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The Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 5
ys. e'-) r it Tr©i les ain't the idle tam to4.11ss pwrt4eira 1msw4N ben ui. Oa tb• w weat ten lana toes. N* 01 t_ !Whetting le giwMeMa' besbleo and balers( e U year these teem M bs gohg mesg, let ass envie bow to save Uses. Chow:ed ars tbs remedy will was est to reepainee wbeets are =@t t yes seed moair. DeerYNa n of )fall tblags can bappea ea dean tet herons Kr tames It mgt.sseL gee a beton thea 14as;f, flanks@ tv6a yens Ursa Yfaaavi.v 4, 6$1& • Tell Us Your O.a.plete Vukseloiog °Metal your service. Now le the time to have them replred. East _Street Garage POORE w o.oelIlca SHORTHAND • ted W at �c t i elfactsrs Mleideals ailed le anti=s. CcOsgo la swains kegs Sept Lh CelaNgee fres. UM: ani aims J.W. J._ l Mt Mamatart t! I1111iMOSS MM. The MastieiaR esshitmodeee have ensue to the ythe week and mea'thewke a due donors s Mrs ;ober$., tl. weeks t Mrs. Fe - fir, }� Camas. flame reed, Mn. •• *dee., Mies Lucite (Victoria @shan't. Mrs. Robt. Young. I pale nasi ; lira Q.w.ld Carey, lire. J. J. Graham. 1 pale melt ; Mrs. Mowry Mrs. Garden lire. Ma, Pre. tbr., Taylor. We. Ltuoombe. 1 Mrs s, 1 psir Sari. The p imary whew of St. Oeeege's ( asaa.y- wirbo .inhale mat the mutants Mee Kea hex to the and girls. y The hen coon wed OM rtPwsaloer Demeione aelgeow►lodged a ,Ilsr. Andrews, 1 emit; Mw. StaWg LOCAL TOIPICS. Oeerd of Trade Annual. The annual ,usetlag of the Board of Toile will be held s the town simsabsr on Munitay.veales went. at 8 detest. J. 1.. Klltoran at CMnton. Ietuo Newe•llteoord : Mr. J. L. !Moran, of Goderish, addressed She peopts of St. io.eph'e Literary os Tuella, evening oe the of "Belgians) and the War," an interesting .ad illsai.aiaag piton of the people d Eaig[ua thele customs. characteristics, galas ebsrebee, etc. The address eras a Mat - 'Seely oars, showing • thorough k.owl- ef the subject, sad it wee Wt nett dattabtsses 4 wash : Mn Mamie. 1 to W � P'� by s i lora Marshall (Victoria school), d 1 mak I Mrs. Smith, 1 tltl.rf t Mas. w. C. T. U. $waning. Holli.. 1 cap ; Mss. St 1"Pi At the W. 0. T. U. w..wInd capg Mies BurriUt, 8 s }} Mi ss >hsecr,wed' llsa. Howell, sr., took charge of pain wonders ; Mrs. Nerartaae, 1 pair the prayer ad pita se service. the pied- wristere Mrs. Merritt. �n b orris decided to a tom or ectlag the agar fatties. Mrs. M.eeball was Appoi.ted representative to the Donde- too Alliance soov.st�" to be held The following letter from Salisbury at Toronto, Marsh 8. 4 sad b. Instead Plaine has been rewlved by the se pews- of bolding the nem regular meeting.Reddent of the BOres Society, tick- the executive wt* meet oe that date, n owledgl.g the receipt of knitted art February lab, •t the home of lire. Wee from the Sods!', and d cigar- on d gar- Davidsat 7.80 p. ea. A11 members 110 er ; Victor is aobool, 2 p wristses. deet the shale. it ass Nobe. bas - been ~rived from the central °Moe that more scarfs are sot sealed at preeset. Mtn. from •0 100 ladies of the tows : erne see et.l... nen read. Nat Deas Mae. MACDOIIALD,-1 re- solved the Rift which the ladies of the Bed Cram Society were so kid as to w eed sae, and 1 da sot think acipthieg meld be more teerptable ; the melte eapwd•lly. They are more eaefel time sooty an as es oar apply is sot very kegs. Atter the socke came the sig.rettee. Proir open we all .at ares.d oar .mall stove. and bad the bet smoke we've W sicca we were oe our lam pees to a pima where we could buy decent ones. 1 am eadseiog a photo taken of our grgo in our .ti tsrbae.. which me kind Welsh ladies Peet to. Wishing you and the other =ambers of the Red ()rose Society a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, i remain. Yours truly, Pm1L1P CARRY. For reel home-made candy. fresh salted peanuts sod fresh solid sealed oysters try Blackstone's. Phos 240. • ROBINS' HAL?YEARLY SALE of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings at absolutely lower prices than you have to pay for the same goods in any other cloth- ing store in Goderich. