HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-18, Page 1- --1 gob Printing If you west pour Print- ing dune promptly and In up-to-date fa-hlon, let Ua have your order at The Signal SIXTY.BKVr:, TR Y[Att-ver I547 ttta► , O M &seems I Dee ,! B"`""'� I!' ONTARIO, i 11111 liw STERLIN6BANII OF CANADA \' ...a-.r..ea... a^e• n..*w ..+arow.aetsa. 1111.4/.e'- TI:ACII VOl'R Clill.I)itEN TO SAVE, because- No. 232 Your children;u►ay listt:u to our advice on thrift, bat to open s:IVing% accounts for them is far more effective 11esd ODed, Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto General Mager - - - A. H. Walker Godsnch Branch A. Porker, Manager! PROTECT three dependent on. you by taking a policy it. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada • ('meds'" only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE iN MASONIC TR,YPL WEST STREIiT. GODERiCH PNosee 'OVVIct 20: Notes W), P. 0. Box 3111 BUILDERS' SUPPLIErS• of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. If you are thinking of building this year we should be glad to have you call and talk it over with us. GRAIN CHOPPING We have the facilities for doing this work without delay. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. GADSBY'S LETTER• FINANCE MINISTER WHITE AS A TAXATION EXPERT Will the Increase of the Custom, Tariff Boost the Manufacturers More than the Revenue ? - Why Not Prune the Estimates?- Some In.' teresting Que>itions Raised by the New Taxation. iouat. mer - 'OM. A Few Calendars Left The Signal still has some Ualeindars for iulecrlbers who pay their subscrip- tion norm for 1915. Hand in your dollar and get e Calendar. t• ERN',IR1 IS. 1915 4 1 4 THE tl1UNAL PKINTINOCo., LIMITEl1, Puu.:anal/ 1 -: HEADQUARTERS STAFF FIRST CANADIAN CONTINGENT -:- I (l;opy►tahtedl. . Ottawa, Feb. 17.-1t took a Kurop- eoO war to justify Major General Saul Hughes and the new tariff. Liberal up Parliament Hill takes the view that the .Major -Gene at pl.uably ha. the greater number of excuse.. Faced with a deficit this year of ' $11O.l ll,ta$1 end next yeah of 1f11't•1,111111,- Ie), Finance Minister White tarok the bull by the horns and raised Ow general and intermediate tariffs seven and a half per a-nt. and the British prelerential five per cent, The tariff increaser apply VI oil articles dutiable or on the free list and cover all mater• isle and finished products. Mote then thit, he called to life a lot of new epeeist taxes -taxes on I1rnt cilculatiun. on trust and loan company incomes, on insurance pr. 111' dome, ou cable and trlrgtaphic mes- sages, ersages, un railway and steam.hip tick- ets, on sleeping berths and sesta in parlor cars. In +holt, be did a little Uuyd-Georgiog. but not enough to hurt. The banks. loan companies, in- rurrnce companies, telegraph and (-able companies .and railways may b• trusted to pass it on Otte way or an- other tattle consumer. There isn't a _-�_ received moan out of one of them. the mat are Lt: -Col. A. H. f•lacdonell. D S. O Ls -Col G C Ger .N arming to hie Work the hlnruce all of des General Staff: Major G. Hamilton. D. A. A. G . Lt. -Col- G L Foster.. D. A.D.. medical officer, Mayr .1. T. E. Gagnon. M.niater dipped int•, the remote pain, field cashier : Capt E. Clifford. D. S. O.. assistant provoit marshal . Malor.,Wodehouse. satr+ry ottiser Ls. -Col. E. B..Worthing- not, the twilight period helots Con- ton, Divisional Headquarters. Lt -Col. E.B. Clegg. owts.onal-Headquarter Lt. -Col Frost„Red,offKerm darts sub -record office; Lt. -Col. Raway. attached to Drvu,onal Headquarters. 