HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-1-14, Page 8• T.ODwAT. JAiOanv 14, 1 14
Imported Note
Paper and
Absolutely the correct Writing
Paper of today. with coerces
.tutee Euvelope to match
t'raine'e (:bamivor Vellum, the
new Kid finish. made in tour
este. Metall size paper. 15c per
quire. Envelopes to match some
price. Other sizes, locludiog
he new lung shape Envelops.
11k♦ter quire sad 20c per package
l'raiee'e Liars lawn Dad Yid
mesh, two sizes, Me and SDc per
The well-known Rajah Note
Paper, linen finish. regular 10c
per quire. Special 4 quires for
Tee. Linen floieb Envelopes to
match, 4 packages for 25e.
The Goderich Book 8
Stationery Co.
This is the season for Hot
.Vater Bottles. A House-
hold Neces,ity. No home
should le- wit bout one.
We have them et all prices
from $l tar up.
C. L. Collis, Phm.B.
PHONE r9 -
Sunday Neots 2.3 and 8-9 p.m.
at the
We have still some very spec-
ial values to offer in our
Crockery Department. The
rednotion offered (luring the
December sale still holds
good. As it will he impose
silrle to obtain some of these
Choice pieces in the future it
is to your interest to pay us
visit now. -
in this department we have
just received a fresh consign-
ment of Pure Home-made
Maple Syrup, the product of
1914. This is a real good ar-
ticle, alio a fresh shipment of
White Clover Honey which
Kee can recommend.
S.J. Young
liemilton Street Goderieh
The township council met on Jana
Dry Iltb. The Reeve sad Councillor*
took the neoeeitry property euali8
cation and declaration of °aloe. Conm-
tUlor Yeo was appointed to wait ea
the township solicitor in regard to
Duff horse elates' charges. commit be-
ing of We opiniuo that the solicitor's
chargee were too high. The clerk was
instructed to write Lewis AMworth
that his dimness airtime were both out
of date, deo that as pathareter cow -
ell would bold him personally reaps. -
Stile for any damsgee that might sew
by his neglect of duty la not k
fog his road division open for pullet
traffic Then bele no other
tions all Waspish°Moms 14
were n be eaegs
The sheepne
valuators, ge•-chew
puod-keepers were all r. -appointed.
The following were re -appointed as
pathmastere : Jobs Lacey, Chris.
Johnston. Robt. Odw.fl llbas
Robt. Johustos, Richard Porter, �a
Sterling, George Hastings, Jeri Dal-
ton, R. Y. Cox, John Ooz, Walter
Weston, Chas. Whitely, Leslie Ooz
Bea. Pearson. Mason Sterling. Howard
Trewartba, Adam Cantelon, John Hal-
stead, Herb. Trewartha. W. Wise,
Oeo. Isithwalte, W. F. Hick, Roy
Chambers, John Huller, Jas. Miller, H.
0. Walters. Will Tebbutt, Jae, Stod-
dart Wesley Stevens, Wm. Merrill,
Joe. Watkins, John 'lair, Alfred Jer-
vis, Oeo. Vanderhbrgh, 13.o Lindsay,
Jas. Fergmson, Isaac Jon.., Henry
Steep, John Lindsay, Jacob Marshall,
Isaac Rathwell, Frank Welsh, N. J.
Labeso Gan. Acbesou, Albert Izwd,
Jobe Connell, Wm. blunoiugs. Her-
bert,Murphy. Council adjourned to
meet first Monday in February at 1.30
(Moll:. N. W. TRICWAHTHA, Clerk.
The council of the township of Col-
borne met in the township ball Janu-
ary 11th. Members all pree•ot and
after taking the oath of ofl1:e and
signing property qualifications took
their seats et the council board and
began the business of council for the
year 1915. Minutes of last meeting
row and on motion of Young and Sny-
der were adopted. The following ac-
counts 'were passed and ordered paid :
Robert Bean. I load woad, PS; W.
Evans. refund stat ute labor, 115 :clerk.
postage and stationery, 1914, $10;
John Allen, 11 loads gravel, St 1 : R.
