The Signal, 1915-1-28, Page 6• T.uaaoAY. JAMOAST M. lath THE j ,1i O111INLL '', AND 11fitijyr - ONLY OE[OINE MB SIGNAL : 3ODERIOH ONTARIO TIE ierATEST NARKETS j BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON Termite Caine Market 'Representative prises are:- lai steers r . N to M 10 handy cher*. Wes . 7.40 7 . Butcher steers, good 8 76 7.50 do. medium Cali 6.15 do. mini 6 26 4.36 ileltferschoice 7.10 1.00 do. good 0.60 1.00 do. medium 0. T6 0.60 lesteber sows. chase.. , 0.06 4.611 do good 6.76 000 do. medium .... 5.81 6.75 do. oommoe4.76 1.81 las ober bulls, eh,M....5.011 0.76 4.60 5.76 5.26 1.10 5.76 1.06 0.00 0.60 44;• / GIN 3�_rt► PPILLS rn • POR TLE �.., do. good bulb 6.71 do. medium 6.60 do. rough Jonloges 4.60 Feeders 960 th 1,100 IM0.60 do. halls 0.00 / tools., 760 to 1M las0.1111 IINARO'S do. mud . 600 to 700 4.60 do. light. 600 to 060 4.70 LINT/ENT Damien 0• en choice, .sok..,10.005 we.0 do. cow. and med.-44.N se. ere BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS b All order. proutptly att.eded to ma st TB 6 SIGNAL Ooderlch. apvtngers 14.00 100.00 Alves, veal, choles 8.36 10.60 do medium . 0.00 8.00 do. common 5.00 7.00 do. grass 4.26 4.86 Lambs. light 8.60 8.00 do. medium 8.00 8.60 do. heavy 7 60 8.00 do. culls Ewes, light epees,. heavy and bucks 4.00 Culls .. 2.60 tis I.svind Hop. off trei•ks 7.76 do. -fed I •id watered7.60 do. f. o. b. 7.16 8.60 7.00 6.26 6.00 6.26 4.00 7.86 7.66 7.20 A. K. TAYLOR. 81.ATYO.D. MEDICAL RBO. HEI LEMANN, OSTK- 11 PLATY medalist in .omen . and chit .1aea11N.aemeta ed, *tonic, nic, and narrowdt. ereaR essnow and throat, lumbago and ti» aquaria OMee oorth street, third dem bees B. se F. J. R. FORSTER-RYE, EAR. ease sad tkraat only. Hes•un.eon. w York Opkthalmie and Attrwl Institute, alalosl .1..4 1.. k:ar. Naos and l brat Ho,.pital. Mi8q.ale. and Moorefield Kye Hn..piwl. w�Moppodq Knox Church. H He street. b a. as•. 2 to I P m.. 7 to 0 P a Telephone a. W 11. AND MiNNIE M. OREER, TT • D, C.. Chiropractor., opine and nen. g setallata. Chiropractic 1. the ',Mance that =. without dregs or knife. Free examine - Moe over Sharman'. shoe store. ea. Mesas on Kart street. Phone 301. . 061m LEGAL PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN A , PROUDFOO1. it4.KMMIlTKRS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, Mee on the Square. second door from Hem Moo ,lxN. Ooderfob. enrage funds to loam at lowest rates. W. PaoVDroor. K.C. L Krt.t.otex W. sl. R. HAYS . BARRISTER.�Cf�R, NOTARY PUB flame-Bterllasgg Beak Block, Hamilton e.HM. 3oderled.. TN.pbene W. Real State, Leans and Insurance. 1�(( D. CAMERON. K 0., BARRiS- la. TICK sofelf.r. Detary public. Mee l7smlltoo Street. Ouderlek, Gard door tr� Ygwar.. fIRARLES GARROW, LL.B., BAR- / RIWI ill. anneasr. • hotter. see., bed. ✓ isb. Money to lend at lowest ratan BRAOER, BARRISTRR. SOI. v iIG.r, Nolan PubUr sod Con.ryyanner. . e -Court Bonn... O•.AerkP.. titan AUCTIONEER. THOMATHOMAS OUNDRY S AUCTION LKR' Boa fG, Iloderich. All lo..trucU ill be promptlyn.. by man waded to Sigma wake telepphonne. it 9 N. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. 120,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO �a ll\Ill Imo. Apply to M. O. CAM MON. Barrister Hamilton.treet, Ooderieb. W • R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE A0/1.1T. rum Amu Lrearxtxa : British. Caaaataa and American. eotaMINT 810 m10 asert.0T las' Luatl. ITT : 1taxw be pecan Accident and Owanater Cerporatioe` Waited, of London. tag. ▪ urn mete tfOARAATwa Boxes : Tbe U.8. and Guarantee Company. at resM.sws..srtkes.t wiener et Vie- rtsria and 04. David's streste 'Phew 1% 1LolIIWAP MUTUAL FIRE IS- M. S U R a N E C CO. -Tare .ad twisted ss'IW Prue.. eO torlakertJ1'. 0 VSsc.