HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 7• ► r t. 1 BARGAINS BARGAINS See the Bargains in our big window, which will last one week only. Beer) thing must be cleared out and prices have been marked down so low that the goods will sell fast. Space will not permit us to enumerate all the values, but we give bete a fit. leaders. Don't forget there are many other bargains . Carving Sets All ret the best quell y, ieducr.1 'r.'n• 511.751. $200 '1,1111. $2.:3 125 to 2 25 4.5o t o 3.23 Alp to 1.141 8.111 1.i i.ttl 8.25 to 175 8110io 8.35 88.WtoIPS 5u THE BIGYAL : GODERiCU ONTARIO Y AND DISTRIIT. COUNT CT GERMAN GUNS FAIT. DRIVE THE ALLIES Tboeaaa Ps ice, jr.. of McKillop. mita kicked by one of bis sows on Demme - her 21st trod bad his legn recently Mr. Hide, of Stratford, who -bought the Hervey farmnow taken pm - session. Mr. Fowler, session. Mr. and Mrs. •o d .lint Schenck Blakeav Iopened • temp• tie trod accom- modation tor imam *ddea ustwroe on The death occurred i December gild of Mrs. Elisabeth T. le. Hacks. Tieka. retia ufthe tate sev.uiyy-tour The deceased years of age. a Reeve u W A few choice Parlor Oil Lamps Reduced rom *.1.(1 W 12.25 V.73 ti i.tM1 81.uo $3.15 Thermos Bottles FautU *1.11 1 , 7't • Safety Razors AU greatly reduced ; prices ranging from 11.110 to :18.11) Silverware Silver Onle for St years. Reds, rd from Knives one left of the celebrated Ktitti K 57.50 to andF rks,$3.5t1. 11117 Rogers tiro-. Knives and Forks fu'ly warranted. - lo medium sizes, 5.73, !o in least t sis• *, regular p' ice $3511, twinced et.'M► ,73 Three cases Silver Knivee. Forks and Spoons sell•bg st $6.511. duced to 54.50. Skates Ground and Buffed. re - U n Isrbeltr TWta. The decelas.I lady we. bora in Caledoo. Peel county. sit' y-elgbt years ago. One daughter and two 'bus wrvive. Bobbie Andrew', the tan-yeerold sou of Mr. and Mr.. W. (1. Amdrrwe. ' bed pert" of tout augers of his lett hand taken off on Weduerdry, 'Gird lust. Ile was standing SWIM • skate - grinding marbles end in soave way gut hi. fingers entangled, and they were taken t A instantly. HEAFOKTH. Do;iu are not allowed to run at large from Deceu,br•r 1(kb. 11114, to April lei. IBIS. R... ll M•.letoah dist .1 the home Annie, de War of Deputy all"' and Mts. Yearky, Crediton, y nntt Monett iMccMdeen e no ). jambe u r•r' reed un Deormber lath 10Ai tort Keys.' ny cf 9blpka. Rev. tl. Jefferson per- 1 fount ha nettnis de Oh it a severe Mow formed the nerewooy. to his ,u •• her. H•• was 1,venty•fnur During the storm on Mond. y, 214 years old. bast., the large cross wee blown Irene I Ur, an 1 MeeM. Thotopeet and of the Roman C.thollo deuab'rr m" turd on December 17 it British. French and Indian Troops Hurl Back 'nfentry Attacks After a Heavy Bombardment No exteukive military operations were possible to Flanders u..d l.1 mo t of Northern France on Monday ea Account of storms and fogs. There was almost a complete cessation of operations, It appears from rue Gov- ernment's brie( statement. In theArtoun however. the French continued their advance in th general movement to drive the Genitalia buck to the pest and uorth of the Verdva district. There line been a sect d,a1 of arse" tall In this nation, ; 1 ex- cellent fighting has been don.. 