HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 2THE GREAT STRUGGLE Mainly Extracts from Leading British and American Papers Relating to the War. : : : • • • • Tnitre•DAT. Ftnatiriat 18, 11016 TIM SIGNAL PRINTING OU., Pum.nittxma - - 11 • It if_ pa bl h•d ersakirs= =tie DAN la The Signal Ito Cinderielt, nattarto Tetellbooe 116. 44jH.(Irtt" Tswana-0os !altar OJAI rtfty 7.'llesta MI : If mkt strictly In astvauce One artil be 11Aito.0•1.4.4 to subscribers iti the bk:slitierd r 'to. -tie rate Is One flintier god Piety Caput- strictly. u. advance.- 'Subscribers .a.tio tall to 'weave Tug saustai. rogfularly by omit will ovular s favor by wood. lotustbe p wr of the feet at &swirly &Mitt alwraa.411114). Waco a Monate ed address is de-Ired. boll old and the ne be tate'. ReiuttLanotel war te• tot te oy bank drift. rips"... mooey ord.,r.oo-t artier. 4 . regioerrit letter. may two:me., any Ativirstrosi so Tionaw-etotos I..r tits:gap and ;sort:wowed. will bc given oil ...moll - CAT • Iota."11 Arad other -nailer •drret•sientat. ten refit- per 1le•• for firs; eel ...at four nen.. fa. r 111.e f.w each subsequent _insertion. lassisdod by a icale of solid onnistr•il -twelve haw tows p)ch. Ruslutev cad. of siz lase. anti is...1..1%714e 10..11,r nor yen.. Attrer roentai 10174, roped. Wotrit,tsred..raiWYWhi Vae.4.114.Y.' t11411011- r11 ,!.., tic/U.44414u .aue 04 to Root, taw:. fir Wale or tn Rest not -leo • ,Twent for • 4'a-111. nth 1,I : One I adlor for Ilea 1001.,ti. tiny w•er4.td1. ',meat month. I.arg • tr. .ort lo. stslinary reA•tirait t.pe. Ten c.na. Fur hoe. Me r.offen If WI than me C. ate. Any special teen... the ..1...k.•t wIkh't'' p.elflIIary benefit of any 1:a.1:%.14 um, avesiath.n. 4. b. considering an pa- ths -won osri rho/writ ate ,nllagly. T., - 3 he an opt:fusion a 447; .4144 reider- 4 corit.tu tR`444e,' ink 1.11414 ,41telAA)., 130031.111retinnt a, .ta.,y and doings. 4'..4Ol4I be a•tended .• o n. tato- M.- -I.,. • iho teritoi. irtit norat•aarOy• !titbit. pr., to: a- VA • of emit isn't. 'Nat. .4.1d no. ti rox roUNI iitt.tot ole,- THU k Y. FE131-1 7ARY 18, 1915,-. NOTts.^ .1141A4v 11.o Vt'll lit. he "1,1.J '1411 ••••• tax.. Or • !Nip.; ; 'untie ••1 THE SIGNAL 00DERICH ONTART0 motors as they p•ssed high in the air have since been working hard at an explitnation. It was at Ottawa thiti one of the pipers, in the early weeks of the war, got out am 'welt ra- to tell flyins•machine (supposed to be hostile. of course) that was seen *hove the city. It tegasd uut to be a kite. • . An impost that would r*i.cg large amount of nioney, and th‘t would have •beneficial effects otherwise, would be a tax ,m profanity. Now ; that Finanre Minister White haw [leased the -.nitwit Unity by, tne Pro- : Ti ea...ter might mike use of it. 11:o. tax might I.• graduated -a amount for i. 411 case words 71111•fi 11.A ''hell" and "deino," and larger inipatits for the downright profanity, i the ,iiiisuew 4.1 eitere9 word., whielt mem* t• bit.. ;mishit' practise. For our pat,, W.! W.Olf 1 1' sther it down thugs 4.1.4%•.4 moo • Isom drunk than bear : otheralar floe young fellow seneih hie. live with word. that ought to tw tett to irredeetnahle reprchnites. c • • Toronto nevr.tr•per thtt. the ogthitieOti Of the "Avertge man" will he he:iv:toed hy oh .ut 4:13 • year t ealt AI V ion i.inissfed- hy the It .riiinion tiovernm-nw. Many .firdiette • whteti Undoubtedly will tri leff2ctied are ttruittod. from the list 144.4 %Welt thii.cil.:141tition is mlih. $.14. 44-000 prof-v.14y he. ai good deal tti.•• mark. Either of, tbete ittratnr, rivii-r b pin,- II teleft Of Igte.111-, teh •WA: trdly S44ic the 1111•1.1-1.• it sail be sa•vra.10 411.1111 upon lte'ineinne Of Use iwth 'Hu v. Wig'. 