HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-1-14, Page 71,1
tlwaeaa". Langone It, NM. e
1 !. J. M. et Beret, baa s Abaiel t bT�j A.e.
ti e.n tb r s d ihu.s aldol' w •*MI. MSM MSee, waw ar-
,IeWiiYS TIRE,' bestrsetor tY O. A. 0ut�k. retrt.dIB lienee Aae>jed Vitb s.Wap
Thomas Doherty, Mho eft Wroxeter air to tie Ismbtal W� of tie Ola•a-
biet -A for the Wert. is 1at.d-tlaeeta Baw. Oo* thalwega to
Ems by tha
.the 0e Juga., lib, at TrIv.tc M..ir-
meea.. one ins of we tltb commie* W shwa. hauls (laud Davis ter
!Noe ie► one ksa.wd we tar. W D..{�
wte� elegem Lows. hip. Rev. W. D. Char
IDe. Stewart, wbu bas bees prastie. Use performed the eeremany, Thar
log ih Helitrave for the poet six years, tlw hsreumtid. on the groom's far. In
bee given up bis practice on amount CLINTON.
al -health.
I, P. A. May Who has boon vice -piled- Wm- Jobaetos bas bought the
dent of the May, e; Schneider Co., of gwesry beehives of S. Barr, who is re-
M.tobell, is going Into bootee's for tiring ort ecoount of IU-bealtb.
kimsrit at Exeter, Rewe Gsnisiso. warder of Haws
Mh* Tillie Vlocent, of Dashwood, .neat , tivated the eouarf and a few
boxcar the beide of Leonard Worm. tri to an oyster supper on Monday
of lowish, oa January tltb. Rev. P. evttlaing of last week.
Granpser eilcieted. T. Jackson, Jr.. put on a movies
1 James Ballantyne. of Wroxeter. has pismire program at the bowie of refuge
disposed of his dealing badness to one evea1a reoeoUy wbbb was
Leonard Browo. Mr Ballantyne b greatly appreciated by the inmates.
going to .hath terming. The treasury of the Women's Patti -
1 Thos. A. Oooper, who was recently otic Society was snelebed by 1100, the
elected as councillor in Killarney, of lbs ball given by the Sew -
Manitoba, is as elder son of Geo. A. reg Club on the evening of December
Cooper, of Godes ich township, Ilkb.
I While feeding Dolts John Tighe, of Fire destroyed a small unocenpied
the eth eosoeselow Holten, bad his frame house on James street, the prop
erty of James Reid, of Yu Word. in
Tuella; mtwaing of lad, week. Tbe
origin of the fire in unknown.
May Rad they TVs
bras ow* MM. "— I— I mast
tis highly et sew .ri ..
rpg� nostrot or
evedeer endndt 4 tri
lab is poor ill 1.
baba Sul watt. les -
ahem, trod
I got e bel-
sad it
M t� ghee
eter* nu to reelect
I O ague& Wokmoot Meow
lig to woo" ad I ems( =oaf It tris *awn fie resew -
It to .flute. w—Meo. Aims
RAD., No. I. Inns Oreri.
Airller •ethrer lAalra"ad.
14.—" Hamm takiewsur.one
o isedl s 1 was s/ nen downs
geed stud bad fisab weabaos, I Mee
Lydia 1L lb tateses Oen-
puma and mad (fs a W. gid
id Mdq that I baa era � sew
worths. ready end willing to de my
bsaMweik now, whore before taking
..dlelne it was • dread. I try to
ipra. ares the .Mi et all ailing
weiw I m..t the b.oeitr they can
derive front year seidoea." — Mrs.
CHm sm%%$Nai w■, LPA, No. 1.
If you want speeded advise
writs ts Lydia E. ltaibaaa
Mao Ow. (ire sdaitla1) Lino
Yaws. Your halter len bra mss;
rami sad aaewared by a enigma
mad bold Is etrles awYaies.
i . Int that trideWaist of 1110. 1N woo
Wises. Mr. Botbero will live In Ford- owl led to Ge rot CtsehwW, of
Irg broken jut above the ankle, by
one of the Dolts stepping on him.
Two Huron boys, Wishart Honshu*.
of 011oton. and Compton MacMordie,
91 iippen, ars is training with the
second contingent at Winnipeg.
