HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 7I1 e� DISI ►: ONT TO ttvanesir, Dscradoes 1111. 1114 7 THE 9IIDINAI iND ONLY 1 ErUINE 01W•11 OR INITA- TIONIII SOLD ON TIiM Minn OP 11NilD'S LINIIEN1 KB!NDING GAZINES, RIODICALS and RARIES bound or repaired. RING on L.BATHER GOODS o uteeded tem leavlwe Vo. AL. Oodeelek. tAa LOH. thiATPO D. OOIiON POISONS AS SEEN BY Safila MEDICAL HLILEMANN, 081%- e TB- , snit. _t in demrrt'e sad . d 1*000taaNseraae/ass tar. so..- ,tote Norte reset. third lbw.• moan 1.34. Hell. 1lL tul0'1'13R-1YE, BAR. d thrum ouly. 11010/1/E04 Ueatluluuc sod Acralte, ker. \oe.enedlldbii*t�l and u 8. W teretaeet. g/1tb� Kora Clerob Boors it Insp.r-7toaPa. Tdet.bmr Pleyalelan Discusses Drees, Danger- 1 silts mid Otherwise and Tells Hew to Counteract Effect TO the average man or woman the pol.00 meas "wmelWsg that " To the scientist poison 1s . umethtng which, under controlled •oeditlons, makes by chemical rctioa pome change to living tissue. In a way that interferes temporarily ur per- manently with what that tissue or organ usually duos." When an acid merely puckers the lips. It 1s not • puteon. Bet *heti the action of that same acid reaches the point where the tip. cannot for d. Lime do bleu expected work. Bleu the Ups are said to be poisoned. When Indiscreet persons kiss little babies, and transfer their ever-present Microbic Inhabitants to the Infants. and no infection arises, poisoning can- n ot be said to have resulted. 11. Unhappily, the kiss sots up • sore throat or • cough, bacterial poisuutus Las occurred. It L then easily hnderstood that fuch habitually used potions as cot ee. tea. tobacco. alcohol. are really poisons only whoa the blood, brain, or brawn, 1s altered. In old age tu- fancy, and debility, their toxicity is plainly discernible Since conditions of health are not often perfet, It may also be concluded that such drink. are more often poisonous than other- wise. Some poisons such as morphine. alcohol. and nicotine have the cur.ous property of forming anti -tissue neu tr•1lsers. That is, their action upon the human body is much like that se disease germs. The individual he- lmets* immune 10 small doses, at the game time acquiring au Irresistible tonging for tb• drug. When four son domes home some One day, and 1, unaccountably pale. sick at the stomach, and groadtng. you may safety conclude that he has smoked his first cigar or cigarette. He is poisoned by nicotine. After the first smoke or the First drink the body juices begin to menu- L•cture excessively those strange anti -bodies, that tend ever afterwards to crave the particular cigar or beer that established the first violent re• action. No matter how active the poison, a healthy person/krill always find his - or her body making a desperate effort to counteract 1t. The stomach bat- tles valorously to expel carbolic acid, which is made harmless by alcohol and whisky. The intestines bring up reinforcements In the way of a fer- ment or secretion to render ,vitriol. muriatic, or other acids, harmless. Mineral acids such as sulphuric, hltric, aqua regia, and muriatic. are M once destroyed by ammonia or /oda. These form salts and soaps. These antidotes must be given quick- ly, or the acids will eat through the throat and stomach linings. Then the surgeon's work begins! Of the patent medicines, household OD MINN'S 11. ORBICR. t ciuear t ssl�mw that drse- or Loire. ltss •xaslaa- bnwasu"es Bhee Sui t e LEGAL (FOOT. KILLORAN .k PRO1- I IF00 soLit ITultti, NOTARIES PU'BLN'. ETC. tysue. •eond door from Hao isdrrrh. tad. to lase sl Iowe.t rotes. . Kat . J. L. MIL10aa). W. Pao: Drool% J a. YS gtt. : .I.ICITOR. NOTARY remedies. and drugs that may, wbeu Pl. Play, YTt . taken by accident or mistake. prove Rant Mock, Hamilton greet, poisonous. police records show car- beepaoee ac bollc, mineral. and prussic acids to Lem. tad Iu.ona:a. Lead. Next Fomes paregoric—erron- !MON, IL. (L. HARM'S tamely supposed by mother, and pa - allow ems rte , teat medicine manufacturers to be Oud.rlel Mor a• without injury to infants—laudanum, opium. and the other morphine-con- OAHKUW, LLB, BAR twining liquids. Corrose sublimate. ewtorner sdldhor. ems, OMs. chloral, and acetanilid are not far Wo Isle el lover.