HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 3WITHIN
• miom..0.•
• eroe. lila by the H. K.
---esegew nos -es
loess tbe *WM grliselpie IS Mary**
• gentiernaa poseetool sm.
aeolian roe toe serupotens
bid with Idgb 'modal sophadersta4
vertigo* tor • partner le laved capital
la a basbnot sans to Wag large ow
tants Th adverthement sandhi ate
ego el Mary Terser. sad tate answered
It. As latrodewtory eervoimendosee
encouraged ber to hope for the victory
ha • game of meninx agalast emsalag.
Bbe consulted with Harris &ad espe.
elegy nought from him detailed later -
=doe se to partaseship v. Rh
stsbionssftl lave her seek tersildenos
that presently Ms* eptered Into • parb
nership with the advertiser. By Its
tams of their agreensest each deem.
lied $30.000 to the partnership account.
This sum of $110./100 was ostensibly
ID be devoted to Gut pu reheats of a
tract of land, which should afterward
be divided into lots and meld to the
public •t enormous profit As a nisi
ter of fact, the adrertleer planued to
make • spurious purchase of the tract
In question by means of forged deeds
granted by an accomplice, thus mak-
ing through fraud a neat prodt of $30.-
No wooer was the IP10.000 on deposit
In the bank than Mary Turner drew
out the whole *mount, as she had •
perfect right to do legally. When the
advertiser learned of this be was. nal.
orally enough. full to overflowing with
wrath. But after an Interview with
Harris be swallowed his wrath as beet
he [night He found he could not go
into court with clean bands. which le
a prim* stipulation of tb• law. tboegb
often h000red In the breach. So be
let blamer be mulcted In raging al.
The event established Mary as the
arbiter in her own coterie. She nest
decided that a certain General Hast-
ings would make an excellent sacridce
oo the altar of justice -and to ber own
financial profit ,The old man was a
notorioue roue. of most unsavory rep-
utation as a destroyer of inoocence.
It wtui probable that be would easily
fall • victim to the ingenuous charms
of Aggie. As for that precocious dam-
e/el. she would run no least risk of de
tructlon by the satyr
Geueral Hastings met Lingle in the
most tesual way. 13e was captivated
by her freshoess and beauty, her de-
murenesa. her tgooraoce of all tillage
vicious Straightway be set snares.
He showered every gallant attention
on the naive, bread and butter mine
and succeeded gratifyingly soon In
winning her heart -to all appearaoce.
But be reined nothing more, for the
coy creature abruptly developed most
effective powers of resister:we to every
blandishment that went beyond strict-
est propriety. Flis ardor cooled sud-
denly when Harris served • IDIMMODS
111 a suit for $10,000 damages for
breach of promise.
Even while this affair was still in
the course of execution Mary fund her-
self engaged In • direction that offered
at least the hope of attaining ber great
dewire -revenge against Edward Gil-
der. This opportunity came In the
pereon of his son. Dick. After much
contriving. sbe got an Introduction to
that young man. .Fortbwith she show-
ed herself so deliciously womanly. so
lotelligent so daintily femlnlost. so
siugularly beautiful that the young
men was enamored •Imost at once.
The fact thrilled Mary to the depths
of ber heart, for in this son of the man
whom she hated she saw tbe !nitro -
resat of vengeance for which she bad
go longed Tet this one thing was so
b said thl of
,,ping Within the Law.
mANY'S heart leaped at the poe-
'Wiley beck of them three
words. -within the law" She
might do anything. seek any
roeugs, work any evil, enjoy any mar
ten' mi long IPA sbe should keep with-
in tee law. There could he no 'pun-
obreent tben Tbat was the lesson
taught by tie captals in high thence
ge *ss at pains always in his atupen-
&els robberies to keep within the isw.
To that end be employed lawyers of
mighty cunning and learning to guide
his steps argirt in limb tortuous paths.
There, then. was the 'secret. Why
should sle not use tbe like means?
Why, indeed? Sbe bad brains enough
to devise. surely. Beyond that ate
Deeded only to keep her course moot
carefully within those limits of wrong-
doing permitted by the statutes. The
sole requirement would be • lawyer
equally unscrupulous and astute
She took Joe Gerson tato ber confi-
dence. Ile was vastly astonished at
the outset and Dot quite pleased. To
his elew this plan offered merely •
fashion of setting difficulties to the
way of achievement
Presently. however, the sincerity and
persistence of the girl won bim over
The task of convincing him would
hare been reeler had he himself ever
known the torment of serving • term
In prison Thus far, however. the
ger 'had always esesped the penalty
for his crimes. though oftlen tines to
convletion. But Mary's arguments -were
of a compelling sort as she set them
forth in detail. and Gerson agreed that
the espertment shotild be goad*.