John Beetbaber.I superintendent of
Wroxeter Methodist unday school,
was presented with an address and a
pair of gold cuff-Iieke. on New Year's
Eve, by the treaters of lbs oboot
Mr. and Mrs. John Mabaffy, of Hib-
bsnt, announce the engagement of
their daughter. Myrtle Leurrne, to
Kobelt L. McLean,of Tuckersmitb,
the marriage to take place this month.
Mn. Hall, of Brooklye. Ont., mother
of Simon Hunter. of Uaborne, hoe
taken first prise at Whitby fair for
knitting. Mrs. Hall is ninety-three
years old.
Wm. 0. Anderson, of Arcola, Sank..
is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Wm.
Aodsreoe, of the Base line, Turnberry.
It M twenty-two years since he was
era. Daniel Eckmler pawed away at
ber horse ben on December dist after
raves' weeks of severe suffering.
fibs was Afty-four years old and bad
resided in Clinton for the past 'levee
Upwards of minty of the young
people of Ontario street church went
out to the house of refuge on Monday
eversion of last week and gave the lo -
mat.. • treat in the way of supplies
and entertainment.
Mies )Gla May Lindsay, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay. of tows,
was united in marriage to Albeit M.
Cbalmerv, of Regina, In that city she
December 20th. The newly married
couple will visit here on their honey-
moon tris.
Harold Hio.cliffe and Walter Van -
last bo.. wyck are taking a wane of military
training at London.
Rev. Mr. Muldrew, wbn on Decem-
ber 1811b STAB iedoet.d as pastor of 8t. London Bod will take training as a
V nurse et the Victoria hospital there.
Dr. W. and Mrs. Agioew and little
oeughter Margaret. of Shelby. Oblo,
were visitors last week et the borne
of Mr. and Mn. John Agnew.
George Cline has realigned bis posh
Andrew's church. North ancouver, is
a native of Stanley towosbip. Mn.
Following' are given the results of Robt. 8esrktt aMrs- J. R. Scott.
voting In Ontario municipalities on of McKillop, are sisters.
Monday on Jocal option by-laws, The Edmond Noble Hastings died et his
egurse ID pancakes., show the num dome, on the 9111 concession of Turo-
ller or licenses at present In the hrrry. on New Yeae'e Day. lie bad
several municipalities. been unwell for come time, though he lion as leader of the Presbyteries
was hut twenty-two years old. In- choir after twenty-five years' service.
By -Les carried. Holland Landing terttxnt took Glade in Wlogham come He was presented with an addres. and
(1); Jarvis (2); Newbury 111 ; West tory, $ gold piece l.y the choir.
(.ase (0); fiarwkh Ty. hula The dealb took place at ber tome, Mt.. Ratak Amey. v0,0 had been
swtafned In repeal contests: Dur- The
2. Hay, on December 301b, engaged as maid at the gens ral ha
ham. Midland. Newmarket. Tbornhury, a M. Robert Rowel/Be. The dc- tal, died ne December 31st,
Lakefield, Shallow lake, Tan. Tees- costed lady bad been an invalid for thirty-eight year,. She leaves one
water. Percy. the put twenty years, owing to en in- child, her busbend having died some
Felled to secure three -firths vote: jary to her spine. Sbe was in ber time ago.
( fetors tee vidgetown 1 ) : w
(3): Rogersville (31; Cornwall Tp. - James T. Brown, of Londeslxuro', well-known resident herr, di at er
J) ; Levant Tp (1) ; Rolph Tp.(1) ; was married on December 28th to home at London co December 271h at
p Miss Mildred Ruth Hare. of Oxford the sits of seventy four years. Bbe 1
'Hepworth Tp., gaintgcfent. Centre. The ceretnosv, which was wee stricken with paralysis while at-
MajortUe. against by-laws Ba- held at the hcme of the groom's tending to her household duties.
(1); SIncw (61; Bradford (2). brother, Lond.aboro', was conducted Two chane'+ have been made in ib.
by Rev. C. O. Heine. rhe young teaching staff of the high school, Miss
couple will reside at Cltoton. E. C. Garrett- of Windsor, taking the
at the home of his sem 8 C Prouty. Beatrie. Hit Orwell, of Toronto, tak-
3 Caledonia Qtly -eighth year. Mr. Frances Broekenahire, atormher
On Deeemher 31st there passed away place of Miss Coope
rneeersion 9 U.horne, Chester Prouty. las tie place of Mhe Anderwo.