% rates .. behind, running neck and neck with BR. BkRRiSTBR, eNlrl'rsentc and strychnine. tem telae and co vr.assti 1 After sending for all the doctors LU the neighborhood give the unhappy one- milk and whites of raw eggs for mercurial sublimate poisoning; em- - etics for strychnine, acetanilid and headache poisons; and dlaltsed iron 017NURY I for arsenic AVCTIUNE1CIt For paregoric and other morphine *OC7'10111Y1t. All I..veawe by men conditions permanganate of potash Ake will MW p.t- and coffee will neutralise the toxic " 1�a^^ k�w i drugs in the stomach and keep the sufferer awake until skilled aid ap- C6, LOANS, LTC. pears. No mother can have her medicine WHOLE FAMILY USES THEM 1Vd14-lbss" Imps Yeses NI IN Is SOWN DIA J. W. wswONa lee. SCOTLAND. ONT., An. lith. 1913 "Fruita-vs" are the Daly pill manufacture•!, to ray wsyof thinking. They work completely, so griping whatever, and ore Yty for Am ordinary person at • bona. My wife * o• martyr toCoastipstios. We tried . c-rything on the calendar without ratlsfacuon. and spent large sans of coney until we happened os "Fruit - a -live.". 1 cases say too mach In th:ir favor. We have need them is the family for about two year* and we would not use a.tything else u long as we can get "Pt uit-s-tivos". Their action k mild, and no distress at all. I have recommended them to many other people, and our whole Lrmily uses them". J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cared by "Fruit- :. lives" are proud and happy to tell • u. k or ailing friend about them won- derful tablets ode from fruit juices. 5)c. a box, d for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of pries by Fruit-a-tivee Limited, Ottawa. PAVEMENTS OF RUBBER Expensive as Vet But a Distinct Prob- ability of the Future It is not yet practicable to construct roads with surfaces of rubber except at a cost of 125 per yard, but then 1s little doubt that they will u'tlmate- ly be adopted. says The Canadian Engineer. At the International Rub- ber Exhibition held In Londou recent- ly, rubber paving was shown both for use on footways and on carriages. 'n each case the rubber constituted a surface cushion on blocks of jarrah wood, the material being held tlgnt'y in position by dovetailing, while • special joint locked the paving, ire renting. when laid. the access of water to the concrete foundations. It 1s eontended that thinner foundations are necessary owing to the rednr'ed amount of vibration which occurs by heavy and fast-moving traMc, and further, that it never becomes slip- pery and that motor vehicles do not "skid" upon it under unfavorable coodltlons of weather. A section of rubber paving laid in the Old Kent Road. London, where the tragi2 is heavyis not perceptibly worn atter • year's use. The Crest Old It 'Lie Irishman is nothing a mot la - maims. Hen is a good story told el one, • terrible scamp Nerving la Nath Africa under Colonel Hamiltou- Drowse. On discharge he staked for a character. and was given tune by the ooionet w bad as should ordtaarf►y have barred him from employment lose time after the colonel met Nes. a most prosperous man, and Rbat to embark fur the Mother Coun- "But." said the colonel. "how was that people reading such • cb•rao- tor as I gave you should have been po taken fn?" "Read 1t, sire" the scamp replied. '?power a one of them read it, and We • very good reason, as not one .f limn could read a word of English. ft was the Ilon and the unicorn