0,1101110i' . Ataiiteoine. t iv .-•.",.1 • much fairer. lefty -of ...• .4 the i•otititt.Y. It K e'..e.ii• With, lin-.; 4-1." • :•••.-91-1 ni. • To Falai-wary. way... he •,. ill lie el.. t'f•wg.ti.' Isr.'• • . "tt ili ,, .4' ' 11 ' i,j,•..„y,;:ee 7:d'lltl:;b:u1:-1;.144':.18K*(1.::;:tfaZfrorantwjrait ail lay woods ;..to a Flittering Irs11. -And making Mae tn.,: arid footpath. tiro* . , .1.. handl, .1,071tt.;.kr -*Wits,- n sts•-, re, - lhowth every dem... • -land f .r.*. •etArbl.• fm .,ita Piz •Ittys', 4111 Mel emly (he' t'filth;t ilia weg- ' • vc , • ' . • wIhdyli,iltow.,•dr,ft arc11-'. • Witt • *. graded sta-lt • for .1 !h ti. 4 • • rois.es a. stash,. :cat alma. v it •stiat, . n'ertht?ht. , ,nlild bigli ;one *I it., 111 4.: al. deal 4 trg o.....s.14, ? 11... rano. • •••1...•411 %t Itola.1 Ov... ..,e firest 4 4 Altol April with 'A Iguirc,t.tri. . °Vet ot 1.1 I I . I I tY Aro half A ?II4l4. itOkiefi • i hnr• in tit F. e ••1', • r. lwrie fete • St. e 3ee of 1, r4.111 Mr. Hannes Corporation Mliencs. Windsor Record. 'With a display of injured inno- cence, Hoo. W. J. Hanna, the Provin- nisi Secretary. got up in the Legiala- tuir at the 14ou 11.41111 14411 ond denied 411 connection with the Standard Oil Co. with hie fine legal quibbler And tech- nical phrases he mide it appear Ile was a much -abused man and hid nothing whatever to du with thr, to- ignitou• '411 octopus of the Cot ed St•tre. Unfortunstely for Mr. Motets, who apposite its the political iniperwinatm of Dr- Jekyll and .Mr. Hyde, be Wide some damaging admissions to the effect that be had acted as solicitor fur & Canadien oil company, the Im- perial Oil Co. at Sarni., which. as everyone knows, is tbe Canoulistu brunch of the Standard Uil Co. - The latest exposure of H.n. M Henna ni his conneetkin with the new lei:erto.tionfti Petroleum Co.„ which the Provincial Se* rrinty ism... of tte direettes. Thi, company, it ia an - the I•4. oil co.; the iiist coitcatiZ• hottuteda haw 4 connection with bstog ttas industrial uffsFring i.f. tin• Slandird Oil Cm and it .05-4 Cat- Adiiti edition of the "401.1-.1.1e.i. t..v toe,. • trout itu oil stAndpoint. And be.it *110 ie aisso,:iite with ••lianest uur Manila. It is none 051104 /144..1 (par 01.1 frieo d Wall...' Nes- bitt. K. C., who baptist'. to ire ...ie itt the nig corporatioo lawyers of %manila 4041 who wits pr inept in the triv..1.T.• glltim lit the Taylor chirgre thoi Legalist:are committee ins election - and palettes's.. It Will be scalled tte.it Mr. 'Nesbitt ami Mr. ilannaiv friends castle tts the rterue nti that It4e1.4.44/:I. t14.e4.4•11111$ hht..hing . 114.•• .rtit, at aril hitewashine th, ad 5,1, .16 (1 - h,. a, ever, tettrive.' Hanna its .... elig:ble at, I pt. ha'd• 1..pc4-4,;4z4,4 ,f %%' hi5s.1-. t-41/11•. • a 414, He I10. - .',.414i. t ••• ! 144.1. th ie • :• . , • t 44.41 .e.4...t..1 tot hi... do,. wet 1... tl.re A 31r, ,..xt• 67 II .111 • • h. 44 • 1-.. '•-•• 64 • 444 :t 4411 .11:-. s 11:% .1, .,1; tt, .1 • ut. 441. 1. CI '4' .1 . (V. 1 ,111. V11. 11 --1.i s. 1, ••••••• 1.1 1,-4 "14.7 1.1.444; 4a4-.4.- • I • 1. .1 §,11,11. 1 • .4 : 7I11' a !to -t roe • • itRUCE., PEOPLr. PROTESTING. • . •-: itegistrair of kl,eeds. a Ca.ialc • DisniLuted b7 the ::41111 "Bias." ; 11j. ill • • • ‘V..4144,14.t j• ; .• 1,1 • ; ;.•„, „ or J.., • i .tst • -1 na: and • le oth 4.t. 4.•• (1.,!4I 11 toWti 8-4 )4- Torotvo $ 144' r Hon. It 111 it 4••.: itif,a /0 v.( .1 41.• vast II a tieurge '11.• the • -, Roger* -is a good politician. :Hee' eivnilint • ,•,-1 • •• ' ie• p.,-. -..weitty.thr Pe years ban tre•Wilt Alito wanted * getry,..1 election tut year, • • - thee dolt, .t w.i.. 1.1-4eight- to 1 t 4 ut)-regiet, tr. of deeds 1., 1.