The Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 2s Tuvadoa1, Dacemben 31, 1914
A HAPPY Naw Yeas I
Mak. your New Year's resolutions
Tee elate AI M ppe•bilshed • T► "Safety first" u still the motto ot
�r� t1i Deft m 1s. T1s Rat ors.• ^o^" the K•l•er'e fleet,
Stara Dern w Dist
aand rifts
�•y•tp�s.gosar•nua d Is. tat•
Daaar w ' wmwIlrerlbmr• a Uw Congratuiatloos to Mayor Heid upon
U�1N r tis• r t. 1. tdf
on. Dv red tray bis i, -election to the mayoral chair
Leet. st.le Minas.& Mb•erOr• for the fourth teem 1
fail tensely. n T•a wrest byloom
willow /se a tiavcr go p•beleb`-----�•---
eroftMtatatas • Mies_•___When
o °bole• d Mar..esus.. batt ofd red The year 1915 will begin and end
meson address Amid be triv.a a•etuases•
may be wade by bank draft..: mosey with a Friday. It is going to be an
g • b.oA_tbsoPO•mo)d 'lam•«. at s., tl wee. unlucky year --tor Germany.
AavO'runw Tama.- a.- tutee for display sad
c.atr.rt ad..nieement.. will be elver Mn apple
cadets. 1.ega/wwdother .lullsradv•etement•, As au excb.D're remarks, tne M -
em meper lino for first lu..ruon and fou' len farmers will Lind their 1 end all
ow Ls per line for wb'.e ie,„,"nt (.wall__. ran
ltsomr•ed by a rr..l• of .olid ooel,esatl-forty' nicely uederdrain•d for them.
Vass to au inch. Desires+ earils of di Mew.
sod made►. rive Dollar' per year. Meanies- - - -. ... --
mme•ts .1 1.0d. romod. Strae.d. Sitaluble'
Vacant, eh cation- Wanted,ll' a a•. for Ado or The boys and girls were delighted to
to Reit. Verne. for Sale or to tient. Article. find, on Che IrtutM =arming, that Mania
for Nae. sec.. not 'ant n ; t) U*Il .. Tfurr ant
fir. Cent..acb lu.ertbs : 0•. DoolllLa►r had not been hold up by the Oer.na0s.
"math. inns Cant. for mob orbs moist month.
Larger ..deertImei•^t• inion.. Tani but had been able to wake his usual
noeneetuent• b mediae
ordinary Manual rounds. Longbe live!
('rent. per line. No swine liI,.tee*of may i,
nee Cents. Any •j' o� t .. the object
widget,. the peeonuuiery benefit of any Waive,
miler awin.tatten, toll's oon.iderod .. adr•r It is said that Admiral Words, Is •
torment and charred aeordlntte.
To conuitaruNux.*T0. - The o' ops-•tido of Dative of Canada, but of just what
oar •ab• tiller and reader- 1. ronlfal'y invlr rlluU of Canada is not stated.
of toward, aodTuxalr. netdoteR weekly record
GuJrrkh townshipought to be •
mu.eeatlou will be a'tended t•, tole. it oat.
tabu the nun. and .ddr.-. of the affirm. nnt prrl t y good guess.
nerse*ril y ror r•tbiice; inn. trot s.0 a. evLmhce - _. ---
of road f.Zth. New. {wise .Mull reach THE
erolrAI. Dake not later thus. N' °°°° lkn.'t treat your New Year re.olu-
of earn ww!h.
lion* fir the German. hated the
TH1 Ft 4D \1', f1F.(`RM HKK : 1, (914 gu.ti $tee of BeIgi*u independeoc e-
ea"a scrap of paper.' If you don't
intend to keep these, just carry them
In yvur brat.
At the beginning ret the New Year S„ tat as The Signal was able to dir-
ierise world faces toodilmaa uopp•tttl- cover. three degrees la•low zero war
leisd in its birtuty-neatly all d its ow 14» tit reg i.t,a ion i1. Ouch -rick on
it was twenty-two
homeless ard hong' p ; thot(tsaoda below at London, Ontario. tiodrriWL
who have never hefor• known want b stilt in the banana belt.
without int aus of earning even • bele
living : frirrds retnnp;ed, families We tie iota some of the municipal
sego ateol : disease, t swim and add
novitiate's would take greater pains
doing their deadly work. P Lhe word"mmyoralty"
Yet. their is much to 6eutrti a+. coneotly. It was rather shocking to
much to bid 1.y haps, au1 lo t w 'near one of the speakers the other
welcome the NewYrar and oil11 %t may night declare that be didn't want any
bring with courage, even with rejoice "morality."
lag; lir the ibiugr that ngma*O are ,
infinitely 'roister lhnn tbote riser , We hope Dr. (lark wilt not say loo
greet rt naCet. e' war: millions 0.0i -esu►• Day.
have been swept away. Would one ouch about the a bievewrut of the
even little B• Igiuw, devastated no she county bowie of refuge management
is any, if the choice had again to b in frediug the inmates ata curt of
wade: "Honor is w..r.h .sow torneeotead87. We might have to
prorp et tt y : ii t et ti l t' is worth all as go there ourselves some day.
have pe:d, and more."