Mcllwaia, election expenses, $34 ;
Signs) Printing Co., $t4; M. 0. Cam•
Bron, $25; A. Morris, 15 cords gravel,
$50.25 ; S. Potter, inspecting, 43.50.
Moved by Hetherington and Hill that
Jingles McBride be re-eieeted member
of Boatel of Healib. Carried. flat
W. Straughsn, W. Maedel, R. J. Hus-
ton and Janos Wat•o.. be sanitary
inspectors. Carried. Moved by Heth-
erington and Hill that A. P. Sheppard
and Charles McNeil be auditors, Cir-
ri«d. The following sheep valuators
were appointed : Ar 'hire Straughan,
James McManns, John Levy, Alex.
Sterling. The following pcundkeepere
were appointed Charles Fisher, Jos.
Mc('ann, John Levy, James Jones and
Alden Allen. The fenceviewers are
as follows : John Linkleter, %Ven. Sal -
lows, James %1 etson, Luther Allin,
Amos Fisher, Thomas McPhee and
John Jenkins. Moved by Hill and
Hetherington that A. J. Goldthorpe
be reappointed collectnr and J. J.
Robertson assessor at same salary as
last year. Carried. Moved by Snyder
and Young that the collector's time be
extended till the fleet of March to col-
lect the taxes of 1914. Carried. Moved
by Hill and Snyder that the rate-
payers along the rural mail routes be
responsible for keeping the roads open
during winter months. Meeting ad•
ourned to meet on Wednesday, March
Srd, at 2 p. m. R. Mt iLw•AIN, Clerk.
The township council met January
1lth. D.-laration. rat qualification and
ohne were taken and subscribed by the
following, and the same duly declared
organized as council board for 1915,
viz.: Chas. Stewart, Reeve; Jos. P.
Dalton, James Alton, Jos. Hackett
and Thos. J. Richardson, councillor..
The minutes of December 15th, 1914,
were read and on motion of Richard-
son and Dalton were approved.
Moved by Hackett and Richardson
that no action be taken in respect to
the request* of the Sick Children's Hos-
pital and of the Dungannon public lib-
rary for aid. Carried. Moved by
Hackett and Alton that Chas. B. Mc-
Donagh be appointed collector for1915.
Cerried. Moved by Hackett and Alton
that J. O. Metauoid be appointed
assessor for 1915. Moved by Dalton
-and Richardson that John Cameron
be appointed assessor for 1915 The
deciding vote of tea Reeve we. given
in favor of Cameron. Moved
Dalton and Hackett that A. R. Fin-
Iayson and Donald McLean be mad -
ton for 1915 Carried. Oa metiers
by p.1b.. and Altos, Or. A AT
Simpson was re -appointed medical
officer of health and Unitarryy in
Spector, and Wm. B. Bawklae ,.
member of the local Board of Health
for 1915. On motion of Richardson
and Alton, the Motions Bank, Lock -
now, M tocam the township account
for 1915, charging 5i per cent. on loans
3 -----NIGHTS---- 3
Clean New Vaudeeill. between Acta. All Specie fkensey.
Beautiful Costumes. Elegant Electrical Effects.
Complete Scen.c Productions. No Waits All Fun.
$-Sig Specialties -A, The Show That's Different.
PRICKS -11110-215C -adc
44,4,464' 4,4,4.4*++a6►.,
141 031
Notice to the Farmer! sized Pia" hue Ja s 38164
W. are mow prepared es hey
all kinds of Orals at our sinew
tor, north of MacEw,.'g owl
Tarda, Oodmioh, and will pay the
big►est prices at all Uses.
We beg to annus". also
mat we have se up-to-
�a l[W it! `engine we•
are now read to attired to C
wants of the t in Ulla Pse.
WEARY be gid to ettep or roll
Feria Day Jay in the week. and
If ve se a trial we
trust that Rowill od work will meek
your embussed patronage.
;s ibn6�.aatt�y y Mary,
8ealdsth seas icieduied trot the follow-
, tag week Aissionti at lisitortli Jen*
leartery Oeieliall doses the
beau d ps♦e at New Ram February
Joann Will at Mew
A Mara snatch between valor
Wan. el Obl.ton and was
AZ1 risk at Clinton on
ia�evening of last weak. The
=was test and dean hem start to
gaish. fa the drat period Ool.rleb
b gettingMad of two
' kepi thea m
eAs .te away
the sot entirely. In the s.00n4
hall the lend waars rr3i.d and=
' things � week .1 )se Use Iu ors.