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK • flen's Buckskin Gloves Boys' Tweed Sults Age 8 be $ years. Te eases 11.10. Men's Overalls White. regular 500. for 36c. or 8 pairs for 11.00. Boys' Ught-weight Underwear to dear 15c per garment. lien's Socks Grey or 1 �rega We. to for Me dear 2 land ad' unlinM, to deer at 8Pr or 81.08. Men's Night Shirts Regular 11.00, to clear Me. Men's Rubber Boots high grade. molar 14.50, to clear $&4& Goode not peovieg eat Wetter, e.s be exchanged or the money refunded. M. ROBINS SOUTH SIDE SQUARE. OPEN SVENINGB TILL 8.90. BUY MADE -IN -CANADA ENAMELLED WARE -WE HAVE IT -And our prices are right. - Enamelled Water Pails, 10 qr. .... .. . SsameU.d Sauce Pans, up from 1 Enamelled Double Boilers, No. 58, for Enamelled Dish Pas, good size Enamelled Berlin Kyle Kettles with lid. Eowmelled Prom wing Units. ito all stern, from S0a So, loo. !M .S0e •M pt ices ranting 1 Se to OOe We are ageam tor the world resowed ''PANDORA KANGKK," made hy the largest stns resaufaoturee Is the Brite Respire. A card will bring you literature on .acre or we will be plead to show you and explain their good mastitis, Is ear whew room. (Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE - - - - PHONE 5y WOOD FOR SALE f 1 have a saab.r of sees of good Hard Weed for ink, naso a q.atly .1 Mixed Mood. Phone at gall for peters, deYrered at yeah home. ROBERT WILSON sons mosee ft ,eo. 1M mommt'aar liwegiew 1 are requested to be present. An Opportunity for Fruit -growers. A fruit demonetr•tioa mat- te( will be held February 18th and laib at D. F. Hamltnk s p•cklsg house, Goderied Mr. Haaltak, man- ager of the Homs Pettit Growers' Ae- c@eitiMa, hes •ressgsd with Mr. P. J. Carey, Govsrstsent fruit pickle; instructor and demonstrator, and Mr. Flack, chief fruit inspector of the Western Previaes', to give • two day: course oo fruit growing and packing ; also • talk on packages and packing that the Western Provinces require. 5.sseone interested in holt growing le Invlted to •iteod these .Heel n3 p. Sons of England Install Officers. The following officers of Liverpool Lodge, B.O.11.B.8., were installed Jain T7th by1Distriet Deputy B. Crawford, of Loodesboro' : P. President, Wm. Duooadge ; W. President, Chas. E. Young ; V. Proficient. Wm. R. Dun- uadge ; chaplain. Chas. Thomas ; sstretar� rs 'L co Robt. Redfern ; .treasurer, B. J. Walte; committee en, (leo. Symonds, Geo. Taylor, Wm. Dolby ; lett and at Clinton. I. 0., Wm. Precious; O. G., Ben -Mrs. Will Scotchmer and daugh- Hoggwrtb• Alter thew oMoers had ter, of Stanley township. spent last been initialled the members and visi- tors et down to an excellect oyster supper and the evening was coocluded by • short program of speech ad song. At the Police Court. Police Magistrate Kelly had a diffi- cult task oo Wednesday afternoon to sift the evidence adduced in the case against Eric M•urets Bowden ("John"), charged with being drunk. Eight witnesses were called for the defence, all swearing that to the best of their knowledge def.odat was not intox=' tutted. Chief of Police Postele- tamalte, County Conetabie W. T. Pel - low and Mr. Geo. Johnston were the inst., and atter the mamab of Febrq- witnesses for the ()rows. The magic cry on the first and tided Wednesday feats's decision was "guilty," and a of each month. age. dee of 880 and boots or tblrty days is -Mr. Justiee and Mtf{. Harrow, of goer.... 'mooed. The Sop was paid. Toronto, formerly of Goderich, a- ♦ ease agalo.t Jobe 8warts for .s11- meccas the engagement of their liquor was ap=ed until Fri- r Be• dee. Proposed Nrstery.of Huron. The Huron Old Boys' Assoeiaiiou of Toronto Is desirous of compiling, for publicetioo and future reference. an bend bete b the suepeotdon of tra=m boron c sad Woa'rapber sketch of ms 0.e G,T.R. He improved the time Huron county. Ie order to get the byo� better acquainted with the w oks. information and make the . g G work as complete as possible, the As- PeOPis of odericb • sociatioo will haw* to depend npoo -Mr. Beery