•,- 4,4 etto task *web, billbott Adatna" itt••• bas lientight the BrilI-V 1 ft'16. Orne • . 'aiding in Knob k.illen imp at, gan.i. 141.,tdjan of offici",ey Ibit bruttizi.,ri say, thine's 1,4,x... •vill pt 41 town .4 1.iinf8O1 ". 'ta and &O.% i.'Ws wlikietar 1.1 ;.:13.1•34,1t t • y 01,th4i,o '144 4' bri•I hem torot into ap. +gilt -. tor a 8, stow the 14'014 efridarted reg,..ry -win hive ,,r ,.:Ittet!ettike. .,4 Kert•-. 114,11. offlotde t VettVinett. Ittligt aUwit toe, job r=ri, tutor... his , • h,„; 1.ar l40C .41 '8 1"44 4 4 4 Citaildef Modaice fl 194.1 -h.tving berth 1,.ppa,1•••oft 4„ , loro. 14 04,In• 14..1 ty 1 464.4 0•'I the 7.•, No, NI i, u e•-1 e• .“111e0 the I r 4 01*141 40,1 11 L. I * 1,14,UL 0- • .II• .••.• 31. Ate, Opputia,/,/ 111 Ames. . 4,-.•k;•• .; .0 •1 ..N ..r7, 4*, 4)4 AIM ff..in 'Cid',4 a.- loud 4 4* ..!.144t it -.44, • .dtT•tMWpsvie0temhrna,olr"reftdpy it:eeiieter t.n‘een•2,c.17'y-;t.h•e.en-ttt i.-u•ote- eeri•• .•i*_ it 4* r;•i•t",• rafk'k , e • -ni.i•,:l• no., t . '•-.'1r„•e, n;•.•.nu'.•a l•y••, /,Pfnn..o.,1,,• t,',',1'r4.411. 4t' *4. 4 ,5r4. 41,7 k t1M.•,, .eo4.y,t,e`, ,'i•l.na,i* ' {e,4t ilt1Y3,y. 4. v.rihO 1 C4'4M6et 1'SyiONw,oa4 ' \t. ri4,4441 o t iiIi:l4,4441 o .A . at4Mh aahl1 ko 77e44,44.Wtrb011 rg„j e1thisF (mt.(45a 1nrwifti,.d I 14 1 444.48 11' 44t1 4444 that 1111:eol44 111 A114 VIA!I •44 1 4, 44 5 r4251 4 y..eWith tt; 44% 14)4, Alt , • . I• ' %isatitatte 411 ,1.foo,..4„, .r, 41. 45444 ehaeitife4t- ,1-444- v4 115848.- AriatA 44441trl.hi'ttwe war etton.1t.trstoieloNussivs Grain to Be Relea-nt ?, is not it1-11.r 1 107 44 48 NA..f 11:14) ya4% 43 g1„c0r„1e 1 .11 tgapouni by rwhi •e.41 hdrl.or 144 1 etatint t4.11411vi 0 I4e144t1 se ail 4 moue prniser:44 1514,18e4 of .1 4 111fI sr he 4. 4. 44 work. that tot O.e‘ . •bard timetas. 44 ttitt .yearin411 75)4(4 that 8. litgt rntant 11441 l 1to. 4 44 que-tonC11 by a 011344.4 iit Itpxway yet 1 w 444.4 Of AtIl t 4 1 4+414.4 y OntatitThit teod _)trdo.-1 I rli1.f:ll000 18e „:; 11r mato 4 1 r11f 1hal ge.tcoied iet,fit4 61 eountryIn ION tinsel* po44ue1 51,4 14141;7.11 171 /O 7 uty in 7v777,and ed. 11Q,,t71ifI•1313f ‘Vilete the 17111i•I1!•(1 411,11441 11.a 44 8i)cty nen. to 1414It ked st 4,.11of .tigniis 1/01 entidi! that 11,44 seolog k 1*o14 nsi bushelFut It' I411'11^1aaa "I irtiof tiluntere7d1114. jo41 f).r;e,i1 •e1r- t , I.371,401 143;8e1 win' Cffittd.e. tumpty-Dempty Waeer1 4k4.1 miertly proehet n Va.21171T,01i1n14e1s7, ridence nh.its thico411! V,481 • , • No 74o4• 11. 340(0 f», 144411' • 1• 111 ' that Reg..trar 1444'alane 444174?14 ret-. the Lue 4:4 411 ' • kth. moat 44t44) inTedide 4I 11,4. by 74 4. titter 1 01•I1',' of (• 4. -Of, *he W(1. 44.1?)lit 454)1 pUt 741 t hAn*7000. .Lodi tte rt hid het.ty ;obbe up mute 4 4 "e it may bweld te411 III fees 5 5 only 1,ft, of (.%114113 0 0113 011101114 '.4? id tee 1111 kVI ni•.y otoer Isdore. no* li e414 Pay 'Me. 840tdgn4111 ,int„ 8.thathavelenetrised the (ietman Kay $1,404eeideg htrog I ; 4515)454515)45101)1 it1 the last Six t000tir.. The' bis, and etili filan $2,1(1) 10 1)1,11,14.!th/Kairee V/11.1 314 bru.1 iProts$4aAperye.rfor 1e414(home1( in (111.410)wal he fikn 514.4"17 11 would he 1•itet 5,4(141)' If 411 31111-C1011. It. • 14451111y eliould I mani(tiettrn.in inc. *4-44 )44e'.44.e-s. • unterr out e.ens•ripted oors.ts ht.1 • "(ted, , *vt 1 1.. -nt -ed,- w -1$1fa1. ter•th14 mith.. 1s4 411,8m 11014• aa 11 eny farmer thinks ehid,s en ecoast I • .., he Cone-ative ttfilty o hi3Kid1.1ne ever de:winw.wl. 1 callin.c.1..,Iona4., .114 • 1 1,/1 ';1,3day to take hiplace Ldge.4, i ••4• a • 4118141, 14 t. 1. • a, tfira. 477 ..rk Ire St.porhine muh - Inv••, . whl, to•••••. re, 033 Megay„ nil Itnt is not ••Of ail c 41 togs' •t in...tt't"' '" )" 11. 