HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-1-14, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GflDERICI1 : ONTAhIO
Tent aerDAT. JANOaa7 14,194 O
Free! Free!
W kb rivers s nit of iNOa.
ido�'s Oven/Is we w i I I
Wove a pair of heavy
Police Restos.
r �
Men's, Young , an .
Bos' Clothing and Furnishings
Free! Free!
With every purchase of
$3 or over we will live a
Safety Razor or a Tango
Tie, free.
at absolutely lower prices than you have to pay for the same goods in I
any other clothing store in Goderich.
We don't care where you go or what bargains you get elsewhere, we know we can give you more
for your money. In the first -place we always sell our goods at a lower price than any other store.
In the second place our expenses are less, and next, our rule is not to carry our stock from year to
year but to give our customers the benefit of low prices and clear the store for Spring Goods.
ReAd, Read, prices are wrecked in every line. Bear in mind there are hundreds
of other articles which space will not allow to list. Come and see for yourself.
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats
In the shawl collar, the ever popular convertible. pleated
back, double breasted. Five times the assortment;shown an> -
where else and every garment is unmatchable in quality and
Overcoat regular 18.50, Sale Price. 16.45
7 45
" 14.00, •'
" 16.60, "
" reg. 118 to 22.00, "
FUR COLLAR OVERCOATS at hot weather prices.
Regular 115.00, Sale Price.. ..... 19.45
18.00, " 12.45
Good black, regular 125.00 114.45
Men's Tweed, Fancy Worsted and
- Blue Serge Suits
Suits of quality, style and distinction, peculiar to this
store. Every one tailor-made, which signifies the best.
Men's Suits,iregular 17.50, Sale Price1 4.45
8.50, " 5.46
" 10.00, " - " 6.45
12.00, " 7.45
15.00, •' 9.45
18,50, " 11.45
22 (10, 14.45
Men's Trousers
What man doesn't appreciate a pair of Trousers prop-
perly cut, Trousers that fit and hang exactly, right? Our
stock is large, hence these reductions.
Trouser, r gular 11.25, Sale Pricae..•....r:..a -56. - -
,, . 1.50, .' 4 _., 1.25
" 1.75, " " .. • 1.65
2.25, 1.59
2.75, '' .. 1.95
. 3.30, " 2.66
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
reduced in the same proportions as men's, 11.95, 12.45,
$2.75. 13.25 and 13.50. Regular values c.00 to 17.50.
Men's Hats
Derby, regular 12.50, Sale Price . 11.50
,. 2.00, .. 1.2.5
Men's Felt, latest styles
Regular 12.50, Sale Price 1.50
•• 2.00. •' " 1.25
Special lines to clear, Felt Hats, 45c and 75c
Men's Pea Jackets
Regular 17.50, Sale Price
Boots and Shoes
Men's high-grade Shoes
Button or lace, regular $5.00, Sale Price 13.65
4.50, „ 3.25
Men's Working Shoes, regular $4.10
Sale Price 2.75
" 13.50
Sale Price 2.44)
Men's Everyday Shoes, regular $3.50
Sale Feld'"' .2.25
lien's Overshoes and &tubber.
Mens two buckle Overshoes, Sale Price.. 11.85
Men's Overshoes, cloth top, regular 11.50
Sak Price 1.15
Sale Price 96
Rubbers to clear at ... ... 75
Men's Laced -top Rubber
Men's leather top. snag proof, rubber boot with solid rub-
ber heel, rooted edge soles and leather laces, 17 inches from
bottom of heel. Sizes 6 to 12. Sale Price $3.25
Men's Rubbers, top lacer, 6 to 10 inches high. Sizes
8 to 10. Prices 12.00 and up.
