HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 44
• Tsoadpat, Fgrsareaa 11, 1916
GADSBY'S LETTER.awa hau aunupowme trwl :truly!
oss4smM as- paps The ext function of which Maim -
()metal Sam was deprived was his
the cold- power of enobolizioss The Militia De-
eburch social, Me gets Nutmeat, juckeyed,for • while by the
Minister. has struck its sit again and
is now dolrg what the taw lottoded
it to do. There will he no more Val.
cattier" for Major-General Sam.
Hereafter that sort of thing will be
done through the divisional head-
quarters and no one man will be al-
lowed to bog the IiweItgbt. The
Major -General's brief day of glory is
over and now the knockers are claim-
ing that V alearuer wasn't such a srwt
feat after all and didn't i
A. ydJy
much good except id C N
1 was talking 10 • prejudiced ob-
server last night, n well -Informed per-
son, who had failed to land the
(isoveroment with a line of embalmed
beef, end he was all for pooh-poobicg
the Major-General.
"Valcartier !" he exclaimed, biting
his cigar. "What's wonderful ahnut
that ? 1 could get two rough -necked
Irish railway contractors to handle it
better. lt'd hs all In the day's work
and they wouldn't have to put on
feathers to do it at that. ValcarUer—
pshaw r
Which seems to prove that Major-
General Sams reputation is writ in hot
water. And es Bpietetus—or was
it Billy Sunday -says, what hotter
than hot water? Why, hotter water,
and the Major-General can look for
that later on in the serion.
shoulder from aboutse seventy -
mat. of his patty. or-
him with his secret police and Major-
a j
General Nam trails Bob with bis, an
the deuce to public
Aboutoutbody the only lenge �o,f -keeps
opinion Major-General
solid with is the Daughters oft e
Empire, although the granddaughters
sod great-granddaughters admire him
a lot, too. But when you yo�an my
is out
yoyou ray everything
after the Major-General to roll him
and the li only 'extinction Is Premier
saves him
Brom Po
Borden r stalwart friendship. Major-
General Sam realizes this and is not
developing • violent counter -offensive
which might 'Wherries' Sir Robert.
On the contras y he has dug himself in
and now be Ietr the other fellows do
the charging in massed formation
across the shrapnel -swept amid dunes.
Which proem Unit Major-General
Sara is •good
soldier, because he
knows when to lie low.
And it'a low enough be has to lie at
present and little enough of dignity
and power his enemies have lett hint
to lie on. Like the gentleman who
was run over by the auto bis condi-
fset sbo much shearing ofmhist premga-
'gives has taken place. and so abort
have they trimmed his Bair, that be
is known now at the Rideau ('lith and
otber centres of advanced thought as
Major-General Sanson.
The first thing they took away
iron, him was the power to award
contracts. which now appertains to •
Spending Committee of the Cabinet.
four seasoned veteran'', Cochrane,
Rogers, Kemp and Reid : old cam•
palgners accustn'ned to handling army
corps of money, so to aprak—wise
heals who will post every dollar that
is not marching at the strategic spot
where it will do most good ; four
experienced commanders who believe
that the chief incidetutal object of *
war in Europe is the accumulation of
• war chest in Canada. 1 don't know
on what principle this war chest t 1.
worked, but 1 should supo
pse on
principle of succession duties—that Is
to say. the remoter the chance the
higher the tax; in other words, five
per cent. more to Grit contractors,
with liberty, of course. to tack It on
to the price or take it out of the quwi-
ity, The Spending Committee goes
around with its ear cocked like a
robin listening fur worms after a
warm ran. Major-General Sari s
good word to the Spending Commit-
tee is about as much use to the candi-
date as a kick front a mule—in fact,
it's rather s set -beck than otherwise.
This probably explains why the Ma-
jor-General returns peevish answers
to persons asking him to do some-
thing. He can't do it, be doesn't like
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt attention to all
small joie and general
repair work.
