HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE for Automobile, Motorcycle, Gasoline Engine Bicycle -Repairs by fully qualified mechanics. • Skates sharpened, 15 cents and EAST STREET GARAGE s>• so)• a)•• 10:1• a�. 0.. r)• s)• • 3' • • •W ;N/ W te' W ;,--; Jv Slippers for the New Year What better remembrance can you give your friends than a pair of dainty Slippers You not only offer them many days of comfort and satisfaction, but also teach them that Slippers are sources of pleasure and con- tentment. Every morning through all the year they will think kindly of you. This season we are showing the largest' ariety of colors and sty les at the most reason- able prices. : -RJ PAIRING -:- /'l (}EO. MacVICAR 4 4 d . ..• • • l'l • •<i •<i 7Vait take this oppor- tunity o f .thanking every one of our many customers for past favors and of extending to one and all our best wishes for a most -)appy aha prosperous 19 1.5 nobins THE SIGNAL : GODIRICH : ONTARIO ILKAL TC/PICS. ■ .� � r n r� .lab err .w.. L .de tee=a. aeasta- s. Oaata rel auoa Th. Collegiate leUtote win reop.o a Monday. Jaottary Nb. and will euattow In sessles all day. Iambi es gigSl.ekat a• a delic- ious Ise amen e[es..uM• puffyI in le bulk or fanny Woks. ion. M0. Almost CbepWit 0. D. a, fait • nowledgee the vesslpt uf SE gaols how Mia. Erere HUMS aid Mr. Alex. Hume tor the Hetero relief food. At the Harristoi winter fair in • clam of forty-four Rhode l.ksnd reds Henry P. Lasbbrook. of Ood.rieh, was awarded four firsts. three seconds, one third bud two special prises oe sight birds. A patriotic concert under the direc- tion of Mrs. Arthur Curzon will be held in No. 1 reboot -house, liodericb township. on Fridayevening. Janu- ar Sib, for the benet of the Belgian relief fund. The concert to be given by the Stewart Orchestra on the 22nd of January promises to be one of the most popular events of the season. pynt ci•.s talent has -teen secured. Further particulars will be given next week. Citizens desiring to become mem- bers of the Canadian Club of Ooderich and to attend the luncheon for Presi- dent Falconer at 1 o'clock p.m. Mon- day next may secure tickets from the vecretary, Mr. James L Killoran, or front members of the Club. O 7 4 Iiohmeier THE FURNITURE MAN wishes one and all a Happy New Year - • . r) tta.•'�.&ea.� Tnonao.T, Darkerma 11. 1914 A Special Opportunity. Have yon ever hoard d Listowel Buinees usage t It you lave not 11 most be our fault. Now we are ttfsiag (r�Lourselves to tbe readers of The Owing to the tact that we do as we my, sod that our graduates euoesed, the Listowel Digitises. Odle*, bas Overly doubled twit's in attead•nes and graduates in ibe peat four years. This Is the Int Ume we bare over pub- lisbed so sdv.rtimenent in We paper, and as yuu intend taking up special studies to better your position we offer you NOW your opportunity. To every render of iht.e paper who registers in our cleanse and becomes a student of the L B. C. for tbe opening of tbe New Year's term on Monday. January 4tb, we will give a sioioe of the following :- Three months' Course in any Depart moot. MS 00, or, Your months' Course in any Depart- ment, 9:15.00. This offer is only for advertising purposes mod will .,sly he bold npen for two week. from date of this paper, and i. only stood to re.identy of poet - office disu lots anywhere in Ontario except tbowe mentioned below. vis.: Listowel, AUwsod, D .negal, Newry, Ethel, Milverton, Brunner, Britton. Newton, Millbank, Herron. Moorefi.M. Palrnerstoo, Han igloo,Clifford, Ford- wich, °orris• Ay7ton, rew. Alefeldt, Cowanstown, Waller•e, Trowbridge Moie.woiih. Hoare n, Kurtsvtfle, Hotbesy, Burne and Freeborn. EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Principal. The serial evening wh'ch the Oodericb branch of the Women's In- stitute had planned for has been post- poned until • later date. The regular monthly meeting will be beid at the borne of Mrs. Cleo. Bisset, East West, on TburwIay, January %h. at 8 o'clock p.m. A full attendance is desired for some special business. A GRATEFUL LETTER. L' Anso a V alleauu, GaspeCo., Qu the Dec. `tith.