HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 51
THE 81
lmasslsaAT, �eataaa 34, 1914 •
You Have a Friend who s ,� ,�
ducted "hydro* Met has
Owns an Auto?
What could please him better than some little
accessory to make it more convenient ? We have
got into our new building and while the painting
is ails yet finished everything else i, complete
end We can protniae you a comfortable, warm and
fight Garage in which to make your selection of
a present.
Our. stock has been augmented h a ,peetel
obi suitable for present's and wr -honkl like
to have you call if only to look it vert
At the same time we would have ., chance to
show �ou some of the advantage, the sena building
has over the old one
Wishing you all A MERRY' CIIRISTMAS
We are.
Yours truly,
been weaved
Iej_ w a.«+tary et the wager and
11 heat am the seater
yather nam a tall sepias -
scion fa del rled to stent week.
Splendid Result.
The gem of g81 scree cleared es the
resell et the Oakes', dater held
at the Te perssse Ilan let Rater`
dale TW urs gine to that
wdof Rater -
fwd. The eliding' to
Hack .11 who helped in as way, is-
dtdiles the tenet ee of t� Temper -
aline HOU for the w of the balL
A Praiseworthy Effort
Twq ItLLI gibe Verna and Lura
441.1 god eight and ghee years
who live as Calabria
road ,beaded tb teeasar'er of the
beat relief fond the nun of $sus the
other evewieg. the proceeds of their
efforts es WWI d the pee of the
town. 'hese a�Wwn made • 4w/s-
ilty of &slaty hairpin holders wbicb
they odd to the wishbone gad thus
raised the futile which they donated
to the relief fund.
Officers Elected.
At the minima m rosetios of the (lode -
rich Otrele, No. 146, of the Older of
Canadian Home Circles, held to the
Temppeerr��0000ee Hall on December ltkb.
the loUovving oaken ter 1916 were
elected : Peat Leader, J. H. Womwll
Leader, H. R. Loeb ; Vies Leder.
Mrs. McNally t finaneiel .eostery,
Mrs. Wlo. Werioek : ..cretmry-
treasurer. 8. E. Hick. A cootrlbutiou
of 86.00 wag voted to Goderich Marine
and Oueeral Hospital.
Measles About Over.
The epidemic of measles ie rapidly
P assim! std at • meeting of the board
of health yesterday it wadi decided to
remove the restrictions upon the at-
tendance of children et public gather-
ings. From today. therefore, children
are permitted to attend the akatiog
rink, the picture sbow, the churches
and other places, and the schools will
ripen as usual after the bolidays. Of
147 placard. that have been posted
w inos the beginning of the epidemic
less then tea ty ere now up. Only two
fresh cone have been reported since
the 17th holt
✓ tt
Let KODAK Answer that -
Christmas Problem
No. 1 KODAK Jr. A new model that will
delight your boy -or girl -or any grown -up --
thin, compact, equipped with all the Kodak re-
finements --it offers an ideal Christmas suggestion
Evesy purchaser of a Camera will be given a
year's subscription FREE to Kodakery, a mag-
azine for amateurs.
Two sights
Friday and Saturday,
December 25th and 26th
will he presented
gnome Kleine's
St.amisdoen got woes
and speetseelar Phis
"Quo Vadis"
eerpbes le ealahe pets
of the
Ake en IoM W easeltof
+set./ b$s s "aelose►4.
by Maslen
atobal=ipsie will he
sea d the
levet ewer osarmpla Medesish esti .d
peN ell Ignore ki
the be 4.
Owe e=hMtioa oily each
:egevta l aswt
eery bvet
1041 a ills.
il.eryMelp sone early
sad see the hitter @flew
Doors Open 7:15
Adults !•a - Chile es. 1 Oe
We have done our best to -
Imake this a Merry Christmas I
for our patrons, by supplying
tLern with the finest of Gro-
ceries for the festivities of the
day. -
! Nowitisuptothe cook.