Phone lbu Hamilton Street
WE feel the verv,least we
can do for you when
you come into this store is
to give you Shoes or Ruhhers
that will be wheolutely roln-
fortahle and will aural to
your satisfaction. We want
you to realize that your wel
fine is our Hot coneidrrat ton
ur prices ere moat Leeson
(ieo. MacVicar
North side of Square
TvzanAY Feb. 9.
Naace. --Mr. Jacob Helsel, of Rapid
City, S.D., is visiting with relatives in
Goderich and near Benmiller this
week, after •o •hsence of nearly
twenty-five years '...Mr Alex. Me -
Mut dile, n( Centreville, Minn.. is
around renewing old acquaintances
for a few weeks. Mr. MoMurcble was
• former resident on the Maitland eon -
emotion. Mr. John Durst returned
last Thursday from a business trip to
Toronto, Myrtle and other points ...
IMT. Henry Fele, of Zurich, is •iait.ing
with friend., in this vicinity this week.
Mr. Emri Rnyder has returned
from a few weeks' stwy with relatives
in Waterloo and vicinity.
TVEeDAY, Feh. 9.
Our genie) mwil courier, Mr. Wm.
Moore, onside his trip in good time
y-eetetdwv in spite of the had roads.
FARKWELI--A,lmnet every hous. in
tbe vicinity was represented in the
surprise farewell which was given to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore on Fridev
eveninglast on the eve of their de-
o-lerture from Benmiller to Ondericb.
During the evening's fun • purse was
presented as w slight token of the es-
teem with which thio genie' pair are
regarded by the citizens* of Benmiller.
Our best wishes go with them Both.
CHURCH flgRvicwe.—Rev. H. Rap -
pet, of the German Evangelical
church, and bis wife, who was for-
merly an evangelist of the Methodist
1 church, took charge of the meeting in
the Methodist church at North Zinn
on Sunday afternoon. and opened the
series of saprrsal evangelistic °ee,ie.s
Dodds w the maty
'medicine that
win curs Dia-
betes, like
Bright's De -
ease this dis-
ease' was in -
c u ra b l e until
Dodds Kidner Pill,
cured it. Doctors
themselves cooler+
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia.
beteg Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations—bo:, name and
pill, are advertised to do so,
bit the medicine that dors
is Dodd's IGdney Pdls.
Dodd's Kidney Pies are
fifty cents a bort at all
Csafbead teem sap
Informed that It seemed to he utterly
impoe'Ible for them to induce the
steamship owners to believe that our
harbor was thoroughly sate for vesaeb
in stormy weather. and that ur:t11 the
southern breakwat r was completed
we need not expect much package
freight business; but that if we bad.
by reason of Its ewo.truction, • safe
harbor, the warehouse would be opera
aced to iia full capacity sod • very
considerable amount of pecks s
freight busioem conducted here. This
is • nutter of co siderabie Importance
and it 1s to be boped that we shall not
be disappointed n our expectations.
Our Wiliest Fust
We bare this year, lying in our har-
bor, ecus fifteen large grain vessels, a
greater number than ever before.
Whet thew fit out for the season's
opetations • very considerable sum of
money, amounting to tbouaand• of
dollars, is left In our town. Had one
d ck accowwodetlots not been so
limited. we no doubt would have Ma
several more vessels winter here. 11
has been suggested that the Govern-
ment be &eked to construct • ,compar-
omparatively inexpensive cement pier be-
tween the river breakwater and the
north pier along what is known as the
sand beach, and this would furnish
accommodation for several more
ships. This matter will be taken tau
at an early date by the hoard in Me -
junction with the town council.
The trenspol tation committee of the
Board is in communication with the
Detroit k Cleveland Steamship Com-
pany and the Chicago, Duluth A i eorg-
an )3ey Steamship Company with the
view of inducing them to make regu-
lar calls at this port during the season.
bit the matter in still In abeyance.