Dosing the coining year many of
Cana be- nobler *ins will, in ell noon.' 1s it too late to have s r. o i,. t of t he:
ability, die on the battle. Geld, to ups.- vote cast on the Ontario West Shure
bold the honor of the Empire. 0a,t . Railway bylaw 1' Afar heating can-
t hose who rr main a: home do les, dilate atter eandidate declare th .t Le
than live fur that came purpose? w1.oPP"lod wit. one wonders how
These is service to be rendered, there the bylaw ever got enough votes to
are sect *flora t0 he .rade at beim ; . atrry 1' tbroogb•
and 'every Canadian who, in Isla' ap-
poioted tank, works his baldest. It is perhaps out generally realised
thinks his best. and eves hie utmost that, though Belgium has been •11 but
will add Lis quota W the'ett eugth, the overrun by the German troepe, King
stability and the worth of the cows- Albeit has never yet left Belgian ter -
try. end thus wig .slid is. the dlorce 1. Chart, The. heroic fiiog has been with
struggle of right against 'night, of his *ray i0 the field itom first to last,
faith tb;.alnrt mere force. and will nndouhtedly etas with hie
troops either until he is disabled or
until hie country it treed from the in-
vaders. -
The Toronto, Globe, which has - - --
always been pullet to thelensgle- Io spit • of the ;resat development of
agent, of the. Hydrowlectrle system, the b.ulutg burtnc.s in this country,
.hoovers at Iaat that "Lbs Provincial thee:, are now fewer broke In Canada
Oaultal .ion ...Me to be develnpiag than there were ten years ago. Then
atoeeatic ten,I.nclea" Tbs (lio1.e b there w. r • thirty-three: the failure of
several Yea" tehin•I in its d:.dowel : tape Hank of Vancouver reduces the
the Hydro -electric authorities of Gm aun,ber to twenty-two. Rover•* new
trio have show_ marked suWee*W bu,k• been snorted in lhls period.
tendencies from the very inception ot but hetween failures and amalganne
the undertaking. Nes The Globe for- tions there bas barn a marked r,duc-
gotgo rise 1.o-Britbb legI.Istloo I ion in the number which continue to
whish denies to private persons any do business.
recourse to the law in cases in which
private rights err overridden by the
Hydro-eleottic people'
The occasion of The G1obe's ren:atk
is that guar, el that Me been going on
for dome lime between the• local
Hydro•eleetric Commission of the city
of Toronto sod the Piovincial Cum -
natation. ever the rate* to be charged
In Toronto. According to The Globe,
"the ealeulations of Mr. Consent'. the
city's Mugger -who is nut interested
jKjipelectioo dight -show that the
go.all cnnsuWl es of eMati c light ate
heiog supplied et a idea, and that the
bulk o t the prelim 1.1 the syetew
ovum from the Uhatal tate, paid by
the city council for power bead id
street lighting. pumping water. and
moving the civic ot. pet cars. Com-
mercial lighting also thaws a growing
touts oI doe blain.
Do tis. Idris MCI •stew New
Anse harem at1•r plmyat
Pts.gaasse's keot►sr..f tae sir
r sewteg tM lees elreef )Iso 1
W6,ee1.s4, we knew feu well.
We we dei asd Baan it tell
De do lads sa0•ree tweet
Crowd arena* their father'. tet t t
Are tbsy timed la elm aloft,
batboy reale 'rammed salt t
Wean deed. we k..w tall wait.
W am •.d 1.d .rams( tell.
Ws weal. Ute to bead eel ry
To aur obi ree .very day.
..New r •,arbor 1 Dose she Wear
"Yee west tbaegathtl b. sed Idea. -
Wears dead, we knew fell well.
W. .re dead. rad tgbtloa t•h.
W target tire ran and talc.
We target the pass* sad pat..
Let the freedom fist p bought
Nett ou teem far whom we fetish:.
W • are bored. low by row.
We are tread. but w..haU know.
-0unaer3she auraett.
Mibtariam Loses.
London Advertiser.
