. Council adjourned l}, meet March 2nd at 11 a. m.. when the drain question will likely be taken up. W. A. Wltr I.ON, Clerk. MoNI/AY, Feb. IStb, Miss :Mina Graham has returned to Chillicothe, Ohio, after spending a month xt her home herr. Rev. J. S. Duncan has returned to town after a visit to his brother at Gravenhur..t, who is seri ly i11. Mr. Steele Murdoch. jr., ie visiting his father and other telalives here after an ata.ence of •Ixi.,t twenty years in Alberta. Mr. Malcolm Cwuiplo.li, of Cobalt. was in town 1a•t week to attend the 1'.rrce-1.'aniptnll wetiding. being a brother 01 t h.bride. A repromeut.itivr 01 the militia remount depart 'bent sr*. in clew$ IAst Wednesday hooking over wine horses with at view to buying then( for military set vice. The drama given in the t own hail on Friday eniitlyd, "The Silent De- tective," was well rendered by local talent The proceeds, •109 3t), will he turned over M the women'. branch of the Patriot The Rag M oeiet y. Ides l'o. ha. receival a large order kir haghoidero and whirl• :.arrows from Wnipeg. The plant closed down for a f w days for stock- taking and the f rural transfer of the budnee■ to the new Mepoy Mfg. t'o., i.td. . Mr. Angus McLellan, an aged resi- dent, passed away at hie home hen on Tuesday of last week, aged seven- ty-eight years. His widow survives. M Mr. rl.ellan moved ta. Lucksow about three years ago from the vicin- ity of Amheriev. The 'mains wen interred in the Lochalsh cemetery. Wanniten.- A quiet wedding took pplace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 7bomas Watson on Thursday, when Mrs. Writ eon's sister. Mies Mary Campbell, was united In marriage to Harry Pierre. of Winnipeg. by Rev. .1. K. Duncan. The newly wedded couple left for Winnipeg, where they will reside. RAtow sir Cltosser ■n FATALITY. - Mee. Johrt Araba , east of town, last week ~sired word of a railway erom- keg atecideat of wide& bar brother. PERHAPS IT'S THE KIDNEYS that arc making you feel so badly. If so, you can easily tell. If your head feels dull and achy -if your back hurts nearly all the tiwe-if your appetite is poorly and your tongue is coated -if the urine burns. ie highly colored and offen- sive in odor -ii you notice a brick dust deposit or mucus in the urine after standing over night -then yos certainly have something the matter with your Kidneys. (.et GinPills rocs Theoeave Si. S...eui. Qt,.4.•r Ott. ••pre • loss u.... t had s«..,Ierre fro,. ih. Meer sod Psias i. wr Iasi sod I.,..be. 1 Yaw toed ..rod remolds. ..tMwt ▪ err Afsee swag Go Pit,. 1 ems w.. rel d my pares ova m.. 1 •w priestly • meld los ..e,,.t, r G.. Pill.". )ls Va. J. GUY. Gt. Pills are "Made ie Cased*" and sold by all deals et 51k. • bras. 'tor 6'1!10. Sold to U.S. under the name "GiNO" Pills. Wrfleme for free ettrriall treatment.siapaelg .. • • isvvr • 10 P LLS p011 T1t ► r • w N -... THE NEW GOODS ( sTYLES for Spring hive taken a decided change. The day of the nar- row skirt has passed and in its place we now have a wide flowing garment, many yards around the bottom and made up of folds and plaits. The topic in the fashion 'centres today is "the change in the style of skirts for Spring." Fine Voiles, Crepes and other filmy summer fabrics lend themselves to just such styles. On our counters will be found these sheer materials in the best color combinations and at prices that are very moderate NEW VOILES AND CREPES Never have new goods opened up to better satis- faction and every color scheme is something veru attractive. Crepes will have • big swing and our stock has many advantages. bine Voiles are much in vogue and will find • place in the summer fabrics. New Crepes in all colors and couubira- 15c tions of colon, per yard New Voiles in small dainty floral designs. r]OC per yard L THE DESIGNER FOR 30c A stunning monthly fashion magazine containing everything for women in styles and stories. This magazine retails at Itk • copy or :5c a year. For a few days it can be had for one year at 3Uc