HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-1-14, Page 4• wtwHawAY, JAECAAIT ll, tale
F. W. Robinson. A.R.C.O.
Naeolsrte, Oreo as/ 31Egisg
Rues ever Thes.eilh's Aask furs
c -
That will weir t
� a
mirrors .1 "1d
T UaanaY, Jan. lath.
horses. -The Mimes Florence and
Alda McDonald, who have been visit-
ing their mother, returned to Detroit
oo Wednesday John Sterile.,
wife and child, of Port Stanley, arts
visiting lo the neighborhood
Wesley Vaoderburgh wean a broad
smile; a little baby girl arrived at his
home on 8undey.
TOgeuAT, Jao. 12uh.
Haws Nutue.-Mles Beata, of Whoa
hese, visited her Mks lan
Thompson this weak logbook hi-
ahan. Jr, returned the est
last week and le visiting at bis hones
ben Miss Hagar A'agestttN Sad
the Masers. Masher. (risked tries& in
this vicinity this week . .Mia
Lie We1sb. of Owen Mound. le visit-
ing at W. McAllistur's ibis week .. .
Ed. Robinson returned from the West
last week looking hafe and hearty.
of the Dung•►onnts branch of the
Women's I nal i to t e, deed ri n,r tt do their
share in relieving the diatoms in
Belgium, have made erraogetnente
for bolding a patriotic concert in the
Agriculture Hall, Dungaonnto, on
Friday evening, Jwuary at 8
o'clock. The program will consist of
instrumental and vocal music by the
lite Blackstnne Orchestra of Ooderich and
3 • J. H. McClinton Freading* by loyal ttlent. Brief greet-'
Ings will also he given by the local
its ministers and Rev' H. Willies of Nile.
• All should attend this event and help
to swell the fund. A9mission, 25c
❑ tl!fl!T'1!TTT.. M red 15e.
MacEwan Estate
exclusive agents for
for Gewlerich and District
Egg Coal, $7.75
Stove and Chestnut,
T8, o0
per ton
Any quantity best all Maple
Slab., Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
residgeoa its or 68
Clinton School of
Re -opens January 5th, 1915
Canada and Canadians will have
their Big Opportunity commercial-
ly at the chose of the present war.
Prepare yourself to grasp this Op-
portunity and with it your sumer..
Courses: --Stenographic, Commer-
cial, Civil Service and Farmer'..
To those who are unahle to become
regular attendants lessons will be
given by correspondence.
Classes in any course or subject,
Tuesday and Thursday,
7:20 to 9:30
Constipation --
tie Wm of sM sit
is not to be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For • penile.
but sun laxative. tee
Cb.a.Mrlal.'. 8t wnarh
.ad Liver T.Mets. Thar
.mr up tbe bot r. new tis
serves and freshen the
prrmsrh and bowel. Just
Mess Iatwnal bath.
Woman't best friend.
leiem drlkood t..id sa.,
thew} TM. red health re-
sttreng at.. a wwtdanns�
ruid.to an artlr.hver and
a clean. ►aah)r, ,mural
•tem.rh• aka a
('hamper Ww'. 8t..... -h
Tablet at sight and the
east ataweh and ter•
weentstt.a, and the
he.d,.h.. have .II
reene hr mends..
Ab Arugeiata• Efe.
er M nasal ham
tka•hsrrr ssai
this...,. reuse 17
0s? ewe ter:ewers, bedding aad x
.lm ar.t.l vanes .( use regia.
Wert Inatreelmre produce the veer
Wet raw.
Oaisterss hes
0. A. Ft metes, F C. A.. Pt incipal
U. D. narrow /secretary
'I'LINDAY, Jan. 12.
Nzwe Ntrrr.s.-We offer our hearty
congratulation. to Mr. mad Mrs. Colin
MacGregor .. Baby Coilin.on, tvho
had the mi.forune to get burned by
falling on the stove one day last week,
is doing nicely Mr. Alex. Ding-
wall, of Blyth, has returned home
after .pending a few weeks visiting in
the neighborhood Mr. and Mr..
A. Beckett paid a visit to Godericb on
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch
MscKav, of Hemlock City. were visit -
int in Kintail last week Mr. Mac -
Keith had the misfortune to get a
laity fall, while playiug hockey tan
the Johnston rink .. .. Mr. John
Cameron has been:appointed town-
.hireassessor for 1915.