An agreement was made by which
Joe Gerson and certalo of him more
trusted Intimates in tie Underworld
were to put themselves under tbe or-
ders of Mary concerning the spbere of
their activities. Furibermore, they
hotel' themselves not to !Drag* in 107
desire's' herenesta without her content
Agee. tr.n. was one ot the company
t!.us constituted, but alte figured little
In the preliminary discuselone. aloe*
nclther Mary nor tbe forger had much
respect for the Intellectual en tu4 bill 1 les
ot tadventuress, tbutieb theA
y ppris-
e. it. -1 to the full her remarkable pow-
ers of intlitenclog men to ber will
It %vas not difficult to dtx1 a lawyer
suited to tbe neremolties of tbe under
taking. Mary Detected Englewood Har-
ris, an attorney. just in Abe prime of
his tnental rigors. who pommeled a
konwledge of the law only to be equal-
ed by his disrespect for It
Forthwith the scheme was set in tiP'
srstion Ala !Inn step Mary Terser
hot Op IMburaaesn-
411114 you mast Rot be sees epee Meg
with blis.• Mary directed. wrib a cer
take ski el entsmand sow become ha-
bitual to bee amass the toesebtre el
bey cation "My cosent. Ws. Agues
Lynch moot be very careful r. See
H. just Hopped as to say lee bora
tbe beet year be ever had." she ex-
plained. With ottentations vanity.
"How as UHL be when tds dead
lbw sew le John streetr
"Tbe dead liner Aggie scoffed.
-Why. Jim hikes !ouch ovary day In
T1111711MDAY. DalOnaisius 31, lad
Illeisutesturer of -Oftle lei News
Serie Is Gr. Hamann
Who is the author of the astound
lad reverts which come by wireito •
from 001111DAny to Say trills, Long Island.
tor asserIcan sossumptiou
Preach Ambassatioe ot Weenie/00U
Insists that they come by "t• loathy."
It is Dr. Hamann, -the notorious
bead of the PB
ress ureau of the Ger
man leoreigu Officts," se be woe titra,
by Sir Zdward Oosbea. Britt/lull A!"
hewed°, to Berlin. who sends out the
daily wireless from the Patheriand,
terrine of ItuagInary German victories
and French. Belgian and British stro
The Press Bureau of the Wilhelm-
rtrasse, over which Lir. Hamann pre-
sides. has certain very definite ob-
jects and duties in addition to other
functions more or lees obscure. To
the German °Metal mind journalists
tall into three categories. There ara
those journalists wilt. have been bought
outright, 'hose who are anxious to
keep on the right side of the Govern-
ment and. filially, those, mainly the
Berlin correspondents of the groat
foreign newspapers, whose goodwill
It is important to secure by flattering
The manipulation of Mese three
classes of newspaper people involves
a great deal of work. and gives the
chief manipulator, as is easily under-
stood, immense opportunities for in-
trigue. That is why Dr. Hamann Ls
at the same time the moot betel and
the most feared man in official Ger-
many to -day. He and his assistants,
Iwo or three in number. liege to read
sad mark, first, the whole of the 0--r-
8 P.
see dr-
is y44
vital to her that e DO Of
her purposes. not even to Jiggle
though that observant person may
have possessed stuipacions more or Imo
osar tbe troth.
ft wee sone such suspicion that lay
behind her speech as. in oegligee, she
sat smoking a cigarette, while watcb-
int Mary, who was adjuitting her hat
before the mirror of her dredging table
ow pleasant spring morning.
'Dalin' up a wbole lot ain't your'
Agee remarked affably, with that laz-
ier a language which charactetiaed
low natural moods.
"I bare • eery important engage-
ment with Dick Gilder." Mary replied
▪ Nice boy, ain't ber Aggle ventur-
ed hesinuatinffir
'Ob. I supper* so," came the Indif-
ferent answer from Mary as she tilted
the picture hat to en angle a trifle
more jaunty.