Blanchard, of Grand voluntary •@.Marne from persons Rapids, spent a week visiting his resident is various parts of the sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Halliday, and county, and takes this means of a kil•g his brother-in-law, Mr. A. E. Towns- co-operation. owns Co-operation. if anyone ca supply hend. Cambria road. It is thirty any information relating to the early ypear's .ince Mr. Blanchard was in settlement of bis own locality, either Goderich and his many Mends were bittorical or biographical, pioneer ex- glad to see him. portiere. or otherwise. or can give the names of persons wbo will do so, the At.soclation will appreciate it vety much. Photos of old settlers or per- sons of prominence (duly -Inscribed for identification) will be weeotable All correspondence relating barefn should be addressed to Robert Holmes, 472 Palmerston Boulevard, Toronto. TACO. C. I. "Prom." Ge▪ rdes Gad Elia l*aDwM fait is 4 Weary Wale sad red 'slit, j Lair Camp sed Harry Weapon ; 0praiasd. Hairy Kemp ; Saaor, Gorden Noble ; SURragette, bubo Bearman ; Anal *Mikis. Kira l3. Holtart d e the elope of the air Inds - lag all the statin hard up for the greed as rob and to the strains of meek impeded by the band the bal- ance of the sussing was spent in the sejo2ment of the popular winter '!tie 11e' that the electric ►ts went oil several times during Lire early pert d the weeniest probably aseounted for the small number ap- pearing to loamy costumes. LOCAL TOMOS IN GRIEF. wane uru �ler•ure w. listen to bk. Awes' lecture on the Ow sr British nary. As the speaker with bet of rld'a:w tM Taller ate always the aid of latero views traced lbw erg; W a'•t'••'w= progress of the British navyfrom the /14,1.4 /et lit sew, °et •ani wwkm•rbtr W time of Nelaou'a tbig•abi p Victory down It sass• PrtdW's. to the super -toupee dreadnought, it The regular warenag rt the C•aa- ave the •udienoe • clearer idea of the • din Order of Chosen Pcirttda will be rave ftRhtinst rnaehitse the British alter abs welfare esf the d.pswdasta of Ibo.. who had gone to the treat, and whits they hada good balance to abs tnawry now they would aot he wise 11 they did not hove at least ria months' wpp1 y of funds is advisee*. They esaeidered that sash family of depeade�ts Deeded the equivalent of g{6 a moo• th in Montreal, and it Huron county made a great the PatriotN Society would undertake the support of the dependents whether the amount seeded for that purpose exceeded the amount of the grant oe not. la reply to qu.0 Uoss Mr. Ames stated that nut °sly the families of Canadians were behm looked after, but Moo the families 0f Doltish, Fiends, Belgian end Rosetta rsssrviet.. la the evening Victoria Opera Hose was tilled to its capacity to tgrimom OF CANADA i 1b Gish le be Bank Us Cu Bay le Advantage 'fat know how everything coats more when you have b bury 0o credit Why not practice sell -denial a while d necessary, open a Soviets Account In the UNION Soak eV Camas. and, with the money in band, buy at Ca.Kprlceel The discounts will help to well your bank balance, and you era Same wade a good start towards finaadtal Independence. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. bend Friday waning in the Temper- navy is nal • eo explained to Obit= F. W. Robinson, A.R.C.O. anal Hatt. some of tile disasters that have come TMA. UKK or The wiatar annus for Huron will to our weasels In engagements with Plasobrit, Wyss and Sides( open In,Ooderieh on Tuesday, Fibru- tbe Gras' .be bassi type of Iran o let The trial ledge has not et el was shown as being protected from SOedlo *Yu 7bsm.sss R@dt SWs • 1 y uunartlCH ONTAHIu ban named. The regular monthly meeting of the _a General Brough Chapter, L 0. D. B., will be bell in the court house at 4 o'clock Monday •ftersoon. February 8th. Min Ada Mel'lintou sang •t both services in Wesley church, Uintoe. • week ago Sunday, and both of the Clinton papers speak highly of her d naieg. The 'General Brough Chapter, 1. 