Theis are difficulties In the way, but
it is boiled that these may .be our -
Colborne, have moved into Mrs Cullis'
house at the chopping mill until it is
time to start on their trip to the hest,
in March.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smylie and chil-
dren of Star City, Sask., arrived here
on Monday night by C. Y H. to assist
in the care of Mr. Smylie s father who
is inhisdeclining veers.
secretary of the lied Cross Circle,
Auburn. had received the following
acknowledgment :
We Iwg to acknowledge receipt of
the splendid contribution which the
Red Cross Circle of your town has
so generouely forwarded to our relief
work for the victims of the war in
Belgium. How can we wmciently
thank the members of your circle for
the splendid donation consisting of
nine barrels end one taus of 'vapor
sited apples? We are indeed very
grateful to you and we would ask you
to kindly convey our heartiest thanks
to all the generous comtrihutots for
this vewettish'. and most suitable gift.
It will cerieinly help in a great
measure to stem the tide of starvation
now facing the population of Bel-
gium. Your•fwitbfully,
H. Pauli u ,MM.,
THE FA tots i4 CLI'B.—The regular
meeting of the Godes ich Township
Farmers' Club was held at the resi-
dence t f Mr. H. K. Revell, ath con-
cession, on Wednesday evening of
tut week, and the club inemben re-
ceived a hearty welcome from the
genial host hieneelf. President Sal-
keld called the meeting to order and
the program was opened with "It's
Long Way to Tipperary," in which
all joined, a number of ladies of the
neighborhood / being present. The
resettle: Bus ess was then pro -
Which w3H tea lath en the H5. eller • ceeded with. Reports were received
circuit during the following weeks. A I from different orommitteee and then
'tnlendid .meet ing was tbe result.Rau. the chairman called on Mr. Revell to
' W. K. Hager. of North street Metbo- speak on the tdpic chosen for discus:
dist thumb, Underich, and the chair- stun : "Do country schools train boys
men of the Onderieh-distriet, Rev. J. I and girls for farm life?" The speeker
E. Ford of Victoria street church, I maintained throughout his address
Goderieb. will take part in the meet- that country schools were very de -
Ings this week. flcient and to a certain extent barren
of results in some ways from different
CAMARO. Mir, 0. Edward followed and
her remarks were heartily appreci-
ated. Mr. J. Sowerby also .poke,
claiming much wee due to country
teachers and schools for educational
advantages and stability of character
engendered in country people by the
township aebools. Mr. Cooper, of
S. S. No. 1. also spoke. acting as„critic,
and his remarks were enjoyed by the
members. After making arrange-
ments to hold a patriotic meeting in
Union church on Thursday Fehruary
16, in aid of the local relief fund, at
which Rev. J. B Votheringham,
rector of 8t. George's church. (lode -
rich. i+ expected to give an address,
with Rev. Jas. Hamilton as chairman,
the meeting dispersed after singing
"God `Save the King."
ard Fritzley, of Raltford, the well.
known hunter end trapper. named
tbrouah here with his dogs and gran
on Tuesday evening of this week. He
had bagged a fine red fox titter ardent
chase on the ire and shorts of the lake.
The owners of poultry ought to feel
grateful to Mr. Fritztey for clearing
the neighborhood of vermin of that
I kind.
AN EYRNINti IN Tim v. —A sleigh -
load of Young nennle went from here
1 last Friday into Goderich to the home
of Mr. William Sanderson on Alpert
street. where w plea«ant titre was
.pent with cards and mnair, and Rom•
good waltzing by expert, ARRA enjoeed
by the onloxokers, At midnight
*upper was served, after whirls music
and songs, then the (arty broke up
well pleased with themselves and
evervone els..