' however. saved the day torr iGodsrlls*
and woe proclaimed
aawe* dsa J. Ja.a(o u
e ve ppeeL.st salalhelloa as referee.
ITh. teams were awsYeafy the same
as played on Goderiob los two weeks
Q The C.Ysgiete SEEM
The boys of the Oolleght. [institute
Get after
that Cough
White Pine
Spruce Balsam.
J..yf. 'Campbell
Central Drug Store
North S. and Square - Goderich
and allowing 3 per cent. on deposits,
and crowing all checks at par. By-
laws Noe. 1 to 8 inclusive were reed
a first, second and third time and
finally passed ; they are bylaws fix-
ing the salaries of the officers. also
appointing the officers, and No. 8 is
to borrow 113125 to pay the interest
coupons of the Ontario W. Shore
Ry. Co. bonds, due January 1st, 1915.
On motion by Dalton and Alton
accounts amounting to 1252.88 were
ordered paid, including $130 to Perdue
and McDougal, for gravelling op
N. B., and $74 election expenses. The
report of the Hydro electric Com-
mission as to tbe cost of completing the
West Shore Railway,; the cost of
operating it in connection with the
C. P. R. at Ooderich, and the esti-
mated revenue, was read and ordered
filed. It is a lengthy report., but the
substance of it is that the road when
completed and equipped would oper-
ate at • yearly low of over $25,000
including all interests: it is now
costing us $80,000 for interest and we
have no rogd, or service. The report
advises no action until the commis-
ommission has completed its traffic esti-
mates for the county and other roads
Ibat ;it- is proposed to operate as
Hydro -electric roads. This complete
report is promised in the early spring
and the Commission expects that our
road operated in conoectlon with
the whole'Hydro-electric scheme will
@bow much better results, and might
ever pay its own running expenses.
Action an to donation to some of the
war funds was deferred till atter the
county council meeting in January.
On motion of Alton and Hackett the
council adjourned to February 15th.
at 1:o'clock p. m. Sheep valuers ap-
pointed by laware David M. John-
ston, Richard Johnston, now Gar-
vey, Robert Drannenand Neil Mur-
doch. The clerk was asked to get la
touch with some engineer, and re-
port. -Tiros. G. ALt.EN, Clerk.
..Aiwa aansrOntd ea ilhrietsase-Any
another a the old and well-known
resident. of Ondericb. In the person of
Thiesautif Jamal Videos. dr. Vid.in
was born seventy-three years ago In
Use house oe Weet street in which he
died. Hie parents were of English
bath. Forty-eight years ago h.
married Mi.. J.ha N. Sweeny. dee of
Goderich, of which union there were
even children, four boys and three
girls. Five of t boon not vivo : Wilson,
of Detroit, and Harry, Charlie,
Blanche and Pearl. of town. A
brother, Alfred, who reside. la Mahl-
on, •ed asister, Mrs. John Madwese,
Of Niagara Fal., also ww.lve. Until
We last year of hie We the deceased
an!Masan hal esioyed good
and wee actively aged to his bei
n ae. The tumoral was atte.d.d by
seamy of the badness mea of Geste-
*Mb. se well es by a member Rom the
enrrowedia/ diaries. After • Whit
ow* w at the home the measles were
takes t0 SR . obareb, where
the lentnrerhs fel sews, of the
BA. icon srhts
icon vsadread by ev. J.
femoral se Maitlsediharam .
t.ry. pail- were Trow e.
p of Clinton.tibR.
oA*w. AMx. Y Jamas tit.wm
Joseph Os.ry and Oswald Sturdy, of
Ot.wm. Among shoes coming tress a
dbIgaano. were Me. sol MMre. Warns
Dar.... and wu.aa Wean. grasi-
some. and Weser Vida..
trees Gel eft. end Ifb. Marion
D iem .< 1bwM. A great ..miter
Beset tributes east....•
b 1D amd set el lowMi
s. re. IVIED
her ba.basd two yeas.
