The Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 1s1i't'11J1[%T111 TALS-+M Imo FiODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1914 SIE STERLINGJANK Lessons in Thrift Effective THE educational campaign we have pursued during the past year, with the object of showing the necessity for saving money, has been eminently successful. We believe the work accomplished has been of service to the com- munity at large. We know it has been of benefit to us, we therefore propose to continue the series. SAVE, Because : PROTECT those depepdent on you by taking a policy in "Cassette's only Mutual" A. G. NISBET REPRESENTATIVE (*TICE IN MAAONIO TBMPLK, WEST STRBBT,t GODBRI( Paoxss : OEM= t .Bows 150. P -H. O. Boz 104 NOTICE SI NCE the fire in our mill on_the 8th inst. com- plete repairs have been made and the mill is again in full operation. Farmers and others requiring building material or any other work in .fur -line are assured prompt and satisfactory ser- tice. Grain Chopping We are prepared to do chopping promptly at all times. Are You Going to Build? Estimates furnished to any persons who are con- templating building. It complete stock of builders' supplies always on hand. To all our friends and patrons we extend our best wishes for C hristmas and the New Year. GODERICti PLANING MILLS, Limited LOST AND TOO1D TRAYED Ulf sTyO�jM�T PyRIKl1Sa18 ,emit Meeker Isl. • ead winos Mem 1.67 mea OIDO. RE[A5/t, Ms ea t. t t1.1t 'AMR TO MY PR1MIf�1, IAT 4a anobrrn.°:wi'a p wkM�a.� sestave wmotag Mls 11=101 CARDS. ELECTION CARDS YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE nnMottelly req M ed ren the re -amnion mane A. YLL1OTT u Coeee111er for old. MEETING AT CARLOW BISSET AND KERNIGHAN AGAIN OPPOSE EACH OTHER. . fm10 THE iCLEL''cORS OF THB 1 TOWN Or UODICRiCH. W. FRANK SAUNDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS TOUR SUP- PORT AND INILUENCII IOlt HIR ELM TION AS OOUNCILLOR FOR 1915 ionatt you suq t4 Signal Calendars? • lJ You may secure one by Paling •1.000 now for your Signal fur 11116. The Signal TRI UWU L PRINTING 00.. LIYI?itD. Poeumrat• no particular benefit to the township. He had been informed that a man who owns land along the lake has ooslpate ountrul of the property ! -- duwo to tbe water's edge and e1� LH" DR. CLARK AND ROOT. ELLIOTT can take gravel ur anything BATTLE FOR THE REEVESHIP. It with an order made In aootardasse Board the - --- by the Ontario MaslelpsJ Old Councillors All in the FioW Again telephone rates *wiople bad been dand b o number oi Mayor Reid Ra -elected and Mr. Laith- with William F. Yount and Hugh 6,u.. A number of were being I waits Steps Up to the Deputy Hill -Warm i ,scusaion our Mr. , ued in one case, and the Jude'.g'' Reeveship without Contests -Eight gs Attempt to Secure Con -1 decision in one would settle all. Candidates for Councillor -Three Flemings Nom - trot of the Township Road to the Lake. bad done the best he could fur theMr.Bisset mid be wuu.d stay in the Hours of Speechifying at the Nom- ' field fur .