-(8pr Tbit deadly Bright's disease, the moat fatal form of kidney dresee, can be cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills after all other means have taped has again been proved in tilt: case of Mr. Joan B. TIMID. of this place. lo order that other sufferers may benefit by hi. ex- rience, Mr. Tapp bee elven the blltmtion Mier Mary E. Vaostone, of Ben- following •twtameot for p miller, was the fortunate winner of "I am happy to tell you that four the Singes sewksg „raohine offered by boxes of Dudd's Kidney Pill have MIL L B. Tall* to the person mak- made toe well. For more than a year ing the closest guess of the number of I suffered from kidney disease and beans there were in • glass Jar di.- rbrum•ti•u which developed into played In the window. Tho judges Bright's d wase. Before using Dodd's said there were 31St beans in the jar Kidney Pills I tried many other medi- and Miss Vanstone'u guess wan 6180, ' cines, without a cure. I am today The guesser ranged from 500 to 1,91111 -'strong, robust, and In excellent health. 110tt, ! Kiodly insert Obis letter in your al - Mrs. (Dr.) Hunter has received s ruaa•c, as it may encourage some ff t ke Dodds Kidney Pill." letter from Mr. Rector Prud'homme. other •u riser to • honorary treasurer of the Belgian relief tund, at Montreal. thanking her for • contribution of $51.81. ihepee-' coeds of the children's bazaar recently held in the Temperance Hall. The letter stater that the money will be, used to purchase wheat, which is be- ing urgently appealed tor by the Bel- gian Minister and is the thing most needed in Belgium at present. Canadian Club Luncheon. On Monday next, January 4, Presi- dent Falconer of Toronto University copses to Goderieb as the guest of our! Oaoadian Club• A midday luncheon at 1 o'clock will beheld by the mem-' bers of the Club in the Masonic Tem- ple, at which the distinguished guest will deliver an addreae. in the even- ing at $ p. ni., in the court house, a public meeting will be held wbicb will be free and will be open for ladies.' Through the efforts of the Club and 1 e.pecielly its prepidemt, Rev. J. B. Fotberingbato, who arranged for the I visit of President Falconer, an oppor- %uoity is given the people of Oodericb and vicinity to bear one of Canada's noted men. It b hoped President Falconer will meet with the alumni of Toronto Uoi- I verity resident in Oodericb in the afternor.o. Presentation to Miss Challenger. N PKRI ONAL fdlgNT1O. -Mr. U. M. 111111e44 event the holidayan with friends at Lenders. Herb erb M..del Detroit, .peat Cbri.tns•s with friends is towu. -Mrs Dot Bovair spent the Cbriet. Inas holidays at Stratford and Duedas, -Mr. Karl Elliott, of Molesworth spent the Christmas vacation with his parents here. -Mr.m Will it. No, of Lowell, paps d a visit to bis &later, Mrs. J. H. Millan, this week. -Wm. Clark, of Welland, .pent the Christmas holiday with his parents hers and friends in Colborne. -Mr. Campbell Stevenson. of Avon - beak, spent the Christmas holidays at tbe boats of Rev. Jas. Hamilton --Mr. Wm. Burley, of Detroit, visited his mother. Mrs. John Burley. (Iambi is road, during the holiday. -Mr. and Mrs. HarryCuff, of Brantford, and dauxhter arion were among the Christmas vi.itors in town. -%ui ich Herald :-Mrs. F. Hess, sr., has returned from an extended visit with her daughter Mrs. O. A. Bi.set, Ooderieb. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell left this morning for Mount.hnrg• where they will 'pond New Year's n t' h Mr. Campbell's parents. -Mr. Jas. Tutt rat.* ne.l to his hoose at Parry Sound rot The.day after .pending four w.-rk, with his &inter, Mt s. Ellen 1.:ij,r-, Bioce street. - Mr. Waller Sharman har t elm rued from Detroit, where he .petit . mvntb visitiug relatives. Mrs. Sharma° is row there and will rru.a::t fo.' tome weeks. - James O'Grady. "f Stratford, and anise Annie 0'G*-...: , ..f Toronto, sprat the Christ m•° t -ot. with their slater, Mrs. D. V. O Bri, n, Elgin avenue. -Mrs. Burdette and daughter, Max- ine, left last week to join Mr. Bur- dette urdente at Detroit, where the will make tbeir home in future. Goderieb is sorry to Ince these good citizens, but wishes them stsecese and happiness in their new location. - Mr. and Mrs. Adam Koenig, Paris. ' Ont., announce the engagement of their only daughter, Charlotte Mil- dred, to Mr. James Cecil Carrie, son -,f the late Rev. James Carrie and of Mrs. Carrie, Oodei icb, tbe man iage to take place in January. The Listowel Standard of Last week ' has s full repot t of a presentation by t1`e resideuts of school section No. 2, Wallace township. to Mier A. K. Chal- lenger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Challenger, of Oodericb. Mier Cbal- lenger ts leaving the section after teaching there several years, and the regret made evident upon her depar- ture shows how highly abets esteemed in the community. She was pre- eroted by that people of the section . with an addre•e expressing feelings of the very highest respect and affection, the address tieing aeenmpanied by • silver tea Pet and • silk umbrella with engraved monogram The pupils alto preempted her w th gift.. The St an- dard concludes Le report with these words: "Miss Cbillegger has been teaching In the Portion over fnnryears, during which time rhe bit won tbe esteem and goodwill of everyone with whom she bee met, and ber drgptt ut e from the section is deeply regretted by all. Mb* takes with her the very best wishes for a happy and prosperous future." Miss Cball.nger is now st the home of ber parents. KIgir avenue. WEALTH OF HAIR Parisian Sage Makes Thin Lifeless Hair Soft and Abundant Beautiful hair. think, soft. fluffy, Iu-trous, and free from daredi tiff. is owe of women'. greatest char me vi t so many bats streaked, thin and life- less bair and think there la no r' nerdy. Pretty hair is largely a ,.natter of care. Frrq.wnt ap,•Itcatien. of Parlol.n Sage well rubb d Gino the scalp 1e aft that is Deeded -it acts Irk. R.ag.e. it tostgait.--ere. •Velire h0. nr►. d wi b ie the tet. of only will the bilis herons.. .nit, fl•.ffy, radiant with ON and really ereddy beset fill, tont •11 dandruff di re. felines hak prod Ite(.iog seslp reeve -your bed feels fine. All deamigios..r11 a lar*a brittle of Parietals Sag.yfoe fifty mess. dot It teens ii,iLl ials, He will reload the money If you are .4 wti.fi•e 1. . Dublin grout. Eagll.b Tout let (-swirliest Dublin stews with evident app.+ciuInn I - $ALLOW COMPLEXION.Rosily, this r *pleaded sluff. They ii {t b boob meat and drink Itsdiea•es Mdiste•tion. reeetipation net Ise/tire tblerruptdrsg)-"$bore, liver t rn.hle. F10 PILLS will mu- an' kk • might yew are, err t an' if you late your system and WM up thi4tatspleaty av It it'll felon yo lode - serve forerun es &bat oe sea sleep and i loge nae." enjoy Iffy. A-14,4611 l�.1P11t� . and A lhofl rim 11 a 1 Sven 1M thirsty Amp trim to dodge eh t.g.I is laber tear d Jostler. AT EN "T'S Ash the our INvl: wbtsb anti be feet f r... 1M a MANION. -- Yw.rMdr 9'.. $ewtrdal. r, V war (hla mind full of the r eerwlt i -g poslarst-"Wilt 'boo take this wo- w se M tb wedded wMtbthree .