The Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 1ijob Printing
1f you want your Punt-
ing done promptly and
in up-to-date fa•hton. let
us have your order at
The Signal
WM. _Mee, Oen.
A Few Calendars
The Signal *till has souse
Calendars for autaeribers
who fay their subscrip-
tion Hoar for 1913. Hand
in your dollar and get •
27 I•1rf,r„ ! Il,,,t 11
B.v�N K
SAVE, because- No. 231
I A child who has never saved cannot realize the
value of economy. ,
Head Office, Corner Kiog sad Bay Streets, Taranto
General Ma :ager - - • - k - A. H. Walker
14.t Godench BranA. Pter, anager� ,".4-L.-.Brandi1il�ar'.'Drei aM
thole dependent on you to' taking a policy in
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
••('anads's only Mutual"
Peones : Orpw SI: Horse 2111). P. O. Boz 3rd
of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices.
If you are thinking of building' this year we should be
glad to have you call and talk it over with us.
We have the facilities for doing this work without delay.
Cioderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
FOR SAL* ill; TO an
11 house oe Dro.. d»et : bot water bsatt�
mo4.rate rent : ppo.o.�trtoa about Jamwery� hub.
Apply to K ('. HA Tate A. 1r. RORERTJOON.
home containing all modern twee,
ter..-... Fig eums, omiero...1 to 0. T. R.
mune. apply to MR& W. A. IRH YNAIL
£ grow oern t 11 et. you will *sat :0 tad
oat bow to bores.. year yield. At present an
important eatfoaal meanest. We .row our
.e.d orl the track 411 barn and blue clay of
Kent 000etyitnderlod by dm (intorno torn
rower,. Arociatloe. Maniple. ready. Beed
fur free bout. How t. Grow Meed Corn," neat
'leou rheerhdly oe r•go
WR'' DRiiWkits, Chatkpm. Ontario. Kent
J1L aU modern isop ovsment., including Mt
Water headed grates: ex Poona !Situated
Glenowforldlsoa. Apply to JOB. C.
acre. And haw land. dtu.ted at Nu. • 1
good frame barn. come .t tuundaUon, in geed
r-o.dino.. ♦5x0., ter. .1 good „piny water,
Hou..- 311.41 with kttohen 14110 &need d. In
aro. ciao roomer. Near to school, church, .tore
nod poetooe. Apply 10 JAM W. JACK
MAN. loot 13, (on. 1, Wst Wawano..b. Nue
P• t t. 11 I m
). P. U. dox I.
tbotoartheeed V
been o,ter.. WIC Mr H Legal,Q•t vel.
Woe M uoetpet l'Mepbotw tilt lithe
attO farm to work ot1 le.. wltb option of
ka tea. F'or fiarticelar...pply Hl)y1 12, tliU
Goole F_ tag
16••••••••••••••••••••••••• far. Nrite HoLLINHAKE BPFX'IAITY
.Cheek oral ex Waee me
The Minister of Militia Plays a Lone
Hand, but Isn't Asking for Any'As-
sistance - Shorn of Many of His
Prerogatives, He Is Still Undaunted.
(Copyrighted )
Ottawa, Feb. 10.-A sturdy figure,
khaki -clad, booted •n1 spurred, evi-
dently an officer of high rank. clatters
.crus. the marble floor of the ('h•teau
Laurier rotunda.
"And whu might that he asks the
American tourist.
'It might be Alexander the Great,
is the reply, "but u'■ Major -0 I
Sam Hughes.'
"Ah r remarks the visitor inter-
estedly. "the Kitchener of Crtade."
"You uoderetate the ra..e." Our
M. P. is bound to put the stranger
right on these questions of high poli-
tica. "M. jor-(irurr.l 'limo', in his
own mind, lout 'Rat'e' Kitchener acrd
'Jack' Fsenrh hacked off the map.
Juftrr, hindenberg, Duke Nicholas,
Ka.rer Wilhelm and the rest of the
outfit are were apprentices. Maj•,i-
fieueral Sam a Julius Caesar, Marl-
boro, the Duke of Wellington, Na-
poleon Bonaparte, George Washing-
ton. Andrew Jackw,o, General ()rant,
Theodore Roosevelt, and Nietzsche'.
