HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 2• Tams sou T, FinattaitX 11, 1015
went at Toronto last week to protest' like Old Land, displ•jed wore stater
• agoinst the 50 per cent. reducUoo in Malekifr midP'Z"'U'gmore of the
Obsrant to ezbibttloos. The depute- a °f unity and of the omlee
L of 4tory thea anytbiog whicpth has
lion was met by the Minister o1 Agrl- berm uttered is Ontario for .many
culture, who gave no promises and
very little eotutort. The fain hien
Ta my they will adopt other measures to
fun ���r��laaM
aa� ClUItmrtg se-ure the grant.
wOae.rlea Oatmaa 7ti •a• Ns Ie
oiecarrrrox�y�a –Ohs moss sea "MI
to per year : Q paid strictly t. &daemon One
will be .eosetsd; ea •Ib.ertber• 1n tate
idled Marr .... este i& Owe Dollar sod rut,
.&,avoir tr selvages. seteorib.re wM
be rscirve Tee ntartOL regularly by
maB w regularly. e0 that the members
.6.,,,,,,* sauUwg tN
• d &t f *AM."t eine.' is tiorree.� will not get out of touch with the
` w entree' should be given. Remittsmer buseid sod iness of the Board, or forget that
M �e somas br Nsk a,ah, •arn.m &ter, there is • Hoard of Trade at &U. The
pt -egos order. ,•• regbtwred Mtt•r.
' ria oomu,.,..w at hey urW.4 Iaa set forth the Umes at which the
Aee 1 KAM. - /We• for dkplay ••d Ytv
adv..s ornl- win be irises on app/- meetings should regularly be bold, and
awl other -butler .4iertl..neon..
ase e..la1�11e• for and to.rrtlon .red roar 1 the secretary should see that they are
•tele par lime for •0011 ..b.f tU.nt Imr•,Yw. ' properly celled a en indicated.
.red Ilse. .cele of sola nnoparetl -t wdv.
Iles to u ore. Dodoes i uetd• of biz lines
sad seder, civ.- (Medlar• per you. Advertise This ought to he • good year to
raw .f 1i.•'. rn••'.d, Stray^d• build, for anyone who has the cash
�..a•ts•nnis. o tgant01. tou..0 fur rake es
Mef t, Y'.rm• for ttmIo or to heat. Article The cost of erecting a house will be
Pete *La wet nzrwdingehibt hoes, Twenty- 1 good
g"0.1„, .orb lu+erlieu ; (Ins Dollar for er.t , considerably lower than for •
.�00t11. e1Ry CemUfar eaoh.ubr"anent reaomlh.' many year., and when "good lime*"
usTer .dvertlsem0mte In pro don. Am Y
n erseeeweani la Grdlmm, to LEps• yo"i come again prices will retort) to a high
Creteper line. No notice Ira. than Twenty -
pee Cornu. Any •pkv (cote• the obleet et level. The man who milds this year
which is the pleas benefit of ear lmdlvid- will be oris Ue rent his house •t •
sal .r &&...4 changed
s considered .o wiser-
trmde•.uUT .-Tbmgly Uoo figure that will yield him a profit on
o Coaassn•xtexnL-Tbe cooper.
oar ssy,riber-and readers is cord lop knelt, his investment, while the mime rental
ed toward...M[1W Tun ewx.t•weakl resodes* might yield no profit at all to a man
d a icalio. countyllbe 0,ddl�trictdoing•. tt 61.6 t who built under higher prices in the
mea/usUon loll be .here .d to .alarm It et.•• t
tens IAr name and address of the writer net I
••n••serll roe t nbllrarlue, but r •n natdT loom tlura.
(.ltd "few• tom. .bouid nava Tess
s*$AL rWIR[$e ou., Lan.
The Uodericb Board of Trade is com-
mencing another year. W• would
suggest that the meetings be hid
atex.t secs rot leter than Wednesday mese An agitation has been started in the
et sera west.