have sni.ged for • series of twelve
gthreees among three want whiob have
b.w ad.eMd. Thee teams are
hoovers w A, B. and C. Tsars A and B
played the Bret game on Moeda
evening. re altisg a a win for the Bs
by three goals to nil. Th. A'e played
with Duly aim men and the .bosses of
the seventh man sedssbtadly cwt
them the game. Line-up ;
Pridham goal
Buchanan point McDonald
Curry cover Wiggins
Dalton rover Clark
Wark centre Glazier
tree R wing Noble
Ross L wing Bradwin
%Vark did not play. Referee, Ume
worth Jotter.
The second game in the Collegiate
Institute eerier was played last even -
log between teams B and C. The
former proved the better team all
through the game, Clark as rover
starring while Baechler in goal was
difficult to get peat. The *cors was 7-2
hi favor of team B. Harry Buchanan
made i good referee. The teams
linedBup as follows :
Reechler goal Graham
Edward 1st defence MacEeran
McDonald 2nd defence Kelly
Clark rover Bisset
Glazier centre Jones
Noble r wing Cunningham
Bradwin 1 wing Murney
The three teams are known among
the students of the O. C. I. as The In-
vincible', The Ironsides and The
Blockheads, respectively.
Goderich 9, St. Marys 4.
Local hockey enthusiasts received
the worth of their money on Tuesday,
when the first game of the inter-
mediate 0. H. A. series on Goderich
ice was pulled off between the local
team and St. Marys. The ice was •
little on the eat side, but better than
had been expected. The visitors got
away- to a good start, scoring the first
goal within • minute of the com-
mencement of the garde. However,
that was all that was coming to them
in the first period, for the local seven
got down to business and a very lively
game ensued, largely in the vicinity of
the visitors' net, and Goderich man•
aged to put io four counters. In the
next period the Saints more out good
and Aroog and by a series of rushes
notched up three goals while tbe
home boys worked bard to add two to
their Why. Smith, for the home team,
made a brilliant spurt during this
period, taking the pack the full length
of th. lee and eeoeiy. With two
goats to Use good the Goderich even
started tbe third period quite warily,
but in a hew minutes the game had
developed into some of the fastest
hockeythat has bwitnessed on
h lee In a keg while. Al-
though the visitor, worked hard the
loos/ defenoe was Impregnable, and
the forwards kept the pock at the
St. Marys end most of the time. The
game enaily closed with the more at
9-4 in favor of the local team. Prid-
ham and Snare! for the home team
did most of tbe scoring. The teams
were :
Goderich 8t. Marys
H Beteber gnat Drescher
G Smith 1st defence Adams
J Wiggins 4od defence Toner
W Soazel centre -Roberta
B Pridham rover Lavelle
A Chisholm 1 wing Foster
W Rochester. r wing Wilson
Referee- E P Edmunds, of Strat-
Time Raoard.
Jan. -7-At 44e.lisrtb- 8uafortb 10,
9tratfoed 6.•
Jan. 8 -At Bt. Marys -8t. Mary. 5,
New Hambnrs 7.
Jas. a -At .
Yt.it..d--Stratford 48,
Goderice 1.
Jan. 11 -At New Hamburg-Strat
fad 8, New Hamburg 4.
J an. 1$ -At liodreich- Gode rich 9,
St. Mary 4.
.8..lorth $ Lo0 w! 6liuy
Sttrat Marys ! 3 4
Nes Hm
absrg 1 S 5
Bring. a Brite te QsderWs.
Mr. Tisanes lam el the Ira of
O'BrM. •Lagg, wen married at Se.
forth es We IOW of Deeembsr to Mies
Bally Segovia. daughter of Mr. John
Medavia of that tows. The sea s eeoosyy
wee porforased at the
by . T. H. bbrowwu. qtr, [egg b
nae of ow progressive Weiner uses
and hie seamy friends 1a testa congrat-
ulate hies upon his matrimonial rater -
sod wish him Dad his bride all
The hawe ooasmMrd
hen eetwplag oa o. street
Miss Frames B. Rtsyaol ls, +lot Men -
all, who fee the part two years
bees amMta.t 1a Mia. (Jit
mlwmery badmen aD <IagiMs street.
ens married e• Jo masry 1st te Mr.