Dmia i of aagvtrr. Pore rears
gem ,14. Wanes same to
nesDuring *the Baal twelve beer. ►.
seri w�� filed woe awl flee the
lase tee 01 Ws iU. he was peaatl-
eaily eawlwed to w bow. For op
wards of weent year. he W Wee •
a the Me. Waite church, tak-
•keewu lastereet i• the veiled aotiv-
k el IbM d.rso.siast loo se loos as
hie health pers.ittsd hire. The foa-
ewl which was brie wild tide af%se
woos wag IraAtly at..sdd. Smiv. W.
K. H tgur, wee Ind swot messy bliess
w iib the devised R.etleesee denies
his declining Mye,.ss .ctd Ile 'ner-
vier at the Ware. The p .Shear. r.
were Thee. oon, of
Geo.~~PuYock of sad Eiger JDeega.-
0oo, and Rd. Hardy, of Colborne.
l.t.armraj took plan. In the fs.Uy
OW in Ball's oeaM- V. Bev. W. Oue-
W.y-, of Antrum, oonduetJlrt the Ivr-
vine a•. ►be rraveblde. Mr. Warren
passed the oiort'• th se•lest...• o•. hi.
life'. joon.. y •m S.pss'ob•r !d b la•,.
oar raft and overcool ressi.r et I'a t lad
Inbar* dices aro-t es•a.bo:M., b wq tnu
'Table. iawr� t[ me
The choir . f North w est ll.tbudiet
church is prepQsr&a ing for • free oonoart
to be riven Jaawry 16'h. A colas
Lion will he 'ekes in aid of the Ilal-
gi.n relief hood.
A special business waeetiog of the
Gadrriob braoeb of 'he West I1'itou
Women's Iw.kw.e a ill ha brld at the
house of Mn. George Bleat on Moo
day, December lath, .t 9 o'clock. A
good atteodanc. M dashed.
Feer beautiful vinare have been
placed on the billboards around town,
depiethrg the birth of OhriaL These
.pleudld pictures, wbicb are 9 feet by
21 feel, are Uteograpin finished in
twelve whirs mud are worth altar.
than • pealing `sIlene. They are pre-
pared by the traders of the "Morml
Uplift" movement of the Uni'ed
Siete. and are supplied at a Shelli
oo.•t, wh'ch ge met by local contrite
utoret The wggu.tion, Aek pair
Sunday r-onel teacher W telt you Lsr
stray, 1. cull that will probably he
followed by many of the chiWttu.
rouble �ableb 4r.o:id W r. PehtMm t�mi •
Dr. (Masan is well known io 6414141-
rk:g, Seeing visi'ed beer 0* frena
oe, a.1 e.4.
-Mr. Barry Collieries war dome
frost St. Thomas 1,•r a he 1.4 whit and
leR yestetd iy fur 1V'.►.biugt,w. D. IL.
to fpetil the holders with ,eltivet
'L, re. M. Rruest Coin rue ■leo
(raves o. 8atiedoy fut tVa.bing on
fur a bo:iiay visit.
-Bee' sr Timer : Mies cPalle
visited her owl*, Mr. J. It
Onderirh, over Sundry. Yr. tiriglt
(recovery from his recent strid.ot .o
far has been st,w, but his use
frls..dehope test 1t may he ore rigid
In lbs future.
- firs. William Cooper. f Cllotent of �
ns the +.•Ilam•m
out daughter, *dna V., in Dr.
. U. litrutbere, eo. of Mr. and Mrs.
H. U. Pt. winos. (3slt. O..tas w,. The
,.ear. fags a ill •.ie peal. quietly ,ba
1,s• let t...rt of t.be wuoth,
Ten Dollars and Costs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oust were beton
Magistrate Kelly nn Mooday morning
to •newer to eberges of violatico of
the law reepert.iog contagious chemises.
The defendants son, it appears. took
the measles early in the tooth and it
was charged that proper precautions
were not observed. $r. Oast continu-
ing to attend to his duties as janitor
of the Central school and Mrs. Oust
going up towo. Mr. Cbaa. Darrow
cooducted the prosecut ioo •od Mr.