A Stw•ist. Tine.—On Friday even-
ing of last week Mr. J. D. Farrish, of stomach of unlit/vatted food and foul
Leehnrn, gave his friends a dancing! gases : the excises Nile from Me liver
and •ard party at which shout sixty ' and the waste matter from the intes-
guest* ememhled About ten reed- tines and bowels by the use of
after which dancing was kept up the great fruit, kidney, liver atom ich
until morning. The mu.ic was furn-
and Bowel rrmedp.
i"hes by Mes•re. Parrish, Bogie and 5
\IcNevin on the •iolin, accompanied
by 'event of the ladies present on
the organ. The gentleman'* prize.
al progressive euchre fell to Mr. W.
Bogie of Rheppardtnn, and the lady's
prise to Mn. Arrh. Horton. of Lee -
horn.' At devlieht the tarty broke
rap well sails -fled with their night's
e musemen t .
of *s t
ra+y n..a — •r
I believe that Oodericb bas suffered
no more, perhaps not as much, as
other towns similarly situated, from
the existing depression, and it is only
proper to say that, from enquiries and
observations that have been made, the
nanegers of our industrial establish-
ments have made every effort to re-
tain at work AS many of their employ-
ers an they possibly could under all
the circumstances and conditions.
Prospects for tats.
What are the prospects for this
year? There is no evil no 'natter how
great bit brings with it some benefit,
and I think this dreadful war which as
devastating so much of Europe will
bring some beneficial remit to this
country in its train. We must be
hopeful and courag-ons, therefore,
and 1 believe we have every right to
he. Our resources latent and patent
ere incalculable and capable of great
expansion and development. Hither- from under canvas have (seen
to. our capital for the construction in the town+ and •illages on and
of our ^ railways, for the public around the plains. We are in a nice
works of Government end of munici little town of about 7,0011 inhabitant'
pal and . other corporations and called Devizes It is about ten miles
\eau Cone'
New Prints, Crest, 31 to 32 inches wide, absolutely fast colors, I2 C
Crum's best Prints, 33 inches, heavy cloth, colors good. Price 15c
Ask for our new Spring Crepes, nothing like them to be found elsewhere,
27 inches wide and only 15C
New Crash Towellings, good color, correct widths, IOC and JTC a yard.
Wblte Hotton, altbo t very et•pi., has exceptional values at tbie
WHITE COTTONS time of the arae. H!a•y white Cotton, :11 incbee wide, per �(►�.
ya,d Vl.
Fine Cambric, free from dressing and when Ironed looks like linen, at pee yard
N AIN S 0 0 K S Fine 'beer Naiosooke, :iii Itches wide and every yard full Bleach and flawless.
Cloths of this .t le will be needed for the doe undergarments. We 30c
many different lines of doe Cottons, 34 inches to SS inches wide, at
per yard 1 C'0. 1110. SOe, Sao mud
COTTON CREPES Our showing of Cotton Crepes is made up of the newest designs in
email patterns and desirable colon. The beet cloths are composed of
white ground with dpainty colored pattern•. Nothing is more suitable
iece can
piecesi int-weight Cotton darkgrounds with light ,patterns. Thesee Color in ecrlyothe make buying etc and ca W.
beelse had '27 e many
1 5c
inches wide at per yard
COTTON VOILES We have in stock many very doe pieces of Cotton Voiles. The pat-
terns In this cloth are all new and distinct from anything prev-
iously shown. Each piece is 27 inches wide at. per yard,
VESTINGS For white waist nothing is more suitable than Vesting and our new stock is made
up of the newest patterns. Me also have many plain cloths in basset weaves and
poplins that are +citable for separate waists. These cloths 15c to 25c
range in price from, per yard
W. B. CORSETS I J. r1. Colborne
A Canadian Soldier Wbo Wields a Des-
criptive Pen_
The following letter from "Aleck"
McKenzie a former student of Gode-
if you never get off the etreets.