' 1 don't get you. Ninrf. Yee Dever
weed to look at the men Tbe way yoe
acted when you net run round with
me. I tbought you sure was a out -
reagens. And thee von met this
yeasts Gilder -and- food night. nurser
Wineeme Inereeenee. -His old man. irMii it* Cr tee •
became a streteb for socoethieg you didn't do.
Young lady of tobrosodeat end ..
fortune, wbe bed boss with ber you tan rip with his eon like -
come ihni. kiwis Lysol. it. eat "And yet yon don t understand!'
was eboodowd. Ns steed vs. es 'Mere was scorn for i.och grow stupid-
etertinent in the Pliaeties es Rivendde 117 In tnn 4"14"1 Tr4e.
&Ire, in which the laden lived alone AggItt eboked • little from the cigar -
with two maids to eery, them ette smoke as obe gave • rrooP wbos
mime I. *be wedbbee. easpieleti of the tenth soddenly dawn -
Gerson beg
hoog, but Jim /4„ek web pembeasetr os ler slow IntellIgestio.
rehired ter emendate of such an alit- -nu" Ilwr Het "4" eliti" la a
Mice, lootook himself afar, to poetises, 1"7" skr/sk (nr
nis rwilless datbertng of ether folit's wi•er
rion.y -
Is emit who es to wis wake h"nt mu* nptierinand
Invsehle to the ism tp. 'wet woe Mary west on with es sothornative
h• elleadd at it. sem to her vacs. "Whatever may be
few tootatter riveter's remelted be Islivress foss( Glider sod MI hl 10
r" 'Its so lamp mot sou mummy 'rum ettirtly say own affair It hes alms-
esumuseatk. trnw tbb soyei testy Both*, to do with the rest off
*inner of *neva.. is "ch Ina tape. yoe or with ewe sehreende for nosey
Rirrig, ..i. ,..„,od eed mais bee asking And. whit le more. Agnes, 1
'vatlfiehrote statement se lie rite legall- "nt 1. know wind 7
ill of the nom fie.4.,,..pd A fter • eon talkiest la lbe public street yesterday
Perfectly wool iweet-e or prowitto. 04Wia, with • onninos garkpocitat." A erenis says tbet tint weight et •
elft 1" A et4:_.." "'lb.."'" 1"/"."." 4 aides thilenis fere chewed swab soul h Om and sevott-olltsewth oases.
boo tuttflel *Avow Iv Ito eopreeeliso from • sty eagerurall to the avenge amporatfaa hamlet
relit of court Mary devised a to senesoset siasell ineoh. I
st Meter onberstossos. with -roti Iowa perfectly weft Mary TIIIP- I
hilli..1 "Om. ef Ms le‘rrer 00 I. ow." *be cried flown/may. Viet 1 !be pries of diesiown. le eendeg
I. /11 tb• Motel, lit ffafott- a ...sly mid • few woyel• ta peseta' 0 down. bet the sews will set efeet as
keddiessed all ellw silP0M011 lle a my brstbor Min And he Mal se esin. spa psi* as If a mamma the
'limy* an important engagement with
Dick Gilder."
the Wall street Delmonico's And only
yesterday be went down to police
headquarters just for • little excite
meat 'cense Jim does sure bate a dull
life. Say, be told. me they've got
mat at the door with 'Welcome' on It
In letters three feet h(gh. Now. what
do you thiDIC of that! And. ob. year
she mothered happily. "Jim be lifted
a leather from a bull wbo was stand-
ing in the hallway there at beadquate
tees! Jim sure does love excitement*
Mary lifted her dark eyebrows ha
half wanted inquiry.
"TVs no use. Agnes," she declared,
though without entire sincerity;
can't quite keep tip win) your thieve),
argot -your slang, you know, Just
what did this brother of your dor
-way. be copped tee coppers kale*
Amigo translated. glibly.
May threw out ber hands in a ger
tore of dismay.
Thereupon the adventuress instantly
aseumed • most ladyllke and mincing
Mr which 111 assorted with the cigar-
ette that alt. held between her lips.