AIM - - MEM Stater, with emus support in
TER, K.MUAY. F'KHRI'ARY 11, 1915 (:ongsew, to transfer to Canada the
Alaska "Panhandle"—the' narrow
•trip of coast south of (be main per -
TME CAMPAIGN FUR INCREASED tion of Alaska, fronting on British
PRODUCTION Columbia. It is intended as • free
The lepartunent •.l Agriculture at , gift, to .how an example of brotherly
Ottawa has launched an educational love to the nations at war; but of
campaign in connection with the couTse Ibis country would feel bound
movement for increta -..1 meriruitural to reciperieate in some way. We pre-
r -production in ('an.o' i A eerier of Pete that in eechange for the territory
display advertisement• 1. teeing pieced Coned. will receive she hand Toronto
in newspapers c rrula'inq in rural over to the States
districts, with the objert of stimulat-
At the annual mem ing of the Owen
ing greater ell .rt in pr.dnction and at
the sante Lillie .ugge.ting lines along Sound Board of Trude • project was
which termer. and town.people cap • t on font for the cultivation of all
work. vacant land within the town limits
This .ducal innal campaign will tilde year, with • view to •n increase
bring before the people the need of ib- the production of foodstuffs. It
larger supplies of (o,-dstuff. from Can- kooks like a rather sensible idea, and
oda in the present time of rrisia''WMo one that other towns might well
in so many other reentries protium- adopt. If ell our eacrnt lots were
tion on account of the war will be usefully cultivated, instead of being
greatly lessened. Our farmers are allowed to grow wild wlth weeds.. not
cruelly handicapped by the .hortage only would there be • greater pro-
of suitable labor, but industry and in- dltetioo of things good to eat, but a
genuity can acenmpli.h •Huth, and cleaner, tidier. more wholesome town.
good results may be expected from the Think. too, of the beneficial exercise
stimulating efforts now being put it would provide for those -who usu-
forth. • ally have to put forth no greater phyto
The Minister of Agriculture, How, real effort than to put out the aabea
Martin Burrell. is to be congratulated in the rooming and walk from the
upon the nae of the most effective 'bowie to the Ione. or office and back
means of piecing thin matter before again two or three times -a day. 1l
the people. As The Signal pointed our Board of Trade is overloaded with
out in •reeeot inane, the -people can be i business. perhaps the town council
reached through the newspaper better ¶ Night inaugurate the .chemo in dodo-
than through circularizing or even rich. Thele are some vacant Iota up
tbrough purrs meeting., which often !Mayor Reid's way that would look
are poorly attended. The Minister of (Letter uhder cultvation than they did
Agriculture evidently has taken the last summer.
.aloe view, and has placid the work - - — — -
of handling the catnpaign with a well • a
Fair Canad
known avid reliable advertising 10. aced• fair Cu
est a.
agency, that of Mees. McConnell t Th. demnod to lee.
Fergusson, of London, who are now 10Ca
of beauty. truth and grew.
sending out the advertising to the , A land of liberty,
various newspapers. One of these ad- The land for which our fathers died.we hold .o o
•ertisenients appears in The Signal i Codt'be lenavantd that .b. mar de.•fe•
lt' rail
this week, from which it is evident Through this wild .ea of fear.
that the Minister has taken a broad the, God,of an. we humbly prey
•iew of the matter end is not ronfln- To keep her from all harm
ing hike patronage to Conservative Be thou her buckler and her-hleld-
days. His responsibility for striving
for unity Is no whit greater than that
d every other Mao, each in his own
Why Tommy Attune f
New Ywk Lv eeing Pat
What is the origin of "Tommy At-
kin. r Accorditstt to ogre theory, 11
war originally •o Invention for filling
In • blank on an odktW form, like
John Doe and Richard Doe. Another
explains it with more circumstance.
When Lueir.pow rose sod all Euro-
peen were ordered to the Residency.
a private named Thomas Atkins, of
the Thirty-second Regiment. refused
to (save his sentry duty, and wee
killed. His tame 'spread throughout
India, so that all deeds of particular
daring during the Mutiny were com-
pared to his, and all beroee likened to
hint. The picture remembered by a
correspondent of the London Sphere,
in an old "Robinson Cruse'," emend
pert, of a naked soldier natnedThousas
Atkins, who was killed by Tartan,
does not seem a likely basis fur the
mysterious appellation.
newspaper'. This is es it should he.
