HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-1-14, Page 1•.:c.. «.'i:ttr1,3.a�rir-. as THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO • AVE, because- No. 227 Cents saved attain dollar power. Mead Olio', Career Xing and (say Streets, Tereab Genital Manager - - A. H. Walmer GaAaridi Risen h - A. Pent, M. e at' deal 7olesbe- frW RUNT. -A COMIC/STA LZ em ea blow t t Aw4a!rKAT.iti► . • nat. I (: M Burton . a...,, 37 Hsaitrard et t1rET1 RIVI1fTa taAlt-.M. ear PROTECT those dependent on you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada t'Canad.', only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESENTATIV E OFFIOE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, WEST STREET GOD1RICQ Puttees Device aD: Hoa.•. 150. P.O. Boz 88e61I BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of all kinds furnished prompt!) and at reasonable prices. If you are thinking of building this year we should be glad to have you call and talk it over with us. GRAIN CHOPPING We have the facilities for doing this work without delay. lioderlch Planing Mills, CI �,oST AND POUND IAMB TO MY FRE111SEM, LOT 4, emire.aees L. West Colborne. early • pevetlaa bailor. Ower may have ZaTM wevtst Repute• sad Paring einem. i"- �AItCORA1)Ir�C ROT=tae I AM PREPAiIRO�T.�O,. �DeO� • AtLL Mere es is" Mlt1 ♦1CH. 801 BOARS FOR SERVICE -TWO IM - AP preyed iessta ere hem tweeted rt=t.TS`61Mf��rw warm OP HURON COUNTY et IMCereemli.s e( the Comity tirk.)." er of Siebert W. LANK. Melt- DaeM es Seg 1. b Ihr tela day ay. ry. 4I IIUAL MlUITUt10. be COUNCIL Molest • beesigaisee Demean eels Tows I. tows ea% tali, at 1 resolve the gra:til sratemest tr. sy�ss ow t' dim, OM' aM�itl�k. •�% the aro w lea mead bM�se tY seta of Own y The _ w A • ale.•.n 7. r FOR LALI 01 TO BOT To 111lIT.-sM1olt HODUIg WrTM Jil sg wNm* si s m mel l&AV AetM a i'8 Not sa*ti- siewr $a0,TMOa , atift.ass. see ibzwils FARM POOP imt s iTer:stii let "kr' • otiongemeeseimmeminseereeptimengineneesnel .-,r-vY.�►.►r�r.•• To wArearAisia WAlus AND ININI f OtsMMMINI(iN Rest faltamb IN rt w new des V deglartlbr sm. el par (fiee win beanies" es -i.me• Mita .resp a, w etirseptr egaael-I M bless" te tb. t *ei`drest Yat. m obs c -emsse-u maim the mem sat sasses mel M e-eteln< ••• rdatlaee: t: AUCTION SALE. Don SALE -MOVING PICTURB I: SHOW Pnrr.ant to • dishes., wu rant for net Meed be Rom K owe atalert Jame■ A. (tither sod to me din -ted. i have rebel sed win abs ter .ale by male section on I SATURDAY, THE lard DAY Or JANUARY. I.ti, at !o'clock pea„ spa Me premise. at w meow et Montreal street and the Square. lately 000gtld by Jame. A. Culver s• a Moyle, Picture Ekon. the tel - 1 Mw lee teed. and ,battels. n wooly . The Intens d Nis rid Jams. A. Calver to lone William., "Metric pl•no sad amok rent therefor. Pwers mewls( Mews tstsahlas, "m- aw 3, no ahem., ass geneeathnsr set. me drop curtain and .tame setting., me an es. is one cabinet and Ixtare., rz targe pleterer, a neaatlty et mettles. Tzars. ne xat.tt ('..a r amend alz pays ale In alied pply to J. 1. inner CrstxM, areter,ss � Jemmy. tXa Ates k. C ILILrHWAITE. MIME CARDS OF THANES fro THE ELECTORS. Lassa alp Oswnszr*e : 1 el* ta extend iL'r"Mie t flee* t 1i dell esdeaver N reeds, err best ssreM at my s.mmasd sed hsps a . to de es le seeks as te Justify t yes vs 4 r. W. 1►wOfIWtO(7r. JR moo THE ILII TI'ORN OP GODS - RICH. drams row pay 4.- laird nes te ea - Med ey mute *teak • lir obs frau re h des. Is st...1 me a year torte will Mrt!'L of ti 4afatiir Awt'urtt«c.t est Wb Hsaws sae. • Ase India'twe•ble Publication. The add a eddabde C:, td lap Alwae le again at head In it - 1915 I. mt. is the sizt eigRhts of the series, the Almanac baying .