HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 4St Tauat>IR•T, Deosue*ea lt. 1114
Canadian Clothiers
Previ lore
We are prepared with •
special Ilse of
Lastige' and Gents
Tbese are high-grade
garments of good work-
manship sod we guar-
uarantee fit. Prices richt.
Also • full line of Rents'
.uita,new styles end per-
erfeet fitting. Thom are
worth inspection.
We are offering this
week • fine assortment
of Ladies' and Gents'
Overshoes end Rubbers.
and are making • special
att ract ion in our Boot
and Shoe Department.
All these goods are of
beet quality and the
prices ere remarkably
Levitz & Urra
Corner Montreal and Square ink
Deem m now to enter the Famous
harems tat. This .ebool Kends without
euyorbr to C.o.ds. W. its for catalogue. W.
J. i.IUTT. PAaeipeL 131 1"oat* Street. To-
ront .
MacEwan Estate
exclusive agents for
• ser ton
AnyillItantlt best all Maple
Slabs, nixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pihe.)
Notice to the Farmers! 1
We are now prepared to buy
an kinds of (train at our eleva-
tor, north of MacEwen s omit
yards, Goderich, and will pay the
highe.t prices at aft times.
We beg to announce also
that we have installed an up-to-
date ()bopping Mill in 000nec-
tion with our grain business and
are now ready to attend to the
wants of the farmers In this line.
We shell be glad to chop or roll
grain any lay in the week. and
if you will give us • trial we
trust that stood work will merit
your continued patronage.
Clinton School of
Re -opens January 5th, 1915
Canada and Canadians will have
their Big Opportunity commercial-
ly at the dose of the present war.
Prepare yourself to wasp this Op-
portunity suit with it ynor niece*
Oowew.s : --Stenographic. (loaner
cid, Civil Meryl ea and Farmer's.
To three who are uneld@ to heron*
tegtsler attendants lemons will be
given by eorren+etnde cee.
Obese@ Is any es•sesie1 a shlset.
Toesday end tjl*etrs1 'v.
contains 'YLL.
MoNDAT, Dee. 11.
Mist Moss Jobless visited In (lode -
rich lest week.
Mrs. McDougall. of Loudon, is visit-
ing in tb. oeightet•hood.
Maw McDowell returned home on
T1se*ay after epe.dieg three weeks
with bee eblldres ie Detroit.
Oohed has been closed up for •
week. owls' to the teacher, Mist
Tiebberse, beteg laid up with an w
tack of pleurisy.
Tommie. Dec. 99.
The United Patriotic Society of
Tarbe's Owners will meet foe sewing
at the boot of Mrs. David angers on
Thursday, December 31st. The geo-
eral business meeting of the Patriotic
Society will be held et the boos of
Miss Wakefield on Tuesday, January.
nth. The Society begs to acknowledge
with thanks the donation of ntooey
from Mrs. Louts Rundle and Mr. John
Tee tire. Dec. 31
The 81. Helens branch of rb. Wo-
men's Institute will hold its December
meeting at the home of Mrs. Arch.
Anderson on Wednesday, !Into inst..
instead of on Thursday. Subjects:
"Thoughts on the Clotting Year;" roll
call; answer, -New Year's Quotations."
The meeting will commence at 9
o'clock. as It 1. Intended to do some
sewing for the soldiers. livery per-
son come prepared to help in the good
Rev. Wm. Mackintosh attended the
Presbytery meeting at Winghem on
Mr. J. Joynt left on Saturday for
Montreal and other points.
Mr. A. H. Dencey left for his bows
at Toronto on Monday.
Mr. Humphrey, .r., is very sick at
pte.rnt. We h.•pe to see the old
gent leftism out again soon.
Miss Chris. Miller attended the
Winging]) high school commencement
ou Tuesday evening.
Mr. W. Rutherford spent the week-
end at Linwood.
TU R8DAY, Dec. 's
Paul Mandel, of Laura, Hack.,
arrived home on Monday.
Nathan Johns and Mrs. Wm. Johns,
of Zeima, Sask., returned to the vicin-
ty on Satwtdsy.
Benson Long, of the Dental College
Toronto, came home on Friday for the
Christmas holidays.
Miss' Louisa M aedel is going to
Detroit tomorrow to visit her brother
Herman, and her sister, Mrs. Isaac
Rev. Mr. Rutin, ford and family an
spending Christmas in Kerwood with
relatives. They left on Tuesday after-
noon and expect to return ou Satur-
Mr. A. M. Robertson, of Ooderich,
preached at Beotriller on Sunday
morning. He took his text from St.
