HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-2-4, Page 1•. Now Ls the Time to Renew for The Signal for 1915 Ton mood hone 'Oise Dollar to heltee adeso- tage. I' • tlfi'!! V !T rasa -tie s.( . y3 UOUSRICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1915 0 J(iw you •feq rte Signal Calendars? You may secure one by praying 01.(10 now for your Signat for 191. The Signal TRX t1ONAL PRINTING 00.. LIMITXD, Peatsa.ls THE STERLINGBAN K OP CANADA TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO SAVE, because- No. 230 Conservative business management id►natural to the man who learned to save as a boy. Mead Odce. Corer King salad: Bay Stress, Teem* OeMtal Maumee - - • A. H. Weber °Maria Bt.nch - - - - - A. Peeler, Matlager PROTECT . those dependent on you by taking a policy IR The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada ••Csnadai only Mutual" A. G. NISBET RKPRKBRNTATI\' K OFFICE' IN MASONIC TIMPi.'', WEST STREET, OODERICH Poetess: Orrice 20; Hovel 160. P. 0: Dm 90I BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices, If goo are thinking of building tbis year we should be glad to have you call and talk ft over with us. GRAIN CHOP? I I43'`# We have the facilities for EOM( this walk with ,gulag- Cloderich Planing Mills, L. -_lots MU SS TO 88R RENT.- A COMI?'O r f� R ABLE Tobias. as Dress street • eater ameratemeat:_�ies kpotat J January . b�pp�r.r Appy to R. C. JLAYM er L. M.. kOMINTA USN. TO. RENT. -TWO-STORY BRICK 1 hawse containing all modern ice .voe- leneso. least stew w.veoiest to o. T. R. atsrUB. Appy to MRS. W. A. RR TN ani Nil oi 1 REN'' -BRICK HOUSE WITH 1 l ssodere Improvs�raps, Imeldl g hot water satire tress; .1= Pgess t,twa*M b e n Omaseter Tarries. Adolf te JUR C. GRIFFIN. Sail. Lj'OR 8ALK. -ONE HUND(tCBD Go▪ od Mlacre. need e.Aseeesesplswd, slew . s fa Nile; cmedltes.. ,seal Lets of s••d .erhee water•. �N�awed ew ahls with kitchen Dale att.cMd, b trdalas Near to a• c .tors ,fred AwaA i.st R lee. , iooJit ammo* N� O. 11-1 es AUCTION sits, Av Iu�WOO WO AND OMO OA MS. Y. WILLUAtus abreettaesses {neadaterress teem tor at lot R, Rattlna((kw, Gederieh rkbe • e. LiUIIDAY. FX'RUART 1th. M Lae a stet ot,•rp, to fsllowl.g : tea rem farther• sew, natdeeeo • sus assrbws ,geMMeo ; aim ,vase t�arrt- to ,ialve a e els MalesI ,llzze trade. torahs In eau fresh emir and calf. eweyl� n., tws era• sea arm toe festa old; Por •aesaw wives. six Waw akwt Go the absvorewe la cal( to • n bol. Mt If Gas wet be ba to lill "AN. mesa Of date ear, be retuned AM auto er yreaMl7 twa�IG. wilt w 1� asses ��i�wa axes the e t•.�ii fevered r. GL'NDRT, AM/Gwsw, AD DI OAND ��iE OF FARM STOOK Mewed t pig�.mars nr..'` ail. belp ti the nenfilleje�1•iati_"� FOR SAL RSALE.-A NUM BUR OF c Lemma/tom a es brown Leg- horn iWIN DWPIItRL•yd, nal, tgause1e(rpkois WM. a-im RSALIIt.-EIGHT SHORTHORN bells. bees Med toeighfNo month. old. t bred tram imparted cryo and d•ma, alt roue and red.. Ylt for any show nm. Jo ti i1toaR. Myth. OM Item. I OIM SALE --A b'EW SHARES IN ) we of dosed ear beet CaeadM. basks wtleh has fend and dividend sur. fid/ reoseve eroseed- '111, hltbltrsil• lieviestmwt woe psrea.ed • kw Fern •lou • very favorable price, sed so the owner mew requires to nee ease Awe Weald sell a part of nowlye Orem one shoe plot raw to yield_wed Ian Ad Mess reply to DOA,!,. THr,Io)iA Oode- tLn. WANTED An*ANTED.