HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 2• TOValneaT. Pldaoesv A 1Ng
pue*aees, err melds r- .j is the
Mame my W 11 more cnevenb.nt to
subscribe to the British Aasekte
toad, and t.rttblbetioas may be .sat
T BWNAL MINTING OU., La . to the trammelr. Mr, usury J. white-
TIMUOMasa hoose, 100 P7Rb •erose, Now Teak.
d all
strestr: =a -id
s d r ►mss caveat, Oise
wet ~e. ote iamb Daswieeeted, le Wearsad PVtr
sysrr171s-Swso.a a•b.ari•sr• aloe
receive •feta hawt•t 7 by used
wafer slavers;
seines hist etas
mor .W. shoes be gives. ltemal•aws
cry be ods W beat draft. sweet wear,
=•„ ..Rmaae• Nato, me nalst ese).es at Gl-etter.
Asenaner•.� - stow r *thief sal
.wises dvrtits..eaet- alae be given ea an&
maim Land aid • via.? 1 alter eavert Lissy.
Om sew tri Ur- rsr a.a ►..sea1Ws sed Iver
w lies ler sect .sbereu•et tarrtlK
Wa Seale or .sloe seisparea-t welts
Was ince. tl.riaes. ease sf as Mage
sod saws. rye tail .r • rev rear Advertise.
a� .1 est. y.•edtaf
, e'ad. Weedeas
MML ea t senors • w enue, Rooms tot Baser
te Rent. Ferrier fir bole or to Rent, ardslw
ler &Ir. out. spy sxcesimag Moil Mae. Tweets
e ve Coat- sad Wartime ; o.e Deaar ter
wean., 'thy e.•tw to eaab.sbe'e.sat
aa,,., dvertf.ewe.ta is p�rree9pwwctlos.
u l• ordbaar, ,..der twos::
sty pen les. Nsersesedge maim the 7`!esav_
CmilLitUte tles.fars i...Bt e dna adv e.weet she med a .s eels.►Cosa0tos►rta-Ta. waw• suers a
w►rv/bw- sadew 51
nor eTae LL • .s171 4
711. -et c�4
and dlautet doles s ewe
win be •ueadd a Gahm. oes-
t . esus aid address of the writer, am
Oar blk.Use, bat as an *ridwee
el Tom
stent Vii► �t eat: era W.d.� wee
of sacs ee.k.
Hurrah for "Hydro-! Now you see
it, end new you don't.
A. good example of looking far
troohk-the cruise of the Dacia.
Wonder if Attorney -General Lucas
le ati11 "thinking seriously" of "going
after" Mr. Noyes.
Remember tb'at wben you pay for
'your Signal in advance for 1913 you
are contributing to the war relief
Britain will emerge from the war
with the policy of Free Trade and •
Big Navy mare firmly established
than ever.
toderich's railway connections were
all tied up on Tuesday. The C. P.R.
was snowbound, the O.T.R. was
blocked by storm and wreck, and as
lock would have it the O.W.S. R R
wasn't doing business that day,
With no railways running, no mails.
so daily newspaper,, the electric
bight* uncertain, and no boat" game
talk. skeet,- OodeelPf rile Tuesday
was about as dull -well, about as dull,
say, as Ohotoo is any day in the
Through the courtesy rat Mr. J. C.
L.Ton.el, we have bad a perusal of
1 he Christmas number of The Daily
(cleaner of Kingston, Jamaica. It is a
mammoth production of forty pages.
and reflects in its columns the politi•
cal, commercial, literary and other in-
terests of the island.
S mokiag biles. the Explstmeatal
Farm eeperiateodeota remedy aseam
bled la manning at Ottawa, Mr.
Oso. H. Clark, Dominion deed Oees-
miseiooer, •o.asi.d a note whlah is of
special interest et the present. crisis is
Ossadism sericulture. :In prefacing
his address he said : "Uofurtenatefy
farming during the ion ten years or
more has tern less attractive tv,
young ineo of good ability and to sap
tial tbau other industries le urbar.
morn. The preblets of tars labor
has been an exceedingly perplexing
one and in consegtreon term apneas
here been modified a as to require
the minimum of lat.orfor the arm -
um yield of tee: return.. Oily it:-
duett kw have compl-telt' outbid the
farm in the matter of labor, and it
is probably true that at leas tens-tbird
of city workingmen have had exper-
ience io farming I would lits to say
to those men now that 1f toe oppor-
tooitiee is the city looked brighter
during the past ten years, the next
ten years, in my judgment. assuredly
belong to the farm, and the sooner
they realise that the better for them -
w ives and for all concerned."