fight - tag tor the crown on the top of the adclal paper that did the trick, and that's what I wanted when . troubled roe for a character 8o long colonel; there's the 'a11 for the shore' bell ring- let. Good luck. and many thanks. M it's through you I'm in for a high Nd time." There Were More When Fred Kelly made a start to journalism he was put on reporting. One night he was sent -to • big Ore down the town. A reporter named Brown was sent with him It was a large fire, and presently Brown dis- appeared. A wall had fallen, and Kelly was sure Brown was Lade(' it. He rushed to the telephone and called Iup his city editor. "flay," he shouted Into the tele- phone. "Brown is gone„ He's burned PRIVATE FLINUM TU chest well filled without an emetic up!" l.en. ApiIy to M. O. CAM such as Ipecac. aicohc for carbolic ,,What, Hemuwo wrest, (kMtab• and headache poisons, distilled iron. baklhg soda and ammonia for acids. tor. ' BRTs05.. 1 lemon julep and vinegar for ammonia "Brown you. INOURANCZ.L0&WT. and alkali poison. --and permangan- He fell Into tl,e fire."Yearstr..: •ridColumbus ge. Caian sad 1 ate of potash ready for instant use. hanging rap ;1+.' telephone, "I'll send the""• asked th. city ed1- T Wean atavaa tiaras U.I.: ued. ed Quartette Company. sees. arta•ast sooner el Tie - Davidson** Plows I e. r NI TUAL YIBM 119 11t C' s C u.—Farm and Is.lated I•wred. a.11c1.a.. Pres. se.teetk Vie.—Pro.. Outland& 1'. 0.; IteeTrio,-, S.a1seM P. u w,uregs, *eater%. Joao TYtk.ep; w Ileum RIJs.as..r is O.:.1..0.. &aboI. Nuclears; bessas�ferr/. ambled ; Makotm t . o. lelmee,fys i IL Smit* �rar�m °s. .Nj illeaderth ; .. k 6.4art Laelr cares rse•I/.elas . t I•+eog stere t, er ai It e,r r<i•,e.yra area. BUG[ Mina 1s h• rued up. 1 t.•ll yet beyond the reach of curious tots All right." red the city editor. • i t 111.4:110k t �Igud► 1tAKi g,, 1Bn u Al I;\ ONTAa1o. NT Tkli tilt .on meaVga or skim. y treason n phey Bros. tiimgition Tbe I.egdltay Nowa' Madan an lad Embalmers ea"fully act—to hea---ve. ■IgAt sr UT. THE FIRST CUP OF TEA Cltlr.eee Legend Accounts For Dia eovery of the Beverage The Chinese claim to be the first ewers of tea as a drink, and how 1t originated is told In a pretty little legend that dates from 2,000 years before the coming of Christ. A dat:rht. r of a then reigning sovereign tell in love with • young nobleman whose humble birth ex - eluded him from marrying her. They Managed 1r* exchange glances, and h e occasloually gathered a few biro moms and had them conveyed to her. One day in the palace garden ib* lovers met, and the young man en- deavored to give her a few dowers; Put so keen was the watchfulness of • p waswaaWI*sttt all she could eW' rind 4)41fa leaves 0a reaching her room she pet the twig In water. and toward evening e e drank the water In which the twig had been kept. Ito agreeable was the taste that the elves ate he Waves slid stalks every ay after - 1 wined she hes bunches of the tea tree pdUgl1 16 bar. which sloe treated to 11' Heals ter. CMt1oa Wag the sincerest fors the ladles a the wart OM ospsrimeat• and with seen pielolag results that the mecca IONMS througtout the ktaide>f+ad the great Chinese tea hisser, became sae of the greatest bier.eosos la the world. Curtain Hane1M lg*uatlna curtains on braes polo* vtdl be much easier 1f a this piece of sloth is pet over the end of the polet I'le pale will go through .whine the aat.riaL Short Heavyweight HENS IN THE BACKYARD government Advises Town and City Dwellers to be Elm Producers Many town and city people could Rot only produce suMcient KP fa keep their table going bat have enough eggs left over that would t# I ,:.;, way towards supplying tis tousehoid with groceries. etc., sere s circulsr sent out from Ottawa by Mr F. C. Elford. Dominloo Poultry. itueb.ndwan. There are compare- llveiy few city lots where a sato lock of