'e, tat French Ai1Ine b: ...;;Bens. P mountaineers and rasing maks:n1-u. Ty the west. a'! the wily to the ===111=10=I0=====5 1915 NEW YEAR 1915 I! -- GREETINGS -" We take this opportunity of wishing all our friends and patrons :s A HAPPY NEW YEAR : the lower filo n Scotland, where ihry fish age n , churchrich. It bad but trecwotly Belgtaa coast. the ahlagonistr aapear born there at cousidereble 1 the wet two years. They vlsi•ed 1e14 tiv s In town 'whir!. leaving for th-ir to have hold ice's trenches or fortified 'Keene* heights; and :o sand the southeast. Mew Ira Paynter, +. farmer at K10 1Jawe. IMe(10 r a former resident uf In Alsace. there ass a similar ball- ot iodine, Sask., k., was mbmarried(1 at Kin- I teflon, rlask., °'• December 18th' 10 li. teed.' th, was dru•• mad in the river at Violent bombardment by w Ger' & Keddy, 'no of Mr. and Mis. ltrlph T,Ie Io. on December ltitb. He was maul of posit!uua of tmaortateOw en teddy, of Usburne I taking a short cu: ho oe Rom war k ace where path the right and left wisp Of the Rev. of Zurich. haunt, son of Mid. aril e, the Mew.. ren enema the e ice at r v •re el Hie hasty allied battle -front, with seater S4 at' Fatust, ,'Luride died 7 \aye tempts b1 infantry to brink through December 17th• lir was was 1 erov, red in es few n,inn•er' the Franco -British linea, way out- . a weuister of the Evaugclicel church. standing features of th. oabela1.7SRortr I Interment took piece at Milwaukee. I was formally Ne mewed C rot hieon d of Tor- Issued by the War OtIIoa Age Sendai Dec - Christopher had Eilb r and pe trout onto. and Capta Wnite,, of Loudon. eight. Lattght I .uffoc c ti hada narrow e.c.p+ 1 £ net nun by gee r 1 the ago. eWhepabs agile ed the local ori xr is s The rted oar along(art the a artillery sof fettle bons the a neighbor called at the hiure sbe 1 ine, which cost $1,511). The found them uncouse.uus. They are . the -ire of the old one, and was opened sea to the banks of the ]Looslla. free of debt. most sustained cannonading of the. now recovered. IGerman gut:• was against at. Ile. Mews, George and John Giiwun. of 1 CLINTON'. In point of numbers of gotta and Winnipeg, roue of Thorium.'Gibwu, Rev. Dr. and Mn. Rutledge are, formerly uf Wruxisier, are to the I s e nding their Christmastide with men engaged the most important con - second Canadian cor.tingeue 'Ibis their daughter. Mrs. Sbilliegtuo, 81st was that waged by the Germans maker eight of the O,b.ou leanly now' al red Bend Indiana , In an effort to dislodge the French on• tri the army. We wish alio to thank them for the very generous cu. tout they have given us during the year that is• now closing and we hope that the year to come will be marked by the sans(. cordial relations. \\'e will trysts) do our part as in the past. Satisfaction Guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WIRING BEST HARD COAL; SOFT COAL. SOLVAY COKE, WOOD, etc. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE FARE and ONE- THIRD Dec. 24 s5. good Dec 22 23 34 25 good for return nab' or retura nstil Dec Dec. 26 : also Dec ; also Der. 3o and 3r, 1914, and Jas. 1. 