'tLgARING AUCTION BALE OF ACTION SALE OF LIVE NTO('K t. i FARM ttToCK AND IMPLEMENIn. A AND IMYLEMaNTb. MR. M. TURIN MIL HENRY OVVIKK will met b pah/le a0etbn al hW farm. tb 3rd . w9 sell h public auction at lot 41. eiaoe.don let sortb 01 Dunlop. Culbdree town.blp. M I It. all ti 18 .* ttnet. w FRIDAY. rKHKUARY frith WEDNESDAY, MAID Hard comn,eneing al I &aloe* sharp: i unmmeacl at -1 0cluck •harp Wood draft mare. s rear. old. 1 good ruing . years uM . br 7 „ ,, t s tansstood small hone, "mind and good: 1-. LIVE 81Y11'K.-one beats draft gelding. dash - ; 1 err dash !.tote. it. gelding. , Year. ead : 11°4 draft my . larva iIng 4 year.- old . I driving Aiding. ria a old: 1 good general purowte h.wse:1 d.i•In4 years old: 1 tlhy Iheae drain.. ri•Ing 1 year Mese 1 new salved 00W. s lea►* iears ntent(. 1 old : 3 cow.. io calf : 1 fat .Leer.. rising'- 7edr. feseirs arrow ntiw� x2tai•bolf l'.. 3 year aid :: yearhrg steers.( r d tenter,1rising olldl: l et•old: 2 ookk lieit•r work e�uk- fbeifer.: 2 Polled Amor. sworn ridng 2 YM•* . lug 2 tears old : 3 .pang rale 0.. 3 winter 1 Durham .Fe+r0. r.ing 2 fear"; 1 better. ria- ware.,.,. 7 good e., l brood sow. In pig. Ina 1 ears: Ilesrll..g•leers lfware.,IDo.hamer . IMI-Lkflr\TS.--oneMan.ey-HarrtsWoder. 1 b, d .ow. due in Monet; a so neer of .tore 7 -loot out. bought new last year: 1 Marey -Har - begs. 75 good 7Mey1 ben.: 1 M•e. ,-Hartle not mower, army cut : 1 Mn+e ay-Harrl.. 13 -hoe Marlin. ; font rut. sear)) new :1 Marry Hardill. aeorly new; 1 • drMr.ey.Harriv cultivator; einwe.. ; feet cut: 1 Ma*47•Harrt'• Peed drill, 1 M.a.ey dated. her -e rake: I .reel roller. 1 set I bay rake. 1 New earocalPmaler.1 new -Pring- of Iron harrow.. 1 lumber wagon. 1 net of bob- tooth oatooth cultivator. 1 riling plow. 1 twin plow. 11 bay fork, aur, tope alr,gs, on Mary wagon. 1 Pet of .prtag., l hal raek. 1.00'; b M team maugel.. roe of re -► teaharm.. 1 pal. Clog t. 1 wagon 4011.1 sot of "mg.,1 set of pee, 1 wheelbarrow and numerous other Iron barrow•. 1 -et of disc hareem-. 1 tel article,. roller.: -et. of wbtfflrtrem, leech yokes. 1 out .alt will be wad. ►' proprietor he. r, nted the e( Keary bees --.1 wet of plow bene-•. 1 sat d .rm. .flask harms 1 honing .1111 and bagger. 1 ret Imola - at rattle, mngeb aand all sums of Of 1••' Ir. .41111."'•.41111."'•1 pUlper. 1 aru'd-tone. 1 Fttwundo lo and und. c..•h; over the. amount. nine Blower lingo grinder. 1 (lower d phaeton. I month.' credit .111 be given on furnishing lip - men road wagon. 1 cotter. 1 ream separator. ',roved jowl nut-. A discount of 1 per Dent. fork - -tetras. d ra•- other h all .. d for .h on credit am011 D 1 s IP,M.dwd tti <metro of The So..tord fl..eeal this officers of n...._.�_t Headquarters Sean. C•11•2111111 Expeditionary Force. Left to fight don Hall. Lt -Col C. 11 Motchefl. Lt. -Col. H. J. Lamb. fderatittu• Into the still more twilight period when Rritish North America{ was largely a Crown colony -he dipped, 1 pry, as far heck Ise the elgh• tee 11th century 1., bring tip -.n outfit of atawp taxes on eparrbi.g and sell wines. palest uteadicinre rod cuu.mer- cial paper. He showed the re-uurce- lulner tit • Necker ur a Turcot In tap ping tmru-peeted ur forgotten veins of revenue. 11 he had horn present to holster up Louis the Sixteenth he might have staved off the French Revolution. He produced taxes we sever thought be bad about him. drawiae theist like rabbits out of a postage one t all round, Thee Finance Minister avoided in- eowe tat for three reasons -be- cause his special andstamp taxes had gone far enough along the rose to direct taxation, heeause the Provincial Governments will probably do some- thing in that line themselves and be- cause the first Dominion Government that tries that on will land in the hone yard. The Borden Government, loyal though it is, is net prepared, like Quintus Curcio', to leap into the abyss -at least not just nitre when King and country need it so badly. 