HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 6• fillfrallNAT. Promurt 4, NU --Iwcvlm 14,, THE 011111NIL ')! IND Allik,t.;. ONLY I ENU1NE BEW•B OF IMITA- TIONS 9 LD ON Mph.1 THB "451j unarm ett 1INIRD'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERINO on LEATHER GOODS tasitdriiTIMIVICtottetta•dice " "rim A. E. TAYLOR. thaarirono. • MEDICAL 0E0. HKILEMANN, osric- 1/ PATH. sesetalta ln women • nod fd t. urnut*. In= I.Lbagoland =uss•T'000k 1:01 Aloe North street, third fr011i the Seism. Oteledeh. EF. J. B. FOR8711R-KYR, HAIL nose ised throat only. Hones .000100. York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. .tosivt., Ear, Nose and 1 itroat Hospital, en Square, and Moorefield Kye liospltal, 1.on. England. °Moe. Al S. Waterloo Street. Stratford, oppoelte Knox Church. Hours 0. Pt 111 a. ,o..W4 p. m.. 7 to 6 p. m. Telephone W 91. AND MINNIE M. GREER. eV D. C., Ottireerseters, spine and nerve ta. Chiropractic la WI science that parse without drugor knits. free examine - SIM 011ioe over Sharman'. Shoe btore, en- igma* on East street. Phone 301. 06 -In LEGAL PROUDFOOT, K1LLORAN PROUDFOOT BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. OMee on the Square. mooed door from Haan - Blom .treet, Ooderiolt. Private funds to loan at lemma rates. W. PROUDFOOT. K.C. J. L..iLtutstax W. Pacanareer. JO. R. C. HAYS BARRISTER, SoLICTTOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ET( . =.1ling Bank Block. 112.1111.1tOn El.rest. .Talepherse 116. Bold Eatate, Loam rad laseranos. LICAMBRON. K. C..BARRIS- . TIM Street., Whiter, notary 'abbe. Ogler. tholorick. Wrd dem tro %mars. /LELA.RLE8 OARROW, LL.B., BAR. RUITR. Warw. sollettor. mc., °ade- nomas talon& at 'owe.' rate. 0SEAGER, BaRRISTER, SOL - . tett 4. Nethry Public and COD veyancer. 111116-0our1 BMW, Omlerich. ore AUCTIONEER. THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIONEER; 61. Sedate'. All lnstruatioos by man mitat Shoed dace wlU he prompily at to. Residence U-iepbone 1111 INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 00,000 PRIVATK FUNDS TO Iona Assay to R. 0. CAN. ISA -ON. Barrister Hoodlum street, °Garton. W R. ROBBRTSOle. rt . INSURANCE AORNT. Min •IWO 1.31/11TW INS 4U.b. Cassels/1 and Americas. &,...-. 6a0011 AHD lintrummna : The Oman Ansident sal °Enter JerveraUct Wetted. ot landett. ts :iU.8. Laramie Calallia4. d riMt roolfiesos. northeaa eerner of Vie Wrill and St David's sliest. 'netts Iva UOKIU OP MUTUAL FIRB IN - II UR &MICR CO. -rams awl leolated 7111117:113.111=.._,.-Prvins.,P:001.7.61=31.1katcr:t=r1; (3117111:14. assumes. ',Worth . Jam behest :J. Tee. Illetaiewhie Smite. iltroba • Wiliam Money Seaterth ; IL. . isseerdi Polley milder. ean eaj ikelLeitiriE:sdneet Mar Gant. resalpted elsomen street, Gedertob Olething Iltora,CItntom or .4 61 • 1111111\- LICZNSES WALTITIR R. KELLYJ.P.. eiontrUcit. OiJT ISSURR OP MANN1AOL LICE/rant teieso•••••••••o• ellet,PaneseneertireineneasentesreirWWW Brophey Bros. 00 DIRICH Ma Ladle* Posers( Dkutisrs sad Embalmers Oaks" earrefay otheeded to beam *EA or day. 1111A210_, : CUIDKR1011 & ONTA11110 ••••io••••••• •••••••i••••• ••••••••••••• • COUNTY AND DISTRICT IGEN FROM The McKillop Telephone Co. bee INS iestemmests in use. Gerrie fan fair will be beld this year oes Saturday, October Ind. Jambes Cornet', of Hoosall. who bad resobed the good old age of ninety years. paired sway out the th ult. Alfred Ciallinen, 10,0.1117 of Zurich, wee married osi W y of lest week beMies Porter at Prince Albert, Sask. William and Alex. Admits Wive per - Larne in Howick owned by Robert Iteland, wbo has grew to Sas- ketebewan. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, ot Bluevale, seleibrated the twenty- fifth anniversary ot their marriage on Januory 311rd. Thomas Wigginton, of Clinton. bee the contract of building • new bone. for AlexlicRwate of the 2.4 con- cession of Stanley The new town hail 131 Hensel! was formally opened on January llith by an evening of social enjoyment largely made up of dancing. J. K. Brown, of Ethel, woo two trophies for cheese at the Western Ontario Dairymen's AesociatIon ex- hibit at 8t. Thomas. Miss M. L. Sperling, a recent gradia-. ate of Clinton Model School, eoes-, menoed teaching at 8. 8. No. 8, How - ick, on February 1.t. The Ripley Repress says that Geo. Anderson, of Lucknow. has been look- ing over the Ripley flax mill, with • view to purchasing it. Rev., Wm- Lowe, of Holy Trinity church. Lucan, formerly of Witighem, wee presented by his congregation with a purse containing MIDS. Mrs. T. Purcell, of McKillop, died recently at the age of thirty-seven year.. A young family of seven, with ber husband. mourn her toes. Rev. R. Hicks, pastor of Herman Methodist church, has been invited to a charge at Windsor and will probably accept if Conference approves. Miss Josephine Foster, of the Baby- lon line, Hay township, was married on January 216th to Leo Strupp, of Berlin. Rev. A. St rader oMciated. Thos. Pierce. of Morris township. fell Iron) • ladder and broke his tight kg in two plans above the ankle and the large bone just below the knee. Mr. Deere of Stratford, ha. pur- chased the farm of Mr. Fowler, on the 2nd concession of Stanley, and with hie wife and family has already taken ponearion. Mrs. Henry Livermore passed away on Saturday, lard Oh., at her home in eitaeley ownship, at tbe age of fifty- three years. Her husband, three sons ana four daughter. survive. Mra. Matthew Dane passed away et ber home on the 10th onceseioo, Howick, on Friday, the Elnd ult. She had been an invalid for • number of years and wits in ber fifty-ninth year. Andrew McInnis, • well-known reel - dent of lk bel and vicinity, pessed away un January }4th aged sixty -en yestor. Oue son and one daughter sur- vive. His wife predeceased him seven yeani. Ches. Stewart, of the 8th concession 01 Hullett, has purchased twenty-five acres from J. Taylor adjoining his own. This now gives Mr. ritewart 150 acres in a block with a lot of floe timber on it. W. 8. Ryan, who bad been manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Wroxeter for the past five yeors, ha. gone to Aberdeen, 84ak , to fill a P iinilar posi- tion. Me Littkjohn, of Siegal a Falls. takes his place at Wrozeter. The death of Mrs. Wm. Wade oc- mil red at Fordwich on Tuesday, Jan- uary 19th, att the age of eeventy-eevirn years. She and ber husband were the film couple married in the township of Howick ; 'hie was in the year !.865 On Wednesday, January 30th. Rev. I W. Kilpatrick. of Belgrave, united in niasriege Annie E , daughter of Wm. Oarniss, and Albert Elliott, formerly of Turoberry. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will hetes stiorlty to make their home at Lumsden, /task. Robert Brown, of the second con• cession of Hullett. passed away on Fri- day, the 22nd ult. Two years ego he suffered • paralytic stroke acid oever fully recovered. He was at breakfast when the final call came. The widow and a family of sic survive. The de - °reefed was sixty-eight years old. C. A. Morrison, son of Mr. John Morrison, of Ran. Wawanneh, who ham been in the employ of the White- church Creamery Company the lam four yeers, has taken the position of head blatant:siker in the factory of Hower Co.'Ltd., Toronto. He