this store for.... . . ........... NEW PRINTS The New Prints are now in stuck. Crest is the brand that is famous on account of the fast dye used in the cloth. Light and dark grounds are both shown to advantage in our new stock. Crest Print, 'i6 inches wide. per yard 12%. Crum's Standard is the hest quality print we carry. This cloth has • fine thread and 15C ie woven vet y doer, per yard SATIN AND MOIRE UNDERSKIRTS Satin Skirts in • range of colors and .11made a very good quality tin. saRegular 1 eo 9 .. $1.75 for Moire Skirts in many colon. A very heavy skirt •ad will give ezceptiotal wear. Regular 62.25 for . 1 e NEW GALATEAS Nothing i. more serviceable and can he relied upon for color than Steel ('lad Oalateias. We are showing • very attrsctive range of these goods and just what is needed for boys suits, rompers, blouses and many other things that they are used for, 27 inches wide. at per yard 15 C NEW EMBROIDERIES Our new Embroideries are uow in atock. The patterns are very new and the materials very sheer. No advance has been made on thee. goods, se our purchase was made before the prices were affected by the war. Let us show you thew new goods. HALF-PRICE COATS Every coat in the store is cut to exactly HALF PRICE They must go. Buy now and save money. J. H. COLBORNE from Ooderich, and that the necessary bylaw be prepared for next meeting. Lnanienotte. No action was taken re appeal of Boson County Children's Aid Society. M6ved by Dalton and Alton that, considering the large expenditure for the maintenance and repair of our country roads. and that the automo- bile traffic is unduly severe, especially when the roads are not of the. most firm and compact nature, and that our o untry toads usually lack this firm- ness, with the result that autos driven at • rapid tate in the very dry or very wet seasons do remove large quantities of road material to the stMes and ditches; and cousidering that, it is only right that this form of traffic, so largely interested in good roads. should contribute its fair share to the maintenance of the same, this council boatd of the towo'bip of Aehfleld do therefore respectfully ask the Provin- cial Legislature to distribute to the different rural municip•liti.s, accord- ing to their respective mileage of roads, the full amount now collected by the Province for automobile license«, or any ineresse therein, slim that our member of the Legislature be re- quested to support the sena. Carried unanimously. Claim of J.T. Goldthorre for 116 rent of road to gravel nit of T. McIntyre for four y'ars, and *3.50 for damage to gates, was left to Coup. Richardson to enquire into and adjust or report if necessary. On motion of Hackett and Richardson, the collect- or's roll was ordered completed and returned to the treasurer not later than February 87th. No action was taken re claim of A. R. Finlayson for damages from horse breaking through a culvert on 8. ft. 9 and 10, W. D., in June, 1914. The auditor( report was presented and on motion of Alton and Hackett was approved and the usual copies ordered printed. On motion of Alton and Dalton accounts amounting to 8:228.27 were ordered paid, 6•JS).50 being for plank for the year. The road to tbe lake at Kintail was dis- c-useed, and left over to give the new councillors time to investigate, and on ASTHMA COUGHS WNG.NINC Ca;o.H SrA)ttoD:C CROUP r AO/Kt-Aid CATARRH COLDS CA 1511 A ntnr'e, ...felted effective ,rearme•t ito l to citets. Used with .octet. tor IS. Yeses, law ..r e•rryi•e the n,isrrticvalor, inhaled sit► every bomb, malice hrs'thiee ems?, scale. roe Dere throat, sad mor• no twice. etresttutnlehr.. Crerk•e k i.valss `k to ambers with roma dondey ends lass. so •masers trete AsAma. Seed w posed l,+ titer teoa•,wM• 1„cwt YAPO.tfiiotm cO. Gamine lairs ik.1Mar'I motion of Richardson and Alton cotn- dl adjourned to March '_ind, at 1 o'clock p. m. li. ALLEN. Clerk. ASHFIELD. Council met February 160, all present. Minutes of last meeting read *ad approved