There 1s a good deal of criticism of
the action of the Provincial Govern-
ment In curtailing the grant W the
11.11 faire throughout the Province.
Moat of these instltutioos have found
it hard to make ends meet with the
grant ; without it the raw of some of
them will be wellnigh hopeless.
The cwnty council's contribution of
$1,009 a month to the patriotic fund
and • lump sum of $3,11011 to (he Bel-
gian teller fund means a vote of
1117,OII0 for the year. This is • coo -
(Adorable sum, but Huron is not doing`
ten well ae some other r•,unties, and we
believe the people of the county would
have supported • larger grant.
Evidently Frame and Britain are
waiting fix better weather to launch
the great campaign for the freeing of
Belgium and the invasion of Germany
from the west. It sly and Roumania,
too, appear to he waiting the word to
throw their armies into the field on
the side of the Allies. and the coming
of spring will probably he the signal
for a general advance upon the enemy.
Then there will be fighting such as
the world has never seen.
Mr. Lloyd (lrorge has won the un-
stinted prate of Brittah financiers for
his measures to maintain steadiness
and confidence in financial and cons
nespecial eirclee since the outbreak of
war. Lord 8L Add wyo, • forme
tlbanorllor of tb. Exchequer in Coo -
serer in administration... recently
made tbe statement diet there
was • winter before in which trade
and employment in Britain were so
thoroughly good. This is a remark-
able tribute, not only to the was
direction of aftalee by the present
OItaneellnr, bun to the essential sound -
mere of Britain's trade eosditioes.
A comm l t tee at New York, with lady
Merf.rrt as prr►ident, ham instituted
the Bri t bb A m.etc en War Relief
Fuad. "tit provide warm clothing axed
enefowts for British soldiers sad
sllon ow set I ee service and In the
b..pltele.' Am sppr•t for this fund Is
Meal over the well-known same of
LsSsed Massing Dawn While (twsa-
Saes Mm their owe fonds far Male
At the coming session of Perllamaot
partisan discussion will be at a die -
ie -count. Canada ha at war and • united
front should be presented. This does
not mean, biwever, that there should
o at be serious discussion and, if need
he, criticism along lines calculated to
secure good results. Por instance,
Nome light should be let in on the
1 subject of army contracts sod on the
reported cases of graft in furnishing
war supplies. 11 is 10 the Whitest of
all good citizens that publicity be
given to such cases and that crepe be
taken to .rued any repetition of div
boniest practices, if there have been
any. The revenue question also will
be prom •neat . The Pinner Min retire
will have to find additional revenues
somewhere, but any addillooal tare -
lion should be levied without plans(
an unfair burden upon those wbo are
already bard pressed. The wage-
earner with a family oeewearily
spends the great portion of bis inoope
on food and clothing. wbile'otber men
with larger incomes may spend no
more, or even tees, on the Decrier iee
of life. It would be unfair, then, to
place a heavier load on the already
burdened wore-. iron by increasing
the taxation on articles of food and
clothieg. The asaesetry eevm.ls
may be robed is other ways.
Evil C.mmic•eisss.
Iwdn Moreton.
Pie es.or Garner says some day
mss will be able to converse with the
animals. This will spoil a lot of floe
La.gb a Let.
Brwsseb Past
-L•Qalot" is the homeroom same
given t r a Godericb company of young
people. The .p.11iogs may be terribly
phonetic, but the pbllosopbr of the
vice 1e sound as • dollar. There
he many happier. healthier people if
they laughed a lot more than tbey do
What the War is For.
Wiaalpeg Free Iia
William Howard Hearst. Premier of
Ontario, addressing the Canadian Club
at New York, is reported to have de-
clared that "this is • war for the
supremacy on earth of the English-
speaking people." Not at all, William
Howard ; not at •IL This is a wet to
make it quite dear that no race hie
any right to &afire to supremacy over
tbe earth. The le • war to establish
the right of the Britleb to be supremo
in (treat Britain, the (aaadiane io
Canada, the French in Prance, the
Sere i me in t1er•wia. the Ru.eiame to
Rorie, the Belgians in Belgium -yes,
sod the Germans in Genany. This
is a war to establish the world law
that .11 nations, irrespective of their
.i.e and fighting weight, are equal
and have the mese rights to "life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
We want no jingo Wk at this stage of
the war or later.