Thomas Abases 1•sYnaen. of Tina~
este. Tho seress.n=' was WM
be et.Fad• •fi, wet ti(t1-
sleeted try Res..b Mgr.
lsbloe•s M • memth
bed e Bat -
Wiwi seer is noisinge•
emorlsawith is
are.md Oirialln ~ism seitimest.
Will Continue Until the
End of the cMonlh!
., SCI
The store is full of economy helps these days.
Every department is contributing its share to the
big money -saving event now in full swing. Do not
ail to profit by it. Some • of the good things we
print here; others you will find in last week's paper;
while- others go on the bargain counters every day,
marked at prices that spell MONEY SAVED in
no uncertain way.
Come Saturday for best choosing from
the lot that go on sale at this ridicu-
lotrly low price.
Coat, for misses and ladies, worth in
the regular way up to 812.00 and 115.00
Sizes up to 88, plain and checked ma-
terials. All one price for quick clear-
ance. Commencing Saturday t90
morning at your choice . . . 7�V
Skirts $2.25
Big clearance of Ladies' Tailored Skirts in
plain cloths and checked materials. Just the
thing for an odd skirt. Regular up to 84.50.
January Sale, clearing at each 52.25
Cloakings at 95c
Twenty-five lengths Coating` Materials in
plain colorings and fancy checks. Splendid
for children -8 and girls' coats. Regular
up to 82.50 per yard. January Sale.
New Black Coats Just
New black Coats just oup this week.
Real nobby styles I you want a Dice -
coat at a moderate price, see these Regn
lar 820.00. January Sale, each 542.75
42 -inch Lawn 121c
Here is a bargain. A shipment of
White Lawns just received, Note the
extreme width. This is a beautiful
fine quality suitable for underwear.
dresses, etc. Actually worth at least
20c. January Sale per yard only 12k
The Millinery must be cleared out and
cleared quickly. Not a Hat to be left
in the show -room when we wind up the
season. This is how we are doing it :-
Children's Trimmed fiats
All the Children's Hats left in stock,
new and up-to-date shapes, attractively
trimmed with good materials. No mat-
ter what the former price or actual
worth. take limy one for only 75c
Ladies' Trimmed fiats
Big selling of Ladies" Trimmed Hats at
this price continues until all are sold.
You can take any Hat in the show -room,
black or colored, no matter what its
former price or what it is al`tai
really worth, for only I
Boys' Sweaters 49c
Get one of these Boys' Sweaters before they
are sold out. Navy blue only. Extra
weight and splendid wearing quality. 49e
January Sale 7
Beautiful''^^New Embroideries
Clearing lot of -Corset Cover and
18 -inch Embroideries, fine lawn, neat
patterns, beautiful goods. Just in
this week. January Sale, per yard..
Suitings at $l.SO
Ten or 15 ends high-grade Suitings in dark
colorings. All new goods this season. Reg-
ular up to 82.50. Splendid for separate skirts
or suits. January Sale per yard $1
Making the Fur Fly
January fur prices are making the Furs fly these days. We are selling
Furs of high quality at prices that will appeal to every buyer. We simply
must turn the stock into money and if you have Furs to buy we will sell
them to you at prices that will make it pay you to buy and buy NOW.
Not an article in stock reserved. Everything going at prices in many
cases very little more than one-half. For example, we are selling :--
" •-•-•LAdies'lletiailit touts, new garments, at $3450
Ladies' Coats with Fur Collars at $ i 4 5o and $ig.00
Persian Lamb Muffs at $11-5o, ;17 50 and ;24.50
Mink Muffs at $33.5o and $42.5o -
High-grade black Wolf Muffs at $ t 7.50
Genuine black Fox Muffs at $s'j.yo
Marmot Muffs at 475
Western Sable Muffs at rl.5ro
Alaska Sable Muffs at li i.5o
And other Fun at correspondingly low prices.
We want 0 emphasise the fact that theme are all - Furs of quality that
we are vv ling to stand behind with our unqualified guarantee
- r
r., . ...