HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 4s Tumble AT. DigOAllt 4. 141 THS SIGNAL '..SOD - : OR IYilirnlr �Yilr�!'►iY U p f. ER LA!VALETS P YOU WANT E E i . Tersw%s Cable Market i l >b8reeestative prises sr.: - *lacer+ ......$7.66 k 41 • lel /H O Whole* steers ... 7. N i.t1 **cess, pod .. 4. T3 i.l0 oltsta ......... 4.91 i.Noases CU 4.0 ▪ shale* 7.10 t.00 i N. medium 6.75 6 JN • Masher cows, (thoce, . , 6 . N 4. se That will wear t 1.14 9.01 M eseaw 4,16 6.20 tINeber bens, eked' -COO 0.75 F1 N ped bah, ...... 6.111 1.11 GO TOmediae 5.110 1.71 tort. beluga* . 4.le 6.31 E Poideee. NI to 1,100 Ib. 4.11 i.OJ M bulls 6.11 6.76 SMah.ss, 760 a 111 vibe. 4.31 4.18 I J.H. McClinton E 4s t.el.. ON to 760 1.00 1.01 tis light, 101 to NO 4.71 6.60 gr_ Oaaaeoe 3.73 4.81 &P. M10T"10'e 1 If*g I1 dfacEwan Estate ezdodve agents for SCRANTON COAL for Ooderich and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8.00 per tun BEST COAL MiNED Any quantitybeat all Maple Blabs Mixed ood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 01 residence tot Or N Clinton School of Commerce Re -opens January 5th, 1915 Canada and Canadians will have their Big Opportunity commercial- ly at the close of the present war. Prepare yourself to grasp this Qp- rtunkr eusLitilli boreet suceees. Ooursls:-Stenographic, Oommer- oial, Civil Service and Farmer's. To those who are unable to become regular attendants lemmoos will be given by correspondence. NIGHT SCHOOL Glasses in any course or *abject, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:20 to 9:30 '70 R O N T O In ('entre of Shopping and Bordner M..trk L- IPS MONS -res oath Prt.tld *delle 3it7e101.1rAn AND Anum AN PLAN Ale eerie liseln e_Rt Outten 4.35 5.00 Makers, choke, each. 75. N U6.00 de. rasa. sad ed41. N ie. N ipsiopNs 60. N 111.01 Calves, veal, choice 1.16 10.60 do. medium 4.11 1.11 do. ..noon 5.40 7.11 do. stare 4.15 4.51 Lamb.. tight 5.60 4 . N do. stedtum 1.11 1.60 do. heavy 7 60 4.06 do. calls 4.60 1.00 Itir►seIigbt 1.18 4.11 Sheep.. heavy and becks 4.11 5.14 Call. ... 3.60 4.11 logs. oR oars ........ 5.110 1.14 do. td and watered. 7.16 7.56 do. f.o.. 7.18 1.60 Farmer's Market Following are the latest mietatleaa Or farm produce at St LMremee Market, Toronto. (Wheat, bushel 11.56 le 40.06 wheat 1.46 1.11 Ler. . 011 . N Dare. .11 .14 g•ckwb st .N .01 ars .. 1.91 0.11 yeas 1.40 1.71 Sae, timothy. No. 191.11 16.00 and blower 11.Lis.00 14.00 w, be.dM4 17.11 N.00 do. loom 10.11 11.11 Patter, choloe dairy .50 .91 sew laid, doe. .40 .00 1, deemed, Ib. .11 .11 ons, lb. .14 .11 km, spring, ll. .17 .18 15. .11 .58 ib. .14 .10 Live hens. 11. .10 .11 40. dock.. Ib. .13 .12 do. geese, ID. .11 .13 Apples, basket ....... .11 .40 do. barrel 3.60 5.25 Potatoes, bag .64 .75 Onions. bag 1.50 1.71 Perk. per pound .11 .10 Dressed bogs 10.00 10.50 Beef. klndquartote 13.11 11.00 do. forequarters 3.11 16.011 Lard, les ,10 .10 Toronto Orsln Prices The following wbote.als prtess are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 aorthere. 31.64%. lake porta;. Na 3. 31.1114: No. 3, $1.60; 410 per bushel more ok track, Oodertch. Manitoba Oate-No. 3 C.W., 74e; NO 3 C.W., 71c, tr'aek, bay port.; No. 1 feed, 70c; sample oats, 48140 to' t9%c. Ontario Oat.--Outade, 60e to 41st Ontario Wheat -No. 3, ear let, 51.45 to 51.60. outside, aecorMag to freights. American Corn -No. 3 yellow. all rail ehipmeata, Toronto freight. Nike. Peas -No. 2, $1.91 to 53, oar lot.. outside. Rye -No. 2, 51.14 to 11.30. Barley --Good malting barter, os$. n ide, 7k t . 80e. Rolled O.te-Oar lots; per bag el 90 pounds. 