HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 3tWITHIN
omw.U.a. nae by the . EL Pip
Mary Terser. • department dere elwt.
▪ eentenoad l0 pries tee three yews M
theft eh• db got eeetslt
E dward Aper, awns se the dowdiest
.fere. oonesnta to sea Mary beers she
.San to .riser expeettaa her to ewer a
Mary pretests her rneesese l GOdpr
end boas alga to pay better wages t• his
d arts to save them frets temptation.
Atter three years in pro Mary Is
(Iced. but the pollee prevent her h.tgleg
.eeaiera ghe farads tate the river to end
ser 1K.. bot is wired by Joe Gerson. a
Mary terms a prtrwshlp with Omens
and kr wag. by widish they Meet rtah
sled+. In • legal reaanse. Mader 'rid-
s the law"
Mary Is warned b7 the pollee to le we
town atter est has termed the acquaint.
woe of Richard Under. bar termer ow
player'. .on.
Helen Mewls, the girt wbe. had commit-
ted the theft for which Mary was imprlr
.sed. sees Mary and congener her guilt
tllave 11 1:aaar frons ma, ttai.nir
any —• Saw ge WWI lag iw
lid a sail 11NM Gera Gab Bat •
Wilda and bell we r tt aseseldlt
Get that .U.JPub? deer ilrslatod
un Who underaamraB et the Mate
Li the M IeR the lam lanha
deed .aIle to Glides
VW eonir tidos seem" he raid. 'At►
.r roe Baas I wast yen waw >4 dna
a halt hear stabw. with the Oita
bewdag. Dm you oaf I wane to he
.tale w lid's the Turas imams time
to tial Mrs WS* that loaf is at
Gilder sawdemilY fallow+@ the d<
r'aeUoes K the pollee. trpeewe. Gs'
wily be W remained to the Rltary
until the adieus' time was elapsed.
He fidgeted from pace te dare, hb
miN Dewy .with dietrua sailor tie
shadow that threstesed to Med the
tide of Iib eherlabad sod Many, with
a .ease of relief he pmt out the 111111111
had went to his chamber.
His theagbte were most with b1/ hate
aid over as he thought et Diet do
Wiry waxed aphid the wows We
had .mmahed the boy 1n bra pkRtiag
Mary userries Dick 0110er wttkout its
lather's knnwlydgr and then refuses tc
mall fur Europa with him.
Joe Gerson. against alar.', pretest. !.
agrees with Eddie Griggs. another eeeet
to help commit a burglary in Gliders
Edward Glider ease AO son's Wide and
Ora to Induce her to give up lar law.
.band. INra refuses t0 lows bar eve*
when sir tells cern she Is an ex-emvtet
I0apector Burk* eery on Gilder and tens
.tam that a burglary at tits horns OW
eight hoe been arranged through Geiger
• Noel Heeds., to trap Marl Turner add
her gang
The Burglary et Ou der's.
ht thei of MP baud'rought ttte in>'p.Me►rs tbu0,IIta
ark O. the rusher lo hand.
"Mr man.' he weld nntehwlttl..
tlte''• '1 wont you to go up' to the
res., en,. -fru the M'uttee 1.,n 11, and
'sow,• men tt •uting op there thing
'rm ,lawn `herr '1'h.•c re 1".:)•e utb-
cera Y.,❑ _.•t em down here. and
th,•I. y.ai :., 10 nod and stay Chow tin
worldlier 't'nrl.•tst:.nd?"
'1'h.• 'butter 1..44.+1 at to, master for
sc. i:tn• .. Iterrlttur a nod se word:
"%eri well. sir'
-How do yon kn..w they're :,Ang to
betook Into the hone teuntrht. 'Mid!?
dersan.lo' 1 of. linrks. -tit rho r..II only
think they re string to meek into the
"I know they an
"You Aid
`sure: dM It through a stool pigeon."
"Oh. •tu miorluer:" Glider Interrupt
ed a tsar'.• doubtfully .