4 wK . • w .wing. of • impart at 114 it 1* ,I' nod tv, ntogTh. Fe f Paleste • .- ,• 11 WHOIr CTheRS BAY r Vaint Fece Rails. Tal t.‘', A i :•• 1- 1 '11 /.8A0 11 4.1 i 14.41, I , •."t• • lLy t.ts • 1., • .14 ‘.4 • .•• • 14• L• •ri,• It• IA* 4417111, .1 a 44 :' • FILM li ER II AN SPY 8Y41T1051. Navy Yard; and if every day, in add. 0,,E,:,1,:i.7htlia..1....4e.:.-w.11°......1.h°1-vv..4 164.6'..36 ellitaiii y. .1,vuiti ftreehi0n Wetirbrdil4'nerir°111hufatwitrithrtr.i..4111"alugcbet •• °".76/v't. rimbor.“:144 it i'n,,, _ goinds as the enemy -bad in effect Leen It.1111;1 ilgien: tants .nit'sehsar. They have (level- foie the actual outbreak of houtiliti..a ,A1 1" encamped on American soil long be-- ,,i,,,,,i all it., p,,,.,,,,i,,!...; tkey lige," end as toiert of is methodical system • I 0,:sheiLl upon 41 1)1.' i,we withiit ,,,,,d Anowican.. I conceive, would find themselves in threw climatal. -4121e" lY pre% retest .aridi microscopic thorough- -„,„„s dimhosed to uta , • 'st. merry over nee.. that they dere. e 0. all the in.tru- spy -mania. ill"' (a ,•".m."1. n".) 84" °a rc" 4.' 14) NuT*4cte 't.i bl:ine"ieaateh.wi! .tityt•luieyo,erwieeiterite Franer:,• 11411 limit. that int ruidttri..oiu Higiun. eine,.lablAtgut.a"'i. i . rdof oettig le ther rvery known C4to nfrerionig:roiv.:. 4,4 0w* 11444 44' E11Wthet. • lalul,7 strILici.s1:.1 bunired that, nve itill Wt. whn- not Id wo:.i he amadmt,b,ii.::v.1od.ihr very air is poi- ' ; -.74"the"y4ntitii:..-"Ibutoti"..e lit', 10•4.4.111r 10.1thit14. the 130ely etiya of tlo. war lustre 101allge t • . baled. Men who wer.• in Idrio... 14 111 771 abj.a w...1 ii/lt they 4.1.4 1401 de' in the' me that the iidert 1.111 of in‘tred. tern' ' -01,. ot 1870. It vie are ....vassal. it is oful mistrus1 which eprrad througlt ,aaly lit.c.,,se we 8','.'.. forgot ten. l'ilith the city AA thr darir it and iitiq.uit .1E1 .1.4. of t triter.. la Ow U., -at. who the Gee loon ageing hrgin to he teal- . wen r to war • with one 44,,mia niei s hue:- 12031 W30 W4•'0 thou any battle. T1 .. i deed .ille.." ow•Piswo4LI44. ha. a14V1171(. Behtiatia will reisiyala their wsustra T h,en coosidet ed tit l'.111411111,' OW only a citie. And ,olt i vat • winner the. geld. 1, tuilit...ry orc...,-i y LIAL ii 1 t -1,417•41414A mos. now 1..1, 1,4,,i 4414,1 4.1„,4044„,,, 4,4, 1(1,111441 fe glom A geniis. ni,eisp,..41..g. - --the whether to..yr Will eta la •.• (04 4444 or for ising .4 "v•••ii-It' 1“ 4." 44 tl5441431141-1‘ give 54.0 i'yttelt v ond hi, t • 1 .....4 of their rolled 1.R4. -Nriell die,..vered it. the 10.4.- riperiere • with (ier.a.iii 4.4)411. Fo. . ,I; ow 7.11.-T, 1. Set Alert' It•016 (0(1 1871) them it I. at 11747,1 14.1 le. le,* 4,114/1 44•40.6 • 1014.4.•3 111 1.1.4• tom te.•n torench 1).••• 4,, 44 ,,g,‘144,4 4.,„44,4414,„ ; ,• .r.nsei..., Ili it've" . I to! travro ...41 ny Th., iroge.,,,,;, ...„. ur i„, ,, r,,,,,, i.„ wh, •• i,...ir(i. 1.-.1.4).. .riatatelitlail ;i a11),. evidr,,j. ,jii‘i otiviii,a4 tlittilay tilt•V ' 1.1, • -• 1.11,41 .14-1."1-1 riww.. 'ttivr li..ve ;toyed t.efui on oec...--ion said ..1 .kole'n.'3',"1:,' • 4 "11'...ti 'L.", "'41.el.irlit'nr.lutth'eutis i,b;11'; 'i,,,2*ni•liel'eli4ntleitiwelitieseetesim-el::! 1314:11 Iile11°14y. row., ed . I. I o..so 1 .114 4t14,11..3114I 4411 I very doubtful ii they tom 4.1111 ant • ti .. thous,. .. lar,.;..• ... 111.11 keit ;g41.., migit,,,,y i„,,,a, .. .11 Au .,.4......-.4 ..,. Lhe px, .,tr, s,'S•ris• '41 5, ' • • •6..i'i` '4141,41411--' 0:11 liture or :bought. ,•ii,•,5y Arid : ••• .1" r, ..... t`' .11 •I“ ' thi-I "Y..kent ‘',4* money . Am f...• C.; • t• .....-,11.411 :pies! NI ..• 444V... • •• 114.Y &a,. 414014-4 i. 4111.1 1.41 • del Ole . 711 4.4. o •.,,si (ill- th... 45444, e,..