-lection for another year. He ination Meeting. ' g tuwusbip sad lord tried to trent every __ bOolYfru 1 lho,*i" the lir. Jinn McLsrty As a well of the municipr) oowiti- Reeve had sot bad very MOOR 10 say ation proceedings Mayor Reid again fur the county council ; be (the takes the chair at the council board & peaks r) tbougbt, however. it was a for 1916 and Mr. J. C. Laltbwaite, who very important. body, sad some has bren • councillor for several years, things bad baro neileeted 1bSSS, not becomes d. ty rerve., there is a _ re Mr. Beset alone hue mumble Pro", tests between Rohe t Elliott, who was reeves. Retrtring to the tide poral, ebe speaker said be would not neve In 1914, and Dr. W. F. Clark, g ive away any roads. With lbs road who nes been deputy reeve. offered the township in exebange 1 There are eight candidates in the field for the office of councillor : F. A. there world los no recces to the lake : the road ran to • steep batik. the I Elliott. J. H. Mcl:Utitro, W. Proud - in reply to que.tloe speaker foot, lr„ and E. 11. Wigle, of the 1914 elicited the information that Mr. I cnanril, and J J. Moser, A. J. Paltridgge, Uemeroo is the township solicitor and W. F, oanmdereand Joeepb D. Wil. that the township is owing bins141. I son. Of these six are to he elected. to reply to questioning about a1 W. T. linroey is reelected to the su.0 of $190 paid to Mr. Proudfoot the water and light eowmlMloa and the Reeve explained tbat this was Io non- I four retiring public school trwtees nectaon with the telephone suit. A I arerlected. hill for $3'd) bad been sent to the I A e ehalloo io the following words will council, but this bad been taxed down bre .ulamdtttd ales next Monday : "Are to WOO. The council wanted to know you In favor of mnoicipal votes for why the township should pay it at all, i married anomie 7' but as advised by the law officers at Toeowatoand by floe townsbtp sollci-{ TRK NOMINATION MEETING. tor, Mr. Oamerun, to pay it. I Keen interest in municipal affairs It was ale et+ated that Mor. „weevil w was evidenced on Monday evening at„ had advised that proceeding' the nomination meeting. the town be taken against the council if the I ball being crowded to the doors, with bill were not paid. a great many standing. AL the ex- bill ![cLarly, at er criticising than' �tioo of the time for receiving nom - way in wblcb gr I�gw oatwbe I illations the town clerk, lfir. L. L. dons on Ib. read Kr oz. called the meeting to order sod was a candidate for the reeveehip. I read out the names of those who bad Mr. J. N. Kerolgbao, the next lieu nominated. speaker, remuked that mils iy The following u a list of the omit - difficulty had dwindled from the railway Inees, with the proposers and am - down and the telephone troubki ID ere : P P� down to the Fleming road, and like i i the council's busineen For Mayor. " THE FIGHT IS ON. mo THE ELBITORM OF THE 1 TOWN Or OODILRICH. I dein to tka.k yoe ter veer Nhwal eupeort In w page tire year. that i have repeeented roe le w comma I Mt•, wale bole nem- hintad u mat a nandM•tc. If ran care to n���owrrt� a 1 eau endeavor to serve your latereses tow ban of nay abillt r. .1. R. McCLINTON. 1be caadldaw who will go to the polis in Colborne town•bip are : For Reeve -Samuel Bisset and J. N. Ketuixban. For Uruncillore-Jantes bHill. holm, Ieasc Hetherington. Hug Snyder, Gurdon Youog aad William F. Youug. The township hall at Carlow was well fills 1 fur the nomination meeting on Monday afternoon, but the pro- ceedings were touch quieter than in eons* bygone years. Tbe following nowinatiooa were received by the clerk of the township, Mr. K. Mc- [Iwaln : Fos Renew. Norman Kernigban - propos,. t John Wilson and Albert lidgf•r.i. Ifaac Hetberiogton-Prop•rn•• 1 1 y Hugh Hill and Wm. McWhinery. John Mclarty-proposed I.y it .t.t. lit roughen and James Strasghen. Samuel Bisset -proposed by john Gallagher and Robert Baro I'OR COU$CILLOSs William F. Young -proposed by J. A. 8. Varcoe and J.rhn Gallagher. Jew's Chisholm- try W. Mc- Whinney and Arthur