Tt1leeDAl, Jan. 1S.
Revival services are being conducted
by R -v. H. Roppel in the Evangelical
church, useirted by Mrs. Rapped
Come one, come MI, and help to work
for Christ.
WORKMEN ELK•CT Or scant. -At
1 he last meeting of the A. 0. U. W.,
lodge No. 347. the following officers
were elected : M. W., R. Moore : fore-
man, W. Million ; reconler, P. Maedel;
financier, C. Vanetnne ; lreaauter, W.
$traughen; overseer, H. 8. Fisher;
guide. W. Ulydhill ; T. W., R Jewell.:
0. W., C. W. Mill' ; P. M. W., T.
Ginn ; delegate, 1V. Straughan ; ex-
amining physician, Dr. Hunter.
siding dicier, Rev. S. R. Knechtel,
preached in tbe Evangel sal church
Imo Sunday, both morning and even-
ing. Sacrament was administered in
the morning. His subject for the
evening was 'Two Open Doors."
which was a very helpful discourse
and ably given The attendance was
good at both service.. Revival meet-
ing. are now in pongees.. The elder
alio preached it special evangelistic
sermon on Monday evening hewed on
Christian perfect i•nr. He left again
on Tuesday, but the special meetings
will continue for two weeks. Mrs.
(Rev :l Roppel, who has formerly been
an evangelist in the Methodist cbnr-b,
will also take part in the services.
r pastor, Rev. H. Hoppe!, invites
to attend and enjoy the services.
WguNEiDAT, Jan. la.
Mr. John Colwell, of Kincardine, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. William
Sterling, of the village.
A meeting of the Pat ',sic society
of hayfield and vicinity will be held in
the town hell on Thut•aday. January
21. et4p.m.
THE Now CotNCIL. The council
met on Monday In the town hall at 11
a. m. Members present -James
Thom'ion, Reeve, and Councillors E.
Merrier. C. Parker, G. Weston and E.
Ward. The statutory declaration of
office wan subscribed to by the mem-
bers, after which the following officers
were appointed : H. W. Erwin, elerk ;
J. A. Falconer 'and A. K. Erwin,
Iauditore. The clerk was instructed to
post up notices for applications for
the rent of the officers for 1915. after
which the council adjout tied t meet
Monday, February 1st, at 7.30.
%Vermo to r, Jan. 8th.
Semen. Megrims -At the annual
school meeting cf the ratepatels of
the weetion, which took place last
week, theorem Fulford was chose as
tees mew trustee. A. A. WWiame,
who has held the position of secretary
and trvaauter for the last elebteen
re, resigned his office in favor of
Horton, one of the preeent
trustee.. W. Jewell 1. appointed care-
taker for the ensuing year.
T1fs RtacriO es. --Again the mattl-
cipal elections are over and tbe Irt'le
.past, The same council is in with one
exception : Mr. Hugh H111 takes the
pplate of Mr. James Chisholm. While
Mr. Hill is a clever and able young
man. and no dnuht well acted for a
place at Lbe soared table. ww are
sorry to know that our friend and
neighbor, Mr. Chisholm, has been left
out the year, as he bas proved bio -
welt an able and level -beaded man in
hie past terms of nfflce. We will bop.
to Dee him reinstated next year. We
need one councillor in this end of the
MONDAY, January 1).
Mr Morgan Dalton has returned
home from London, where he spent
the put month.
Mr. Junes Sennett paid a hoariness
trip to Goderich last week.
Mrs. Rdward Foley and Mrs. Maga*
Dalton were In Londoo last week .t•
Scene front -THE WHIRteo )t.," which will be presented at Victoria Opera
House, Thursday, January 21st, when THE 1lov*a-VINCENT STOLE COMPANY
open a three -night engagement here. Prices, 15c, 25c and 35c. Seats at Edwards'.
tending the funeral of Mrs. Denis Sul-
Harvester has again visited u.. end re
moved from our midst one of the
oldest and utast highly respected in-
habitants, in the person of Mrs. Daniel
Dii.een, whore death occurred ou Sat-
urday of last week. Mrs. Dineen was
eighty-six yew. of age and was pre-
deceased - I y her husband by three
years. She 1e..'e•. to mourn her low
four eons et d two daughters : Mrs.