1e tar more vital t the prestige cf the
ONow•n Respire than 1'• hold opoa
the Bosphorus. It fright lose Doo-
--- etanaihiw,te and r'emsln Ib, first power
MR. ASQL'ITH in the M .b•w w•r'J. 1f it lost Ara-
bla, it w. old tear sl .1511. to the wee -
11 you wont a Louie to (hew Ibusi. M.tioo awl ,Jorma of M obtuse W-
e foal i
so they rte toying •t the Boum,
thts Waders. The idea Ibet this
night be a salutary thing Ms Iseuoted
thing to do is t , go and have • look at pts. Imagination at soma *eh.w.6 of
tis• Prime Minister. Unquest'on•blf. ,►nplloladl&n rfll 4t. fur w thea •
Mr. Asquith i5 carrying his bord'', g•w.rallun. to m.y explalo the l•Ibrs
with a (1.56. co4ra(u; with • steady, I.,iiu,ate relalioes wblrb we have
usse•ive, salt.r.ltrst and unsw.ovu'g always kept up, lest n.. u bre ohviuu•
ouethleuce which Is In ltarlf an asset tw•a ,u, with «•fur .rtu . nJep•ude ow
of uu slight value. -Toe Nation A, ab chiefs. Thu Caliph 1e um" a
(Loudon). Pope elected bya oelave, nor a
• • • Linea anctIIlr000fran beth. He N-
ile M .h -w chief who bolds the rads
W Me. a .. If the Solt•u's •rwii • can-
not do this for how, •he has crural
wu•onaoucally w be Caliph. 1. this
ugly modern world he re,u+ins Osliph
ell fly hersuse German engineers
bete h w w • Iw.y to the sacred
plaers. 1t remakes to 1,e seen what
would h. pp•n If ones td abs Wears,
ate Bedouin rehab of Arabia should
cut lit•t falterer. It is enough to
realise that o les• r is its ret st .t • In
the Kwl Ilea and on o he Arabian roasts
than • puerd.a war of annoyance.
amnia .ren then the defence '.1 the
Suss Canal. -Toe ti.a i eu ILouJou).
A compar•Uve etr.tsm.ut tewully
published is London show• how Hsi
and Oermsn utrttb.nt shipping Ins
1... *fleeted by the fir.t four mouth*
of war.
At the outbreak of war the gen• s
Loaner, of Beititob merchant ehipplog
was 20,521,706 as against the Gerwsat
5.134,740. By the rod of November
these figure. were altered to ID,12/1173
British fie fuze hurt 1149;794 O.rtu.u;
It is Britain's nun-wilit trist policy liar is, a peerp nliou of tutu, w ot,s hew
that has par her in the right and Ger- 'changed to to, ty to one. And • f this
many in the wrong hefuro the lurdg• !Otifni .rmdo.irr on thy Ger'nun eine,
went oat of the civilised world. righty -live p r cent. cotnvieled of in. all
Not This Sidothe Rhine Ek'r or.aattug vessels ■nd trawlers undo-
Montreal M.11 eutini.4 fur, which may or may not he
It will wer111 hard today to pray for P1yn,g.
the blrssieg mf evrryhody, including l br .hridue t in 'nonage 3j14h i1. rise four
t e, guano s1. other enemies. tuU'.ehs is due to 1>'I B i ah u uplw-rd
J h w. "16 German vreerl. oaplus.d and
don't want W .c.r them biassed beyond :rink ur detained, and 71 Briton h.W
a certain liueir. +t tit, ou the ••r B ask Sear to 975
Another of Goderick's Advantages. O•-rmen interred lu ueutral hat burette
•Araks. Packet. lying idle at Powr.
The Signal lessees that none of the
mirth Cen:ul,a,.' ••n Nalisbury Plain
went hu.0 (.oderrch. A mato trained
trio, lei) hw,d to "[tar iga'e" the mase
of motets in a mixed-up town like
Goderich mutt he Nile t., maks a
• • •
L tND,
A conro.pondrut of The Natio,
street bluff at ru-ict sutotr:y. under ILondum), writing . n "Hullaud in
very doubeful circuwatsuoea \Vfir 'fitr.r," bay, in part :
Wby Should We Tax British Goods? Surae people toll Us t hat. w• should
mutes flu. Holland pts -German. In a week
Su lung as the Government of Cer- spent obese, moving rapidly about the
air continue* in (orest its heavy anti- : •ui.try on en er.and that took us
Briti•b cus'oms tax designed to kir;) i1.K maple of every class, we found
Brit$ -h geode out of land•, it wort •• j.l.tificatiuu wbetever for the pr.-
ley usrlf open -by rr teralb,g ti '
splendid pr.dr•'arron • an t. trent!). t i• JttCoo. The attitude of the Duch
peered by the H•on Kole. t B were at
Win Mimes the geche rebuke
levelled ny 'be Qneen in Hamlet at •
pixy deb r who was making perfervid
declarations of loyalty with his
'flout h.