-11s..,tseesttsges srth PP. O. McGregor. ieeaterteks; Jabs • Witham • Jsse Ivan. Robert Ferri.. Hnrlook :;lllgal�mba iW : J. iY Tel g=egil».Bsrlh t B ar • • le: Whiles (1Lebfey. deaf P..lintelde tea pay RJ■srtGa{PeeessleM H. ( Grocery, Crete. etrire .aaleerash Jim MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E. KELLY, J.P., OOr)ERICa, ONT. MUJER or M IRRIAO5 IJCLN/Lel. Brophey Bros. OODICHICH The Leading Puts nal Directors asd Embalmers Orders safehdly attended to a6 .s boors, night or day. Farmer's Market Following are the latest quotations 10r farm produce at St. Lawrence net. Toronto. eat, bushel $1.80 to $1.35 wheat ... 1.,26 1.30 tee .69 .60 Barley .73 .00 uckwkeat .90 .00 Rye 1.00 0.00 Peas 1.60 1.60 Hay, timothy. N. 134. 00 36.00 Mixed and clover 19.00 21.00 Straw, bundled 17.00 18.00 do. loose 1.00 12.00 Butter, choice dairy'.., .28 .32 Eggs, new laid, doz.40 .00 Fowl, dressed. Ib. .13 .15 Chickens, ib .16 .18 Ducks, spring, lb. .17 .20 Turkeys, Ib. .23 .28 Geese Ib. .14 .16 Live bens. b. .10 .11 do. ducks, Ib. a12 .13 do. geese, lb. .11 .12 Apples, basket .20 .25 do. barrel 3.60 3.26 Potatoes, bag ,... .Ob ' .75 Onions, bag 1.69 1.76 Pork, per rouhd .15 .20 Dressed hogs 10.00 11.50 Beef, hsndqua-ters 11.00 13.00 do. forequarters 9.00 11.00 Lard. lb. .16 .19 Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manit'b't Wbeat--No. 1 'northern, Ial.e porta: No 2, $1.60; No. 3, $1.48',, Ter per bush.•l more on track 1,..: •t eh aanitob.i ()ateNe2 1'.W., Omc; No. 2 (1.W 66 lite, track. tray ports: -fie-8-deed. eel.; sample oats, gig to 65%yc. Ontario Oats--Ootelde, 54c to 60c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2. ver iota, 11.33 to 51.38, oetsidr, accordtag to treighte. AIM Meta Corn -No. 1 yellow, all roll shipments, Toronto frelgbt. Peas -No. 3, $1.86 to $1.91, ear lots. out)lde. Rye -No. 2.• 11.01 to 11.10. lihrley---Good malting barley, out- side. 710 to lie. (tolled Osts-Car lots; per hell of 99 pounds. '3 to $3.06; in smaller lots. 53.21, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -76e to 80e. tar lots. outside. Millfeed-carols, per ton. bran. 521 to 42e; shorts. $27 to $28; mid- dlings. $32 to $34; good feed flour, 534 to $42. C"ttle at Montreal Butchers' cattle. choke. $7 76 to 11.00 do medium 6.60 7.00 do. common 5.50 0.00 Canners 4.00 6.00 Hutcbere' choice cows6.50 8.75 da medium 6.60 do. bulls 6.60 Milkers, choice, each 70.00 do. coin. and med60 00 Springers .......... 66.00 Sheep, ewes Burke and culls Lambe 6.25 4.71 7.60 Hogs. off cave 1.40 Calves 2.00 6.00 7.00 80.00 46.00 40.00 5.60 6.00 5.36 8.60 12.00 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle ---Slow; prime steers, NA M 58.85; shipping, 57.66 to 58.80: bah cher,. 54 to 58.31; heifers, 60.14 M 17.50; cows, $4 to 56.76; bull. 54.86 to $7. Veal --Actin; 54 to 513.14. Hogs --Heavy, slow; IlgbR ta1Ns$ heavy, 57.10 to 17.36; .Let, $1,60 M $7.00; yorkets. 51.00 to all; pM. to 53; rougbg. 14.26 to NIA; slags. 85 to 8171. Sheep and Iambs-Awve; lambs, 36 b 50.16; yearstsp, 56 to 17.00; wet . erg. $4.111 to 14.14; ewes, 53.00 M 141 sheep, mixed. N te 04.116. Chleege LM lteelt ('.tile -Mart t arm; hooves. 11.06 to 51.11: wasters steers. $6.01 M $7.60; eows sad helloed. *1.1/ to Mi calves31 to 110.00 Hoge- Mid steady; BLit, 14.71 to 17.11; atze& 51.61 to NM; IS to 14.81; MOO. 56.16 to s.N pigs. $1.40 M r.18; MN d sales, rata to 10.11. .eon tt..bet etre114; ..flus. N..1 :XS; ynailhp. 16.00 be 554 men. 5116 a Naas. t ;:x tris is bot asd saldiae-is too .• or too scatty ---err .bows brim dust d ;vett or mttosr-�s6 Gas Pilli to. d .y and cure rao*stl oI LMsey sad 1:1...41cr troubled. "Mode is Canada". LAhc. a for 52.80. Free treatment if vvtl wry:: National Drug a Cnemial Co. of Canada, Limited, Toroato. its Some Valuable Pointers. Don't get your ideas of married life altogether from the comic weeklies, young mob. Mothersib•lw err often affable teimetimes they leave you money. bride frequently looses how to makes l,iacuit. And if she doesn't it is not atetolutely impossible to secure *cook. Don't be- I+eve.allou read in the funny maga- xlbee.