1914. and Jan i. 5, 1915, vabd for 19:5. valid for return return until Jan. 3 til Jus. 4 1915- New Year' of the 9th THE LATEST NEWS Mis. \Ur- . died suddenly un De- ee reef (trey, unseen lshe was $ gleamtetir of Wm. th 1.0 twin enables Dawson. Ht•ueot+rlr, and besides tier hur- uand leavers tamely of small children. A quirt wedding was sulewwxed at the u d Mrs. lira id et lilytle on Wednesday, 18th r u " beforethey nese c-: tate Ane ' n widow anda , h home of Mr. w Nichol. liter Myrtle was Inst., when t it drug 7 ct Mr. end Mrs. Charlie ABM, of Ie and British troops, with Indian c diauep,l ,, and V. W. Alain, of Chi- tingenta, at Le Boiselle and other regio, wets Christmas guests et the' neighboring trenches in the vicinity home ..f Rev. and Urs. S. J. Ahio. ' of Albert. John A. Cooper, who is an alder- , Here the Germans opened an attack wattic camlyda e io wand two. Toi- shortly before midnight on Saturday. entu, to a1 old Cliteon Mayy. He is the end their guns kept up an almost In - founder a .d edi r r of Th.• Canadian cessant canronad, all a ght, the ar- C_u.Jet . I fillery being silenced only Ions enol gh afr. Oro. Putt.. who Wee seventy- - to permit of the advance of their In - McLEAN BROS. GoderichThe Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield'■ Underwear, t=itwe-1 Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs *444 •N•NNNea• e to John Carter, ta"•' !cars old, diwl on •Thin fday. De. Pantry In futile attacks which were oohed in warnrg R W D cewbet '34th. Be had lived 1u iH r n :broken i y reache.": 1 concession Z, Hullrtt ev• nee boyhood. The Turner Richard rts'd•of the allies Brat trenches I t •wily of 8ce, own sons and three Jin. Rieh+.td Horsley eed in l th. CSbeld&met:dere;°sure ice. ton hospital on Dece u Mr and Nes Matthew Sheppard, of d been eick tor the past two ye Griffn, Sask . pro toe Pew ntest but they had since Re.r in town last • e••k. They tu►rnd Messrs. Fer gu*on and McGarry Get 1 LI, dree•srd h• the family Call four years ego ms' I who have beet( in the lied• t ro for twelve )'ear*, I.ved et Clinton. u NEW MEN IN CABINET resided at Recur/ill. spending • r.... - of months with Portfolios -Mr. Lscas Moves up lady was fogy -rix years old. !their many friends in 0 idrriclr town - James Miller, a pioneer of Heneall elite, s aresThe Ontario Cabinet is now made di -trier, warmed 00 toe rind iurt. I .the death occurred at the home of over and stands complete for the tense.. inn awl getter l+" 'a Oen :tl. I9l I, rush at the age of etgbi y -right )•rare. De- I her no, H. J. Pinge), un 1)ecewler business of the sesafun. Hon. 1. B. Jen err 1. 131%. re oars het r Jaasvi 1 tel`• add, of Mas Harriett Brown, in her Lucas becomes Attorney -General• with ceased pas a Limbo. by trade and had Farr sal ate Thad void *..bier ler.eetber s'. sorted w Bruce held rn.i Kippers. I yixty-eighth year. The deceased bad Thomas McGarry• assutninK the duties 31, t!+4.o/.•nu .rr I. tv::., ntvms 1 role J.0 ea -y Interment look place uu D.cewt'ei been r ter•idea t of Clinton for only of I. It + • crmeICI y, Bi uc.Hrbd of Provincial Treasurer and G. Howard tY►absaui ..We.' ak) illi in Ross' I few w'.nths, riming here from Blyth.. of Grenville takiu;t the port- , At the l3iddulph council senting on Her death W.I. the result of an attack folio of Lands, Forests and alines. Twkit \V ll &tau- PattMalera tramAi.. KWd ,: PR. Toronto .agent. •w wheat:. >ran•r 6.1 h , I' 1'..t.. Terwlto ut the c.tprcity of eith:r reeve, o` aft+s Augusta Sheerer became the rillor, panders, clerk or auditor wr ed bride of Hugh el. Chit!ich on Decew. Hon. J. J. Fov. according, to the an- •, was ereseot 1be p•.1 fortyl with an add, etre and a gold locket. Ureeal►rr 13th. the cleat %V. o[ li.rrly s. j, y, w bo ban nerved the luworhep u[ Hon. W. J. Hanna retains the Pruvin• 1 \VI IOHAN. clad Secrc•tan•shtp and will contiuue t;lddulph or lbs cuuaty of Middle ox • mo the administration there as Detour. 