33e - sides. M the Finance Minister candidly admitted, the tariff is his mainstay and he would he recreant to his prin- ciples if be didn't give it another squeeze. We're a long way from the rind of the lemon yet... If the Finance Minister's calcula- tions are correct he will raise eight to ten million dollars teen his special teases and twenty to I wenty Bve mil- lion dollars front increase in customs. His bookkeeping for 1915 will run this way. Outgo, f];it31,133),a331, income. $112.1,111.10.41(1111; ordinary revenue, $15�1,- 1s31,1$N), of which $11ki,1331,1331 is hot - rowed money, anis g l5,Ot31,(IUU from special taxes and increased cost duties. He contends that hie new n 11 a nerd.* the money. It i a worth rrwetn- bering however. that thts year's war Town 1.1 $1131,I1U1),11111 from the British tiuveinment is mere) a war credit until it is spent and if the war ends suddenly we may not have to post it eba.. ed .. . Amish. u mut*, Ifiling\UU{1t*t. 1Htxs.Ut.'\ n tariff will stengthrn the hotue fare t:serlthheR will w dt.va d fit, a. smoD►lstor ( Prw.fieu,r. Aubun.. Aactla,eer. krt. build up indtlstrtes, encourag has -old the tat.• Tsaww-.til -0m- '1 owe"' "doe.. oadar. t•a-h : AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. immigration, offset, the shrinkage i err, tau f iodnt. ere mat7r So wrl. be A trade. wipe out current deficits. mea urn o.. furri•Mag eporerednolo! ewe.. A MIt. WILLI.tM c. UCRt+T the interest acrounL on the vat tests RRii r altos..[ of 1 per pent. etr,d,tbt rlbwed t e'a.h w credit arose. � will dell by public unction at col 17. Maitland -in short, do everything protection i V.lrun P.D. THOS. OC%IDRY. fOeo"'�'• l'e1M,rne township. on supposed (0 do in tiniest of (,lace an Tont lop Meve* s r cliper tl' MAIL hh n I ..ala Tdl'Kr the to r..ke Asc!lotaer. , more e 1 ll h P 1' nrPets I ..r. n K at h act k argument isthat Itch mare: um n K ( a ' •�� But hie main rR _ .. - - - - i 111edun ¢t•Id il' .tg two years y deed WANTED hd"Viking Idit,. • t„ rising 1 year old: - - _ , t driving imidlog. n.. , l fhr• 1lbye. rl.hyt oKNitt. - UCK :SEW ILLli9- 1 pow,. m u, Nolo o 4421 *tv. IN good geode A K's sows moa of Ihr. .•aloe In the spring: 1 L� . tested catalogue will interest you. Trish c.lvud ro-' : arad..to•ni. r1 ing 3 fftteeoo Write HU..LINKAKr, $PPCIALT Y I yerfw old ; 1 gra. , ?Miri 1 rear. oho : 9 COM PAIS V. Toronto. OA I grade heifers ahs 1 year old : 1 Tm ing ,rives • 3 grade 1 .5- . • ,,wa,dNe to 'strew FIRE AT DUNGANNON MALLOUGH HOUSE BURNED TO THE GROUND. • Well-known Old Hostelry Destroyed in a Blaze Which' Threatened the Whole Village Goderich Firemen Lend Their Assistance. • ! Thr old Malluugh thou..• at Dungan- ; two was burned to the gruuId tonight I t1'huralay). for tiro being caused by 1.11 overheated-t.�v•• columned with a i d, le •tit e chimney. 'Tie nodding was I a large home one and once the flame gut bead%ay' thrS• soon enveloped the i whole place. 