51.40 to 53.10; in smaller lots, 51.66, Windsor to Moatre•l. 1 Buckwheat-O3e to 89e, " ear lot, outside. Mltlte.d-Car iota, per ton. base, 434; .bort* $31; middling., 131 to 431; good teed goer, 339 to 1491 lathed ears. 31 more. SCHOOL REPORTS. li S. NO. 6, COLBORNE. The following Is thin report of 8. 8. No. 5, township of Colborne, for the montb of Januiu . based no weekly •zamination.: V.-Brrov•s Bogie, r r enoe Hunter. 1V. -Beatrice Chi.holn., Olive McCane, Mary Bogie, Mamie Tburlow, Philip Bogie. Br. 11 i.- l.ouella McWhinney. Lillian Morris. Jr. III. -Helen Chisholm. Elmer Moore. Sr. II. -Agnes Monis. Jr. 11. -Robbie Bogie, Eart Bogie, Wesley Moore, Lillian Thurlow, Charles Mor- ris. on ris, loderick Bogie. Sr. I. -Gram Bogie, Willie McCann. Charles Moore, Kamm Chisholm. Jr. 1 -Nellie Mor- rie, onria, Jean Angie., ''B" -Oliva Houton. Late rear* E Kegs, Teacher. Cetus at beetroot { Beechen' attl., ghee.. 41 71 to 44.11 j b. medium 6.60 1.60 do. mammon 6.10 6.00 Q•aaees 4.00 5.00 g toppers' e.hoice corn0.60 4.75 , 0o. medium 6.60 I, do bells 5.74 IWtree., obetcm seek70. 00 do. roe. and med10.01 pprlag.n ..... 50.00 cep. ewe. .... 4.75 ka and cells 4. u 5. 7.50 of sera 1.40 6.00 "L Jones an opHelst r ' 0. is. Ips found • ticket ..titling him to a chases in a motor -ear drawing the ether day. and be is iuilding a gar- agt- COMri.flft A 00URe8 iN TRR o _ � ikp J1e.sI4 .411 prN� t a er brad , je� �W 7111 rTyp 6.01 7.00 76.00 66.00 60.00 6.00 4.60 4.24 $.M 14.00 Rent SOW. Oelwe +maple-/ilrty Detnvs. prime ewe, NI to $1.10; .blppta& 5* b OM; 54 to 34.80; barer*, 46 60 4e "yell; sew.. M le 57: bell.. 14.10 Tess.--Aatant: N M tit Roge--Alnw; heavy. 31 b 41.11; 11.14 to 17,0; ,.rwse% 41.40 41.11; -. 47.60 to 11.01; resale. to WA. stai 15 to 41 t Sheep Shasad teebs ty -w.n.sake sad thea seine; sheep. .heed,; Isahs. M 10 M; reefIR L M to h-11; 40.10 b 50.11; owes, 01J10 te 1Mom. Mud. 44.35 M 8.14• Oldeaps Uv. Sheet Rattle -Market *scrag; beeves, 46.415 Is PAL sews and lettere_ UN le 58.00; calve. 11.14 te 4141.60. Bowe --Market neatened: light, 8.91 to 401 M. totted, 16.11 trot 1848; heavy. 8.46 te N N;twegh. 5446 to 4611: On. 54.147 to 56.88; bulk of eater, 11 75 to $4 N. Sheep market unsettled: native. 1t ne to ft. 95: year'ints. 47 11 to 58.00; iamb.. awns, 47.40 to $JS. 9 Aso heads chapped. 0,sck.. er sore? Have you 'bald creche" which ens and bleed when the skis le brews tight? Have �!+ a tvoebblte, or ail at time. makkes it agoalF 11orpsu 1. 1 Sabo wi,lw i darer t 118 ser and will heal the troRve tJa .kin. Miss B. angst. of Bast Her ford, Ns., writes: " My hands were se badly chapped I was ss- able to put them 1a water. All remedies (ailed to heal uatil 1 tried Lam TOOL P.reev ranee with this halm completely healed the Debet" Zafaak hes 4 cut.. bursa bruises, cures eczema. plies. ca•p1d MOWN said .ares. Crest b. tee, egad .l1 *hue d.s..see •ed aslmtlee. Refuse wb- •titutea At ail dr..aeh.s sed owe.. ie. tea. v SQUICKREiE KINOSORIDGE. MONDAY. Fob. 1. . JOTTIwoa or reg Wm. --Mr. sad Mrs. Jame* Youoe. Mr. and Mr*. Ar mstroag 8t tndi•b and Mrs. Michael Bowler, all of Oodericb, visited ben last week Mr. William Moran. who is attending St. Peter's Seminary, London, spent 51s vacatbn here Mies Nellie Sullivan, who went to 8t Joseph's hospital, London, on Jaouaty Kind. underwent an operation o. Wednesday of last week for approd(- citie. She is Improving nicely John F. Sullivan hap been in Leedom slows Wednesday On Wednesday of tut week Mr. and Mr,. Matthew O'Connor entertained their frieodr to a dance, and on Fribey a ".uti.rise party" was taken to 15r. and Mu. John C. Dalton'., which ',evening was also spent to dancing. A Blood was r. ported on each occasion by all of the many vo.uog people who were preseut . 