HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 3• • vellE P4it;NA L : (IODERICH : ONTARIO THURSDAY, VkIlKOAiY In 1915 R WITHIN THE LAW By MARVIN DANA FROM THE PLAY OF BAYARD VEILLER Osemight 1=► by the W. k. H7 •emp•ey. meed Sod!' ft was a cry of ter. ISM Wrung from Ids soul of souls. Nary swayed toward him a tttt1s palplitant with fear fear for herself. ner all of tbe+m most of all for him. "Hdk bomb? she panted warningly. "Ob, Dick. yoo dotal understand? onderstaod ttda," he said broken- ty at las. -Whether you ever did it Wore or not. tidos tuft• you have bro- ker tike Iso' A sodden Inspiration "N OPS 15 Mary Turner, ,. department store des% is 'sentenced to prison for three years M a theft Ow did not commit Edward tinder, owner of the daPartntillt eters. commute to see teary before elm rein to r leok expe•ting her to 000tees !Lary protests ber Intwceno• to Gilder mid bees him to pay better wages to We darks to save them from temptation After three years In prison Mary 1s Geed, but the pollee prevent her holding positions. She lumps Into the rivet to end Mr Ilfe, but is rescue.. by Joe Gerson. • terser Mary forms a partnership with Orson sad his gang. by which they mulct rich victims In • legal manner. keeping "tenn- i' the law •' Mary le warned by the {dice to leave town atter she has formed the acquaint• um of Pilchard under. her former em• plover's son. Helen Morris. the girl wbo had commit- ted the theft for which Mary was Imprta mod. sees Mary and confesses her guilt. Mary marries Dick Ullder without his tether's knowledge •nit then refuses tc ' Mn fur Europe with him Jon Gerson. against Marrs protest agrees with Eddie Griggs, ■notber crook to help commit • burglary In Otlder't bonze Edward 411der sees his eon's brlde and true to today' her to give up ber hus- band Dick recuses to leave herr eves when she tells nim she 1a as ea -.onset. inspector Burke calls on Gilder and tells Min that • burglary at his hors that eight has been arranged through Griggs. a stool pigeon. to trap Mary Turner and bar gang. Gerson and flim gnag break Into 011dar's boos and are followed by Mary. who Is teed of the proposed burglary. While they are there Dick returns home CHAP -MR XIV. The Neiaelese Death RD suddenly made a slight i in - Ing noise that arrted the •t- tention es of the others and held thein in moveless silence. "1 hear something," be whispered He went to the keyhole of the door leading into the passage. Then be whispered again. "and Its coming this way." At the words Gerson mapped his anger's The room was plunged In darkness. There was absolute silence to the 11 bear after the turning of the ■wttcb Slat brought darkness Long second* pissed. tbeo a little nolle -the knot Dick Gilder Throttled by Chicago Red. en his own behalf came (0 hon For Ads love's sake he meat seize on ebb pportuntU given of fate to Mw for Mastery. "You're lu my bands now 110 ars hese meo as well Unless yoo do ea 1 say, Mary, 111 Jill every one flit diem -Who's this, 1nybnwr Chicago Rims demanded. "I'm her husband." Dick answered, "Who nee roe?' "Don't .leak any of von." Mary II. Come away with me." •'No. uo' I married you not because 1 loved v..n. Out to repay your father the• be hod done me. 1 wouldn't lel • %self even think of you. and thou I e-nllz•d that I bad spoiled foul ,.fr No, not spelled It. Mary! Blessed 11' We must prove that yet." "Yea sp,.11td 1t" the wife went on passionately "If 1 bad understood, if 1 could bate dreamed that 1 could ever care- Ob. i)tk. 1' would never have ma tried you fur anything In the world!" "Hut now you du realize," the young man said quietly. "The thing Is done. If we made n mistake it is for w to bring happiness out of that error." "Oh. caul you see?" came the stricken hlnwnt "I'm a jailbird!" "But )011 love me you 410 love me, 1 [:now!" The young man spoke with Joyous certainty. tor some Inflection of her voice had told the truth to his heart Nothing else mattered. "But now. to come buck to this bole we're In here. limit you understand at last that you can't beat the law? It you're caught here tonight where would you g*d 00 --caught here with a trona of Mindsets? Why didn't you go to Cbl- ,.ago, as you planned?' "Planned? With whom" "Why. with Burke " "who told you that 1 had arranged any such thing?' "Burke himself