'11. gently removed • leathern wal-
let" she said sedately. "containing a
Lune sum of money frora the coat
pocket of • member of the detective
force-- The elegance of utterance was
initiiltably done. But in the next in -
whet the ortUeary vulgarity of enun-
ciation was in full play again. "Ob,
ever- ses cried gayly "He oars In•
spector Burke's got a gold wateb that
weighs • ton, sn' all set with diamon'a
which was eye 10•im by admirhe
friends! We didn't contribute"
-Given to him." Mary corrected.
earth a tolerent
"What differenee does It make?" AC -
Oft demanded scornfully. "He's got
It. ain't bet Just as soon as I get
time I'm grata' after that watch -be
neve mer
"No, you are 001. You are under my
orders now. And as long as you are
working with us you will break Ws
"But I can't see"- Adele began to
argue with the petulaoce et • spoiled
"When you were working Mose did
man newspapers for the Im.wr a
Chancellor, as also to Perfo'Al the
extremely delicate task of pr.-parihg
and "arrar, "arranging" such newep .r
unarm •• may lie found suitable for t
the Emperor's perusal. The daily 3 I 56
batch of cuttings sent up to the KsIser
by the Press Bureau during the let
few months would make extraordinar-
ily interesting reading!
Dr. Hamann' and his henchnten
have to write in the Press Bureau
the articles they are entitled to Insert
In those German and foreign news-
papers receivinz German subsidies
Very, often these articles LIM) the
form of -telegrams" dated from one
or other of the foreign capitals in-
tended to produce some carefully cal-
culated effect.
The modua operandi of the Press
Bureau, with regard to its personal
relations with journalists, Is as fol-
lows: Every morning Dr. Hamann has
an interview with the Imperial Chan-
cellor and settles with him the tone
of the reply to be given to journal-
istic inquiries on the different topics
of current policy. The -line" is then
Subscribe For The Signal Now and Receive a Beautiful Calendar
Run nomIl
Feeling kind of seedy, nervous
and irritable?
Cheer Up!
you have • boons like tiller
"Or etch clothes? Mad a an, did
you bare safety from the pollee?
I"No; hot, just t he ma me, I can't
see" -
"Agnes. the richest tnen to this coun-
try have made their femme, not. be -
cense of the law, but In spite et the
law. They mad* op their mteds what
itbsty wanted to do sod then they en-
gaged latryere caeca,- same% to, ebow
!Mem bow tbey could do it sod still
keep within the la w Any 000 with
brains can get rich In this (vestry If
he will elilPire the right lewyee Welt
1 beep the brains. and Harr% is @bow-
ing me the law -the wooderful twist-
ed low tint was made for the Melt.
S ince we keep inside the isw we are
"And now most h• off to a most
import:est engagement with Kr. Dick
Made in Made in
Canada Canada
The Songs
the Soldiers are Singing
win set yell nr. ynot feet aKa:n.
"Buy it for Purity's sake"
Tee T c.
• xi.-
passed on to Dr. Hamsn.n's hench-
men, to assist hlm in receiving the
Press, so that a sot reply is forth -
cocain& generally In identical word
to each inquirer.
This, then. is the Intricate machin-
ery over which Dr. Hamann presides.
But Ms immense power dome not lie
In these outward duties, but In the
tortuous intrigues which he 'piss
behind the scenes. At Me beck sad
call he has innumerable servile tat -
.lingers, who daily cool their hosts
for hours In the anteroome ol the
Wilhelmstrasse, anxious to curry fa-
vor with their editors to obtain moms
increase of the miserable pittance
paid to journalists In the Fatherland,
or scheming to obtain yet another
decoration to tinkle musically on
their manly bosoms. These tools he
can use for inspiring mean little al,
tacks on Mello diplomatists in Ber-
lin or statesmen abroad who have
crossed Germanrs path.
Tall, pale, short-sighted and silent,
unknown even to millions et his coun-
trymen. Geheimrst Hamann, though
actually only a subaltern official of
the Wffkirsomara.:se. 411, meek, It is
believed, to bring *boot the prissiest
Mew anelent rano have bees Ilona
nor the City of II•ries There are
she a lbw roefors rano tbet wo1/410
WW1& flatt. bed err 10 wee fgageombse. Hefty seal Mes die won et soross.
Practical Motor C,ost
The womin w'io motors much tuts
found that the motor east without
any furbelows and little thrombi', la
the kind that she takes most cosallort
• long mat of heavy raw silk
musses less than of say ether me
beret and gray or tan, the colors that
show dust least. ars the beet edgers
to choose In a met of this kind.
