HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 6• T111111111.1.11% D.cwza 114. 1814 WE take thts oppor- tunity of thanking every one of our many customers for past favors an6 of extenbing to one ant) all our best wishe.s for a most happy an6 prosperous 1915 nobitts An old Irish officer, after a hattle ordered the dead and the dying to be buried pellniell. Being told that some of them were alive and might he were to pay attention to what they say not one of them would allow that he was dead." neeersity the mother of in- vention, what is the pop (if • cork ? Old Gentleman t who has just finished reading an account of a s ip with loss of pa-sentters zuzd all hands) -"Ha! I so story for the poor sailors that were drowned!" Old Lady -- "Sailors ! It isn't the rations; it's the passengers I am Dort y for. The sailors ate d to it Large assortment of 5 sod 10 cent t:bri-tinas stockings and novelties at tckst Joe's. •••••••••••••••••••••••••- • •• • FreeWarMaps • Every Reader of The Signal • May Have a War Map Free • • - A Mapr x s' feet, showingclean ever • 3.�3. � Y > • boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet • and river in the whom European War area. Each • map in +eat folder of convenient size. • • The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- • treal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map pre - • pared by the celebrated map firm -of G. W. Bacon. & Co., Limited, of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most • comprehensive map printed. • The Signal has completed arrangements by • which our readers can secure a copy of this excellent • map free of charge. • • E RE IS OUR OFFER Good for 30 Days only • The pr1Ce of the Family Herald and Weekly • Star. Canada', Greatest Newspaper, is one dollar a year. The price of The Signal, . the Brightest and • Best Newspaper ih Huron County is one dollar a year. • • We now offer both papers for one year each, • including a copy of the Family Herald's War Map, Mae x 40 inches in a neat folder of convenient site for only • • • • To follow the war sittiation intelligehtly the • Family Herald War Map is neeesear) It &honk' be in Allo•MIDS &S • This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next 30 days froni this date • • • • I GO ER IC ONTARIO ORDER AT ONCE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Signa • S••••Ii••••••••••_!••••••••: ASTHMA. CbUGHS IMMIX count sesmitentax7sot7 raosican IS CAMARO SIM alai mope the isauhL, INNImas ▪ Wages: Om▪ an ad IWhole Wheat Griddle Cokes Gilft one quart et whole wheat Seer with elm teaspoon of Wallis powder and one teaspooa et salt Imo bowl Mid me tablespoon oll smelted latter. me tabisepoeu or sugar. two eggs, mil Mateo. eall two eons ot rank. Beat all together tor tbree ntleetee. Sobs la eves resod aka oa griddle. Serve wtth genes Mom. Care 0 Klinkeos Dishes Meek 0 the Savor, Maw amd ortionsoommees or Nod depends mon no proper aro 0 an amen, mod atemodle properly eared tor Wit INN Imager tbaa them wklelh ore Mt Tta. stood or trea ~eft OMNI be ea •dtatnerossa Aka end SUM THB giGNAL : %-(IT)RRICH : uNTARIO 11E IATINT DIARIES Tomato Cattle atarket an met sewn by Meg maw in am sod powders or tablets army Medea heir coma are tharah. Dr. Moms loam Rost Pills do cure sick head- RaprosentatIve pekoes SW- ode In dare eassible way b• ire= =at*teen to 28•60 the coastipatien or Mc% iolos Mews • • • 7.35 7.75 which caused them. Dr. bleree's Illasker steers. good .00 1.16 Linn Soft Pills an purely vow • nodheat 7.01 labia. km ham my hanaltd drug 1.44 enk aall sun. %Vbse you led the 7.60 hondoche means tabs 6 76 Indian Root Pill. cse IIIANY HAWKS AND OWLS- . FRIENDS OF FARM Natters. choke 7.26 Go. medium 4.00 illateber cows. otione 6.00 do. good 6.64 Ile. medium 6 . 