Ea.terws Were "Easy."
Osdeb Merest -7.
The priocipal. in • wolf -known firm
of real elate dealer, which has oper-
ated largely in Western "city lots,'
are now in Toronto awaiting trial ea
• charge of having sold valueless lead
to innocent purchasers.
There are • lot of people in Reefer.
Canada who are bolding on to tome
little strip of land to Western Caned*.
styled a "city lot." They may toll
their moat iodinate friend about it,
but at the same time they don't can
to have It generally Moire.
To um • sporting terra. the West
' pat cm over" on the Best whoa the
big ranee was on there • favi years
ago. People wbo hai never bees ever
the ground were the easiest sad the
quickest boyars when the subdivision
expert happened
If .11 the real matte mean who
have sold "city lots" le Wasters 0as-
.4. in the last few years weld be
get bind together. whet a eoIMetles
e, inners we would hare. At the
same time there's this to be said : TMt
the guU1be Myers Is the /mast meet
aol plain the wboi. blame an the
seems. They most take a good part
of It themselves.
Rvp.ri.mes that is1s.sht asd paid
for .t a good pries deem • whets let
of good L this world. 1t .airsm ever
mit moth more might Nam Webs
from some ether pew who has ben
etamg. While Oaten, people may be •
11141h poorer beams d ems of thole
THE 1zl(;NArt. .3ODRRICR : (NTARi(l
gaadatio.• 1. Western glee Int. they
o.get to be a heap wealthier i. w1aMm
and somamon horse soma
Footsies lames imvtruetiaa. as et Ow-
Ottawa Jas. !L -The Po.toies Dr
parlament today heed bbl. anise .w-
orsening taaU for Oaaadia• soldier :
With reference to the curviest ri-
ot of teen for meddlers- .< w
frost, it is desired that every pleb -
May .hsehl he gives to the feet that
1a order to facilitate the handling of
ibis correspondence sad freers k.
reaching Lb. .44,..... without delay.
there should he included la theddrew
of ail lettere and packets :
"Naw of soldier in fee;
.'Regimental number:
•' Bat talion, battery, poadroo or
unto' :
"Brigade ;
"Number of contingent."
Postage on Letters to Sommers.
The Canadian Poetomce Don rt -
snot makes the following •■norser-
meet: Arrangements have bees
made whereto' t be ordinas y tate of
two cents per ounce •pplia•bl• to all
letters tient from Canada io for
Uvlted Kingdom will apply to butes
addressed to British and Quotidian
troops un the Continent. The rate ns
ordinary letters from Canada fur the
Oootioeot is eve mots for On first
ounce, sod three cants for each seb-.-
quent mime. so that this extension of
the two -cent -an -ounce tate to letter.
addressed t t oar .oldies on the Oen-
tioent is a decLlsd reduetioe im favor
of correspondents ming to the sul-
Tree Effect of Meadow Weed..
Weeds growing le bay crops may
actually increase the teepees of cured
bay. But of farmers bad parts of
plants of w.rmsewrt mosurd• lobe
flax, •hepberd'e curse. now weed, etc ,
finely ground and Mild with their
porridge, they would better apprwriato
why dairy cows or bores. tow weedy
bay out of their mangersSusi• in-
considerate farmers chop weedy hay
in • cutting box, thus emaciation
tbeir stock from picking it one and
avoiding the weed.. They do trot seem
to realise that many suck weeds am
unwholesome or even poleomo.s sed
that when forced to sat chem •almels
tail to We gains, or yield a small
quantity of badly-aevnrrd milk •ed
become genet all untbrthy. If forged
to eat such feed tbbssy� wilt 000wuo.e
only sufficient for their exieteeo.. The
most economics! gains are obtained
front feeds which are not Daly higby
nu. Dour from a chemical staodpi.t
but are sew relished by ibs Moak.