Mr. Munningi proposal that we
should t t n the old outgrown
plan of electing councillors by wards
should be knocked on the head with-
out delay By the ward system of
el. ction we should get In the council
• number of small calibre polltJhiane
who would owe their election to their
ability in keeping themselves solid
with the people of their ward Instead
of wie grope •ef to
Lsrgte- th jj,ibw.s t•eactionaty-vr.tpthe *wntaala at
Somebody nught to tike w Cert in
gentleman. who foa,netly occupied w
prominent place in the town counb•il,
out in the haekyard and tell him to
friendly but empbatlr fashion that be
is eltnttether ben anxious &boot •:-
prop:." Toi+ meet's that io order W plaining himself and denying this, that
make a low tate for domestic lighting and the other thing that be bears
und(tly With ch tiger are levied upon
people are saying about him. 11 a
the elty for •trcet lighting and other man is aiooweely de.irow of doing
something worth while for the town.
eervirre. be will he too busy trying to get it
Toronto is not the only place where
thishs« hien done. There is 14,6•00 done to bother shoot the tittle tattle
to Alive. that this has been the de- of Tom, Dick ani Harry.
l.lwrrite policy of the Provincial Com-
mission - to Toad • heavy charge npne Thin is a vary ist.reating paragraph
the municipal lrewsu1 r, in order to from TM Bothe Weekly :
give a fairly low rate to pronate eos- The Admiralty has decided to
'timers and rite n make • peat Mme tie own Dew drstrnyee M•ders
new banding tis. Roth* •ed lbs Tip -
•'hurrah" about the emcees of the ppreeessrr�� GuerinN
Botha rosy eowe,r
Hy.lro o'•41*et. As Tb• Glob- ears. hltseel1 greatly hollered. Menage this
•11 the poleoy of puMbe operation i. to the fleet W•IlliNIteas the► ose of
Inca the Mese of
euos m It most h4, by .loan, lust HM w y. ebtp• has bees tawaod
Begg mo'hod,." A trod farcy p,oplw after w living perms outride filo Royal
• who, tices11.• of their ballet In the }yeapr. •
WelMslpie of pnM1e ownevshlp of soothe imagism t'be Kaiser's feedings wh.n
ltd•. were Iweltard to frown apt
nay feitleiar' of Il•'e! methods ate at
tart bglnnl.yl 10 sail egg that If oat-
jjrW. say longer wit histo • Macy
, SDS bane hem AMMO at ties
-S eines uitp oo1Mt1'•. t1e bower
et Ila iteral..
An Important Oversight
Chlcatu Tribuoe.
When, in the light of the happen-
ings during the t fist four months, the
prepateder-r .•t G.rmany is consid•
ered, especi.11y its spv system, one
can utider•t•• d why Krupp, Kaiser,
Kronpriit A K. reelly believed they
could whop the arhole world. They
G•,vei Du,ent it one 1,l strict and eon-
acirut.uuo esu4ality. But lbs Dutch
people as a wulir, Use upper elae.w
a. 01411 as the lower, die Ditty pro-
foundly -(,et man in `feeling. It is
tut tie lurid, in the biitbplace of
iuteruatheust law, that the Rog -
resit vwlatioo or public tight iu
Lb* invasion uf Belgiwu, and the vin-
dictive and ronsewuceless poly
wLich ham been in the . cu.o-
.petiou of that country, should arouse
toe warmest indign•tiou.
But rise one paramount Bubj.nt
w Lich •irgurbo the nitwit' of the Uo4:b
et the parent womeul is the mite, -
left only one thing out of their reckon- ('element of the Belgian trfuttee.. It
ing-the H.itish mind. They Beeth it an tit Kell( qur.uun with us In gag -
not to have quite understood phi.: laud. but wee have only 7.',CUu or
Tho prnonal equation hes upoet Ger- t91,teet uf them. Holland has had
many • beet -laid plans.
Britain's Greatest Glory.
et. Joan, N. B.. Telegraph.
The 14te Admiral Mahan, writing to
an English friend in October, told
about the "vivid interest" wttb which
he followed the movements of the
Bo i' ish in the wets. And he added
thin sentence which it now -being
widely quoted in the British press:
"But the testimony to the upright-
ness and efficiency uf her Imperial
rule given by the strong adhesion and
support of podia and the Dominion is
a glory exceeding thst of pitched
battle and overwhelming victory."