Superman rolled into one. He bar a
certlflceLe of character from Lord
Roberts, produ.ed after that. old hero's
death, as the greatest Driving Force -
the greatest 1) F. for shout -in his-
tory. One way and another be'. Can-
ada'. prize exhibit in this struggle. it
needed a Pan•Europea0 war ari r back-
ground for General Sama lui id vu rue.
and we gut it. The conflict traces
right back to team Hugbee. He'd an
expensive luxury, coma us fifteen mil-
lion a year in times of peace, and ten
tinier that much at present. but we've
just naturallyof to keep bins. We
can't let go. Premier Borden object@
to •wappiug Kitchener@ while crossing
a stream.'
"He must be some genera(," the
stranger remarks thoughtfully.
''Son.* general ! Now you're shout-
ing ! He discovered the German
Menace AS far hark as 1870. discovered.
it before Keiser Wilhelm bad had his
attention celled to it, knew that the
blamed thing had uever been killed,
studied it on the spot tool ;r:years
ago, went over the ga towhen there
were no trenches to stumble into and
can tell you right now just where the
leaders on beth .idea make their mis-
takes. Did it all off his own bat, too.
Took a bunch of sunshine colooels
over to help bio. but decided to leave
them in London and run all the risk
himself, accompanied byone steno-
grapher. There s nerve or you!"
Fr.•m which imaginary conversa-
tion, a fair .ample of hundreds that
ere buzzing around Ottawa, you aro
at liberty to infer that Major-General
Sam is about as popular whir some of
his colleague* as a German band
might be at an Orange lodge meeting
in Toronto.
The truth
seems to be that General
Sam bas got in wrong with everybody,
with the Militia Department, the
permanent force, the spending com-
mitteeBoh Rogers, the high -boll
brigadier*, the army contractor••, and
a large section of the general public.
German diplomacy couldn't challenge
mote trouble than the M+jor-General
as done without half trying. Every-
body ha. a fault to find but nobody
can find just whet the fault is. It all
epeuds on wbete you sit. Wherever
here was a pet corn Mejor•General
Sam seems to have stepped on it.
I met a man the other night who
tested catalogue mIU laterest It . It
I KPRRfY.NTATIvle: well se
.toalnted In town and vicinity. flood
money to the right man with a chimer
of odv.nosetent. Write BECK a KIM
F.N HACH. Berlin. Ontario. MVO.
t. OM PAN r, Tomato. 111*3:
take abates or*. A.drow'. ter t
tan.hereb. Blyth. Apply to JON, BTOTII F:KM.
8U 11afy-Nsa.un•r. 162.
WEEKLY FOR FEW HOURS' I said that the Major-General Wised too
v._ work in your Isom- locality ahuwlogmuch-he called him the Audible
ri..=ry smile. to your filen& arm nelibb.n. I General -hut that is a failing shared
LLulKHATIVEy !UN. Wdirt,Io.. by a large number of our leading
will sell by piton* teniae at toot L t'oe. Ie,
MIA. Colborne (I mlb.a.t of NUei. on
FHIDAV. ygHRCARY It/'ing at I o'clock .harp:
Owe general purpose. mare. 1 )ear. old • 1
heavy draft mare, rMing t year., to Mee.
gal.: 2 draft snare+. rain( 3 ye rr 1 general
Heim 3nureue yeasnR3 r.. Tho ye ere all brokkenl gsag
e nter. 2 Med Angu. bearers, riding 2 IIra�n,
due to calve about ani of June: Y PoIJ 4
Anda. 'teem rising t year.; 2 salver, 1
thoroughbred York.hire .Ow; a number of
store hog.. 1 Noxon reed dri•t 12 hoer Gem I
bitted : 1 )t...ey Harr. cultivator. nearly raw; .
1 Ma -...y Hans mower, nearly n -ow; 1 sett,a harrow., 1 Peer Hendlton plow, 1
Mar) wagon and box; 1 .et of trucks and
net . 1 light emeun, 1 rat .)nerd Iron .leak•, 1 �
me 0a00s epi lung., dap. Olin ie.; I ret .eats..
pap 111. Ib•, 1 eater -remains oream Curator.