1955• - ---- 1 Above reduced fares apply between 111 stat loos en Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and PortNisgat u I Mich., Bulfal •, Black Rock, Ni g Falls and Suspenr1ou Bridge, • F. F. 3.AWRgNell a t1Q\11, Tewn Paetwo- ger sat Ticket Agents, Phone 8. G. H. 1..1 l D- ) 1t.:+taltoa Tick t Aget.t. t'hoi r ab. NEW p Tele hone Directory A new issue of our Offi- cial Telephone Directory is now being prepared and the copy will close with- in the next few days IMMO Poking Down the Chimney pity wake it drew well -end it m'y 1 ot. 1f you oral us in when trouble occurs we'll know ho v to fix t1 e matter. G.lvanised Chimney Top mat hr .11 the' is oeed••d to mete ynnr chimney draw rer- f.•e'Iy. We'll put it on quic.ly and 1 -revocably, the same as we do ell other kinds of tin and metal work. A Orders for new counec tions, changes of name or address, should be repor- ted to us at once •• • - *1040141 Miss Milks Theil, daughter of 31r. and Mrs. Andrew Thed, ofZurica, became the bride of Henry ausaus en December The Meremouy. hied was held is SC. P get'* Lutheran church, was pet formed by well W. A. Maar. The yp g couple othe l resort e t,n the gloom's' farm, line. of Hal- lett, dt Bon, of • - lett, woo flea and ercoud stallion Guelph winter Ronalir in d acid (MeoraA clans, with Lord alio won second p•izecin bo. prizes in both 2 rnd'3yraroW alar-er. Hobert Watts, of Mullett, won tint with his colt, stud second with his yearling till m the countUlcompeti- tion, om; t[_ tion, and John McLean. Tucker - 'smith, won Mit for tat stems. A well-known rend. ret of IJsborne,we in the pewee of Samuel Skinner, pad awe on Dumber 17th. tem- ►rmy an Septem- ber away Inst the deceased suffered par.tlyt{c rtrote, from wbieb ho urged !het the contractore be held t o their Ove year guarantee. The arm; measure was rejected by never milted. Ile war born 011 the ( a majority of 65. but the }louse age IIIh concession. airs. forty•oine ' The funeral of . H. N. Tremorine, proved the naval increase by • ma• years ago, rIlviid rood had lived in toe town I • sister of Mrs. Tracey, who died at shin all hie life. Al the t we of bier 1 Hesp•Irr, took place on Monday, the terns of 1. slrkne•ss he was one of the township 81st. She was • native of England I Cetsbrated at Salisbury cuunsillots. The widow and nevus children survive. her 18th. Rev. D. Perrie tied the nap- nouncemetlt of the Got eminent. telt till knm. j unequal to tine task oh his portfolio Fi-Id Bos. bad a hog on exhibit end will remain in the (•ab.i: 1 without doting Chi i•tmas week which dressed ' specified 1..2, ..asiblalits. 571 lbs. It weighed 711) Ib.. live weighs. I__ Jenkins aero shipped one i MMPJt N hE DIET DISSOLVED -weighing fill) Be. Dr. Field, Public sclxwl ihspector, I Failed - to .'. 'cc on Fro;ocai to Make wet nt r very satisfactur y report of $! to -recce In Ar!wy his ufmcial visit of inspet tioet which' S d n December 9.h. He corn THE TWO BEST SOURCES AT A BARGAIN RATE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL THE TWO TOGETHER NOW TILL JAN. 1st, 1915. 35 Cents NOW TILL JAN. Ist, 1916, '$1.