on motion of Hackett mitt Anon. Re ronimunieation front Huron township ao to a joint meeting to arrange equalization of statute labor on boundary -moved byAlton and Kichardeon that the clerhe re- quest/al to send Use clerk of Huron oar scale of statute labor and suggest to him that the difficulty might be re- moved by their adopUsg a miiar One. Unanimoudy adopted. Moved by Alton and Richardson that bylaw No. 19 of 1912, appoint)V. M. Roberta engineer. Is repealed and that R dney M. Johnston. C. 11. and O. L 1., of Stratford. be appointed mytheer Inc the tnwnnablp rat A•hedJ 01 i S a day and p expenses PATRIOTI514i'iZ4DtiC'ION Complete Your Plans Now The important thing now is to complete at once your plan for the year's work for increased production. By planning well in advance, each month's operations can be carried through more effectively when the time comes. Delays later on, through neglect of this, will mean loss to you and to the Erni-ire. Use the Best Seed This year, for the sake of the Empire, farmers should be exceptionally careful in the *election of seed. Cheap seed is often the dearest. U every Canadian farmer would use only the best varieties, and sow on properly cultivated *oil, the grain oetput of Canadian farm* would be doubled. Deal only with reliable .eedsmea. Writs at once to Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and to your Provincial Agricultural De- partment for information as to the best varieties of seed to be used in your particular locality, and use no others. ATTEND YOUR CONFERENCE Clean Your Seed AU grain intended for seed should be thoroughly cleaned and selected to retain only the strong kernels. You can reap only what you sow. it does not pay to sow weeds. Clean seed means larger crops and helps to keep the land clean. When you have your seed grain reedy, put it through the cleaner once more. The Farm Labour Problem The Government euuests the forming of an active committee in every folia sad city, composed of town and country mea and wanes. This com- mittee would find out the sort at help the farmers of their locality peed, and get a list of the unem- ployed in their town or city, wbo are suitable for arm labour. With this information, the committee would be in • good position to get the right man for the right place. Councils, both rural and urban. Boards of Trade and other orgasizatioes could adventageaudy &hence suck week. Ivory unemployed man in the town or city who is placed on the farm becomes immediately a producer, instead of a mere commoner ted a civic expense. Canadian Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada Test Your Seed Test your seed for titauty, too. Seed is not always as good as it looks. Por example, oats, gni•e normal in appearance and weight, may be so badly damaged by frost that their value toe seed hr completely destroyed. U you bare any doubt as to the quality of your seed a eanple may be sent free to the seed boratory et Ottawa, a Calgary, for test. But is most cases this simple test will Prove sufficient: Take ■ easter and two pieces of blotting paper. Place seed between blotting papers. Keep moist and in a warm place. In • few days, you will be shirr to see whether the vitality is there. Neglect to test your seed may mesa the lora of crop. Increase Your Live Stock Breeding stock are today Canada's most waluabie asset. The one outstanding feature of the world's farming is that there will soca be • great shortage a meat supplies. Save your breeding stock. Plan to ksrieese your live stock. Europe and !J' "nited etatss as well es Canada will pay higher prima for beef, Iwattru and beton in the veiy neo future. Do set sacrifice now. Remember that live stock is the only basis for prosperous agriculture. Toe are farming sot peculating. r._ fm l_OMNI _ MOM _ imp fl_ No Postage Required. PebUeatiees Breach. ' .r Department of Agricslte, wa. Plasm Odell me ltilleths leieleg to Seed. 1 hese ' 1 P.O. Address • 0 Ian 1/1w UMMIN INN EMI MIanf•1•-