Thos. Jaye, Catharine. Joseph, at
whose home I.er death took place, and
Michael, our local stege -diver, all of
Ashfield, also John an l Patrick, of
Michigan. The eynip•ithy of the com-
munity is extended to the bereaveJ
\VEDNEoI,.tY, JAR. 13.b.
Knox church wid observe its asni-
v.rsaty nrzt Sunday, whets interest-
ing .ri vices will he held at 10:11 A.M.
and 7 p. W. • A former p pulse t•:►+tor,
Rey. J. L. Small, of Ife.p.-Ire, will oc-
cupy tb' pulpit. The char of the
c:o.rch will he assisted in the u141sicaI
portion of the service. by Mrs. Small.
The R •d islro.. Circle 0'petite a 1
those who have v ik out, such at
kuitting or sewing, to bring same to
Mrs. Munro's or to Mr. %V.'1.. Riddtli'.
on or before Jarrow yZirti. The good.
will be on exhibit fou in the Foresters'
Hill on the efternonn of January 27th,
when refreshments will be served.
Att admi.oiou tea of 10 cents will be
charged to assist in the wr rk.
DON'T FoRurr THIS. -'l he populist
etent of the .sown -the annual tea
cud concert of Knoz church, Auburn
-takes place next Monday eveolog.
Tea wilt be served in the basement
from 5,30 to 8 o'clock, after which a
literary and musical p. ode aro will hoe
given by Nies Mildred tValker, elo
cutioni.t, of Toronto: Mrs. J. L.
Swell, vocalist of Hesp.•lt r, and the
Lobb gmertette, of Holu.esville. In
additiou there will be sh•trt addressee
by Rev. %V. Conway, of Auburn, Rev.
J L. Small, of Heeprler, and Rev. J.
0. Reid, of'Londeeboru'. Adn.iaion
to lea and concert, 50c; children tin-
der twelve, 25c.
'fvgsDAY, January 12
WKuutxo. -A very pretty Lome wed -
chug took place at the restdeoce of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Potter oo Thursday after-
noon, when their second daughter.
Belle, was united in the holy boods of
matrimony to MaltJ•od Bell, a pros -
porous young hewer of East Wawa -
nosh, by Rye. T. 11. Fair. After the
ceremony tbe guests repaired to the
dining -room, where a dainty repast
was prepared for them. The happy
couple received some beautiful pew..
entr, amongst them being a handeome
pearl necklace. In the evening a re-
ception was held for tbe hsp/.y couple.
at which dancing and games were en-
joyed by the large number of guest..,
atter which they drove to their
beautiful farm carrying with them
the best wishes of the whole com-
present outlook the coolest in Norte
Huron, for the seat in the Federal Parl-
iament, promit.es to be a warm one.
This will be the third electoral wettest
between Messrs. Hislop and Bowman,
and at present they stand even, each
having a victory to his credit Of
course we are assuraiunfit that Mr.
.1. Bowman wilt be the Oonwrv*-ivr-
erdedwee agahr,-bitr tCaevm slilintost
foregone conclusion that he will be
the man ; in fart, both be and the Lib-
eral candld•tt , Mr. A. Hilltop, were in
Blyth reosotly and both seemed fair)
sure of election. As then Is no tai
of an aertlon at present. however, it Is
ton early for either M them to say
who is to he the victor. W. under-
stand the Comet vatives will hold
their eenyemtloo at Wingbam about
tis middle oe Fetamoty.