The Fall of Basra.
l.oudoo Timer
For 1 he world at large, and for Ger-
many in partici:fir• tbe fall of Basra
has a meaning even greater than its
'significance to Asia. Basra was the
chosen terminus of the Baghdad rail-
way, and its leisure by the British will
be felt more keenly in Berlin than the
Ines of Kb.o Chan. 1t means that the
dreams and .cbemes of twenty years,
the tip 'ling fruits of the "'world -
policy" whi began when the Kaiser
paid his memorable visit to Abdul
Hamid, have crumbled to dust and
M Marro of a .• Beit i.h war vowel
Meed 1., a WO who a few years ago
was SwbUng jlelta{n, sod mother
mama for a llsslM In iodated -Imbed,
That war M e•A& *hes the Ooaa.i
hot latae MdPViefee shafts Nokia
11rMakin • . f►•'
Ng ESI$.
Au.ler puint m.y, we think. be
usefully noted about this Genus
theory of "frigbtfuluees"-the thruty
that ruthless atrudtiea have a drtluite
place in war as • means uf subduing
the enemy by terror, and rboul.l be
piactiresl areordiegly. .1t i• tbec in
souse way. the the ry undoubtedly
pays. It may be iron that by her
"Ir.rbtful..r.." .1i C Igiuw, tieru...ny
hoe, wird a. 11,41(1 I'is an.;e . r
she has sup, roved But •he bas pot
ties • and f,uru her tenni, of viers. •
p,ulhei le, t r'.e, Mum the nitride of ail
new rat onlookers. If Belgium bat
Au,tn.t h .d known ...bat would be
duce to her, wnnld she have stood out ?
Would Ila land Bud tin .txerluu.n
out fi.., oc t, n years bm.ce, it c..1.•
fronted by a almil•r wseaco with the
fete of Belgium fresh in memory 1'
There aro difficult quest ions to an-
rwer; but it is clear that G r..•auy.
who by violating Ilrlg'uw urrr.•y.d
the sanctity of ueutnal rtaLrs no ler as
she war nuocerned, h"s also by wrt'r•
iug Beleiuw i1.. regard the risk• of de -
feuding it au fur w• they lietr euu-
cerued If the Allies at toe end of
*(5,,0(11 and slid bra '•1(X1,000, of wb•'w
more thau B10,OW ere innately dei•eud-
ent for their rb.Itet and tua4D(euauce
upwu D•tlonal or other charity.
That is to may, iu peoswrtiuu w her
populatiou mud wealth, .he is doing
inure Wan forty twice ear wucb as we
But io some diatriete the number of
refugee* is w gnat that the hoc.'
authorities' cannot Cope with it. tat
Fiu.uiug, five large wuodeu abets,
ordinstily need for the .w, age of coat,
•re now each uecupted by some huu-
dtrd, of tetugers, many of them
woven acid children. 'fbe roof. of
these sheds are full of holm, aid (hew
it tan ploy•i(w Lr heating. Simi-
larly in the great Antwerp canal twin
U.ed for the 1 tampon of beets, wood
esu coal, which have come 1.. Flush-
ing teed Sluts, light and air can only
be secured by the opening of hatloo.
or hutches. thus letting in rain and
cold. In tummy planes the Belgians
have takeu refuge io bairns, btablee
and outhouse•, which ate ,.ow re-
quited for terse storage of elope end the
wintering of coat tie. The Manse cote' isou
of things exist. with Leotard to rue
school houses now occupied by rete
gees. Tbe• schools have been closed,
but the educetiou authorities nate,-
•117 cannot permit *hie to continue
Real Tongni-Twisters. u,ucls looker. In ooe place w• friend
bootees Cbnwlole. the .coxth
hows uutpied half e day by
Prsemyl bee hollered on exceeJ. Belgian and the other hall by Duocb
ingly. but it is far from bring the last ebikinn. The diet in the camps
of tbe tongue -twisters that will be wt 'retroed at the cost of the Government
by the war. As • Mt of toaiuing you is excellent. But in some of the
might pr•etice raying Fee gest .kt, 'waiter towns the local authoriuee
Lrk." This is the standard vowelless have only been •isle as yet In .orange
rhihM lei h 'tf the Bohemian lang.•age, a diet of bread and block coffee, with
end it mean. "Put your thumb .1 own s, tip oto alternate days.
your throat." A coeur"e of Armenian program has been wale
might he nuotnn.eDded. 8petiin, 04 w• yet with r.i s d to the pas itis_ r.f
" xbi.b .mos
,p1 yent of the refit/gen. The
g. rat tuaj•'rity have u yet nothing to
do h,it pts 1.11 'about' and go fir sleet,-
No Warne ,a to he attached •o It .