-TWO GOOD GiRLS. Anter prt[wl.. to !MX 17. Meth. 4t _ _ GAL OVS *ANTRO. - BRTWB1iN eight ad twelve Imes et ase. esu et. awl: atafht�wsadin viva b ave. •ad mitWtioa med Awe a the unlike 1 R areas lemma 44 t iimeremearsismemisome CONCERT TO SE HELD IN KNOX VMUROH 6.0. NOUN. MONDAY. 1' b. 8, 1915. Pians. '(dlo Btuds Art alone Beal Uodan4 Mae. u. Derr So, When foe Copse Il res. W. H. equine Muss An.L,ina Namur Viol u `talo Selected Mas KAatL DOTY Wit a Lens. Ince `Ja to Tipperary. . Man Mat. r ransoms Plea Sola The Flatterer...... ....O. Obasitaade Mae Jost' SAIMMIIISS. Vocal Dust Selected, .. , Taw Magas MCMAIrOta tion Aleft s soy Desi o Mums PoesyAALLei► fink Ssmewhe e a VaieM Oatllwg Mrs. Fee MIK BA Avon Se$atifr vinale Role Wow Mum Dm Meitatl.n 1100 Roan AM ON • • •• • • fob ��ltftbaet. 7 1.4 oleo .ih.lelmeeptints elm of tzty $ Vole* Adeoltalse I0 mob .e Dieskotoord- Perim No., Iger •84 WRECK ON G. T. R. ENGINEER JOiN R068 SEVERELY INJURED BY bCALDING. Fireman Meocatf Lass Seriously Hun -Midnight Train on Mondaywl Coes to Grief Near Seaforth -C. P. R Also Blocked on Tuesday Goderiht was almost uompletsly !Osbert in" for two whole days this week. Th. incoming nddnight train on the 0.1'. R. Ota 1$ooday was wreck- ed near Seafortb, awl between One and snow and the weeekage eke track was blocked untidiest night. The C. P. R. adorning train out on Tuesday was Hailed by the mow at Waist Mooktnn and traffic did not resume wormed con- ditions until yesterday. The wreck on the O. :. R. was a serious owe, the euupnsed cause being the icy condition of the track. Two engines were bringing the midnight ttalo from Stratford, with Conduwor Lewis in charge, and about two wiles rust of Seaforth the leader left lbs rally. The second engine and the coacher remained ou the track and the pressure turned the boiler of the lead - leg engine around on one side of the track while the tender went to the other alis. The flresnan of the wrecked engine, •Olcotty" Medcalf, wan thrown clear•, but was buddy torn and bruised abefbt the face. The engin- eer, John Roy of Stratford, crawled frog, under the engine terribly melded about the face, hands and erns. Boi h men were carved for rr well a► possible by their meter on the train and were then taken to the Commercial hotel at 8eaforth in chalice of • doctor. Row is in w serious condition, Out bis recov- ery is fully expected. Mail Clerks McLaughlin, Ooultbu, et and Holtues were on the trent aid there oris about fifteen paanerlgers- a11 men -hut mune of thew was buil. Yrst.etday afternoon the mail clerks aad tare p.la angers for Ooderleh dtov,• up from Seat rib, and I:dry it is ro- per tol -- po-teJ the trek is clear. The stage* out of G,tdeekh also have been irregular, sol p.ohably some disci ice correspondence intended for this week's Signal is held up in this w,:y. From reports at hand the storm was evidently a good deal worse east of 6e.., and raIlwey traflle war almost at s e' .ndrtill nvet• a wide. area. Dr. Monday and Tuesday evenings the elecuic lights wen leery uncer taio, the wind interfering with :he wires. Fall In. Whoa will you lack. senor. what will