'kingsbridge was well represented at the Lucknow boll op Monday last. BENMILLER. WEDNESDAY, Jan. T.. Several new poet-tnes have ap- peared on rural route No. 4 in the last week, and our genial courier, Mr. Moore, is buoy covering the ground of his trip every day, and he is mot pray- ing for any more drifting snow.t wine to make the work any more difficult than it is at present. Rumor ray. be will be moving to O..derich, w as to make bb journey lem by twelve miles than it is from here. lieemowkRT V.ALLY.-The mMaioe- ary rally in the Methodist church here last night was a decided succeee, though many regretted the ab'eoce of Rev. It. 0. Powell, the busy field -sec- retary for temperaoce for Huron county. who eould not be pr rent on account of tickers@ in the tastily. A11 were charmed std edified by - the (stir- ring address oo the whole miseiooary question by Rev. Ohm* E. Manning, mei- tont general secretary of the gen- et al misdonary board of the Methodist church of Oanads. This meeting was purely educative along tnbiooary linea and no 'ascriptions were asked for, but a complete canvass of the homes on this field will be made in the near tut are. it was cheering to see upwards of 175 adults in attend- ance, in spite of several counter at- tractions. KIPPEN. FRIDAY. Jan. Mi. PERSONAL Mgiriow.-Mr. and Mn• Thomas Dayman, of Whitewood. Rask., and hes brother Will, of White- wood, are renewing ofd f. iendsbtp. herr, along their hear -quarters with their mother, Mrs. Peter Dayman. They report condition, as very fair CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM 4M MY. Ara" Wbisiag. iee. Joe O O. •waimaw riser ..d me a lei e( Ole Past Whir i ...t for the ta.t leo. 0.1 wearast s. e .Y Mb�epwhims 4..•I .iinuri ~.a seeetelj leaw.. M =emit ....L raweM=ma: crew pi sed est we rend% Mra BM MAX GinPills .tart vetswDfatra You ata readily lellMyo.r ter ttisdder is elected, Yon will L peas is the small of the back, ggrrooii■ or Mips, your friar will be hiskly c..1ond, brick dust a miscue ddaeppo. db w"1 show is the es rsieg, your wrists or ashler may swell, all des b leattlw Wheys which Gin PUL will dAeliat right re .pmset w.t..s i `e't �ib.r=' Oi .r CwJa .. r. • Mee • 10 s• • • Air ONTARtu mood a Wlelamong Sit *Ya.osos 4 .:Mi Mrs. Mawr Oil rlow of Frobisher. rattis termer* amUm" of t. geese . etas 6 wreOaten plete fay wooed etoa�ue title Ib55. '.8MOM food times 1n aMt tb'nslsmr al eb*wos This wsok we ehradele the reeoval from ori Midst of Mr. nod ill. tier. Alair, who hero woos to Y.tr with thorn ma- im -law. Mr. Adam Steep. th Oodssioh Ye. and Yrs. Alalr have Need hsa. 9,r thiel -elz year. sad barn "IMO Bair foleily. who are WNW widely* of Port Col - bow. hila hbaadnt•at 1e his oohs fro,#. Yea Yabios in Dose oft and nos Ms4.1., railway bookkeeper. Yan Yea. Webber .h London .ad lire' Steep la Roderish towa.hlp. They Mare eta with our best wise.s for a bag sad happy Me. While with w they have hod the resect and waft - Ames of a arrh.dy and the whole e ahiose�aaaIMy will he poorer for their PORTER'S Full_ T'vasDAT, Feb. 2. Norms. -Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, ul Wioghasa, and Mr. sad Mrs. Mar- shall, free the Wart, visited as Mr. Join BLit's lam week Mr.. Gtb- son. a Logsdon, at on, has bevimtNng at Peter McDougalr. Mee Rub Currie is visiting in the neigbboebood. Mtlrtt"O.orgs sad We.ky Van- derburg attended an Orange meeting at Exeter of T>ledoy Mrs. John Blair is Ask'sg at Wingb.m Mr. John (lox, who hie been coellned to his bed for the be leu days, is • little better, bet sot impends, ae quick)?7 se his many friends would Fe pressed to hear Mr. James Har- rison anrt.on ie laid no with 0eetralgfa Mr. Johnny lima.ssoa sad Mr. A0 %nekton .t tattled the Orange eaatitg at Exeter of 1b. Bettleay eoogvsgstion latteaditolding a parlor social at 15. both. of Stewart Mc- Dougall o-Dougall oo Tuesday, February 9th. AUBURN. W*DxasnAT, Feb. 3. An Ow Rsmnorr DSTASTS.