-Yes.- ' Iturke agreed; "stool pigeon
1s the potter . name for him Really.
he's the .neat thing that crawhe."
-Blit it you think that." Gilder ._-
postulated. "why do you lave any-
thing to do with that .oft of person?"
"Because it's good businem: ` the in-
spector replied -We know be's a spy
and ■ traitor and that every time be
.sees near us we ougbt to use a ilii-
tefcant But we deal with him Just
the same beclu.e we bays to Now,
the stool prises• in this trick is a swell
1 fixed it"
Mary Was Utterly Wretched.
for vengeance 1111 himself And loco
his thoughts now crept a doubt. one
that alarmed ,Dee senna of Justice. A
horrible suspicion that he had 'Misjudg-
ed Mary 'Turner crept into tris brain
and would not ont He fought 1t with
all the etrrtetltth of him, and that was
WWII. MI( ever R abode there.
,Mary Turner.berself. too. was to a
condition utterly wretched. and for the
same c'an'e.-Dk'k Gilder That source
of the father a ntuffering wi+ here as
well. tib* had won her ambition •f
years --revenge on the mien who had
soot her to prison And now the joy
of It was a -torture. for the puppet of
bet plans. the son, 904 suddenly be-
come the c•blef thing In her life.
Abe had taken 1t for .:rantedthat be
would dente her atter be came to know
that her marriage to him was only a
device to bring shame on Abe father.
Instead be loved her That feet sees
ed the secret of her distress. He loved
her More. be dared belleve. and to
ata•eet boldly• that she loved him. Had
he sexed ntherwlne the matter would
have toren simple enough out he
loved hes-roved her still. tnongb be
Tuui.s..T. FastavAav it. IMS G
dile Miasmal window in the Weary nide a /m
"Ws tee 1 S.' was aha sloth W
sit Shaer* misses Iwo Muse Mew
epos maw ad pease doadds . a< ewes 'Wets We aria aw'.'l Nf/
a tido wed et sleek eiedi7 ossa. • re basinIs does
end ..Pee Gesso dapped Gdd e.e@@sadl1 '+M tar my t w solei
'I met go mid we've lid
a• woe roma
M toddled mmiaat.s., whet we same here ease." he Seab@
Ibadag inesody. Seaweed. be drew rMp4'
set as .hctrie torch had set It 000- +ow. lei's at ewer
ism A ltW. disk et Uel toot sed bah
sad there sheat the room. esevellalg
very melt* aid to methodical Gds.
elm, Salado' by the stave,. Owes '
crowd ft the hell doer. Were be
toned fee for any mend et Ste without
and found nose The doer into tie
peerage that td to the storeroom .
whew the detectives waited oast en-
raged lY bednsntlte attention. And
hers again there was sanest W pro
yoke his .so ldod'
It nerved to b1 that everything i
was In readiness for the comtng at hoe
araoeletes. There ruralised on1T to
sty. them the Mena) In the room
around the corner where they waited
at a telepbon.. 13e seated himself to
Gliders chair •t 1!a desk sad drew the
Wisdoms to hies.
"Oiv me de Bryant," be said i
Ther was a little waft Then an as- ,
ower la a vole* he knew came over the
Garen picked up k pembi lder awn aTbb W Mary .salad.•
the desk and began tapping tightly on
the rim Of the transmitter. It was a visage! Joe. for Gees rake- Bee ass
code me.saa. In Worse. In the nom was a sob.
around the corner the tapping sonoded "I'm going to see this through." ape
clearly. ticking sot the message that Garde doggedly.
the way was free for the thieves' cola- WItb s gesture of despair she turmoil
ing. away toward the door by whleb she
For a final safeguard Gerson search. bad entered.
ed for and found the telephone bell Koh cast go," Gerson said sharply.
box end onecnwed the bells, which he "Too might be aught"
placed on the desk. He then took his "And if 1 were." Mary demanded r
pistol from his hip pocket and Millet s flash of indignation, "do yon thirst
It fn_o the right side pocket of his coat 1'd teIIT'
Once again. now. he produced the oder- "Of 900110 not. Wary. 1 know yea
fink toreb and lighted It as be .gtIa- Too is.00141 g•• up fur life first Jnd
gulshed the lamp on the able. the same, you ain't take any chances.