was chosen out a about forty epplieents. Mr. George Halikirk, • resident ot McKillop for neatly eighty years, died at his home near Seaforth on Friday. the 22nd ult. He was horn in Scot- land and came to tine country when seven years old. A family of live eons and three daughters survive, his wife baying died hist June. He bad reached the pacetatebal adv Of - ninety years and ten eionthe A Whitechurch correspondent write.: The annual repo' t of the Whiteehurch Presbyterian ebureb for 191i Anvil, that the year was domed with a membersbip of 173. During the year sight were added by certie- ref. and eighteen by profesedoe Pour members we,, removed by death and four by eertilloate The total °orate - teatime, for the year amounted to 33437 .n4 and of chio amount IBM 98 wee for miaoi,mi" The congregatioa in every way had • very pros rotas year and is dnlng pond work un sr the pastorate of Rev. ] Ure Stewart. BRUSSRLA. J. J. Habklek, • former Bruseelite, bowled the polls as councillor at Fort Prunes.. Jame. Knox, nI Tuzford. Seek., who le reeve of Shot plum, was a visitor la town lost week. d., October 1, an the dates feinted' for the Broameis fall fide. Four youths were Wore floors (sotto 60.1 week trisect with tome - hot • disturbapee. y were each lined 94 Pollard of Wienipeg, hero heir ei 14. Poi et town, him enlisted Web the 7918 Vinthiandere le Ibinf eity. %Wernher 30, end Fri- REITER. Mies Kniya 048 has retuned to Desoto, where the is mimed as • n uise. Mimes Vera sod Olive Stream. of Cs mewed. ilk-higan, are Osten at the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. P111 Cher. Mn. Thos. Kam who reastatly moved to town trout etepitess, bee per- ch/wed the residence owned by Mts. Cellemirie noddies on John street - Philip Hens has purehased A. 91. 2.8.'. Rae brisk essiesoes oo street. Mr. Fake totes& butane* OD the Dennis property. QMr. and Mrs. A. It Pyne, of Carrie - vale, Manitoba. are meowing sequel° teams Isere. Mr. Pym need to own the tdaArearitb shop south of the town holt SRAFORTH Allen McMann, of Edmonton. is els- iting his brother Jobe In town. Mies Adele Wilton. of New reek, le vielelag bar parents. Liene•Col. and Mrs. AIM. Wilson. Robert Hammett. of Stewart os.'Br foal, was maned to Sarnia lent week on account of the death of a younger brother. The remains of the late Mrs. Joan Kyle, formerly of F.gmondville, who died at Willie, Sask., on 18. 1828 alt., were brought hers for interment. Miss Freda Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Taylor, of north Main street, has been as one of the nurses for ser- Compound I bops to boron and I vice in France •ed will leave witb the continued Der six sesntlea. 'Hee Ottawa. nurses' contingent now mobilizing et =left me. the night-owesto and hot grew loos. sod is ono par I was Mr. and Mrs. Timm*q passed tbe different women. I know I ban to fiftieth anniversary of tbeir wedding thanky far Iwo:mm=4 good beak! day oo January 30th. Owing to Mrs. over gown," - Mrs. M. J. BROWNELL. 'Mom** being in poor health the day idanston, wee spent quietly. but. a celebration mammies be Arranged when Mrs. Thomas re- 18. 111000INNI oa covers. Vegetable Compo=1-marie from root. John McDowell was elected j. and barbs, ia unpitralleled 10 50.8 mass. dent of the Seaforth Agriculturar:e- yen want special advice write to ciety for this year. 111. Broderick was Lrus mamma mom" Cs. ose4. roelected secretary. A spring show . - - will be held on Apt 5.8 and the fen mewl) Lynn, bass. Year letter will fair will be held the first Thursday and be °Posed, mob and ablworad by Friday following the Western Fair at woman, and held strict residence. London. 