-Kansas City Jwtroal. OF INTEREST TO THOUSANDS. How Dodd's Kidalsy Pas aright Health to a Quebec Postmaster Rumpelsllle, Meganiic Co., Que.- Jan 2dtb.-1Speci..11-Tbe postmaster, Mt. Rudolph Pleyer, of this place, image a stateun nt ,hit is of intense .oterest to th.w.wnde of Canadians tvho are suffering from one or other of the various forma of kidney disease. Mr. Pierer says: "Your Dodd's Kidney Pills com- pletely cured inc. My trouble started from a c..ld. My Inure would cramp and my head and hack ached and to add tt• my pins rheumatism set ib. Five boxes of D..dd's Kidney Pills made a new man of is e. i advise all persons suff, rir g from kidney disease to use D.eld'e Kidney Pill..` Standing on your dignity will not help you to sir over the heeds of the crowd. The source of true living is not to ppooseesotone, but in disbursement.. The Mould of a man'e fot'tnne is in his own bands. MORE STRENGTH FOR OLD PEOPLE Mrs. Hutchison---ei hty-One Old TIMM VICTORY FOR NOR FLEET Mr David Meath,"Ilgwdron Ilswaebed Sermaa Halder.-eaak Cruller altaeyher With Meet m Crew The most powerful German feet flat has ventured to the open sea glace the war began was creehla.ly Be defeated in the North a Sunday by the British battle cruiser squadron ender Vice -Admiral Sir David Beatty. Surprised Who an actloo wklck fly tried desperatety to avoid, the Raiser's battle cruisers D.rmtager, s._diitt d e Moltke, his finest armored crabs - et the Bluecher and several light cruisers were hammered In a ruining Relit flat lasted three hours and a half by Admin. Beatty's battle cruisers Tiger, Lion, Princess Royal, New Zealand and Indomitable, assist- ed by a few light cruiser. and de n e troye. At 1 p.m. when the battle. which had covered more than 100 miles at such speed as was never before kaowa to naval warfare, bad carried the British pursuers to the very fringe g of the mine fields uarding the Ger- man naval bases the armored crasser Dluecker, shattered by the great guns of the Lbs. was at the bottom of the see, and two of the three German bottle cruisers were badly damaged. The German warships regained the protection of land forts, submarines and mines Ir the nick of time, as they would certainly have been de- stroyed had the battle endured much longer. On the BlueTher alone probably more than 700 lives were lost and the casualties on the battle cruisers that escaped were very likely large s . Only 123 of the Bluecher's comp4s- ent of 885 officers and man gra known to have been rescued. The Admiralty Indicates that others may live been saved by British destroyers. The destruction of the Bluecher was the hardest blow which hat. been suf- fered by the German navy, for that Teasel. one of the most satisfactory el her clamever launched. coat $0,750,000. Beatty Was Prepared The victory, In every way the most thrilling feat performed by the Brit Lb navy in modern times; was pined with little coat. The casualties were mandible. No British shipwas loot or very seriously damaged. Admiral Beatty reports that only 11 were wounded on his fiagshlp, the 1-.10e.which led the fight It L not improbable that the Ad- Intraity had received an inkling of enulual activities in the Kiel Canal, although 1t seems certain that the Germans were not so well Informed of the movements of the 13rtti4h fleet. Whatever the reasons. Beatty and the great ships. and Tyrwhttt and the mos- quito fleet were aligned squarely across the path of German warship ears -Uses No Oth- r�lda. er Tonic but Vinol and Rec- ommends It to Friends. Greenville, S.C.