He was eighty-nine years old and bad mot leabel Potter bseet.e the bride
hewn w resident of this district since of Maitland B.11; -of East Wawasoeb,
The fad that then it lam dyspepsia sad 1661 For fort y one years be was clerk un January 7th. The ceremony was
tbir eon than filer. of the township of Stephen. inter- conducted by Rev. T. H. Farr. Mr.
wish- ill mi "' than1Otbs Vmit took pl+�on the etb suet- to and Yrs, Heil will reside oa the and
otW�ite7sra-s i�r'ter cemetery.
live, Baal Wawanosb
w 1tkv. BRUSSELS
� Ns osdst��ba faith in them.
lwooder toe gra wiMiss to offer them to d d bierof Owen Sound. were
agMeBiw toe =awe a Tablets.
No we Iwo Dr. and Mn. Field, with their son THE THIRD CONTINGENT.
flus for tries cadre* st our risk.visitors bene during the holiday see-
and other . two
ofs. the mown PrP 100.
Una ride known to mediad science. Mri.. Ttemaine, of Detroit. and her
asobs tis tamed meo.ar,h 7 pain. daughter, Mn. Hume. of Toronto,
harp tv were visitors during the festive season
an bug e
Mee trodd,. mod
�.`toed to • realm the with the former a sister.
nd M
to ate. shof the
im . Sta d ni Bonk get ff formerly
was In town
it fro ted Mpg about oath' last week. He hes joinehl the second
tea It mans jwit'weat it m Well ask overseas contingent and has been in
noosssdos< Tour word jawbonefot training at Winnipeg.
i Tl Dr— - Tddets dm t 7m' (��d Seeker, 'druggi.t, of Fos t
M� in e
Mae ��ttr bo health sod make William, and his brother Earl, who is yvsr digarhos ray and oomlorfabli. vre th hakes), Mohnen at Cavalier
Taw is nose bed [oryol� m°°e7• North Dakota, Math oat Irmo
o/ (hie
an cold tsaiy at the 7000 Recall town, were here for a visit last week.
.ad in this town osb b7 tle' Three Ih. F. W. O'Brien, a former well- gage No rod 11.00. ; known resident of Brussels, was sod-,
H. 0. Denbo,. Phut. hi , •druggi.r. dentally killed t v a fall in bis earthed,'
Bedford birch. t+odericb Ontario. at Heneihsl. Missouri, oa December (
11th. He bad been Mayor of Hannibal1
for tor years, end was fifty-"ne years
aior.n.ral Hughes, Minister of Q F. A FORTH. 11
05111*, is is hospital tor s tow days Dr. H. Hodgen. Ie .pending a month
',kat • as Iahired hese, et the militia, y training camp. Lon -1
The quotas of rarltam.nt le die dor• His office will be Blotted during
:Z;- get for tie lib of Tahrnarr. bis wbssne.-
n a moviesawls& Kidney
doctor has said. •' 1 ewer
>N medea poet-aorbtmen-
nminntien Ina ammo death
(heel Heart D. with-
out finding lbs" Warp
*renal Wait." The Kidsey
mediates whicke s first ea
the markets Most sso rare
fl for Heart Disease and
all Kidney Troubles. oar
most widely imitated Is
Mr. H. C Beckett wee mauled at
Ptratbrny. no December Beth, to Miss
Carrie Brz, of that town. After the
honeymoon they will reside is Rea -
Gederlch Will He Enlistment Centre for
3.pd Battalion.
Ottawa. Jan. 11. --Organization of
the third Canadian conting.nt bar
been ordered. reenrlting points design-
ated and rmohili ation will be under
Mil swing within a hew days.
A new method has been derided
upon. The first contingent received
all its Canadian training et Valeartier.
A. snow as the recruits were as-
sembled at soy point they were
rushed to the central catnip to be uni-
formed, armed. trained and organised.
With the seated eontinreot, the ea-
Ibtment of which is complete. the mos
were rent from enlistment points to
mnbiliption centres for training at
military district headquarter*.