45 ti 55 Turin To dim illarit el Lydia LPhils. limes Vegskillis Caw puma doom amigo .1 11., Westbrook, - " I toss *rough the Chows tif IA! ati= phis in way hark sod sift sod 0.05 0. week 1 add lordly de wry Ireeeerred. 28.'. Odes Lydia Plablioree Very table Omperwl mod IS bee demo are let ef sled. I er1111 ro- sewood year se& Wee to way Moir sedgewyes pieedo des le publish my belboold." - Lswowcs Kw - IS Deg K. Weedweek Nebo. Nommaa. Wis. - "At the Mow a 1a I selbeed with palm ls ay look mod bine me. I odd set eteed. 1 aloe bed idebt-sweste se dot Ihe dews wdbld be wee. I Wed ether osedludor bet yet ew wait Mbar tab. we bei- ge el Fleldoss' V WINO HA M, Mr. Harry fitiaw, of the Naticiatar hotel. has gone to Torten° to reside. Frank Cody, of Toronto, is here vis- iting his mother, who is seriously Mr. end Mn. J. A. Morton were in Toronto last week attending the an- nual convention of the Adult Bible Claes Association. Dos --" Jock seems pert. city de- voted to you. Why don't von marry bim ?" Betty. --011, 1 lige to have bier devo,ed to me.' Col. Steele Promoted. Col. B. B. Steele, of Winnipeg. hae been raised to the rank of general and created Inspector -gen) for Mr. and Mn. John Patterson have western Canada at. salary of 18,0011 returned home to Kansas eller spend. per year. ing several weeks with Mrs. Patti,- , . Gen. Steele is one of the most cap- • son's father, Mr. John Roe. ; able emcers of the Canadian mlfltM Winghatn, became tbe bride at Foi in Canadian western life He Miss Myrtle D. Litile, formerly of and one of the most prominent William. on January 21st, of William and commanded the Stratbcona HOMO Carl Rath, of that city. They will re- aerie( the South African war and hi aide at Fort William. ! at present in command of military Mn. R. Pocock bad a narrow recap district No. 10. In his new capaclt7 from suffocation by gas one morning be will hayi military authority **- laid week. The stovepipe became di.- tending from Winelneg to the Pachill connected, allowing Rah to escape, and coast and it is now thought that die. when Mn. Pocock awoke she was in ie trice 10 will, he made a divisional nickel cood,tion. A physician wa i one, called and the lady ie now recovered Gen. Steele is one of the most SI- Tbursday and Friday, Septearter perlenced Canadian officers, having and 24. are the dates selected for the served In the Ferrier Raid of 1861. Wingbam fai fair. W. J. Greer is and was with Col. Wolseley in the president of the Society. H. B. Sabots Red River Expedition 01 1170 and or., resignedthe position of secretary -Li ea. - maser of the Royal Northwest urer and Jas. 0. Stewart was p- Mounted Police, which be joined as pointed in his place. sergeant -major, marching to the Rocky Mountains In 1874. He was first Inspector. later soperenteadeat, The Conservatives of South Huron and finally commissioner of mounted held an orgenization meeting here on police and commanded the cavalry Saturday. • and the scouts of Gen. Strange's col. A con tract for 5.000 pain of mI1iLa,Y umn In 1886 during the Northwest troupers has been offered the Jackson Rebellion. He was present at the as - Mfg. Co. and will probably be se- Uona of Frenchman's BuUe and was cepted. In command of the force In pursuit of Big Bear's band and the Wood Twenty-five thousand head of poul- try have been bandied this season at 0"e° and was in the fight at Lama the Clinton branch of the tiunn, Lake in which the Lidian• were de - Langlois Co. hated. He commanded the expedi- The children of the public school toto the. Kootenay district dor- gathered