Midwinter Sale in Men's and Boys' Furnish-
ings and Underwear
Men's ribbed fleece -lined Shirts or Drawers. regular
Sale Price 33c
Men's fleece -lined Shirts or Drawers, regular hoc, Sale
Price 43c
Men's wool fleece -lined Shirts or Drawers, regular 75c,
Sale Price 49c
Boys' fleece -lined Shirts or Drawers, Sale Price 29c
' • •' " Combination, all sizes, Sale Price 75c
" light weight Underwear, special Sale Price... 19c
Penman's Shirts and Drawers, regular 11.00, Sale
Price 65c
Tiger Brand, heavy wool Shirts or Drawers, regular
11.25, Sale Price 89c
Heavy wool elastic ribbed
11.50, Sale Price 11.110
Men's Fine Shirts
Hundreds of new styles, new colors. new patterns and
new material at greatly reduced prices for immediate clear-
ance. Regular value 75c, 11.00, 11.25, 11.50, Sale Price 45e,
65c, 89c and 11.00
Shirts or Drawers, regular
Men's Mose
Black cashmere, regular 25c, Sale Price
Heavy grey wool, '• 25c, •'
Ribbed Socks -to clear ...
Men's and Boys' Sweaters
and SWEATER COATS at reduced prices:
lien's Ties
New styles, regular 25c and 35c, te. clear........ 19c
Men's hook -on Ties .15c
Men's how Ties .............. 2 for 25c
Handkerchi s -
Fancy bordered, hemstitched, regular 10c, to clear.... 5c
Men's Handkerchiefs, regular 2 for S5c, to clear 9c
Men's Winter Caps
All shades, regular 75c, Sale Price ...... .
Neck Scarfs -
Regular 25c and 35c, to clear......,......... . 15c -
Men's fancy Neck Scarfs up to 45c
Men's heavy Police Brace., regular 2.5c and 33c 19c
Light Braces, fancy ctllors, " 25c and 35c 19c
!'fen's Arm Bands
Regular 25c and 35c, to clear .... . 19c
Hen's Working Shirts
Regular 11.00, Sale Price s.5c
85c.di ....... 69c
75c, " " 59c
63c, ' " 49c -
50c 40c
Mien's Mitts and Uioves
- �laglagidliitts,,scgular 6.5cale. Price.. 45C ._.-..:..
iific stn..
"11.25, ,.
Men's lined Gloves, regular 65c,
• $1. • 85c,
Men's Canvas Gloves to clear
Sale Price...
111 ..
Black and white striped with elastic back.
hest makes.
Bull Dog and Big B Brand, regular $1.25, Sale Price
A11I sizes,
Overalls without bibs, also Smocks, same price.
Sizes 32 to 37, to clear 45c
BOYS' BLOOMERS and KNICKERS to clear, 35c
Remember the DAY, PI,ACE, and TIME of SALE. Remember these are only a kw of the bargains that ale being put forth
at this great sale, Lek of spate prevents farther mention. Our double guarantee insures your complete satisfaction. If for any
reason any purchase fails to please, bring it hack at once and we will instantly refund your money or cheerfully exchange the goods.
LOpen evenings to 8.30 M. ROBINS South Side of Square
-_ 1111111111111111119 81111111111111111/11111MIMDMIIIIIIIMINIIIII11111111111110-_ -1.
A. O. U. W. OMoses.
At the usestlog of Maple Leaf Lodge,
No. '3f. A. 0. IJ. W.. on Monday evee-
io`` the following officers were in -
, WW1 b J. M. Oovenlook, D.D.O.M.,
of Winthrop : P. M. W., H. Monis ;
M. W., Wm. Oood : foreman, .1.
Sturdy ; overseer, W. Blake ; recorder,
O. Woods ; financier, W. R. Robert-
son ; tzeawrer, E. 1t. Watson ; guide,
T. Hawkins; 1. W., W. Vroowan;
0. W., D. McMuroh), rerwse4tative
to Orand Lodge, O. W ; alternate
representative, W. Oood ; trustee,
H. J. Morris.
A Treat for the Boys.
