HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 10Ila TaumMax. FP$Rt'ART 11. 1518
Note Paper and
Envelope Sale
Twenty -live reams Lotus
Lawn Note Paper and
twenty thousand Knvel-
,.pe., on sale. regular
pier 140• per quare and
10 • Het package envei-
„p,. Es Amy and•satur-
day. ue quare Paper and
..r.r parsage Envelope+
Patriotic Stationery
A.l 1., ...e out I'atriotie
litltionet). ioa•d Note
Paper and Envelopes,
estl.oaaed with Flag 15c.
Letter Pads. Mk, 15c. *1c
end Envelopes to
snatch lite• per package.
The Goderich Book 8
Stationery Co.
for the Made -
in -Canada
and everything in -the Drug
Line. Photographic Supplies.
1 Eastman's Goods). Neilson's
the chocolates that are dif-
All your wants cheerfully
and carefully attended to.
Phone orders promptly
delivered - 'Phone 19
The Store that pleases
Mice to the Farmers!
We are now prepared to buy
ail kinds of Grain at our eleva-
tor. north of MacEwen's coil
yards. Godericb, and will pay the
highest prices at all times.
We beg to announce also
that we have installed an tip -to -
date Chopping Mill in connec-
tion pith our grain business and
are now ready to attend to the
wants of the farmers in this line
We shall be glad to chop or roll
grain any lay in the week, and
if you will give us a trial we
trust that good work ..ill nierit
your continued patronage.
r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
:Annual Mid- Winter Bargain Days
• •
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 13, 15 and 16
• TI 1 ESE semi-annual Bargain Days come on the threshold of each new season and are a settled part of
our business policy. They mark the change from winter to spring and from summer to autumn.
• Their object is to clear completely every vestige of the passing season's stock.
Harm. odd to talk about smooth skin when
Un- weather k.. been .po/pne everybody'. reaklna Umm rough and uadghLlly. .
Set we have beeped a lot of people to keep
to bo beets (b) were chapped beforbat e
It eels take- a few wort. to 'ell yru the
esoret it'.
41.54 aad r,;ucumber Cream
*on, ear word fur It, Uli. I- the Shea. delntlmt
appliostroo for tletdakin
me Ms Meet
oftat(bleat.. Twieast
Aad Lar.
If ►.e ke.w a- mud about Pen-lu a+ w. d.
.ta wield expert tali to be the best thinagg of
b.Mod -aril . raw Posner meas. higher(
e.alltr eters Ume Fos ere It.
J. A. Campbell, PIN.B.
Oenti-al Drug Store
4orth at. and square - (iod h
Kincardine Blockaded.
Kineardatn•, (ren. 7.-Snut off from
w netted, w .Id b the snow block-
.. of the seaway. Kincardine people
,t� awaited news from for seat of
Ttlr. Not a paper are from Mond*7
all last night. The local
tiers, fortunately. baa a gond
.ppiy es band, sad trete has been
• tremble cm that score. While
erdly say meet ere out of weak here,
�)i.dd their time redwood by
Ihe Ahmesk
11 west is the court bOL . ea Moet -
y aft sewer at 4 o'eteek. As tido is
• awnedgtpstiag fee the demise of
Seem mad t bseieees.
goad attendemie le - for.
Stock -taking is just over. We,have gone from shelf to shelf, counter to 'counter. case to case, and measured and counted
everything in the store. Eve -y remnant. every odd lot, every odd size, every broken assortment that stock -taking has brought
to light has been laid aside for quick and speedy selling. The strictly winter goods and all lines bought specially for this sea-
son's selling have been gathered together as well, and must be cleared at once. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday are the days we
take for this grand Mid•Winter Clearance. They will be three days of tremendous ,,bargain giving for everything advertised here
has been marked with but one object, and that "To Clear It Before These Three Bargain Days Are Over.' Coat or value has
not been considered. It is simply a question of putting a price on the goods that will be sure to sell them and get them out of
the way before spring stocks arrive.' Read this' list carefully. It will pay you well to do so, and come Saturday, Monday or
Tuesday whichever day suits you best.
The last of the Winter Coats must go, and go at
once. These prices have been made with but one
object in view. Every. Coat offered is new this
season and high grade in every way. The stock
is divided into tour Tots for easy handling and
quick selling.