Co-operation of men of all parties is
urgently needed at this tittle of trial.
and pet Goan p.li ics may well be
placed in the harkgrnund
A philosopher remark. that "some
folks scatter the seeds of kiodaw. as
the bytes kis it, hut, others. more
Practical. just sprinkle ash` where
the sidewalk's icy."
increased production on the farms
of Huron county in the coming season
will be an aid to the Respire and a
source of increosed profit ae well. Pro-
duction, Patriotism and Profit all pull
The hoisting of the United States
flag on the Lnsitania on her run to
Liverpool may strike our neighbors
a. one of the greatest compliments
that could he paid them. They are
not likely to complain.
Hon. Joseph Martin. at various
tithes member of Parliament at Winni-
peg, Ottawa, Vancouver end Westmin-
ster, has returned to Vancouver and
has purchased • oew.paper. 'Joe" al-
ways wee looking for trouble.
Germany's 'Zeppelin fleet has been a
poor investment. It met tre2,0u1,001)
arid so far Its victims among Ger-
many's enemies number about sixty.
That is, it haa roost half -a -million
dollars on the average to kill owe
person by the use of 'Zeppelins.
There is eon.olation for mereb.nts
wbo are just paying expenses these
days it, the reflection that, .s 0 eon -
weapons' y tants it, "tbe business con.
ears whleh is boiling its own during
Jeweery and February. the dullest
mnetb. In the year. 1. gning ahead."
A deputation of four hundred from
the Ontario As.esWJnn of Pain sed
Sxblbitions waited aeon the Govern -
le every wild alarm ;
Let not her meat be rent by shell.
Her sward be stained with gore
Now be her keeper and defence,
Deliver her from war.
God bias. her sons who hose sone forth
Her Lmptre s eau.* to dull..
Jtut fold them 'swath 1ST .bettering wine..
From morning until night.
And when Use rightism. eau., is won.
When peace once mon • itIl reign
With thankful hearnt,fre ll welcome them
To Canada again.
K. Haynes
Jam IL 191..
Miss Haynes will he remembered by
many of our Uoderich readers se •
blind patient formerly ij Alexandra
Let Us Have British Fair Play.
Ottawa 1'IUesn (Co•ser•etieet
Narrow pal tis•nrbip seems to forget
that Sir NVilfrid Doodler suffesrd de-
feat in Quebec Largely became. he dared
to advocateevnafleetoffourcrusien. rivet tied to hravr. 10
„wing to the wise winr.l 111 Angu.t, lie was leu lhe
tai foie. of the wiled. libel 11.d just par Creesy whet. site Oras torpedoed in
Mainly Extracts from Leading British
and American Papers Relating to the
War. •—• . _• •_.
. • •. •• ••• •
THIS RES( UICONTit ESURVIVORS and wee this moo ooyll•peeloo Lb”
FROId TIIK FOK]fl11Aj3LE shingle+and warosarly drowned.
Tb• teat of w+luatsbip arcom- 1'hr ioau W whom the eurvi►on.o-
ar•imuurly rtrrre they owe lbrlr 11...
p`Irbrd by William Pillar, the skier• i. a eeawao, Th iape.Oarroia, a patio•
and owner ' of the fitsy-ton nurse of cewoty Kerry. wbu ••ted limas coz-
Providet.t. and his crew of Oiler—
n( lbs piortacr, porthe
Wlllirw CrrLrr, J+•hu Clark, sod esti ole u( tier twenty-two hours' ordeal
be steered tl,e uvwlade1 seas with
poo Taylor, the little •pprentir • lri,y, hely . vie wr, but he did more.
who act: a. cls.k—it. it cuiog ;u tueu Tbroogb.+ut the whole of fret terrible
of the battleship For.uhlable tut k by p'u''iud hr cuwtiturd to cheer and 'Ou-
s (rue Itis mru, n taw nue wument
torpedoes to for Cbat.uvl off the+South • ung hope, or allowing tat: cow•
psvon e..ast on New Yea.'m ha)') redo to rink into a despair which
after here, hour: .tremiou* and Jong- wee almost inevitable under the eir-
rrow work, will tsk , r pruet.ineut cumstai1C.-:. -
pled awlug the dus,o. of heroi-un at To our of the men, Signalman Mer-
sra. It ',urine fiat 1.1,. .moles wee toil. hes fallen Chop rztseurJioary ez-
ruuuiuK for Omer, io toe Krlr. Yea. perienee of baying survived three
w e -re Iu1N1I nIl illlrt.t.l+1t. high at the neva( disasters since tho war tre,(ao.