John 1:14 -"And the Word was made
flesh and dwelt among us."
MONDAY, Dec. 21,
Merry Christmas to all 1
Edward,8ennit lost • valuable horse
last week.
Mr. Morgan Dalton is at present in
London, on business
Mr. Harry 8rymore is visiting et
Messrs. Brewer's and Lsogdown's.
John J. Dean sold • number of rattle
last week to Ther. Richardson, of
Port Albert, for a heodsome sum.
Quite • number from here attended
the patriotic and Christen* concerts
at Mafeking, Leonetti@ end Port
Misses Minnie Dean an. Margaret
Hurley left last week for Winnipeg,
Man., where they will remain for the
winter months.
Mr. McLaughlin, of Collingwood,
and Mr. Legg, of Goderich. have been
to see the Kingsbridge store with •
view to pit chasing it. The property
is still, however, in the possession of
George R. Bell, of Toronto.
Those who have already arrived to
spend the Christman vacation at their
homes here are: John P. Sullivan,
wbo hu been sailing on the Queen
Cit the pt summer; Maurice N.
Sullivan, uWilfred Garvey and John
and William Long, of Aseumptiow
College Sandwich : (termini"OAf-
fin M.
O'Connor, Madeline
Sullivan, Welter Dalton and Joe. Gar-
arvey, dt the G. O. I. ; Thos. U 0ono3r
and John Quigley. who have been
sailing the peat season.
WeowanD.T, Dee. !. 'ICBMS OF RAID
The cantata gives wader the aem
p4oaa of 1M Baptist church es Mom -
day was well attended and the pro-
g ram
rogram was carried out in Sae style Otrsa OM Hewer* kissed in tl.rtl►
with til astWeese d to from
Strsltord. Proeaads SS. MN. Searber+rM and Whiter -
A.. Shackleton. • former teacher Masy weasels and Children
bent, ie violin** R. J. McGec'a
Mist Fern Patsw.oe bee eomplated
her term at the Stratford Mormal
School and le •pe.disg bar vaontioo
with fur parents ben.
Jos. Irwin did not make bis rural
trip on Tuesday on account ot the
Mrs. W. B. P•teeteon is visiting her
cuter. M,rs. H. McBride), in Da trotL
Nominalism fou polies trustees will
be held in the fire ball on Monday
e bb' nest.
THasue.—Tete Red Cross Circle of
Auburn wishes to thank all those wbo
contributed to the work of getting
apples dried at the evaporator. Includ-
ing the far -nave who supplied the
apples ; the proprietor of the swap.r-
&tor and his staff ; W. T. Riddell, for
the material foe the barrels ; Won
Rogers for =Akiog the barrels ; Wu,.
Davidson, for wood; Obits. Neaven.
and Cleo. Lawlor. for pecking, and
the uustees of the vill.ge to,
shipping. The •mount sent to the
relief Lund was 1700 lbs. Tn. Circle
Mao wishes to Malik the Woods
family for their donation of 1111
The Society has held two resitting.
and has a membership of 'lei. MRs.
W. 7'. RIDDSLL, Sec.
WgtoxgsoaY, Dec. llkd.
On Wednesday afternoon of Iasi
week the W. M. S. met at the bow.
of Mrs John Hunter. A good num-
ber were pretreat, among there a well-
known resident of Ooderich. Mies B.
Wiggins, who gave an int dreading talk
on bow she spent her holidays last
summer io Toronto, visiting a bone
for destitute young women. Although
she spoke for nearly an hour she brut
the attention of her bearers till for
On Thursday evening Mr. and Mss.
Clutton opened their new bowie t
their ft ieods by giving a union pprraayrs
meeting. the mewbers of the Bapti.t
church of Uoderich and the Presbyter-
ians of Leeburn meeting en- matte ft r
the first time. After en opening
prayer by Rev. W. H. Wri bton at d
mows lively tinging, Re.. J¢aa Hama -
too, as is his usual custom, took. the
Sunday school lesion es the subject of
his dieoouree. Then some more splen-
did tinging and several earnest
prayers were offered up for a special
blessing on the members in the home.
After the meeting proper, supper was
served and a .social belf-hour was
spent before the party broke up ti go
their several way., each and all agree-
ing that they had spent a very piece -
ant evening. We hope that many
such gatherings may be held in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clutton.
The people of Leeburn and Dunlop
were MI much startled to bear of the
serious illness of little Rutb, the three -
oar -old daughter of Mr. Roy Link -
bier. A week or so ago she fell and
butt her heed in some way, but did
sot complain very much at the Lisa.