Capri .1: I ..w top buggy. 1 old top buggy. 1
mod utter. 1 hay fork. ear. rope end palter.: ,
b., rel °burn, 1 .et .wale barn... 1 .et heavy
harsr-.. 1 •patter earl platform for smiting
nem• and other ar0ol.,.
Tears. -All mono of elan and under. owe
Over tat amount, nine month, credit w/11 be
( It n on tarrasblra approved Join notes. A
I.aee..'.t of 4 per sera. per annum fur oa.b o•
artiISAA aaosst LT. riBc/m GUNi*R r.
w111 doll by public as.uee at tlletmemeWk es
a-s.IaNQutre T. rZSRUART trth.
eosem.nelnt at 1M tieback.
Med new mach new.: It amed grad. Der keen . ow. s11 are te fogies wflbin a eksf�
[fops. la Seal tarty Mete rattle; 10 ti•O
tau te•Prima. Amy row wit tobe land( sod
mewing not t. be I• calf within ewe as. t
dohs t M.p w�y be r stere ed and ember mile
will be nfemdsi.1
Time• t south credit will M =ewes
101s1a.l 1.1.
it the the 1.1. e 0 par elem. . tper me abeam'
Mille lROli HUI MD, T.oUT.
Prm•ttmsr. ♦blemlbmmer.
tatesmen. Talking too much is what ,
The Old Tradition Is Not Infallible -
What the Rerotu • Show.
"If ('andlenw thy tr v vd fair.
The half o' winter'. to. . „wed male.
The old eraditiu ....rut the bear
looking for bis s1...1 • ,, oo Candle-
mas Day is often quit o , but the of-
ficial weather obs.• se , have not
much faith in it, Ti. •v .l,. tum even
the slightest supe', 41011 and the
official record of the 1) .minion niete-
orul .gical office . Toronto for
seventeen years he . rather backs
them up It shows:
1tNH-Mild .priog I 'lowed Feb. 2,
which wee Wormy.
Ifs -Day was clear and cold
weatber folic wed.
iilI -Ring Sol was bidden hut
weather lolluwieg was Wold.
11101 -Cloudy : spring was cold.
191r1 and 19IR--Mik1 spring course
after cloudy Owdlema. Day..
191M -Sun did not shine, bet the
spring was told.
l9116 -Cold weather followed bright
clear .1.y.
IR* -dun shone WtthUy but spring
was mild.
1997 and 1009 -Moderately coed wea-
ther prevailed. following cloudy Can -
disease a
Da. .
IGOR -Cold weather after • height
46191.0 -$unny day : spring same
/911 -The eon shone not on Feb, 2,
yet told wentier cave after.
1112 --Severe weather, although the
sunt was hidden by Glenda
1L1S--Coldest spell of winter after
grorn-h w W *below.
191 m
day : Febru-
IIoose cold and ywpa5er. saw eoa-
take. Hansard what it is, a work far'
too voluminous ever in be tnr•ned
into reeled letters for the blind,
which explains, in a dr•nner. why so
little light reeding io to he found in its
pages. It in no secret that the M.jor•
General has always been • halt -
trigger talker and that owing to the
way he is rifled and his high mutate
velocity his words are liable to dim.
dun' before reaching the mark. it
mayhe true that Major-General Sam
tolLord Kitchener how to manage
the campaign : that he instructed
Winston Churchill into where to look
for submarine* in the English Chan-
nel ; that he put the kiho.h on Gen-
eral Le -card with his right band and t
pemm�ted hi
In t hie lour is the first of A eerie* of
letters from Ottawa t . le written for
The Stignal and other Ontario werkliee
by H. F. Gadsby, who her a reput•-
tlon net only on this continent but in
Britain a. ens of Ih. atno'gest and
cleverest wird-aril t. wing the Eng -
flab W. ...epee( 10 have a
weekly leiter Irons Mr. Gadsby
thruugt.out the Parliiulrutat y see.