Lillie Tile Pnrvnlrnt whets off the He was leu the Amptiton, when she
Some partisans forget, too, idea certain viowl heels •trlie•k by br.vy was, leepwwbrr, amd now •g.sn taw er
of Mir tVtltrid's strongest opponents 1
and when on the .t+ 1, .autl tae& Jack trlyd de..ih on Cha Formidable,—The
Clack's, rhe third hand, notated at. Deily Cbeunide (f.uoduu).
open boat under lb. Ire of the smack. • • •
He shouted to his captain end Iris uu•r,
They wen •nutted to •3e • smell 1 Oue of the wort Interesting ex-
urteo bust driving through the wuunt- prrwr,eer of the survivor* from the
sintrwoear lei h our oat- boutrd as r urwtdable is that of John Cuwau, •
*teff from why h we. Hying r ardor'• Fife*bire boy, who was carried into
scarf. The lit le cutter war hidden the Pilot B .at but I at ►.yore tiegi.
trove vtew fur minute. t0Krther in the •rid pier•.1 ole the kitehro Mures lei
seetbiog� f••e.n. tlaptrio Pillar wwuog the brliet tbrt he was dead, all effor
the Pr,.vident clear. The crew with to restore him atter tin bad brew liltedts
almost", ■up.ibuwai eff^rte took an- i out of the bort hiving failed. As he
other reef in the ruriu..ul and set the ;lay there unconscious and unattended,
..11 m jab, fur until 1 srt bad hero all attention bring concentrated on
done 1. wi old have oreu diewtruum w these who sbowed ..ley nKu of life, a
brae rLemptrd a (recur. remarkable loci irt.t occurred. A dutty�
M.-aits.bile Ilse cutter drifted of the house, • rough -haired cross -bred
toward* themm, *eh with •t rimer they ,coolie, welked to the body and die- j
lust *eight of her in the heevy sea. I obeyed considerable iineasiness. "las-,
Clarke climbed the ridging and pees- Isle,' for that it the dog'. name, whined
roily discoverer' the totter braying
the storm joist to leeward of his boar.
The caprin decided to gybe—a peri -
lour menoeuvret in .nr-h weather, since
the meet was liable to give way.
Four times did the generic •meckr-
men seek to get.• rope to the cutter.
Bach rffmt was wore difficult than
the last, hot in the end they obtained
—opposed to any form of waved aid to
Britain—have since been awarded
portfolios in the present Dcminioo
Cabinet. There is something totally
un-Britieh in the whole handling of
the naval defence question in Canada.
it is not British fair play to forever
t rush Kir Wilt, id Laurier between the
jingoism of Ontario and the National-
ism of Quebec; nnr is it conducive to
any kind of political progress in this
country. At the present time when
the old Literal chieftain is playing a
part as st•te.mtnlike and patriotic as
any political leader in Canada the
apirit of partisanship trying to pillory
Laurier can only be described in tbe
effective terms of Berl, (trey, as low
and ignoble.
Newspapers and the Public.
Toronto News. .
In theory a newspaper consists of
news and comment and otadvertising.
By excluding news and cowmen'. the
paper becomes uninteresting. By ex-
cluding advertising it becomes un-
profitable. The reeding notice, • put
in" to oblige .ometody, or to aid •
good cause, occupies space which
could be better employed. For this
reason it is a direct charge against the
publisher. These are kindergarten
axiom*, perhaps, but it is not certain
that the public it familiar with thein.