This is a coodeneed item from the is-
teoductiom to "Fodder and Pastime
NI•ntr," copies of which may be pr.. -
cured by Canadian farmers from the
Government Priatittg Beam.. Ottawa,
tor the nominal price, 50 mots. Thin
book has twenty -ave full-page Wo -
trat ions showing the principal grass.e
and clovers w their Wetland coheir
-Seed Breath. Ottawa.
Canadian Pt.Mlr Train swiss Se-
tween Ta..ose. Montreal aar Ontawa.
Attest hes is embed to amf6mt
olg►t serves from Toronto to Moor -
nal sod Ottawa via C•aadiaa Paella
Trate No. 112. ls.vtag Donato Ueda.
Suetio..t 11.40 p. tit. daily, metro
.lr.trie-lighted sleepers. eomprrtwt
obeervattoa car from Tomato to Mus-
tier/. sod Tomato to Ottawa. Thai
tisin ream via Lake Omen. Sher.
Li.., den Montreal ILL a. os. daily,
the Ottawa sleeper amines, iw Ottawa
7.16 a. ea. daily. Smiting is permit-
ted in the Inuage oe serearties
Rim of the ballet library obshe.stioa
°ompaetses.' car Toronto to Montreal
red erraogems.t• bass Iwo made
whereby porton on this an will peels
Melees foe paeamesers at very renmoe-
able charges
Being the last night train Irmo Tor-
onto for Montreal sad Ottawa, itgiw
the trowelling public the opportunity
of .peoding the entire erasing with
their families, or amble" them to at-
tend t be theatre and other phone e of
amueemhxet sat .tiU have pieoty o[
time to take the train. Sleepers are
for oocupascy at 1000 p. ea. at
orooto Celiac !Ratio°, ambling pam-
'tengers wbo so dense to retire at that
Dining car is attached at Smith's
Falls every morning, serving break-
fast into Montreal, so that basses
own may proceed direct to their
nacos or appointments immediately
oe arrival
The Oanadiao Pacific operates a
high-elaes pa.m..g•r train from North
Tomato station at 10.00 p. m. daily,
tarrying Mondani •lectrioUght•d
d eepen and oomrpartmeot ear foe
Meanest and deeper Tomato to
Ottawa. Train is due Mootreal 7.16
a. in. daily and Ottawa car trashes
that point at 7.116 a. as. daily.
A .did sight train is also operated
from Toroeto Usioo Station to
Ottawa leaving Tomato 10.60 p. m.
daily. This train carrying standard
.lettrie-lighted sleepers and commit -
meat car, doe Otrawa 7.96 a. w. daily,
cables from Smith's Palls to Ottawa
the standard sleepers for that point
leaving North Turosto at 10.00 p. m.
ands the standard sleepers leaving
Toronto Union Stenos at 11.60 p. m.
daily. Bo that Ottawa_
may take their sham of Misr me of
tiem trains sed reach Ottawa at
exactly the scam. time.
The Oreadiaa limited No. $0 vis
Lake Ontario Shore Lim rout. leans
Toronto daily $.a) a. en. hie Meetreal.
eoeoe.tiom at Slsitb"• Falls Ice
Ottawa, .b.pplmg at lsg.rtast pd.els,
earryisg .e..rvatlon pselor ..r, den.
lag ear. and first sod w eaeod .s.
Paetie.lan from any Cae$�l•s
Pads then agent, or write M 0.
Murphy, Daniel Past Aflent,
Tomato.A Trip 1} Oermeay.
Jae. 50L.010 Me latest
Beetled neee.itieg poster them Is at-
traetiag esormos newts.
The 'Matey is arraag .g • trip to
O.rmasy 1.the spring for a w
S betel expenses avid
re=term paid.
t shoaling mid bsnths-
e Y to aim Maand
Chem trips up the Mese.
627 at number angel
Nei a
Mainly Extracts from Leading British I
and American Papers Relating to the
War. •-• •-. •
• f• •-• • e`-'•
At the b•ginniag s.f the war laws
were, apes t from the ameal enema
of our e:ampalate. three great possilil-
GM for wbi.-b I bored. The gni of
thew was that w♦ .boukl est•'dieh •
wrw era of fraternity with our ladies
fellow-.ul.jects by ceiling tb.as to our
side in Knr.•pe; the Mecum! was that
Turkey Mould throw herself into Lite
m -sting -put; the third, that England
should destroy bei netatat bydro-
pbobia (••r dislike of water) by a .nu•
sling order which would stamp out
druokeanmss within bbd year.