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has Earned the Title of "THE WAR PAPER" The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment W*rm. made Aliments the school board for the (Icing to the rejection of the mea- eq•ripment and managementsure for an Increase In the army, the Charles 8 Whitman, Governor-elact Japanese Eiii,wrot on Friday dl*solved of New York State, wade formal an -1 the Imperial Diet, that uphohang the nounceweett of his selection of Wiliiew piogram of the 'Ministry for military A. Orr as his secretary. Mr. Orr, wbo' development \Viten the dee pion was bas been city editor of Toe New Vosk ennounced there was a great cent Tribune for the last year, was born in ptotion in the House rt.d cheers trout VViogb.ou and is tblrty-one years old. t the Government side. The couoril has agreed to pay the The Premier, t'ouut Okunta, scored Guelph Co., who paved the main Lhe Opposition for -impeding" the rtreea, the sura of 11.3130• This leave+ national welfare " He denied that the a bal.nce of :3"r.A(1) t t remedy defects I proposals meant the expansion of the in the work. Ea. iwer Jones at rongly i d militarism. The Bell Company of Canada Fred Hunt NA Maori Street • : mai! 135 WINTER SESSION of the VIENTRAI. LSO& Troop end Derriere Starote-lar este Me catalogue croak.. ran mph -krill Ifen.tweent. eta& Meth oda and Rumba Toe ors layltre to writohn It If Inte•anett to the of Delicstely Bev mired - OUPS BRIJS8ELS. F. Burchell has purchased the skat- ing rink from R. Trench, the tot mer proprietor. Joseph Bolger anti family have taken poses•ion of the Danford prap- erty recently purchased from Alex. tltewart. end was eighty-one years old. She died on Fridat evening. the 18th ins•.. while bitting in • chair conversing with • neighbor. Fifteen thousand of the first Can- adian contingent spent Christmas la various parts of the British Isles. KXErER. The Mayor t Salisbury entertained Mrs. John Mooers dislocated her three hundred .1 them. representleg b older when .be fell at her horne on even, unit in the force. A spells! the 11th in. t. I denser was provided for the treepe Dan Wrtnds hos reed the Treble (arra , remaining 1a the camp and toe eeeers on the London rned, just sou, h of the dined eith their mea. A shipload of village, to John Dell. - , gifts 'tette d from Canada caseed l arl wk.^ load booll r•ctivinst torch happiness sines* the nuke tenths% is hewing a hood. y sti-dt elite ih - result af a fracutral i..iti wit. *hi, i Meningitis et Illeasasary twr IC^Ind "'rt.' Ur' 6nd Si"' j•Witt. it.) las remove I t i his hone here las_ .t .. , .item t pulps,. &Unwed his heed e. wow 1 Ingle.. 01 Twmafrk ebsfilant In "la Radian espeditioaary force. Is In for the avowal with the fellowing MB. 1 Order Early for the Bargain Rate Send all Subscriptions to offtc. of The Signal, Goderich, Ont. •H• LONDON CONSERVATOR OF MUSIC :-AND--:- .50100L OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP ANL) PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG.LLGOOSE Rrar. F LINF OR Bac. Piiincipal Address: -354-6 Ninth's St., London, Ont. r% JOB AND COMMERCIAL PM. ting the %tonal Htreeimo 'e'rilar,*tre"Urer• 4 T. ea li I, Belford Hospital. seriously 111 from 54,..n,11.6 a .1. W. Mallet, pre...Sent of the eerebroeptaal meningitis Plum. severs' stet doss to atom, t le- wou. id. rate's:, supper aa the 0 rctral hotel on , art taking every preeatitioa 1* privired 1 I ta e deci. 0 %POI" ^111 • y for •1504 ultiatioa, Di li inst. After supper e lts spread. l'oloailti Conoco. Jews ..