Poo l.ek When the girls 11ae up :be street. She. tiny Wel, lore to the lads tome MIR From the foe they reeked to beat WM you seed n strangled cheer to Meats And grin till seer cheeks ora rad But wtst w11l y ,o I.,ck when tour nuts new by. With • girl who cuts you dead Where wn1 you look..esay, where will yew look When your ebilere• yet to be Clamor to learn of the part yon took In the war that sept men free! will yon say it was naught 10 you It Frames Stood up to her foe or banked t Bat where will you look when they give the gleam That tans yea they know yes faked t Row w01 we fare. sway. hew will you Are le the far -of Mete r night. White yen et by Ow are 1a se aid waa'a rh•lr Aad year asithbars talk of the ykt sunt yea slink away, a. it were hem a blow. Tear W head shamed sod bent Or ray -I was not wnh the trot to as. But I neat. Weak Ged, I went f Why de they aW. many. why M they can res men who see brave aid strew 1 1. It weight to yes If year esemsry fall. And Itight le asashea b Wiese L N Pathan AM ad the Wawa saw. Teo pub sad W. butting adds. Wise year (*ethere stand t. w Iwai( s blew AM Xritakl'a call is Gs+isl -Raw (leahta LOCAL TEYPERANCIB WORKERS Mme a Lively Muetleg-Esse Criticism of Chid ttf Pobw. Wbe Tab Sack. The members of the executive nom. dttee of the local temperance fares received the cusp lee of their lives on Monday evening when, in spite of Use storm and the fain 1 hat the electric lights were off fors good part of the evening, upwards of fifty. mostly bus- 1ne.s area of tits town, met for the porpoise of iraosaetbng business in connection with that argo&.ntloa, The financial etateaseet showed a Beall balance In the treasury. Dr. Bramrson. reporting for the ammo - tire oosmlue., ootllnea mem of the work attempted and suggested that seer a trot doing all de. b R. os wenM sheeted . Preelitent. Mw *wok J. U. Ss1tJ. ot Jean ONabn 1 iwasfrer. U. 8. - Lyre - berm soorobary. A. lir Robertson enrage/(. tit. Bemrwoe. �lrrssr Ales. To�y. 6. 1E. T. Fellow. A. M. Boborp sea 1 (rMOs and menstisrat WNW rallhe . J. A. amoeba. l rive, W. BaL N. iMamba& J. &lie reworks se Address Nia sfatsar. a r ttlMsh �it W and tense 4 leo hod e leen ntotl-wMbfi 1 Eft flat of R 1 THE SIGNAL FUND! Goderich, February 4th, 1916 Received from The Signal Printing Company, Limited, their cheque for Nineteen Dollars and Sixty Cents ($19.60) as a contribution to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND A. Puiti lits , Treas. Huron Co. Committee. This is the first petment from The Signal Fund, raised by placing to its credit ten cents for every yearly advance subscription paid ° to us. This represents 196 advance subscriptions received up to January 16th. For one month -that is, from January 16th to February 16th - the receipts for the Fund will be handed to the Belgian Relief Com- mittee. The 196 subscribers represented in this first payment are as follows: R. L Elliott, Owen Sound, Ont. Allan Buchanan, Sanford. Ont. Wen. ($lyra, Neuter'. Alto. Snow den thus., Be ytrld, Out. Janes Fair, Soso fin d. Wm. 8tracban, ooderlcb. Mrs. John Lennon, Chicwg'. Miss F. O. Hutehi-,,n; Moutr•ea1. Dr H. 1. Strang, 1i.) lei ill]. Ches. J. Spence, 0-.l.'rich. R'. A. Jon.., Aub ro. • Tho.. Posewai .