Of all modern institutions none , w
other ie so inherently democratic as is -utter brought up to the Ire quarter. i ing the ac lu,.tntaoce so curiously be-
tbe newspaper. It• whole interred de Then the naval men began to jumplgun.—abe Daily Cbrooicle (bbocdon).
for the Prot -ction of the weak against on board ; but even now. there was r I . . •
h ear w rc
W. Acheson & Son's
piteously and lay elong.ide Cuwau
and began to lick his face. At the
end of half en hour • taint moan, a
'movement of the body and a glad
whiuing fr cru the dog uttrected the
attention of one of the helpers. The
warmth of the dog'. bialy against
ODwro'r heart and the aa.iduous lick-
ing of his -face had induced circulation.
a good berth on the porttack. A Immediately willing hand• completed
.rnrll warp was thrown rod caught the work the dog had begun and in •
b.y th • sailors. This they wade f..et short time Cowen wt up. Since then
round the totem of the capstan, and the dog and Cowan have been integer -
with great skill the cutter was hauled' able, and as Oowan is not yet allowed
to • berth •t the stere. The warp was nut he and the dog spend most of the
.reel round to the hr.ide and the time before the kitchen ere cultivnt-
Windsor Record.
Nearly everything else has gor-. up
in price excepting the cost of a pleas-
ant smile.
the strong, for that ie the chief totes -
est of the majority of the community
it Peeves. In the main the public
journal has. its hand on the pulse of
the average man, and directs its
policy accordingly.
People know this, for cunataotiy
they act upon their knowledge.
"This particular charity is a worthy
one. I am .ure the papers will give
us whatever space we need to appeal
for aid." ,-,Let us suppose that in such
• crime the newspapers follow their
usual custom and permit sympathy
Under Water.
io elph Mercur).
Germany's adding to her submarine
Meet all the time. The Bieucher was
the latent addition.
danger of toeing men, a• L e • e
Feting seine thirty feet high at times. AMERICAN .4,"sTiPATiIY I'O
from The rescue frothe cutter to the PRUMSIANISM.
. Wrack took thirty minutes W acnom- In spite of the admirable qua i 1,t4
plum. The °Meer ire charge of the ' immigrant, of the
cutter of the Urrmatmmgr was the last to leave, and he
found himself clutching the mizzen- heavy debet which America overs ter
rislting to ger aboard the ProvidGert
eau the example of the Gerau educatioo-
1hi' accowplbhed, the cutter's rope al .• end of the 'retie, oils 'aspect
was than rut. Simwas full of water. which Americans are ever •nelson
having a hole under het hull Thie had
been stuffed with • pair of pants, of to pay to learning aid itrt•Ileet,
which one of the sailors tied divested there exists br;wrr° the genius
him.eif for tbe purpose. Thom.of the of the two c.mntr.ei :a very rail
to interfere with business. Not only It-,.c11r.1 Well who wee.. wearing O°
is the space granted as good as a cash trousers wets eccommod•ted in thee°. conflict of ideas and +isV icatiuna.
contribution, but frequently the news Kine -room and the cohere in the cabin Th -re err 11.0 instin, tr derived frow
paper management is expected10 and the fish -hold. All had been res- their put which bays.struck firm
•ub,criyoe with more or less liberality. curd by 1 i chuck and a cour-e was route in the national character and
then +,haprd for Bttizbatu. Thr nerd. outlook of the American people, Otte
Perhwps complaint is ungracious,
especially as the Lord Ioveth • cheer- of the Men weir attended to on board is their diolike of autocracy ; the other
ful giver, but there are limits to all the Pr•vod•••o. Alt the fend she res- r. their di.like of b.irrrueracy and
vied evo. ("l lop "ivt'Icd, end all the ei•i.t.rism. Get many offends against
things. No one doubts the spirit of •
grocer who rolls goods for actual coat i cig it erten aged tnb..eeo poet -reels, by toeite.•r both instincts. Whiners
ers Amrt i-
t° &paws family. But no ono would her crew wet e shared amongst the :ane they detect in the Briti,form
ask him to give the Roos8 away and benumbed sailor.. Th'y were wls° of government the veritable rule of
- restated web hot coffee. fhe residents the people, by the people,' for the
then oblige further with •car con
trihutinn. A newspaper is as much of litixhanr brought blanket.. cloth- people. operating behind the veil of
1°K end bead's to the..urvivore. who constitutional monarchy, its Germany
• business as a grown" shop. Truly
it is s servant of the community, but were soon housed in comfort ohle they persuaded that Pei
then is no reason that it should he natters Their plight war simply. institutions b01 vr toelely as trapping.
