The Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 8gee • TuualaBar. i P haSt 4. NU St. Valentine's Day February 14th tar War Valentines are absolutely the correct thing today. This e.tabll,htneot is right t„ the front, showing the very new- est creations iu 19Lti Valentine Just glance .t our show window, cr step inside sod as. the o•lebrated V ulland t Co.'s artl tic Valentines, ranging iu price (rota 5c up to Ilk. You cannot imagine bow pretty ata nttrselive these Valentines ars, you meet simply see them. Valentine Post Cards of yrear variety olland & Co.'. Valentin* Post Cards, sic and Ink each. A splendid assortment of other lines as low as lc each. 2 for tie mad :i for 5•. Dennison's Valentine Table Clothe, Table Napkins, Doane. Place Cards, etc.. at reasonable prices met The Goderich Book 8 Stationery Co. G EO. PORTER t `Don't Merely Stop a Cough Stop the thing that causes it and the cough will stop itself. Treat the cause - heal the inflamed n,etuIirwne,. Syrup 01 Tar vit') Cod Liver Oil Compound nail do it and so gently and somptly that youwoti� how it was done. ONLY 33c A LARGE BOTTLE from C. L. Coultis, Phm. B. JRUGGIST AND CHEMIST PHONE iq - Senday Boars 1-3 and S-9 p m. l INNINIIMaandmiloat Notice to the Farmers! GRAIN ELEVATOR mad CHOPPING MILL iVe are now prepared to buy all kinds of Grain at our eleva- tor, north of MacEwen's coal yards, Goderich, and will pay (be highest prices at *11 timer. CHOPPING. We beg to announce also that we,have installed an up-to- date Chopping Mill In connec- tion with ourerein business and are now ready to attend to the wants of the farmers in this line We shall be glad to chop or roll gr.tin any ia' in the week. and if you will give us a trial we, trust that good work will merit your continued patronage. J. E. BAECHLER BlrBe et t ler dtnr Ifir 11i Premier akitadlea elite le OM 'Real b. betas re tiMl.bia, sal ul east death R 1. 1•WTh•t•ttW 1lAte. wtm tator,.e ssssary Meals. keel "ttsi ger st- sad tbttt Italy the shredMattsSe► left ababtor Ila eememse lamalama Ihneatt the. the avialaa will gas to the la a very wart *ie. Ihmenwt towel the Ed the mooed eos`ant sees 111 fRa SIGNAL : ODERIOR : ONTA RIO Mite AGM* ON WSTERN FRONT ,Melt and Frees* Defeat Oliewt•w Attaeke-Russia os g• Ferw.rd a« tart !Roe aillee .dWated the b•aiaut*g • seventh month d the war with deMsst,. &shoos to Nor- aad astern Pramoe. The k troops, whose steadiest de - of the lbws between La Bsaese Bathed• has hems the subject of voeaNe eomm•nt 10 reports from aeearal stair for several days, Unmasked themselves further oil L bitterly contested 1.14. ' "arty Monday the Germane •ttsek- ae torp, advancing yslest eke regiments •ntdlsssked monk the bigb road tram La %ease to Tb• Oernmaa delivered one the smut vloant attacks et the bet were drives back atter many kilted sad woended os Mid • Preach troops salved I.oaar- m•odon by the general stiff as result of their oOsdnct sortb d rt and in the wood of Ls Orar1 the Argonne. la the fortttier region detected a ~prise esoveseat •German Intgetty, W poured sad �b•avy See 9Mn the attackers that e Germane sea bast to their limes. ��a1 e ' egplo es Messed a Se,erar the Prone% heathen. In the wood of 1s Gruel* tks Germane at- tempted to carry ea the► ofeYbe •bat were beanie bark. r Byatell* they managed to blow Ea French create. but were unable till or wound or motor* an7 of Maeda,. Rnsaians Lave incased another ea the Turks in the Sari K•m- 11A regio. when dialog a .now51or they crossed a mountain and atter �wawy fighting i the command - general sadd him staff stag a the Nib h division and a large quandtr war material. 