00 do common 4.64 11.0 111•Acher bulls, choice 6.11 4.76 do. medium 6.114 6.76 do rough bologna 4.60 6.26 S tockers, 750 to 800 lbs. 6.00 6.26 6o light, 600 to 660 4 60 6.0 Canners 3.76 1.16 Cotters 4.16 4.11 Milkers, choice. eacb80.00 100.0 Lam• be. light. 7.60 6.00 lo. heavy 6.71 7.26 awes. light 1.00 6.71 Dalls 1.00 4.00 Hogs. weighed olf cars. 7.61 0.00 do. fed and watered. 7.10 0.00 Fernolos Market rollowing are the latest quotations tor term produce at St. Lawman L arket, Toronto. Wheat, bushel $1.12 to 11.11 Goose wheat 1.12 0.00 Oats, new .111 .53 Barley SS .70 Buckwheat .10 .00 Itre 1.02 1.05 Mixed and clover 16.00 16.00 S traw, bundled 11.00 18.00 do. loose 2.00 12.00 Fo• wl, dressed. lb .10 .12 Apples, basket .20 .25 do. barrel 1.76 1.25 Potatoes. bag . so .70 Onions. bag "1.50 1.76 Pork, per pound .111 .20 Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports. new northern. $1 • No 3 northern, $1.23h.; 7.sc per bushel more on track. Manitoba Oats -New crop, No. 2 bay -parts. reed, 1414c. ()ntarlo 0ats-New. outside, 46c to Ontario Wheat -No. 2, tar lots, 11-011 to $1.10. outside, according to freights. American Corn -New, No. 3 rouow. ali nil shipments, Toronto freight. outside. , , Barley -Good malting barley, out- side. 66c Le 67c. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 80 pawns. 0 to 33.20; In smaller lois. 112.26 to $3.31, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -760 car tote, outside. Mtlifeed--Caziots. per ton. bran. 126; shorts. Pr; middlings, $30 to 332; good feed flour. 134 to 140. Destroy Mice and insects Wholesa'r end Very Seidem Make Raid on the Poultry Yard • Assam all our birds there is no P'oup which stands in need of pra (action as touch Li the hawks an' owls. writes A B. Slush. to The Parser's Advocate Tte mutat, for this la because as a group they are sadly misunderstood All hawks and owls are condemned by the far - Mier Lod the sporeuess because et the harm which is done by • very few Taken as a groap the birds of prey perform a most necessary service for the farmer. • service which is carried on quietly and oontfauousily, ant whit% ts never realised or appreciated until It is rendered less efacient by a diminution In the numbers of thee., birds This service is the destruction f small rodents. Where ta. birds of prey have been very much reduced in numbers the leld mice have in- creased to such an extent as to con- stitute a veritable piague. It may seem an anscronissn to many to Clash any hawk as an Insectivorous bird. Jet many species feed very largely upon insects If we look for a moment into the food of our common Canadian hawks and owls we shall see that most of them are among the most valuable allies which the farmer possesses. The red-tailed hawk. • large species. eommon In the blast, In which the tail is red above. is commonly termed "hen -hawk.- but u a matter of fact it very mreiy takes poultry, and by far the greater portion of its food con Fists of injutious tubule It also feeds extensively up= large insects. ouch as grasshoppers, crickets and The red -shouldered hawk is the commonest large hawk in many parte of the East It may be known. when at rest. by the reddish coloration of the bend of the wing. and when ta the air by the underside of the tail haviag narrow bands ot black and white. This species shares with the red -tail the name of ku-hawk. a um* even let merited than in the case ot the red -tail. since less thin me and one-half per cent. of Hs food coastal. ot poultry or game birds. Its tastes am decidedly omnivorous, and it feeds on mice. snakes, frogs, lish. grass- hoppers. centipedes. spiders. cray- ash, earthworms. snails, and an ace. - Moroi ground -haunting bird. The rough -legged Hawk, which breeds in the West and is seen as a migrant In the East. feeds almost ex- clusively upon field mice. It takes also ground squirrels and sometimes either wild or domesticated. This is one of our largest hawks, being two feet tn length. and may be recognised by Its having the legs feathered down to the toes. Swainson's hawk, which is the com- mon large hawk of the prairies, may be known by the broad hand of chast- en* across the breast, which contrasts Ptrongly with the pure white ot the length. This suedes is about twenty Inches in length It feeds almost en- tirely upon field mice. gophers, and large insects Butchers' cattle. choice .