Plymouth, where we landed, is •
great place. hecawe you see quite
• bit of the navy there. I saw there
the veru latest and moat powerful
battleship' and the old wooden mon-
o' -war which are now used ae training
ships. They are different from acv
rich Collegiate In'titute, who enlisted •easel I've ever 'teem. They have high
in the West, was received by his aunt. black wooden sides three or four decks
above the water and the'meats and
Mies McKenzie, of Kintail: spare, all varnished, are high above
Itevtsr, N•Oi.hhe, that again. The modern dreadnought
Jas 11. 1111.1 sits lower in the water than the liner
Dawn AUNT,— I think 1 will write of the same size. It is painted grey
you • letter for auld Zang syne and tell *11 over. has sharp bows and four fun -
you something about what 1 am doing nele, which give her speed. They are
and seeing in this part of the world, as very fine and powerfullooking indeed,
it they interest you. with their long guns etirking out here
All the artillery and in fact all the and there. Your loving nephew,
Canadian troops that were not •Tread • A LI.I"TAR'
individuals had been largely secured from our last camp at .
Ureet Britain ; and this 'source Farm. From what i have seen of it i rt• 42 dozen hendage., 7fllrg+nxedrees-
of supply, owing to the enormous ex- so far it teems • pretty nice little place, I Inge. 300 absorbent dressings, •S pack-
frompenditure neoeseitaied by the war It is different altogether from any i ■ges linen, 1 pillow, 2 sheets. 3 pillow
which is lost forever, will be to a large Canadian town. of averse. There are , e1ps. ail main bed sorke, J .dressing
extent closed 1.0 ne, and therefore it • lot of old churches ; we were in one I gowns 9 hospital night shirts, 52
becomes us to cnnsider front what di- very ancient one yesterday. The 'bandk.rrhih s, 7 Bed jackets, 52
rection the capital necessary for our preacher tnld us how old. but as 1 was ' scarf*', 11 rape, 19 h.lta, tl pain•
n quirements is to be obtained. Is it behind s hig stone pillar I didn't catch wristlets, 140 pairs socks. The late
g• r1i
The fifth hale, sent by the Goderich
Branch of the Red Croce Society on
Fehrttary a contained 6 pairs blank -
Vim and Vitality
are assured if you will cleaner your
table* were kept going until midnight, FIG PILLS
\{i KONESII.i Y. Feb. W.
Mn. Yoe is visiting fnenda at Port I
Elgin et present.
Robert Sento moved his effects to
t'srinw nn Tuesday.
Jos. Lawson is on w •isit to relative
in i'irkering township.
Mrs. Wm. Dodds returned to her
home at Pickering on Wednesday.
1 The humeri are making prepare, -
I tome to h t their supply of ice,
Wm. Debi@ i• moving into hi* hour
emeriti!! purebased from the Young
Mr. John and Walter Wagner have
returned from visiting friend's st Tave-
1 Meek .
Archie J•eksnn and John Robertson,
I R„ both JIM the misfortune to lose
their drillers this week.
Gen. Yunghlut shipped three cars of
bora last Thut.day. Owing to the
Mate of the railway they were not
nsOvoid until Friday.
The Orange brethren*. intend giving
a box scarlet in the Foresters' Hall net
February lath. Proceeds In ski of the
Belgian relief fund.
Wm. B. Pati s'son has wild his farm
one the Rae ntre to Charles gtrtaugban
1 for *14,4(1) (Ij The purchaser is to
take poese°sion le the apring.
i Mr. Arsoldl Mania and family, of
At all dealers 2" and 3*) cent boxes
or mailed by The Fig Pill Co.. St. were in progress at all, end 'leo re -
Thoma•, Ont. Sold In Goderich by E. member the greatness of our country
R. Wigle. druggist. and the limitless character of its re-
_—_ sources, • fair measure of prosperity
CHURCH NOTES, and w healthy condition of affairs will
not to come from our own people :' If what be said very well. i was valued •r 2.42. t
h' teaches us self-reliance and Eve. ytbing i. .tone and brick bete, The following amounts have leen
t us war sac
confidence iv out country, much of just as everything is logs in some received since the publication of the
gond will have resultedMillions and parte cf the V
. est. The streets in the last lint : $:i.(ill—Dr Haden, Isla.
millions of dollars are now invested in places here never by any chance run j PI -midfoot : 1)rd 01►—Mies W.eta W at -
eon, Mil... Olive Burr iNew York). Mhos
Annie Devidoon, Mile Blanche- Wat-
wan ; $1 00—Mise M. J. Watson, Mrs.