the numbers wto are enjoying tee,
Mating oe the open-air rink, we eau -
sot understand why sotne enterprising
person rices not build n
Ink be. We
are sure it would pay, *great nosey
would alio go in for c ling .... Sat-
urday afternoon a very exciting game
of hockey was played ou t to • rink Mn
between Walton and Blyth. The
visitor were the victors by the more
Of 2.1 .... There were quite • number
ie town on January 5th, the day of
tis Rest of our monthly fain. A num-
ber of buyers were on handl batt ext
seeomst of the low prove o*ered foe
OR Masiness noised b. done..,,.,
A number of the ytsussg people of
town are taking up the Inytgormtlig
sport of snowrhoeing and .sera tt he
having a most enjoyable time The
council met on Moudey ut this week
wool the member. were .worn• iota
office. They then adjourned until the
Mho toots The following officers
were app•inte. for the year: Aw-asor,
D. Cowan; au stone, M. A. Taylor
and D. D. Crittend.n lire. Alex
Elder receited the tied new• on Men -
day that her brother ba 1 pored away
at the hose' al In Toronto. He had
been as Invalid for some time and
spent pert of the •uttmer wi h his sis-
ter here, but on Account of getting
wor.e hr went to the hoepi:.t recently
where be passed away. Mr. Elder
left on Mooday efterntwlu for Tor into
to arrange fol the funeral. Mrs. alder
was unable to go on a' count .t not
'mein" r •covered from the fall • he had
recently when she sp rafted her
ankle Mks. Verne Bennett, who
is at present visiting with ber went.
bete, la•.:atad the Preeby t reins) elude
on 8undev evening by air ging a
sola ....g, tt'',t n d S no.hipped
a car of cattle ant T•tr mto on Satur-
day Mr. E. Stitt ft r, of Heosall,
i• visiting friend., est town Mr.
and Mee. McCaughey have iuvitalions
out for an •1 home on Friday night.,
when it is expected there will be a
large attendance, tie thane are over
one hundred irritation= Mee.rs.
Mason & Haines are doing is large
buslness in the manufacture of their
fames Wiltshire Orls and they ate
disposing of large gnantitles of the
mine. 'Thorpe who '.ave used it claim
that it it all that any person could
desire . ....Min Wsish, nue of the
teachers at the public echo I, took
sick while spending the holidays at
her borne at Elora and as unable to
resume ber duties until Thursday. In
consequence ber pupil. bad • few days
looger vacation than they ezpected....
Although' a greet manypeople keep
talking bard time• in tis locality in
tome respects their buying powers do
not carry out this idea. In one in-
stance anyway -Mr. Hermann. sales-
man for the Manning piano, has been
in this locality for the post couple of
months and in that time. has deposed
of ',bout twenty -flue pianos Mr.
A. B. Carr left Inst we- k for Manitoba
for the putp tee of bringing back the
remains of his sister -in law, who had
paa•ea away t te. The remains will
be interred at Auburn cemetery.
The�Farmers' Club will meet in the
Orange Hall on Wednesday, January
blab, for the purpose of organizttlon,
election of efticcrs sod other business.
-Mr.. I1. J. Horton, of Steelton, is
vi-iting in town.
-Mus Martha Edwards has gone 0]
an extended visit to Chicago.
-Miss Lily Payne, of Brussel', was
visiting friend. in town this wee,
-Mies Jessie Ford returned to Tor,-
oronto on MondZy to resowe her studies.
-Mite Alberta Yates, of Chicago, is
visiting at the boatel of her father, Mr.
Jae. Yates.
- Mies Elsie Farquhar. of Clinton,
has leen v siting her cousins, the
Mnoes Goldthorpe.
-Er ter Advocate : Mr. and Mrs
Harvie, of (iodise Lib, spent New Year'.
with Mr. Bert Clark.
- Mets. P. McFarlane and Miss Edna
Heft Wdey tor Lis Angeles, (:ti., where
they will spend the winter.
-Bru..ela Poet : Miss Gertrude
U(e J1i,rra(Q, of Qgderieb. w TldtingA e
cousin, Miss Viola McC,acken.
-Mr. W. A. Taylor, irons Chatham.
1. the new ticket clerk at the C. P. R.
station, succeeding Mr. Cootie.
-Dr. W. F. (nark, V. 8., is away
for a short tiro. on Farmers' institute
work in the eastern part of the Prov -
-Mr. and Mre. Patrick Finn, Brock
street, .pent tea New Year season in
Detren(, visiting tb fir four sons who
reside there.
- Listowel Banner: lifr. Karl Illi
Ikon, teacher, ham returned to Moles-
worth, after .pending his holidays at
bis borne in Goderic*.
- Rev. J K. Pairfull, of Olint'tn,
was ♦ visitor in Lown oo Wednesday
snd while here was the guest of Rev.