Cuts pleaded his own case. An ad-
journment was made toTue.d•y morn-
ing. when a fine of 95 and eases was
imported upon eacb of the defendants.
Mr. Lott 'considers it tatter peculiar
test his cam wa• singled ou• among
the many that might have been prose. -
need for Destine of the law's provt-
.ioo. during the measles outbreak.
Dr. Clerk • Candidate for Reeve.
Dr. W. N. Clark, V. 8., announces
that be is in the field for the terve-
ship. The Doctor ba. put in a good
m.ny yews in the council, bot as a
councillor and latterly as deputy
reeve, mod as o'bers .re looking for
promotion he feels that he, too, must
move up and leave the deputy reeve -
ship to ooc,eone else. A. already
announced, Councillor Laithwaite in-
tends to be a candidate for the dep-
uty'llilaee, std there may be others.
Dr. (.lark leaves the way clear for
them a0ud will stand for the reevesbip.
to wbicb be believes his long earring
entitle. him.
The nomination meeting will be
held at the town ball on Monday even-
ing neat, onmmoscing at 7.30 o'clock.
Tb.t• are various rumors M to pos.
bible orodid•tes, but the official pro-
ceedings will eet conjecture at rest
The Lass Geo. E. !tato*.
Let u• help you to have a
/'/appy New Year
Iby supplying your Grocery'
needs during 1915 We have
a fresh,.:can stock and if you
give us a trial we believe we
can satisfy you.
JOHN SPA' mr -
Naloihou Mirvet - Oodericb
LTelephone 1t11
ewe. mem -wen owe.a
Nem Mmes Sween On Argrltse.t
"tet owe Weeptbieg to few loth."
taN ievI d �td34,. Meek-
WiYed �wor. Mid, tee seeseewsed "11.111116. torr
Stewart Orchestra
of twelve enomh►n M open
e1gyeesent for Nodal se
foe teal events. Oood eerie. �proMf+eighed If
Manger. Oeobei•b.
Hoehn of Science.
'Coals amid dfa.nwede are
rade elf the sane srtwta.ee.
who ty tee. "1U take the die-
••W,.f.ed don's ern for the r•+h'Oe
copy."_- Washington Star.
KIONEY leitaawcHE
M caused from the Boned Whig tbiok-
sed with et is avid la heed eitewisttag
le ebe bred. heti-Uric Pills ewes of
brew of kidney trouble. They are se
geed heteer . is s yAROMA,
PllIs. 111. V. Merles es every .
11.94N ontly at 0. L rouble dreg .le
Large Lief Being Allied to the Godes e, b
The f..11•.wiag is a partial hat of new
boots wbicb bsve beau purchased by
the U.det•ieb,pu&l.o bleary :
Ta. Leet t►bot The W.. of C,iI-
The Gantt Word
Lippbtar `Side of
Lists Life
Rule. of Debates
Impc'ial Oer-
Germany and
Neat War
Mom/snow seal
The Si. Lawrence
Jetue.4m an.i
G r steno's Swell-
HeadHalt Hie 1•y Pa. -
Pan Ueernianisnt
l nchtnig D•y..t
8.ert.►ob Life and
Chao anter
Se..ate ..1 Claude
Hoy Meahanlc
Sto1 y • f (1'-. ice
Stacy of Framer
tt'ory of Rome
Hann Ander•vn
(hit. of Egypt
ding Arthur'.
North, and Sow h
of Twee
H ink of Noble
Little t;bild'."Life
of Christ
(:oatLrat>.nd Tow -
F.ouou. Paint-
Winning of Bar-
bara North
Pet.. r
Toru Brow n'
School Day.
Drummond' Ad-
d re saes
Di ummnnd'a Rest
(,Girl of the Lm-
Mr. Pratt
Ben Hur
Red Skin end
Old Rose a n d
Lora Roberts of
h i e R 11. Buller
A ..J•+ae Advent
1', i ter. of Oraus-
1 / nelee Peter's Will
Fve+ of t ism World
It nk.o Halo
lo !telt Di.feuae.