•, Oode,irh. Ilugh M-D'oaW; Kern dale, B.C. Mra. Je-se Soydrr, Goderich. John Chi bolni, Dsnl •p Ont. Will McThinald, H..yfleld J. Edward, Ellisla ,o', Sask. A. M.liill,.r.v, Ein•rneStetion, B.0 M. N. Stew,lrt. Ojtta,io. Misr K. Ce x. Gnilriicb. Md.. Be.um"t,t, O.s4eneb. Mrs John MCD.n.Id, (lode" ich. Mew. Pete els Austin, Kintail. lire. D- MoKonsis. IJ•yfl.ld. Mrs. John Domeier* ii detich• 0. L. Dyke, Vetu••n, B.C. Ivy A. Allro, Goodell, flask. H. R. Finlay, Watrou., Ru,k. bite Cer'eton, Clinton. L. E Doherty, (lode -rich. %Vw 'Von.gt, 8bepi,ardton. Joe. 11. Wilson. 0•dericb. (.bas. Oitvi., Nile B. D. $traugh.n, R innipeg, Man. J. Nicholson, Redcl.de. Alta, Mrs. D. Hoyd. iiederleh. Willie Bcll, Ooderic Thos. -McKi ei - less James Robinson, losetain. Man.. Nin Mcinto.sn, (l.slerieb. J. F. M'Donsgh, Toronto. Rob . Holl -n, Loeb"hb. Miss Kay, Toronto. W in. MsV.rtie, O.dericb. Mrs. Ler, Ooderieh. J. Feick, Benmiller Pete Fisher, Benmiller. W. F. Hick, (io,ierich. Mrs. 8. Mahoney, Youth Pelee lidos& lot. g Miss Helen Strang, New York. Norman McLeod, Dunlop. Mrs. E. Montg ,m••ry, Gudeeieh. Thos. Hoary t, Indian Head, 'teak.' K b•. Bean, Carhuw. %Vrn.,Fraa.r, Saltfoed. Win Niebergnll, Parry Sound. N. W. Nott, Goneriob. F. H. Solomon, Ooderich. Mrs. Janie* Wilson, Oodericb. Wm. McMst'., Godericb. Mrs. L. Donaldson, Goderi-h. E. V. Lawson, 0.A.C., Ourlpn. John Yonn,r, Ooderieb. Mrs. Alex. Urai"ie, Ooderich. Ire. David Hay. Godericb. .1. B. Sheat. Auburn. Jas. Watson, Loyal. Thos. Hood, Goderich. Geo. Grummett, Cahri, Sask. Levi Marwood, 8t. Augustine. D. McEvoy, ttoderieb. Miss Annie McDougall, Porter's Hill. Mn. Tho.. Elliott, Toronto. Thos Brown, Blytb. M. Chloe. Clinton. Mn. D. Connell, S•Itford. J. H. Pipe, Ooderich. John Loegmi•e, O.'dericb. Jae. Horton, Ooderieb. J. in Torrance, Baybeld. Mfr Lily Forenoon. (iodsricb. J. C. Laithwaite, Ged.ricb. Hugh McPhee. Oodericb. Jobe Kelly, Ooderieb. D. C. McLacbl.ri, Toronto. .1 ft Martin, Goderfeb. Herb. Morrie, Hrltford. Wm Bogie o o l . David JardiIsne, Goderieh. Mrs. Mary Cornell. Goderieb. David Boll, Oodsrich. Mslwod Bron., Godierich. The.. Luca., Ooderieb. W. L Horton, Oodestich. Luxton Hill, Blyth. W. McGreat►, Goderich. H. tin der. (Clinton. A. McVicar, Toronto. A. R. Anderson, Bradwell, Sask. ' Wm. Hlake, Ooderieb. Paul H. Marded, Lours, &ask, A. FArn,w, (inderlch. Capt. Wm. Robinson. Godericb. O. H. l(obimun, Toronto. Oro. J. Ferguson, Saltfurd. Isaac Selkeid, Goderieb. R•v. W. K. Hager, Goderich. Ww. 1lube, Dungannon. W. A. Silliek, Denver, Col. Donald %Nevin, diodes ich. Jae. F. McPhee. Ooderich. Wm. Watson, (lode, kb. los McNee, Ni!-. Jas. Long. Benru•IIer. (lro..aia,-h, Auburn, David Ti -dale, Merrngn, Sask. Arthur Fi-her, Bennt,Uer. W. M. Houghton, Renntiller. Mrs. A. Hende,s.•n, (loderich. 'owlet 1). Mon. 13.•owiller. Stephen \yeller, (iodericb. J. J. Moser, (ioderich. E. Mees, Dunlop. F.dward Hayes, Godericb. Mr-. McCier.', Ooderieb. Tho . (.1•dh.lt. Dederick, Edward Fisher, Callow. ' Mr-. Edwaed Jenkin, (iodeieb, J. W. Yru, Holmrrville. L.