Dutch ,n this re•p,c'. foe we havem
e.. t •ui%td the probleIn England
yet. But. m. 1 •rs pedime ror hieg is de to
melee i in Melt (wino ,irs, the rano•
fortune'e Wlgier•' w ,1 r. back to
their native land, eh. -n the war is
nflieer, with their ei• o. y and char -
atter greatly buspewlrrl. Fos such a
Md.,. calamity 110 de.. n , y caot
' cupee-
rte. ,
this sear loft the German Kwpire in $
Condition to renew the •r niggle iD five
or eau year. time, the Gerioaoa would
Oren reap • decided •dvaa tag. from
their misconduct mow. Few, if any.
butler .tat.e wnu,ld r"awtu buffet,.
siaswt them. The r. •how,
the eeo.•.sity of securing the uiu"t
algnsl 5rter hut iuu ;wee ible f••r 14e1-
giuui. and oleo of a .r' ' g the wee
until the p,e.iadiay 1.t (lerwauy. re-
newing It latter c.1. ►w ahem:
lutely h. -von. doubt. -The Daily
Chronicle IL.uudou).
are j+b,nertd, true , p g,
aortae �'prtogtbanel.- to k•odlr:.
•'.ghchig, • grin: enol ".l.noghkl,,"
Leas Seth Languages.
Threat.) Nigbt.
Mir Wilfrid Laurier ha. haven telling
English audiences to le. rn Fron.+, be-
muse it- is the len5ttsee of air and
diplomacy, not t4, iuentien itns ieiitg
the rone her tnegue of two million of
our fellow (tanadtau•. Sir Wilfrid is
right in all rout 4 Ile might have
added that it .s a useful acect.nplish-
ment which rot only opens lip w great
treasury of literature, but 'n'Mes ms
to get under the French akin and
understand Quebec. If Ontario teed
French, and Q'.rhee teed English. t
polo icier). would nod it • bald matt r
Io ploy the devil. game by setting t e
two provinces against sa-lt ntbsa.
Faring Bntb Ways would M pot not of
business. rasa and crowd cries would
disappear, and essny loc•I problems
don to the deliberate perversions
ofcss�ai14A amwould uld vanish like
?ng 1 ytoowdwTl, annan. a7oi l knowE
all f. to trtdaasia*d eld nang-
14ah (Meade tsfrM } u-s,ch, and Freneh
Canada iilagti.h, we newt •x•
poet Fail er Ibi re.aWy to he Wed
or new .rye. LAMeata$f we observe
that nosey essiatra • of Ir
Uogeat are Iwarrilug PrinteltriViele
testing being to do a lot of 1114116111a
In that language. it le a gond laetsansa
to dgbt In, a•Nom .le m proved. __ KK MM
also • lend lee gee/. to est Ian, to slow
In, 10 does In. to m.k. treat,. In
sad gene, ally to do Mallows M. With
Presser and Notelish a wan may farad
hit way Armed the world asd Mettle!
(The Sultan of Tiir,r... l'wliph. or
ntrreoi.r . 1 Mahoney, h a, l.r..rl.:surd
a Holy Witt i..lnst Cllr Allies
It happens that Ihr CAI phew ito a
peru1 arty nine' alit.. ins it et ion.
Throe bet• • al.. try boon n N .•1••m d ,c.
tors who gneetioni il rM• 51.1,0. of the
Sultan of Tun key, be, ruse he i• not •
de.c,nd•nt of the eecieel elan 01 the
Marriott Ito which XI- bonnet belonged*,
and won tI,o vn'eerreb n trent • weak
Egyptian dynasty by fuse of eels.
quiet That hr w.ert was in vet um e
than • tbro'llral a•hje•two-, 11.•
function cowl 4.11 Oil et of the (`suis.*
is tient be ,..uSt Imbed Lbw flails Pierre
oat At.h•a and pronto,. M, the a outlay
of the pi1gtilos abet j•eureryr 1. hares..
This the TUrt►ab Puttee has alio ay*
don•,e t d while 111r esaillenale I n ps tla a 1',
.Mer des, y hie ',mo m et the Caliphate i.
