HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 9llohmeier THE FURNITURE MAN wishes one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all KELLY'S GARAGE CALL AND SEE THE 1915 FORD We will also be pleased to have your cars, to overhaul and adjust, while they are not in use. Our workshop is also fitted for the SHARPENING OF SKATES for the season. SUGGESTIONS! for Holiday Shoppers Thomson's MUSIC STORE • Heintzman fr Co. Pianos and Player Pianos Victor Victrolas and Edison Phonographs and Records Violins, Cases end Bows armonicas, Accordeons, Music Rolls, Etc. Holiday Gift Papetries Christmas and New Year Folders and Cards . Hymn, Birthday and Psalm Books Bibles, Testaments, Etc. Cameras. Box and Folding Snap -shot Albums and Fittings of all kinds ALL OF THE LATE POPULAR AN() PATRIOTIC SONGS IN STOCK OR PROCURED ON SHORT NOTICE. a. Wishing All Our Customers a Very Merry Christmas. JAMES F. THOMSON mask and Stationery Store, THF. SIGNAL : GODB 'ICA : ONTARIO COUNTY AND DISTRICT Jells ions. of Marais, is dead at lbs elle of es.e.ty-eve yearn. Kra Wm. Row of Goer le, died after ea operation be the Ouslpb hospital. Wm. (Lassoo.. Ir.. of Howiek. broke hie ea while esigsged wvrklag at kis hums last week. John Fiakbsiner died at bis home at Creates on the 3nl lust. Be had hero a reddest of that place preoti- sally all his life. Film destroyed a house on the lath 000sseetos of Bac W awaawb. the props. ty of John T. Currie', on Coons- 1ltk. Tisa little is shout MU Wet. tMamNe, who void his farm un the Sib mamma/It of Uowkk to his neige,bur, Rolm. lathersr has pur- ohaatd Wm. Trestles farm on the 9th cuncesao. Oroge Trott, a former photog- rapher of Heiman, wbo has burn in the Wast Luc several year., it ex- pected book to take up busfoesr again to Her:.&U. Mrs. Catberias Jackeoe, of Amber - try, at,ouuaces the engagement of bar daughter. Buse Ellen. to George 4. Hoagies, of Ripley ; the nun -Lege to take place the latter part of Deem - ler. Edward Deters has purchased the 100-acae term on :be Iib «+ocer.ion of May toward" !toot Fred Dribs s, sr., wbu hes bought a tot to Zurieb sad will build • dwelling on it next a co- met. Thos. Marshall has bought the Illtyacre farm rejoining b. 100 acres neat Walton from James tauter, paying WM. liters is • barn on the uswly-purchased premises, but on house. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. MacKay, of Locbaleb, a.uouaos the engagement of their daughter, Mary Coaled we, to Albert Harry Lockwood, of Detroit. the weddteg to take place on Decem- ber 90th. Rudulpbus England, • former resl- deot of the Ste line of Morrie, diad at the borne of hr. niece, Mr.. Seller', Blytb, after a short illness. is wee eighty-three years old and war a native of Ireland. On Wednesday, 9.h inst., Miss Ada Campbell, daughter lit Mr. and Mrs. David Caauphell. they township, was married to Ed. Mitchell. of Moles- worth. obsworth. Rev. T. A. Bell was the officiating clergyman. Mr. and Mn. Robert Outliner, of Unborn, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Margaret L, to William J. Reid, of High Park, Turooto, the marriage to take place early in the new year. B,4stI LS. IL M. 8inslalr. proprietor or of 1.10 pie tlx: perforateis s,' se 1 eiiaeam the 7w -&.s. December Mad. to the Red Oros leer. eiety. Barry Dunked a forgoer reddest of B. wade. sow of fwegdoa North Da kora, M vledtbg rsllaaYWns irt tows. Harry ie well reesesbtred by older residents. ElO ens believe in Newts Claw? Tea oil gstlmmaa whet AM hi the center peeped aroma the war rut W vapor. • The town oaredl is asking [W 11 a r h $ who .st'eq bads o[ BeW to lbs tipiMs a sloes. agars stone crusher MU be put to work sad gob fid emstghs betide dm, Mehl the stone win be used for malthigra arm ..rgehmd that yen nae think i permanent roadway on Turaberre awe mot say. whoa your dear street. realist *5 W. she answered severely. Mrs. Rattly Howlett, who rs.iJed obarre syr, Buell. -1 was tklaklas for maty years in this neighborhood, oft tie hs agrvrwed. "i jest owls M t5. b of her r,lee:e awl at borne , Sesta and .eked him to bong some k Pl tingtoo , a the 10th Ener. , sato shen sick. psfloudte fn se She was eighty years old. Tim tumoral L very straw was held at Bloss. "Iha straw thele wad a mod Word has been reooived of the death Otlwtmas at your butts this year. of Fred W. O'Brien, V.B., wbo wee Id* Tow erotber so 111," Aunt Har AM retitled ettoosng►ngly. •Aad don't yea think Santa Clam wSi arrp et am Slay persisted. nut Aunt Harriet cad Amok her bead oma babel sot se the wfsdsw et the ear es 1t reponse fie way dowstewa, 'lien My glanced over at the sea accidently killed et Hannibal. Mle- .ou, 1. Mr. O'Brien resided bare hr several years and sold he practice to Dr. Warwick. No particulars of the accident .re given. W. B. Sperling has pawed the pre liminary and quslifyb examinatibas of the civil service attd b trove ready so when the oid mistletoes set Ss f..r work both h pi si" Ll i mall clerkand orae vu S be saw dm wlak so be on the O. T. Sperling th headquarter* at adwbetber lbs wlak was mina for him or whether it wee juit 1'h. dd ismilmws belospd Jst some Onelpb. He is a sou of Mr. and Mrs. Pletcher Sperling. Brueee1. WINDHAM. A. M. Crawford has purchased the door to Bows homer in a great [tis National hotel property from L W. Ls tales, with ntaay earv$nfa ?ha HOwov. .Id gaotlemaa lived quits aloes 0. George Moir has engaged a colored lad no wife and no family. and Billy gentleman to assist bin, in his .11ive . had atm thought k mast 1» tea shine parlor. ' lonely in the big boom. But all dq The members of B Company. 33rdold was away *1 the Rea Meat. will bold a shooting match a k of wbfcb bo was the bead. and on New Year's Day. I 11111y saw him ono in the morainal. Samuel Yount has leased the black- .when M hurried oat to catch tbs eat, smith shop on Vi.ttorla street and has ' or la the ..rnings, when b. earns brim& opened for business. I ty boort BUly bad beard that be din Wm. Gannett. who has been sutler-, h wi to be bothered with hr mid* for with a sore anger for .owe time, bore. espeelti1y children. Ho bad beat bad it amputated hast week. charged to be very careful not to throw Isabella Finlayson, wife of Alex. lt►r ball tato tis. next yard or annoy McNiven. died on f?uoday, 13th inst., 11J» ole gentleman in any way. et the age of seventy-three years. Btlty studied his neighbor as the car Frank Mooney had been suffering rotted along. He thought be bad not from • felon on the lett thumb. the such a eros face after AIL Tltprs wan brae bad started to decay and be had the thumb amputated last week. Mrs Hugh Lowry, of Belmont, died on the 715 inst. at the age of seventy-fiveears. She is survived co. by two emir -Win. H.end Howard - and one daughter—Mn. (Rev.) D. Rogers. of 8t. Thomas The death is announced of Jo.epb Cowan, an old end highly esteemed rr.ident of W roxetm, who paved ea ay o. the 4th inst. in his sig emir year. Mr. Cowan was fur many years the village clerk of Wroxeter. James Snell, of Hdllett, the well- known breeder - of Leicester .beep, was paid the high honor, at the Onelpb winter fair. of being appointed judge at