did." "Wbeo?' Mar) was standing rigid now. and the rare calor flamed to ber cheeks. Her eyes were blazing. "Less than no hoar ago." "Where" "ia this room." "What was he doing here?' "Talking to my (tither." The seemingly simple- answer ap- peared the Leat straw to the girl* bur- den sof frenzied suspicion. tier voiles .eat fiercely Into the quiet of the room. "Joe. turn on that light! I want to *.f tete face of every man In Me retied . -Pott mnern't let hlm hear The blase of tbe chandelier- Gamed your yokel." Dl.k was exespersted by this per," sletent Identification of her.elf with thew I•timinahl in bra father's hone. .You men back there!" tir teed "If 1 give you my word to let ea cry one of yon go tree end pledge m• self net .r es recognise one of you nl'Iln tval you make Minn here listen to ole) That's all I ask. 1 want a few minutes to state my case. Give me fiat 1ti'beth- er 1 win or lose, you men go tree, and 111 forget ccerything that has happen- ed here tonight." There came a mut- iled guffaw of laughter from the big chest of Chicago Red "Your safety depends on me," the young man warned. "Suppose I should call for help?" "You would only caD once," Garcon said grimly. His band went to the noiseless weapon In his coat pocket. "Once would be quite enough." "Yon win." Gerson said. with a halt laugh He turned to the other men and spoke • command. "You get over by the hall door. Red. and keep your ears open every second. Give no the office If you bear anything. If we're rushed and have to make a quick getaway see that Mary has the first chance. Get that, all of your' Gunton tuned to Dick. "Make It quick. remember" Dick spoke at once, with • hesitancy that betrayed the depth of his emo- tion. "Don't you care for me at •11?' he asked wistfully. The girl's answer was uttered with nervous eagerness. which revealed her own stress of fear no, no!" she ezclalmed. "I know you do. Mary," he asserted confidently; "a little anyway. Why. Mary, can't you see that you're throw- ing sway everything that makes lite worth while? Don't you see that?' There was no word from the Oi- lier irtHer breast was moving convnialvely. "Mary, Mary r he cried "You've got to change. Don't be so bard. Give the woman 1n Ion a chance." The girl's form became rigid as she fought for self costsot. "i am what 1 am." she saki •harpty "I can't change. Keep your promise. now, and let's get out of this." 'Too can change." Dick went on 1m- i petuously "Lary. haven't you ever I wanted the things .hat other women have--ebslter and re end the big things of life. the gs worth while? They're all read you now. Mary. And what about After a11, you've married me • up to you to gtce me my cb.t e • make good. i've ' never •mounted .0 tOM'h I've never 1 tried much- i ►' '1. flow, If you will Mame 1t .o. Mar, 4f twill help mei will come nut all f rbc 1 know that; sen do you. Marl ' 0°1 yen most help me I need to, :ad lean ne;.d me brilliantly over all. Griggs moved stealthily n little nearer the door tato the pcseege. But Mary's nett words came wholly ss a surprise "Dick." she cried, "what are these tapestries worth?" She pointed to- ward the draperies that shrouded the great octagonal window. "Oh. poo or 8300. 1 .oppose," he an- swered "Why?' "Never mind that. How iong terve you had them, Dick" ")Over since I can remember." "And they're not famous master- pieces which your father bought re- cently from some dealer wbo smug- gled them Into this country?' •4 Mar something,. whispered Chimes Red. • t the passage .Icor tnrning. As the lioor swung open there came a gasp - fog breath from Mary, for she saw famed to the faint light that came atom the single burner in the corridor the blender form of her husband. Dick B 1d.r The next instant he had stepped w ithin the room and Chicago Red had gtonnced on his victim, the huge band dapped tight over the young man's month There rime a sound of scor- n ing feet. and that was all Finally the big man's role, came trium- phantly: "I've got him!' " Tr. Dick!" The cry came as a wall el despair from the girt. At ryas same moment Oarson dashed rs torch. and the light fell swiftly, cm *eeng Odder, bowed 10 a kneeling ties. Owe bedtee the eoeek bait throttled tcbleage Red. Claes beside Mm. looked down In wordily= despair weer this east Meister of the night