Tbe tree pictured le ee um mitten
with buttons a hone, capacious
pockets and Am-1CM air of comfort
and elegance
Making Seemewells Stick
Where screws are driven tato "at
wood and subjected to considerallid•
strain, they are very likely to work
loose and h is ones Teri Caked to
inaki them hold. In such eases Uto
ore of glee Is proStable. Make EMI
ghee thick: Immerse • sash sheet
half tbe else a tbe forme, sad pa
It tufo the hole; them put ha !be senor
aad &tee tt bone 0 IMMO aa pm -
Spanish Steak
Pound me -lia'f cup of dour with a
half teampoon of salt into an inch
thick, medium seed round steak. .
Slice one onion, seed and chop two
peen peppers. one clove of garlic, cit.
ha three pit cos. peel and slice Or
large toms:eras. Put Into skillet with
two tablespoons of butter. Allow to
cook slowly until It forms thick sauce.
Turn sauce into bowl. Put two table-
spoons of butter Into skillet Heat hot.
Put In steak. Turn several times to
D OW. When steak is brown add sauce
Cover and simmer forty minutes. 2)0
not allow the sauce to cook brown;
add a little stock or water as neeied.
Serve Meek and Bauer in ceutre of
platter With border of cooked rice
With dash of curry powder.
Escalloped Onions
Select small. even -sized onions.
Cook until tender, but not boiled to
pieces. Drain and arrange in bakine
dish anti add a little minced parsley.
Cover with sence made with two cups
cd milk put Into double boiler to boll.
Rub to cream two tablespoons of
butter with one a dour When milk
is boiling add the butter and flour
W ater*. Boll until smooth When
this mance has been added te tbc
01000 sad Parolee put thin layer of
ARUM& eenc_lttallow %mite In
sows ustil crumbs. are brown.
goat Relish
Ms large oder.. put Into bolli.4
'USW, treoked until tender, talt,ng
peel care stet to break the skis
WIteli cooked pet Into clear cold water
1111i ellp off Set aside
bed tribes elm* sot too line. Add
tbr0 *UPI Cabbage cut is tartan
IM' WSW 1111BUsr Over thesis put
See NMI leligepoou a salt and allow
Is eased tee boar Drain. Heat one
quart et mIld vinegar with one asp
of stessr and add ogle tearoom el
W11014 spirts and osekalf cap of chop-
ped sweet green pepper. Tern over
beet and cabbage mixture. Randy for
ime le two days.
have been recorded
exclusively on
Patriotic Records
85c They incluteubtliwe.dif:forecwingords,selecwai 85c
Each fit any machine. Each
Your King and Country Need You 1, 85c
Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue
Bravo! Territorials 1
Soldiers of the King I 85c
Sons of the Sea t 85c
Tommy Atkins
Here's to the Day (We've Got a Mailed
Fist, Too)
The Trumpet Voice of the Motherland is 85c
Boys of the Old Brigade 85c
Veteran Song
Lord God Protect the Tsar
God Save the King
La Mauseillaise 85c
Vapiach Regimental March
And All the National Hymns of
the Allies.
If yon don't know the quality of Columbia Rocords, we
for advertising purposes only, supply you with onr
damonstrstion double -disc record for thirty cents, intro -
Maple Leaf For Ever and
Hoene, Sweet Home
You can obtain them and all
other PATRi0T1C and POPULAR
30c 11
N wit*
Annual Clearing Sale
Going On -
AS is our usual custom at this season, all
goods of passing fashion and all odd
TOM% lots will be cleared out regardless of
if‘if cost. . . . • • • •
rite McCall's Patterns and Publications
Subscribe For The Signal Now and Receive a Beautiful Calendar
Run nomIl
Feeling kind of seedy, nervous
and irritable?
Cheer Up!
you have • boons like tiller
"Or etch clothes? Mad a an, did
you bare safety from the pollee?
I"No; hot, just t he ma me, I can't
see" -
"Agnes. the richest tnen to this coun-
try have made their femme, not. be -
cense of the law, but In spite et the
law. They mad* op their mteds what
itbsty wanted to do sod then they en-
gaged latryere caeca,- same% to, ebow
!Mem bow tbey could do it sod still
keep within the la w Any 000 with
brains can get rich In this (vestry If
he will elilPire the right lewyee Welt
1 beep the brains. and Harr% is @bow-
ing me the law -the wooderful twist-
ed low tint was made for the Melt.