-"Itis with pleasure I tell others of the great benefit I have derived from Vinol, for the past several years. I am 81 years old and I find Vi- nol gives me strength, a healthy appe- tite and overcomes nervous disorders. Viso' is the only tonic reconstructor I have used for several years. I have recommended it to s great many of my friarrds and it has always proved satis- factory." - Mrs. M. A. flummox, Greenville, S. C. Such eases aa the above are constantly eoming to our attention. If people in this vicinity only realized how Vinol in - tee old people we would not be to supply the demand. It is the titers building. curative ele- ments of Use cod's liven, aided by the blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol, makes it so suecessful in building u strength for oid drew rcate ebil- and for all run-down ficonditiona. V0ol is also a most successful remedy for Chronic coughs, ootds and bronchitis. If 16 fails to bandit any one wbo tries it we return your mosey. H. O. Dunlop. Ph m. ti., dregs, Tit. Bedford block. (ioderich Ontario. Big Canxdl*n War Vote A hundred million dollars of war appropriation w111 be sated of Parlia- ment by the Government at the com- ing session. according to an Ottawa despatch. It 1s consldored that this sum will be sumclent for expenditure on the troops In the field and those being raised In Canada to the end of the calendar year. The Guards at the Government wireless station at Point Edward re- port having been fired at twice from r: m. the raver. $100.00 IN (TOLD. We will give one hundred deities In gold to any man women, or child the cannot be benefited by /latrine hair tonic. We aro .nxime. r.. Awe. every- one try Sae- in., for we know it i- the greatest Bair •cote .bat he. ever been discovered. Earle. e e 11 pre I mei)' ee.e se Itchy sea p, bring life int - do 1 faded time and aria nch.e t • i•- kngtb. Swgr..,r. i- now h .1, ode Ooderdrl. end 1. a•.Id 11 •ler a 61141.0. 9.. to pl••aa . A '.rift' Leri1 1 A R. ins cost. Twit fl• y e. R Igo to C. L 114114 •• u .1 , ► r .then Te. Pnvisw •15suu. 1• s'eater." MS. am be iw't' abet I base his' 7w sem as let Us gars hada be hubs" AWM MAGIC OAKING POWO[R= The Kaiser's fleet was driving west- ward, and there is little doubt that It was attempting to strike the Eng Bah coast for a bombardment suc'; as was dzlivered at Scarborough Hartlepool and Whitby. The instant the Germans sighted the British ships they turned and ran for 1t. All pos- sible speed was made and they would have' had no difficulty In escaping from Dreadco•.ghts, but eludiag 38- k:, .t battle cruisers was a different m .'ter entirely The Bluecher was doomed from the Ont. Her beet speed I so far as is known was 25.8 knots male cm c tri:.: trip in 19.oq. and aha meet have been pick.i up rapld'y by t9' expr.•s• tr2:n sped of the Tige-. LLoz. and Princes. Royal. Tb. Gerntnn battle cruisers had a a,:re even chance as regards speed and It can only be assumed that the TUC, was fairly even between the Brant, and German battle cruisers, b:.t that the Itr:Ush got the jump on their adversaries and gained sufficient- ly et the start to keep them In long range of 19' iter0linger, Seydltts sad Moltke. Tie Bluecher, of course. was oat -hared in speed as well as in armament. Fought at Full *peed ' In Atimtral Beatty's report there is a suggestion that the engagement began within 160 miles of the Ger- man coast and ended within less than IVty miles or Heligoland or Cuxhaven. From 0.39 a m. until 1 p.m. there was a Meg dong flgbt at soussiag speed, the flee British battle endears from forward turrets, the to.r aesiag Ger- man warships replying tress the atter turrets. in such easdtances the advantage was distinctly with the Pettish, as the Tiger, Lion and Prin- cess Royal were abls to are ahead with four 13.1- 0o9 seas, width tee Indomitable and New Zealand weld woe six of their 12 -tall guns 1a the forward turrets. The Moltke was able to employ eight of her 11-tseh guns In tiring astern, .1 wee the Seydlltr, while that Dellinger could bring Into action six of her 11.lnch gums. But the cureless were Nightly estranged, and this preaabty derided the fennel" of battle. The slseeh.r was ertpplty sed abaadoaed to her tato by the