Some days later she spoil) several
tithes of grange cramps and a numb -
wase in heti hand. and feet and gradu-
ally she became wore helpless until
the wet not able to move •bout at all. I Ruing to the coast in response to
Over lye Mabel cep• the --114
Med sal ever Ott wounded -are the
latset awes et the resales el the
eerily raid c• the west et igb.d,
01 these wily neves haled end tout`
tees wounded were esH'ers. Vitae he
the earthman • leap propect se slew
weneoa ant children. Meetie/e.l had
ansa soMMn sad ei her U -ellen e
kill*, and fourteen esW.n end 1114
Methane w0aded. 10srbaeoust lest
aluntees Pelham killed sal helve*
sae Madre* and eft lad two tsa-
dred wounded. while Whitby bat two
ctvtlMns killed sad • Ilks number
wooed*. Many d the wangled
were seriously injured and may not
l s.
Despite tie German oe4dal dealer
sties that "Our MMgt sea totem ap-
proached the Regt h east coast and
bombe** the testified towns at
Scarborough and Hartlepool," •Miner
Scarborosgk nor Whitby, pt which
there Lao mention by the Germans
esa by the utmost stretch of the
lmagtnatloa T called forth*. There
1s no vestige d torttlaario• at either
place. and so gun that can command
the shore or waters oft either place.
Only 1.600 terrttorlals, with no artil-
lery, era at Scarborougs. and still
fewer at Whitby. Not a shot was
fired in defence from either place.
Struck and Get Safely Away
The German raiders
re, battle cruisers and armor-
ed cruisers. They slipped at full
speed through their well -charted
channels, through their mine fields,
and when near the English coast
divided into two sgadroos. . Two
armored crabbers and one battle crab -
.r needed for Scarborough. while two
battle cruisers and one armored
cruiser struck for HartlepooL They
timed to arrive at the same hour and
reached the coast strictly according
to schedule.
A Whitby despatch says that the
batU* cruiser Von Moltke led the raid
both at Scarborough and Whbtby.
The escape of the German warships
le accounted as simply the hardest
kind of luck. The Britian Admiralty
was well informed d the pending
raid, had made preparations for
crashing the enemy's squadrons, but
the fog interfered and the German
dashed homeward.
The British ships were ready to
take to sea, having been forewarned
that the raid was to be made, but
when they got within sight of the
hostile squadron, the Germans seeing
the Britian force, turned and steamed
of at ht. speed. The tog was so thick
that the visitors were able to cover
their movements and make a dean
Mesquite Fleet In Aetfew
She is now confined to bar oot with
what her doctor pr.roowoe.e t t be
infantile paralysis. As lit tie Ruth wee
• bright, lively child. and • general
favorite, her sudden helpisetoess is
particularly sed and the many friends
of Mr. and Mrs: LInklater hope that
the illness of their little girl may not
be so serious •s supposed and that the
may be eptred to them.
Mr. E. V. Lawson, whit is attending
the Ontario Agricultural College at
Guelph, is visiting bis friend. and
•�quaintanoee here this week.
Rnhert Johnston and his men have
been busy packing hay in the barn of
Mr. Tobin and spite of the inclemency
of the weather have made a complete
job of it.
lb. new furnace is now installed
In Leebutn church. It wee bought
from Fred Hunt and is of Owen
Sound make- the "Empire King."
Those who suffered from oold feet
lately will surely have no exams now.
the wireless appeals that were flung
out from the bombarded cities to
every British -ankle and depot a
small fleet of destroyers encountered
the German battle cruisers before
theirnearness esu realised. In the
mist that veiled the see, the Tyne
flotilla came ato eostact with the
Germans. and 414 their best to delay
the flight until the British battle
cruisers and readnougbts could come
up. They were not successful, and
they suffered some puniehm.at from
the heavy, long range guns d the
German cruisers, but they made e
plucky fight.
I The light cruiser Patrol and the
destroyer Doon were among the
British ships which attacked the
German cruisers. Both were struck
b- aheW. They lost five men killed
and fifteen wounded.
INeutral Vessel Sunk
Three steamers, one believed to se
8. 8. No. 1, OODBRiCH TOWNSHIP. • passenger ship, were sunk by gapes
The following i• the report of 8. 8. off Plsmborough Head. It b bellerel
No. 1, Godertcb, for November end the mines were laid by the (Jensen
Deoember ; names in order of merit : raiders as they fed after the beige
Sr. IV. -Arnold Laitbwaite, Orval b•rdment
Steep, Jack Johnston, Rdwin Mont- . One was the steamer ZIterwater.
goner] Maitland Driver. Jr. III.- Twelve of her crew were saved, but
Edna Driver, Hefei* Shaw. Jr. 11.- seven lost their i'ves The Harvests*
Deletes 11. flh ll. Howard 9kks. steamer Wane went down with 14
Helen Bail Charlie Shaw. 1't. 11. -
Rowed Jardittte. Belles Jardine (both d her crew.