Ile then went to the door into the Well all get atony la a minute •nil
hall, opened 1t and. Imetng it *Jar. you'll come with us" He turned 1
made hilt way In silence to the outer the men and spoke with swift amber -
doorway. The doors there wen treed fly.
of their belts. and one of them %wens "Come," be said' to Dacey. "yon get
wide. Ito nicely had the affair been to t1e light suite!) then by the hall
timed that hardly was the door °Pea door It you hear me snip my Ifo- i
before the there ma (lipped in sod gens, turn 'em off Undersand T'
stood mote and motionless In the hall With instant obedieDce the man
while Green refastened the door.. went to b1s patron by the br'1 door
Then Gingen walked quietly -back to "Red.- G•raoo ordereel. "you get to
the library. Behind him, with steps as that door " lie pointed to the oos
noiseless as his own.-nese the three that gave on the patisageway against
mea which he had set the cbalr tilted. As •
When all *ere gathered In the 11- the loran obeyed Gerson gave further
Mary Gerson .bat the ball door, tyntnettons
tooehed the button In the wall beside '1f any one comes In that way get
1t and the chandelier threw its radiant him end get him quick. Too ender -
light on the group. sand? Don't let him cry out or make
Griggs was in evening clothes. neem- • mound."
ing a very elegant 7oang gentleman Chicago Red held up his bore hand
tndeed. but him two compel -Mom were widely open
of growler type n far as appearances 'Not a chance,' he deplored pros&- '
went -one, D.erey, thin and wiry. with ty. "With that over hM mor.
a term far.: the other: Calcars Red. "Now, let's flet to work." Gsraos eosin .
a brawny ralbama wbese steed restore, dime' sasarty
n.vertbelem exbibatrd something et Mary wok. with the bamrsea d
bait rotten good nature
"Beery -thing all right en far." Gamin "Listen. Jost K -toe do tat. fibra
arias rapidly. 13. turned 'to aris and tarot rte with you. 1 gntt"
pointed toward the heavy . hangings "if Oda roes through." be counters&
that shrouded the oct*rnns1 window "well all quit. That's why no OWNS
"Are those the things we wantr he it Pm sick of the moo. -
knew the sbgyoe that had clouded ber
Ilfe koew the motive that lad led her
to accept him as a buebaad. More -by
a sublime audacity be declared that
she loved him.
There came a thrill to her heart each
time abs thought of that -that she
loved him The ides was monstrous.
d tine. and 7• r- Here, as uwayl,
she broke off. • bot dash blasllmg In ber
Mary Turner was just reedy for bed
when • tote came by a in...enger wbo
waited for to answer. as he told the
yawning maid. &a Mary teed the went, which grew to a Saab to deep
venality .crawled message she was concern. showed on Garson'a tate a
GotUwh crook. Be went to ponos aught In the grip of terros. The man he listened tensely.
Plana .
-Tee." was the answer'
"Well, then. we've got to get buoy"
Before be could add a direction b'
was halted by a soft buzzing from the
telephone For an instant be baslatd
while the others regarded him doubt -
We've got to take a chance." Ger-
son went to the desk and put the re-
•calver to his oar.
Then came again the faint tapping
of sotsm one at the otber end of the
lino. signaling a message 1n the Morse
code. An expression of blank amaze
ito bed saved her from death tad -Way. this 1s Mary calling." be m
yesterday with • schema to rob your
yielded to temptation. As he had tared
Mesa He find. sot Mary leave
iteafes savd her se she mod "we aim. Abs •'Mary:" Griggs erted-
P she told llama o te leave 1t sloes berried tato the gown she had Jost ' "Yes. sbe's on." Carson Interpreted a
•g he met undo afterward and P off. Than .he went 10 the tate• I moment later *a the tapping emend for
doled to poll la mi a too*b word ghee* book and sarcbd for the nam- a tittle H. translated 1n a toed wbb-
w ts* tint ft's coming at wow, bow
ter .t Guder's heave per as the trrognlar ticking noise
▪ yam sea, lilt. Wider. that's 1 , wooded agile.