•hn P. Liutlehl, Loyal. hnht. Young, O,alericb. P. A. Ito!ert.. , ni.ittend. • t Jas. Pa.t ii.Moth ford. t Mies J. noir NcMeth, Dungannon. • Mrs. X.. Boerble,, aiodericb. inn. W. Petrie, Dungannon. draw► Bishop. Oo.teri.'h. • 8. E. Hick, O,arcr.ch. d Miss L. E. Grabeen, Tomato. Mn. Chas. B'etk- Godericb. RachMM Me. ore, I#enmeller, S. R. Wigg;. G de rich. Ms,L /Verson, C, iteri.b. D. N. McKeszir, Goderich. Matthew Wrl+h, Kincardine. Dr. Gordon, Lucknow, . Miss An�gie Doneldroo. Goderich. Wm, \Vallace. Gales ich. a 8•,nuel Cad.•, G .dei kb. Ww. J ,nfs,_D".ganoon. Jos. Gr' Smiths 1 flan, llmlth re, N.C. Wm. H. Wood., H.yfte3d: C. B. Kdwerd, Vantnuver, H.O. Char. Treble, Wet INIJP, Bask. Stewart E.tate, Benmiller. ]Ire. Titoism Mclew, Conant, Flor- d Lia. i Thos. McCAon. Dungannon. be G+ac Marwood, Auburn. . i 1 Wm. Sieben, Gott -rich. W. W. Hid. Jr., Beomiller. 1 of Geo. Pentland, Duogannon. sC Robs.e, Dunlop. David Vartier, Godericb. Mies I. L. Van -tune, Godericb. I J. L. Grant, Goderieb. gr Allen McKeueie, Wondelife, N.J. • Ores. T. Edwards, G'derlcb. m Roy Oke,strain. Mao. Albert McQuold, Damson= . Mies Dickson, \Viod.or. an Mies Mary Fe gueon. Godericb, hire. Cline. Simone, Godericb. M. Cart, G ,Ace ich. Mrs J. F. Clerke, Peordema, Calif. R Mrs. John Bands. Vancouver, B.C. G. F. McPhee, Edmonton, Alta. of Mrs. J. J. Edmonds, Fort Wayne, of Mich. Chas. Oke, Benmiller. he J. W. Salkeld. Goxdrrieb. ri Jne. D. Wilson, G de►ich. 1 John R. I..ng, Benmiller. Mrs Wm. Y man, Goderich. Mrs. Gundi y, G d rich. Mr.. Thoe. Campbell. Goderich. Mrs, J. H Wlll,ams, Gtdrrieh. R. J. M..rris, Austin, Man. Arnold M. Harris, Benmiller. Mrs. Barry Montgomery, Goderieb. Mies Rebecca McGregor, Kintail. Wm. McKnight, Nile. A. M. McInnes, Goderich. A. F. J. Neftel, Halifax, N.8. Jeanie Steven... Clinton. L. H. Augustine, Regina. Seek. Mist Kate Watson. G,oderieh. Miss Clara Sharman, Theodore, Sask. $1,000 A MONTH. COUNTY GRANT TO UANADI PATRIOTIC FUND. THE NEW WARDEN. John M. Ooveolock, Reeve of the t township of Mctflllop and Warden of the county of Huron, was born at AN Harpurbey, Tuck eremitb tow Bahl p, in the year 10fl1, the eldest son of the late Robes t (iovenlock. Shortly after- wards the familymoved to a farm is McKillop towneip, two mile• north of 8eafottb, and with the exception of tw., years spent at Walton air. Ooveoluck bas been continuously since that time a resident of the town- ship which he now represents at Lb. county council. For some years, in addition to his !ermine operations, he has been enraged in the manufacture of tile and brick. He flurried Nellie Scott Hays, o- daugbter of Mr. 1'howas Hays, then of cf McKillop and now a well -know■ r. resident of Seafortb. Nine children (nal wereboxn to them, of whom •even oil are living. n Mr. Oosrnlock has been a member \V. of the township council for over tea re- years, and ba:, been right ears in the tel, county council, where he is recog- nized as a caprblr, level-headed, in- dustriou,t member, and his election to c- the wirdrnabip is a fl,ting reward of n- ninny years' useful service. ee The Warden is • Lib u d in politics. ng a Prrehyteiitn in religion, end a to D. DA M. of the Auri-nt Order of rd- United Workmen. Another of hie activities is in connecti)u with the as, McKillop Rural Telephone ('ompai , is of which he is • commissioner and the en secreta' y of the bored. y. It is no secret that Mr. (iovenlock'e e competitor in the t .nte!tt for the w