•• s Ihat published Ise 11147. Is Ile page•• is to be tonna In. flermatios of inner n.e varlet y aad is g reat on .irk ttaatters as the Gostoebe ted colli Fry sad ast�- Mal oakedatiose and�mssy ether *Inge. 'hese w Nita of the poet- Cas - t% ▪ of Canada, Is llas- bssL burse lee, mss C brreis�fe and force Gestate.. sear. U tea b Rio t• of tbs n ew M 4odna Lat.�Workman's Oo.ip.e published by the Oopp Olseadirse U.rtt 0..- Dee7• Umited,�Taroste t Ries. 01.00. The Woman's Redid of R tlsea+g*'e abase& h.Y-h. anneal Wettest r the Metaeh .Monitomm es Monday. Jae - eery 1It TMa�mb//ae,� was good led W Orme by the year werthe treassagg's everysat * bowleg 1 o bats bantt. Tbs fotlowinH w.ee dewed afro the seethe year Hnsorwry ps0deni. Rev. J. B. Potherbs/ham 1 pes.Hee4 Me.. W. I. Hostess t viesp,sillest, 0..0114.11,"11111k `Mao REM L �` MIS e4 Is 1111S JAwassismaide as dye. (ODERICH. ONTARIO, TIIVRSDAY, JANUARY 14. 191 ALL OFF FOR 1915. TOWN COUNCIL GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS FOR THE NEW YEAR. Mayor Reid Gives the New Members an Idea of the Problems They Will Have to Tackle -Standing Commit- tees for the Year Appointed. The 1915 town council bold rte Is- *ugnrsl meeting oo Mooday forenoon. with all the Inemhero present. Before entering upoo the define of the year, Mayo. Reid asked permission to .d - drew the couucillors briefly. After ezteoding eoogratutatblue, he said the lousiness of the ye..r would Involve sops big queatjnus, such a. the ex- tension of the water .ripply, the On- tario West Shote Railway, sewer@ and sidewalk., and the anancird diM.rot- tie. With regard to the last -men - trussed a careful study of the financial statement proved the town to be in • better pueatloo than was at Ent sup- ppowseodd With regard to the water, the Psovineinl board of beeltb had sent . vel al oommunicaljOf11 strongly ad- vising the installing of a chlor illation system or otber mode of scouring an adequate supply of pure water; some- thing would have to be done this year. A report was In the poesserion of the town, and would be presented at the next meeting of the council. from the engineer sect by the Hydro -electric Commission to go over the electric railway and see what could be done with it. The Mayor strongly advised that the council take up the report in • businesslike manner and either get the road into operation or sell it. Another matter was that of the sailors' monument. He did not like the town papers telling the nouneil what it should do in this matter, and be hoped the council would dispose of it at an early meeting. There was also the nutter of punctual attendance at the meetings. it. would be ap- preciated if the members of the oouu- clI would be on time and get the bus. - nese over on schedule time. The following were then appointed a striking committee : Mayor Reid. Reeve Elliott, Councillors McClinton, Proudfoot and Wigle. An adjourn- ment of fifteen minutes was made to allow this committee to do its work. On again aerembling a motion fixing the first and third Fridays of each moods as the }labia of Isertl•g was eke motion appointing the ayor a director of the Goderich Els valor sod Transit Oo., LtJ. Bylaws 1. 