0. D. IL, has been requeeted to give a euchre party in aid of the Red Crum, but owing to w man demands having been made on the public of late it has been decided to give It immediately after Lent. aerial aids, submarine raids and big - gun dr*. Tbe speaker also showed ea bow that ootwitbatasding its losses Use British navy was now stronger than wt the beginning of the wrr. Mayor Reid acted in, the capacity of chairman of the wasting. A vocal trio by Rpt. Bledurtone, Jas. Thom- son and Mr. lioddwin was well ren- dered and much es ed. Rev. J. B. Fothsringbam too iwd a vote of thanks seer woo* per bosh ani to is to the speaker and Mr. $ N. Lewis, v"r• fsmify. oarcwt iso tot 3.75 M. P., seconded It. letewart's orches- .rases, tsateat, per eat iso to e tea su lied .tiering =uric at inter•ail mem. per 35 ui .......,. W to *1.500 ata W ii.e Sas to and r PERSONAL. MENTION. -Miss Ada Allen, of London, spent the past week in town. -Mrs. T. D. Tichborne is recover- ing slowly from a very serious illness. --Mrs. R. J. Kennedy, of Toronto, 10 the guest of Mrs. Frank Elliott, Bruer street. - Mn. Wm. Tighe retoroed last w eek from a two mouths' visit in Hui - week with her sister, Mn. A. Tower bend, Cambria road. - Mn. James Millar, who had spent the past two montbs with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Warner, Keays street, returned to Peterboro' on Mon- day. -Mn. Andrew Sartre', of New Hamburg, has returned home after spending • week with her sister, Mrs, Andrew Halliday,Bayfield road, and her brother, A. 1'oansheod, Cam- bria road. -Mrs. J. Geo. Heilemann wishes to announce that she will be at home to friends on Wednesday next, the lOtb leg q pop daughter, Mar trice, to Mr. Alan Kenneth Mardon ll, soft of the late Alan Macdougall, Esq., C.E. -Rev. B. G. Powell, of Clinton, the county temperance agent, was in town for several days tris week, being The Collegiate Literary Society re- sumed its activities by the holding of • promenade under the auspices of the new executive. Tbe artistic Ment of the schoi re was striking) reflected in the brilliantly decorated asertnbly ball. At 8 o'clock the youth and 1 t beauty of the town heg•n to gather and for the next tour bouts the joilil- 1 Dation never ceased. Principal Hume i anted the part of jovial host and very ably filled the chair. Between halves of an excelknt program lunch wee served in the gymnaalum, to which, needless to ey, the students did hill justice. Promptly at the stroke of midnight the assembly dispersed, after the singing of the National An them. The executive wish - to extend their thanks to three who kindly coes.•nted to preside at the piano, as well as to the staff, to whose presence a oonsld.rable measure of the summit of the affair can be attributed. The Carnival. I Tb. masquerade cat nival held at the West street rink on Ttoes- day evening was somewhat dis- appointing, the number of mmppeeli- : ton being small In view of the large, and generous prise lief . Among the national costume. for which compel! l tthin was invited there was not a single representative of Frani*, Mer• vla. Ramie or Japan The judges - Mese Clifford, Dr. Hayden and Mr. W H. ldoh.rteon-+warted the follow- t Ing nes : Lady's comic -"The Hell. Oa" Ota Thomas. Awl'. t teaey-UrItisb Indian soldier, Charism 1 Thames bed. Kaiser 911." Grahame I Roe. oeete eon-T1psry Ir1sh- t j_ ,,Y ... Ast* W hose .Bru•t onne. : ietMeBW'ClaireHays. Roesdi spearg- ary O " Marion r 6.-ydI JassedlatadAd;dRon ,ftekan9.4l.Jaasy, Mom Lady's fancy ~Dutch Downy and Hetes D1sd ielfight," Olive Oold. Other welsree wrap of CHURCH NOTES. Rev. W. H. Wiigbton will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday. At the close of the morning service the °edio.soce of the Lord'. Supper will be observed. Rev. W. K. Hager will conduct both e rvices at North street Methodist church pest Sunday. At the morn- ing service there will be • reception of member and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Evening subject : "When Jesus Supper.. Rev. Geo. E. Roes will deliver a special discourse to the Knox church coagregation next. Sunday motoing on "A