•fhrough the courtesy of Mr. Joseph
Kidd, who is always a true friend of
the boys, the U, P. R. has allowed the
use of a buodrad of their stereopticon
slides for the Boy Scouts and Cubs of
Ooderich on Friday evening. These
slides are beautifully descriptive of
Moeda and will he a great treat for
the boys. All the Scouts and Cube of
tiodei ich and their chums ars cordially
invited to come and see these views in
the lecture room of Knox church at
7 o'clock this Friday evening. Ab-
solutely tree. Mr. John Galt will ex-
plain the views.
For the Boys at Salisbury.
The ladies of the Red Cross Society
sent Christmas rmrelnbrauoes to the
Oodericb noys at Salisbury Plain, and
that their kindly thought w•,, appre-
ciated ie shown by the receipt of the
following note sent to Mrs 0. Mc-
Dunald, president of the Society :
Dec. 24, 1914.
Just a few words to than you for
your tho•ttgghtful parcel and wish you
and your Mociety the greatest success
In the coming year.
Yours gratefully,
Mr. Inkster. who enlisted at Winni-
peg, le a son of Capt. Jas Inkster, of
A Musical Event.
The concert to he given by the
Stewart Orchestra at the Lyric
Theatre on Tuesday evening, Janu-
ary 31 promisee to he a firstrste
event. Among the talent announced
to take part are Miss Mildred McColl,
of Toronto, a former Ooderich favor-
ite who has been winning laurels in
the Queen City ; Mr. A. C. Fisher,
solo handbell -ringer, of Hamilton ;
Mr. James F. Thowsoo. the popular
local vocalist, and Mr. Ben. Witmer,
of town, who does some clever work
as a comedian. The orchestra itself
will put on a program of high-class
music. Admission 23c. ; reserved
.eats, 36c. Plan at Thomson's music
store Wednesday, January At
Married at Detroit.
Mini Hazel Agnes Meteor, younger
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Meteor,
of Warren street, Ooderich, was mar-
ried at Detroit on Thursday Decem-
ber 24th, to Mr. Everett MacQueen,
formerly of Mount Forest.. Ont. The
ceremony, which was held at 23 H igh-
land ■venue, the residence of the
groom's uncle, was conducted by Rev.
J. D. MacDonald, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church. The bride, who
is well known in Ooderich, having
lived with, her parents here until a
year ago, has become quite popular
during her brief residence in Detroit.
An account of her marriage, accom-
panied hy a photograph of herself,
appe.ired in The Detroit Free Press of
December 29th. Mr. MacQueen is an
accountant in a large manufactory in
Q. T R. Timetable.
The Grand Trunk Railway is issu-
ing a new timetable to take effect on
the lith inst. There is no change,
however, affecting Goderich except
that. the 4.5t; p. m. train leaving here
will have no Toronto connection but
will run to London via Stratford,
with connections to Detroit, ,Chicago,
Chatham, Sarnia, etc. While the Tor-
onto connection hy this train was a
great accommodation, there will be
no complaint asto the change, as the
arrangement is probably the beet
that could he made. Godeticb is
faring better than a good many of
the outlying points of the 0. T. R.
system in Ontario and will still have
a good connection with Toronto.
At the same time, what is of great
importance is that the local trade he-
tweeo Goderich and Stratford will 2101
be well served by the 4 30p. m. train.
"A Jealous Wife.
This will be one cat the attractions
presented eluting the engagement
here of The Boyer -Vincent Sock
Company, who play at the Victoria
Opera House Thursday, Friday and
Saturdsy of next week, opening with
the beautiful foun•act comedy drama
'The Whirlpool' fur tho first titer
at popular prices. This cowpony is
repot 1 • d by both press and public to
be the best repertoire show tooting
Ontario in years, carting all special
scenery and effects for each and
evety attraction. which will ha
presented complete in every detail.
Several high-class specialties ere
presented between acts that are both
,Iran and wholee.roe and alone writ th
more than the price of admin•inn.
01115 iclila 'fee 'Weft* fee a rest
show. Prices 15e, :rSe, 4c. Pian
open at Edwards' Monday.
Public library.
Thr public library board met on
Maturiay evening last for'regular bnsi-
nese. There were only three ab-
w enteee, Meseta. Killoran, Elliott and
the Mayor. The acoounts ordered
pa d were : Water and light commis.
bion, twelve watt (amps, 14.90; Geo.