'i'tte lire started shortly xli.rr 3 .,'chu:k and was stet under con- 4ru1 until a1Nwt a. Af one live it seemed that the whole block would have to go and assistance was asked Ifie flow Gtalrt•icb. As it was, the fire was ,topped l•etore It teacbed the dtivutg shut and statdes. Srt'eu til eight of the lioderich fire brigade, headtd by Chief Thompson, respondeat to the call for rsristance and aro a out in a big sleigh, and lseveral persons expecting w see a rotor% bat Ia1 her c..1rfi .gration also idrove out from WWII. As there is 00 organized fire protec- . tion ill UflIgaonOI the lite -fighters de- eerbe rpeciel praise fur the wry the Hamer were got ur.itir control. The telephone office, -which is situ - 1 aunt tight next tee the hot. I, was 1 threatened with destruction several t inlet, and comwunicationa were held up fot the ,treater pal t of the evening. The burned building w•ar owned by Mrs. �lallough, formerly of 1)ungan- nun, ha. naw of Toronto. and was partially covered by Insurance. to the debit side of the ledger. Ht ,- CANADIANS REJOICE girl left' the court without stain upon lain (ends us this money for tear put- 1 - - her character. • poses only and if there is no war Mr i When They Get News of Their Early W. Protdfrot. jr.. for plaintiff. get no money. The Finance Minister Departure for France. aak'd for postponement in the ca -e of •claim for $1,1:ii, by the Peter. Mac- atates for worst we esu expect. ►o Mr. U. F. Carry' has receivers r letter Ewan B+carr• of Oode'rieh, against the that anything less wall lout like r �'fn•w his rote Pmlip, who f.' math a estate of J. L Carter. Sarnia. A. blessing. I ri uallla cur ,r ill lh••'fissr ('Andira Weir. 'of Kornis, appeared for the The exceptions are well ctintrived R t' ► W hold the toe in play. Among nth. r cooungeut, written just (oef..re the Carter estate.. The besting of the things to. which that tail(( Inca railing of the Palladian utopa for case was set for the Sarnia assitea on do not apply are wheat. tbwr. teaI b'rauce. Fruui Mr. Caseys letter tt to Match l8 b. sugar. tobacco, aotbrarite coal -that I evident that the buys err anxi0ue t.o L. E. Dsneey applied, for the ap- • at the increased � Kot w t•h t h enemy• The iutment of Janes Burns to admin - heads oft! slscb asst efiniap attireLIDO. Reaps, O. dao We lb. bi..ders, harvesters, bustler twine r.e immune, but ploughs. which are wast closely allied w ►be• Gower vat ive patty and tree indeed represented in Pat torment, get seven and a halt pet cent. more protection. presumably against the Munroe Doctrine. Mean- while the farmer is suppo"ed to reflect what a kind (ether be has in f be Gov rt gii iL.1 r tJ,s .��r01.10140y/,�r��l O r,• raga i• Tn iro�1i, Or D.ly�atn. w�Oti rte • ernment at Ottawa. Newep.int papier, newspaper prone* and type. set Ling and casting mscbtoes are out touched -the moulders of public opinion Ivih please r,turuIter this in their editor- ials. They ate perfectly Mae as lung as the paper manufacturers on hxotti sides of the international line don', get together end make the War an ex- cuse for boosting pricer -A scheme which is Bald to I,e under way already. Iwpirteti whiskey is the meanie ut ppulhmg off a good day's work for the home producer. The furl ign stuff is b.urted seven and a half per cent., but as th-r. 114 oro c"nrreepunding excise duty on the native product the Cana- dian dieuller n'turally get• the bene- fit of the Increased tariff. Thur do they kill the cat by cooking it with ele10112. The exemption fiat ,mibr.t1• •s Nrvr..•- ty-seven at ticks of the tariff and in- handle for our shovel and pick. It lb eludes. the uku d nuinlwr of 1 "roue ntxhit two feet lung and the shovel cut:ties.a and inconsi.tenciee. 'I e•, and pick are joiner) and go in a canvas .h which is joined t, the belt at WAuNkTRU. -CHU1K LKAUBK TU j n M.i :7 yrrehr. , . ou.ed Nwk.bu0 hoar. W tato charge of d.