S ince we keep inside the isw we are
"And now most h• off to a most
import:est engagement with Kr. Dick
Made in Made in
Canada Canada
The Songs
the Soldiers are Singing
win set yell nr. ynot feet aKa:n.
"Buy it for Purity's sake"
Tee T c.
• xi.-
passed on to Dr. Hamsn.n's hench-
men, to assist hlm in receiving the
Press, so that a sot reply is forth -
cocain& generally In identical word
to each inquirer.
This, then. is the Intricate machin-
ery over which Dr. Hamann presides.
But Ms immense power dome not lie
In these outward duties, but In the
tortuous intrigues which he 'piss
behind the scenes. At Me beck sad
call he has innumerable servile tat -
.lingers, who daily cool their hosts
for hours In the anteroome ol the
Wilhelmstrasse, anxious to curry fa-
vor with their editors to obtain moms
increase of the miserable pittance
paid to journalists In the Fatherland,
or scheming to obtain yet another
decoration to tinkle musically on
their manly bosoms. These tools he
can use for inspiring mean little al,
tacks on Mello diplomatists in Ber-
lin or statesmen abroad who have
crossed Germanrs path.
Tall, pale, short-sighted and silent,
unknown even to millions et his coun-
trymen. Geheimrst Hamann, though
actually only a subaltern official of
the Wffkirsomara.:se. 411, meek, It is
believed, to bring *boot the prissiest
Mew anelent rano have bees Ilona
nor the City of II•ries There are
she a lbw roefors rano tbet wo1/410
WW1& flatt. bed err 10 wee fgageombse. Hefty seal Mes die won et soross.
Practical Motor C,ost
The womin w'io motors much tuts
found that the motor east without
any furbelows and little thrombi', la
the kind that she takes most cosallort
• long mat of heavy raw silk
musses less than of say ether me
beret and gray or tan, the colors that
show dust least. ars the beet edgers
to choose In a met of this kind.
Tbe tree pictured le ee um mitten
with buttons a hone, capacious
pockets and Am-1CM air of comfort
and elegance
Making Seemewells Stick
Where screws are driven tato "at
wood and subjected to considerallid•
strain, they are very likely to work
loose and h is ones Teri Caked to
inaki them hold. In such eases Uto
ore of glee Is proStable. Make EMI
ghee thick: Immerse • sash sheet
half tbe else a tbe forme, sad pa
It tufo the hole; them put ha !be senor
aad &tee tt bone 0 IMMO aa pm -
Spanish Steak
Pound me -lia'f cup of dour with a
half teampoon of salt into an inch
thick, medium seed round steak. .
Slice one onion, seed and chop two
peen peppers. one clove of garlic, cit.
ha three pit cos. peel and slice Or
large toms:eras. Put Into skillet with
two tablespoons of butter. Allow to
cook slowly until It forms thick sauce.
Turn sauce into bowl. Put two table-
spoons of butter Into skillet Heat hot.
Put In steak. Turn several times to
D OW. When steak is brown add sauce
Cover and simmer forty minutes. 2)0
not allow the sauce to cook brown;
add a little stock or water as neeied.
Serve Meek and Bauer in ceutre of
platter With border of cooked rice
With dash of curry powder.
Escalloped Onions
Select small. even -sized onions.
Cook until tender, but not boiled to
pieces. Drain and arrange in bakine
dish anti add a little minced parsley.
Cover with sence made with two cups
cd milk put Into double boiler to boll.
Rub to cream two tablespoons of
butter with one a dour When milk
is boiling add the butter and flour
W ater*. Boll until smooth When
this mance has been added te tbc
01000 sad Parolee put thin layer of
ARUM& eenc_lttallow %mite In
sows ustil crumbs. are brown.
goat Relish
Ms large oder.. put Into bolli.4
'USW, treoked until tender, talt,ng
peel care stet to break the skis
WIteli cooked pet Into clear cold water
1111i ellp off Set aside
bed tribes elm* sot too line. Add
tbr0 *UPI Cabbage cut is tartan
IM' WSW 1111BUsr Over thesis put
See NMI leligepoou a salt and allow
Is eased tee boar Drain. Heat one
quart et mIld vinegar with one asp
of stessr and add ogle tearoom el
W11014 spirts and osekalf cap of chop-
ped sweet green pepper. Tern over
beet and cabbage mixture. Randy for
ime le two days.
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