2, 3 and 4 were passed, the firet three appointing members of various boards and the fourth to bor- row a certain sum for meeting the 0. W. S. R. bonds. Mr. Geo. Mac V iar was appointed to the vacancy oro the board of health caused by Mr. F. J. Butland's retire- ment. Mr. J. H. Colborne was re elected to the OiUegLat. Institute board. -and Mr. J. Balt to the public library board. The striking committee's report was a. follows : CenmitW- kir lets. FtwAxca-B R Wigle, Wm Proud - foot, J H McClinton. J C Laithwaite, A J Paltridse. Punta('_ ooze--Robt Elliott, J 0 Laitbwaite, J .7 Mosier, 13 R Wigle, J H McClinton. CtIwmmRIty AND PAaxa-J C Leith - waits, A J Paltridge, J D Wilson, J Moser, Robt Elliott M a carr -J J Moser, J D W ihon, A J Paltrier,, Robt Mott, J O Laith- w•11». 8tsactAL, RELIEF AND RzasPTlO:f- J H McClinton, Wm Proudfoot, E R Wigle, J D Wileos, J O Lsitbwaite. Viae -A J Peltridg., E R Wigle, J J Moor, Wm Proudloot, J D Wilson, Robe Elliott Wargit, Loar AND HAaaOi-Wm Pro(adfoot, .1 H McClinton. A .1 Pelt- rid_ge, U A Reid. The first named in each case is chair- man of the committee, and the Mayor le ezomelo member of •11 committees. Councillor Moser suggested that the eesacinere .\sell sit is order ..- / .dingoyo the number of votes they stoma spm taauh.i9sbotTkatae'. wpb were sot in that order were satisfied with their pesitlos the wester dropCouncil thea adjosrssd. • REB MOBS NOTES. Th. local branch of the Red throes Society met in the ooenell chamber oro Monday evening. hospital members de- cided to prepare ksittd goods. bed sock., led j packet sod dns..fag gowns fur the sem bale ; sand about ..ny dollar, were voted for this purpose As Mn. Mel[ies asked to be relieved of pert of the work le eeaseetbs with knitting for the Ilssiety, is future Mild Napier street, will distribute yarn fu or espe, wristlets, and searh, while Mrs. McKim will cool Mee to distribute yarn Is, socks. Those wishing to soots ibis night shirts, t b night *blebs' !beet. (90 is. z ID ). pillow .lips 1M in. z 17 feel. towels, or wash clothe. are no - seed donation• to Mrs. OGdboese. The resat meet lag .1 the Pecker will tats pb es os the shied Mealy srf1he following ars the atarwnte re- solved Apse the pebbled= of the last :and Mrs. Gants, 0101 Muse. Gerold Nis Newton, W. J. McCab (OeiL biose A. Iit Robertsse. Mee. LIMO, Mies Dtekps.., MI _�seihs Mae. $i (seemed srrh ; Para. Geo.Wood. Mea (sealed psyuees3 91 ssah. LOOM. TOMOS IN BRIEF. Risby Is iM Sai news Dant 51 ter esrwaa M fiat .ow. �'. 1. kae� immoral rto.row ▪ t W 'kraal �a11. (t mid � Mirth Ade carr -asst Mikan tiwk. Ahessek Oltrptrr, L 0. D. E. will `�Pld iIF .r mote►I1 twit :court' y a te+rpoup next s the' court house at 4 o'clock. Ramsssber the ooscvet at North Wrest Methodist church on Friday *espies of tics week. Admimi .n free. A sullec*loa roll be taboo in aid of the li.tstrn relief fund. Tbe Bused el Trustees of Alexandra Mariw.ad Genesi Hospital tendus• is thanks t.. the Abmrrk Chapter, I. U. D. IL, for coot: ibuuooa of 060 in oath and hope furnishings to the value of about ONO donated daring the poet year. The Foods!! Star 00., whn bare Riven parlor manse at, Victoria Opera House every night this week, call at- tantlop Ls .h* stn. ill scenic produc- tion of "the Rummy.* wbi.-b will be Riven Friday .eight` Ticket* ate now on tale at H. T. Edward: store. The editor of The fugue' sin receipt a an tnrft.Leon from Ibe fere-idro. and oMoons of the Huruo OW Boy. A,.ociscion of Turootu t.. attend L. fifteeotb annual "at Ammo- of the As.ncbti.•n, to be bell iu the 0dd- detluwr' Tempts. Oa g • au. et. on Pi Way evening. 