• Aednw'a Yr-4yter- e0adl fw .errl,e .r •rod r0glawr0.1 Hark-� T w 1 mu, 1 Yorkstlre brood • FOR SALE Mu rhumb. Myth. Apply to JOS. •rib Ha1W. shire sows. 1 geoid. Secretary treasurer. _ft i •9Everything ae: .nualladd,. , will be 'old. as pro- VEER TO FARMERS. -130 YO -- mamas 1L1. THE PERSON WHO BY pre"oro•ant.• '• orae r grow corn! Oro. you will want :o fl rattle&- AU.e. {1e aid sadder. end • est boor to imams., your yield. At present VVe4uke carried away • gentleman • wilt ovtw that amoern .agathe' eredlt will M important national •abject. Ke grow o pels (rats the IMdfepown HaD on t vizir.; tar I.h �seoved joist rete* A need M the heck silt loam and Dine clay 0d an ur of ern rent tlde tM M 1, swear I'vire ars e Ile ere t of 1 at. 'mutant allowed hr Kent rorat7. Kndorw0d b7 the ahitario 17 T L f- 1 Tammy •• Ic w pe' *stars gam. to HE eN1NA I tort rs Awocletlon, tramples n•sdy. tanners 1 onset i• tW RM� TBue. OU\DRi• her hos Asok ^Item M Orew ttesel Vers.. • , (. N O •' ' . 1 t. atham, Ontario. K -. '. CarOstJ• P. u. has 1 4. O,ee�F� VW follow* • .was not cointent to manage her ti e o order w LIRAS DAD, -How is every l' tl own Madre. 1\ rd ere made thiug. We are geld lost along Brie : - - - - eue included. i alt just writiug you PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. this letter t . let you know that we are --_- going to thin (runt on J/uudsy-just number of Books Issued in we Shows tour days from now. Our transport Increase over Previous Year. bar atsrad y .gone. The uew. cer- tainly did bright. n :binge up. Our The annual meeting of the public Colonel just gave 1t out today. Al- lihraty Ward was held on Saturday. though it her gutty last port. everybody The report of the treasurer for 1911 is is singing and you ran bear mouth- as follows : organ* and other instruments all • stecei1TP-. thivagh the lines. Just think that in Balance from 1913. ...... . ... ttlt2.52 another twu woks ar rttall be in the :o,Q INl game: then the tun will start. 1 ant gird of sue thing though, and that is u. w.11 'noun be ruiuturr. You should see our battalion matching., with the signallers m4 trout. then the ('olonrl. He is followed by the bugle band, and then c the d.tfert•n, companies, and they .ate followed by err r •lir transport wagons and . full ry, etc. �Vr have all di -nutted our old Oliver e•tldipment. and we now have the Webb. 1t certainly hooks nice. This is the first day we nave had it on. It consists of a wide canvas belt with the holder for the bayonet and the Se sot Mt teeelve W Dura a ver _ - I7upeeta • Attatlwer i p lea mar= 11l M request. Pill?: E POS SALE UR TO RUNT R Fes+ AUt1TiON SALK OF FARM STUCK - KY BRIOKI SAND iMPI.EMaNTo. I FOR SALB.-A NUM HP.K r t hal■ sass.. hast aisle. • pest to O. T. 401W: AOM, to MRK W. A. mu YN AK u MINT. -BRICK ltUSE WITH app maws leasee ss Isaled4aR ha e� �, Item's be.0. s cwt' old : t K BALK. -i A YR`1 H I R B BU Malik/ .rKede: Nome.e. o B. C. o's'mium mans 7 ywf, est ; et geed O g step► T•►+r• {L I gra Duro ewes to We Ila w roller • 1 reit al r k farm. ha for& Add J ••y tonaivelntM.pwted:rh QQ HREEri OKI HORN dULLAF'O 1 y}s►. : flu a +� TealeKE Weed. Palen* ressoseMw poste s� reel . 5., * thee ISAAC SALRE1.u. Walnut f elmend baggy. I st el twat' ■lslsA•. 1 wilt I ---pR MALE. A MEDIUM-S1Z sem •'*s11'7•uif a si,1.st e/ISSawa Me�j rheas Ma ' L' hosek het water tenons. Oil wise. 11 sw / ooshebr. fennel• of sooty mos rvntmawt N ff thelimit 'he teat'' def beiopptt mu ill t u a ' ' five un each side: they will hold over offee ha 't and discourage the use of .I p;e1 rounds. 