K..90, with which dour sees "Ls 131'"ers' rush in 1888 purchased and contributed to the Bel- gian relief fund. Mrs. W. Walker's Sabbath echo, 1 clam presented theli teacher with an address and a set, of silverware at Ler hotne on Tuesday of hut week. Annual Reduction Sale I • OF BOOTS and SHOES • • HE time has once moire arrived for our big sale of • BOOTS and SHOES. We have a lot of splen- 0 • did shoes we have decided must be sold at some • • price in order to make room for Spring goods • which are now corning in. We do not expect to make a • •• • profit on the shoes we sell at this sale. in fact some of • • them we will sell at a loss, but our losirwill be your gain. • • If the particular article is not listed here come and ask • • for what you want. Those who come early will have the best choice. • • • • • • I up to and including SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1915. • • Stile will commence SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, continuing • • • • • • • 7 SEVEN BIG DAYS 7 • •••i • :• • 5o pairs Men's Boots Regular $5, Sale Price.. . $3.65 too pairs Lady's Fine Boots Regular $4.5o and $4, Sale Price $3.25 4o pairs Men's Boots Regular $4.5o, Sale Price.... $3.35 to pairs Men's Boots Regular $4, Sale Price... . $3.00 4o pairs Men's Patent Boots • Regular $4.50 and $5, Sale Price • • CLI N TON . Mr. A. Forties, wbo promised fifty cents to the pattiotic fuud fur eves y ton of coal be sold on January banded over the sum of 418 to the fund. At the annual meeting of the Model School board Mr. J. Cunningham. who bed been connected with the hoard atom 1881. resigned, nod Mr. H. IL Rorke wa. appointed secretary- t resi - urger In his place. Mr. Tom Jackson gave a free 'spy- ing picture show to the grandmother*, mother. and children of the town one night recently. All who did not come oozier Mir head paid 10 cents and the town ball was crowded. The proceeds were trended over to the Children's Aid Society was magistrate and had command 04 the customs in the Yukon for • time. Gen. Steele was presented with the King's colors and medals by hls Ma- jesty In person for Ma distinguished services in the Bontb African cam- Pads - He is president of the Canadian Smith African Veterans' Association tied is one of tbe best knows sad meet admired soldiers la Cowie. Siam Not Vary Bad. Making anowa.nce for the imports, bon of $81.004.000 wortb of aria Ind bullion more Mae the previmed rear. the total trade of Canada ref the twelve mouths ending Oct. 81 last was just an eves billion dollars, a drop of only 8127,000,000, as com- pared with t be preceding twelve months. Imports of sore haedisil were 8114,000.000 and exports 169,- 000,000 Imports from the West ladies creased from 81,186,001 to 118.0411- Sessinees. 000 as a result of the prefersathlf tariff, but Import trots Ma United ;snag, eumrs woomotterskiyoe :museum r. mime. fingdom fell from 114E000,000 ed 106.000.000, sad thaw hem Owe "A clever roedern woman?" grimy from $15.140,000 to ifelliNsi "The same." 900. Imports from tire United 'WM, I should think 11 ate Iodised from 1442.341,841 tee $411.i Wealthy .he wouhl ken) her dirlyellost. rritzpo4.5 Urea to the United States la - lawyer os • salary." creased frees 8119,000.000 te 1113, Rigkesses indlorreMea. 