22nd too. The Ladies' Aid of Boort cbnreh are arranging a *butt progoito fur the evening. of Fri lay, J*..u.t,y lied, in the bw.ement u( the ranch, commenc- ing at $ o'clock. Refreshments wi11 be served after the pi ()gram. Tbe Proceed.' wdil go torso d. frying off the mortgage on the eburch. Admit - sion 10 cent.. Probably the i apt interest -Jolt hockey ga.ne M Ibes row in Goderich will be plsyalat the yrat etre.' rink next Mooday rvening..wbeti Stratford comes bete for tbw return game. Goderich got the worst of it. at Strat- ford last week, but Monday's game bare i. by no rue.n. forrgoue cou- elusion. and *tier the way the boys put it over tit. Mary, on Tuesday night the fora are iouttlug for a greet exhibition of hockey hat week the old rivals. Stratford enJ Goderich.. The Marine Social Laub had a grand opening on Thursday evening last, about two hundred people heiug pr..- ent at the well-appointed rumor on West *tteet. The diet part .if the evening ea. oeeupied with progres- sive euchre, iu which the pe nese were ; 1st, Mise Uucharme and Mr. Den McLeod: vaasobtins, Mrs. Higginson and Mr. Jobs Graham. After lunch had been served dancing was commenced with music by ?desire. Moore and Jubnstin end ny Piper Robert Crake's, the affair was greatly enjoyed by those present, who ate looking forward to another occasion of Ibe wine kind. The Boyer -Vincent Stork Company, with C. W. Boyer and Mabel Profit, will men an engagement of three nights only at Vict"rik. Oper. House, Thursday, January 21, with the groat scenic production „rhe Whirlpool," a very beautiful comedy drama in four arta. TEM company carrier all special scenery and electrical effects for each attraction and present.' it complete in every detail. Several new and up-to- the-minute vaudeville acts are intro- duced between acts 0f every attrac- tion, so that the theatre -goers are as- sured of a full evening's entertain- ment at a very small cost. This company offers a repertoire of high- class playa at popular prices -15c, 25c and S5c. Reserved meets on sale at Edwards' Monday morning. NEW HYDRO. RATES. Secretary of Provincial Commie ion Ho- pkins New Charges. The following letter to Town Clerk Knox from the secretary of the Pro- vineial Hydro -elects ie Commission ez• plains the new rotas for lighting, etc. : L Member trod. Mt. 1. O .'(r �. Hest CweYrlw. 6ed.rt... O.tarie. DzAlt Stn, -i am instructed by the O.Amiesion to advise you that they have decided atter • earns) study oo lbstpaat.ed Aha esgiaeers tithe pewee, IlgrMase *reef Maging-cased ing Is your municipality. to redoes the 4 tens per hundred pulse feet earwigs share* to 3 rents per hundred square het, with minimum ani ntaxi- mees *bargee aro given below ; and I ant further Isetructed to advise the adeptloe of follow up domestic ap- piiasese. sash es eleetrstoves, Irons, bentsrt4 ie ate.. and to advise the ado¢ floe by your wusicipelity of Lb. fol- lowiag sehednle of nese to take ,lest es January 1st. 1915. Domestic p bis re4 mese* HMI et Nese area pr meask. Madams ler ams aloin. fr Ire slew feet. Maxims, Nor area Mem fee sena quare fest in ealcullating the Amor area *bares whole rinks Of 100 square fest nil shall' be considered, and in making up essfotsers' monthly hills the nearest unit of 100 square feet obeli be used. Phriart.se, ear E. W. R. seam aw/ meal E e►aRp Rue Us a* se _mamma matem -. w treese Preset passes de swat tet. As this dementia lighting nits M soesswbas di*amt from your pre- vious ro-vious dem.esle rat, we are CM= yyoons as example babe, white we baleen w111 make the mists..' satiably Blear to see. Ins GMs: A~• OssimmeYai M It tees. eit1 - ii _rasw,a =•••=1.4)... ` �vae a - is K W at M. !a/ tett - s K WH at - .NI Pewpt Payment dl.eet.1 Ito! Te1s1 a10 W .5 Commercial Lighting : ea year tK..W..