Porte], magazines and papers for 1913,
II1a►;, the librarian, sundii.. for
library, 97. J3; and the sectetar ,
salary and expenses, $13.22. The li-
brarian reparted receipts during De -
somber of $4.39 and an nesse of 796
books and magazine.. The small issue
of hook's during the month ift ac-
counted for by the closing of the book
exchange on account of the epidemic
of measle. The desire of the ladies
• f the Women's institute for the use
,d the room in the hesement as a place
of meeting teethed full dlsrossion
yle immediate actin was taken, but
the matter was left open till the nett
meeting of the hoard.
Mr .1 8 Hunter's Visit.
Mr. J. B. Heater, formerly organ
Jot and oltnlrtsaster of Knnx ehyr•I-
now of Hemilton, we. In 4,
Rundav and it -sitter'
B A \II&
WIS Cask In the Rant
Ton Can lay N
You know how everything
costa more when you have to
buy on credit Why not
practice self -dental a while If necessary. open a Savings Account
In the Union Bank of Canada, and, with the money In hand.
buy at Cash prices? The discounts will help to swell your bank
balance. and you will have made a good start towards HAtlpclal
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Malinger.
for Automobile, Motorcycle, Gasoline Engine and
Bicycle Repairs by fully qualified mechanics.
Skates sharpened, 15 cents
I have a number of corded good Hard Wood
for sale, also a quantity of Ward Wood.
('bone or. call for prices., delivered' at your
Stewart Orchestra
of twelve mean .crit is open for
engagement for concert, social or
festival' event,. Good music.
Whole program furnished if
desired. (3E". STE:WART,
Manager, Godt rich.
service at Knox church in the even-
ing. The members of the congrega-
tion were much pleased to see Mr.
Hunter again in his old place, and after
the service he received many warm
greetings. Mr. Hunter has evidently
been doing good work at Hamilton,.
judging from the comments of the
newspapers there. in the report of
a concert given recently by his choir
in St. Jchn Presh}terirn church is
the following comment : "Mr. Hun-
ter has been in Hamilton but a short
time, and during bis tenure of office
as choirmaster and orsaniat of St.
John church be has buil: up a splen-
did choir, the nlusi"sl features of the
cbur_h te•ing second to none other."
Lord's Day Alliance.
A meeting in the interests of the
Lord's D.ty Alllanre :va, held in Knox
church on Monday evening Fast. Mr.
G. M. Elliott, the president of the
local branch, presided during the
meeting and was ag on elected presid-
ent for the ensuing year. Rev. James
Hamilton was elected .ecretary. R.ev.
D. W Snyder; general ,.ecretatl• of
the Alliance, gave the address of the
evening. in which h. point d out the
necessity fin the Alliance's .activities
and drew attention. to the way the
t'oitad States was endeavoring Lo
overtake the diare.pect of Sabbath
laws in that country. The Law their
was good, but it hail rot keen en-
forced. and the American Monday
newspaper had hecunie the great men-
ace to Sabbath and home life. In On.
tario the publishing and .pie of news-
papers on the Sabbath wit. ptohihited.
Through its activities the Alliance had
been enabled to place upon the statute'
hooka the hest Iota', iia) Act in the
world. Mr. Snyder also answered a
number of objections which were
often raise 1, charging the Alliance
with interfering with personal liberty
In securing the prohibition odtheay. rale
of cigars. cigarettes. postage Stamp,
etc., flow drug stores ou mut
said these thing• phould he )noted
upon in the light of protecting all
trade Iron' Sabbath desecration. He
also touched upon the te•trirtinns
placed upon large eorpora'iorw to
compel theist to give their employees
the opportunity of Sabbath obaety.
,)fteti naso. so much. It h.- mew,'
.nerve 10 tho..aod4 of young lKepic
who wtr.te fOr our catalogue ae t hr
ll r• t +rep towards good eat,rled po- it ,o...