$7. 76 to PI . Canners 4.00 6.00 Butcher's cattle. cows6.60 8.71 do medium 6.111 6.0 do bells 6.26 1.641 Milkers. choice. each70.00 111.10 Sheep. ewes 1.41 1.116 Becks and coils. 4 50 4.75 Lambs 7.75 S. Cartage alir Neale . Cattle--Ilarket Ns; asses, maim. 36 10 to 3.0.00; wasters *Nero WM to 37.75; eows aad balers. 33.00 to Hogs -Market Now; light, 34.70 to 17.15; mixed, 34.00 to 37.16; Leavy. ion 10 47.16; rowel. 08.90 to Wei 34.16 to 17.10. Sheep -Market slow; &beep. N.10 to 0.00; western. $6.16 to 14110; year lingo 16.11 to 3710; lambs, natio% 34.16 to 12.25 East Duffels Cattle Cattle -glow aad steady to strong: ovine eters. 0•71 to 32: 0411010. limiters. 0 Id to 0; eows. 31.111 to Rogs--Aetive; Mosey aad maned. r; yorkers. 17 to 17.11; plea. ST.111 to to 34 Ineep tad lasibe-filow; lambs. MI ie DAM; rearempt. 16 ha 17: mother*. 1140 to 11.71; yaw PUN N WWI sheen Mask $11.111 be TIC CAPIDIIIII MICE SOON TO LEAVE CAI. Seensiehee from London and flonabory Cann say that the PASSIM Patricia Contd..* LigIst torsary regiment left toe Fame en lhooday. hary hare bees crowded into me. sod this my be takes& to seas ita Mailer departure tor the tarot that spank to The Tomato Globe. MajorGeaoral Aldan* Malmo ot as ammell. Own Rase, no Royal Dolly Owe, all Tomato Ortgannatioas, Wag 111S•gli sit the Toronto Regbaeat. ?be MalakON, Wiaalpes, Yammerer amil Vltava Highloadoes Mee bees allatally aimed die Caaadian Soot - Hearty every bouselsoldir la the Sallebary,, district will *Merton two se throe Canadian soldiers on Christ- ina* In,. Mother donate+ states that tbe _commanding *Moors of ail the Camdian battalions fare gone to Prance to learn et first hand the war alto& Um ROWELS OUT OF ORDER? WE GUARSTEE RELIEF 1 RUSSLiNS RETARD ADVANCE ON WAISAW11 Germain Checked aod Suffered Heavy g Meow Entirely Mythioal It is sow apparent that the German aisles Is Poland have been checked bo the Rosanna ta treat 0 Warsaw aol that von Hindeaborge Nader* are actually In daager attains Pm tke rear. neaeral von 1111n4101111110 - scary. which has bun advsalkIll NI . Warsaw over a wide front WPM' the Vistula and the Pala SINN. 011 Saturday the sew Maim pontleu aloag the Bears River and sostbward to Ram, with the result that another big battle is In progress The Russlans retired across the Mara River. destroying dm hrlinie band thensArand two German &Nob - moots which fo owed over a partly burned bridge were attacked, and are said to have been annihilated. 60 sarvt•ors being takes primmer.. Tide is oaly the Meaning et the great battle tor Warsaw. hors which tbe Germans are sow only 10 allow or lees Field Marshal ma Haden berg expects stern resistance. wkich the strongly reinforced Rusann army to aortae to offer to his further ad - Team. protected by tin Vistula River. witick the Germans bare been enable to cross Tbere Is no apparent justification ter the extravagant claims of Gerautay to an overwhelm:rag victory last week. Yon know us --and. when ore guarantee Retall Orderlies to satiety you or your Irback, you boow it is became we eeraith in them. We mat you to sans to us and pat a par:knee al thins. Use a bw. or the cane box. Theo it mot 'Mir* sat- isfied, come back and ere Ira.