+es lm IL o. t3.. btalho' see per month et me lie. per teKd. W. H. for the asst 70 beam' w per menthol coo n ested Wet Mad. aria pr K. W. H. for Lal euuauatptses Par swath ever the Ike tea Maws are of oesseet,d lead. Prom id Payment Mormon le',. Power : Stepper H. P. !er mow b o/ connected lead oe mathan= hoer deeded. Pte. LJb per E. W. H. Mr the MK Su bear: use pr tuowtb of cos. w afted ted r mammals demand. Plus lib. prig. W. H. far the mooed `0 ho.,.' nee ppeer month of .esserod Mad r au=teue deaaad. Pled ler, pr E. W. H. ler .11 addltleosl css.umpttee per moons. Prompt psye est 4L.oant lo per oast. Street Lighting. 51110 par 1n (. P. lamp per year. Yoer. roti• W. W. POPE. Secretary. GOODBYE AND GOOD LUCK. A Harty Sendoff to Mr. J. L. Contra, Who Goa to the War. Mr. J. L. Coutts, who for six months waa the ticket clerk at the C. P. R. etati(.n and who in the shot time he resider iu coder icb made many friends in business and social circles, left Tuesday morning for Toronto to join the (7anedian militafy forces for over- sews duty. He is attached to the in- telligence deportment of tbe,j5th bat- tery, 4th brigade of Canadian Field At tinny. Nuwbere has Mr. Coutts been more deservedly popular than with the var- ious organisations of Knox church wi-h which he has been closely identi- fier since coming to Goderich. Hu di - picture for the front it a distinct lues to the conga eget ion. lenlined late ly upon bearing of hie enlistment the choir, of which he was a valued mem- ber, planned to give some testimonial of their esteem. He was invited to the manse .t i o'clock Monday even- ing, and a little later, greatly to his surprise, the Choir, fillip strong, as- sembled at i he rave pla, e. Brief ad - delouses were given expressive of the high regard in which be was held by all, and in appreciation of his sterling wrath se • Meatless fte.Ueman and of the ezerllent services rendered during bis membership with the congregation. Thereupon Mist Little in the name of the choir ptt'ernted hint with a beauti- ful fountain pen in . morocco case and while ha was recovering from the sur- pperee all joined in singing heartily the familiar recruiting song, "Nur King and Country Neel You. Mr. Coutts, wbo is se modest as be is bteve, made a graceful reply and atter the ringing of the hymn "God to, with you till we meet again" and the National Anthem evrryooe bade him farewell and • safe re: urn. Later in the evening Mr. Coutts was the guest of honor at a banquet Given by the local C. P. R. staff at Black - stone's reetaura.,t. About twenty- five at about the board, lir. J. H. Marshall, the local agent of the C. P. R., presiding. After a generous menu had received due attention, sev- eral toasts were proposed by the chair. man, and with music intervened be- tween speeches • very interesting pra gram wee carried out. Dr. A. G Em- merson and Rev. Geo. "E. Rosa spoke to the toast of "King and Country Mesar. James Mitchell and W. H. Robertson responded to the toast of -.nub Array and Navy," and "Tbe Guest of the Evening war greeted with "He. • Jolly Good Fellow," followed by speeches from Mr. G. M. Elliott, tam chairman. and Mr. W. Shipman. Tbe last named, in behalf of the C. P. R. staff. attached to Mr. Coutla' wrist • handsome military watch. The recipient was evidently deeply touebed by the presentation and the warm words of appreciation which had been uttered by the various ..oaken, but be managed to make • brief but appropriate reply. A toast to Tbe Management of the C. P. $." Sys responded to by En lrNsii %seeaJouspb Little and, leasee 91nci•ir, lad the Meal toast wadi No the • boats, the Mears. Blackstone. During the evening WWI were given by Messrs. Shipman, Junior and Ooatta. A motion was passed that the surplus of the funds raised for the occasion be devoted to the Belglac relief find. Auld Lang Syne" and 'Plod Save the King" brought the proceedings to • Mose. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at both services next Sunday at North street Methodist church. Morning subjeet: "International Peace." liven- ing subj.,t : "Row •Shrewd Hmaiseee Mao Pound Salvation." There will be a Prong service in the �aptint church on Sendai night. The well-known Sankeyb mns will hs sung. Rev. Wm. H. Wrlgbtos will preeeh the O nivel mes3age. A hearty welcome Is extended. especially to the young people. Fallowing are the officer. of Knox thumb Y. P. 8. 0. N. for the merest tares : Hos. prsPNgtet. Re.. Geo. 1L Rees t president, Mrs. Heilemese Past vfe.-pesddeotl. Mies Adelaide Nein • sewed vine -president. Mlee With �Vsewed1gging; reeoedlag secretary. MIPs May Stoddart • eorreepnndisg .e.estary, Mise ?leo Tait • treesrer. Miss Jog. Ranndera Ttree/darer. Modiste assets le the lecture rooms of the rhumb every Tuesday evening at s o'eloek. *p. you saws Ale Signal Cakk nd ars I You may secure one by paying •1.110 sow for year Signal tot 1911, TheSignal THE *RONAL PRDITDIU co.. UMITKD. Posterns s COCK -A -DOODLE- DO for those who Gould give It the seeded attuntioa. Another and sUU sewer branch was that of the .peci•liser. --- who worked for a certain line of trade DRANO CHORUS AT THE TOWN and would produce the requirements of that trade, no matter what they HALL THIS WEEK. were, if it paid fur them. In Meares/ tan cents each was being paid for eggs -- - of this 04*.s, but the eggs had to be the Great (lathering of Birds of High De- eame every day in color, Na. and flavor, and the speaker said in cater - gree under the Auspices of the log tor Lhls class of customer he would Huron Poultry Association -Prof. produce anything they asked fpr, eves F. C. Elford Add to. Poultry. If it was • black egg --but they would men. have to pay for it. The consumer had a right to say what be wants, for he has to pay. In the poultry business one does n,A have to wait for years before getting any returns, but may commence in a small way and work up neither is the poultry crop de- pes;dent on clim'tic conditions. Hens dourtab in the frigid as well ea in the tropic sones. Dry and wet seasons that spoil other crops need not affect A few pessimistic gentlemen have been greatly eurprbed during the past three days to see the great amount of interest that hos been taken in the annual poultry show. It was a general topic of conversation around town list week that the ex- hibition would be a failure this and the poultry. There was more room because of the general depression year for dishonesty in this business than in also because the town of Mitchell was any other, and the time was coming holding • kinder exhibition at the when it would be a criminal offence to MUM Lame. Asa (natter of fact, the place had eggs upon the market. Mr, show has proved itself to be "bigger Elfotd said it warn a fact that Goderich and better than ever"' and we under- township sent • better class of eggs stood the directors Lae .o encouraged and chicken. to the Montreal market that already a movemeut hos been .et than any other township. On asking on foot to expand still further and get for a show of bands five said that they in touch with breeders at more die- knew what their poultry hid cost rant point.. The Beard of Trade is them for feed during the year. This to b. invited to take en interest in the speaker said was • splendid dem- extending the interests of the exhibi- onetratiou, a. very few moo knew tion. what their teed bill was. There are approximately S00 birds Great interest was manifested in the on exhibit in toe