W. Y. W rigbtoe.
l�'G �lE1Ts�
There Is Some Unseen Magic in
the Words "SPECIAL SALE"
IF you come here we will explain why we use the term, by if -
tering you seasonable goods at 1REDUCED PRICES. Our -
great reduct4 ns give a largely Increased power to your dollar.
FURS One Persists Muff. $14.50, for 10
Oise Persian Stole, 115 00, for $10
One Marmot Muff. SS 50, for Ss
One Marmot Stole, 510 00, for $S.75
One Menet Stole, $8 50, for 114
One Siberian Wolf Muff. $30.00, for $20
One Black Coney Muff. $8.50, for.00
One Paw Persian Stole. $3.50, for 2.BO
Teo Black Casey Stoles, $3 60, for 652.00
One Black Coney Stole, $8.50, for :s
This week we
put into stock •
60 pair bargain lot to sell at Sao. They are real
bargains, too. Cloth, style and finish quite a lual
to some that sell tor • good deal more money.
COATINGS A few short lengths but
enough in each to make a
coat. 12.75 for `1.00. 52 Ito for 111.20, SI 75
for 31.20. Good colon and fashionable weaves..
DRESS GOODS ✓5 ar11 lacpieces°sand
white checks, looks about ea g•tod as a 60 -seat
cloth mad the prices at r ?tsly IBS, 200. 25c
SWEAT E R S For Mak s, girds rod bop.
Altogether about 30 left
and they are going now at maker's prioe• If in
need carne and get one, they are bargains
TOQU E S 8" only 1.1 Regular price
50c. tell now at 206, which
is surely a big bargain
COP T•••• Nnt nonny lett rto•v end all tart
fall's mak... Vint can take any
one of teem for just our -Oat( tei.utar cdlirg price.
Six red, two brown ens' One grey, Regular
prices from 5.2.0) to $2.1)0 S1 00 is 111 I uy airy
one of teem.
Standard Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sheets for February.
Standard Fashion Book for S cents with any patter,..
alma- ar
Tyem'q (hits, and the Remits will prove, t)
you taw wisdom al Otsdaatlsrt trent this
Fames. Sc ooL Gatat.... fret.. Enter any
liStree, W. NOW
LIOTT, Principal. 731 fo
-Mr. J. B. Leonard, of Burlington
district representative for the Stone &
Wellington Nurseries, was in town
this week on business.
- Winghaut Times: Misses Violet
and Thelma Be8neLt, of Oodericb,
spent New Year's with their cousin,
Mr. T. R. Bennett, Francis street.
- Mr. Jas. Culbert, of Dtebolt,
Sask., who is spending the winter i0
his old home township of Ashfield,
gave The Signal a pleasant call on
-Clinton News -Record : Mr. A.
Scotobmer, who is nearing the three-
score and fifteen mart, has returned
to Godericb, where he is spending the
winter, after • pleasant fortnight's
visit with his daughter, Mre.A.Towos-
bend, of the Base line.
Treasurer Submits a Fall Statement or
Femmes from Beginmug of Werk.
At the regular meeting last week of
the local relief committee, the treas-
urer, Mr. Andrew Porter, preeented
his statement of receipts and expend-
itures for the month of December.
During the month gab was received on
account of relief work and 1105.94 was
expended. Going back to idle orgsn-
isatlon of the committee in October,
the total contributions up to the end
of the year 1914 have been a1 follows :
Oct. 7-M. Robins $ 'Ji).(0
28 -Maple Leaf Chapter
I. O. D.E.. 110.00
30 -Mrs. Kelleher ..... 1.(0
30 --Miss Millar (a balance
from Ahmeek Chap-
ter) 11.41
Nov.11-Min Beaumont. 1.00
11 -Proceeds concert Nov.
5th 03.85
28 -Nile Sunday School 40.00
28-B. C. Munnioge: 500
Dec. 3-J. H. McClinton Vale
of apples).. 225
5 -Mr. Hume (Collegiate)2 (0
10-A. M. Robertson (Col-
legiate) :.2i
28 --Mr. Hume (Collegiate)2.00
26 -Refund Women's io-
ititute for load of
wood.... ..... 5.10
28 -Mrs. (Dr.) Hunter for
Juvenile Sewing
Club 26.50
2B-8nelgrove children.... 2.00
28 ---Alex. and Betsy Hume 1.00
28 -Miss Menlo (Colleg-
iate) 5.00
30 -Miss I!harlot 5.00
Total jr&Al
' 'Fltosn the commeneeohent kit
work op to December 31.t, the com-
mittee has received 530126 and
nut $243.78, leaving a haianee on han d
of 564.58. Out of December payments
they will have $46.53 return" tothe as the amount bas been paid
wives, and the sty
you 1 will look atter the needs of
these people from the Bret of Decem-
ber lasts When this money has been
returned, Lbe committee will have •
Utile over 5100 with which to carry on
its wort.