K Wiled Krryte�d.
1t is pointed out that K i■ one of
the least used letters 1n the alphabet,
tut In the pre.ebt war it has • great
vogue. For instant., nations are
Killing one another through the
K•iuer, who say. he ie fighting fnr
Sopor bythe aid of Knippp.. and
Klock. ut the Koenig of Prus.ia
in his ambition bas come up against a
trio of shag.. who. with the help of
Kitchener'. Khaki and Kilted army,
whose Kits And Knapsacks are auk
*tented hy Knitting ladies. end thei
Gurkhas' Knives (Km—Aries, will Knock'
the owner of the Kid Kemal and Kon-
iguherrg out of the ring.
Stateemsl.lAu sod Patristic.
Th. Ca•sdian War.
It is here jit.ie to say that Mr.
Rowell has in bill apeechee shown
more rsealitatioe el what we are up
against then an otiose wittiest leader
who has wvelj spoken. His speech
at Hamilton. In which be appealed for
more and snore recruit, and nailed for
united earn petgmw for these sinner to
whet they bmw. W end .1111 have im
an unproflt,.hle servant.
The attitude of editors towards ell
desirable projects, patricide, chari-
table, religious, municipal, even pol-
itical, is perbape too easy. Probably
as long as time shall last newspapers
will give up their .pace in a manner
which will do more honor to their
hearts then to their heads.. But hon-
orary secretaries, presidents, general
managers should bre considerate. it
ie. worth remembering that when the
Department of Trade and Commerce
undertook itf apple compaign tinder
the euperved^n of the Minister. Mir
George Foster. success was largely
due to the persistent use of advertis-
ing, written by experts and promin-
ently displayed This policy the Gov
rrnment has else adopted in the cam-
paign to increase field production.
The newupapers will give h and
get little, hut they will gel something.
That is all they auk. The only con-
tention is that the whole burden
should not fall upon their sbotsiders.
Furs Half Usual Priers
Mink Marmot Stoles and Scar(., large else with heed, tails
and pew tilwwiuge, silk•lin.d, half price at each 7 (�
11121•00,, `4.00, 11111.00. $ •W
Mable and Persian Lamb Muff' and Stoles. Serle
Muffs et eacb fjd.00 and $8•
feeble trimmed, heavily lined cats of
black tweeter. Replier R-J6.o0, reduced to.. $12.50
Ledie.. for lined coati, No. 1 quality and war -
tented. Regular pricy $44).0U, reduced to . $22.50
Man's 'wire heavy rib, ell -wool Shirts and Drawers. 50c
Size 36-48-410. Regular •1.(10, clearing at JlJ
Lodies' fierce Tined Underwear in white, Vesta and 0c
Draw. rL Regular 50c. at each �lll
lilrn'e Print Cambric Shirts, neat pattern*. Tight and med-
ium calor., nicely laundered, rises It to 17. Regular 35c
price d)c to 7:ie each, reduced to
Floor Coverings
Wilton and Axminster linos, one only each, size 'diet pods
In two-tone green, heavy, seamless. Regular $18.UU
price 111,3J.00, for IN
Wilton Huge, tour only, seamless, 313 yards, in Oriental teat -
terns, color shad.. rode, browns and greens. $1250Regular 5114.51each, for •
Union Rugs
Perfectly tevrr■ille to neat pattern.. Browns, wood
.hides, Arr.nr, blues. Sixes 31:1, 3x34, 3z1. Mel
yank.. Redu, ed to each .. *SAM to 56.50
Waite Flannelettes
Over deed yards of 36 inches wide. heavy, sof'. whit/ Sax enc
Flannelettes worth regular id to 30t• a seed. Fe I.ur. y 12'
sok all at per yard... ...... .
rusts and Guarantee
Company, Limited
The Eighteenth Annual General Meeting of the- Share-
holders of The Trusts and Guarantee Company. Limited,
was held in the Company's Board Room at noon on Janu-
ary 29th, 1915.