town hall, and the subject and so numerous were the clam of Wide is the bigbe.: that has questions that the speaker was kept yet been shown In Gude-tell. some of on his feet long after he had completed them brving won honors at the Pm- hie address. The council chamber was •incial show held at Guelph recently. crowded to the doors and at the close Exhibitors from St. Catherine., Port of the meeting • hearty vote of thanks Dalhousie, Brantford, West Montrose, was tendered the speaker for his sec - Tavistock, Mitchell, Milverton, Lie- vices, towel and many other outside points were present. The attention of many For the Belgian Fund. visitors was attracted by the excep- An effort that should • have the tionally good display of Barred Rocks. wholehearted support of the public is These binds. are real beauties and the that of the choir of North street judge found it necessary to make the Methodist church, under the leader - wont minute and careful inspection of *hip of Mr. O. H. King, in aid of the every point before *wanting the Belgian relief fund. On Friday even- pritsetb. The cines of White Wyatt- ing of this week the choir will give '1 dooms also called forth much favor- high-class entertainment at tt.J able comment. Mr. Aitk.o, of Mil- chur^h, adtui.eion to which will he vertun, did well with his birds in the free, and a collection will lie taken in class. behalf of the distressed Belgians. The Amonge name of Mr. J. Shaw ap- much pleasure the local exhibitors we program, which ensurer ma evening of notice thto thou who attend, is pears quite frequently, especially in as follows: the Minorco and arred Rock dames Past i. Mr. Shaw Md splendid success, carry.' ing off four cups and several ape- Ope14ing chores-Natinn•l Airs --"God clods. Mr. H. P. l.s.hbcook bada Save th3 King," "t► Canada," "Rule good exhibit of Rbode,lelipd Red., r(I' Britannia" �,.. which tbm owner might well be proud. Ck-rel Cba1r Mr. Carter, of Cun.taoce, also had a 8"1" "A Rose in Heaven" good exhibit of forty-eight birds of various varieties. In the baptism Reeding class and •among the pigeon. there were many entries which created a f goo^ favorable impression and which r (.bot ns added to the tutetest of the exhibi. 11014. There war room for larger com- petition in turkeys, ducks and gees, 8010 nut the birds shown were undoubtedly j Piano solo worthy of the prizee awarded. Mr. Billings, of Mt. Marys, lid the judging, and -the prise list will be pub-' Solo Oohed next week. A meeting of the members of the 1 Association was held in the council Cboru' chamber last evening, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and attending to other business. Mr. W. Carter, of Constance, the re- tiring president, wee in the chair. The secretary stated that it was un- derstood that the exhibition eras to be held at Heosall next year. As no rep- resentative from that village was present, and as some of the other towns bad assured the directors that they could Dot accommodate the ex- hibition, it was moved by Mr. J. Shaw, seconded by Mr. S. 0. McKay, that the exhibition be again held in (lode - rich nexte•r. The motion carried unanimously, Meters. John Howrie, W. (tartar, J. Shaw and J. H. Mc. Clinton were then nominated for president and James Shaw was elected. Mr. S. O. McKay was elected vice-president and Mr. J. H. Mc- Clinton secrete eny . Professor F. 0.Elford, who needs The recital given by Mr. F. W. Rob - no introduction to the people of this insnu and Mass M A. Aitken in St. disettiet, then addressed the meeting. Oeorge's church on Sunday alter the The Professor, wbo is superintendent evening service