718 tremserei s report was audited
by Mr, L I [soz, town clerk.
Soma New Members 1• the Cesacil of
The Huron ronnty oounell for the
year 1016 w111 be composed of the fol -
bowleg reeves and deputy reeves :
Ate -Chas. Stewart.
Oolborre- Mamn.1 Riwet.
Oederich township-- W. H. Loh*.
Stanley -John McKinley•
Hay Lords ialbflel.cb.
Stephen -Woo E111ott, Reeve ;John
IUbore-Py odA.E e
Tuckersmith-H. C. icb.
Hullett-John Fingland.
McKillop -J. M. Oovenlock.
East Wawanosh-J. N. Campbell.
West Wawano•h-D. B. Murray.
Morris -John Sbortreed.
Grey -R. W. Livingston, Reeve;
John Brown, Deputy Reeve.
Turnberry-John Mulvey.
Hawick -Reuben Harding,
Louie Demmerling, Deputy
tioderich town -Robert
Reeve: J. C. L►ithwaite,•
Clinton --Jas. A. Fond.•
Seaforth-J. A. Stewart.
Wioggham-Simon Mitchell.*
Blyth -Dr. W. J. Milne.
Brussels -John Leckie.
Exeter -John W. Taylor.
Hensall-fhomes Hudson.
Bayfield -James Thomson,•
Wroxeter -C. Reis.
Those marked • were not members
of leet year's council.
Owing to a decrease in the number
of voters in Ashfleld, that township
this year sends only one member.
instead of two, to the county council,
reducing the membership from thirty-
one to thirty.
The first meeting of the new council
wilt be held Tueeday, Jaoaary 28th.
The deaconess of • Liverpool home
for incurables tells a delightful story
showing the trust and affection whic
the British soldier has inspired in the
hearts of the people of Belgium. A
neighbor has adopted two Belgian
children, a boy and • girl. The little
girl cried all through the fleet night
sad all the next day ; she could
neither est nor sleep, and utterly re-
fined to he comforted. Late in the
evening the family doctor called, clad
ID khaki. Scarcely had he entered
the room when she ran W him with
outstretched sons, crying, "Bttti.b !
Hittisb -!" She nestled in the doctors
arm., almost immediately tell asleep
and slept the cl,el round.
Good Resolutions
for the New Year
Begin right by buying a
Heintzman & Co. Piano
Victor Victrola
Doable Lad & 1111 the May
Ul.xeell.d Truitt Garviee
illtafast rise. et Epatnm.at
Mister Tiers to Califon's
east Twins- ('halve .f R.st.er
law rime sew 1• serest
oe Nil
CILIA nogg
Ftisraw •ts.et tt(*.NI1t..ssO. Distelet
/. F. 1rlt N . sole. T LAC'
Poking Down the G7limney
may make it draw well -and
it mty rot If you call us in
when trouble r Genre well
knots how to fit it r Metter.
A G loanisea Chimney Top
tn,v he t li that 1, r.ee.ted to
mate your chimney draw per -
1. iy, \Vr'll put rl est. quickly
and tea notably, tt a .ante ae
oar J.. all other kende of tin
snd metal ee•er1.
Fred Hunt
Hamilton Street Pft-i
Come in Out of the Wet
It is easier
Wet Conditions,
than -
Dry Conditions !
•Wihrptiu large stpck %
Light and Heavy Rub-
bers, Cloth Overshoes
and Arctics,
M are prepared to ntpply you
alt► jn.t what you may need to keep
row fest dry, wants rad enmfortahle.
11111A�0� tttWt
New Train Service
Via "144 OutileMarriletirjr. :St rsto
iW"' (bher.E.
Aa.sl Y wr1M tl. =, 1t=