Tyke the .tep today. .tddre.•r-I `eo,ral
Bu-ine-•,.ullegs.:M'. Yon--'itrert Tcr
W. H '-HAW. Ptv-Ideut.
Without Apparatus, Inhalers,
Salves, Lotions, Harmful
.Drugs, Smoke or .
Beals Day ' and Night
11 is a new way., It is something
Absolutely ..different. No lotions,
sprays or .sickly smelling salve« oz
creams. Nu atomizer, or any appar-
atus of any k'nd. Nothing to smoke
or inhale. No .t 'awing 01 rubbing er
injection.. No electricity or vibration
or. uraseage. No powder ; no plaster
no keening in the house. Nothing of
tIat kind at a11. Something new sad
Sterling Bank Buys Debentures.
The Sterling Bank of Canada h
p'rchsard for immediate delivery
$135,000 worth 1,1 the town of Wel-
land twrn'y-year debentures, the de-
bentures hearing Si per cant. interest
payable half -yearly.
T III aanAv. Jim 14.
Wheatper ha.h 0 1.1' to $ 1.1-i
/tat• per Muth .40 to .10
NaA.y, per Mn.h .. ...... .00 to .Itt
P sr, per Mn.h.. .. 1.0 1. 140
IMekwheat peM,i
r haw*. �... .e/ to .70
Floor. famtiy. p•r cwt a!3 le 9S
Floor. patent, per met C'S to Yflai i
Bran, per ave.. lune to .4)
Mitette, per ton Sell to *40 1
Hay, per ton . , - 1641 to MIR
Ptraw. Iona., ser tiR ..... SOI t0 l
Wand. pee keepery ....
Halter. perle ..... ti to .
Rae.. tr... e ass ..... .M to .
rotator. per boob el ie.
ANewt, per bbl . .r1 1.
I. aft», butchers', real et ptot 7.ba ) to l.s
oats. hoteliers'. furdl ." i.40 to -
How. neepee cwt t., .. , 7.40 to i 1
.bs,ws Iteiirut$.r,f•141•t•., t.4 a 77..1
tg, sy.l) .sanlills,.4 • • • - ,X to •
''AV ",,t " it
.is to .
!newt.« s
...,7' gill•
Macao • 4 Mat ,D
'1 0ft-tent. sonar bit g delightful and
healthful, sour. thing instantly euro;ese-
ful. ': ou do rut hare t'' wait, and
linnet and pe but a lot of m•:ne
Yuuc iu C a its s, pI 4pd" Ll
gladly tell ycu how --FREE. 1 stn
not a dc -tor and this is no: a so-:alied
Jnctot'r preseription-hut 1 am cored
and my friends are cured, sad yon can
he cured. Your sulferlug will stop at
' once like magic.
i IN Free --Yu Cu Be Free
My catarrh was filthy nod loatk.o
oe. It
mate me 111. At dulled my mind. It 1111411.
rala.d ra keNtS and ver weakw my 11111.
The hawking roughing. +pith g m ob.
nocioee m
to .11. and y foal htbaf an '..t -
Ing habit. mode even myloved•.ge• 4vole m.
..eerily. .11y delight ItIhhl wall dolled sad tar
famine. Ipipairt (thew list It, tf u
wnuld'brfvrW�t me tO an tint) to frees to
e.ar� tnnitles.
.lowly yet rnn1Y sapping nit v:t. ty.
Kot 1 found cu.tad 1 7 o
.tend no menet/ )oat yemrwarns and add
on a rector) n.rd. flay •'11e.r 'tam Ka
Plena tell bashown red pry r4t..rrh
haw 1 ran cnre rathw' That g' 111 fon
sky, 1 will under.tAe4 •ad 1wino to
with enniplerle
♦ 4armsirit:'TIR{i:B, at
Ib not dela, •t.•nA pn-MI r4rel or write 4
anal yml�l..ietfYAh11 NIF 7A17VbMlrrenl
a.ent that can do for you what It ba+ lone
,S�A]M I AT2, Ram') o264e
1411 Mufuei St. `acrosin, 0