speedier battle ostlers hose ire before the parsult reached the sale of mine and submarine danger Rand bit aN .tak- ing she hal drat of Ilan and the battle flamed past bee. At 1 p.m. the rolled over and dYappsstlsd seam the sur- face urface Meaawbsle tee of the German battle ereisere had bees remelted by the 13.6 -inch guns of lb. Rettleb, bet sot L a vital spot. They were this to coatings their h*.dloag flight until the certain part) of atm* gelds termed B eatty beet. It le believed, altbhyf w eau- An.atery awves baa bees rso4ved, that there wee as haaagvmum1 w twee. tete SHUN Reit snows glad deotrwyere ad the genie lee Louts papers severely clltldse the aapeistmeet of air Use eabaa as se *7u1501* fa hwasa The capital err Moder bas halm awM to arrdour. OWES NER IIEE 10 "FRUIT-A-TIYES" and kffi Staub Trolls Nealadis Pathn.lro., Owl., ]oda sorb. rota. "I really believe Wit I owe my 111. to "Font. -then". Ever shine child- hood, I lave been seder the we of *plasmas ltd have been paying ddoocctor✓ bills. I wee so sick sad worn old that people ea the street often asked me if I thought I coul4 get along without bslp. The same old Stomach 'rouble sad distressing Headache. .early drove ass wild. Sometime ago I got a box of "Fruit- s -dyes" and the Ike box did sae good Myhusband wee d.Ilgbted sad advi- sea camtieeatios of their use. Today, I am haling dee, and a physician meeting sae os the street noticed my improved appearaace and asked the reason. I 1 as taking Prait•.-tivea". Ht "Well, if Frna+-tives are amidst you look .o well, sr) ahead and take thins They are doing more for you than I can". MBA. H. H. WILLIAMS. " Praite fives " are sold by all dtatets at soc. a boot. 6 for 5s,trial a. size esc. or seat postpaid oa of price by Pruit•a-tive. Limited, Any Excuse to Join London Seeralab. The great exploit of the Loaders Scottish has resulted in hundreds of young men wishing to j.•in these lagoon. Territorials. The first quail- fication is that you must be of Scotch birth or Scetrb origin. or have Scotch interests, at,d many funny stories are being told of the subterfuge@ of young men whose eagerness to je in the corps has etimulat•d their invent venose. Perhaps the beat of there stories was that concerning a bright lad who. after passing all the measurement testi and a medical t xamin:aion, was asked by the recruiting i Ricer. "Were you bot. in Scotlsnd 7" "No." "Well, were your patent, born in S.'otland r "No. "Your grandparents r '"No." "Then what the do you come Imre for?" "I've property in Scot- land." "Good gracious me -why didn't you' say .o at fi..t !" " W hereis it r "In Peri h." "Tell us something shout it." "Well. I have a suit being cleaned up at the Perth Dye Works!" A WOMAN OF FEW WORDS Mrs. Harry R. By., Mein street north. Mount Forest, OnL, writes: "Your rem• dy for kidney, bladder and stomach •rouble has given me great refief. Haw- tsk..n three M.xee and now feel like living and he ter than I ' have felt for yeete end 1 give your FIG PILLS all the praise, for they are the beet s have ever tied." A• all deelets, 26 ..nd YI cents, or Th. Fig Pill C.. 8t. Thomas, Ont. Held in U.idericb by E. R. Wigle, druglci•t. Nothing 'He bas learned to love another." "Are yon surprised?" 'Tea; aren't you?" 'No; he always Wax an apt student" Desirable. There are some form of poverty Would suit nos, 1 am sure. Tor instance. 11 ► lad my way rd choose to be land poor. PERT PARAGRAPHS. some people would rather sat the bread of dependence if It has a aide }m on It than to take 1t wttboat the }m. There are pewee wbo argil! tunnel because they were born . so sad me glad 01 It. Sr,TI or Onto, ('rTv or Totaoo. LVc,e (:ou,Tr. ) s. Frank J. Cheney Stake. Dere .bet 100 1. rentor partner .4 the Arm .f r. 1. (91.., a Ce•., *0.g D..In.