nese. retired • step farther before the woks his command, so that, thous? ES Mill [tee torch •till, be, glen dye beers, wee Ion shadow. "Oat away, Red - latbe fallow let ge bis grip ihued of that strengths' emprrr set wnmbled Madly M kis Nisi tis twaeyNeany. his hand went le dins lend ea tie table bee* et es ..mdl. Wird Ifs mellow fight =reams. tior?leer be uttered as .feed•tlos •f eesessssut Cor W /lee was de- tail onslid de Om ter et Ike exismie be a., tib WS mom er... tlllt^ los. "The street's empty! We most )tatty for n! Come on, Mar," be cried. Already Cbteago fled bad snapped tie the lights of the chandelier. had sprung to the window, thrown open a panel of It and bad vanished into the night, with Decay at bis heels Aa Berson would ba re caned out to the girl again be was Interrupted by Dick: "She couldn't make it. Gerson," he declared coolly and resolutely "Yoe .o. I'n take care of herr' "tr she's caught" - indescribable menace ball uttered threat "She won't be." "1f she 1,. Ili get you, that's all," O.reen said as be dropped oat of sight I CHAPTER XV. Within the Toils. THE going of Gerson left the room deathly still. Dick turn- ed to Mary Hud took her hand In his ills arm swept about her In a prhter•tinC embrace -just In ' time or she would loner fallen. A whisper came from her quivering lips- Her face was claire to his, else he could not hare caught the uncertain murmuring The moseles of her face twitched. She rested supinely against him as If bereft of any strength of body or of soul. Yet, In the Intensity ' of her utterance, the feeble whisper struck like a shriek of horror "1 -1 -never saw any one killed be- forer Before be could otter the soothing i words that rose to his lips. Dick was Interrupted by a slight sound at the door. Instantly be was all alert to meet the exigencies of the situation. Ile 'food by the cutch, bending for- ward a Ilttte as It In a posture of Ind mate loudness He beard the noise again presently. now so near that be made Sure of being oterheard. so at once he spoke with n forced eheerfnl- 1 nests in his inflection "1 tell you. Mary." he declared. "ev- erything's going to be all right for yon and inc It was bully of you to come aero to me like thin" The girl ninde no response Dick. In verb'+ts ant.rebencton as to the Stout. There was as In the forger's sought es bring her to reaHzatlon of the new need' that bad come upon them. "Talk to me," he commanded very softly. ''They'll be here in a minute. When they come In preteud you Just came here In order to tneet me Try, Mary. You most dearest!" 'Then again his voice rose to loudness as he continued: "Why, l'te been trying all day to see you. And uuw here we are together. Just as 1 was beginning to get really discouraged 1 know my fa - "1 should say note ther will eventually" - "It's a trick! Bane's dose ttr He Was interrupted by the swift Mary's word came with accusing vis swinging open of the hallway door. hemence. Burke stood Just within the library, a There was another single step made revolver pointed menacingly. by Griggs toward the door. "Hands up. all of you!" The inspec- Marra aye caagbt tie movement, toes voice fairly roared the command. sad her lips soundlessly formed the The belligerent err '.melon of bis fad mine: vanished abruptly as his eyes fell on ..G gsr, Dick standing by tbe couch and Mary The man strove to carry off the sit- reclining there In limp helplessness. nation, though he knew well that he "What are you doing in this house stood to mortal peri] He came a DG at this time of night? Dick demanded. D. M I LLAP t SON New Prints Ginghams Spring stock of ' Prints and Gingha)ns is now cum- plete and never before have we been able to offer any better values Thistle Prints Our special Thistle Print, in light and dark grounds, in spots, stripes and figures, absolutely fast colors, 32 in. wide, per yard. 12 c Anderson's Scotch Ginghams Anderson's celebrated Scotch Ginghams are the hest, beautiful showing of all the latest designs in stripes, checks and plaids. Colors perfectly fast, 27,in,. per yd... 15c Ai Anderson's Kindergarten Cloth The most reliable materials for children's dresses and rompers, and ladies' house dresses, in plain colon and fancy stripes, 27' inches wide, per yard ''4x' The New Crepes at 15c A lovely showing of Crepons in light and dark colors in the daintiest designs we have ever shown. 