„ 14, 4...,•• it, oLiAantl fetnilwi itstake•a......... • h. .r ': ...iir• i* HAI- ill V1.1,4 .u. ... . a ,. ..e.'. , t•- 1'1' •1141••Itt", tatit iti 1 lo• iii ..• , '14 . 14 &! Wolf . II- ' 4,• • •••••• ..• . I...." • 1'. ••14- init.. ti-,. i .1.1.4 ie., .tr., ...:'.. like the Ward sole, 1 • • ., . ,„ „... ; . . -..,..;•• .c i ,i1i3:••.4 . • :•311t/,i,•, •e•.,I..;.•:i:etnlot.odte. a... 4,.),,,,,:.,.;..;,.4'..1rttI1.,11. ,,.et,m1:,4i,,44:.14.145..:4;.th44 he 11g,b,,:t.14_Is:e(14784,,r,,eai 4 Iid4 5)5)41-141.1, 4.1 f.. 4. t„ 1.4. .1h.till ttiotr.3 -...4-.....'. i! -. 41 . 1. - . • 11ttift../01, 1301-11 11.1' o'l II 477,, caul 0 !go life .• if ..f Willis pit*O.1 ' .03 .... I•• I .tli• • • _..." , •ti r , • ••"" .4+. ., I ..h • is, ii ti ,1 -4,. `-4 .4 a e It •.. '.. . , 4 "OW Bleach'", Linens are unexcelled for softness of weave and '.leasing pattern.,. A splendid showinv of Table Cloths, Nap- kins. Towels ,and Towelling. Our pur- chases are direct front ‘Old Bleach- mills, Randalstown, in Ireland. All linen 42.1!).1.ached and bleached Table Dale: at old prices, 54.c, 55c, 60e and. 73c Itiuciatback Towels and Towelling, Guest- - Towebs. all si7es, in neatest patterns you' - ever saw. Sheetings and Pillow Cottons New flr 14 whitc Cot- tons, 11,...iv,„ so!i e. at 14741, 1 -I I it: anti I5 R:rnarkabl,: Fur Values . • :-••, • rt•r:•‘•• 4-0444'1 f,,t.411 • laiittrtir CVt• 1.1 of` :1 ..,I)0.7V . . . I . W. ,A.L.,1-1ES01\1. SON •••-• 4, . , • 1 : 1 • .. t e n u i t,he i r S o.,g•g r s .• •t e,s o i t s t i c e / 4il i t . ...1 1111)" 11,4 the,r o 1'1411 4!.1 tb-ii 1 4 l •!•141 clam.: Ntit .1411 ,1sr.tt4441riottt 1,q. , . 1 id . 1 -'Iii„ 1Tf. , .7 1 )-•,o1 1a.Ire.a.faott, • 1nI , . - , ie* ce 4, • uto I,!- c .. • ' e ' y .• .. .'aI •. .a l c•-• '.o' • t“p• . . . . , e: • 1 „ t 0..4.. 4• . 0t • .r i. .,a, . •;-i•.. . .e.1.-• . •• . '7 .u o• ., i , t. . .0 e.v- .. e 41e. 1, 41 nod ii'twr)41 th hion44 44' eo.t. pill 4 elllipt1•11,1joto 1•11,1 • '1 rt6111,410, ,war 1*... -147WU 144, tt 1142 • *154? th, ity 1 14.4.5 4811 . • et 1(1li4,41 14,01JaJgthat 4,111 t • Lind "le ...sit*_ 81''" relc* 3 -4 s., wes.. v, pie-melt0 tittOre r 41 4414)44 rat eiii544-1.iy 41 .4,4 , ala, • 414.44 :4.n.L...1 h P14 C 41 1•11 •tel% 4.. ifteen a --ft,' ifilife•epf-tafion0; whil.f 0 1 1• 1111;15 lir I41iThe 1,..11•1,1 .rolooof 01..ed ey 41113 these (01141'. are sect* t-servtw ageot. (wing on any suanly (1evi.u.d la The eetabl,shmeut miltary profit teat at al make. 1,1 1. • , - ./.) it 11:1'4‘r,.y bike 11,114Itte•f/OhOtt W1,14I 41.4 mile1."11 srut ••• t, ri, otore It g.tte- ." pre/rot w t:.,,04,tyr 11 41 ilitng i.t th44it tr1144 .4, •I tlb" 1A 1 4714a4 11 .I t .-11 •••• •• ,.‚.‚4I..rili. 1,,. t..'. •• piL:et, te" 4a .1 4,1, '.P(' aa u•taOr r.•- • s •.•• 1fie ti • 1 ?a, , 1I4013Itli31. ex1 2 bor1 0ki,11411 1* P4n. !Ay. 11111444.: 11`i ft bit more v1.•rit • 4,41ri' • -.111- il 014the defersifp,11s-stro•tily eh 441 4 g n. 04oa,, te.4. 44e o,WOO 14.331fy111/ 14 14•1•11i 1 Tito it(e.)44•kit nee001111•wow • watt elife &owned bail40, teee.lc 1•1114,, 171•g 41111otr taaea aa to.vy atthawinustituide fre'311-1`1,, os,u... eundrheformsf ioditereisgretextit 4 . o I - p i t ; efrirow Or .1 y the *4. •. I .,4 f il i e , . 3 i••• rat,,A. 4 Ake 01451t1 our .4531.4' h a• w ! and eusintenater spies at fixed forCe exeerstaten t npotinirneit hstile cautrevbeafei4noont irionhors S'ory semanred to 6gni. thoir Wa• (Mini *4.)4484 ,1'' . l ue t , l t24 • l i r. l e t h•- r . . a . pww-,-. •s , ; ` f , - - , ei'OY leo loceilert titlesent tr. into4 tiontito413)1 048 1 1 1)., ow; lyf.9 bitt-rif eegledsolne onesOnemay .ay I mt,. e4 Minot ofiler1nage sysenttha.otent e stlof 11.ikind whohaveally 4110141 114 IL IR II (54 )144414 I nr.r wo40ti4(h„.