Thin lot includes ladies and misses Coate
that sold up as high a: 512.50. Curl
cloths. fancy tweeds. etc. Every garment new and correct in
style for the present season. Choice of the lot Bar-
gain Days for only
Coats at 55.75 in this lot we grouped the bilanpe of the
ladies' and misses' Coats that sold up as
high as $16,00. Not one but would cost more to bus at the fac-
tory today. It is our policy never to carry a Winter Coat to an-
other season and Bargain Days you take your choice S5 75
of these high-grade garments for only .v •
Coats at 56.75'-
In this lot are some of the best Coats we
had this season. Garments that sold up
as high as $20.') and over. No matter what their cost or value
we put them in this one lo; and give you your
choice Bargain Days for only •75
A Few Coats at Half Price On the Half-price t.able
you will find 5 or to
extra high-grade Coats. One plush and one beautiful velvet
Coat included in the lot. These Coats sold at $25.00 to 535.00.
Bargain Days take your choice of these beau. Half Price
tiful garments for only.... only......................
Coats at 54.45
The last of the Millinery
Just a few children's fek Hats and ladies' trimmed
Hats left to sell. Bargain Days we offer them at
this unheard-of price for quick and sure s,:lling.
Children's Hats 25c 20 of them left to sell, browns,
navies, copeobagen and reds.
Neat little felt shapes trimmed with cord or ribbon. They must
he sold this season and Bargain Days take your choke 25e
for only
• Ladies' Trimmed Hats 69c Just 2:. exactly to sell.
We take this means of
using up the last of our good trimmings. The actual money
value of these Hats Is four or five times what they selllfor Bar-
gain Days. You can take your choice of the for CA,..
only VV�7�7
Sweater Coats $1.95
b) only ladies' Sweater Coats, meetl • sixes MI and 3S. browns,
greys. whites and eombleatlons. This ie a clean-up of the
entire stocl. of Mweater Coats, es we wi.h to sell every gar-
ment out if possible. The regular prices are from $3.f.O to
54.51) each. They are all good styles, either military or
reversible collate. some V-shaped neck. You are fortunate if
you wear a small else for Bargain Days you an take your
choice of these high-grade Sweater Coats for si• tn5
Wool Toques 29c A clearance of Woollen Toques,
navy or red only. Splendid
quality, regular .10c29c
Dept, Oc and 75e. Bargain Da, choice.... 29
Ladies' Plush Vests 29c These are outside sizes in
seconds, of our regular 00c
line. The imperfecion will not interfere In any way "palls
with the wear. Clearing Bargain Days st each Lal
Ladies' Woollen Undervests 39c near condoa M
tra.ivalitt, line wool. We sell them regularly at 51.15 and
SLY, the imperfee-tion will not Interfere with the 59c
wear, Bargain Days clearing at each.... .
Brass Buttons Sc Belt quality Braes Ball Buttons.
two stets. suitable for trimmings,
much in demand at fjte prevent Ume. Regular loo and 13' 5c
per dozen. Two sis at per doses ............... .......
Hoax Supporters 10c CbildnslitSyyreti • Hee.8ttpportne- good
elastic. Regular 115c per pair. aargain Day. , 911439g911439gVC
New Cotton Crepes. 25c quality 17t s7,1°,14°87
beautiful colorings, high grade. Reiular INk- and Mor. Half
doyen trend pat terns to select from. Jest evened ep. 17c
Sp.elal for Bargain Days per yard .
Towelling 7c Good quality harm ortsb Towelling with red
boder. A splendid drylsg Towel. A most
opportune borstals when Been prices ars advancing . 7c
rapidly. Sargala Days pee yard
sheets 65c Hemmed Cotten Illetaisi dem 1 x11 attll..
Good quality heavy Wa •d tthsetlsg. �`wRar..
Special Barge's Days each only
A Big Clearance
Of Black Dress
• Bargain Days will see a big
clearing of Black Dress
Goods. We have picked
out a number of eolls suit-
able for dresses or suits and
put them on a bargain table
Saturday morning at a
price to sell them before
Tuesdpy night. There are
6 or 8 patterns and qualities
in the lot. Regular values
up to $2.00 per yard. Wt.•
wish to make the selling of
them sure and on Bargain
Days you can take your
choice of the entire lot, at
per yard
These goods will make
splendid separate s>f!'irts,
dresses or suits and this is
undoubtedly one of the big-
gest Dress Goods Bargains
we have ever offered.
1=4, 1-3 and 1=2 Less Than Regular Prices
We will sell you Furs at reductions like this if you come on Bargain Days.
If possible we would like to clear every Neck -piece and Muff before the month
is out and have made great reductions in order to do it Every Muff or Neck-
piece has a new price on it that is.1, 1-3 or I less than the original price.