For -...mate Y outb
1' .. Al:isee's
Y e► \,.veer Know
Your Luck
1tnllin& Stones
Moser of the
R•.nabiiw J.ne
Li 11e Eve Edgar
t ,H
K. set Kitow:e,
lluei. Perci•.1
Ma elm sod Cupid
Aunt C .lie's kwn-
Yornane of Earth
1'1,11 of the East
9'he H.ft
he, genet of Fort
Peiw,uslity Plod
The (Awdict
Ab.ord the Lug -
- Archie Tom it hone :row Toronto
for the Cbtietrwaa vuc•tiou.
- Fred ttut.ertrou u home trout Ot-
tawa for the b.alidey..
-Mie Edna Mac8ww is home tows
Hamilton Norusel School for the boll -
- Jack Proudfoot, of 8astmt000, is
verities et the borne of bis p+rrnta
- Mie Grace Strang is bonze from
Orangevfte for the Christmas vacs. -
-Mt . Ja.. D. Bailie, of Red Deer,
Alt. , is visiting relatives In Ibis
-Iles Glace Warnock, who is
teaching at Thess•lon, is home for the
--tleaforth News : Mrs. A. P.
Hitchen, , t Gederich. is ,i.itiog her
brother, Robt. HAL
- Mr. *.d. V. lwweoe is home from
the Agricultural College at Ouelpb for
the !Airiness' van. taxa.
- Mier Jessie Ford, who has been
studying sit at Toronto, is home for
the Obrateaa season.
-Mie Lottie McCrea:L leaves to-
day for Toront , %herr she will spend
her Christmas vacation.
-Lie Helen Strang, of New York,
is visiting at the is.ideace of her per-
son, Dr. and Mrs. Strang.
- 8eetorth kzpositor : Mrs. J. L.
Kallman, of Goderich. wee &be guest
of Mts. J. C. Graig on Monday.
- Misers ida Currie and Helen Prid-
ham are home ti om Stratford Normal
llebta.1 for the Chri.tecaa vacation.
In the death of Mr. Cleo. E. Bates,
which occurred on Thursday la.t,
probably one of tee oldest oo.tlowee
residence of Oodrricb pawed to hie
reward. Mr. Bates was ben to this
town in the year 1833 and with the
exception of • few neretbs spent at
Delimit had lived here oestiaoouel
ever nonce. In tee year 1861 be married
Mie McLeod, of trades lel of which
make abase were eight children, all of
whoa., wi' b t1e widow, survl re.
They or : (Merl.., et South Cali-
fornia . Edward, of Cleveland
lila of
of Detroit : George
town : late, now Idea F. Wolfe, of
Detroit : Jane, now Mn. L M.1 aid,
of Beacham. S..4.. and As.is, now
Mos Thaw Morrow,
d Merin, of (lelitar.ir.
tee ezes.paiow
a.d Dire. McDowld. of Reekateh wan.
•l1 were prwoot at the tuner el. whish
(toot please from the residence of Wm.
Hates, Peak street. on Sunday Muse-
T endee aid
.:a had tee. «yhl�t
0oop��nbusiness for messy years s.d
praettaally all the cooper. In town
were pr. seat at t be funeral as • tend-
" ad the 'owe wawa
loony to the klndly regard I. wbi.•b
their fellow -worker was bald. Mr.
Bates was a member of the Methodist
cbareb amid the eery lose et the ho'aae
sad at the gra woad* were conduct. d
by Ms pastor, lt... W. H. Heger. In
polities lbs dme.a►ed war a 0..e eevv.-
tavo. The tellbe.ress were his three
se.+, 8.151'd. Willi... end George.
awl hie sot. Io -law. Thous'. Not roe.
- Mise Wills. Ford is home frogs
Liman, wheresbe teaches in the high
sebool, for the Christmas vecalioe.,,
-Thos. Toffutd, who hat been sell-
ing oo the easterner Cingarien, wbicb
lail up at Toledo this season, arrived
h.,me on Friday.
-M ss Kate Furd, of the Clinton
Collegiate tawtitute .teff, is ap.odio`
the holidays oath her permute, Rev. J.