cNsil Hugh Hill -proposed by J. A. S. Varcde and Isaac Hetherington. Isaac Hetherington -proposed by J. A. 8. Varcoe and George Bran. L -vi S4. der -proposed by R. Moore and Freo Muiford. Nathan Johns -proposed by I. liethenington and Albert Mugford. Gordon Young- propored by Thos. Robertson and George Howatt. When the nominations had been concluded, Mr. Mcllwaio was elected chairman for the meeting which fol- lowed. and Reeve Bisset was the first speaker. Mr. Bisset spoke briefly of some of the work done by the ioomcU during floe year sod oleo of county satiate He said be bad seen in one of the papers that Mr. W. F. Young had again saved the township. $e dido't know what he bad saved it from. A voice -The Germaos. (Laughter) Mr. Bisset said be so posed thnm re- ferred to the road Mr. Firming wanted. Tb. cooed! bad in tended ��o1eegg anything about it with- out Fades it to s vote of the people. 1t wee said they wile giving away a valssbg beach, but there was -trot • foot d beach for the township to give away7 Mr. Fleming bad since evade another. Proposal -that he would knee the road from the township for tweet -one yeer et •M a year, iia township bawls the right to get floe road back, it desired, on giving six months' ootioe. The oouncll did not do anything with this proposal, but wasted to the feeling of the people. He tbonght the road was of MO THE ELECTORS OF GODS - RICH. LLDI15 LCD OoIT CNax.-Havtne amain been planed la .omha.lan for • est at tam ewe essenett. 1 hereby ask tar 70ea. vote sad lalleenee In ray bea)f. I lave • gnat Inteeed to tee welfare of our tows, sad Mould Ilk. to have w opportunity of advancing lu laterals as a tows es.nr•Iller. Your. ehewelZ. J. J. MOSER. nil) THE BLIDOTORB OF ODDS - • RIC EL ODB- RICEL 1 se maim a ewadMat e ter Otermab. Year vete and 1Sseare are reapestrt.tly re- t•et•d. Tenn trial . W. PROUDt (gyp THB BLBCTORt1 OF THB 1 TOWN Or OODtRK'M. LAava AND Gosmu tax. -Osco mens the time We dawned open ea to deet ear waren Mr w year MId, and an I lave helm s.Mdested Ow nkat elks I beg leave •e •-k yea Ar treed mope Mat V I as Nweted i win Prem nappeN W M warms er w .aMd..e 705 1 seals . . Tamales pee Ise Kat fevers, i ew. MON. IfrO THE HLgo'rORB OF GODB- 1 alis _ lerMdata O Ncs 1 s. a ean4ilsY eigpe ve h. tnlb t bete tees a megaber Of l 01410 el lbelli ys hem .tew� aged ham 0 and foremen ales I ��.eai M.Axel!ylew'y worn .:�.�Ms�1jrasI • emew svI4..eit�iwesys•�lrfws wlrve�ea�W hisrgr. TOUR POTS AND ierLUQXCI ix al`=r er. tr.,..., iMeMasraowtMsi�r''Mwlji COUNCILLOR LAR p OY Aa ye: yl.y1M •0 nee1 nail bra secrets t R. WIALII. 7'a• M uses er eq •Meer• �._.y MUTTONS VACANT x ANT1D.-AS 11P1111410ID teeter weextrtee.teg.� mats=2Shigs. P01 BAIA O1 TO OW RBNT.-A OOM1PORTAiLn home ea Drum siesee. rob to b. GtltAis.e d. OUSE TO 11111111.--01 NAP! �w WOO AND 1 R11 PROP rTeen MAK/TOM OF 1701: BnR,Yg TOw1ENIrT. a MIL a L19CTORt! OF oODs law � n�r�rest I as . s.Me/ate 1 _ _ Lanni Reese. ad take this ep• anti 1t�saatg„ _M ya easheslty se s year rmean at the sere ▪ tL� M ear tows tse� swell . 1 stave trawl hi saran anist jj w hrwwe et We rve.k4 sod eels • see M w bw�k� miles +d-wh ite= enoeMti t Whim =Tan* bafna • WI wane, LMkeat Peep nae WI: :°a ITs ��� terteleeele Lt=.11.