We would again call •tteution to
the articles appearing from week to
week un the.econd cage cf Th. Sig-
nal under the heeding "Che Great
Struggle.' These ertk!re, which are
secured by specie' and exclusive ar-
rangement, and include eztra:ts from
leading journal,. on both sides of the
Atlantic, give Signal reader. • service
ouches few, dairy. other weekly news-
paper. in Canada present to their
A Unique Entertainment
Every seat in the large lecture room
of Koos church wu ?*copied on Mon-
day evening by an appreciative Cuti-
.nce whu bad gathered to enj .y the
entertainment &reauged by the Ar-
thur Circle. 7 b wu.4• sl part of toe
program we. well sustained by the
vafloua participants and the recite -
Irene drew forte well -merited ap-
plause. The trecond part of the eoter-
taibwent was a series of stereopticon
views arranged and expiaited by Mr.
ft. R Mallows. Tbere views gave en
interesting insight onto the hi -tory of
Ooderich trow the time of one of its
early founders, John Galt, whu settled
bete in 11r27. Pictures o1 the soldiers
linter up so the Square at the time of
the Fenian mid ; of the decorations
of the town at the time of rhe visit of
Lord Dufferiu, and canny other in-
tr,e.ting .Itues were shown, as well
as some of Westerh Can,da views.
Some of wore recent date were the
pictwes of put and _present pasture
of Knox cbu'ch ; of Di. Strang. Miss
Klui.e Skintings, Mr. Neil McKenzie.'
who has parsed his ninety -Met birth-
day, and Mrs. A. Carrick, who is in
her nioet -.ixth year. A picture of one
Henry Washington, a gentleman of
color, was tbruwn upon the ear.vas
and Mr. Sallow• gave the history of
the man wbo it probably the oldest
llviug person on th. American con-
tinent. being 119 and now living at t
Klttpvlila the evewRfg-eonolraded
with the singing of ti! National An- 1,
them, the accompaniment being
played by Miss Skiminge. Congtat-
ulatiott• ate due to the ladles of the 1
Arthur Circle wbo arranged this
unique end interesting program.
Blackstone's for the beet borne -made t
candy and .Alred peanuts. 0
Special for Saturday -pure home- •
made pork sausage, 1'21 cent. per Ib. L
O'BRIHN & Lsou. 4) -it v
Very Little to the Credit of the Board
tor the Past Year, but 1916 M
Tell a Better Tale What the Loc
Factories Are Doing.
The enemameeting of the Oadericb
Bowl ul "1 rode w.s 0.14 vu Huuday
en.ii,, wub a rather ►nail atLeud-
ance. the presidtut, 1/f. M. O. l'auu-
e.url, uccup.eo the char".
1'De elecuue Lit officer. fur 1915 re-
sulted ea tulluws; I'torldeut, $.mu.
Galina' ; vM
ice-pre.ident, C. L. uure;
.ecrety, Jas. Mitchell; u'edourer,
Wm. Campbell. %Me courted fur 1916
t. cumpueed of Li. 1. Pareour, H J.
Megaw, W. H. Roberteou, J. W.
F.rr, l' K. bauuder., U. F. Hain -
'lel. h. J. A. MacEwau, ft. E. Hod-
gen,, A. Porter, J. %%. Kitts, J. H.
t.ultx,rne, C. C. I..", Mewl troll. Lieu.
W illi.uD., Y. M. Hlugrue, H. U. Mun-
utog.. ani Mayor tend le./ ...Melo).
H. J. A. MscEwau, C. K Saunders
anu Jar. Micheli were appointed dele-
gates to the suuual tutelar* Lit the A.-
.uctsled Boaid. ut Trade 111 Ontario.
'the preouteeL gave hl. annual re-
view ut the uperauun' of the tarot year
Sud Lit :he cueSiLlons at pre.tut exist-
ing. floe attunes", which Was tt
to with greet intrtebt, war as tdlluwm :
The President s Address.
Let rte tate A Ietlu.pecttve view of
the bumper* Lit the part year, and 1
regret to may that tui re 1. nut very
touch that or favorable to report.