-Atter a lingering UI,s.e Oen A.kwlth passed to the Greet Beyond earlyiTnee- dsy morning at the home of hi.daogb- �Mrs. 0. A. How.00, in his seventy - year. He Laves to mourn his de- parture one roe, R. J. Askwith, aod one dsowhtar, 11za C. A. Howson, both Ilving to the vlfag.. The fun- eral takes place oo Wednesdayafter- noon from the Baptist church, the lo - tamest Io be In Hairs cemetery. The lissyy� d is .IlIS*iraftloutlction. to the sta east Owlsg to the etoem on Tuesday the man trains were esteeUed and Joe. Irwia did not go on his rural trip. Mrs. J. 0. Clark sod Mr, Stanley Match are (*proving after attacks of measles. The lied Orme Soviet held an ez- hibltloo of their work for .oldie,. on Wednesday in the Fbeeeler,' hall sad gave *,tet -cent tea, realising $22 for their labor. At the asoual • meeting of Knox church Monday .seating ML. Jest Stalker. who is leaving foe /lint. Mkt., wag pees *ted with a purse in recogr Ilioe el bar .swiss* ae urgaaiet. OODERICN TOWNSHIP. Werumenur, Nib. & Mel Elsie Lobi hos gobs to Radio - son, cask., to wait upon her ester, Mrs. Norman Snider, who le not in good health. At Mr. W. H. Lobb'. sale of .sale . few days ago twenty cow. wens sold at an average of 688 Ons cow and .alt .old et 0108 and • cow at 5101. Mr..ad Mrs. George Aphelion, of Medina. Hat, Alberta, are spending the winter at the home of the 1oem�. mote, Mrs, Hobert Acheloos. The directors of the Holmsevili. Cheese Oo. have engaged Fred Belie - worth. of ltbeddoo, as cheese maker for the coming seams.., The Patriotic Society of Goderioh townabip meets at the boom of Mr,. T. Johnston, 4th eoocsedos. oo Friday, February 5th- The Huron road breath of the same eod.ty resets at the home of Mrs. Kobt. Tbomp.on on Friday, February 12th. A full attendance is requested. Remember the patriotic 000eert to be given in No. 1 schoolhouse on Fri - d• evening of this week, in aid of the Belgian relief fund. A very attrac- tive program Ism bees prepared under the direction of Mr.. Corson. Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam .11 be the chair - Man. BAYFIELD. rsIDAT: Jae. 18. Mr. G ting. of Haraiota, Man.. Is visiting his uncle. here. Masers. Thos. and George King. Rev. Frank Rickard, kat• of Mummy, who bas been appointed rector of Bay. Geld, Ooshe. wad Varna churches. has arrived bene with hie wife and tastily sod has matured upon the discharge of hie rectorial rttaet,ont Sr. Axnaaw's al C,itacan- .-Tbe a an"Nook-taking • of 8t. Andrew's cbureh has taken place. w1t0 moose - aging results. The report of tis nee - d on, presented at the annual mean.- gallows' osgtrgallonwl meeting. .bow. an Increase of seven in the metabereblp, which now stands at 1a. The total amount of money rimed by the church In its vsriots organisslloni was 12,845 • slight increase over the figures for 1913. The budget alloation d 6613 wits accepted It is intended to hove • thorough .moven Of the enagr.ga- Non by the eaaagere and the aro- atondry commit tee, with • view to the int��.rroedeetioe of sense uniform method ~171 etaICOLTOnAL Socturi.