Felker : 5101) 00—Tbe Britannia Road
the beaks and drawing hut three per straight. All the streets In this
cent. interest, and there are no doubt lage seem to twist about and finally
vast sums of money in the bods or end up on the market •quare, where
safes nr somewhere else of many of there is • sort of monument telling
our citizen+ who trust no one, not about the woman that told • lie and I Branch.
bankswith the custody of their was struck down with lightning The regular monthly meeting of the
flownrtsl possessions,se mput u
and them forthwith. It is p P
as a warning.
Red Cetera Society will be held on
should he made available for the pub- 1 suppose. 1 sew * small tablet here Monday. February 15, in the town
tic re 1uirements, and those who so n- once` a spot where a highway rob- council chamber. at R P.m._ when er-
vest their funds would be materially bevy was committed. rangem•nts will be made for prepay
Benefited, ter use, instead of securing About 71st or NIM) artillery men are int w hizth hale.
but three per cent. for their money, or billeted here. Thr greater part of the Owing to the pressure upon our
nothing. wremains hen it reains io their own men are hoarded or Billeted with pri- "vice this week we are obliged to
custody, they would obtain from five •ate families The rest are hoarded withhold until our next tssue the lata
to six per cent., or evert Rix and a half
per cent interest, as municiptl and
other bonds and debentures that are
absolutely good are now being issued
at. these rates of interest and will con-
tinue to he placed upon the market
for some years to come.
It would appear, therefore, to he the 1 would as soon gather rouod the
part of wisdom for governments, mutt- camp dixie for my Sea and mulligan as
icipalities and other corporations to eat at • table.
issue their debentures in compare- Moving into these billets looks as
tively small amounts, so that. they
would come within the reach of the
great mass of investor., and thus they
would he able to secure a larger pro-
portion, 1 believe. of the (node net's -
wary for the ppublic necessities. i be-
lieve when the war is over a rapid ad-
vance In business will he the result,
and that if we. in this country. go for-
ward in our customary vocations, so
far as we can do this, as if no war
at the inns rr purr, as they are called
in this country. The half -section 1 am
in is billeted at the Royal Oak pub and
our horses ate kept in the Royal Oak
stables. We get both bed and board
here, and most of the beds find it a
welcome change. For my own part
In Knox rhumb nest Rundey morn-
ing Rev. Geo. E. Roes will take as his ,
.uhject "The Christianity that Has
Next Sunday will he miseionery
anniv+reary at North street Methodist
church. 1%ev. D. N. McCamus, of
Colborne street Metbodl.t church,
London. will preach at both ',retreat.
Owingtot the storm last week Rev.
W. H.rlghton, pastor of the Baptist
rhurch, was unable to return to tows
for the Sundry dervicee. Mr. A M.
Robertson supplied In the morning
and Rev. Jae. Hamilton In the even -
Next Sunday at the close of the
evening service the monthly organ re-
cital will he given at tit. G.nrge s
ch. a
chord) Miss Lottie McCreth will be
the assisting soloi.L The public are
cordially Invited to attend. Owing to
the Lenten season there will he no
recital next month.
Through the courtesy of Mr F. F.
Lawrence Rev. (lens E. Roe has se-
cured the loan of one hundred beauti-
ful slides of the famous Yellowstone
Park, Wyoming belonging to the
Union Pacific Braintree These stere-
opticon views will be shown In Knox
(thumb lecture room coo Friday even-
ing, Fehruaty 12 at 7 p. m. A11 Cube
and Remits In town and their chums
are Invited to tee these views Ar-
rangements will Its made for the girls
to see on them Monday evening of nest
be our reward during this present year.