Toe lint of t bees Jesters wad Moon
accoeapliebe,l. The snood is now ful-
filled. Por the mud we Will welt:
hot we 1114130 already the magnia-
heat rsaruple..f Russia to spur us ..n.
Vodka driuhing in Rumba has been au
even greater evil than aphid dunk-
ing in Bs.Land, pertly owing to the
i. Lewes wistsr-outd, but far snore 1be•
mune of the alwrsce of occupation
whMh the e.4d brings with i'. Yet it
has been stamped out by a stroke of
i mthe pen. The feat woe so easy ! A
few old t.pet• sue trying to console
Lnevisselves with venous natseeating
eumpuu•da: many others were no
doubt ratbrt itwalsle for the first
week or so; last the vast ina Jori+ y of
occasional drunks/4a. who were only
I rather weak, rather oareter. and
rather ninth, have sailed into the
smooth water of decent living easily
enough. The work bee been dose;
and tise pearling women ate •1: lady
dreier.we are odd. that in spite
of the or wife. of war Rue. i t has bs-
mime • heaven upon earth. A victory
Me been won tar greater than the
vast ric-ories of New 11-10- a victory
that would leave amnia Ve gasser
eves if she wer..tefsated by the Tete
took Witmer.....
She le free ; and we w rather
tight rr in owe evedaTM dewed
of a new ep aerial o.f1 drwke'amo
bangs over er, for we ham that at
bbl. slmrime rmibsseat of oar hbtery
the raciest beadreass le spreedime,
and vs.ecenty mem more. lam
n ot • teetotaler : stat 1 Mee .mwwgb
sere.Mowlem to Mmeries b tb to soedema
b Ise
ea evewes as
i. i tilos ie a teen weeks.
w Ada as
tush if w d. ant de.his
.- en4 1s t
s _get s - y. with
or people +..hoed la mend te tell.
thought d sews .adeseer. with the
.salla d Mamie beim a w tea
be • greased makes 4 eel% est
soak. aesasses fres.
Tree. it wile ems way. Ir lea OM -
lag Itasca• w.mgy. . line • Igeexetemim
. he eMaimd try Sea am
moose i• i4 tlikmem • y...:
sat} bee Ilmgtra•ew and flee maYamen
sod her sasW adwmme bow test
.. a rr.ue the lip 01 &Ma waw be
Med with stvesa odes the 11$ Einar
reused to her seer end ewer again
through the Demmer
Dr.e. Porgy Dsmet..r lila Dear
As Mete (I enders •
Mr. Lloyd George in • Ceristmes
menage puNhbed to Tb. Mstbodiet
Timls (Logsdon. Rog.), entitled Hood.
will upon the Bottle6e4d, sdeamew
three removes for the belief that this
war is mot • proof of the mespiete
failure of toe Christi*. m.Ms.ge, bat
that "those who read arighl the story
of this war can rhe, •veo amidst ice
horrors, signs that the mon humane
and sane docttines of the Christian
(}ospel have established • permanent
foothold in the human bean.'
We reproduce the fleet of hie argu-
ment+, and indicate the nature of
the other two :
Whoa did a heathen soaping embark
on • great war impelled by mash purely
chivIrour motives as those whish
have driven Britals and bar dominions
into Ibis wary It is part of the ()er-
aser' policy to rrpre.s.I our Interfere,
sores as • calculated move of Mesh
craft to capture the trade and sbipping
of a dangerous rival, and to annex
colonies wbcm prosperitybad excited
me • greed. No e who nows the at-
titude of Great Britaio he the week
that preceded the war nous possibly
believe the.. malevolent miggostioor
Oa the Saturday after war bad ac-
tually lasso declared oo tbe tbotinew:,
a poll of the electoeg of Great Belisle
would have shown nio.t five per
mat.. •aggalsnt embroiling this cotm.ry
1s bosWitl... Powe, tel City Seamless
Mom It was my duty to interview on
tub Saturday on the tim ed& atm -
doe vadat the coarsest* with an
earnest hope that entitle would "keep
out of 1t." A poll as the following
Tuesday would have r.sultrd In • vote
of ninety-olne per nest. In favor of
war: and the City interests which
ketew that our parttcipsliss la a great
Illuropems war would mean b.•.y la..,
✓ ed might laving mil ea thew sad
were therefore, on Saturday, ottani.