-Of- Seen of the Dayileki Agrleultursl $nelely have bens elated as follows ler the year t Feeeloe.4. Robert Sunr- ise t Sete vlee.p osidee . J. W.e. laids 1 Jobe Stewart. Joie Meal ley. i . M.Marray. A. Wets*. L. Aridmtens, 7. cOleeA B. .•too B.A.Oorrpr We Rtisass, 11. 1R Riergl.., D. R. M.N.agbtes. M. Weals. J. Magee,. Jobs tie - Naughton t ..esetary A. i R. Iberia t treat tern, F. A. Mwaeds i ao hose, John 0.5..er, Tine. utas-.-- L reeosrnitios et bis enema At= pare to the nosi.ty, Y.. Nasky who for evsf Wray yrs wee a armee, woe maths ilik frier bar of the Maisky. New Catton Goods! FEBRUARY IS THE MONTH WHEN EVERYONE IS PLANNING and BEGINNING THEIR SPRING 3WI Fine sheer material* for spring dresses with dainty designs and color combination. appeal to every woman who intends to flash her sewing early.Long cloths, nainaooks end embroideries m for the snmer.undergarments are now thought of and made up for the early season. Our lines of just sock material will appeal to every woman and we invite inspectign. Wait, sed so, *lee moat minimal in our sbowtng of light -weight materials o,. ..' ,. WHITE' COTTONS "'°; ; :r`. H.ivyr'hlt tt'�` 1 Inches wide. per" �0�C • yard Floe Oembrie. tree from dressing and when frosted looks like linen, at.per yard ' 18C Flue .beer Naln.00k., 3e ruchee wide and se yard telt bMboh trod SstNMa NAIN S 0 0 K S O3"Hs or t his l te wW be needed for the ens uodenprm.et*, We early easy dhfeswot d Sae 00410.., N inches to soli inch.o wide, at 3M p., yard j� _... * 1 no. 111o. !Oa. Bis std a7Vl. CCOTTON CREPES Our showing et Cotton Crepes is made up of the newel* amigos is small pattern* and desirable colon. The beet cloths are oompoe.d of white ground with dainty colored pattern.. Nothing is name suitd►hb fora light -weight Cotton them sad the oolor la etsry p�eo• can be relic. upon. We *iso have many piece. is dark grounds with light patterns. Thea. cloths wake burin/ easy and sae be had !i 15c Inches wide at per yard Ws bare in l*ek omany very fins pieces of Ootto. Weis. e pat - COTTON VOILES terns in this cloth are all DOW sad distinct from eaytileg prev- iously shown. Bach piece is 17 Inches wide at hoe feed. For a white waist nothing is more suitable tban'Vestiog and our new Nock is lade up of the newel patterns. tie also hey. unsay plain cloths in basket weaves sad poplins that ere suitable for separate waists. These cloths 15c to 25c range In prim from, per yard only VESTINGS W. B. CORSETS 1 J. H. Colborne D. & A. CORSETS A PORT ALBERT. ITEIONSIESO T. Feb. 4th. Noes*. -Mise Ethel Brown returned home on Mooday from Clinton, where Ishe was the guest of Kiss - Roadie Rchoenbals.. , . Th. Port Albert school hat been closed the last few days ow- ing to the Woes of the teacher. Mise Pearl Machete's Mr. H. Hardee was in Loodoo Wt leotards,oo busi- ness and spent Sunday and onday at St. Thomas, the guest of Mr. and Mn. J. K Nelson Ws regret to report the serious illness of Mr. and Yrs. W. , 0. F. Brown, but are glad to say that both are Improving somewhat. COLBORNE. Wltmlrt.SDAT, Feb. 3rd. MUNICIPAL T..sraorta.