Still a good assortment of Sable, Mink and Persian Lamb to sell. We offer you
values we are satisfied you cannot beat anywhere for Furs of equal quality.
Particularly special prices in Mink Muffs and a special lot of Neck -pieces sent
us by a big manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. He wises us to sell
them if we possibly can so you can count on getting a bargain if you want a
nice piece of Mink.
300 Sample Ends of Curtain Muslins to Sell on
Bargain Days
We wqre fortunate in securing a big let of Sample ends of Curtain Muslins, ,Madras,
etc. These lengths run frond i to 2 yards. Bargain Days they go on sale at a frac-
tion of their actual worth. A apl.odid chance to get curtains for small windows or
sash curtains at a next -to -nothing price. To make the selling easy we have divided
them into lots as follows :-
Lot No. 1 -Choice of dolens of sample Curtain end. at 5c:
Lot No. 2 --Choice of dozens of sample ends of Curtain Muslin. and Madras 10 -
Lot No. 4 -Choice of dozens of sample ends of Curtain Nets. fancy Muslfns, 15c.
Laces lc 200$ yards cotton Torches and
Valenciennes Laces and inser-
tions. These Leese are slightly damaged and
soiled bat will wash up as well a. ever. Regu-
lar pekes up to 10r and 12ic per yard. Choice
of the entire lot on Bargain Days per 1
Aprons 21c Cb.cked Aprons made from
sh tug Special tZ gait obi,ed
Days. e•ch Karn Zl c
Belt Sc Your choice of 5)0 ladies and chil-
dren's Brits in lather, silk, elastic,
etc. The last of a big purcheee of samples.
Worth up to 60c apiece. (gearing . 5c
Bargain Days.... :. ,......
Belts and Girdles 25c Leather Belts,
silk Girdles,
elastic Belts and silk Belts. A general clean•
np of the entire stock. Regular 50c, 76c and
51.00. All on one table Bargain Days 25c
at your choice
Children's Cashmere Hose
Children'. fine Cashmere. Hose, small
sass up to 51 only. A clean-up of vari-
ous lines that sold up to 40c.
Choice Bargain Days 25C
A Handsome Black Dress
One only ladies Black Dress made in the
newest style from • high-grade silk and
wool poplin. neck and yoke trimmed
with lace. This b a special sample gar-
arment of high quality. Regular price
$22.00. Siam 19R. B.rgeln L I)
Days special P.
Clearing Prices on Dress
Special prices len Drees Skirts for Bar-
gain Days. 25 garments to sell at less
than the price of the material alone.
Lot No. 1, Choke 51.25
10 only,Ladies' Skirts, fancy tweeds black
and wite .becks and two or three •erges
in the lot. Assorted sizes. Choice of fhb
lot Bargain Days • .. • - $1.25
Lot No. 2. Choice 51.75
Ladies' Deese Skirts made from extra
quality all wool merges In black or navy
soli. Good style and trend of dues.
Aiagreet. � bargain at each .75
Knitted Neck Scarfs 25c
Indies' Knitted Neck Scads in
grey and black only. Regular 75c
rod 51.00. Bargain Days 25c
tllgh Quality Knitted
Scarfs 48c
16 only to sell. Plain colon and
fancy mixture*. Regular values
up to $2.00. Bargain Days ,� Q
each `��1.
Hand Bags 39c
A clean-up .f the Nock of Hand
Bags. also 8 or 8 real good Begs to
One or two black, the rest
colors. We will not tell you what
the regular prices were but if you
want a bargain in a Hand Bag
come Saturday and you can take
your choice at only....... 59c
8 4 Sheeting 21c
Special purchase of 8/4 Welched Sheeting
will 1,. sold at Bargain Prices. Sloe soft
cloth. will make splendid wearing sheets.
Full 8114 width. Special for Bar- 21
gain Days
Art Sateens 1 5c
A clearing lot of Art Sateens, fine qual-
it assorted patterns. Regular 2Cc and
▪ Bargain Days per yard only 15c
Fine Lawn 12;c
Fine quality White ladle Lawn. 41 Inches
wide. "note the width." suitable for dia-
✓ ies
wear, etc. Very special 1220
pries Indeed per yard
54k Woollen Oloves 25c
White only et this price. A beautiful
quality and splendid wearer. 15 pairs
only to sell at per pair ..• 25c
Double Fold Curtain Chintz
Tone patterns only, fine quality im-
ported Curtain Chants. These are rather
large designs and wi'l make aplesdid
bengitgs alar parei1.50 per yatd.