laser." • • • • • • •
♦ few mom.na before Mary Turner "1 .ball be then almost at Dice
"1 est" Glider t was wlthogt w •w sending -this mssaags from the
year • sem ewe
why bo Tse have received theme � til.. moves
ditig afore arosnd the corner. as"
year we come doers over the roof?' the aleopy moms Ow open the door for me Weep
'4t wasn't safe to brie times in the daddy."
draft way. Ire a ditch tis boos. is .-She's coming overt' Griggs Gated tin
big welched 1 wish re would Mt credulously
me have your Mtcb kap. 1 want to "Na PO stop tier." Garton declared
SOW back and snake this collar sty-
"Bot why set stay, sow that you are
"loppoge oma of than sew ter come
fist Than wouldn't be imitating doing
W S after they saw roe go est agate."
Its hail door opened mod the butler
•.dared the room Ballad atm ams
Q•addy sed two ether detectives d
g ials clothe. At • weed hem Ids
meter the disturbed Themes with.
"Row," Borke went es bsiel dy r
Om deer dead WSW the streak
'where .sold thea men stay est et
dghl >•pe they're needed?
/Imre renewed a Ole. Sbremass
Wien .add le the *deride or •
'sews m at the orad of the Wow ea
'Ile g Gude
"AM mw. Mr. GBaat" the aspen
err ape enm.Ytlr'aitr. "re pees to
0'e yes the adds. td 1 pith your sea.
Oe to bed •M stay there.
"Get t!. bap." Y greessed.
'ADN shod Wit Ode the has Oleg
et impedes'• to me."
-tin he .aro anything mere shard gm
sag to Aimee jest res 1d Ides p.
rind's dig Ws the best dam tin him
Ilex 1\e nest tow days"
'Biter is dew hen►" Surto WI
to amt!!. aP 1 Dela yam nsMai
• w► Psi mid bait is pia at@n
WNW Etyma had r u ss8 yen when
rodeo twist Till dealt r idle
_lerlmeam at Oro roil .sof• emir •
Gamy W1M • Pored Mesa
But when after tapping a few words
the forger pahaed ter the minty me C.reAlestlnp perigee's
soon' came "I specks I'll Ile roan' to church Berl,
'Bl. don't answer!"shoo he metalled. "I
attar sant" aid Mr. Wads Pinlo
"Oe bur way fhad7•' pew hew •7 r
tested. 911 1st her to." He drew a "tOb don't Pao •11 come nes' Baha
man torn! .rem tae sherd poser es I fi? imgdred Mite Mlam1 Brown.
,• •nt:nn.d n
She Knew.
There 1s an old lady living In a anal
town In southern Pennsylvania who
makes great efforts to keep abreast d
the times. Her opportunities. hoer
ever. are circumscribed. and she b
sometimes compelled to resort to her
Imagination. She went to a church
alesociable lately. and as she entered t
room one of the attendant* said:
"Good evening. auntie. I •m gid
you came. We are going to have
tableaux this evening."
"Yea. 1 koow." replied the old 1a41i
"1 smelt 'em when 1 nod came k"-"
New York Globe
Success Saccle not a thing to be
Attained 07 idle wbhtag.
The largest Rehr to the OM
Are caught by patient asking.
The greatest books were ants hiss
By yearn of patient writing.
The greatest battle@ ever woe
Were Wewen b7 patient fighting.
Aad so, whatever hill you'd o0
Or wb.t Meal you're hugging.Rememberaf
Remember you must wt your time
And patiently
DDeetrooit g/Y� Pres
ids t had creased t. the hart *ser •s Well. I'• got to trade off • tole d
Garage nodded assent
"Gd1 Why dM she daub d sensor I Ido a promised de folk. at borne a
OWING +steere& ailed wfti tsrebed.pGa Snow. 1 .pecks k weai boa
Inge. 9f •aythdWeld eld pi wag ter w put og tittle' raided"-Wetall r
newt' tea Sar.
lad Iowtid the door pmt
Re ahead
se it opened. and Maty darted Into the
N. with Calms tedowtag denser se
.ler beds.