many opposed to wee. by Tased•y
waw groin as unaniesewsl lee evor
d It. What had hill.m.d in
the meantime? The colonies were
then en Saturday : so was the
trade sad the shipping_ sad the
'commerce ; .11 the iad.eee
aware quite as presewt sod se
ea Ratenley es they were on
y. Tb. revolution In pubile
w tia.st was attributable entta•ny to
aa attack We by (teems, on •
small and m apruteetd comer? wbkb
had done bee mo mem; asd what
Britain was not prepared tads liar hi-
u-termite poli .awl eomamwwlel c►.•
readily reeked to bel 1p the week and
the biples& Hard -beaded i mmol rs
tied b.•tnrss earn 'rept aride the
preemie of personal less gad ewes
.s Mar . • The pagan
ice mw �I..Ypsw'm
heaval of aeespeoibs-
Om seem boreal eye= lizetalhe
wager roma threaghonl
be the stories told of Genoa* atroel-
ties Ie Belgium. The mom world
would bare rewind than mirages as
the **sett AM iaAdesta of say war....
The Get n.- outrages aro appalling
but the fact that. watery M that they
l have appalled ... .
The treatment et the wenaded ea
both •ideate also • . yrabol of advisees-
! meat sad el ben►, in the per -Chao
Hal e. • there was oo theogb(gives to
I there who foil on the battlefield....I
;recently visited nee .tf the b ltMlhids
• of Prance. • prl•oser of war was
Just befog brought into the Fr.eeb
lines. He was wounded add looked
W sad in pain. A Peach General
with whom I bad gone to the front
went err to', the wounded Prussian and
told him that be nerd not worry ; be
would be taken etre igt t to the h' s-
pit eland be hooked atter sa if he were
'bits nt our own men-" The Presides
replied : "We Calmat your wounded in
e re.117 the aim way ....1 marvelled
that bbl* eobli n: ion of goodwill
men who, were .worn foes
ah. lar pu.siltle amid sucheurround-
log.. net it aireyes b•ppwrd to was
dee down a lane, wkwe 1 saw a long
row of wagons each m.rked with •
peat reef er.w. Then 1 knew wba
bed taught then brave toes the lesson
of hom•nity Neat will gr.duelly,
merely, overthrow the n 1gn of hate.
Chao bid rent died in vain.
The dreadful position of • soldier
called upon to fight against soros of
the very young recruits put into the
Reit by the Osr,t••aL is described by
the "Dyes" newspaper of Petroa r,d
by a Ressian officer. "To me," be
says, "the most terribie.diing •bout
OM war is the partleipatioe of ail.
dna oe the Germs• side. 1 am not a
yentag area and i have nes tune,
campaigns - Without bring seemed of
heisting I GSM l may my I have
never eapeteasd fear, yet wben 1 set
ebebrwn oaf thirteen sr fourte.s, add. 1
ban to order any mss to shoot or
baythe vienet tem. i Ism srel serve Near
Nen viewer s-, in reload. w• had
jest a Menwas Moot , and a
d ewrry, w W soesrrsd. Itowss '
, is -front of me 1 saw
levo nate ten •Wit the sky.
y 1 a.e.p.d my revolver
and looked mw Meetly at ir. Then
1 ..s t he el ewer team of a rserey.
M en •
r we • nee and pain/s elms
as be owed hrifle •t Ise and Wel
dellhw.as stun, Par oneammo • bkweet tq
ammo Ido staff I ellen tensedlo
I s Mew why. hat
amply wed and etmiW at Ma My
=bane h whish I hold my r•
len l.wea _ M • morel mina de aro
ere _ .ed st ase- 1
EN WI &any • sMt rens eat Ile bad teed
Thee 1mw m rated bis
ant m revolveraid lawsmd She trigger and the bey
'1 tense y. t rid myself d the sinister
e entbm I enp.riesed le killing that
child -elan he was Mtw mon. 1 thigh
it is the greeter arisen the Gene. a
hese yet eammlud to albs these
yaps beys to agb r. new if they do
• j
• • •
Cuameotiee os • latter el Me.