27 inches wide, per )yard 15c Voiles Voiles Voiles promise to be the leading feat- ure this season. Our stock is most complete in white and colors, at per yard . • 20c. 30c, 45c The better Crepes at 25c, 35c and • it p,'r yard are the: newest novelties that are being shown for the coming season atkl as regards quality and designs art. all that could be desired. 1 Wabasso Cottons , 13ut �� .tbasso Cottons They are "Made -in -Canada", and are the best value obtain- able, tram per yard : ............ .._:.......... ............... .:......... .. Sc to 20c "Mc.sall's Patterns for the Spring Sewing" Millar's Scotch Store TELEPHONE NO. 56 I de toward the girl wbo had accused I recognise you. Inspector Burka ��� hiel of treachery. ' " WiloATTK\D'THtt POPULAR or' b. died ford. are limits even to what you can do. , But you must understand that there it Mod GODRILI('H AND VICINITY elle, lonto g 7ere't your sere fee sae et air yo It seems to me. air, that you exceed thy, with . sca ornful ;.stare toward Gilder Leaped Toward Larsen. Dick Glider "1 tell you those Diena worth are Mary's answer ons virulent In 1M fell between the undrawn draperies of sudden burst of bate. the octagonal wind„w. The Ilght atar- "You stool pigeon' Yon did this for tied the Inspector again, as it had done Barker* once before that same Dight 1111 game "i swear 1 didn't' I swear 1t”- followed it instinctively. So within the "It's a framwfp'" Gerson broke In second he saw the still form lying ferociously ItIH tones rime In n lend there on the done ened roar of wrath There was no mt•taking that awtal. On the !natant. aware that further motionless, crumpled proton*. The tn- aohterfuge could be of no avail. Griggs ipe'tor leaped to the 'switch by the swaggered defiance door and turned on the lights of the "And what 1f It Is true..*" he drawler!. chandelier In the nett moment M r roltnlxr ret, ?" with a reaumptl,••r ••f his nristocntf had reached the door of the passage "Why, yes, ceitainly, she reph d, manner HP pit. Led the pollee settle- mases the ro,,m. and his whistle sound- , ko.tt at it n,tently. "'('on ire ,he tie from hit a 'Strait pocket nnI n million oke' your asthorlty by such an intrn'lon as Burke waved his revolver totrtlr/ Toronto. receive rot only superior busirtes. Mary.tdnc•U nbuttow • rtta. of rchoi fur. "What s she doing here?" he asked 1. pl.1.griTn Prinelp•1, ni i'o•ge etrcet. "Ton forget yourself, Inspector. This T li unu.. le my wife. She has the right to be with me -her buab*ndr "Where's your father?" he questioned roughly. "In bed, naturally," was the answer - "I auk you again. What are you doing bere at this time of night?' "Oh, call your father," Parte dt- rected. "It's late." Dick objected. "rd ratti- er not dhtturh him. 1f you don't mind." Soddenly be smiled very winningly and spoke with a good assumption of 1ngennousnPaa. "inspector," be said tmlakly, "1 see i'll have to tell you the truth. it's this: I've persuaded mr wife to go away with me she's going to give all that other sort of thing up Tea. we're going away together. 8n, yon see. we've got to talk It over. Now, then. inspector. If you'll come hock 1n the morning" - (0105 As he spoke the white beam of the flashing •enrrhlight from the tower a Retailed Glory. .1 "Mot1.er wants a Itnn'orth of glory divine:" " YY'e don't 'keep that." said thio chemist. "Oh. yea ecu do," the little maid re- torted. '•%V a ee got it bete before. Mother puts it down the drain in the back yard." Then the chemist knew that the ''glory divine" was wnother way of sHvmtt chloride of lime. -Strand Meg- nx•nP. ! ITIINi CAN EQUAL BAIT'S •u TAILETS. Mrs. Alex. BButcherd. Conn, Out , write+: --"My daughter hon ureal Bel t•'• Own Tablet, for her bit w... hinka there is nothing to equal the o. roe lit 1 ones. All wether., u'ho bate use11 the Tablet., ass the ...int- icing. They hr, ak tit) colds. resit - .1 - the bowels and stomach and keen the IittM ones healthyand happy. (1 ey 'resold by medicine dealers or by mail at 'Xi a hoz from The D,, Williams Medicine Co., Brock• idle, Ont. (sooty Distinguished. Young Hibtatd wits exhibiting hi - 1.t tore t•• H charming g ti -This one," he.std, handing her a ['elute. •'1. uty photograph, token with two French iiodles. Can you ed ehr!II. 111. valve Mellowed re -en- •, one with the lint ,m.