7b add to the difficulties a the Ot- tawa& army the Russian fleet has r. - It. ag4tivity In the Bieck Sea red bas bolrlbarded the rarkisb bar - melts at Tethisond and Rath. beside@ elnktng several Teetl.h sal)tne e@b eels seed tie traneparta. A Russian army to rtport.d to be marching Into East Prussia sad the tahabttants ile fleeing is terns. CARNAGE WAS AWFUL FINN= PATS' CASUALTIES hepares Show That Several members ed Canadian Regiment Wan Kilted The Princes. Patricia Regiment has ragain to the tranche., this time an eight-day stretch. recording a letter. received from odic -ere, rad dated several day. ago. A list of ppraa.ualties sustained in lighting os ' Mnuary 16 was issued as follow.: Private James lkNtah and Private Norman McLeod were killed while Punt* Wllltaos Thorburn died of his on the following day. Me- reareet relaUve t. Mrs. J. K. �aL.e.d. of kklmonton. and Phorburs'. M R'111tam T'horhurn, of Edinburgh. IalloPeleis was front Claagow A despatch these Northern Frame NH Sunday stated that the Princess fwtrtclaa took part In the defence of We British troarbes near La Hasse., Which were attacked by the German. between January 22 and 36, and lost lour men killed and a number wound- ed Capt. Frederick rtsgerald was one of the number killed. The next day Lieut. Priam. of the (knadtant. watt killed while leading R1. company Into a trench, and an other atter named Pearson la re- ported to have hen killed. The Canadlar,s took a number ret German prisoners and Inflicted severe looses on a landsturm regiment. which attacked their trenches A POOR CELEBRATION Twenty Thoweand Germano Sacrificed In Honor of Kaiser's Birthday The sever, ftgbttng last week In the vicinity of ('raonne, north of the Aisne. cost the German army six thousand men. according to the Preach estimate. 'These looses, added to the heavy casualties Inourred by the seamy In the Woeurre, the Vols's, et La Basra. and east of Ypres make • rota! that Ik believed to be more than 2o.nno And this huge price brought the Kaiser's troops nothing whatsoever in the way of reward. ft wen a desire on the part a the Germans to commemorate the Seth birthday of the Kr :er with some note worthy feat of erre= that was respon stble for th slaughter of twrnty thousand cf theft best troop to thr'e dam according to the news sent from the front by General Jolts. Just what was ec':'Omr!Isbell by theta efforts was well c eprusacd by his eommttniget. "E}o ry (fermi* attack was repulsed, ehllc every French attack made pro- • ares:." NEW MEMBERS OF COMMONS Fc Cones velvet and One Liberal Returned by Acclamation Five new members were elected In' acclamation to the Dominica Perna Lent on Monday as follows. South Watt r',00 -F. Stewart Scott. Conservative. Westmoreland -A. B. Copp. Liberal. Jacques Csrt4er-J. A. Ue.carrtes, K.C., Conservative. Prince Albert -Samuel Ilonald.ow, I Con.creatlee. • SOFT SMOOTH SKiN Landon -Wm. Gray. Conservative. Meets,' odd to talk alon' .moth .flu whe thi. weather Agee been epollina. ever body band.. making them rough end un.ightly. Bet we here briped a lot of people to kw.r their hand..month. well and comfortable, no ,natter bow badly flee, were chapped before. 