-r the years ter the duration of tie war r Lade W IIWletbo ban ea inyaleing wain/) -'•Pa$. ars.miI mew really bora r-ee .wA equal? We !lute' -•_•Tree hut • wealw a' y • 1 thaw,, •• lay. 'Children,' said • teacher to bis poprle. "you should be able to do any- thing/ equally well with Mihaly basil. With • tittle practice you will end It jt.t as easy fn do anything with owe hand se it Is with the other.' "le it r inquired tun urshis et the foot of tbe class. •'Let's see you put your left band in the right -bend pocket of your trouser~." The MAPLE LEAF GROCERY NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS TO ALL THE READERS OF THE SIGNAL. MAY THE COMING YEAR BAE PROSPEROUS ONE FOR ALL. S. J. Young Hamilton Street Ooderich l'Unlion I lotilklaga i Saab y heti aid Save jtag !Myra Mau tis the cheques or c.ah you receive, vitt your Paz.* book. which vs will rettnn with the D.poalt credited. Theo you can pay your bills by cheques. which we will honor, or If you want the cash yourself. send us a cheque In your own favor and we will forward the moos, by rettri matt Drop 1n and talk to the Manager about It. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. -WingbamAdvance:--0. M. Elliott county secretary of the Children's Aid, was in town on Tuesday on his us m- elon of brightening the lives of chil- dren. He visited some needy cases while here and used his usual good din- •eretion in the matter. This noble work should be better supported by our county and municipal councils. I CHRISTMAS VISITORS IN TOWN.' Miss Florence McDonald, of Detroit. Mr. Russell Fox, of Dunnville. Misses Vera and Frances Wiggins, of Detroit. Mies Florence Mandel, of Detroit. Misses Alice and Ota Bates, of Tor- onto. Mr. 'Kill Bisset, of the 0. A. C., Guelph Mr. 'John McLeod, cat Sault Ste. MatMr.ie. Riley Bradford, front London Nor mal School. Mr Reg. Platt, of Toronto. Mr. George McLeod, of Elkhart, In- dlane. Mr. Herb. Materiel, of Detroit. Mr. Earl Elliott, of Muleswortb. Mr. R•g. Smith, of Toronto. Mr. Worthy Ryan, of Toronto Uni- versity. Miss Lottie Polley, of Alvinatou. Mr. Fred Jobnstoo, of Wingbatn. Mr. Norman Lewis, of Ottawa. Mr. Harry Wiggins, of Toronto. Miss Minnie Campbell, of Sarnia. Miss Annie Campbell, of Toronto. Miss Cora Blair, of Peterboro. Mr. Roy Naegle. of London. Mr. Austin Chisholm, of Ottawa. Mr. Roy McLean, of Stratford. Mr. Harry Ticbborne, of St. Marys. The Misses Lily and May Boyd and M. sirs. Grout and Kenneth Florid, of Toronto. Mr. A. E. Cook, of Tut onto. Miss Catberioe Finn,of Mountslurg. Miss Maud Bisset, of New York. Miss Maud Watson, of Toronto. a 1 Cut Out the Hard Work And let a Gasoline En- gine do 11 /or you Easy to npsrat.• priontly sal., power always than Jt•rr whys It is wanted. •+•► Oall la aha let tie~Ane you :he Ensue.s working and see for yowl/elf bow simple and eflferttve they are. Root Palpate. Straw Cut- ters, Oriedere, RoWw Cnt.h- o.rs, Pumps. Seal.., Cream Sept ra tore. Aperient Corona Ranges and Heaters. Robert Wilson 'JII.eMlhe Jd,ert V' `>>r .1 Let KODAK Answer that New Year's Problem No. 1 KODAK Jr. A new model that will delight your boy --or girl ---or any grown -up -- thin, compact, equipped with all the Kodak re- .inetnents-it offers an ideal New Year's. sugges- tion. Every purchaser of a. Camera will be given a year's subscription FREE to Kodakery, a mag - aline for amateur;. R. R. SALLOWS F. W. Robinson, A.R.C.O. TKA(•}ER ttF• Piaaeterie, Organ ad Stogie& StMla ever Th.sasi s Mask Steri uootemicH a?1T11t1.. CHURCH CHIMES. A especial address on tutees -mien will he given in the Baptist church on Sunday morning. Special prayer will be offered by several leaders. In the afternoon the Sunday school will re- sume its meetings at 3 o'clock. In Knox church next Sunday. laps tial services morning and evening will he conducted by Rev. tiro. E. Hos. of confession and supplication on behalf of the Empire and the conmuotoation of peace. Every member of the con- gregation is expected Lo attend. The sereixs at Victoria street Mrth..di.t church next Sunday will be in accordance with the call for a general da of confession and inter- cession. 