The President presented the following :
Eighteenth Annual Financial Statement
Mortgage Loans, troll Looms. Debentures salt
other Securities. with intrreet accrued taetiow $ 1,148.444.59
Office Premise* ase Toronto end Calgary, Safe Do-
nna' t
p 01t V.0 lt•„ Fixture., etc 404.M.10
Real Estate 80.410.75
Cash on pend and in Honk 911,470.43
-- — 1i1.177.6511.M7
1nde.cribable. For WI beers they had tor something little less than en rtfrc-
helm battling again.t the storm, bop- tive and ubiquitous absolutism— an Uncalled Capital Stock .. ...
hu until the mown absrolutiun .11 the more offensive to
New York Doctors Claim to Have a
Remedy for Hay Fever.
New York, Fel. 6. The cute of a
number of perfume suffering from hay
fever by the injection of plant pollen
re.prnelhle for the ailment. in the in-
dividual cases is announced in • pre-
liminary report published in The New
York Medical Journal today hy Div.
Seymour Oppenheimer and Mark J.
Gottlieb of this city. The announce-
ment la based on the result of • series ()al-
legeof laboratory experiments at the ()al-
legeof Physicians and Surgeons.
and the treatment of • number of
Not all the persons treated wen
cured. the report states, but the
results were rocours gina. Eleven
came were treated in 1914, before and
semenduring the semen for autumnal oatarrb.
Six oasis were treated in advanoa
of the attack, and of these ane was
cured for the season, tour exhibited
Ivery mild symptoms, and use was not
idP1.. CAMS were trrsatadl d.iring the
attaek. The .vasptom. 04 four sub -
sed attar reteeivieg from one to four
, i.jeetiowhile sae patient reo.ived
so benefit.
ing ..,•last pe
ids of the Provident hove in sight. their way of thinking in that it rests
During Ore bright of the storm they on a nit nary, aristl.crsuc and reac-
were almust continuously engulfed by tionary caste. The whole .ystem
great waive.. The officer in eh.rge of which the Kaiser personifies, his whole
the cutter commended the gallant sea conception of .the date and of the res-
pective parte that the sovereign, the
army and the people anould ply it.
it. revolt not merely the opinions but
the political conscience of the Aweri-
cao people'', and rasp uoceiogl on
their sincere and exalted asted sense ofy the
worth and dignity of tbe individual
and of the moral eme.cy of "free in-
This gulf of spiritual antipathy be-
tween the two peoples has long been
evident , and man events during the
pant decade and a half have served to
widen it. It was only, however, with
the advent of the present war that
Americans came to see Get many end
her rulers ,in tbeir true light. The
tisctacle bas frankly botriflrd them.
Ttte detestable act of treachery com-
m•nship of the Bentham fieheruen
and charact-razed it as being beyond
all praise. --The Timer (London l
• • •
A second boat with about hefty men
from the Formidable ranched shore
at Lyme Regis (in Devon) just before
midnight. For twenty-two hours
there men were exposed to • gale the
degree of whose severity can be
gauged in soma measure by the fact
that no fewer than fourteen of the
be+at's pessengrra succumbed to ex-
po.ure and where expired on reaching
the ebo.., Mountainous .eau were
running. As the pinnace dived into
the abyss. she shipped ton* of water.
They had no leder., so they had to int; minted against Belgium moved them
proviee three from caps, cats and to • universal and spontaneous con-
vert boats, even • blanket toeing used, detonation, and the atrocious acts by
one man bolding up each corner. which it has been followed up con-
%Vhen dawn broke they were aloue vinced them that Get many has troos-
and out of sigh' of land. Hour sifter formed herself into an enemy of the
hour went by, e•c) &.king it. toll of
dead. A liner sighted at 9 a.
raised their hopes, but they were evi-
dently not oheetved The gale, far
from abating, increased in violence.