15 ouly lake.. kw worta to tell yrs the eeeret It PENSLAR Almond and Cucumber Cream aM,_our wool foi It, tel. 1. the Ilnr•at dalntlr t era/rncat)on for the band. and akin that 1. ,n rad •.took of toilet thine-. Two al.e., r r 1f you knew a. much about Pen.l.r ag we do Poe Would expect Chia to be the beat thing of the klad -aa It k. For Pea4ar mean* bigheet quality every Ume Too ..e It THE PENSLAR STORE M.....asosasH sew J. A. Campbell, Pnm. B. Central Drug Store North St. and Square - Goderich HOCKEY NOTES. Weadnr.day •riming the ',Nord - and :he ono t71uh N' ' ne a T..,. League 4..n.. Tu- 1•.,1lane took th t s L of' i' (Weems. t , INmore I,-- The 0.1; A. sears* in 0, Ile. Iib ended in • 110,1., the h•.tue team falling down in their game with the R,,alowi,v on Friday Peening. Tim Rest ended Ito 1 1a f.tor of t tel vol 11 .4y in Lbw second p rtod Botcher re aired • had eat wader the eye whir. pat him not of the ,latae. *red tbir red beet ratted his 1 else -seems•• Cli home to emelt an es. .1.1 that they player l.n sly sod the 6n. SOWS Was 10 to 1 ogalaal them. code ieb was sopsi, It• final n�aa.ww at New 9 rhsr& it.i tQ •tb.rr- I ii The nori!r,atlons which took place in Terrehonne, Que.. dl.clo-.d • splIt In the Conservative party, and an Mc -triton wit: be necessary. Two O•s- d!dates were nominated. Aa.. Roehoa, C•.e rnment nominee, and Joseph Beaulieu. Independent Conwrvativ1 The election will take plane nest Monday. Canada Wit Pay Damages The Canadian Government will settle claims growing out of the r*esst shooting of two American dock -aunt - ors by Canadian militiamen at Port Erie by paying $I0,OMe to the parents of Walter Rmith, who teas killed, sad $S.nno to Charles Dorsch. who was wounded. to addition to all legal OS - 'tenses. Will Try Bomb Droppers Russian despatches stab that Is ordr r to establish the legal statss et bomb -dropping Russia will pl... the Germans captured In the Zeppelin whish recently attacked irbae (.e trial They will het charged wall dropping bombs tm an om4.deoded tow n lNo Saebwee et Menim ee Rwes.ete Rafilai. who that Gamma iia' ' December to la • batttutaelr ba . "hie tbe latter was seta. the peacemaker and wbswas four jury guilty of masataRgkt- se, was • cnteneed at Ham111.e a tee Mtaosment for lila T• Ces.tueed les.et Mrd Lista -(`.el 1' R. Mose. Ole e.r of the Bah Royal 1.mlttne. has tore appal asM sew meander of etre gourd es th. Welland Canal aid w111 reeet.asles the tree The Berth ba' thine .11. et iVts t• •00 nisei 1.w e@ Bldg .. {h* Ser teeh- Prisoners From 0•vtgtrn Versals Thought Whale Fleet Doomed Admiral Sir David Beatty's d the battle with the German in the North Sea states that the la cruiser i(O!berg was sunk by t� P British squadron. This is denied khrg� eh Dermans who say that the only vessel which did not return to port was as Bluech er. a• Strong toetlmnoy as to the terrible • ser end deadly Character a the British in gunnery Is afforded In the composition fo d the large body a German prtsoaen dei at Edinburgh. Practically every large so vessel and most of the smaller yes- , be eels of the raiding squadron are repro- fu seated In the man rescued. In every , to or-0their experiences were the tae• *s those of the survivors of the Pet Moocher. ,., =t,000 A MONTH 1 callow teem Nese WWaltham tg�ed wtMit`•hs i i� o a:tbe oh.. tos to grant 36 m had�Clientss Orabe made to agr4od/twsl eerihome sad seed show% a e sties 1■ goof handbag which hold s t 815 be grant t granted to ageilesitaral societies holding tall oases IE ; that *R(be i granted to the teen high school. es ••o. : odlt4oss as Messed mottos for gigot to Beek oeOss�ADM- ; r* citation, Do action he taken; se- c not of P. Hole.i..d for MO for oSoe trent ead Mealtime (as police =atinlaagla tee ave yeas). the accouot he not paid, as the meaty appoints so police magistrate, ; that MAIM be granted to the Bea relief hind and that it be „at forward se moos as possible le oath, wheat or Sone ; 1• the matter of the letter from the Good Roads Association asking council to become a member of 'the same, that 0o action be taken,. re motion of Meeh. Klllott