The first training given the third
contingent will be at battalion
centres. Men will get their rifle.. un-
iforms end company training at the
place they enlist. Enough drill
masters are now available to enable
this scheme to be earrled out. it is
another atop in the d.c.ntrallsatlos
proem"' which has been carried out
ever sines Valcartier.
The plsree selected as meal bead-
quartere for battalion recruiting are
as follows •
For military dtdrlet No. 1, Wooten'
Onfar•in recruiting centre.-Thirty-
serond Aat•alk+e, Netherton : Thi.ty-
fl 7i6dr#teh': Tw.. tv aet•,nrt. *ar-
gil : Twenty -fist. Windom : Twos
t fottrtb, Chatham ; Tw.nty-fifth,
>� Thomas ; Thirty-ninth. Simms;
Twenty-siith. Strat hroy; Twenty-
eighth, Stratford: Twentnr-ninth,
Galt ; Twetfty-r•ened. Woodstock;
Seventh. London : Thirtieth, Gordph.
The two r.glmenta allotted to Weet.
ern Ostar(n for the third contingent
will he mobilised afterwerde at Los -
dos sad Guelph. -
.Me.- , Ifs tri Teroota.
who was / cities Mrs. George Melo-
!nob, of town, had the misfortune to
to I oak. the sidewalk and fracture her
While aasiMieg to Install nom.
.acbinery at tis legging factory last
week. Burton Muir ad�bband belly
crushed and it was n.eessary to err
patats one eelaer.
Wm. Jones, who has beam ea the
Nowa", Bros staff fee a nseabr of
yea*+ bo. to Maestro, whore he
hs• .nerved the pnsitics of traveller
the Tomato W Oe.. IA4.
axrrsa q
}ltaak HBwdes bas soot to1lsrnntn,
whore be has a positiss se droll .Lek.
Mies Jennie Hardy. who is M trala-
la( at the Deaeonme Training Sebo.1,
Toronto, was a holiday "idlerr Mrs.
♦ total d .1011.01 Us &wow patois** Arad op
oes sollh
scribed W the isrtr
to data, not a lame e.aatkt
spent for ariboMs of detN.s. •
W. D. Met,who tar
ber ban asset Mt 1rs
brei bora, boosrH on ima-
gery let. W. D. M
hibiat.+y1 4 ab
oatmeal dams ome
Y :Ili s.
them! lVd
attacks tie
and dr breathing p
ages. Ti. come Igloo mod to get at t
woes dines. ordinary cough rola
and syr+lps de arc aerie tis ktetss,
g• dun to yaw ssssa•d, which is not
ailing. Peps, ea the camber', go
to the ,ay seat of the trouble.
Peps are tabes ontainiag
and medicinal tngredents so prepared
that whoa plated tapes the teague they
/tauwediately turn use vapor, and art
breathed down the doomed air passages
to the lungs, direct.
Peps medicine takes s the term tat healing
vapor, and cures culds, coughs. beoncbitn
woollens boobies. jeer as lista; is Pint
woods mad keeatkisg Pine -laden air pre -
wee, .reYllmpllo l and (.105 (best weak
new. "r,gbtness across tae (fust. pain be-
tween the shoulders. lucking cough, son
throat, asthma and brunt -hills an the
Ailments which, io particular, Peps Ila„
lees deigned to cure. Pepe will suer.
rod your bad cold.
Testusenlab for Peps have bees given
by members of the Canadian Parliament,
doclan, lawyers, mimeo/ Cs n a d i a r-
musicians; alt gang to pine that Pttr
have bees found a cure for throat enc
chew awhile, often when other
remedies ►ad entirely laded.
Mtge TRIAL -Cot rat 0.•11.-
1 1.1A .all n, 1.:11 I c aa.p t b, ••-
tune Gena.) a Pm Co.. Delos 1 .t.
Tonal.. sed.. .ill 1014 r ■ • n..
Mal s.ca1.. el Pap.. all Imolai.
And ersr. Nil Peps. See b.. se 3 t..
13.25.. Pr tm. au.
M hoer eine"
.eb)Melpe banes
Says tis Primas Moister of Australia-
Anemic to PreteritConettietory in
Tone--Redrese Premised In Cer-
tain Cases -Wind epo-
Great Brltale's preliminary ropey tt
the note from the United States
Government requesting an improve-
ment is the treatment of American
oummerce by the British Rest was
made public on Sunday.