000,000: Giese to Australia trial 04.4611.0•0 to 18.600.0•11. sad timed "I ham dioarriprod a bet a graft British Africa frost 11,11•0,010 60 4b• eny aim Got a &mg spn mg 4,869.000. while exports to thd libet cans, wttb al Ow proud." ited Klandom frogs 8311.09001 'Inlet are you going be ________ ON to 11114.0110.0•11. It to the greed jury r tt they ream to lot we IN so I WI" Pars' Cb8.1.1 Why the Prissons Patricia Rep - ft` I mime titorardel the Roos rile WWII =to the treat is sititlain00 ID from one of thei noneesendle. Wised *Seen wklsb hes Wee reedr- ed at Ottawa. It loess est the we- eks@ aplasettee met the mood eadartyieg the Mazes is that thd toginiest b toomp000d dews olio sleety et termer.. the iltr=tidisse PW issibelftereiE5inporeT =tilliterietsy ter "1"1":14.1s=14117Femy te were breLett. eiell j01 v505. inerlderid oft • Ile INA It Pais ore ▪ thinizzlth 4111111 guitillfsh &AV s e le illteteldi 598. 0.50 el= fisebeisede Iftlleh the Dossmo "I hoar yes am pg50 ear yilisled seleers." "1 eartwor ea" ears resesesor ▪ bey• Were that st 16 pledille 111 id be woes to week" Oared Up. imeiro Ise bees reedlor MI. wore-Illesee essorromor "beery wort et IL" "AM whet b yew seeded.. -woo esseaballe web 111r 25 pairs Men's Button Hoots • Regular $4.50 and $5, Sale Price $3.25 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0.• 35 pairs Men's Tan Boots Regular $5, Sale Price ... $3.65 40 pairs Ladys' Felt Julietre Regular $1.5o and SiasSale Price $1.00 35 pairs Boys' Patent Boots Si7e3 1 to 5 Regular $3 and $2.75, Sale Price. $1.75 5o pairs Lady's Fine Boots Regular $3.5o, Sale Price.... $2.60 4o pairs Lady's Fine Boots • • • • Regular $3, Sale Price . $2 00 0 • 65 pairs Lady's Tan Button • and Lace Boots Regular $3, $3.50 and $4, Sale Price $1.95 20 pairs Lady's Tan Oxfords Regular $2.5o, Sale Price.... A mixed lot of Lady's Pumps and Slippers Regular $2.25 to $3.5o, Sale Price... 35 pairs Lady's Felt Slippers Regular $1, Sale Price....... 75 pairs Lady's Plain Felt and Felt Fo*ed Boots Regular $1.35. $1.5o and $1.75, Sale Price 11.75 75e e. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11,20 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We also have some childret's lines that will be sold at a bargain. The only condition we put on this Sale is that everything sold at reduced prices must be POSITIVELY CASH THE SQUARE Wm. Sharman OODERICH, ONr. ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• WHEN THE MED MOTHER GIVES OUT What Then? -The Family Suf. fors, the Poor Mothers Suf- fer -Mrs. Becker Meets This Distressing Situation. nerys°411;:led UMW bee: erheoess antdreetsetIrdebdeotldyer. WS 111e, bit.. 18.4 few le breir0 rowisawriehirleralrilybe="1" "1 yew eihrembell aid sawed* try alkdookiesd withimbmwevenavellir IND awl new I as a well -dm Aim liscon. There ere lesdrimb down. °yammered wee- .60 who we we vitc.. who are lorde. ag besedeed by es Mo. eel door I Waft sob vade=PI:=1 b'Whie uP The riona4. i be aselialidal nos le bemuse assiihms iota Own we& 58. 41,10•4110fforagf.stfooNIIMNIWOISOPIhrjempopmeggeggagoommosi The Elec tric Shop I bay. opened In the stand on West street next the Postage* • complete neo stock of Riectrical Goods, and invite the people of liedetieb tO eospe in and inspect them. The stock Includes : - Electric Lamps, Globe.' and Fixtures Electric Light Fittings of all kinds Electric Irons, Electric Heaters Electric Toasters Electric Cookers Electric Warming Pads, etc lisetris wiring aad Ilta ing dose in the natal competent mid =weekasid jigere on, seelneinly to this manse,. I ban bad of experience la liemiesna imrpstrome may rely upon the satisfactory sad meriumasilike esecestiou of any order ostrasted to me. nese sad eseissetes furnished for any embed work. IMY STOCK 18 ALL NEW Osseo Masi am it whether you mod mythisag is our Ilse PM sow or set. elberesi ROBERT TAIT was 1111111111111 lbelledit Web. pot est. sever Emmy le 11111111111o5y .114•••...• 4.