and Laitbweite, that ihe county pay back to the town of tiodlericb the mage paid by the town maintenance aintenance n1 soldiers' depeod- mite previous to December 1st, 1914, that county. the amount be paid by the repo ed cues o. In them terconsiderable the urou Hifi! Association Councilor* Elliott, Lmltbwatte and Murry were strongly Is favor a a grant, while Councillors ' Leckie and Taylor opposed it o the ground a ecoeomy. An alAsadmeot by Meese*, LatthwaIte and IiIhott to grant $60 was carried. Soma other clauses wan amended, and Ssafortb seed fa Beekeepers' a grant of $15 and the Association gets 410. The clause dealicg with the patriotic grant was referred beck, to be [,con- sld.red. A motion by Messrs. Harding and Brown, that Maera. Finglaad, Stewart and Elleringtou be a committ a to draft • resolution to the L,c.1(lover D- ement asking that • refund be made of the auto licensee c,lleeted in this county, was sent to the special com- mitter. A wntioo by Mess. Dewmerliog and Mulvey, that the c .anal make agrant of $►Oto the boundary Lea wren Huron and \Vulliugtoo, providing the U,wu- ships of Howlok and Miuto sad the county of Wellington grant an rqusl amount, was sent to the road and bridge c.lmmittee, The clause of the executive commit- tee'. report regarding the amount p.tid nut by the (iudetich relief com- mittee prior to December l.t was taken up and it was decided the atuount be not paid. Hoo. 11. B. Ames, - M. P., can)! before the coune.l and gave • eptendid address on the subject of the patriotic fund, pointing out that the Canadian trtotic Amezeiatiou was the only rgamzatio looking after the depend- ts of the Canadten voldiers and that e eooty'e first duty in benevolence as to itself. Mau)- questions were ked the speaker and he was on his c for nearly an hour. A good part of Friday was occupied the discussion of the county grant r patriot,e purposes. It was smelly 'Med that • grebe of Sl,p)) a mouth, long as u deemed nroer.ary, should made to the Canadian patriut.c nd, and in addition $6,11110 With voted Belgian tellef. The motion paired at the December sion, whereby the council egrwrl u, y relief accounts submitted bythe vee of the several minor municipal - es, was rescinded, as these accounts II o.,w be paid out of the patriotic The present local committee in •rich, along with the peeves of Municipalities, will form the mem- nhip of the committee having the rge of the relief fund fur the aunty. Bylaw No. 1, to appoint J. Leckie Wm. Lane auditors of ca Milne! tice accouute and 0. W. Holmen; of ckertmith, and Ale,. Porterfield, of rat V* awanosh. auditor, of all other unto, was pweeeo. be council then adjourned. Horrified by *the carnage on board their vessels, scores of men leaped Iii overboard end were picked up. Their wi ships, swept by spot and shell from fund the British Runs, wore unfit towards HO1l the end to do more than trust to their the engines taking them out a the action. The expe-fencee of these men cion- , ehr arm the statements that the large a German vessels and many of the tonal- Mr one. sustained damageand hasp them off the sea folong time. i i ladeed. it Is questionable it some will Rs ever appear again. The loos of life on board was so scan were so terrifying that the men re Sarded the ships as doomed. NUNGARIANS -GROW RESTIVE wit ROAD AND P/HMI COMMrrTgY. The road and bridge committee recommended that no action be taken h regard to putting anowguarde on y's bridge ; that • bridge be beilt on boundary of Huron and Perth ween the townships of Grey and a if the engineer in consultation with the engioe.r of Perth county find the conditions i ' con• inept