'The Sunday school wi'l be re -opened, and the annual meeting of the adult Bible class Inc organisatiow will he held Sunday afternoon. Rey. W. K. Hager will preach at both 'services in No.tb street Metho- dist church n.-xt Sunday. Morniig sub) et : "Toou wilt k.•ep hint in per - feet peace whose mind is srayed on Thee because be tru.teth in liter. Trott 1 t Use lin d forever, for in IM Lord is overlies ing .tr.meth.' Evert- ing en' )reel : 'Ileum( a Vieth St r t lit ie." t.00ERICM MARKETS. A Pontine For Fall and Winter w. bap a emend bu•ios.. oropa.it Ion for • reliable snrreelio ..le.ma.. for Chi.. 11. trkt to..etlft al' Uew,.mall fruit.. Power. leg shrubs. et. I'sy we kly, outfit 1r,., ear -101v. territory. OVUM 000 AC*U of fruit and oruateee.al .lurk ender emit t - ration. We tell tirougb oar r.k...nse dir- e ct ilaeat to Ofte ooseamer sad roateat.e delivery d frrti, AirAyrreds tr..ra Our attendee are valuable by rea.oe r1 the &undos we g ive sad the volume of batters done. Rr- [abltaaed Zn year.. Write PELHAM NURS- ERY Oe.. Toronto. Own. PAL Hand.,nne eatatogue oil retriea AV: k foeat o-Nur* Lia. wishing Nur Dpl 1 whew. run boil i (tear, per MO 1 h..,bask e to Int bur.•. n-. t y. per cwt. tier. pun ens 1 tree, .� osa Tett'nie►r, tree. x • 1 N r •t Lia t- to .w to M to 3M to 10 .at. . ILO to 1110 a le ss alfa. .MMto M'r. ..... Ale to ban l it ea .s-, 1e al ! 1.1r. 1.0 1.:1 1.• 1r 1, p•1 law w. Iw, per tea. wen&,war •r' floatInasse est le par dee '. steew., par forth • VtiY�+a�101 bis '.•Misr . ' c,' t.d. u (flytem4 bs4+eM►�[Lwr Meet. &tris to 1t : per est a. le pie••eti ter .wt .. . La. to .wt : 10 w .ala ss► - . p. .. ........for sI M• 1.r. 1. ▪ : It is our sin- cere wish that'd all may enjoy a! Happy Prosperous Year. and New J. H. McClinton ROOTS AND BMWs Come in Out of the Wet It is easier TO KEEP DRY under \Vet Conditions, than TO KEEP WET under Dry Conditions'. Wihrotu large stock ot Light and Heavy Rub= bets, Cloth Overshoes and Arctics, we are prepared 1.3 RIpply ynu With Just what you may need ie a.erp your feet dry, warm and cnmfer:abe. SHARMAN TBK SHOP MAN 1 Stewart Orchestra of twelve members i• open for engagement for conceit, social or few ival rventP. (1,0(1 mtreic, Whole prow anr or ished it desired. NT, Manager, Gnderi••h. Nervous .. Emoional Dizzy Depressed 0.. AAs.. Cse•aiv« ✓ ceder$•-, c ,*..site A' baro mae.w�.r -I wed at r fie year Veer wee 9—., r.edlrl AS, kw IwWebwk bin MN eseehease In ber. lbs.* read and mewl for 21 years . lebreibtaile el Pre.ertett.a, eedinve Ereamed5Mltb rani I steed N. h eventb. +.s i.aes•e WI WOMEN who are restless with eoustantCha"se of )Pe`Aif-Ort '• Wi pt.- hses.," who are abnormally exettabie er wive experience fainting or. diary spells, or war+eul headache and wakefulness are usually sufferers who ma be helped DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription i. w soothing. eon ..a womanly • sr is the soothing. cordial and womanly that brings about an Invigorating atlas W the o.gvene system. Overcomes the weakness and the *eg- ging` pains whkb resemble the pains of rhos - madam. Thoaeands of women in the part tarty years can bear witness to its benefits. �Toow dealer l• ,.•dries raiR M a n s.rd et e� fir a tr tablet dd tor yew _ttilFlvred �rle •e•as'ee�aaa of Ma Swesi DrAMrvse ♦ .t rheaeln. . aT tsesbr' W IN. ftses's furies.- Pass t g.1.i.'i 4 Italian& Iliseesk Nm sad bei amig-C«nee t `mut`.