Progressive Policy." In the even- ing be will conduct the annual rail- way men's service, to which a11 rail- waymen of the community and their friends are especially invited. Rev. S. G. Powell, of Clinton, wbo wee In town last Sunday in the in- terests o-terests of temperance and moral re- form work, gave five distinct addresses during the day.At 10 e. m. be ad dte..cd the ens Sunday Club at North street Methodist oburch ; at 11 he pre shed in Victoria street church • t 8 p m. be spoke to the adult Bible elms at North street 'hutch ; at 4 o'clock the whole echoed iitend to the same speaker ; and at 7 o'clock be cnodueted the .venins service at North street. The theme was prac- tioally the same •t eacb service, ten Mr. Powell is such • fluent speaker that be was given grant attention In every insanes. Advertisements in Tbe Signal Get Rr is (d00ERI0H MARKETS. THt moat, y..b. /. Wheat, per Dush . _$ 1.35 to a 1.10 Ooh. per bush .. _ . , ......... ..101 to .55 ander. per twat ...... 1 .m to .70 Pees, per boat .... .... throughout the evening. Hey. per the t W see&• loon. lead er tea ...... 5.75 me •••. .33 to 16 _ _ ` been. per des .... .. ..... .A1 to .32 per busk ..... .... .... .30 to E Atonal Parton. Wedassday Evening 1 AwM4 new 75 to 1.e. Hears Encouraging t�titiffttMM Mtaberl,ebtifee, nriwt taro co ' ,w aging 'x Qttl tetebers', @sellas► 5.10 to 100 . �ye weight. per cwt 7.00 to 770 nit cwt ..... 7 W w 7.0 cwt .... .. ..... .75 to 1.03 11 to .1x pee le..:...... :06 a 3 The annual meeting of Knox cbutcb, Gcdetich, took place on Wednesday evening of this week. The attendance was large and representative. The reports of the various orgalzetiosu indicated tbat the congregation had en- =1,;7.,..71,,. Lesrksa,as. 1.0211* • • -, • •low . w joyed one of the beet and most pros- Tevheyl)21M18 1e to .11• perouw,ycars in its birtory. A tine I 1e spirit of harmony, enthusiasm and If got' want to sell cbeap tee, you progress characterized everything. lea.. all the dust in it. But cheapness The report of main, gm's. ao ex- does not always mean satisfaction. celleut review of the past year. work. The dust nod stems are carefully re- Tbe number of families reworded Is mood from Sttladr Ora, thus ensuring 40rL The wembersbip to full rom- ' • perfectlyclean. bright Ora of a ual- munion totals .2.22. Duaio t the year Joand flaor unsurpassed. q 80 new members have been received- t bl by profession of frith and NY by tet- 1 Mabel do you and Jack don't NlcaLs., The eacrament of -baptism What's the trouble?" Mar - has been administered to 'S) Persons, :speak. �k .'We had a dreadful quarrel Tbe number of mar risers solemnized about which loved the other the was 17. I loose." Every department of tbe congtega- - t1o.'s work he been well sustalued. The ! For that afternoon tea, get some of Sabbath school has an torollmen . (.f . our fancy bricks, mode from ab - 504, with an average aLtendence of wolutely pure ice cream. Orden de - 81& The bow, department numbers livered. Salkeld's restaurant, phone 360. Mr. J. Blain Tom and his staff of to• forty-three officers and teachers were heartily commended for their valued services ; and the religious education ot the young was regarded as Doe of To ase tenter of Tare Boaaal. the most vital factors in the lite and prospenly of the church. Parents DRAB Stlt,-Might 1 teak you to cor- were urged to assume more respos- sibilit and to encourage everyone m- in this work. ports were also sabwitted by the Order of Recruits for the Ministry, which has • membership of 12; the Young People's Society: the Msc- Oillivrsi Mission Ba; the Young Women s Missionary Society known o the "Arthur Circle ;" the Women's Missionary Society, which during the past year has combined both home end foreign missions : the Knox cbur•h Cobs; the Knox church Scouts ; the Pastr.r's Aid Society y ; the Ladies' Aid Society, and the choir. Mention was made of the tom sustained b the congregation in the removal d Mr. J. B. Hunter, formerly organist and hoar master, to Hamilton. The Missionary Association