t5. Panama Reposition to he held at San Francisco next year. Mies Nettie Bryee. of Turoberry. was married on December ,0th to Thomas M. Haines, of l ampbellvtlle. The osre so.y,-wbieb was hold at the manse W inrbam, wan conducted by Rev. b. Perris 1'he young couple tn,k a trip to Buffalo and New York for their boron moon and on their return will reside at CampbellvUle. John Neelands and wife, formerly of Londeee oro' and Wingham. but now of Toronto, celebrated the six- tieth anniversary of their marriage on Sunday, the 13th inst. Mr. Nee - lands was for many years high treas- urer reaturer for t be Canadian Order of For- esters. Ilei is a brother of T. Nee - lands, publisher of The Hensel. Ob - Never. Both be and Mrs. Neelands are In their eighty-fourth year. EXETER. ..r..... T` O, • A_ _ has replaesd the plank Phaitm T. t has vtlb .lathe wHi oat If .teat ssod meshed atone. wisteil epIr sbM esJiteti,gdesses of John been NM 'se 1l.W( j•wtMii' low avid ler fare Waken sen va.sN► The wan q.gdt. Yr. Bolger will move eat to their tura SHORTHAND f ."jseb tailed by espert i structs LOIr ai-4 O 1 . There is so tar not mush talk of the municipal elections. Mayor Irwin will Iikely seek a second term and for the ree.s.hip the name. of McKibbon, Mitchell and lsbister are freely used. The adjourned ase against J. R. Swart', on a liquor-aelliog charge, woe discoloured by Pollee Magistrate Morton. It was shown that the cider wbro purchased by Me. Bwarte was not over the lawful strength, although suheequent fermentat.ioo might have increased the strength. The sewer in which Chester Hill bit his lite seems to be fated, another accident occurring then on Saturday, the 12th. As a runner was being , driven down from the top it spraoss from Its place, striking Leonard Wal- • smile lurking around the ole gentle- man's mouth, and when they reached t b s department store where Amt Harriet got off D e looked up from Itis newt taper. and the time Billy was almost quite .urs the old gem Unman winked at blm an Aunt Harriet took him out of the car. That was sev- eral days bates Cluiedlea On (hrrtmes e v s ton ori the bead, Inflicting a very don: ram naaama'rOmer, Bf1d waw wafting WAS :ant. dMelaardatali to the dining room. woodmem wider it would be worth while handked tie his stocking. when the drools.. Rattled. Non was buoy in the kitehes, tea Frets Turner, of Regina. u e visitor Anal Harriet was ttpatislrs with the at Ontario street parsonage. nurse. who was Laths are of moth. R. Moon has opened up a laundry m had been away for several in the frame building east of the "aka cal Important lrmensmt and owe Commercial hotel. net expected home much before Naw Rnbt. Sweet has rented the frame Year's. rink again for the .ration and opened ..Ealy got up and went to open rise up for the ant akatiog coWedneeday, door, for Amort Harriet had charged the 1145. 1 him to try to utak* himself motet Will Hamblyn entered fifteen of hit These was a jingllsg of wig maw Aird.. black Wyaadottes and light 'ad before the door was opened. and Brahma bantam*, at the Guelph win- seta ds yon thlsk stood oettdfisf ter fair and won twelve prises, most Wily. Banta Claw hlmwdf1 Bs ass of them firsts.a bag red coat trimmed with what Rev. J. K. Nairtull, pastor of the looked tlks mow. for 1t glrsd l•sat Baptist church, was conducting anni- versary nni- tattered is the heist On W Medver try services at Auburn on Sunday tin lost ted his pulpit here was supplied was • wblt. all in wbleb was Mask at bidb service* by E. A. Warner, of I a piece of bold. Goderieh. i ' X ought I wasn't going