•what de yes want hetet" be dm
masa'. with psr'empt'►ry savageness
it hip Woe. whleb was • We he W
agree hitherto mod la eddre ms her.
'Ane was only Mader paean ill
Meryl vales, though bar weNa teen
a arrdg inset
'Sae, yell lied tem.-
"That can be settled Mart" the rata
_m_pd. Ms jaw was Wrest trwr'@
Astlnataty. sad Ms dear eyes oiler
bead deMWf.
Kw are t ate. ell et runt' Mew
dist "Toe, WW1 Ws b berated.
1 mat prat ren Itt yen are *'.9M
low esu 11 Ob. weer She bald ed
her heads pieediagly WWI Oaroom
WI ler Wee drooped to heseetaingt
11M ilia yes mart Bind WNW OW
.-- homes at sea► all et feel Me
New Prints : Ginghams
Spring 'tock of Prints and Ginghams is now com-
pleteand never before have we been able
to offer anv better values
0 '
Thistle Prints
Our special Thistle Prints in light
and dark grounds, in spots, stripes
and figures, absolutely fast colors,
32 in. wide, per yard. 12 c
Anderson's Scotch Ginghams
Anderson's celebrated Scotch Ginghams
are the hest, beautiful showing of all the
latest designs in stripes. checks and plaids.
Colors perfectly fast. 27 -in.. per yd.. 1•.c
Anderson's Kindergarten Cloth"
The most reliable material. for children's dresses and rompers, and ladies' hott.e
dresses, in plain colors and fancy stripes, 27 incites wide, pet yard • _'Ile
The New Crepes at 15c
A lovely showing of Crel.nis in light
and dark colors in tide daintiest designs
we have ever shown. 27 inches .vide,
per yard
Voiles Voiles
Voiles promise to he the leading feat-
ure this season. Our. stock is• tuicis1
complete in white and colors., at per
yard . .... 2(k-, :uec, inc
The better Crepes at 2:oc': •:ac .nnl 111: p_r tett 1 t'. t • ne•se-.t novelties th.lt .are
being shown for the coming season And as regards TIM tv and .deoxy, :tre :111 tint
could he desired.
Wabasto Cottons
L'ut \Cabxss t Cittons 'I'hry a •
ablt . from per < irll
\Inde in-C:niad.l" :ul.l'are the best valve obtain -
to 24 k-
"McCall's Patterns for the Spring Sewing"
Millar's Scotch Stove--
Slit. Oh, the DM«easel
Re teat the maiden's hand to W
And Hoed the deity thine.
And wheel ape tot her tided asst age
a med. Mr wry to doth,
A __demomamma rimg-
T1bt ba*pesed aeon tee yew tree pow..
When Aprlr. Wrens Mew
'they ga•n0sd Ater Ia dredged.
Rer .dll she gladly ware mm ring.
Whlah is se d��go neawaderefl1
rQh I-:
$wailing . Wounds,
Sprains N::ra' an
. ,r,::fnest, i::, idea
Great Russian Drive Succeeds ' in
1 ' Clearing night Bank of Vistula -
Main German Army Retiree
o no �_ e� c t
The ne;' rr�,n, the ea.:tern rnearre
- I of war ie better '1au tit any time since
1 ;,1 ,i' : 1 Relieves October. The lussians won a great
Soffa victory against Von Hindenburg's best
. II Throct mans and . nosed the Brum the latter
part of last v, eek. In spite of German
'' ® coenter-attaeka of the utmost violence
1 and of a constant artillery fire more
intense than any hitherto experienced.
the Russians have not only maintained
t1.e grouted won. bet have undertaken
a further offenvive movement. The
Victory corresponds to that d the
allies In the west when they Anally
drove the Germans beet from the Ilse
i i r of ththe Tser The Russians for this
k�better part of two mons have been
holding a somewhat irregular defea-
v give battle -front along the course of
the Brum and Rawka Rivers. roughly
vesting. twentyflve miles west of
Warsaw. The Germans have been
trying to cross the rivers and ad-
_ vase upon the Polish capital. Now
the Russians. atter clearing northern
Poland on the right bank of the Vis-
tula almost to the gates of Thorn.