.meta 1t bas often seemed t• he
't 4,•sihenelde whetter Tarter amid se•
1 a I.. pataeedM of tioaMatM
point d bet, the
Women 's Coats
Women's Fur Coats of Ira Broadcloth,
Lining of No. 1 Marmot, Collar, regular
*40.00, for • • $29.00
Sable Collar and Heavy Quilted Farmer's Satin
lined, regular $25.00, for $17.50
Sable Pillow Muffs, $7.50 and $8.00, for $6.75
Mink Marmot Muffs, $600, for $4,75
Mink Marmon: Scarfs, regular $10.00, for $7 00
Western Sable Boas and Throws, regular $12, for $8.00
Men's Black Fur Coats, skins all guaranteed N,
1, deep collar of fine Bocharan Lamb, special s.tic
price, each ...........:... $22.00
Driver's Coat. Corduroy Velvet, Sheep Skin lined, fir't
class and very warm. Reduced to, each ....... $ 15.01)
Ladies' Sults
Six only Suits, tailormade, finest material and
good style, regular $20.00 and *22.00, reduced
to $12.01)
Ladies' Skirts
Serge, Tweed and Broadcloth Skirts, splendid
styles and tailormade. We have too big a stock.
so all $2.50 and $3.00 skirts for $1.50
All our $3.50, *4.00 and $5.00 skirts for.. $2.50
Owen S. (V.'ki•.•, i11 WI, of his
graphic inters pit to The Clu•is-
Liao livar.lian, tell.. this stilly o1
Devid.on, of the gunner.:
Lieuteust.t F.-, Davidson, of the
1191h Benet). Royal Field Aliillrry,
had just been sent in wounded in one
of the *tub ulanos engem'. Early in
the day our gumtree bad found it im-
passable to lucate c.t'taiu German glans
which were fest rendering .nor
tteecbee untenable. The counts woe
sow flat that there was no p.•rsilsle paint
of vantage from which the gunner"
could "observe,- except the steeple of
the choreb in I.ou' gee. But tis. thre-
aten* ►Dew that as well a• we ilii. so
the church wee briug vieoruusly
sbell.d, and already no Ism than
twelve 1yn4ditte .hells had tern pito tuft
into it. It was the duty ot Lwow -H-
aut Davidson to "ubwrve," s0 he
calmly went to the church, climbed
the already tnttrring tower, .n.1,
nested un 1he lisp, p,00reded to Irl.-
phone bis t ,utrmation to the hatters. 1
In con.•quen''r Get mall `w•tl.. y
•Get German battery was ■ilenel.d:
the Mooney, which at one time
was in danger of exterminate'•,
was saved; and the eceirioo, In spits
of an attar• in overwhelming fore, h
the enemy, was successfully bd4
The churrb wee rsdueed to • wrap
beep. but still Divklienn sat light on
the rammer, of his tower. For seven
solid hour., expecting death every
moment, he scanned the
counter and tel•phnt,ed his report,.
At dark kis task wee done, and he
rause down to rejoin bi. battery. As
be left the ruins • fall a( r imber In one
of the buruiog bower* lit top everything
with a suddeo glare there we►
nitook of a 1lf ---t'hit' deriorrn f
were only it few hundredends eerily --end a *9.1104ard
plbrough tie
hack of hi• neck and out through his
ao,outh. Dot without hurrying hi.
Dao, he walked to his battery, Rave
them his Deal information. and th-n,
"1 lbisk I'd better go and fled the
Dalai ambulance, or the tegg•re have
drtllei • hole in that needs plug -
alas." And he allied half • wile to
the w• arm; 'bdlretie g point." In the
Infantry of the 14th Brigade ruin can
talk of none dy else bnl "Davidson, of
tit. gwaselm. They therwei.M fen.
d.•tb every bene of the '•ay •nil
night : they 9 heitemlros do uarreorhoel
deeds of b•rsri.m worthy of the "V.
C. " but with one ether they dela..,
"Davidson M tan metal titres. 1f he
deee.'t milli* *V. C.' wail. nobody
damming 1.."
• 'inn individual so -
pointed to adwini.ter an
ratite is forced to give
tt A . • rat -h tome and attention
(� M} • 11 A'1 w C� �!1'¢�fe to i ;s trust The•ns►ety
J. 4.+�. 51. - +a, %.a a i, ess*siess, tit. dao. r
01 anis-take.) through inexperience is great.
til,/ La:ile., your fria'd with onerous duties that can be better
perfornlcu his this. Company? 'Die tees are no gr•atar and the
surae et. eat much more :: pshle than eau be expected of any prt-
•rate executor, however, sono. .
'r t: • 1:aiui •urninistrater to appoint. Its sole business is
cs ef;:1, efitient fulfilment of every trust committed to its care.
-C_1 is &ad consult us.