Bargan Dols1 ends to II at R R �,
per yard .... JJ�•
Oinghama IOc
100 yards checked Ole. large
Mr • small docks, r . d von. 1
Sargalis Days .. ..
Some Big Bargains in Underskirts
Two big clearing Bargains in Satin Petticoats, either black or
colors. You won't pt a chase* like this ag+io,.for • toot
time, too do not miss it. We have divided the stock into two
lots for easy selling.
52.75 Underskirts for 51.69Black ,Underti Ailsa
some of the mat roved styles of the season. Good quality
satin, black and all t epular shades. Regular lar
$22:5 to 52.75. Bargain Days each l 1 e
Extra Quality Underskirts 52.45 Extra high
quali'y satin
Underskirts in black and beet colon of the season. Made in
good style. wide frill, perfect fitting. Regular
53.50 and 54.50. Bargain Days each , 2. 5
Big selling of Embroidery on Bargain Days. Three Or foui
special lots at prices that mean undoubted saving for those who
buy. These bargains corns just at the tiee of the year when
Embroideries are moat wanted. Secure a supply while Sh... last,
Allover Embroideries 29cftiful �d b odds id
neat little patterns on Inc quality tousling. Regular .50c
Allo00c. Bargain Days take your choice at per yard 29c
Fine Allover' 59c Very fine quality Allover Embroid-
eriei, neat designs, suitable for
w•iNs. Regular values up to 51.50 per yard. Bargain 59c
Dar �h7�.
Extra Quality Aliovers 69c There are some really
beautiful patterns In
very fine qualities in this lot. Finest of mirelins, neatly em-
broidered in most attractive patterns. Regular values 69c
up to 52.00. Bargain Day. per yard V7t.
Insertions 7c 300 yards of Insertions, medium and wide
widths, fine quality muddies and naineooke,
This lot is a special clean-up of our stock of Insertions after
stocktaking. Regular values up to 23c. Bargain Days 7c
take your choice at per yard
White Quilts $1.30 Begley English White Quilt.,
nice soft make, splendid pattern.
heavy weight. Regula '$'1.00 value. Bargain Days �0 $1eJV
Anti -Rheumatic Socks for Soldiers' Wear
We are showing a special line of all pure Aoti-Rheumatic Socks
i■ grey shade. that are particularly adapted for soldiers' wear.
They are the best Sock tor the purpose we have been able td find
and are strongly recommended to this purpose. I1 you are
giving Socks for sending to the soidier. you will find
these particularly good. All eases at per pair... 25c
Children's Dresses 51.48 Children's woollen Dree+es,
Dice quality navy and fawn
Series, neatly trimmed. or black and white checks. Sizes for
children up to six yeah. Regular up to $4 50. Bat- $1
gain Days special
Girls' White Sweaters 95c Children'. and girl:
White Sweater Coats,
assorted sizes. Regular $1.50 and $2.00. Bargain Days 95c
Dressing Sacques 48c Lada«' Dressing •lacqun,
made from good quality wrap.
perette. neat patterns and dark colon. Size 38 to 4048c
Bargain Lays • �
Children's Woollen Hoods 48c Childrso's Wool-
len Hoods, the last
we have left of • good heavy lire. Grey, red and navy A Qc
blue. Regular Ills. Bargain Days `ft�t
V1' hate Flannelette (towns 79c Uowns
from high qual-
ity white flannelette, meetly trimmed with Wrebe.° lice. Full
roomy wise, nothing skimped. Will glop excellent 79c
wear. Bargain Days each Jl.
Special Fur -Collared Coats
Ladies' Coats made from bigh••t grade Austrian brnadelotb,
Iloisg quilted Italian, collar. high Western Sable, A
warm.�.t]lisp, eo®forrable for walking or driving
These Costs were exceptional sloe $26,00, in fact ib. b.
we eve showed at the price. We to clear than to 10.
bun "ammo tet
only Days offer you ,nor � 15
of serem Dols .
A Muskrat Coat at $32.50
f-t.yoa wear a 36 lea assist a bargain hi a Muskrat Oat.
e have three left to set1 1s this site. They are aside from
prime 'sleeted skims, seemly marked. lining of high-grade fur-
riers' oaths. They ant 5$ lashes Iasg 0.se. that are thor-
oughly geed through Ana through sad will give no end of
wear. All the larg..isoli oat are sooat of this lise and to dear
the Is.ts Slew nag Vow .icier fee each 532.50
°sly + t
tt1•M•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••61••••••00
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