During the Lenten season leave
your orders for fresh oysters at
Hlwckstone' s. Pbone 340.
though we are not to see the front for
along time. From what 1 hear we are
likely to be here three months of it
and th• general opinion is thatthe
ch t
war will be on its last legs hy
They have • fine country around
here. it is rolling with valleys and
hills from which one gets some very
fine views. Most of the land is pas-
ture or bay meadow. but part is cul-
tivated. Nearly all the high moorland
country is owned by the Government.
it is rented out to shepherds when not
used for training troops. One trees a
great many aeroplanes on the moon.
I was on • forty -mile trip nn Friday
taking our gene to he overhauled, and
on the way we passed the training
reboot of the Royal Flying Corps
The have be barns there for the
machines. i saw six of them in the
air at once that day.
Some of nnr gins did a little Bring
one day. The aeroplanes helped direct
the fire. 1 wan right up alongside a
gond mane of them that day. They
are simple enough. A frame of wood
and wire covered with canvas and •
haat shaped body in the centra. In
front Is a two -bladed wooden propel-
ler; then the engine; two nate. ono
behind the Other, and • rudder and
lifting plane. at the end.
1 was in London for • day or so and
saw ennie interesting things there
Among other things i saw the crown
jewels which are kept behind ban in
the Tower of London. There are a Int
of them. but they are not en lording
as one would think. There are two
diamonds as big as hen eggs. There
are some curious things in the Tower
of Leaden. One of them is the block
they hehesded Lad Levet ne In 1146
Some queer things have happened
there, 1t loess. A German spy was
Mint there the w..k before 1 was In
Leiden. The piece where they hanged
Sir William Wallace le rightrime by.
1 saw • great teatsznfaous buildings
Ilimene to Re through sway. Leedom M
• groat wad a Purities plow, Mai R's
woe* so sing • Ione way int 'leek Ives
t didn't haus
How He Would Trade.
He had • drove of dispirited 'feeds
and paused to give them a much -
seeded rest. The storekeeper came
out and looked them over casually.
"Want • hone?"
"Gu.su noL"
"111 take It out in goods," said the
stranger. "I91 take it out in tobacco,
in fart"
"Might do some Mu.ine+s along those
lines." responded the storekeeper, "it
we kin agree on • basis"
•'What's your baster
"Weil I'll trade you, plug for plug."
1100.00 IN GOLD.
We will give nee hundred dollars in
gold in any man, woman, nr child thatrt
cannot is benefited by Maine hair
tonic. We are anxious to have every-
one try tiageln., for we know it le tbs
great.et hair tonic that has ever been
discovered. M.gelne will positive)
cure an Itchy scalp, Iwing 111. IoM dol,
faded hair and add imitate Loins length
*mein* I. now obtainahie in (ioder40b
ami Is sold under • imamate. to phosea.
A large bottle of Sarae. poets but
fifty meta Be sure to go to 0. 1.
Onultae' drag Mosel toe oilierNemo
have Saralee,
of donation* to the Red Cruse work.
Accompanying nne of the diets is this
Paragraph :
•'Goderich certainty has some line
knitters young and old. '" In leas than
three weeks the Society received 151
pears of socks. Mee. Wm. Green.
ninety-two years of age. and Mrs.
yews,Summerville, eighty-three yes, are
both busily knitting socks for our
soldier Boys.
Miss Catharine Lewis reperts a con-
tribution of 52.1*) to the Goderich
townehip Red Coors fund hv Mr. Der-
mot McEvoy. Mi.. I cauls bas re-
ceived a grateful note of aektowletg-
ment frnm Mr. Prud'hnmme. of Mon-
treal. for articles rent early in Decem-
ber for Belgian relief.
Ube ld
fres e ostae,
(n re, -to' of ` , ppunc
and 11U.U.e... D. -1n, 1.
fee aestlte - fes ail• 'trues, data.