1'hr large hnvrrsack is escapes• hut coffee get); - . i d h t break op the. the hack. There are the hall pooches, c �� ht breath -disguiser. chffee Ivan. es wwill carr r It r k. r bay l on the Is' tad: summed a✓t. t1 1 i ter• ashamed t an ori t » should a Canadian pa greatcoat*, a change of underwear helping of diiimk'rig nest ow aha -try- and 1 11The INROAD i-..polted the issue diu•- helptng to the Iwai til his »t.iht y the MA other small articles. rhe anile in 1914 of books and Magazines as fol - which • r and the rause of battling for I used k is at the shin: it will he R which the eine. ate now hal thug % It used to sal ry our lunch when un al Ino- : Adult 11. tiro. Itt.tglli : 6i -tui deal it a.in strange, however. 1110 route Inuteh, and the weterlottle 1s at i taction, 713. juvenile twig{,., t,hre• : K 111rr other side, 1 will 111Ike IC itpoint ' history, ft7: travel ind adventures, cotta rhuulJ to It e., because with tlir ..vur 113 ; psetry. i3" : other eIaasee, :.71 n• ttiriousl$o11Irate», ragee,.cua 1.. to get nay pectora taken with it on. 2,789; making it total fit notoriously the beverage .if M:ngl:+h 1 rhe sighallegs also cavy their rifles i9,:tyi for the year, nn inrrease of 112 rt+dicele and the chief nourishment of slung acmes their tacks, besides our i uvrr. Ia.1 year, although the hook the Nun cunt"! inlet conscience, flags. en ban wNe desert far some time on Wooden legs stand where th'-y Wet err' giving to have an examine- f(e' Lion on the buzzer and Held telephone acTh...i nLt6e n1r1(.lrs rpidetuic. before lent trig. think. Thr oars The otfieers and committer remain t fail will he put back in the cum- the Nano• O. last Tear, with the rxee•p- the (irant front town . Grant from (Int. Govt :. (:rant front e.ihnt ) Fines ant! cards Rent ........ ... Bank interest.... 1111.1'2 2.1.131 • 91.:111 v ... 50.1111 11.131 IC X 1•y: \ RITC It 1 . Broke, magazines and papers Salmi ie. ..... . ........ (`.all Light . Iunptov. toenail. .. . . Insurance pre ' Inridentals..... . . Printing Witter Flower-; 1'. 0. box and postage. . . . ra xis..... ••. 1�1,, Inst. membership fee .. Balance on hand. .. . COLBORNE TELEPHONE CASES Heard in Division Court -A Long-stand- ing Dispute Settled. 11-0.2 :t,:. 131 217.(11 110,1'2 • 11ts..w :4' 4111 :32.5 t 22.75 111.41 11::19 5.97 2.la1 1(1.(91 At the ratting of the Ulvisioo Court Iwture Judge Holt o1 Mund+y the die - puts between the Conjuror township municipal ielepbune rystrtu and cer- tain residents of the township was heard. The first rase called war that tit H. A. Meskell, and a was stated that tett othet def• ndants had agreed to abide by the d•-cision in this cove. The telephone ry.'ew had charged each of these defendant* with the ini- tial cha'ge ut $Li and maintenance eharges of •I.7b. The defendants .palmi .`they were not rhKbilyy attire en o the system. The *10001its charged were included in the tax bills sent out by the township corporation, and the township was accordingly 1 he plaintiff in these cases. Counsel for the de- fence and for the plaintiff came t.. an agreement whereby the delenda nta tory the amount claimed 'Moue $11i, the intlta! cost of installation, and the defendants get a cleau1Ice fiow the telephone system. The judge was asked to say who shooW pay the costs and decided that theyy. should lief paid by the defendants. The following ere thus.