pre- sented a most encouraging report and appreciation war expressed of the coa- gregation's having its own missionary, Mr. L. D. S. Coz.on, in Cent: ludic. Special reference was made to the fact that a increasing number °t the boys and young men of the congrega- tion are considering the claims of the Christian ministry and that two of the young women, Mise Jennie Manson and Miss Lily McArthur, are in Tor- onto in training for deaconess and social service work. The managers reported the finances Lam THE POULTRY SHOW. recf a error which appeared in your lam boas prising the awards at Ohs poultry show T 1a tbe tans. comb Rhode Island Reds, first psis" for ,neo was awarded me, not A. Rider as stated. Mr. Rider did not show a pen of Reds. As Doe of the directors of 16e Hurow ' Poultry Association I would like to thank, on their bebaif, the local pprreMeww�� 1itisens and nrercbats of (4adtp1. who through their generosity did so much towards making our show such a succeee. Our show was equal to if not better than most of the county show., and our prize list surpassed many both fat the number and quality of the special prizes, an item which p„s.ihi did so much to attract outside exbibitore. As the next show will again he hell in Oodericb we trust it will surpass the last, at least the Association will do their beet to this end. Trusting you will give expression of the Association's thanks in -our next issue, 1 am, HxvRT P. t..r,HIIKOOa Godericb, Jan. d6, 11)1& Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LAICAL APPLICATION$. .. they ere - net reach las art of the dl.,' .:•. t.at4srb 1., a bleed or Gen tItutienal ellwa.e. and In order W cure 11 yon moot Cairn Intrniwl remedie.. Han '•Cakar, b tan i. taken It, ernwlly. in good condition. During the year, one directly oo the blood and mu.ow .air through the generosity of the Ladies' 1ees'- '$all. eatarrs Care t, nota vuaet j medlcloi. It caw. prs.c ribwi by one of the beat Aid, the balance of Eels) on mortgage pay.lotan�w,� .t�o i151. reentry for sitars and U . had been paid and the church is now reeler presortWuoe. It se ~Iowa of tbe tree of debt bort ton koowe. o =Mired ~Iowa b 4 The receipt* for current expenses Moot purifier.. wants dans ly on the nuauud p pK ',dame. (he 0011'1106 of5D,n.6 0,, ot taro for the year totalled $4,475.67. The Ingredlenta I. what p•odsoe- .uch wonderful amount eootribuled far all purpose. rerulta to curing C.tarrb. Band fur te•dn eel - was news ly 17,000. A small credit wM M° k. J. CHLNET t co.. Prop., Toledo. U. balance remains on every account. mid b all drarntsta. Iso• The retiring manager+ -C. A. Nairn, Take to rowdy MN for ronetlpauoo, H. J. A. MacEwan and Dr. A. C. Hun- - ter --were unanimously re-elected. Hearty votes of thanks were spe- cially tender THOMAS OINN, Geo. E. Rom, for the high standard of bis p•iIpit ministrations and pastoral The late Thomas (Jinn, whose death) - • took place on Matunlay, Jasto ary Med, . at Alexandra hospital, following .01 ops- tion, was tnnn seventy-three years ago in Godes b h township, cm the farm on which he spent hie Ilfe. Until quite tecently he had enjoyed the hest of hcaltb. Three week. ago be came to town and wee advised t,y his physician to undergo an °per - •tion, which took place un Thursday `td from which he did not rally. .is wife predeceased him twenty There was a family tit ..•van, of reborn four survive : lkweld, Ni'. tie end Ada, on the homestead, and Mrs. Wm. Hick, also of (1'id.•nch t ,sun+hip. ed to the minister, Kev OBITUARY. Specialties at the MAPLE LEAF GROCERY Crockery We have still some very spec ial values to offer in our Crockery Department. The reduction offered during the December sale still hold. good. As it will be impos- sible to obtain some of these choice pieces in the future it is to your interest to pay us a visit now. Groceries In this department we have just received a fresh consign- ment of Pure Home-made Maple Syrup, the product of 1314. This is a real good ar- ticle, also a fresh shipment of White Clover Honey which we can recommend. S.J. Young Hamilton Street, Goderich G‘-ARtcS. PORK & BEANS ^with cc �ttt 51:0 7-7-., Only the 0 highest grads. of beans used. Delicious and appetising seasoning. Soy ..errvl•ere. • 1 n.;.t on"C7a.k': ' WCLARK Lim.trd Montreal Agriculture in Huron. Soule notes on Ontario counties in. 