= beck your saw. Voir noniog_ We your 1111011-MCII We USe- ve NO Ns bur bowel remedy made limy sios candy Soothing and essy la they do not came loping news" exceave looseness, hank Reza Oolerbee tome aod the nerves mad moats of the booth and prompdy rebeve bilges( to removing the chief cause 0 sieh bdrowenern bed break airs iho=dIZ ottree is mod by Inactive bowels la o at 10r, Toalini=== mono Roma Siam sad ebr lcora d ea It Redford Ittork. to- • sett. Going Imo Settle oval, who is mow ressI. wigs meet, 011ua W111.411 Waii 111V.804 for the Ire. hoe The e. a -A halloos began to Av. 'rim reveille, feel- 1,,it that No Iwww had 01,4111., show . h mate lit ilia CV new, '•DiOna 1. 1 14,9audie. re. shoot ye r Z.Chteldj QUICK NAPTHA WOMAN'S SOAP WOULD NO T NEAR BOURASSA Riotous /MOMS In Ottawa Theatre May Result In Trouble For lieoldiere The Militia Department has ordered • thorough investigation into the dis- orders arising from the attempt of Mr. Henri Bourses.- to speak in the Russell Theatre at Ottawa. A doses /oilier' of the second eontiageat were coaspicuous leaders in the in- terruptions which broke up the Meet- ing. The soldiers were in uniform. and wttli them were two or three noa- oommissioned officers They climbed onto the platform. and two a them endeavored to canton Mr. Bourses& to wave a Union Jack. kr. Boo:rasa retorted that he would wave It as a tree BritIsh subject, but not under compulsion. Then th• storm broke loose, wtrich compelled a hasty lower- ing of the curtain. LAST 07 INDIN ORZW Canadian Vessel Retooled tor the Littfe Sand Who Rasped Party inea of the lirew of the Ger- mina eraser Roam. win were len ea Cocoa Island orb*. the Australian eraser Sydney dleomored lito many amd toned her le ena ashore seam two Manne as bar, aad started rati- ng eannieree In Ike Pheilkl. Moir w ow a piracy. however, was *bort- INN tor tt was Marooned es PrOday Japan captured tbe satire °alt. The Empress of Japan Is me 0 the C.P.R. Met a steamships. aid was tabs. over by the Orkin Goveranorat ea tM outbreak et Intr. se▪ restml MINN swim., of INNS rim ems from ammort. Ost.. wirer* he bad lived bat • tew Nountha before salletiag with No Grey Vereaty Regiment. Tkls regiment was War attached to tke 44th algliamders of Toronto obb is reported to have lees can/10 lo Eagan. with Iments- atlas paper ea Um after oreaplag tram the cusp. Cortese* to Take 140Iday gar 01Beo at ILoados promos to take ▪ beltday train o'elrf- is es am asst. Doessabor 34 to o'clock anaemia' night. Marls( vale% period se sews wilt be passed for tram- selealoa Loewe. Strange Coma IPM G. T. Tosamond 0 the T7th lhogtoost. Doodle. ea Iowa Nits et ft • Weaned Cana NW shorn, after IN WISHING YOU trrg ghtistutas we take the opportunity to express our apprecia- tion of the loyal support of our friends and cus- tomers during the year, and hope that 1915 will _bring you a full meas- ._ ure of health, happiness and success. • CHAS. C. LEE c. HARDWARE. PLUMBING and STEAM - FITTING Best Scranton Hard Coal. Soft Coal. Solvvay Coke, Etc. ildiday Suggestions B GOTS SHOES RUBB6S Ziear House Slippers We have THE HARTT SHOE Canada's (Best Shoe Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Workmanship Guaranteed. J. H. McCLINTON ANADIAN PACIFIC WINTER TOURS t TO Tsui Writt:Zatiorpt NoNIIIISIALMORtAi eirrerwiefftglinbn -12411°74 Ansa ware CHRISTMAS AND FNZW ;EAR fssitui ?Zell %Tide., WINTER SESSION et lee CZNTII&L LOGS. Tome awl Germell lawn, , Tw- eet& Oar Osibmimee 4111061411‘• oar elle end Illsedlo Tee me Suited to was ter It V teeerestei is tire tied el ohms week ortrlobbsemo bees mom Mama W. MAW. PooMens, Dm se as. good he Mum mail Dec ; ales Oro 11. vall vanes earl tam. e Above reduced Urn apply hempen all merlons le Cassia mot a Port Anton sort to Detroit mrd Pert Boron. noffolo, Mae! Meek, Ifisigars Pals mid esomossims Bridals, N.Y. Gem 1114 Meottrion