gr. denrhipwits I)`•. Milne, Reeve of,Blyt , of who has hero n prominent weather or of the council tot some )•rare and who ase will probably in dor course leach the re coveted position at the head of the Iw,anl . In Addition $6,0001s Voted to the Bel- gian Relief Fund -Temperance As- sociation Asks that Provision Be Made for Enforcement of Canada Temperance Act -Other Business Before the County Council. The first session of the county cou cal of 1915 commenced on Tuesday last week. The retiring Wm den, M David Cantelorr, took the chair • called the we.ubers to order. The 1 call was then taken, all nlrtuhere I,ei present with the exception of Mr. R. Elliott, of Stephen, wbc, it was ported. war in a Toronto hospi where he had undrrgune r ret' operat-on. Mr. J. M. Oovenlock, Reeve of M Killop, war nominated for thewa,de ship and three" being no other tomtit) he was declared elected. The t eti, i Warden escorted Mr. Oovenlock th' seat of honor and Judge Holt ministered the oath of.offlce. . Without any prrliwina,y addre merely thanking the council for h election, the newly -appointed Ward commenced the htaaineea of the da which consisted mainly of thy reedit of minute., and listening to • lar amount rf correspondence, much which consisted of .pplieatit.ns f monetary moistener for mote or 1 benevolent objects, all of which we sent on to the executive commitire. Other communications were : Fro site secretary of Guelph Winter F.ri stating that R. R. W'•d.-, if Blit was awarded Hest and second priz fur heavy -drat( mare, Wu.. Snell, of Londe•boru', first p ix • for twat brei animal, and Wm. Fear second prize for beef minimatl, and these gentlemen were entitled to the prince offered by !futon county: trust F. A. Baby, elder engineer of the Ontario Hyds o• Electric Commtasion. stating that ,the report on proposed electric road* in by c aunty was not Tet reedy; from he i-eeretary of the Good Roads As- ociativn, &eking that delegates be„ap- pointed; frt.ua the 'mermany of the ft not ere Association. ase tbai.dele- notes he rent to the ui a,tTor- onto io Apil,. The following motions were intro- duced : Camp)'ell-Murray, that Alex. Por- terfield t r appointed auditor for Alla year. Carried. Taylor-Klkrington, that O. W. Mnlman be auditor for ebb year. arried. - 8tew•rt -Murry, .that J. Leeki nd Wni. Lane be appointed on tb m - r, h, I Beekeepers' Association. es Fingl►nd--Kalif r,sc1., that a resolu- tion u( sympathy with \V. ft. Elliott he passed, signed lin the Warden and clank and that his name to placed on. the pay roll. Carried. %Vedneeday afternoon an application wee received from W. T. t'.•llow ask- ing to be appointed county constable: it WM lent on to' the .penial cum- tuittee. Messrs. Wilms, of S-aforth, Kerr, of Hross.ele; and Sherd Reynolsjasess1 Gide' ich, appeared b.f..re she mined as a delegation on tebalt of the Chil- dren's Ad. Society. garb of the gentlemen gave a. T. telt pointing out s h.