Bernard Shaw, the motive amid main
theme of which 1t prosooals to be
merely Russophobia, The Looduu
Daily Chronicle says :
What be entirely omits tend what
for his purpose it le iudispsosable to
omit) is any recognition of tbe done
lye extent to which the Prussian mili-
tary antoaracy, which the Russian
armies no lees than ours are Wilding
to overthrow, bas itself been the pin-
eal of Russian re.otioo. Toe
Russians the prevent war is one of
Slav versus Teuton, sod by that they
meso not merely a war be:ween tom
but one b•tw.en racial ideals --b,.
Mem the 81aw ideal of brotberbood
and the Teuton ideal af`dominatioo.
Thiry appreciate mho eoefl:ct the more
distinctly became the principal vic-
tims of German domination have s1-
waye bolo Slava, and thee not only in
Prussia shod Austrla but notably to
Ruana. Witten Nicholas I1. rennin
w eed hie capital by the Slav name "Pet-
rograd" he pointed to the abolition
not merely of a name but a nightmare
-the nightmare which can perhaps be
best ooderhtood if we MAN the names
of the principal agent. of oppression
io modern Russia-Plebye, RinetJ0.
Nolkes, Neidhardt, Kit berg and
the ilk. --Germans .11. Rueala. 13ov-
armmsal is no doubt far from as Ideal
system ; so swath oenrr►Iisid bureau-
cracy em the old Prewo-Au.trlaa pat-
tern weld he ideal ; bet the emcee -
Hoe of it as an utterly o.popelee
tyramsy, Daly bonne becom.e the sm-
armed hew no altormtl.., has mese
been tests save In oartate wooers out-
skirts of the Zmpbru--Poland, Ne
Bettie pawvloese, and latter! Fished-
when• son-Rsa. .siemulation bas
been immersed by hateful polies
metbotes. which Osrmmsy taotgbt, amid
which German stememaship (whether
that al Btsmarek aw Iliad of W Illimim
II.) lass sosstantly,powerfully and air-
way onevers0.4 toe T ardoes to pm
Seine o$ now Ramopbibe wad to
derskt lloolloo rube ie Asia as a Wavy
and ►amoporeeeloo. ON le pelma
ries testy t .whish
.the tee-
tfvaenlal. whbeh imide hoe M
.shed trope the the teethems-
ial M RtOlea rale at the asthma d
the woe bein every ma and religion
M Oat veei area. Ream the Allah to
yye� Awls sed tom the Crab le the
Reim Semi, bee hue gales as smitten►
Q onlioway v mei
tela wok _$_*$BBMNBmtdell" of
Sale of White
Saxony glanneleites
This special oak of nearly 1800 yards of 86 inches wide,
heavy, high-class Flannelettes in white is without doubt
the greatest value we have ever offered. Send for samples if
unable to come. 18110 yards Flannelette, regularly worth 16c
to 20c, at per yard - - - 12ric
260 yards white figured Fancy Goods of Vesting, neat pat-
terns and stripes, suitable for waists, ladies' or children's
dresses, skirts, etc. Send for samples if unable to come.)
Regular price 25c, on sale at per yard - 12ic
House Dresses
Medium and dark Wrapperette Wash Dresses, neatly trim-
med and, full skirt, good style dresses, 34 to 42 size.
Regular $1.25, at each - - $1.00
Women's `Dresses
Dress Skirts, Berges and tweeds, good styks, tailor-made and
perfect fitting. Reduced to clear at each - $2.50
Mink, Persian and Sable Furs
MUFFS, NECK -PIECES, SCARFS, etc., many reduced to
half price and less. We invite inspection, as thisis the greatest
opportunity to secure bargains in fashionable and desirable
Ladies' frr-trimmed Beaver Coats, quilted lined, sable collar,
coat warranted in every detail. All our $25.110 coats clear-
ing at - - - - $17 00
Inspection Invited
the Russians earn them, because the
Reawiea with all Ills shortcomings 1. •
sing let 1, generous, sysepat'tet is and
I lee type
1 k, as a etsteew•n oneeerned !
Mi.liti p the principle of autc(-r•tie 1
1 rills vises, made the repe.ssion of P..