was enjoyed by a of the poultry department of the Rx- large number. Mr Rohie.on's num. perimest•l Farm at Ottawa, and has be■n�� �we�re : Introduction to Act i1I., the oversight _or ail Abe Government 4'Lrob.sRrie" • "Caprice' 1Gwl• ut): bvstteb tarter throughout -the Air with esuisMewfwi si�y- minion, .poke for upwards•of an-b(fur in b (H•ydes firwmta P. y1s of Rao' on the poultry industry, and an- del (Wol.temholme), Min Aitken severed numerous questions that were sang "Thy Will he Done " thmenl and fired at him in a most Interesting and "Ave Marie"IMIlliardl. She has • Nee illuminating manner. He referred to clear Iopnino and sang with expees the fact that a few year* ago the care .ion and in good tone. Mr. Rohloeon of the poultry WWI looked upon as an is tborougbl`- •t honer with the organ old woman'. job, but now men of and was beard with alepr,ciatiom. brains were turning their whole et -- -- tention to it. The poultry depart- Special---Blackstone's d.lirino ice meet of the farm needed just as care- cream of superior_ qqusUty is always a ful attention as the dairy. During special. Phone Mast. 1913 the poultry hotlineee or the Do __ _- , or -- _-1 minion totaled one-half m• mulch as BORN. the dairy business. wb11. Use fruit in• &lute, did not ammo with range of RN. -i.. ooterfeb..e yrtAttl. Jan oars either. Moss. people wondered why milt' NN'. >t n. 1f. o'Arrm. Gila their hes. died. "it was a wsy of hen., M,cNATit- At Ale,.ndr• he.p.tal 0.dr try preferred to die rather than nab• [toe. g.ad J•a te Mr. ltd mit Ls tb. treatment they recei•ed." a loss R f(34.0.. h. sW( te•ewtN t.w..Mp U was better to plat-, the care of the • Aaitthur tHeNe Lsae.ei ltry is the heads of a try or girl M(:tx,1+AlyD M T. Me. .am. Et D•• M.p.a•H. fe,.rierl Oes,ii.a.d Mu J.wrebti hnspint ),.•d••Oat.,• slit • •M K renethl. Der ent+e, UM. DIED. MrIOORDIb sa Al Leaden, es JINho RobertMalard*• formerly of Kt Solo Chorus Mbe M. Wrreoer "He War Her Onlv Hon" Mier How Aitken b Selected Mr,,, F. esaader. "Hunting Chorus" Choir • Winter Lullaby" MIs ]cairn 1.1 Vale.. Arabesque On .Song Pf the Smirk Mir Edna Prldbasr "Till Death" Mies Ada MN 'lintor "Awake with the Lark" ( hoer Part iI "For All Eternity" Nies Marjorie Alt ken "The Heavens Ate Telling* Choir Solt) "Somewhere a Voice 1s Calling* Mus. V. Elliott "Milly Amor Hymn" Muss Ito.e Aitken Solo "The Dream of Home' Mew. King Holo "Three for Jack" Mr. H. Parker '•Skippers of St. Ives' Choir Solo "Rose of My Hearer miss Pattaewon Solo "Call to the Mot behind" me Moore Gnd Save the Ring Beading Chorus dbhgn years old .ben to let an old per- son who bad always ouosidered the keeping of bens beneath him to have ehsrge A good clean pt.ultbots. naiad •. a safety r valva bath for bu.- band and wife, •. it was something to wbkh they Gould torn when the dally routine was getting on their nerves it ppa� a 10D per erns. in other wa than dollars. Thor, were many NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --MN, raft y+ Aaausl hest ge McE01.5 IIsi l pits b.' di f .wont branches of the Industry in lythe Weteee--wee PveaAet. jr. _...... $ which one might engage. Rpm. work Here. -elle -at least to-VMtar gym the entirely for e production of whiter Hese ssose,,, others few erste-fed thickens for Dew awl rsat -mebbtR-Pati► Mr dolens .•thee. others strive for year-round Desist long eetn while two new asse*sr a.tb a -uta. oeJla.. igttt.w..r� bls..i.. b wife. its day.eid ebiek is. ovum, caseesa Mmelut-Ws W6..e...... $ dostry. aid the eastgmhatching boat sesetrw,111.6 for fla►-,isbn Nigh Mw 1 neat is whirl' there was big mossy (1W of nenee-#Ams 1rytLesse -...e 1