= ,w... �, r kss sasMaer afar ~ ta.t ml .ekat t Ma elan fir slvar. To 11111 111.11C10- 1111 of sopa . r ~ seserr esrr. Hear J. Z1O TOt Lu0tlf OOIOYn6R11< or Tan ELECTION CARDS lately ueosese ry ; in fact. thq had "put the lid on. A sewer bad been constructed on Britannia road. silty per pent, of the omit of which would eventually 1.. paid by the people Uv - In on lb. right of way.The side- walks constructed bad n paid for with funds lent by privets parties. In answer to 04.010 critics who thought that the sidewalk should have been constructed by contract, he said the public works committee had intended to let the contract, but In view of so muck unemployment they had acme to the 000eluafonit might be constructed more cbeeply by daylabor, and as a matter of fact ad been saved by having it done in this way instead of by coda-att. rhe Mayor hoped that men would be elected to the incoming eoeneil who would "keep the lid mm, as rigid economywould be neorwiary. The question of water supply would bave to be taken up and it would in- volve a great expenditure. To extend the intake pipe out past the break- wat er would cost S:f6,000. As an alternative the suggestion had been revived of securing the supply frons springs in Ocelerich township. If the water were taken from the lake it would have to be chlorinated. and the sewage would have W be treated. tits Worship referred to a rumor that had been circulated to the effect that he was intending to step down at the last minute in favor of ex -Reeve Moonings. He imp cally denied that there was any understanding of that nature between himself and Mr. Runnings and said the people of Gode- rich had treated bim too well fur him to treat them in this fashion. Referring to the Ontario West Shore Railway. be said he hated t r touch upon that matter ; it was like a stone around tit" neck of the municipalities which had guaranteed the bonds. 11 the Hydro- electric t:omwiaaion would agree to complete and operate the road, he would be in favor of handing it over to that body -"lock, stock and barrel.. Recently a deputation bad gone to London to interview Sir Adam Beck, sod engineers of the Hydro Commis- sion were now at work upon a report. and be suggested that u soon u that report was received a public meeting be call.d and the thing thoroughly threshed out. R. H. that was then called, but did not respond. Reeve Robert Elliott then took the platform. He recalled his experience of last year, when, after having won "a good [sir election be wits not let alone but was forced to fight it over again." He hoped he had done nothing to discredit the electors in either the town or county council. Whenever be thought he was right be voted that way, sometimes einglebanded. He promised to say mora Tater on. Mr. W. L. Horton was called, but was not pressor. B. C. Mannings wee the next r He said there wee apparently vver▪ ylittle show for lin. with Mayor Reid in the field. He was glad Mr. Reid had made it plain that there was no uuderstanding between them ; be would not be ashamed to let them know when he wanted their support. To listen is the Mayor speak of the low financial condition would give one the impression that they had all better move out, but he bad faith in the town yet. He called attention W Ria put record in the county council, claiming that be was instruweotal in getting certain grants from the county for expenditure in the tows. He thought that pressure plight be brought to bear upon We Government rewarmed on page 11 ri10 THB BLECTURA OF COL - 1 DORSI TOWNSHIP. 1Laa�ame Gam rt Og.arv.-At oke tamest .t 44W. p, isimilter el eas- iersaaiat eA the to Mu*Asase Newmy warms .n�tki. eel la mildew election I Yue es ether eke rias q b.z la dv.adgf �e w ..ff rear sappeitf lttake / .n McMay tie:t. tks beet later, the ne Yours (g1 kfnuy, rpo THB BLnOTO18 OF 004 1 'URNS URN'NS Tuw1A81P. Lamm Gam Yetrnmu e.