with the by- law - law ; telt a. bridge be built on the boundary of Huron and Perth between the towq.bips of Logan and McKillop it conditions comply with the bylaw ; re motion of Dewu serling and Mulvey, that • grant of 41(2) be given on t boundary between Huron and Well- ington counties and Hawick and Minto townships if Wellington grant • simi- lar amount, that no aatloe be taken : regarding the claim of H. Kerr, of ft hen, in the matter of an auto aVCldtnt on the L.ke Shore road new o gr. that the sum of $!) be pasd in full .ett lemeo t. Asti -war Denienatntleee Required t Use of Troops b Suppress the � bet Kin The order of the AaetroHiuogarlaa Government for the mobillaaattoe d the last line of reserves has brought about a serious rising among the southern 81ava, aeeoeding to ,uetcen- aoeed despatches from Austrian scarce., The clergy, them advice@ mem, head• ed the movement of resistaaem, witch began at Lalbach. It muse northeast of Trieste. After the .erlmioa by t41avo1•n priest the crowd te nport.4 to have left the cathedral .boating "Down with war!" "Down with the oermans!" The rioters attached t1 gendarmes, and after .hots were 8 the cavalry was called ant and rami .d the crowd. Melons trouble is ammo reported is Transylvania when °oversee Coast Dahlia It t. mated, teas ordered that all persona rehutag to slates* to the decree of the astborilies dao be Nth SYMONS vers errs TRA 5 Heavy a•rrtene• Per Galen Ute DIr.etooe-Hugh•• Can Appel& 7s. U.4o IIs. case 10 what Rarry Symosa, K.C. aad Dr. T. 0 Hngbed Reis were ebarped with eegspracy to de this a treed. elided at Toronto es Saturday *fterarme )tarry tyaos was found guilty ea both comets el the INk& The meet and Pr Hrgl•e on the aeon s !nal". roust. Mr. Amities note reale red Inr.el, the nonwhites sad sent•eeed Harry •(w+ltab.d Pymoes b the Rhlt.tea Pesli..tlary et «.i tot Owe ybara, reserving seet.see Is eche the nom of Dr. Melba ob as apptl ration for • stated ease Rail in the 'int came of Dr. Hughes was axed u the (lee. W m. Ham iliK SPECIAL (.OMMr1TEt, Th. special committee reported : in tl.e matter of enforcement of the Can- ada Temperance Act, we recommend that the eommltt.e named by Meosr,. Hardtops and Brown secure all the in- formation they can end report at the June sserion. In the application of W. T. Pillow for position ed county e.•nstaMe, we recommend that no r ti .n be taken. Re letterer Mr. 0aby, Hydro -electric engineer (regaradtng county apnoea of railways). we reean- tmend that Mears. Liviegstobe sed be a committee to enquire lob .d report at the Jobe meeting. EDUCATION O(MMM ITTIN. *decal km committer repot ted as • : B. mot t..a to appoint ezas- Mweet twenty aw.drl rehear{. ars Mere Y no comity beard et news We rs.00r»� that the g, ant be mad. M enetiesNaan that the hesp- r .d to the M kith taboo! �•ee : W. D. 1Wllogba*a Rama , Sem t Rev. F. O. asdH��wdl g. Metes ; W. Britain H.1 Aa agre.es*at W bees algae/ to Leaden ser lbs less at 11111.000 A011 to tte•leada. The M•ay 5111 be e/- vaneed by the Owe 01 111 fuuJ end k to sabroge d omit !*.mads ewer moieeplal . ream lir lie /st�titM dr . geese fiwsnl.at. -Ibreer tenell..Peet : Sean Des,,. l la Sedeg he • best dare. 1* Ins/ wee a F row reaMeeN eft e satiety where setvltus WW melee nlee , prawnend Mge. Malik Onikh la poet hood*M 1s* tisane her. Any Ladies' or Misses' Coat ONE-HALF PRICE tet" Every Winter Coat in the Store Must Be Cleared At Once. To do it and do it quickly we offer you your choice of the entire stock of Cloth, Plush and Velvet Coats for exactly One-half their original price. This does not represent the original factory price of a single