Etaotr..a •+n AWMI,
• la dares Msfawe'tt
Without Apparatus. inhalers,
Salves, Lotions; Harmfuldrugs, Smoke or
Heals Day aid Night
it is • nen way. 1t is something
aheolutely different. No lotions,
sprays or sickly smelling salves of
creams. No at• miser, or Any appar-
atus of eny k,nd. Nothing to smoke
or Inhale. No .it -timingor rub'•ing or
injections. No electricity or vtb.ation
or massage. No powder ; no pia.t, re :
no keeping in Ibe house. Noth•ng of
that kind et All. Something nest and
To the FAItor of the Menial.
Stw,—Thore cam. to me through
the pn.tofflre the other day a ropy of
the Agricultural War Bonk.' end
In looking through it i could see how
our public 'item. including the roma
pilar. Hon Martin Burrell. Minister
of Agriculture, are urging th. 1armera
LO Increa..d prndurtinn and pointing
nut bow by so &nine the rural Yount
men will be showing 'heir loyalty to
their King and Empire just AS truly
ae by going to the front For. as
Peter MacArthur saki In a resent
letter, there sr. few who ran be
spared from the farms if there is to
he • respnn°e to the call for larger
acreage to he pot tinder rultiva'ion.
as the un.mpletved in the towns and
cities would require to he trained he -
fare bring of much use In sowing or
rempv�,"ijrat grain
14sward• the clon of this interest -
int War Book there appears an arti-
cle entitled "Vacant i.nts and (hit of
Work." Tby following paragraph is
enliehtenie : "there must le over
orte hundred thousand acres of un-
productive lend within the bound-
aries of one towns and eine.. Wb
do not the councils Het the nee of this
land for this eumnr.r *rid grow food—
potatoaa preferred:, Which it .11
he feet r in Tuesday's Globe I real
that Owen Sound has taken this
matter up in Its (+owned. (bold not
Ondea•4eb de likewlae send do away
with some of the unsightly vacant
lots In our sumsser-r.enrt town ?
different, something delightful and
healthful. something Instantly success-
ful. You do not have to wait, and
linger and pay out a lot of money.
You can stop It over night and 1 will
glad!) tell ycu bow— FRILL. 1 am
not • doctor and this i• not a aur -tiled
doctor's prescription —but 1 am cured
and my friends are cured, and you can
he cored. Your suffering will stop at
once like magic.
I An Free --Yon Can Be Free
madN miner,' es* filthy and lesth.ntse. 1t
e me 111 It d.11ur1 my mind. It under-
mined a)] health and es. weabee'aa my wu4
The ham leg. nsaghln *pitting made me eh-
Moonos Moo to alt mn
and y�in
1 b.sat i and e. •
Ind habits made even my loved se . vel M
.erret ly. My def{{gsM In IIM wile 4.11.4 and my
faenitae. Impaired. 1 meta that 1n tome It
wo.tli iwtne bas to ae a densse, hresn.r
vvrwr�� mnw..t of tM day Wly ra.Mit a ww
ss.haute yet ra,wly creels. my vitality.
stmt It PRIM.. ds vers.
eii. .�ersmstbft b tell ren
Cil as mese. Jost rename mod address
Ise • pweal saes. Ray. Dear Bars Reau:
pt.... 611 ass how roe gest emtarri sad
Mw 1 mo rem miss" s yea reed a
ry 1 et0 •wine taa4. had wtiss a pea
ti. deer
bap. rsettM•1m. et rtu w •
letter te-4ere .. eet�lklwk oft 1.455 "NI ' esasat fast stil yes have=
. ds he ~year i hat It Yr taus) he
Most sten are the arohltects Of their I 'IAM KATZ, Room E204R
owe �wtoosa. 142 wawa fit. Toroe.Ms. Ont.
for ft
"THE li
.'ST. EL
Clean New
Beautiful Co
Complete Se
$l —Big Speci
We an
made hv 11
card will b
you and et
L • ov
it is ea
than tc
dry cc
our lar
:fight a
• bers, "
W. ars
with jer
to keep
sad era