-Hav tees {ier��ay�w $ M w ciam l .elarem n svela* es�arkls� 1 bay, Meeeisater again other things o 11 wee 001 .ettled. 0e thought the -- B C Munningsby J W Smith and telephone accounts sheuld not have i Daviel Sproul. gone to the Division court- 1be B O Mannings -by Wm Waite decision might bave to be followed' by r seizure, which could b. made without Division Court proceed- ings. oc d ings. He held the township f l9U not pay Mr. Proudfoot's bill of SIDI It waa paid on Mr. Cameron's but the council did not always take Mr. Cameron's advice. There was some further discussion oi of the lawyers' bills, and Mr. K gban charged that the object of the conned was to defeat the municipal telephone system. He concluded : If you want me back agaiu 1 am ready." lir: Isaac Hetherington said lee would run in a straight contest with any other one nominee. but he did not want a three or four -cornered contest. He was opposed to giving away the Fleming road ; it cost noth- ing to keep it up. With regard to the law costs, be thought it best to get things out 'of court at as small Dost u possible. and save future trouble and expense. The nominees for the councillors' seats then had their innings. Mr. Gordon Young said with regard to the question of gravelling mused byMr. McLiarty Marwick. o nce ojudg t was simply a differ- W F Clark- Oliver Clark and meat between Mr. Ma b7 Laity aad the inspector. With regard John Knox. to Mr. Proudfoot's bill he waa J C Leatherette -by W T Fellow and first opposed to paying it, but Mr. R J. Megaw. Cameron. the townebip solicitor, had Per Weer sad Light COamimienr• advised that It be paid and Mr. Proud- W T Murney-by 0 A Reid and .1 foot bad said that If tberr were any E Tom. trouble in the way of an iojunctioo he would reimburse the money, and under %nese eircumatanoes be (the speaker) consented to its being paid, although be still thought the town• ship should not bave had to pay wee ter m tee Isasw te vase en ya e k ser. esti •AA .'reariatigitou. �/f1O THE mamas 0TORs OF THB 1 T0WJI $Rlr or mars oz. easeid te Met rima je� en,rM Tear vete sae Yell re - D /VIM 101101 WPM AL MlgTItto. aesersi isstotilaS • r e.�•i 0 -be els • p Ceara ee &t a wa~ Tbe � re Wm lace years work �bmWed. lc= M pnbtM are eaell•w h bes I t. _ 14.11 „MAO 4toriO1. „MAO Mina Aas e.VL,uw.a. esszierr. The Lsswm� e e • .t e er trizie eeanswMa�es w ire r reaad al e�ld Me my glrere es Partial wllm _.gg e ' V K)1441 1t10T0111. A.3 PA1 MOM. 1.ae. 1an el solea and Alex Young. E R Wigle --by L B Doherty and H J Fisher. Rohl Elliott -by W A Chisholm and T H Bell. C A Reid -by W F Clark and J C Lsithwaite. W L Horton-hy H J A MacEwan and Malcolm McDonald. R H Cult -by Nelson Armstrong and W ti Blackstone. For Reeve. Robt Ib.11iott-by Wm Blake and Tho. Fitzsimmons. W F Clark -by R J Mrgaw and Wm Waite. Robert Elliott -by W A Chisholm and Thos W Bell. B C Muooings-by J W McDonald sod Reg Sharman. Wm Froudfoot-by H E Hodgeos and W F Bauder,. James Connolly -by D P McCarthy and Joeepb Baecbler. J 11 McClinton -by B C limning* and J J Moser. For Deputy Reeve. 0 A Nairn -by A Duakeid and 1) Par Cwsscifiors. J 14 McClinton -by W B Graham and R.1 Melina. B O Mannings -by Alex Young and the amount. Alex Young -by Thos E Burrows ag the Plosion road, the and David Sproul. speaker the pro$, whsolgaat ibe P' A Elliott -by J L Grant and H P p�(tode ion sophist r nominee bb Leseook. jtloe bed kurribed to Cb1tiRe n w J J Moser -by J B Baeebler and W 8 Graham. A.1 Paltridge-by W R Pinder and net gl %he beech Robt Rlltott J D Wilson -by OK Saunders sod H J A Maclaine. Wm Ptend[bot -by H J A Mac - U K Sa_ 5i -by H E Hodges', WIE PMwitoot. b L B Darty -by R R Wigle and R Natio. 