-At the an- nual mooting of the Colborne Tran pboo• System. held at Carlow. Masers. os. Hseftton, 0. Lamb and Th J. B. Orn were elected ooemiesio..rs, Mr. O. R. Forster and Yr. R. H. Wal - 1 tees retiring attar nearly five years' ' service. It was ld decided to boa pie - rile at the .eml-aawusl meeting oa ' Jdy lar. at B.etMilkr. aad the eoe- mNte. io chaette were instructed to n ote a speaker togive as addos auditorshe report. at the son e'! r aw a very saUetactory state of An*nose, having a w thstaotial balance on heed A com- mittee wuu appointed to eoosider and report of future liabilities 0f the sub- scribers when the debenture debt was A number et quest/owl were s• ubmitted to the chairman of the Ontario RailwayBoard regard's,/ this question by tis ooemitter, to which a very satisfactory reply has dace beet remind. WESTFIELD. TVIMIDAT, Feb.1. DzATR of Mrs O'Oownorz-W. ars ..try to bear of um, death of Mee Mary O'Connor, who bas lived with and kept house for her brother at Donnybrook for many years. Mies O'Connor was ill for • long time. The deceased was a woman peat middle 111e. 9he leaves many treads to mourn her {oat Mr. (YOoo.or, brother of the deceased, has Moen taken with • stroke datahis ester's death. News OF TIM Wigg.-M1es Mar- �gsrraect Farrow ie vidtiog friends at Du.gsoeon. Mrs. Medd, of Chat- ham. and Mrs. Ainslie, of Leamington, ars visiting their sister, Met J N. pip Ulm 031e.s Clark. of 8L H. ane, is visitlog her sinter, Mrs. Marvin McDowell A number of farmers are team* Inge and wood to Auburn The Kpwortb League of Westfield chords held a social and literary evening on Friday last, the refreshments bon candy and apple. Mr. W. J. Parks bag bought a house from William Marsh In Auburn, and we believe inti mos moving into 16 beton satiny months have pared. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Lame Back out be cured by the great fruit kidney asd "Ter re FiO PILLS Brantford, Oct., Aug. 13, g 1911. e Your .dbINKiue, g Piida, W worked wooden for me. 'tris thew static pains have entirely lett sae std I owe .vatlog to your remedy. You are at I1Ferty teon. this. H. R GAlt�raw At .11 dealers 8 and 50 omits or mailed by The Fig P111 Co., St. Thom- , .oRohlrt t Geese4 & try R. A BLYTN. W RDWSaDAT, Felt 4. Jarneae.-We went visaed br • eery strong wind the fret, few days of this week. sad Ills, feiMwieg a Mary refs, mad. ties 1 ka- le e- b; 1.waft on la teat,, t wast es.�ww.ry that the cbitdyeo t oa thole.LW .sod used them kw a riot. A w.ebsr from bars ,.seised M- ykonos* sighttn N a r wee and 1is.s usual seem it then ..egt.d sad re- port baring a good neem downs. Ikon... sot d1eeee a doses es 4 gtwen Cee_ 14.1 kutel ea i vIdsibey at the SW taw Z"Igsass at t tows. It is mtyss- tksnt will bit s mod mousait sod as sajoribir Moo .Mits. Joe How dome% who itso bent villeins with bar skive Mho IL roseyth. Ilier • ow* ei woke vollnresd to kis lismo In Howiek last week The Odd - fellows purpose holding an "at home" in their hall oa Tuesdayevening, Feb- ruary Yth Th. nowshoe Club walked out to Mr. Jas. Tierney's, But Wwaoosb, ow night last week and moot as aojoevening Mr. B. Thomas.0 P,R. spent here who was in Markdals laying at net his de- ceased wife, returned to duty on Wed- nesday last, A 8voctaortiL EFFORT. -The con- tinuation alas of Blytb public school held • patriotic concert in Industry Hall on Friday evening which was pureed with bumper house, the hall being peeked to the door,. Every per- son in attendant. sajoyed the per- formance, as well they might. A great Beal of credit ie due for the pains taken by the teachers, Mr,. James: Barr and Mies Bisset, who bad been training the children for some time. The program 000sisted of chorused, dust., moath-organ solos, the May- pole drill. recitations, tableaux anda play entitled. 