to ems ge rots wound. He will probably recover. CLINTON. Bread i. 7 cents a loaf in Clinton. Ross Forrester. of Assiniboia. Sask., arrived home last week. Jobe Bell bas purchased the farm o Dan Wood.. south of the town. He gets possession March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper were in Ingersoll last weak attending the wedding of their sox. Fred J. Herman Kerniek has returned home after spending the summer in the West. His sister, Mn. Wesley 'Stone, carne with him. Oo Wednesday, December 9th. at the borne of Mr. and Mn Fred Lox- teo, their daegkter. Clara J., was united in marriage to Alfred Coates of Usbnr'ne. Edith Waiters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Walters bad tise miaow - tone to break bee left arm. She wait playing with her father at the time of thersaeidwak- a. r s. e BBAFORTH. ▪ esisted_ls Positron= \ is Alen deft 1.4. free. Iota say Lee. 1.12. . n. Aatcreeit. 1i't>1l1Actor • lei l l mamalupus OPtlls Jamury alt Isms .t THE NORTH BUSINESS CO'I OL Owtw a.lrnr. osrTeaeO Our catalog** mile you why the Toronto "Globs" mid : "It Is the eweiecet gble.ee Reboot is the Dosielee." Write for it O. A. Ih.eurOW 4 O.A.. Priseipat. Y. D. Ftinetwe. See etary - Arthur Wooley received a able - Crfrom Hartlepool. Epglaod, stet- that his meeker was dying/0::.3. Watley immediately left for . Another message came saying til; mother was dead. Hartlepool is one of the towns recently abebled t'y the German fleet. Rev. Josiae Ones on Friday, lltb inst., celebrated his righty -test birth- day. He is still trig/moue and takes • keen 'amigo in life. and sltioami . 00sinally b.persnb0ated allot .sear y half a eentury in the .stave ministry of the Methodiet church be bee ler the last year or two bees i n a }r ge of the Brumfield Methodist cbnre` Mrs Wm. Somerville►Misled the funeral in Toronto of Senator Jaffrey. who wee bar °eosin. Hiram 3.snab. of under. Mao., brother of Iles. S. Dlekson, was a re- eent visitor Is tewo. Invitations have been Issued for a Msedleta' and la.ebelurs' ball to be arm es New Year's night. mire Margaret and Haien Beatty %M ore Thursday leaf and win ant ore winter in H.atiltoo. Jess Ingo., of Tomato Uolver►ity,' wilt mewl the Christmas beladays with tis smother and dater hers. Mr. 3. harden, who hs heat in tae West lee the peat 03*. yeas. ie ,W4 bag hie deter, Mrs D. gbv'art. Jobe /{mei. who Itsd bean worst ry o the past years, has tneli (het riffles ii L Bos .asses&. Win. Professor Lew, o sLLeo: College. Tomato. rash.d .reels la eharek on intliM bum M wan At the obs of the Medal school urs the t.sebers-ir met at the home of Friaries' Doted prs- arerd :IL i, watek wmeth1ng rise not tbsrs to lob mrd meta! is Q a w ettrdf :.niLTt rZ dram ex ag Of swift gNy wouldn't loot And • Wee his work is their d theete lateen sofa came i■ with the dear arm. Yr. thWe 1. public schoarth,ol dssrin t alit littla sa area tU tslmtosd prioet.at •s ho pntsilo wheel donne rid wftb ealdlmm reedy fortie ItlodM *shoo. Mnu bs/oae rtiWro bag to hl. bore .a Homan was pre -'Oh. °ler wr ail Rilly eosld may.seated by his pupils wltb an address"Welk my hey, I bops yes win have and • pair of military brushes a very marry ( rrtw.' said tMttda LUIKNOW. vers eordrosi.tly ea 5. ted en es. William Solidi is here from Field- srpty bag, fleet ea a visit ".feet yen vary atorb. ML Santa TatrmSOAT, Dns rntoan K, 1914 10 =10 =X0=1 CHRISTMAS 1914N EW YEAR'S 1915 We take this opportunity of wishing all our friends and patrons A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND :-: A HAPPY NEW YEAR :-: We wish also to thank them for the very generous cus- tom they have given its during the year that is now closing, and we hope that the year to come will be marked by the sante cordial relations. We will try to do our part as in the past. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Godericb SEMI -READY TAILORING tints for Carbartt Overalls, Stanfield'. Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Anew Brand Collars mad Cuffs re ===I=0=0= bow this estatem did you? Weil. I's eteppfmg here early. May I come tar PWy was Soo surprised to W any. Wag at first, but les led the way foie the parlor. Banta rolled tie beg ell Ms beet and Maas drawing out parte AVM "Bares the candy. I brought It la a ben this data." said bet "I knew le wield be early Pse yea to have • stook - MS tae" SU box was a beautiful big eve wqk a plasm et a eying machine on the ended*. and attire race abase as he Mashed the giver. 'Inst there were lays sed gams, and hooka Bata baa S ever brought so many wags to 6114. "INw, if Teel promise not to leek sad Itis ifg•ward, of lithos , dmnr. amd i hap° 76611 ha" s tinea have taetAd les!► the bow reewtly sad res" sed cried vtlsated W. Pett eased. Zf- L..e war. evar Mir 1 Oeseros, who for nearly I "Wet 1 gigs. 1 meat he four years a f ls essa. um. so. Yes ri ~ nm• ares. 'it eight to lysed to Cana W. b sxp.eW 1. SeeMAW mid y knew In Santa .P....w ilAaekS/S4ity► g Seem ass yes ke.w t!e rale r gMgM ILII' 1ge the eostrset for 11 /Pha n gear threw sY tenet gee bits" And Oasis Moo wiehel IRs Alerted te the dew tad dead if only Mir ret truly retied le the Okaire. bet K was ss Nee he sol= Wily nes a Igor* disappearing the Imes Des sense is 1ilaslMkf sari .starred M hie noel Thus tsrtfieg hilts All HERN'S Qu grocer Y WE WISH YOU THE MERRIEST OF MERRY CHRISTMASES and ALSO GREAT (HAPPINESS AND PROSPERI'T'Y NOT ALONE FOR 'I HE YEAR NINETEEN HUN- DRED AND FIFTEEN, BUT FOR '1'HE YEARS '1'O FOLLOW. We can supply your table with the 'Best Vegetables, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, etc., that the market affords. Quality --is the Motto. Hern--isthe Name eterytsg soil es R It Pie. a The crate sems sot* bent Leekaoer v+ saes eeles Il, Kisise . west to the letlr eldeelleet teal' to the Mit wrem .. e vio DaM.t `thein theism who ter 'wagoner w .pont the sesame sere. We deet of Kea Allan Melsas. hest hoe. He was Is the vielelty el Oils tsssi bene u Mb ampg.wad. M • J. } tillers she let the pod Nor Oak Isis times gr.IrRRVIIN Met .primp rev* s flaw vreesedi Sir the Alb meld W Mem masaRar ter the Yviews ver! .lead •p M rathat beet/ oldpmmsmms w!ptlltiaa therwo bewe (b. here mad at StrMgwrd, . Wheat Was mar4Ned at frost bet ei eaves 1t mm/ flaw been SIN pme=rd to ye Immo Waimea a- t mem.SLI the1Mrs ease m profitable e. 1 earths real THE LATEST NEWS THE TWO BEST SOIRCES AT A BARGAIN IAVE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL TiHE TWO TOGETHER NOW TILL JAN. 1st. 19iS. 35 Cents NOW TILL JAN. Ism. 1916, $I.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has Earned the Title of "THE WAR PAPER" tile. . . y, , The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment Order Early for the Bargain Rate Send all Subscriptions to office of The Signal, Godericb, Ont. pc....r LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC - :-AND_o— SCtiOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OPFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND iE1ZEtL Write ler Particular. LOTTiE ARMSTRONG, F..LINPORTH WILLGOOS RegiMwr. Mem roc. (Drina`) E Address: -334-6 Dundas Dundas► St., London, Ont.