— hems crossed the Figura near the point
where ft Irene the Vistula had are
kgtnning to sweep back the German
main Invading army em the left bank
of 'tide Vistula.
Rifle this great battle. lnvolvtng
some 100,Mh1 men. Is being fought In
central Poland. n rail greater to In
n Quebec when the troops +ailed for prt0gress far to the south on the Hun-
i;ngland to he sold for what they Arian slope of the rpalblana. The
would Ming. and further that they Russian oelal re doe, not mint- •
brought next to nothing, is the charge mdse the : evotit7 this desperate
hinted at by Mr. William Smith, Con- strgt4*1* 1. bolug waged toe the
La -n:
troops wh• e. they repulsed the Ger-
Britit;L Army
Lin; Linnet
Also Useful ;n the St.131,
5.a r,ai.e ee.
Th. Tu•ntr Co.
That lathe Charge ef Mr. William Smith,
M.P.. re Militia Herm..
Toronto. Fel.. 6. -That hundred• of
the horses purchased by 1 he (loves n•
merit for the fleet Canadian contin-
gent were useless and bad t i he left
serviettes member for flnutb Ontario,
president of the National 'Ave Stock
Records Board, and president of the
Ontario Horse Breeders' As.neiation,
whit'h bodies eoocluded the business
of the anneal convention boot evening.
"I am a supporter of the Govern'
t said
command of the passes. If the Rus-
sians have to give them up aril retire
iorthward into flatlets, the Austro-
Gman 'army. believed to stater
over baa million men. will be
pealed through the Hotta bel and
Mr. timid, "but 1 am not Unsok Ruses in an attem to relieve*
P1oem,.I. the beleaguered 1
tied. 1 will he tree to expecte my abdtress so ie 16 tulles north of the 1
.pinion of the way these bones west n Oaaok pan. Berlin admfa that lb
purchased when ematter come, up Ms pact of Ile Sold then M "Do
in the Hoses. Our amodation was
not convoked, nor were any of our! t Prussia Ile MGt.covlte, ars
bodyamen. nor was ao7 other r..pooNbl. ; amli winning mors O*dnssa ter-
bnd of breeders The Go..,.mlest frail 7 g
pwit/air prism, but not to the farmers. i !Mors. Their'lattle'lss Weeds from
Realer• sad middlemen got the hese.' a point near T1WL a the Nath, to
At. And a, for the total of the ( Miamisburg. 1a the Moab -over a
hone,•, way of them were ahundred m11ee-4Md la iMN arse the
ageless when *bel got to Valeartlw.'1 I German pet mile •n-
ara told that handrail' of them*were�7 '
I wised
*ever taken to Bowland mgeos .
were left at Quash had sold tot whet beteg wasted WINO •
t hey would Wad. Aad the? br'oupit Dasa+*. tare rlSlaai.Na
practically moth se ." ltesolase dqmaa to
Biscuits of delicious,
g.ldea-brown sw
bearing pictures of troops of
the allied armies, Union Jack,
British Bulldog, etc.
Entertaining and iostrec*'
tire for the kiddies and s•per-
latevely delicious for the
At your grocer's, every
biscuit guaranteed.
O. S. Perils & Compaq,
imam. - _hods
Skates Sharpened
Have ' our skates put ii shape
for the season.
We have in•ta'1.-.1 • complete
egninmrnt f•a •h+r[wting and
buffing, end we+half he pleased
to take carr .'f any work lou
want in this line. Prieto as
Some ones are goat Wow they
ad It ekpprr thee bile t had.