` Youth',• Com - reined It to his Bps forrement to the low nrnuon. He moved too slowly Garcon had (• 11 .t d It. • ski palled the pistol from hl pocket had — - pressed the trig::cr There came no mart of dame 'ther'e was no wend - save perhaps s flint clicking anise. Rut the man with the whlatte at hie Rpm suddenly ('eased movement trem- bled horribly and in the next tnatant crashed to the fluordeed. in the first ssr'oed of the tinged./ Dick had not understood. Bet the len - tag of Geist= before the leveled weep. em et die other man. there to Se d !fat g'astly 1'ntmobtMty. sale Mee tate neretand He Warted toward Games - wield have weesched ?yea plate) from tits =bees gray i. t1/ struggle k GIB to doe tear. Iles% *Kiser eeeM per; it p Meo- w Zed tenni Ids wsreilei 'Illeemelbotre te►ga"B.melbotre .pedes the treatises! imam sss-set!. eetsiseel win. Buy'► or hoc al i se.y How t fol i Hove s.,•,, H y rel• rinthiopr? War A --i 1 • ' - yrs,.. I, .i..,. 1.1, . s nr k e• ? ds clerk) e w rat under- - U i. e, thank 1 QUICK NAPTHA TIME • WOMAN'S SOAP Bridget's Repartee. Bri•ig«t had lawn a witness in H last suit and had plat recut tied Mune 1, •n. court. •Whal did the lawyer‘ 1.11V to )"'1 Bridget?" ingniled her Mistress. "Shure. th' nold haythen," nail Widget truculently, "he Steil me did 1H know ther was brass enough in me face 4• make a gesod•.ised kettle, an' a tole' hits there w.a sauce enough in bis tongue to f111 it - Mr.. \Ire•. Hied• wife of Wm. Aird, of i:.st Wswanneh, died on the 5th inst., In her eightieth year. M• eie MacDonald, daughter of the late M,irdoch McDonald, of the Point ['lark lighthouse, died at Meeks - toes following an operation for ap- pendicitis. A SuDstitute. 11 Sou cannot win a fortune For your uses quite enough And have money to be recleo You at least can run a bluff. If you cannot cougb up dollars Quite regardless of expense. You can pack your duds and treed Herr and there upon pretense. Any one can get 1n action With s dollar in nix leans. Any one can go the Meta If he only has the means. Bat It's quite a different enables If you haven't got a cent lend must satisfy the landlord When be talks about hie rent. With a regulation payday Every Monday in the year And a check that Is sufficient Then the stilling is quite clean' Bat to Bee without an Income And with all your meats eons* la a very different matter As a fellow might suspect But there ars some people do 14 -- You can see them every day - do you should not be discouraged. Though you cannot always pay. If you have not coin 1n plenty To assist you be.r the blunt, Wlth a stogy and a hall. cut You at least can mane • trout. A Prophet. "We are going to have chicken for limner," remarked tbe farmhands bounder to the newcomer. "Somebody tell you?' 'Tho." "Bow do you know?" "See that auto racer scooting by./ Well. that's an infallible sign." 'Ton must be sul.e•rmtitloua.,, "Oh. no; It 1s gaffe the ,*atom to gather up the deed chickens after the sato " Less Noisy. "1 wonder if 1 could get it patentedr "What's that?' "An improvement on the French meet.' "LOOS bloody?' "Not necesasrny." 'How would you work KT 9isve the partite go with their set ends st break of day to a losely field and makC faces at each other." tEATkAi.�� B'.' r.ATFO!1o, ONT. IS YOUR ROOF ONE OF THOSE IN THIS TOWN th.tt a e' l aur tt '' alien r The long, r s •u d.!ay nr•k ng the needed repsir, the UI re d"wake the weather is doing and the [tenter you, ex - penis.. ., Tinning and Repairing t't L, a1 -u bhild ng go, t en and lead- er,, fn one part of this world' , work, and we :u It. well Better send for to, now and br re•tdy for th. r•.in't.., ;tit• Fred Hunt Hanidlon Srrrrt Fh,ne 135 1)ntotee•'. 1.•.t prwetteal t - hoe'. w e bate t teenstell reer*ee «rperlenrel 1..-, o,,10' In eaeb el err t loo• drpsrt n„ - Commercial. Ph,,rth�rid and T. s.;tw. by. Our Rr..d nnter -...v.een and rem .tn)iId read ear Isere, tree ental ane. Write for n at once. D. L. llted.ACBLAh. Pel•etoal. CLARK'S PLUM PUDDING Reedy M .it after keetlwr-aa ee mama ter gea•!y sed aayser. tioe•t weal* year ttse Is prep'es••e A woman'' work in never finished i! she 1• trying UI reform amine man The man who dem things ran afford l.ket his wife do all the talking.