The British commtaakatlon concurs
Ia the view of the United States that
ropier.e between neutral nations
should be interfered wtw only when
tmperattvely necessary, and orchids
el the Washington Gov•ranlest con-
strued It as eonceded that the prin-
eipies expressed by the Auter:caa note
were just and upheld by the previous.
.00.91ed usages oe International
The only formal comment made In
Washington was eootained In a brief
stet meat Issued by Secretary Bryan,
who said
"This answer being preliminary and
not being intended as a complete
repPy. we will postpone coma it until
the full answer Is received."
Briery, the British note, :oldie con
•eding the principles of the Amerloan
Government's contentions. points out
4*Sledties to actual practice, refers
to alleged fraudulent practices by
siktppers and cites statistics showing
an lacrosse rather than a decrease in
o.rtaln neutral commerce to support
01 Great Britain's suspicions that
Germany and Austria have been In-
directly obtaining contraband through
Boutin' countries. The note promises.
however, that "Greet Britain will
wake redress" whenever the action of
the British feet may unintentionally
exceed the limits of international law."
Bir Edward Grey pats his finger on
Ms weak spot of the United States
case when he states that "there are
tont econstgmenta to Seden ati the
presnt timenof copper andwaluminum 1
which, thougb definitely consigned to
Sweden. are, according to positive
evidence In possession of his Majesty's
Government, definitely destined for 1
Defeats e[ Pacific.
London. Dee. SO. -Speaking at the'
civic reception given in his honor at
Auckland, New boohoo', Prime Min-
ister usher of Australia espressed the
conviction that recent experience bad
shown that a nary under local con-
trol was the best. method, and probably
the only practicable method to adopt.
The question of the defence of t be Paci-
fic had now become an urgent neoee.t-
t . Some thou`bt that at the close of
the war it would he the price of peace
for many ) ears,
This was too uncertain a foundal1 n
on whish to build their security, and
the national development of Austra-
lia and New Zealand would be stimu.
Lied if they relied on their own re-
sources by maintaining a naval force
which was a direct part of the Brit,
ish navy, but was under local execu-
tive control. Experience al. wed that
local control was best, and the day
had already come when self-respect
should persuade hoist/aria is and New
Zealand to abandon their policyof re-
liance upon British taxpayers. The two
countries were not richer in financial
resour-es but they were much richer
in productive power and their con-
dition demanded that they Ybould
bear at least their full share in their
own defence and so co-operate in the
maintenance of the Empire.
. jeda Iasght t fir oructsra
at the
kis. Sam
LW. Waimea
Paige! is
Compensation leered For the Fort
' Kele Affair -Participants Arrested
Provincial Police Ofilter Delaney
toad the three soldiers, Kaye, Mac-
Intosh and Kinsman, were arrested at
Bridgeburg on Friday on the charge
et manslaughter for their connection
in the shooting affair in which two
United States citizens. WalterScbmidt
and Charles Dorsch were shot, th•
former being killed.
The incident will be amicably set -
.led between the two nation.. The
Canadian Government authorities,
through the British Ambassador at
Washington. have forwarded the Do-
minion's regrets to the United States
Government and offered to compen-
sate the wounded man and the family
of the dead man. Thie course is taken
es an act of grace. and is not neper
sari'y en admission of liability. it 1s
intimated that the Government's de -
chitin antedates the United States
Government formal note to Great
Britain on Inc subject.
The United States Government sent
a formal note to Great Britain through
Str t ecu) Spring -Rice requesting the
Surely it is no very extravagant punishment of the guilty parties and
opinion that It is tetter to give than asking that adequate compensation be
to receive. -/t. L Stevenson. given the families of the victims.
injuries to ottich children
are spbject. A "little** ire
jury If neglected may lead
*opinions complications.
A small cut or scratch neg.
lected m•y menu blood
poterren wird any- reside he
the tone of groomers -or inroad •
sometimes of • life.
Why t•ke chances?