„„,,,we.144.81410. am* Imet notva4 IV h-1,twritit It 8, 1,411(114, Kiroy-The Pityabvhel i. 81 all "LIIllWall 516 ,.t.worine.. f • ,i•ipl 1,t • i 4t 4 i .y . . t . - . 4 .'- v . - , .ey itr e e 1 i . 1 •. , „. • d . e m n . to•- rr i l oa nr i s - 4.3'/ 44 4444 11 aotilldetiti 4(1 a 1f.„rn 1Atlanticd 0.00 h l 4111 clement 4548)'o hitn. -Stich '*417 1•1 -• , m.y all ivters"(4 '1 , tior ,OtIt 1.11 I. I r •g .r .. o • Itemedsoing tlie . If arrpoputar clamor whiehtiave in the 5 4 1f1w 11thraytu• 1040,3t1ie4 1111/1•5rVRWM,*1141 milly I • 4 rfeal .• tti. . e• AltniillY•c'•fb-:111111011 in They left, dshiiitt z whett one rootearenet:tally fght. film, 44.444 r..-,) luve the, thi, But t a ofit,1Mirwatfeet Oaswith ali t. p ! "--Po!ct;an l . ,..1 1' . i t hemitiftel. 1.n•te lie,,,,4 d 1 King IhThi publwit., r might In II- p t " raw Pit ."' 4' -•,•.') tt , , th the. till•e p‘climear. of dila' int! glom... ThKttI!1 wed pad have&tight I )mores • 400. eIomlftltdi.g ow their moterandwedul .nd It mon.ns evn st•en it . atoinI th.• pe -.pie f truer will stind shgs. rgneultiwo-th. thinl 1.,...14,1, .for the Aunt tootMr. McFailane it , the t .insrees of 115415'4 01.134.•111.00e Vh*t4 10 44pi8 future of the ter. • pulling off. Many people win, tested sad is the whole 'range of riforlea liberalised from the Tors's l" KeY 1 et• wi crery alairact or veramv. It' hie. 114,1 I•nd of eitered memorlies "over !llamas of hieing a lawyer to neak• (don). ft "haat the enittre of the , fled for mit advantage were. nait.d their fillip, in i311.1111 they don t know. 4,„ o 5...1 tint the oliesiter help thot Mr. flowers, the renele of the Melia, the tlhint tht• ern.. }••• einitrIbute miracle. Of Ras Mil, with beauty [th.t.great ironies of histot that the M' ho" ad! 0454 ever) where." cradle of Chi anity ghoul, for 1.0 fl• v'', Y 4" • •,•lat of the pat - t ,,f the. e Ira o her words, emirs hate for ell part 4,f the .1 inn of • noe-Ch bitten peitple. •Vh, 11 1". "t "Ve a Gitaw. h .4 actre on Sitnriny night the Turk goes, who anall what in. I,. fe'le 11.41 do leer. the hoes will when it ers. reported !torn Brockville twice his ploret I. there illy charter. „.1"" t". twY tha laorilv of of the Zionist Mead tooter ioliaiolt nrin .., and we 1111.1... -rand that a pelt. mad tianareipie (hit • I ear.hits. , 18,, t too VI in cirrtil a•ling the tiov- actti.litV? At .the present t• , erwmfnit !tons the United State. mid Jews foini only • very small minority ttttt ent into/tete in this matter. paamed ti•et 1 hoar Meer* find prtt.erdet1 the Ibit with the 40 the di•e4 nut of the capit.l. The 'sympathy and help of the gre.t lights on Path...tent Hill and through It'17.717,7w• aiicorenhwiTeitt7,1,.. the city genet ally wet-- put not, and loge.t el to Jews the work, oVee and wa. considerable excitement . tins ..nrient glorie..4 1,idea might he over the p.ospert nf raid mein the revived. Even were new 7.ion to he - sem of NeiL,Liv „imp44 jr-.;iwit.enanne,arnecoori..n;:lishiiednfalcutr41;1411 thole . 4 . 1 1 :4, C1 f; d t . ;, . t * us . 4 s •-• i e e a t ,tie, 11 heeU1314/1 tt SAY.. 11.1 .1 tte ‘• the Ttre.the llestessef•the ofrial bob ;w p1.' wl • h. t d tv • we ) err heins. er..birst 41 ni-rie " 4114i.in.. '1'6'.yy 1. • use, ... 111 811104"- npt* Into .hicote plrtso titer, s 1etlwr1rePl;47,lt!: .""1481'1bZ•ittae., wh:oftw • h.1)11m. nt,1 1-ig854auAer, '.41(0)1. Tbit **sop o 1141/44.41 444844, Villfl wait. (4. motion.. it lone h..t they hive Ken ' vri.d• e 1. th.eotelea le 1-•aidde, mustsuppoe it is&con- 14454 "III' 111' 11111 rbiene.• te the . west.,in con.