poultry could not be kept and enough scrape find their way into the garbage e'tn to provide a large pro portion of the feed. No male birds should be kept as they are both • anlesnee and an expense which if lone away with and the house kept Glean and sanitary Ware Is absolutely pothtng about such • plant that could possibly annoy the neighbors. if say one in every hundred city families would produce even enough eggs tor their own table. it would reduce the Dumber of those who only consume and add that many more to the list of jlrodncen. Cherished Relics A tourist called at an Irish cabin to obtain a glass of milk, and noticed on the top of a chest of drawers a glass shade under which was a brick and a faded rose. Naturally he in- quired why the owner of the shanty should cherish two such die -similar objects. "Shure, sore, there's memories at- tached to them," said the Irishman. "Teel this big dent in my head. Well, it was the brick what med i1." "But the rose" said the visitor. "The rose 1s off the grave of the man that threw the brick." replied the boat Salt Por Llvestoek Most stockmen realise the valve d plenty of salt for their stock at all times, but very often this L neglected. and hones, cattle, and sheep are patted only once or twice • week, the owner believing that this is enough. It 1s absolutely necessary that mares with foals have salt where 1t is ao- ewslble whenever they wish to take it. Balt is an aid to digestion and should be within reach of the farm animals at all times, and more par- ticularly when feed 1■ beteg changed. A little salt may keep the vetertnaa Ian's fees down to a minimum. He carried things with a high hand. Worse down anottr • n•an." 1 hey wife bas lost the power of Welch!" ....w waaweswaApa 'Well, just see iJitILU �urcmun ROSARY NILS HOME Tells How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality to the Weak. Worn -Out Ones in Her Charge. Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y — "1 have been at work sssarg the t and poor for nearly � whenever i have mid rag for can - X. M+wl: /uses es tits weak patina. . to my doer for for sid, die was crop a Bid's arra 1 aurp".d YMoI abbe Mmis remllY and to • sof her thank tae i resort/sod ber. Oho w was swage bar .Ota!'' Thosecheek. rossw Wirt. la ardor tat ,oetittered t way ssspllse sap ktsew lost Vagi. t� Ours 1. N+ mss. as bggg*.r. tw woiN titan W Mame tam— MNbar U- Afieglna LToor, O. S. D. pmmeeDi Dash oss N1 seri mod wish t..d- t■.r1ts at 'Ink ewe�LII N uswarysis% >Mr and You Mail Is bold Mall! and .ty�V for all •'o •td ners trssiileas whether ewe fres ns- abrade sand 11Ytasl Tuft to benefit wereturnrreturn par money. H. 1' Uut.loe, i'bm.il., .1.agKi.t, H dfo.d Wok. Uodetlib, 0. t.r'a that she doesn't re. mere any sodden fright." `Would that make her disability per-- moment enmsa.nt r No 1t might restore her voice." Wheat Yield of Manitoba A report of the Manitoba Depart- ment of Agriculture on the wheat yield per acre covering • period of thirty years shows that the yield ranged from 8.8 to 21.86 bushels, with an avenge of 18.52 bushels. Only six times in the thirty years was the yield below fifteen bushels, and eleven times it wan twenty bushels or higher. A Cow Bene Statues of Concrete Adapting the principle of reinforced concrete construction to the making of models for statuary, a Niew York sculptress builds her models of wire netting and coats them with planter with a brush. Propeller Above Water For use in French colonial waters Where rank vegetation would foul submerged wheels shallow draft boats have been built that are driven by .er..pIane motors and propellers. . No Fasting "No, scree. said Uncle oheepaktn. 