Relate proceeutog, I desire to Lb/ink
you for toy te-eleeOuu ea pcesidenL fur
member year. 1 tuu.ider it au Dolour
to tee at the beau to a corporation
w hose membership comprise. the
lea ding Weiner. wen of the town. l
may .ay two. 1 would nus bare ec-
emp.ed tar porously' ut president fur a
third year, bad 11 nut leen tar the
tact that, owing 10 CirCUW.Lr0.
C. over
Web the orderer and CUWIUILL4ea had
Liu cuutrol, we toile ule ACcuw-
phsb but, little during 1914. and we
hope to wake better be..dway dur-
Dg 1916.
ahose of you who extended the an-
uu•l um/prologLit last year wilt museum -
her, and of out choreal. Who did'
out, but who t the public press,
will be rcgUetutem watts tier fact.. boat
bo .tatomembl r 40ceiv4termsMI
tthe R
ern*0104051.1 estrtlM5Mre*ts Lit nub
uwu ad prevented at thmeeting
were of t to 200.1 et.euurnging character;
all ut them sptak►ug or m prwperou.
913 and the rea.uuable certainty Lit
Large us/sinew. and can re.pouWng earn -
ng. dureug the year"1911. Unturtoo-
Lely, Luwever, tue.e piedic lona for
be year that is past were Gotten/11rd,
wmg to the geuet-sl depre.eton that
11.1.1 thiougfuut the country, the re
alt ut gruerei wit .avatfance awing
he people, the uuuue inttauoo of laud
aloes to Wteeleru Uauada,aod. lastly,
the effrciv of the terrible wrr that le
uW uevastating ampul tont and valu-
Ne portions ot Europe end Oboes
*issuing InHurncr embraces toe
For that afternoon tea, get Rome of u
our fancy bricks, made from .ibeo- a
lutely pure ice cream. Orden dello- d
ered, ealkeld•s reel tyrant, phone 61. w
any longer than a safety -razor blade.
As for not hating himwtf, that id a
family weakness -Brother Jim has it,
too. Major-General Sam is not like
the African lady with • ring in her
nibs he can blow his own holo.
What's more, he blows it so often that
be winds up by believing it. A1-
tbough he has bugler's chest nobody
can Accuse him of deliberate ez tkger•
at ion. But he won't listen to sugges-
tion., says someone. Well, what of
it? Where's the man that wouldn't
sooner take fits than take gust ad -
Extension of the Breakwater.
tow whet nes the Board of Trade
erects able t o u.:complt■b during .hue
peat year i Not very much. Early
'u the year, r delegation representing
We municipal council and the Ho..t'd Lit
Trade aur" Others waited upoii the
Minister of Pubic W ores u, urge upuu
bun Inc exteu•tou 01 the ...ohemt
breast eater. Alley presented inert case
mutt were pluwl.ed that the wort
.110014 Lir proceeded with at the eatll-
e.L possible winner t. The .vOtfact
has veru let and wile Wes, 1 under-
coat), *heady be n teegu0 and will be
turned dui rug use •priug and summer
u a .peeedy Leuuwauuo, rod tune
mploywtlr. will Lir given to a very
oD.ui,1rblr rlUlnbrr 11 men end we
Just tick that grievance off. We t
must look for some other peg to hang e
• grouch on. The FMntch-And-sod* c
fellows find it in hie championship of'"
ry canteen. ey ave no cam.
the d Th h I t
' England cute oft the grog except en a I tt
medical supply : France chases ab- e
.intbe out of the country; Russia' I"
swears off vodka Due no doubt 101 11
their own good sense end Msjo'-
General Sam's influence, but it all
goes to show what • pull our Minister
of Militia has over there.
Another set of ceitics blame Major-
General Sam for the devastating in-
crease in honorary culonels, as if the
other members of the Borden Cabinet
weren't equally responsihlc. What
do the real colonels who have earned
tbeir spurs think about It? I know
what they think, but 1 am not going
o tell. Then are some things no re-
spectable newspaper dares to print.