- .n(`.ortence of the week and asking that ,he grant of >la:A) pf "Musty /liven to that cause be increa\�gip to 8600. So well did there gentle n improves their views upon the wembeee of the council that at a subetquent meeting the sutra of 0500 war voted iu open council ttithout a dissentingvoice. Messrs, garotte and Milne evae the motion. A delegation from Ise Hilton Tem- perance Association was then listened to, consisting of Me -cots. Iroin and ('o.,ppe.r, of Clinton, and R. J. Mega*, tele Uodetich._ They nek.d chat the county make some proeeston for the eofo.cemeent of th.. Canada Teeuper- anre Act. from the time of its zotning into foist en May 1.t. A 'sunnier of the councillors cloudy questioned the delegates as to what they considered the e•'unty should do in the (meter and Rev. E. O. Kowe.l, county organ- izer of the• terupeien.•e firs -•es, was called upon to interpret the law. which he did to the npp.rert .atiefee- t" of the council Tfie &legation rer'ivt•d the promise that the matter would not be dropped. `t. M. 8sundrrs, manager of the Ex- eter canning factorv, eddrerted the council, suggesting th41 the patriotic contribution might to given in canned gooi.s instead of cash, and stating that his company would be prepared tes supply goods its reasonable rate. Mr.C,A.Rutert•c.', of Colborne, was pre,ent and asked that a liberal grant be made to lb. Metros R Ile League. A mot ion hyy Mrs.r,. 811 ott and Mitchell, that Me..,-. 1;111ott, Camp- bell, 9hortreed, Loth and McKinley he a committee to look into the mat- ter of enforcing the Canada Tem- perance Act and report at the June mewing, was seat on to the special committee. The following plot ions were sent to the rod and bridge comntittrr. By Moore. Mulvey and Reis, that snowguarda be placed on the Day bridge near Wroxeter: by Messes. Livingstone and Demuetling, that a bridge be built on the boundary between the cointies of Huron and Peith and" between the township+ of Orey and Elmo : by Messrs. (.1b- fleirch and (iovenl,ck, that a bridge be built between the counties of Huron and Perth and hetw.on the townships of Logan and McKillop. Thursday morning the report of the exe.•utive committee was pee-ented. This included the following n com- mendations : That no act inti le token with regard to 8. M. 8aaodere' proposition on war relief supplies ; that 010 be g' anted the Ho.pltal for Sick Children at for - onto ; in the matter of delegates to Trustees' Association. no 5.1inn he taken ; in scatter of Nen.c.p.l Assoei- salon. no lotion he taken : ,hal $Y) he granted tits Salvation Army ; (Pest 410 be grasped the Prisoners' Aid St city : re motion for. grant to Moon Rifle Association. on action be taken : re mottos for grant for Rowena for rout boast, 010 he granted ::V he granted Fermere' i totes and 010 only to M Page . e e criminal audit boatd for this year. Carried. The following motions were passed on to the executive committee: Mitchell -Elliot t, t bat 01,000 be granted to the three hosritals, (lode- ich, Wingharn and Clinton, to he ivided the sante as in p evuws year.. Lobb -Mulvey, (bat the usual grant mad.' to Firm. r Inditut•s and bat $1st extra be Bunted Women's 0,111 rtes, Lwithwaite-Hudson, 41.51 a grant gtoil() hu made to the four high hoots, Ooderich. Clinton, 8eatnrth and \Viugham. Lai•bwaite-Elliott, that the usual ant of 020 he ensile fur flowers, brutes and plapts on the court heu•e nu nde. Stewart -C, ich, that a grant of Sr) each he given the Clinton, Seaford) d liens/di spriug shows. The following motions were sent