• rabies i• 1.41•peet. J. prep Wier, It. M. timeline, gave (114' 11•7• there is cause for alarm - 1 - fl menfientIlL"Fei7.2.:., a sarii.k num n re.A. i of116111814 011•111:047 ACthoTidotbeet',4471:114t4h,:it.taid-6- Canatli•• Shore Rileaprett• elver Ad. Centralia, was made the Andrei', Hicks. leadei of the chords 1 Skates Sharpened Have your skates pat in shape W• bows iestalled a complete egnienswit tor sbarpeislog and boas% antiertiehall ha plowed to tak• acre Itf say work Tea what In this Ilse Pekoe w• Jeerers HAff4411. of liensall. retook -tot new. of the dealt, of his bretheir-in- Mr. McKinnon was in Ontario 4.15mIelef on a "int and vs bile In locknow was hi ten hy • dog Mr tont twenty-one disys of Dear want preereihrel for each maw. but hydrophobia reees.ey dive/loved, hove whitts be died. /lent of the 20,1 c .ftenneerun, Dray, I Iv" II" a"nr... 1$411"1" "... .....".... 'n litary guard room at the Tower of on Deeventrew lath. Rennie L'svine. in the West, 0111 live -re to the &seta 14 Mr deatillittr. Ilr W. 1. ' tonne. 1 Nri,. crei jitos w,.. um; tied lg.. 1,1,,,,, , orderly conduct, and mold* their get- .nwnshlp. Rev. S. A. °terrier, was horsed WIPP werk• Ago, by at) r110.1- 1 W.V. W. D. (Aloe, is teats.' 'a Veteran Fire Chat Deed Mle Drawback. '1 150e of & lie' elk tse e". '" ."5 in ' IP"' 110•Ne••• of isa,sii .e or tlie unlit& y Wldie attending • small tlre et the "Why, ri. 1 us matoirtiohed to lunar Itme eondlt bat. ...bout ar. London, ...4' ink 0..t.i.Pi11.• err- 1 QupetVil Hotel, Barrie, Fire Chief 7051 "P'1111 4 InlenrY as r. "'tr.. a° 1 H. Ales. Maskeene. one-liivet °WM, Or ' 14.11101.5.4 Mi. (.1544154411 50 tilos eso h , Geoes• G. Smith WWI 'seized with a 1.' on' 4 the beet mew frolol• A ih, bake, y pt. tea mete 46,1e n1 case?. today t o 0.1414111,1 I. the sef1111e4Po in fainting "poll, and died %Wore he -But be never gose.“--.114.1titnore bell st rev. ha• teen honroroux segoein- limit . Memorial ihureb. . I reached home He was S 'ennui old. American. of tbri fsatliseed tribe east Ilft the lbw wows" • •neb.w I•th Toe e•g• elnil we. 1"'r- Two pri•ates rif th• canadTan ester- recipient of • hoidens. music cabinet •in limey corps 11.11•• esdaped from use tom C. ft. Rennet t, pay og 112.8110 r 1 Mrs. Allen hem mesivesi don This la the first cie ape frees Totter In over a hundred years • men had been arrested for mitations • 'shoo bets. Jobe North -me for rite page 04.004- - 1 ape operatIng thole ni.nt with spiena agrey on Developer 171h. Ab est iWo a.....-4- hes vesde indeeendent ••-are Limited Popularity. The Beg Holder & Mweblse I '..0 ar• tom yeare • Hsi I. nt of Kanter. pro erd It 1. dagaitaty &weed In par% 1,,a, ri r forty bed elembie which will keep isrek• which hvatesed Ike wad. Skil lbws bogy ea a time. 1 ba4 gaggserg isook fres simasedeni baalten wpm the basis of Um sone*. hi:ts":11. Jatir.7.• • popular fell titer Well, he hp quite a favnrite with Wirt rastirf7Pdstrasrlraf,LaiDdialiblbsr bar IIIIIIMIII 1 AWN 11114111". elanaaWrgna 1.140 MO. " asevilL , lain his reputation. kr wow roam no was born Is Doran- Oka Oalleis and %Ws Not every wan has been able to sue- the outsidet coating and Aare of the pills are imitated mid the nanae-Diodd's. Kidney ritis i• imitated. Initaticer are Nicht«, rat. have le repetition. bevite. ht. tors lave none or t wouldn't beittedie. So tl.cy trade on the t .Con ,4 Dears Kidney Pala. 1)o not bes deceived. Them a only one nontvs. Dodd'. fo the fel above -- KIDNEY PILLS