The Major-General may he tender
towerd honorary colonels, hut he
doesn't stand for all of them. He has
11.11 111 time IIi*r a harbor that wilt
or .ole tut vr..rle w All 11114. Lit
rather. We dol wale an ruuravur
arly to the tall to induce the Min.
er► of 1'uohc %ewrkr to proceed Witu
1e 0111., 111 urdet to give wet k to bur
ueulp leytd, but our t 11011a lu 1111.
respect Were unavailing.
lu CO1JUDC1.1011 with the Ma.untc
O1dri cud the town council, the
Booed of trade endeavored last onto
advised Toronto to put ice onher
bead : that be offered a million men
to England, including eighty thou..
std Kentucky coloowb : that he tow f
brusque with royalty and curt with
the patriot* who had things to sell.
Granted. What then % Who is to nay
that Major-General Sam', mistakes i
have not hews dee to a burning dis-
like to see thing. hungled when there ,
Is • great militarygens i. ender his
hat wbo ran do te lob without help v
from anvhrdv
Outside the feet• mentioned above t
the Major-fienentl has beton almost'
silent, and it .peaks greatly for his
dibt•retion, in thea" days when every
little statesman has • lector" all bis
own. that he trusts to the to ra wrytu
tion of the moment tor his Invidious i
He just blurts It out mad
Iola it go at Limit, showing no malice
Ormeaforethought Oe in • while, being
quick to anger• be ft oat half -
nock, but It le notorious that major-
.e'sL are highly explosive, so nCo-
y ran Mime hint for that. f have m
known colonels, let skew ajor-gee-
or'a1s, wbo couldn't keep their temper
our colossal. in hi. own family, four,
count 'eta, four. No caber family in
Canada comes within two of the
Huebert output of colonel., hut wherethe use of toeing Minister of Militia if
you can't take rare of your relations?
One should not overlook merit tempi,
became it happens to be in ones
amily. any more than one should
overlook one'. family simply because
here happens to No merit in it.
There's nothing in that colonel etuff-
the Major-General wins going and
coming. es
1 hope the Major-General sekbit
went 1 am putting up for him.
always thought that counsel
for the defence missed several good
pointa that might have beton raised
for Chitties the First and i shouldn't1
Irk" to see Major-General Ham bo-
sheaded in the same wa . Besides- It
will Wartime him to feet that be bas
a friend or two left. lest now be's
abvot se lonesome as an Oyster at •
Gashed ee ems l
wrr to eutertwn, Lit a fining Inarlllrt,
Mote number of encu,*.ulllwt. (10111
l.hioagu, and r very pleasant wertiug
we* the iesult. Many •t'quannlauces
were wade, and 1 (relieve suwrthlug
of material importance was Initialed,
rod .rattle prl'Iuaueui gond way rr-
lddwtnal Review.
During the tart few weeks, the wee.
1 retary 0214 myself, thinking that It
would be Motel to take this course
than k1 mit each nranufayturer for r
atatewenl Lit tu• bueinesa tut the past
year, and be. pro.pecte for the Molar,
as w teenier year., ma .1 a per•.onal
visit to nitwit of tbem and We tumid :-
First- that the Zloty Marine bo-
tue it Hostel Company has wort o0
and to seep 11 tuey until the Mot
of July meet, and that it has fifty tura
employed. which number will nicety
he incre.0.•d it it undertake* the woes
which it can have of it cbouswe 1n the
way of finishing shells for the Militia
Department for u.e in the war. We
were informed that it was not a ques-
tion of any difficulty in getting the
contract tar the wort, nut it was
whether, considering the amount
that was offer ed for the work to be 1
performed, it would pay the Otlmpaa'y
to go 0o the expense of pesetas -tog the
neeeseary machinery for the earrytrtg
out of the work . Thu) matter M .(221
ender oonaideret1013, and will no
doubt he determined upon at an early
The editor'nf The Signal has received the following Tetter:
Bustard Camp, Salisbury Plain. Hog.
Jan. 22, 1913.
Mr. W. H. R111 ertson,
Go d... id ,, Ontario.
Dein MIR, -We wet* reading in some of the Canadian papers
that aU the Canadian contingent on Salisbury Plain had been re-
moved from tent►, to hut. or barracks, but we would like to have
the people of Ontario know that the first brigade, cunsistlug mostly
of Ontario hoy'r, at.- still under canvas at Bustard cutnp.