'you don't ketch me takin' a fast train tight threw tow Chlcargey; i kin dew without most anything else on lbs teen exc"pt satin'" An Everyday Trug.dy Mary dropped her eyes os the Soar as Henry bunt into the room. Her face lettgtheaed rapidly. sad sb.eat ly Merited him with a ileac*. As kis laugh rose and 1011. she dropped her jaw and her voice Woks. Vslw*Mer AN 'Ames. there's a bsTglar Sows - pea s. I'm going ter help." Sat' a abate. i'f1 go With Ilan' 1 Q t LOAD :• ,r+ 'sem is the canal al We belt it lNeseses-a rower I. ...,e gt.1 up. AG life consists of beiliing op turd saving Meow alio 1.1st in the same manner that the Mod carries is the various parts of the body the food that the cells need for building up, wit is coil*^cited tocarry away the wt �sM vial 1 s tont t!onse n. Thewaste materials are poisonous dasuroy us orders the liver and kidneys are stimulated to refreshed and rigorous lite. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery is the balancing power—a vitalising power. 1t sets on tis which MIMIN and organs of digestion and nutrition—ort the pun �ltsrm clean the blood Tbas fresh vitalised blood tit woos, heShe Mleamoli art --.•d brain. This well knows eltarstl•e relieves for rare than a pan' teadaekw wsrlu+aylso wee, d W Mm ��spasm 7sa teen... u • to•le and body-builder. It bends up eba esaMa seed it— if you are always "stoking eoid"—*rf a• skid throat. Th. attire medicinal principles extracted witbo.t aleAol and yea saw ob0M1 this tonic in liquid or tablet fens at any drag More es ,.d 50 ...ids is 1 -cont swaps tee trial boa of MINA* s._A 11.we-.+se .save w wee a op.we for free awe ef TA. Ca s S.ww IT Dr R i'. P..es.. .beA 6...J. re/ el/ ,e..- Are.. Dr R. V Nwa• h.,Ha/s. i A 1 SEWER They Wanted to Know "My brodders," said a waggish colored man to a crowd, "in •11 In• Motions ob your troubles, der 1s one place you can always find stoney and sympathy." "Whar' Whar?" shouted several. "In de dictionary," he replied. roll' tng his eyes skyward. Very Trying Mr. William Muggws as angry and he certainly appeared to have some justification for wrath. "Lisa," he expostulated, "don't I al- ways tell you 1 won't 'ave the kids brtngln' the cattle from the shed In my best 'at? 11 ain't nice, Lisa." "Just listen to reason, if you please, Bill," said his wife coldly. —You have spoilt the shape of that hat with your tunny head already, and as you're working coal all day at the wharf what can a little extra coal dust to your hat matter' "You don't see the point. Lisa." explained William with dignity "I only wear that 'at in the hevenin's, and if, while I'm bout, I take it horf my 'ed, it leaves a black band rewind my for'ead. What is the consequence? Why, I efts accused of washln' my ' face wld my 'at on." viUNLpp cONVEYok BELTS Conveyor Falb ere subjected to great draigs sad aMmaW wast and or. AS lbs sore gleed for as as dtrwy s.ci as is tread la the Dsr Mp• Remains pliable. resit solst.re, �aiatal*1 adbesha Lass. D. o Or the Bite They were strolling through the woodland. "Yes." the youthful professor was saying, "1t is a very simple matter to tell the various kinds of trees by the bark." She gaged at him soulfully. "How wonderful!" she exclaimed. "And can you—er—tell the various kinds of dogs that way?" Ish't It Awful— "Oh! Look What Santa Claus Brought" You Can Make This Picture a Reality by Sending Home or Sending Your Friends a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA mai COLUMBIA . DOUBLE -DISC RECORDS etkik ne of the &stirs ybelow�willl _ A small initial payment places any r ippers any Crafou oia,4 Coburn hi' y biy the one at $20.00 --and it's a Christmas morning if you nal Columbia—to the many other 4N41.1cet can be paid at your am - models ranging in price to $650. renience after the holidays. There is a full thousand 85c Columbia Double-Diac Records in the Columbia Catalogue YOU CAN GET COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS /ROY W. H. HARRISON, Goderich, Ont. Columbia Records are Made in Canada