E. ..d Mts. Ford.
--Juba Felktr, ue000d mate of the
eteemer Molded,, nue of the largest
boat. on the l.ke,e bee arrived burg
for the winter.
-Whoppbaai Times : Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Wilson and regally. of Ooderieb.
are visiting with Mr. and lits. A. J.
-Miss Beau ice Pild►w a quite re-
covered fr.ae her newt oysrello° at
Toronto and is home for • few weeks
with her parents.
-Mr. and Mn. 1311 tsys.uedt and
chill/roe, of Brantford, are spsodies
a week la tows, the guest. of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Myario.de
-hiss Agate Hamilton, of the
hhighhh school g
�poll her staff, is ependi.
JM'. w
d'f[rs. v.
ftdr.adort" s. •ll -
-Mies Helen Ford, principal of New-
castle lash school, is spending the ea-
rtattoo a• the bole of her pe Mine.
R.v. J. R and Mn. Ford.
®n Mos will TooSave II
rel Saws wan.
mwgh yotw sawyer er barna
ea doubt Increase. so nth0! CANADA,, ytxtrtttpotler-aod /71any fttd
-tied the lb*Savings Depart le the time 10 airt is Room* -Mind
that the Wee more than keep
pane with Sa beam.mese Was Doak oAlmada
1a the piece to keep It.
Deposit the .ztra you have on hand now -you can open an
aocotmt with any sum, down to one dollar -Ind draw Iotreat oa IL
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE,
F. W. Robiasoo, A.R.C.O.
racACHza ser
Plaaelerte. Orilla mid Sisgitg
Stodge ever Tbeesee's Meek Mere
etovgatcH ONTARIO
.77e Slgger Store 4
iii to all
+ 4
4. )Krs..0 B. .Tape 4
tWill People
Tim Lone Wolf
SVayof the Strnog
An Homily Hats
D •ne This
illaa is
b .1 r of the Red
(Timer Handicap
Q•.iet Talk.
L fa of Charlotte
Romance of Real
R mance of Com-
Cedar Creek
The English Char-
ThgeUe Down
Alone in the
Romance) of Em-
Wee • Nonngenerl.n.
(Ab r
of 316ap nM residests
44pviep..e.d from this life Ian
week, is tie person of AILe P. War -
res. whose nerib oeeerv.d ss lbs jet I,
inst. He war a settee of New York
81.te, and toot part se the Caked
States eit it war, dght en with the
Northers forces. At ale .1 e. . f the
war M was au de a prusiocier. M .
W.n.s war tone married, bit tire&
wife dyl•g in 1871. Of tires onto.
there were sight ehitdte., flee of
whom s.rvive, .ne now Ilse le the
Setts.. Upwards of twenty One year
ane be base W this weeny a 1
settled at Greeais, where 00 Hooters -
her Ttb. Mal, he wee yeas ed es Nvi en
Mileabseh Ptdloek. K•
O1 thee Wee Owe warn tear e4N41we►,
three of whose are n Nvhig. They
ate Isabel IMra Tuna. 1•besh_ ell Oak-
lira taws.
agea(Iwrd,aid Marep et(Mea gf
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt attention to all
amaU Jobe and general
repair work.
new r
Phase 166 Haviltoo Street
Wheat, per bark....... ...... _ .e tee to e l.ln
slats par hen►.. M b .0
How Dold's Kidney Pito Brought Health
Dnepr, per boy .36 to .ss
Pew par bee►.. # to 1.7)
AD a
wst, per s M 10 103
-Rbwwstism is wholly due to the
neer � J•wt „ 3 1. ,w�
prtvence of large yu.ntitiea of writ t3koeM por,en elle to tan
SAO to e V
te a Watford Former.
Watford, Ont. -Dec. 21.t.--i4pecisl)
acid and other potions in ibe blood
which the kidneys should have
tewoved. The p 'Woos in the blood
ferns into little crystal., wbicb lodge
i the melee Denies end joint•
n al
Ware they art up inflammation.