garment. Modern store -keeping demands that all garments be told the season for which they are bought. You know that is the way we do, and you never see a last season's garment here. We take no chance of carrying any over this season, so commencing Saturday morning, February 6th, give you your choice of any Winter Coat in the store, no matter what its original cost or actual value, for exactly 112 ONE-HALF PRICE '12 This is the Coat buying chance of the season. Every garment is made and bought for this season's trade. Come as early as you can for first and best choosing. Mink Muff :37.50 One only Canadian Mink Muff, beautifully mark.t dark thick fine fur, hest dwnbed, k stripes, Price, at each only „-, $37.50 Handsome Mink Stole $48.50 Just one to sell. Handsome Canadian Mink Stole. A resily beautiful piece of For Evenly ruwrked dark stripes, worth rel 400 (0. You can buy it for only .irtauo.30 Minsk Neck -pieces $10.00 Four only small Mink Neck -pieces, vety choice skins. Butterfly or crow over effects Very neat and dress have excellent style. Regina, 116.00 and 53 .00. Choice for $i 0.00 only .. Vll Children's Hats 39e Clearing the last of the Cbildren'• Hats, trimmed or untrimmed. Neat 11111e shapes. Choice Saturday, each only..., .... 39c Muffs $2.95 Children's (irev Lamb Mufti and Ladies' Persian Limb Muffs, back. Half dozen odd OOPS to clear at once. Exeelleot quality Fur. Worth two or three times the price. Choice $2.95 only• ea7 Persian Lamb Neck -pieces 57.50 Half-doaen Neckpieces, Persian Lamb, medium and small sizes in eros -over .tyle. Some larger that come down well over *boulder. A clearing lot at less than One-half .value. each $7.50 only Skirts $2.45 A clean-up of the Berger in black and bands 23, 24 and 25 sad $6.00. Cbcice high-grade Tailored Skirts. navy or fancy tweed.. Waist - inches. Regular Si tit, $.i.IN1 of the lot, only $2.45 Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers Ooderich Ladies' Hats $1.00 21. or an Ladle.' Hate, all this sea.00'* shapes and newly trimmed witb good ',rimmirg,. The last we have. C:tolceof the el entire lot each, only LUGKNOW. MONDAY, Feb. Is t. At5NII'I.SARIES.-Mr. and ]Ire. A. MacLellan celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jo., Agnew, on the 23rd ult. They were married in Ingersoll. Mr. MacLellan i• eighty three and his wife Is sevens nine. both are enjoying good health Daring the present winter Mn. Me Lellen has knitted twenty pain o mittens for the soldiers Mr. an Mrs. Fred McDonald oelebrated the silver wedding on January 19th and were made the recipients a a band some gift a silver by their man friends PWOSIAL-Mr. and Mn. John Murdoch, of Pealandla, Sask., are iting friend. In and around Lucknow, Angus McDdsald, of Brandon, Mao, M a visitor at the home of hie uncle Dr. Gordon Wee sea Murchison, of Tomato, is the guest a her sister, Mee. T. P. Arsetroag, Miss Annie thaws is visiting friends at Toronto Mine Stella Towle is hoose eros Thorold for a holiday visit Mee. James Turner, Hal:green, M vWttnngg readmit here. AT Hoehn. -'Lis Weee.eo', inasltabe bred their anneal "at bone", is the town ball Friday evening. A splen- did program was provided, ootsl.ring d vocal and Iastnusental salve, reading. and a five -act drama pat on he several members of the institute, wbleh was leech enjoyed. W. L. Meatiest* ably filled the their. This "tat hose" M held abntrall and le hooked forward to with much interest try both ofd and young. mon vndlog men of Lucknow haw enlisted for service in the third cron an Mb,. a t McLeoJ Trt Barbour tel sorn.ng for London training cam p Bread is now six cents • loaf i Lueknow 11b. Polly Buckingham fractured one of her arms by a fall o a slippery walk one day last week... About four hundred one present a • t*. Buret anniversaryhall, whish was a very enjoyable affair...... Ward d has howl received of the death, at Bay 1 CIC], a Charles Hood, brother of Wm Ir Hood. of town • Hen, y Matthews 960, Laura Kerr 115;, - fir. ill. -Leonard Chrjatilaw 804, d Frank Mcllwain 1010, Oliver Smith • • 250, SaruuPt Currey 250, Jr. iii.