to he education committee: Mitchell -Mulvey. that H. K. icker, of Wingbam high school, be county examiner this year. Taylor -Hudson, that John Speaks Exeter, be appointed on the board county examinees this year. Laithweite--Elliott, that W. L. Eliot re -appointed trustee of the Oode- ch Collegiate Institute for the usual rm. Ford -Lobb. that Kev. Mr. Harper be appointed trustee of Clinton Col- legiate Institute in place of James (Stevenson, resigned. Ford -Lobb, that (' Dowding be ap- pointed trustee of Clinton Collegiate institute. Taylor -Hudson, that the astral gents be made to continuation sod th form schools. Stewart-U•mphell, that W. Hoe. treyhe appointed trustee of Seaforth Collegiate Institute. On Wednesday morning Mr. (i. M. Elliott, county agent of the Children's Aid Society, addressed the council on the matter of some neglected children whom he wished to More placed In the enmity hoose of refuge. The matter was referred to the house of refuge committee. W. J. Murray appeared before the council on b.balf of Elinor road ma- ritime factory, asking that his company be given a shale of the county's or- ders. A somewhat lengthy discussion on statute labor, its advantages and dis- advantages, came next in order, but .o motion was oifeve,d no tb. subject. The following motions were sent to tbeexecutive oommletee : Stewart --Reis, that ibis county do- nate 010,000 to the Belgian relief fund, the ore to be spent in the peirrhase elf flour manuf•etured In this Bounty. BIliott--Rlsset, that • "rent of $11onnTek- Redo- obbe ,made to the Huron Rift Be e Lobb, tb►t this county do - 1111 000 to the Belgian renal fund. Red -- arr. that the WI fairs sad array, w Is llterarhe kb* seise se Met year. KafolWBeh-Taylor, that a of .10 be made to the Ilene Osemsty N. B. -Itis to be observed that a great number of Signal subscribers their 1915 seheorlpttose lis the Bermuda voting contest oonduet.d last summer W the previous Walleaffswassat. and those new paid by no means repro- eeet the number esesily ressiwi at this swoon of the year. REMEMBER Until the 28th of February The Signal will continue to set aside ten cents of every yearly paid -in -advance subscription for war relief purposes. The amount so received from January 18th to February 18th will be contributed to the Belgian Re- lief Fond. If you have not already paid your subscription for 1916, PAY IT NOW AND HELP THE BELGIANS so far se be know he W never re - mired a emu. Rev. 8. G. Powell, enemy mean- ie" for the teewpeeewnee forme, gave a splendid address upon law inform. went. Be pointed o.t the imesINas lbw wen op= wall ..d. a Mf r indly- wets til; a ..ague., Dotore E Dow M w dile ofowpa.11wt�. like woo with. *8 wpaeaas1h eft tioi be might 8o 1. ..foreleg the law, The skid Wes given opportunity to reply and made a gond d.1 ewe., .bow- ing that he bad =any other duties to perform. The name of the organisation was 'bonged to the Mimes' Social Service vtM• When yes wept fresh whipptag err, get It at %Melee, the place where ss heed S and that delkiie lloW es Thursday. "sem nthDVIIIIIAJL- 13480.meat k. r:L NEW ADVIRT,s(MEHT$-FRIL /�M ensueau es ea(swab firs .............!..,I�� Aeries fats at Wlr►,,. ...1 (,seems 1s Nast f�ti wawewew • - •,p.saain+ •