Didd'e Kidney Pills restore the kid-
neys to their proper condition, put
sew life and vigor into these, so that
they can expel the poisons from the
My trouble started from a cold,"
writes Mr. Robert Taylor, R. R. 3. of
this place. "M. sleep was broken and
■n,ef.evbhg. i had pates in my back
and rbeum.tirm developed, from which
1 suffered for two years. i to led
man u.ed c ides bit found no relief
until took Doid's Kido"y Pills, horn
which i received great benefit. 1 ant
• farmer, righty -seven yeasty of age."
The Christ nil& Thought
Bay. ter tea
etr•w, loose per los elle"
Weed. per sera ................
Denser. per Ib elle... elle .fa to .23
=Os per des l l e .. elle . .a :o.11
p.� boob elle. .. to Jai
,Pella purls' .... ...........
wn'ge 1.141
Laois. b leb. dibsldi� Iw sit se se
Haw. Me
Cattle betsbesd, off+
Cattle, weight, per cwt- Las to SSPsise
Lao pr cwt 7.N to 7.14
.M to .111
pori .11 to .0
eeesdsaat, per
10ese te to
diet s& ps, IA .10 to .11
Ores , pee Ib .a1 le .10
Turkeys. per Ib. 12 to .44
S.J. Young
Hamiltoo Street ()cderith
TM Sausage Joke.
"loom," said • hotel manager to al
w.'ter, "what did that gest frons
table No. T leave so wddeoly for r
"Wil sir " said t he waiter "be sat
down and laked for sausages, and 1
Ida" 00 Cbriatloas ivies. ors e.p- told dim we were out of them, but if
giving hs would care to wait a few minutes 1
idly ebenging moon* the sensibis. could get the cook to make tame."
moss wb., think a. obey give are look- •'wrll,.. lewd the eaosger, "what
log foe a year-round service as the ion- then r
portant thing. "1 went to the kitchen," resumed
In a week of .hipping, with all Ito oho wetter, "and aoeidss,telly trod
atn!a, you will not find a hetet Rift twos • dog's tail, and at courts, it
than • Ie.'''. .ubarnptinn 10 7 M yds. And siddeely the gent got
Youth'. pe.p.00ricrn. It often iia sea - up and left" -Tit -Bits.
eneKattavrsae week atter week ; and
vier, it• cline ester•aiuslent. it+ One _ _
OnaDM/wees Cannot Be Cored
. many
se tier anon rare the
Thera i. +eels s ss
is -sew laIag eMf (444
fhM tYs ben -
tele r bad
wM ur Mq.d••"t
Maser i.
ems be
-Mrs. Neil McLhiwon, 0( Lek.
Volley, Sam , wllh hee tole daugh-
ter. I. valetas Ler .iettr, Mn. J. 4.
M, -Kay, an4 other relativs in the sec-
-Idle Florence °reboot, of New
York. and M i .e Nellie llrsham. of
Tor. et are strictest at the hoes. 01
their t state, Mr. Geo. Graham., Rant
+Mr. P. B. trews and daughter
porins, of Turosto, are op -sodium eM it
Cbrtstsaa holidays with Mr. and Ids.
Y. J. Pirelli tau .ad Mr.,and Mss. Wa-
ter Peke Imo.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. S. (A meat. at
Horth Hay, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Clens..:. 4 Tero.t o, sen epee lag the
ureses. nd with their es Mier, M. B.
lens, a , bus. ley .tern.
- Mow M►ry Mae8w.tt a.:wards ea-
.ewwere s iw • sgegaruseet .d dough
h rWri
, W se► Jimmie, to Dr1 J. (►.o.
Henles .e.. teeth of G tee : the
I SAtese to take Masa .t as warty
- Or. flows* Mirages. the °an.-
dIse pure fare. ray eet1,r a The 13..
w.•r3, Llama... le new lay.eg of
Weigher. wrong Ms beeadaey tense
Detroit, where he h_segegged 1a trs-
seerei wee* to the DOOM Likely.
the -ted M the.Te•t.