'Powder in the Bee," hi two ac , which war wall acted by all those taking part The recelpts amounted to over 50), which will be OD apDiisd tp Belgian relief. WWrrs'Mts UroLLows --Thursday evening loot Blyth Lodge, 1. ill 0. F., bebi a mark/ meeting for the purpose d - tewtng a third degree on ons of the ttambers, also to have the odko s for the year installed. Mr. Wm. Mac- Kay, 0, D. G. Master, sad suite as fo)owa? A. Clark, D. b. G. war�do; W.DomG 4 D. L. G. Marshall . Secretary ; C. Jialts. D. D. G. T4ea.urer, all of Hsne•it ar- rived on the 7 p. m. train for that porpoise. The first business was the conferring of the degree, which was put ou In good style by the home lodge. The nett order of business was the installation, and, although there have been some good installa- tMs teams here in the pout, we are safe in wing that Bro. MacKay'. em teequaled, if not surprised, any eta. others. The following officers were installed : N. G. G. E. McTag- gart V. G., Thos. \Vallace; R. 8., A. W. Robineon ; F. 8., John Pett : treas- urer. Dr. Allison ; warden, 8. A. Poplestone ; conductor, Dr. Allison ; O. G., W. Logan ; 1. G., W. Begley ; R. 8. N. G., John Weymouth ; L 8. N. 0., W. Moore ; H. S. V. G., Thos. Stewart ; L. 8. V. 0.. G. A. Mander- son ; R. 8. S.; John Knox ; L 8. 8., Norman Knox ; chaplain, P. Gsrdloer. After the ceremony light lunch was partaken of. followed by speer and the District Deputy gave one of the beetspeeches ever listened to in Blyth lodge A number of other members also gave short addrsee, which closed the evening about 1 ain. CURRENT PU8LICATIO948. TOR CANADIAN M..,AURa. - T►. 1...0 dela sale. for February oo la dad of iar to Canadian Trial.r ena which thrown a eurion. lint en ths stroloog rd.UM.s that enlisted be, semen the imry W dvO.s n,. In the pe .ist4de iso ..sad pears after the fall of clueless.15. carless sod of Walker's L. .Yew. 15.4 In 170 s M eawhe mtMkrs sell Mindanao private est - wen able to brine the ser ROM* Adm Euon se mad of tenable. TAY Deaner of ( Mtu Hasw e Hassid.. Mee Include. rd et>•pbte .nary d1 lis maser In wNo► ow, pwet FitatrsM and bi. party of Rossi North- west bleiseted Folies perished In tae pmrta.a- mpw et Baty en the Are' ie trail betters Fort McPherson sed Dawson (Yty. �,t� Sri,.Rt AOT t' MOIrtnLT. - A Rdtahl. SI 1! W mom( somber el ('atmos lama F "ileac Dar. Is an deed or the Tear, whisk W wrest R.esm.ed Kr .kkaw. if♦ • .1.14 ppoetr[ df ..ireyArtier Ayer, I. "Cu- ed, ..* the -=is.'" .ayemos airlines thine Neat dales of drsinteatle iIA t� e.sasee.e{trryyy. skn M1.trryiack moat els se n.adahleshort Al ry GOO tMw.Unt sal Teense war -. List -i see there'. • report Reis Hellated that eonent. bases foe Gra mats ean.os have teen found theft. Cis -Don't b.l:e.. • word you hear from Holland. Lei ge.graph11 sayer It is a low, trios ntry IS YOUR ROOF ONE OF THOSE IN THIS TOWN that needs oar art. noon ? The longer you delay making the modal repair. the more drawee the weather le doing and the greater your ex- pense Tinning and Repairing roofs, .leo building gutters and lead - ere, Is our part of this world's woe k, and we do it well. Better .std for to now sod be reedy for the coming weather. Fred Hunt Hamilton Street Phone 135 New Train Service TORONTO -MONTREAL OTTAWA Via -Lake Outaeie Niters Ldae- i.at time te 0.bawa Pert B.M. 0.5.te. Belles Ina Trenton. dna P.est..i.. trout Jen i[W. O.P.R. Tuba Agent. or write M. G. Menai. D.P.A Togobi GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM DoubleDouble Trak all the Way 10808(70 -CHICAGO TORONTO-- NON FERAL vaesssW Trate served lEMmt names ggelseaset Winter `[airs to California FLORIDA AND BUNNY ROUTH /ant Train' Choir . et Resift Low Tares am in stem Por feu aartbd.n. meson (LTA Ticket Agents w Imes C. 1L HORNING, MAO. Pnm.ng.!•.r AAnat. Tenets b• Tisk•. Atreet,at Row Ili tt s