Lad toss keynote of his Rut.ern
policy But be never believed that
walnut. Prusasa. influence Rtrlsia
wo.ld bold feat to a Prussian treat-
ment of the Polish gna,tlko. Wil-
liam il..whe is 19064 torn' the whole
of hoe great peryaosaal sleight, not only
maim* all R reform in genera
bet sp•e Godly ag.in•t it generous
trwstmsmt of Poland, t.dloud faith-
fully in Bismarck's step, and both of
them renewed in Frederrek the tires is
nem when with the original foresight
efia Machiavellian genius be proposed
sad serried through the partition of
Poland, In order the' tb' T.ardotu
m►,t►t be psipstually linked end sub
ordeaaltd to the Pi mien autocracy
by a common Interest in upholding •
etrmmes oppression- It is in the te-
ndon sed emane potion of Poland,
men thea &eyebee. else In Kest
Rename. that lbs beat guarantee
foe a prooeful and liberal future bot It
in Oene my and in Russia will be
TrgaDAT, Jan. 26.
Stein HAVE BRI:s h.aloC. -
What might have been • eel ic.ue
drowning accident occurred on the
Maitland River by Nr. John Wight -
man's farm one night last week wben
s part of young people weskating.
M. Wn Wen. Stackhouse happened to
skate ou a very thin piece of ice and
broke through. Very much frightened ,
she called for h -Ip. Mr. Jon Bu-
ehan•n rushing to her amest•xeee also
broke through, but se the water was
n ot deep they fort uuately went only
to their bum. They got oat of the
water as quickly as possible, as It was'
.mewbat cold. B.ttb had to leave (be
tee et noes.
Noris or 701 Wase -air. Jose
Lyoo. of Brandon, vis•tsd at )Yr,
Frank Campbell's on. day last week. '
Nie Hall. who we. 'whiffing Mt
Mr. McDowell's, ha• returned to bat
lanae Mn. Armstrong (formerly
Miss Laura Brydgea), who taught a
number of years ago to the school -
home cm the sixth line of East Wawa.
nosh, and who has been living in the l
Weer, ie vidting old Weetfleld tee-'
qu.Intanols ...Mir Ada Steakhouse,'
of B1)1b, M visiting friends bar..
We ace very sorry to bear of the ill-
ness of Mr. Wesley Stackhouse'. little
baby, and hops It will soon recover....
Mr. Wiil McDowell and family visited
one daythe past weak at Mr. Robt.
Taylors ea the third line of Bast W-
wYu.b Wetfleld young people V
are plea.ad to hear that they are likely
to have • skating risk. lir. Gordon
took has • eectlnn of ice he Intends I
to keep In good order for dating. He
Oleo intends building a boos. fur the
eikaters to cb•og• their skates in. He
*ill pet acharge ontoseeks it• pays
lag propoeitlos..bit. sed Mr.. liar.
diary tweet moat of • week le Noe -
treat, visiting the former', broi her
b,lore he leaves Canada. Mr. H.r• 1
dusty of Moetreal is a medinal mar
aid Mimi& miss with the mooed
. o.NagMI As there has Leen •'
beef ting fotrmd on mere ninth line and
a amebae of laamh .r• of the Westfield
W how 'deed a It
WM nesse mail It wilt makes he Im.;
pew0N5 to terry it ars ; so Wagtail
beet.waft lane to en elsaw►w. foe
-11R W. L McLean mad iittle
Joni bow pet.rsed benne alter vent-
rR IlA.atwld and Brantford Meade
fag a watt.
Special t i e s
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt attention to all
small joba and general
repair work.
Phone 166 Hamilton Street
WE feel the very least we
can do for you when
you come into this store is
to give you Sboeeor Robbers
that will he absolutely cnrr-
fortable and will wear to
your satisfaction. We want
you to realise that your wel-
fare is our flet condidrrat ion.
Our prices are met reason-
Geo. MacVicar
North gide of Square
MEW anal ss mea► R W aim*
sense Is tiaras& Of roma pe -Py
011 mese err •o s.hllggi m the
BslNgteme•wd.rtidpf else
Set Ne star teen. edema Mow
Bka�sio na et len T<e9PsNsslt, Fee
W. ■ SSA W. P ea deet.
Gledneao (at Mead!) wile& pro-
posing teen of the perfereeers%
the ba.tiete Mss IOWntthee setrvieee
tree. and I think palgentleness. that l jaredirwN aha.
'sally of their We." Iter