'sued by the Dep.rtwent of Agricul- tute at Ottawa include the following reference to the county of Huron : This county has the third largest record for horses in the Province, 33,288. Mitch rows, 30,131: other cattle. ti3,:t4D; sheep, '.25,138; swine, 70, 473. [serge quantity of poultry raised, second of any county in the Province. Second largest hay acreage. 111,7'Li. [wage grain acresgre: Fall wheat, :40,1;63; barley, :4),051. third larg at arr.-agr : third largest acreage of u its, 138.44x: ; pea.. 7,4114: Burn for silo, 17,1(48. Large root arra. Superior quality of orchard fruits -- acreage 13,114. visitation ; to the board of manage- ment for the conduct of the tentpotal affairs of the congregation ; to the usher., to the chuir, and vrry soecially to Mr. D. Stoddart• wbo for the past thirty years hat served so efficiently as church officer and financial merry-, tar. The question of putchasing a new t organ was very fully dlscnseed. The need of finch was recognized hy all ends a motion was unanimously •ndl heartily adopted authorizing the board f inn r=ent 4. rocure full in- furrpation on the cost, plan awl financ- ing of .ams, and to rep ,rt as soon se A Say Day for the Mao hem Montreal poe.lb le to • special meeting of the I One stater, Mrs. Oibr4n, who resider coegl•.gatlon. in the West, also asrvives. TA- de- -l.tmteshag Taft ea the Navy. Rev. (iso. R. Roos presided and Dr. ceased arse a stanch member of the yr liberally to MR. AMES' ViSIT. n au as p Mr. H. H. Armes, M. P., of Montreal. Stewg was secretary of the meeting. Anglican church and 6a 1 benevolent oh ata. a was a to -m- W a strenuous day on the occasion Nees her of the A.Ij.U. W. and the C.O.F of Ms visit bate last Th.reday. At 1 and was alio t alas. a The fu.O.F, o'clock be was Vie guest of the Cana -Rest. Mr. Hose has entered upon the which took lace loon the family dian Club at luncheon and delivered fifth tear of his ministry in Knox. V y an address al. g patriot's lines which Dr. Strang has ...rued continuously hose on Moons aftern•",n under the called torte much favor•bje enmmeet as serretary of Knox church for the aesp.o.s of Maitland 6.,•fgr, No. Si. frogs the assemhlyd Enema. He ex- past forty-four years. A , F. send A. M., caws very largely pldeed the Necessity of • central or- Mr. 0.vid Rtoddart, has been churtle fid• We. J. B Fotheri.Khe s castigation ted gave some interesting °Meer for tbe poet thirty-three years. enmdueteld LM ..ruin.. The details at d its workinatgg.. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex. (Stratton haws b.arers were Meeer-. J. Connolly, At 1 o'olsek he aMseawd the empty prepared Ore a ,s=enior table on spa. i.awson, A. (1hry.twl, R. 1) .wn- onesell wit\ retard toe ermtrlh ution every oecastoa fee ohs peat thirty leg. J. WINta,ly rad S. 11...t.. Inter - to the 0..wdian Pstrlode Aeaneiatioe. rms. .sant took pla.e to th.• fruwtly plot la He pelletal out vrr Marty that the The number of drat h+ in the ark win oeuu"t ey. moretalien of whichhe was the how- cremation during the put year was Uw Blackato,.e's de ic,ou+ i 1e. crests every treseuror �. dye the °sly purely Lae largest In the eighty years' b1tory for Mlneeasino. Orden delivered. that was looking of the church, namely, St RIGHT'S ISEASE is the deadliest and most painful malachr to which mankind i..ub ect. Dodd'. Kidney 1`,11., will cure any care of Bright's !Mites.•. They have never failed in Doe single caw!. They are the only remedy that ever hes cured it. and they are the ,xtly remedy that can. There are imttatintt. of Dodd's Kidney Pills -Yin, box and name -but tn)tta- tions ars dangerous. The original andw,l name cure for Bright's D{.rase ,+ IIKIDNEY LS Dodd's Kidney Me are Ally cent/ a flan pt d drugxists. G'1