We would like L. know why it is that all the troops here in
England are in conifortshle quarters while we are obliged to stay
herr in the d and .nose, .Everybody know• that lite in et tent
in the twiddle ot winter ie but pleasant and we cannot ser
why the Ontario brigade should get such r raw deal.
They wonder why some of the wen are 'sick, but about all
the doctor will give • sick man here is medicine and duty, and one
of his tamoue No. 9 tartlets. We do not want the people to think
We are Hunkers, but we would like them to know the truth, that
we err not getting a .teiare deal.
Hoping this will find space in your valuable paper, we re-
Yours truly,
TH g :f3R1. Bow en BALtentinT PLAIN.
dat .. Thi.. Company also expects
coneiderahle amount of business i
the matter of repairs to some of t
groin vee.els now in our harbor,
Second-Ondericb Organ Company
We found that fifty men were em
city every .y for eight hours •
day. Owing to the financial depres-
• iob the Company found it necessary
in November halt to reduce it. staff,
and the hope is that. when the war is
over the building trade will become
lively again and a demand be made
for its product. This Company'. bw-
ines. i. largely dependent tee is the
case with every other line of trade)
upon the general prosperity of the
count -y. If building operations are be
suspended as they have been the de-
mand for their product is most mater-
ial) curtailed.
Third -The American Road Third-The
• Company. This Company'. pro-
duct is sold almost entirely to muni-
cipalities, and owing to the floancial
stiingeo;y municipalities were unable
to borrow on their debentures and
could not purchase, and consequently
the works of this Company were
practically closed 0n
asthe Brat of Aug-
ust hoot, and world therein was out
resumed until a contract wan secured
from e overneot for the w� y
at 410 wagons for use NOW*
thNOW*Department. This kept seventy men
at work day and night for • consider-
able length of time and each week .
there was paid out in .wages the sum
of a610 or a total for „the time em
ployed in manufacturing these wa-
gons of approximately $5000. This
work has been completed and it is to
he earnestly hoped that another war
contract will be secured. Efforts In
that direction are now being made.
Fourth --The Goderich Koitting Com-
pany has been engaged for Rome time,
and will be engaged until April next, in
the manufacturing of i1e products for
the Militia Department, and it may 1e'
reasonably hoped that it will secure
further orders from the same source.
The Western Canada Flour Mills
Company is working night and day
and the elevators are both in a pros•
perous condition, and the prospects
for the coming season are very en-
couraging. We also visited the Beech -
ler mill establishment and found that
work upon the new building was in.
Package Freight Business.
For sotto years, as is well known, we
have been end••avuring to .e•:ure a
package frrigtt•se to be opera
ated its conjunction with the railways
here. Inas 'be -.o,0 ode vessel arrived
at the t'.11.11. warehouse and die -
charged • portion of its cargo. Upon
enquiry of the C. P.R. Author ties why
this 'n 'noisome; sees not contained, i wee
Continued on page l
be EX-CoI'e('ILLUR ELLIOTT to Movie
E1Iurr -
. I am here and you are y.lnder .
Abeeoce makes for heart grow
To Mien SKlxtrtir, 1.110M HICK AD-.
Htiron's Puete.e, we greet you,
Happy day 'Us when we meet you
Pray accept our tribute now,
As we place this wreath upon thy
Maybe re at Netheravon, perhaps
you're at the front,
Or maybe they're still keepiog you at
little London, Out. ;
But whether you are fighting, or
just swearing at your eair.
Please take the mewage that we send
in simple word* like these :
it's a long way to Netheravon, it's a
long way to Ypres ;
It's a long way to 8alisbugy, 9i"shax-�
ever else rut keep.
Cloud -bye, Treater Atkins ! Fare-
well, Jack Canuck !
11'e a long, long trip for King and
But -here's Kisses and Good Luck !
TMs Litmus.
To Mi*t. PANKMURST, Flaw. KA!slat
i thought you were a Tartar
Making trouble for John Bull.