- a of civi:6,,shief "hare the tuei Ifa te 45 A* env We/ litded ot, turn" n. Rmer lrnor his collttgoe. Long Isidol. and '%,-w Yorkers wineopen their in he, poilie heating to flit:wavier Tito fie. man manager of a utilises to ie• Ler brief di.n.teh or, a • "Ott, ecii.• Iwo 1 obi. 4 reetet a he- curt 214o•Leflee (101'ii11111.1111111 ion to • •Praratos on ha. toot. how, I woe. lowee..ful lint -omens. -t of .11 la prima *cue. 'toting in every form of iiikficent wormy 11 Above all. whit . 4 title w.II sow ff. I lenneeil 1 ern, to the t ngline:-. not a soggestion of num- tto•it. 11,`4" *1011.4 ti100+6 )40* -141 fee, A Ilia' ofdltelte a• rear "Ill Care to pest report from Morristown. N. Y.. that 1 •rwl hoene. per •Inion et.II be% • souse boy," t h•v• had omit tip h..-• toy to he 111444e for the (ink. inn gioudi baking,. hos/ i .1P*11 dr.fted .hip of the Holy 'Sepulchre and other the elver the CanaAiin. The; iPe(liceer•d o'fblirt"hosional0ndIrshicIs et.'Pry hri.liTesnasr, reektente 01 Prorkvill• wil" we're *Imo chiefly from Ruesise, make R pilgrim - they beard the whirring noise 41 the age. Mr. Mrhay 3» tree...titer of Knox rhos eh. and 1* a nietnher of the high ..ehool hood, the library board, the hospital 1 t not, and la fit herwi.e. so idlentitled with th.• public weal that %Vallierton cannot afford to lose 4)1m • ...buten. nor H• tilecounty official. It Oa far easier to ariptire • reputa- tion for greatness thin it is to make good. Many • woman who doyen t know her own mho! gives her husband pieces or it. sisie, would thee pet ahrint it. If emote the 411enree 01 111*4411844 sottiong ?hind - try -booms en ;be neiglabothored were seise... Wee learn on whai,. appears to (Muni t•• 4118'..'l.' f4we be goad auth.w:ty that Berlin Willi tbe 4•4114tort of Ilea, v attillery cinder hen egged and almost bni.ierla1, thy rata' of r .4)44114 if leAdi••$1 thrfallof Antiverp,and that there men In t Long 1.1 ..41 4VII,s, who*, of evacuated 1,4,14' •••e- otehr-etedr‘ a 111,1%1$ y 1194 never for a444,010584 horn ; elution. victory. M.li nI, New YOrk Isi um Athol; were to go out n t • , and Benne seethe w.th ex.•ilement. and the etueney snit art Hi their guides sJi.l , armpit' hy At rev. V' 7.4.AV developmen I pi.c.• at' • 1-etr di.r1,-.11 all their Rio% of the struggle. 444' I. nolo,. heard of of litesd infOrnertikm : if 1.4(01 s of (4: IP the naval victo, het 1.. the II. hiroli)d most inn., re tit app... retire were proved . Hight and oil t he Fall Innil faleoala with t.. contain military tofu,' 1,111, 11,0 of the 110 more I hail lite nos • oval congtetiii..- 1, mot 4,1*) rharac .r ,, rate') under the tion. tif friend. whi, In. t in the street, stamp.. and hetet.. n h ..111 mire' •1..oking 1 And for all 1 hat soot 1914-11 We might tutve ph,,tneemplie and *41 4,' mount,. : if a ..iffeted a rcvet-ae. Acoordiog to travel - Long 1.1.•tal fa rim, recognised at I he 4-r'. returned from Pet...grad, the eity head ,.4(h. advaticir• troop4 a men we...-. 0.• sign 04 )7 Of lament•tion. who Mid Ir en for ve .re in hie errodnr. Pa.i., to peace the most s.n.itive of non?, and w... at ...lee meartord hy all to every paeit.g impreseinn. give.. him ...Oh^ list of i h. rooms, te retie,. , no eIgn, hot monde it • tiovernment to Anti gnods !hal he Wag immediately to , egret v, dig. 444 114194-41414.. and then sees hand over to :he 441441,105', If reaper -red it. enemy thi its, hack with the •111110 and well to, to sto,ekeepere, wiamifse Inimobit. countenance. There ie turer. aril refetifm, a tamed not le he Miens, In Parliament so -41 In every in eo111 bastion 84 ,44) the enemy : if public i lace, silence in the street, le tartooneeted remelt.. were, soddenly , the mar ki+1, in the •.try horns* of the to reveal their true character 0.1111,1114. • people. Ate] ht lielgiuni anti Nortio tore Amnia). in epare,1 in .,Ivan., if j ern France there is the •ilenee of dea- th* fire 4.4the lien -min goes on Mew ; olai ion, 4-4 strick•n churches and the York %Imre obviously being diroeted 1, 'helium. of their prrilyti. Mona tnerrers, hy .1440 41. from the city itself; If rait' , nf towns and weedingi gutted under way hridires were royaterinnaly hlown , the limy eh!. Jup : if *pipe were caught red-handed In ; Air thermitor haw foond time to et -wi- th. (7ity flail and in the Brooklyn ' eider this 'tate 14 things. she may W A •,, N ri r . . 