- whuun this settlement affects : E. A. MaskeIl, Lou Maekell, C. A. Itulertun, Thos. Mitchell, Herb Fisher. M. l'yhd III. Andrew Jrhnrtoo, John Barker, C. C. McNeil, -flu. John Halliday and Sand. Aller. The second ea -r was that of John Walter. of Mahlon!, who. the plain- tiff 11 •.1, was indebted to the tele- phone sys.rn1 to the t of $19.75. The defence was shit Mrs. Walter had signed hr•r ranee to the petition asking for the instilling tit the tele- phone without herhu.l,and'N consent. The jury r,tu. tied is v.-otiet that de- trnd.ant was in in. env liable. The next rase was that of Richard Jewell and W. H. Jewell, and the asua,unt cht.itued wan the same. The plea in this case for the defendants WON that the canvassers had misrepte- 51.11'1 d the iulv'ntage- tit GI- system, stating that a.ttet rate wi'h the Bell Telephone Co, POI 11 * he• twene•-.l for I or at rt i4h at • '1..,1 with it I $ •i dart . nl aha per j•rtu, whirl: had telt let m done. The jury lir otglit in a verdict torr the pi ' off fit $ 4l.7:a. lir the rase of 4; au go Ferguson the claim wits for $119,15 and was set- tled between the pat tit , tel tom. Nig before the judge. In the ease .•1 Wesley Allen the jury notice was smock out. sml the caee will Ia• trite' at the Marsh sitting of the Division Mr. ('h t'. Iltarr.,w itppe era d for the township and Mr. 1 E. 1)anct•y for the defendants in .11 1.1.15. The Court was sitting from. 1(1 a. .0. '1 tl.:#) p. 111., with but an 1 's interval for 1 :11. AUCTION SALES. To..... o RRNT. TWU-BTU I lbws M. Mcl'MRrtoy . t1t.t.11 1 hos- eM let _ malars v 1- p. JOHN WN[LATiR will dell by public amities at Mt S. L RR est t. berm Mtmetpal T•ephare MAR 0 lei osiers. woman. (11 moss need d Loa= K $ALK, GOOD TI MOTI ~ Tl' KSDA Y. M ARCH led need : well awned. lir [. RR�[LL, Clad esesesadss at 1 solo* Akan, 'rick - 47 IY a >A Newly oohed Durham gN, • cases K- . L LAMB. R Ye, /. O R BALL.-ONK HUNDRED ,sgesws. 3ser0bed ems. Newly W servogaol tore end, 'heated u Nile • . bans, cane a tussMtlse. Is geed ee*.a�ead�ltes. Isaac Lata of geed .prssig wows. ilw"O 31g! alta 11105ss I*5M mtorr5s4. Is ant<Iw rv0.tr. le wheel,A/ Apply W. JAKIL feet 11 Ue< I, wart Wien , few LL 201111 11 r.S. p'sfr.' n r1uM: 1 wages red 40z. 1 ley . aayMM rose IR R Ne. i /plot ht 47 - petsser, • si.h Vekalsr : w giber IAMB. home. Addrw �wa1 M a01A. ee Iss*sbtor hM yQpR AALR were. but glass eyes, which come frs,m Germany. are deservedly peualized to Lim full extent. False t th nifty come in Mee*a time. but *1 they attempt to mobilise in "eta. with A view to bit- ing the British North America Act in the leg, they must first pierce oar tariff harrier. Limes, which are used in gin rickey", ars exempt. but oranges and bananas, whleh are uses) by rbil- - and sick t mole are sweasen- nrpm for classes. The matter will be wrest it not molested, for with- l the spring a++isle npenrd hal\ on dude nosed t sp4-cirl adopting on I. it roans occupants of the Tuesday Miller r. ustice A.(ii,,l y 1)4-x1. �stamber would never live tit I the I The docket was w bar one. there Ne hat. reformed by.boltvhing the Lib- tieing only one criminal add one civil BORN. seal mt� tits. reel. • Horn and messenger pigeofib are' The grand jury returned a ten, hill (H`t+Hot,M eco r'.4raar stn. to Mr. ad ejs� b i John Snorts for Inde Pat sloe w 1• chi -beim. Trafatgv wneet. a piny. 1 will let you know later how t-- I A c minte of two Isilirs of the tion that. Mr. 3. L.Killoran will act as things turn ou chairman In plser d Mr. Galt. Women'• Institute was • heard in HURON ASSIZES• regard to the request for the use .of the room in the basement. The Jetta Swart* Acquitted of Assault Charge I industrial committee of the Collegiate A Stitt Sitting.institute oleo