SIR ORO eanoasx, g.c.. preddsat 4 JORR B. MOM, Weser
`Tih Logical
as the.. tow u• bed not Dern tit to ap-
point electric inspectors. as com-
manded by one of their recent arts.
they would appoint nue themselves
and all the towns woadi have to pay
their bbare of the expeow•. They ere
al -o Ruing to say how It nefrew shall
keep its books; bow much it shall
charge fur powev, an I an can. beery
thong i. to go like el,n•►w..rk at Ibe
command of a h11r..nereCV in Tor-
onto. lo some rupee's this .y'•em
looks all sigh', hurt to the lu'•g run it
might be Netter to let tn. municipal -
it ins blunder along in a tier.. till;• hey
Immo how 10 right these thing% them-
selves. A creno,' ,nf•.rwbng and arl-
vi.iug bored i• all r,gbt : may. smtr.d,
1.e an advantage. But r routnl ie-
n,.nding board is of a die rent collo
plexion entirely ; sod Oct "so w*uu
to toe that this policy is clipped.
Teo Much CentralistgMon•
Mfrow Me•.ere.
In many reverts ab, Brdroelee-
t:He Commission has done good ••44V4r
for Ontario. Bit there 1s creeping In
a do.siuesring, eeneralls{ng polity
Shot may mal • Ihr• . reit in .ort of
etlleianey; bat at the brine tint, h s •
h 11 dist els.twnt of centralineol .now
etsNr.ostn'i that Ms se to urs Are.
men people a pre, ).. n•sut.1 P. *•'It has
taken awn lreilvMlsirml initu.iive and
Sea npord t� errs) of the respire. 'l1e
tel aIasthma werealpped
w •b tan a.ppppyr•
es4 marry of Yeats wtetMs.r
504 w Withallapel* eta its.
Canada Under -stocked.
According to ngweo given in an'O-
drova by Prof. B.rt••es, of Mardnnaktl
C •liegl , a' the Ou lob Wlrttrt Fair,'
Canada is far from bees g ewer•uerardei
Canadians, •ted ju.sly ertr pside theca.,
mien* on having a great live -Moak'
orn10try, and some of the hat Nee)
. to the wield. brat torr.. i. 'sot
en.)s4b of it. Just thl'.k, w- Ira eve ouiy
1-4.111 oil ttor world'• carter, 1-47 of the
b re 'a, 129 of She .b.•ep,ated 1 tie of M
. soon,. Vett'd [rare' With a nnr fitted
arra bas i of the wnr d'. cattle, sheat
! of the boxer.. 1-12 of the ak.+p, and
almost j of the *veno.. Sven oD e, 1•ee
repota nests. the United tit idea o•.l-
d'tn• Canda in this r (rupee` . This
treat centrw.s ■hoold w rte to etton-
Ia'• our ,toekerien to vont. , ff ,'t.
Everyone, eeeminis5 the nates •lpti-
iu,i.1/.f this country fr'1w es -t 4. wee(
fo r I eKock pend action ; everyone is
Assured that our fould.rlon wont is
right, and all aro sure that we bate Y
gond live -stock brwJar. •. ear M the
wort i. Than he. us have a hvieetock
Mona a hale maw ..xivily, • Mlle
more demand for good surra sn 1 we
iseret.s in number 1. . well as In
gatal►ly.,- Vermin's Adv,.cats.
TM *Oils Saltuation.
Uotario &bike mad is aeually mull in
Lars, qquoath ka ter els E'.. -,porn mar-
ket. The dam and frons t bbd souree is
now go ea'ly tedese.d hro.a-e of war
erudition.. O&ta,to grower. .b old
note tan the present ..ability u
priwm is des to the wuub imaNm pro -
duellist in the pnrv.nce Ibis ar.o,a.
A big troy twat year wi.b ..,etinu id
was conditions might easm a heavy
drop In the market. Darren .lslke
growers would he well edebsi ea ave
meed only free 'weirdly Malate 1110d.. -
Send Beeaab, Ottawa.
Tete MsMrw Way.
d."Yon swat entry pr ad d
'- P
bMn111iltbls r.
4tvnteed so
Eat'est! ough 1 np;
Metal Work
Electric try'ir.iltr
Prompt attention to all
.m.11 jokes and gene, .1 work.
me ewe ems
Pbone 1110 Hamilton hi ',et
Mace S. re
Steady income
'II hit 7txw nsmany •n•1 • tarsus
pronto min rite br. ' d.ecocud
Wy1nd sonearlty. I ae
er den
of tlae elan -1. ort Reti..oe. .
Coemwatios tee wrists'' by
tip nap' salrf *10r'nf1�. an, '
wee •I .00 e i • . -
lionseo.maws you r'l.?e:' '•
inenows !!"6
Ws Masa ilteeemetseeLta......
a Lce
seta fleas'7 vim/ warn
W. L. HOR11"0141. C.ct ieh