That.vou'd poralyzrtl old Asquith
And pulled Winston Churchill's
But as soon as I got busy
You At once reversed your tutee --
When I heard you were recruiting,
Himmel ! lel bin pretty near to
So I send you not best wirhre
No, i will not be your toe .u1 ;
if you're going to help the British
You may gr" to Jericho.
Thom: Poe -rovers h: OIHL•+ --
When you're sorting out tete nit/wives
With bearts and darts and ribbon,
And Cupid feces, round aryl ht'ight.
And lovers' notes entre' leen.
Please, please, dot't miss the sweetest
(It's theeiorettiest tone you'll .re,.
The rarest one, the deare.t one
The one that's meant for we.
et itur.l.ty •o"cial ! Aaottei chi. ,•
Evanturel an Independent. Bite., fruit Hevur., 2.-Iots a pound at
Toronto, Feb. ti. --When Gustave H*ackstone e.
Rventurel. recently elected try the
Provincial House for the riding of
Premcntt, comes hack 10 the Legs.
Lure, it will be in the capacity of en in-
dependent. He will not have the op.
port unity of becoming one of the Lit-
eral party, or of joining in their
11'111171M which privilege be enjoyed be-
, fore he made his resignation from the
last Parliament, owing to the chargee
1 made against him by the Hon. G.
Howard Ferguson. It WAN learned to-
day that in the lift of members for
wham the Opposition leader matte re-
quests for seating capacity in the Leg-
H(-4+EY ') (u.NNOIL At Bt. Peter, chorch
on FSWuary 9 b. Mb.. Minnie
01 minor 0, Mr. Jo.eph Hooey. by Pet.
lest her M. It.,.
fL'Lft�T uUItHELL - At Br, An(wline
chur..h rectory. Toront•1, on tfondny Feb
roar; iith. Battle 1. 1'urretl. faunae.?
daughter 1d Mr. and Mr.. Albert V. ('u1
roll. Pat nan'ent .dee. r. Toronto. rot -moll)
Of tiod-,l.-h. to Arthur M. reeve. of
Mone.. alta a. *nue. Toronto.
Wools,. 1t. Hayfield on February 1-r, it in
i•lat ave Chaml,er, the name of Mr. Henry V4 sada. aged', Foie. and nvonth.
Eventurel was not included
Sudden Death in Ooderich Township.
Clinton, Feb. t. -W. T. Elliott, a
well-known farmer living four miles
out in Uoderich township, died very
suddenly this morning of some appar-
ently strange form of suffocation or
strangulation 'shortly Aller Dr. Shaw
bad been called in. The doctor, who
arrived early in the morning, found
Mr. Elliott breathing with difficulty,
and summoned another pby.}cian for
*urgle•I treatment ap-
patently being required, but the suf-
ferer soon expired. He had not been
ill until yesterday. when he com-
plained of some trouble with 1 is
breathing. He was about Bfty years
of age, and many relatives live in this
dist Het.
1 should lik• anyone who has an
ofd views of flod.Mch, such w undid
contribute to an illustrated history of
tbe earlier day of the tow to being
them to my 'Indio to be oohed R.R.
_ *.rtaa@u vt. h. boary lith. toot Ion .al.• n
lams sleek. implement., and household form
t. ropertL of Mm Wa. Hn.aa tut 1. roe.
13,21111111U. TRU* UUu.Oav, suetioowr.
Adeno. Holltarake B
prcWty Company. oi-
Annual Atatement -Tru.:.. and O0araotee
Company. Limited..
Choir Leader Wanted -01. Andrew s Church.
Blytp . 1
R.pre•entatly a Wasted -ft* k F:Wnb•eb.
•nadirs • 1
11 me to farmer* Penile thin Omen,.
to Work Wanted AIM Ito taws'
I alio". . 1
Sat Weekly Te. toopsmr00 Vow WfIM-
ar_.. ... .. ................ ,...
Amnion R&M Isaac ',Narver....
Auction Selo - 0.orf, Belled1
Reeder O'Ilrlee t Lege
0.015 C•Rs•gms.t-9tpa.Vlasli•t Ow*
(a• .t... a
Reader - R. L Banners
Reids - wr.GT.0 .,........ ....,.