-. In M Cly or T le•i. , Coen(' and 't,t.'feres,e4. and •bel..s01 Ilan win par the ..m of ONE HUNDRED 1101 I.ARRS for cacti and every a.ae of C.l orb that moire be cored by tise nes of Bail's Catarrh Cor,. PRANK 1. ('HLNLY *worn to before me and .wb crib d 1. m pre.e•..-w, this etb day of IlreemMr, A.D. tom. itia,t.l A. W. GLKAMO%, Normae PrauJc. dell'. cn'anb Cure H taken 1n'... Er. .ed . eta Atrselly en Ow deed as/ mweou. •.rf.e.r of tbe.y.8.m. 4..i for e.rhunelah fere. Y. 3. CHENEY a cu., T.d.do, 0. Bold M .11 druggists, Ire. Tate Hell'. Family MU. fee eea.tlpal le.. •drgeo i -clow nal sow. 001. mot, Deputy Minister of Min - tea, has boos appointed .urgeo.-gw.- eral of the Caaadlaa militia is rosea" allies sf bis splendid serrate as heed of the Militia Department seta tad provost war started. He hiss had a distinguished mili- tary career ad earned W D. a. O. to the Muth Afrleas war. Ai hos boot Deputy Mlateter of biles Nese 1110, O.l. Plat wee WM7 d atmse6- skt sad educated et L VII aidventlW, wawa be graduated 1. atadieh. 1t a uselal to ear. ease watt tarsal dtia. - He ass studied r said Paris. sad W Moa a ether la the Oama'Ns tt0lUlla tar near years. r'bllag Wry. all Ind woks M the apes. realm r IgM ir: elf the Dagertar . Ile served ~Wu _ e Timis period et the Mate AM( .1 wee sad lass greed at opMdt1 t hi tail (thee /Mb. at t aNsbart sM Peeve sad nihil s/ela. ■vol sea Mid L t. ere, ass Unocal tlealleag 1 the or..SN dee sal la w WasterslYaaw wane She Qsssati medal with arm Ed wee aimed a a s.0. aa4 M tlaragL hr Lard rs16s /erOsdOer wItb the ant. 5sialfteget. Ile wee talleald anbNdbeeeeaa -Me a delilielld war user. fid 50 * irN suesates wtlb *OWN, eel Ona aft the asmaales WOW THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1915 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and DailyMail and Empire3.75 The Signal and Montreal Family Heraldand Weekly Star The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) The Signal and Toronto Daily Star The Signal and Toronto Daily World The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire i'6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm.....,1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New • 1.6o Renewal.... ' 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Po uf► Newsi.�j The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. 1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian ' .. 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New,....., 1.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) t.5o Theme prices a•e for addreeres in Canada or Oleos. Britain The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.ou The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.10 The Signal and The Scottish American (New York) 3.25 Inoloding postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Sigma sad The Faintly .Herald sad Weakly = Star The Parse's Advocate (53.35 less 51.001........., 11..5 23.ao -making the price of the three papers $3,2o. The Sigma ad The Weekly The Terost0 Daily Star t3 8. less Steel 4I Is 1.85 1.85 1.85 2.8.1 3.25 2.8o -the three papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any .well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to 5365 THE SIGNAL PRINTING Co., LIMITED Gcderich Ontario YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY at THE NORTHERN 1BUSiNESS COLLEGE °WIN souse, ONTASO Oar own Ott, *Assay belMlsg and 21 rases• -hl year. of experin.ea beetpan isetr.etsre model. the v IT CWltr.. free. 0. A. Ft.2MtMo, F.O. A., Priori p. I. Il. Dt 'testis. Secretary. Are Your Hands TIId? WM Too lad ale, pie sw. Miap'aw• "•s,Tbente7awsa5*. -.-,d4T 11M�h- 7w spattr.d poniesitt *8.110 DX MUM Favorite Prescription l emirlbs. sad s�s. warm t' Massa�s s.. Vas.. witless s� 1 arid ..d mull wades h~sdasyss�swi sss8+dsh tai f e•baid.m seer dm stsagsstar prima ia A$Isr smd sse 2.11/7 Igasgu lit Mbest'Bail see lb the wiNo sis eld *se ilia. a. Iend gM Saabs s 0,63%, god seal of them awe Wee .Havey Welald � e/ 1 1a► ream Yea 11101