• gift 'the a tic, trust -tremor •d -s1- !1,10/4.yq
forgone.. h. ings The Compering mei
again. with ail the eh -.rub, of Ia.t rimer
Christnaatl ide. a geed
No American monthly at anv price
office the same amount of reot,ng, ,efts wbwitits
•e•J Done c•n utter better qu.l, t y 1.n.w the ,...I ..slur a h. I5
that five elute a week p•. vwdes 11.i, :=1:11,.."ss
Searle( Wel tea geasevr :
lest orf Gauntness g i t it- g'. 25 a y... r. etas sees ant of tea w tonged by catarrh,
If 9ou.ubveribs now, .11 the rre..wl•e- 11. 44 -44 Is leNtelwe .aewrhe.aa Ia1Vi.ed os..dltaw.i
ing ►urn -s of the Yon!' will lee sent rete 1 titin w vo ole• Remind Italian iee ser
a"d Tt • tompasabn Noss. ral•tolar. ' r"w Of ti.afees•. tpae.14 by estarrie that
A copy or the Caleoda, Is slot rent In oonome,:� mood
by Hair. eery. Arch
thee. sr ho make • girt sohsrripti. n. W. ). CHMILT s on. T.4M., 0
}teed for wimple copula and the Foto- gild hp 4ra��l.yo les.
seat for 1916. raw Melte tieW t Plc Ise owe eleselsa
'resit YOU CH'8 COMPANION, hoed dab will have r
144 Bei keloy.t,r•rl, Gorton, Vara 7
Cut Out the
Hard Work
and kt a Gasoline En-
gine do it /or you !
&toy to operate, perfectly
fate, power always there
Jt'ter when it is wanted.
Call in end let me 'how
you :be Engines working
and see for yourself hos
simple sod +fleet we they
Hoot Pulpers, Se raw Cut
tore, Oriodere. Roller Crush
en, Pumps, Sealey, Cream
Peerless Corona Range.
and Heaters.
Robert Wilson
Heroine.' S.'rvef
Need rutueriptima erosive.' at this team In troth the Northers and the
overs. L •k.eide League title wittier. The
i 1ollowl.g.ffleen ban hoes elected :
GOOD HEALTH 1::r.7."11.%"';P:rdagoellthelr;.
0.0.4111. Bethb: eir.eudse eo.anittee,
Vim and Vitality J. W. Senderens, R 'tl.tmp.es
. R.
Are msoerd of yon will clean... your Roberteos, D. (ilbertssseR. Johnston,
uess•eia , f ...digested fool arra f....d 1 . 8. Bold sseertary. A. t. muses;
Ice •ee: the excess Ni. f, oto tire liver treaserst, . Altd•reollmanager. W.
"..d t... Ira t • wit Vow from tb. Inti.- H. Rotes "septalik R. Jobaston.
Pekoes •�
1 ne. earl how. Is by tke tang of
Ms urn. J. O. Awdw.w. Mr. sad MJ.
A. Medneb, Me. We R. &Trees
co. wrest II mit, kidney. liver. .snow.:► Mr. Sag Mev. J. £.Obwa1.
a).e1 bei.I nesawa . Mrs. T.. RaN.
At .N dealers .041 :Ad omit boxes A (Med Charente.
Theme, Ola held hi sod.rlmh by M.
r trailed 1 y Th. Fig 9111 Co.,Co. 1..41.. sere..
L Wide, drnggiet. The Ottawa empire to Mersin will
Choice Cut Flowers
•s.._.-«..•Axv t. .
Plants for Christmas
Order early... sey essoh
wi0 be limited.
deo. Stewart
'Phos. reg Once street
goon 44. manly • eeeory. Sinew Ida
Turks have resolved epos heir own
4eseenolbs, we do sot regret diel
peeree he the maks ed the
ante. Their seta of war mw
when this might even,
�@0�e will he Al of oho two testes*
whlok for wove than fifty yean have
hese the chief mower le the ;twee et
Ile dM world. We cured gets ,I* d
reeedee re01tiarbse .ad we shall
elumeliassosely get Md of the Their to