At midday, riding is crest of • very
high sea, Patty Officer Ring sighted
laud and hope was renewed in the
weary and exhausted roen. But to
their dismay they foeind they retold
make no headway against the rising
tide, tbough they polled .iwteen oar..
Hours paved and the early darkness
of a January day had Callen, biotite*,
with the turn of the Ude, they were
able to make any progress. Just thou
two red lights were pieked u►. These
were thought to be •bout seven muse
away sod were taken for the en-
trance t° a harbor. For • third time
bops revived, and time now bed the
tide and wind to help tires. The mese
were now so exhausted that but for this
help it is doubtful If they could have
pilled the seven mile• that separated
them from safety. About eleven p.m.
their pinnace wee serried up on the
besot. at Lyme Reels. twsskiIy they
nun at ono. observed. few the mem
were too exhausted to get out of the
boat themeelvea, with one .xoeptioa,
human race. They have appraised
the German ideal and found it the
negation of everything that Americans
moat passionately cherish. it is not
the ideal of democracy or of pears.
They see in it nothing but the doctrine
of force, the conception that the rul-
ing factor in human affairs is the sheer
mw of organised strength, the belief
that ,,idlers belong to • higher caste
of humanity than civilians, the per-
suasion that "the psopie"are uowee tby
of consideration except as the raw
material for the drill set (*ants in
nation of
new stud the foe of popular freed°
of self-government and of the appp.r
to reason. They find themmely
without a 'Ingle shred of sympathy
for sorb • monstrosity, and every
fresh depredation it commits adds to
the profundity of their repulsion.
—The Nineteenth Usltsry Mendoa).
yes the Germany that baa
by the war Is the inc•r-
e.potietn and aggressive -
Whet Abele the Deg P
The Frenchman did sot like the
look of the betties dog barring his
Guaranteed Trust Account :
Securities on Rr-al E-t.itc, Mt( eke, Betide 1)eb.rn-
ture•, etc.. 3,IM1u,, u.-.
Cosh on hind:ndi in Bei le - t10,111$.ts
— N12, ;r1
Estates and Agency Account :
Mortgages on R••al Entree 1, O2n,:itl7.l
Other Securities., in biding Cereal zed Original
Asfets ... ... , 54006,611.1.1ti
Cash in Rank..,... - .-. r.... 217,240M4
------ ti04111,2iti71
Capital Account :
Capital Stork Subscribed ..
Dividend due January lee, 1915
Sundry Accounts payable
Helene. at credit of Prnflt and lose... -...........
. v2,400,(1)0.00
Guaranteed Trust Aecount .
Trust Funds with Interest accrued in date....
Estates and Agency Account :
lestates and Trusts under sdwinistretion by the
L`ompaoy .... $(1.800,210,71
Toronto, December 31st, 1914.
General Manager.
Votes of thank• were extended W the Board of Directors, the Advisory
Bawd, to the Alhert• Branch, and to the officers sod staff for their etficiiibt
and painstaking tervitw in the Company's behalf.
The following were elected Director' for the erten year :—J. H. Adesia,
Toronto t W. D. Hell, cheek.? ; A. C. Ffilmerfelt, Vic ria, B•C.: Lloyd Har-
arris. Brantford : D. W. Kern. WVoodsto.k; A. F. Mac Stratford : N. W.
Rowell K.C.,Toronto ; C. E. Ritchie, Akron, tibio; Joseph Ruddy. Brant-
ford t O. P. f3cbolfleld, Toronto ; h. B. Stockdale, Toronto : W. Thob.irn,
M.P., Almonte; James J. Warren, Toronto; Matthew Wilson, K.C., Chatham.
The Board nihsequently met and unanimouly sleeted Mr. James J. War-
ren, President : Messrs. D. W. Karn, C. B. Ritchie, Viee-Presidents ; E R.
Stoekdal•, timers' Manager, and C M. Remittal, Beentary,
way. "It's all right." meld els boot ; yrs." WA the P1'esebman. "1 know
'‘don't you !sow the proverb:— ss proverbs ; bat tw dog does he
Ha'LMg dos dent bit"APA kaew es proverbs r