desires the nee of the dren 1 N a Ked) N J Cline. fir! matte come. iso doubt At the n• agwinat n u war t dsustbteet Jean Kliaibetb. aL..w. of the Minister of Militia, who assault, and the trial was proceeded R plans to signaler them as part of his Intelligens* Department. Hees will sot be Iliapped by the earldoms °Mears, the hers being wthorieed to Sake the matter into tbeir owl) bands It sfi cow- person in basal. hauotw gets gay with them. Ohureb beth. works of art, col- 1setines of curiosities and antiquities, sled snob like religious sod aesthetic mattere ars not touched, the people being at full liberty to eultivate their spiritual side with any mosey tb57 bays left atter paying the poser s MIL tiola and silver he fagots, blocks, bars, drop sheets and pkS , aamaaa- Owlrad es stege tL Rt)7t TARaIAI. 11 -101 Wit WANT A LiN'S WiRM tt[PRI BEN TATI V E ma es ssais4ed 's sewn rad •tslsmy. Weed mow ,- WOW BUM & eats 5N1tA0/, aseBa. Oswer9 OIL rat ssssYs - • -PANDORA RAN e1 - mom of lie red „wise. M I wile hekweber front red 1181±044118s414011 seer that aes�t a rasasM' e0eaa inn post saw. X to Sion Al, orrice. itadMrss=ata isle tt swee res i I CAIDS OF TRAWLS him T�RNu w L'1ARD OF THANKS. -MR. A /ilea Bim ei abrMwe ash is thea 01 1 ND t .a TIM d*eaaad Ise .Mars's da -let r MV. swws■Lal sed Using* Ise 111150 oestb ass a lamtwk Mak rr tstswel _.1 with, the Cro Gordon N. Shat Meted by Coonl &we. The stet by L. R, 1)sncey. 'I%s offence was alleged' to have been committed upon Lillian Berry- man, a young woman employed at the British Bxohange hotel. on the even- ing of January 2nd. The examin- ation of witnesses occupied several boors The Jury tutus -sled w verdict MUIR - i1IJw►\. at th• home of thebrl. '. parneModern-h. w Wednesday. re u- ar7 1714 ►e 1tev. Deo. IC Rom. R. r.. ('hare' R. ]I.lr. of 0o4eitp5 and •s wrest daerbter of Mr and Ms. Bernard Wilma. Huss road. t:oderiek n pnnec•utor being MARRIED. fer, of Toronto, ke- y Crown Attorney Crown was conduced DIED. MoLSOM-In MI �womass,Nwi sel M asp 11 li �iw McLeod, ogled se ream MURRAY. -la aoderlob. es 9atreday. Foam art dim,' c�ti M me et Nr. of not guilty. 1n di nig the de• and mos. e ' M'ar'y' awtiwp street' Ifondant the judge w�1, ion that be •a•d / yrv` teMthe and I7 days. bad come perilously near the random 111111=4.-tisok ��1M s. of a gaol and be would be wise to net �wtr.aet Its. wed Ilrs. more earefally fa the Uwe. Tis dew., used a eoat►a • semaelro 91(10.51,r'rb,g. tmct1 •..;eofritlifack ial I. 11411.40 i, Iwert) uf t 51. h11 11l 105 north ,.1 Du• 1•ep, 414 fit '1eet'.:01, lances 1 , -nit. Mush 2 alit, n nisi. fit f.%rm ••oSk a1, 1 nn{d. erten,• tt 111 .: 1. rt. ere -t. t'uh tane towo•h{p. ...its Lis ,.arse. prolate. tot : Te.w t+111•v1.14Y. *writ err. W1 *Ysn.r, M ••. h 1 Siwtion aide of lira -lock ....1 mu.l• nn -n•- .' lot 11. iio ,•..-k n M. II,IIIrtt. Havel tiovlort p4oprletnr: TMiear tit vow , 4114, .,,near. ' Tausamtr. M..n h 1. - tuMlen .ale of tarn .teak 4t IA 17. %141,1 -, d a •nre.,.I.M. l'oiberM town.hip. Wet. 1'. ean', proprietor: T1ktMY 0C Anne, anetien,et NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-FEB.1� Auction Owe -Henry lrovler ..... ............ 1 Atletees 8+M - J Lt I)keltater . - - • • ....... 1 Auction 801*- tor. 1 A mylon +Ne - M. ToMa Shorthorn Bulb. for sale- Lase tisllkeld .. Calf for tial- 0. 1. Lamb ... . Houm for see -lint O. alinal 1 Neuralgia Cured11, Illlaree Iliedlti0 $ T;metrkr's� fors{�,1111 gale - per. R. merest 1 Bshyr oma T.wa -I►r. woman: Medlslas oa. Breet.tms Rviza l'rw-( saute (p• etass mom. • Iiirx r. i .+