- . Irene Thomson 8148, fit•oley Willans n 109, Leslie Smith 123. 11. -Amelia Hetherington 247. Sr. Pt 11. -Leone o Willan• 165, Albert Glen 142, Mary • Kerr 123, Florence Jose' 54. Jr. Pt t IL -Robert 1�,�Robert Echlin 1.40, Colvin Rut - 11141.7 -Robert Hetheringggty 147, Calvin on 100, RuSby Kerr 60. Jr. Pt. L -Elgin Rutledge . 115, Georgie Currey ;hi. Number on the roll 34, average 29. Greatest number of� perfect spelling lesson*, David McDfarmid and Lorne Pent - load equal. Greatest number of other patient korona, Cyril Willans. CHRIS. TatA M. JOHNSTON, Teacher, 7 thew U icesum.-A r►,qr meassany, koowa as the , Maanfaeturiawgg Oospay, usitN,W i eve nrganieed here for the purpose i1 taking omit the heehaw tithe ir. seal Bag Haid- er k Maeda, 0o. T . ' panne sedgw ben of lie sew e . palsy .w : Johb Joys{. Dr. fie A. K tog, Freak Tete, W. Q. Andrew', ( H. Wash, Jnr. S. Aasew��iend W J. Wealth. The halmmilim eta bandoielsbo. wheel- =we. Rtrtn Ibrsa.-On !hee4., et Isar week • rwndaa goes WM et the hangs et Its. Thiene Wttbatas, whoa ewe heathers and torr Pleases /bthered the �atraenna/ MWig. is. Taws of tthe brag!.et the Itskilty two ere hate_ panel obe elsbolegb smith >lt ok - 4110 $ONOOL REPORTS. NO. 3, ASHFiBLD. bib geld 4th chines- -Belle McKenzie 175, Idyl Griffin lig, Lottie McKeon/4e 1138, Label McDonald 166, Will Me• Dosaid 122, WillJohnetoo 105, 13eito Beckett iO4, 3rd else -Mary Maroc i17, Lily McKenzie 175, John McKay 165, Richard West 155, Will Benjamin 119, Stapley Drwsao. god sod 1st etaeeee-Harold Collinson 146, Kath- alss McDonald 101, Lois McKean, IOC Harry Wen OE J. G. YILLAND, 8.8. NO. 1, OODERiCH. The following is the repoet of $ R No. 1. Oederich, the' the •,null of January. Standing bawd ..n • the weekly examinations : Se. I V . -Or- val Sleep, Jack Johnston, Maitland Driver, Edwin Meetaoesery,• Arnold Lattbwa i., • Jr. UI. -Heroic. Maw. Mega Driver,• Jr. IL -Helen Heil, Dolores Lslthwwlte,• Marla Shaw,* Howard Mlaks. Pt. IL -Morley Len - Moth, Barad Jardine,* 10 Jar dost• Pea I. A -Walter Hicks. Pt, Howard Aldus., Jere Aldose, is Jerdf•a,• Hotta Jardine.• Pt. Moor Lad.* Te, Billy larb ai • e ahem* for wee or ..seem K re A. F. l7as►mt,Tessier. U. d. M. HO. The fo4bw1f 10 the manthb MM. for Mammy, homed es radar attend• saes. pregnancy egad r weft t Iaded/)av d In Dears ld mi.Reword MFM AIWA 181 cartes %pee 11111k MMIlgelch Wee %tlr. Alias ilea lpell -re Idt. , 1*N• Ys.sg Oederkh Oontributors. Conti -Haloes at Goderich to Queen adiao Mary'sbrancNewh Ypf Qear'.uern Mgift thro ar].ughNeeedan- le- work Guild. Mrs. HauBaker lMln'ai RI old fri Ball w r'' Ir IM1111.a1efloawd l;►aaeuxar ra lleltl.a 11�saa se's' (irk Mfr Rhea• In IJ.i.a~Mf nHy fbs 1[is-•a'pkrh a ml•a� R ile. tae. a,eq R rat soirf ts' ►sie,bt i(aD4al Mr. Oesser M Vsy MIs re. Ms BMs•, 1:�p�o,4 : ^I. J^r+aa !'. k r. ' te tinge pay afeet Tbes.lblp, II. 0.b.•. or Bkys.. P. ti r. _ err., re. Tarim I~r ..ww.t. w„".. .r tom apPkd wffegi aalof Gisk:o Mr. lh Isis7 _Ritag at Henry Pritch•rG rj's the e� Leedom r A In a Ombra. kat t at.am dehlt ter *dr as* dews SSeg h'ldjrN wend dDeta,oit ~ .oli Iwlrgo..d. j`. peep hi the .wale et their eepp rtJ. A. OH. 1000111101 [lives by the 4