3 e . .) -410 3 W I • • 47141 7.e. 1 t!o e p f .fa . • • I . , lll1 a ` . the •. iI4. v.1.I4a aty • I w% i • , , • : .. ta.I,: h , ••'• :m• Not ,1 44 •V , • t-i••t• ' 4, e• . 0 4/ I, • :11 111 IV e • . 1r• 1•1• 13, t 1 ; c That willvar - G O O . 1. .0 6 . • • IIA ea . IA /"I' caintor i r ! t I i l .• • ., i• t • ,, aa11 4 j ; :; 'T, ft ; - ; 1 4 1 i T A' .•.t 'far./1 • u ••• • • •••••-•'• • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ,1' A, h o u h t. I.,• --btu t i..a, "• :1••.11I•1 ,T.. :1 , - I- : ATiti-, •.:..t *: '..s,I...; Tte Getn•. • 4 imbiss'y-.•,04 • )..•41dCA , 4.....„(id by Ii . l'..I . Wolff1,1 1544 1-1r.Y ,it . I 1 . .1 .. 14).. 111, C1oina1111"wrag1•• .• re 414r it.w..: - ,l. Th*. i.itiera-.p...7wkia,,k.t,.bthe.,wi;.1 11.'1/ nd i:.• „ et aizinn 1001.1i,s,44j.14 2 Thou -li .' .... .I. .11 1h' i rga of ti. wr ..1 eltree int% th. third ataa th- I ,:trth it1.,ratrO:,„ Ivietorions • -14111 fpniT4 • tenors- I 4141,41, 81. , 3. 'Thou Idt-.W • '.4 gaiagg.... foil listen. of sr 1, tort 'opt etnit jest. 11.1e by tooter, yeeette,„•y; ,,, t anything 4.11•009.4 • 1/104, 131 fee ;Stet. 4 • Wig di. 4. ft-iiiembe, Pence in your awl, and tuay this /mortify ron even when ,hem serves, h • pre env. ror sh- future will 14. a, a .taatiltai II' *h-.'*. it» tolei.n, tracK- tie 1 th • t 115 g 'he... • :Muller; a,Ewatt CRANTON •y = C , I " :. I1•I•0A 40•4 Cpai. Stove n 1 Ch p.ople 1 there .41.:1: met ft, two • Miise ter 11111 • •••••••••• ••••• who tioneellY 'As tr. 118144 st• anger s111.11, 'ay rites 5. Honor thy 14515. 4- and 11e• mother thy thy lit' arbare). f.• the. eihr th•ns s trivets/ill ths. Innate, whi,:h they lest ft. 1'b.111 notst 14111 44 thoo wilt pre4 spiv, thy We, whiett 1. thventlitellen with d. a'melt .n. • 7, ti holt terries 4141 145*' w'01.n of ties manyThy are endue ing sat - rillre motel, an1 iorrow err bout en*. plain mg. 54. Th. is ,h th n., the1 «hill 1*1,1044-. .,. thine ..vri. 411. 4)8'. 9: 'Thou *hall no ••• fibre 'al 110.4 .4544111"? thine, owl, folk. I 5 1)» now aye ',motet • ovet 410, ni *1,0, 144, .•tastossyst. 414484et4 .1.ees, nor an}:hing thaw hi. 01 whieh ha. teen made fat the stranger. • • i. ofF, Yr1 Mitchell Otos Autailiary Plant. I Tn.' HOMO KIN eitor,Yeafni th, say•: "The Ilydrn.elecw rIr bights were eut- ling 4411 didoe, rdaying hiJmaitd-fro• , mat. on Mond*, night. The trolilde , wa. 'down the line,' the caw.. twine ice ot, the wines and high wiled.. A. mipery 4»'.' no...many. it was *one enr.olation to know.... we gat In the dark. 78744 every other Sown Woo* the liar Irmo Niagnira to Oriderich twitoilarly pituated.- The Rip witor was wrong in ita last statement M It - .8.11 wee not Iv nteat.d. When the Niagara posse. Ho.. heiran milting up did.* th• eteetet. chin turned on power from the ; teary steam Hoz, anti We 41441 1104 aft ID the dark. -Idltehell Recorder •••••• tire (firorgr - jitel TORONTO to f ....fee of Whopping wig Wpm, o. lo.trii tr. WO WIWI- NO vela 1110825 SEAM t * NI, awl.) o Act PLVI A 14 511,15 lestwaraat tot a laoassa0,. F. W. Robinsoa, A.R.C.O. TVA, 114111 or Plesinferie. Organ sad Swiss Sews ever Tbeasee's alessis Mere uuturten ..s-revuo