Apply Zans-Buk ss soon as
injuries or skin diseases
occur. Zorn -Ptak quick ly
kills ell germs. stops the
bleedlit prevents suppur-
ation s blood poison. end
son rut the end off is a
zero- Rok prra the Newton
and gave Ann such reof *Kt
we if Zion- fin would heal ste
wound. •tot °minted using
nothing but en Buk COM
so/ lalsrio•. Reline sobontoore. Ivo
ConfOctine statements as to Cato"
Roman Catholic Dignitary
The German military governnient in
Belgium characterises tse report that
Cardinal Mercier. Archbishop of
Matinee, had been arrested, air abso-
lutely false.
The Cardinal neither has been de-
tained in the Hishop'm Palette at
Matinee, nor placed under police mur-
vetlience of any sort. th• official
statement says. k also is denied that
any priests have been' arrested. Re
ports from Relgien sourer, however.
declare that the Cardinal is under re
etraint, end that many priests have
been murdered. The Cardinal issued
pastoral letter advising the Belgiarus
sot to give their allegiance to their
German overlords
German Authorities Object to Friend-
ly games en Bettissoid
IThe German army authorities have
i issued a general order prohibiting
I haunt troops in the field from frater
1 airing with force, of the enemy, as
they did at several points in the wee -
tern theatre of the war et Christmse.
To such an extent was this traum-
as castled out that et oaf.- plemeo.
maws the tleentanr end -BMW? -pity -
id football Christmas Day, they agreed
to suapend hosUlities for two dare
Stocktaking Sale II
If you want an Overcoat or Suit 11
at a Great Big Bargain NOW is
the Time for you to Buy.
Suits AT 20 to 5o per cent.
Overcoats AT 20 to 50 per cent.
Come early for the best choice. The price re-
ductions on these Goods are bound to sell them.
The Square, Goderrch
Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Stanfeld's Underwear, Fitwell Hats,
Arrow Cuffs
==I )41
Brand Collars and Cu.
Write for Particulars
Registrar. Mar. sac. IDaeehnl r''rincdpal.
Address: —35�-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Goebert Put Out of Action
A despatch from Constentinople
which now files the Turkish flag.
Snick two Russian mines In the neigh-
borbood of the Boephorus and was
letriousty dismayed. She has two big
helm oa her weterdine. anti tt wut
Oahe two or three months to repair
bor. vets tact. the despatch sada
bas been kept secret from the people
it Constantinople.
The Germans are beginning to
emoncenise emmohitina Bosse of
ithrattael shells now woo fired by
the enemy contain broken 'lase
Rev. J. A R. Dickson. Plitt passed
awed in his 000estrotete yew, havt
been fifty years In the ministry.
for thirty -eve pastor of Con
Martin Galt
lit is reported Mat the socoad Oen.
dies southwest will go direetthig
sad templet* halals.
of at Saliallory.
Relieve Your Mind
of the win --
rim in I
dental to appointing an individuai tra-tec of 3 -our estate s.
Will he live to fulfil the trust? Will he fall ill or he :away
when most wanted? Will he neglect his trunt for his own attaii4^
Will he prove unfaithful?
Thec are all possibilities. But you may leave them cot
consideration in entrusting the adrnini•tration of your egintr.
this strong, rodservative Company.
Call or write for all Information desired.
SIR CEO, GIREONS, EC , President JOHN S. MOORE. Masiaser
• the Vole
Bargains Bargains
See the Bargains in our big 'Window, which will
last one week only. Everything must he cleared
out and prkes have- been marked down so low
that the goods will sell fast. Space will not
permit us to enumerate all the values, but we
give here a few leaders. Don't forget there are
- assay other bargains -;-
Carving Sets
All of the best quality. teduced Iron"
125 to 2.25 4.50 to 3.25
tild 1.:5 800 to 6.d5
$si 00 to pi so
A few choice Parlor Oil Lamps
Iteduced from
$d 75 to Vial
Klial to K2.2.3
Thermos Bottles
nni 31 no to 70c
Safety Razor*
All gre•tis reduced; prices ranging from $1.1") to Old di
Only one set left of 113. celebrated Keen Kulter Silver Knivee
and Forks. tiarantera for 20 yearn. Redured from $7.50 to $5.110.
1847 Roger* Brom Eiders and Forks fully warranted.
NTT; CallPs Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons Felling at WI id, re-
duced to $4.50.
Skates Ground and Buffed. tiatioheetios °misstate.