1. W F Sounders --by Wm Proudfoot sad 0 A Reid. J H Holliston --by B0. iinningsand H Colborne. Fer Scheel Trustees 8T. PATRICK'S WARD - W ARD - W F Oallow-by 11 E Hodgeoe and teat wenot facts. The preot road ended abruptly at the river .od did we ammo to Mr. bad einee proposed a lease of the 1wi, and be °mad see nothing wrong with this. The present rand ler Me- wee* to genre. to • She room- ebip. He wooed .Rale be a eamdidats. Mr. James Chisholm said he bad no Dodos of giving away the road to Mr. toeuieeed M Peale ll THE DAY OF INTERCESSION. Has Worship the Mayor has le.red a paridemation penoon.ln' an official reeognit{on of the Day of interceemion seat Ineedy. A special service will be b kI rt toot taborets at 4.14 p.m. it m itfir. dDoherJ WARD - w111 be e.ede. by ail the Mainers L o Preuss- by g R mad d H 1 Hodges.. MMT. ARDittw's WARD-- 4.l lHndgene-by Was Previa/cot E Nenadere. DAv1D'a WARD- 0 Oast-by W J Bell and 0 3 Sproul. of the tows sad %be *sideline are in- vited to snarl. t laasketoeee ere always headquarters for boob oyeten and home-made sandy. w�a k& r.tetea/ p.DORN el.eya�� p� MI •al tendtree .n► I a l[r...iirrwi► J. s Nal/enA q.sllfieatMr and .Menmdug w .lruaM.r• =am mistime is saes of a pall being MARRIED. kmed, the alert limited the neestV[ to -RDWARaa- las acpto edge( • ebeirman. Mr. Arian Par - = ter was . msmhmatrety along d for s • padtlom, mid woo taking _the /We w • asmwnsed40 M tk for Abe 110 Sow (���]Mtlrm�tMw �ep.said .k.r �weii asrtg epos. M mai fret M sdtsommt Alter mor{ i those momimated of the Hose t is which to ON Ihefr •.4.eei. Ussa.ekor�I Ott N 1 1/111401 AL NH !rely ti1NTI AT 1u1f1T7 D 11 OT NOT A1;i1ADX R1PS 1- Spot .• hest .nal milk to ire dr preortoo �trblish♦ �e 410 tr=hoi` t an RIGHTING A MISAPPREHENSION. Te w Laker d The Slesal Deas Stit,-I would esteem 1t a favor if you will allow me to make en explanation through your valuable columns of some r w i• ks which 1 made at the nomin■tion meet•mg on Moods night (Dec. Mtn). I made the remark tett I thought it might be advisable t . have an inde- pendent assessor" make a valuation of the town props ty, mut apparently this was miscoest. ped by some of my bearers. By 'independent mem- nor" I meant a professional seeeeeor- tbat is, atria or individual wbo makes a specialty of town or city assess - manta. This was In oowive intended tie a refieetioo on the .10111 of our toes! eamemor and collector, Mr. Camp- bell, but was simply a suggestion of a an which ham hieo followed qui, and pro•lid ataeoa.utul fetid ier towns. i am of the opinion that the position of assessor and collector (eornbined) for • town the miss of Ooderiob is no sinecure. and that Mr. Jawpbell has tees. suecneetul in pe• forgoing the duties of this arduous ofloe shows Ibet there le no need for crtti.•isaa. Trusting that this .xolsaotion will correct any inflame:eption eat my re- marks, and ban king you in rases for your valnabi • sp .r.•, 1 rein , You.s W. FRANK Seubasws. 1 Purity 1. the filet enn.ederat1.s ilk the preparation df 'lad* tea. Qstl� the fragra~at bee* end most dethlent Mavis are used. Baled. contains so Mare, hark. twigs or duet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-OOO. Slat Piga �eMenabtf-Want Herm Agrteerarel Nil sire Iii =1i:(tl 16�.N t