PORT ALlfERT. abeest). Pt. I. A -Morley Langton, heather vbcnlm of the Oerm•a mimes
Wsoxeeoay, Dee, YS. Welter Hicks Pt 1. B -Howard was the steamer Primer Olga, banal
Menses. George A. end John A Aldous, Jean Aldous, Irene Jardine for Aberieee. leltla.d. width mesa
Breen were in Stratford on business. l•dust) RM,ta "Mine (ahsest). Pt. 1 a mine asd west town. The saw d
C -Jean Mohr.. Billy Lesithweits.}S. Niue ballot et Routh Shield, Y
Mrs. Blgie Joao% of Toroltto, is the Ham L at mumasaee.T
Iii; number on
stilt. am , veldt*
Own aceta '
A r. See, Tensaw. The rsldtGamma squadron wee -
malty readiedba
ed Its s. la WSW
T3q will be AeonAeoncerfats le try
the another raid. toe e *Molt bee been
Rnest df her parents Yr. and Ire..
`' Brindley.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Tho.. Dickson is improving after her
recent illness.
Miss Tena Hawkiw.. of St. Thomas
is spending the holidays with her
sister, Mn. W. 0. Grey.
Miss Lisa MaMWas leaves for the
West oezt week, having secured e
wheel at S•tteeste. Seek
Oksisbms- service will he held tit
the Amite* shares os Sueday enure -
Ing. D.eember 17. et 11 o'clock.
Mr. Reeler McL..sie •rely* bourse
es f3a y hum Qesss'. Uslve sky.
1LI losleeted the helday@ at
hie ban.
Mew W. G. S. Brows and da h'er,
Mew Alms Quaid, retainedbons.
last week ease • very plemeet nett
with bleeds le Detroit.
Mr. sad Mn. Borneo Cunsingbam,
Mee Destiny moil Maher (hares.., of
Waier.Rb, end Mr. sad bre: A. F.
wed deoshter Miss
?o,eeto, are et Mr. N, Own -
'is fes ayes Obi.tmss.
Inst ev.sbg saw the For-
eseese/ Mas Red to be •iasost napao-
{tp els Ne psuistMy.04 peee re
•_d le
is Ole AWA praise d
M Inns by
Muse !NthePert M. boners was
Wile takes la emiris wi be gives to the
pstriotle hint. •
MORE DANDRUFF stows with gm' 1*
Use Parisian Sags.
It's entirely seedless to have un-
sightly. es•uid. thin orf•ded hair. A
little erre is all that le seeded to make
it thief. soft. p Ott p`d••ti] healthy
tied tree freesdaedrvi .
Una Perish. Ses• -It @applies bale
seeks and is absolutely harmlesut ft
quietly Maps halting head sed telling
bairn and le one of the beet tastes to
invigorate the see* end make the heir
Q mid heenelfeL
OM •••bbottMtle of Peebles Rees today
front L IL Mab tan at say 1
imposter. it esus het ID seats Rub
it 1.t* the waw --R d•.drsR disap-
poetsntl-yomr heel bele ss. --Ne bels
1@ py end perbetly benitby.
T es.ortew rhymes with barrow
and serener.
A deed pest le one d those (Weenie
Make that w tri t may heeled.
livery ewes astel saes k.owe sere
attest bitterns bs.isees Nits be dew
about other men's.
A wastes tees of eeo.ensy ie to
beide nam. Old tug ab mesas ter
e ms sew inlets the hes so earthly
was for.
Service Greet Trl.entph
Wag Peter •ad Crows Prises Ake-
aedoe sod Prises Gorge et thrift
last week entered Delgred* tt' the
lend d the vutesbss swirl* sissy.
aeoeeitag to a despMN.
Net • single Ambles, a etetemmet
by the Servtaa Newel Stuff says.
mow r.nsalas en Sent* silt.
A &spat** fres Renee ewe: '7a
nesse n is (AMER, soloist* that
the Ametrias' Mel er wane eill. la
their detest by the Mryimme NrMed
Christmas buying is past bat New Year's gifts are std' in order
Yon have been kind to us in the Christmas _patronage distributing. Our sale,
have climbed even higher than we expected during the holiday buying notwith-
standing the hard times feeling and the measles epidemic.
Just One Week to Secure Your New Year's Gifts -
Then Comes 1915
We have a thousand articles and more that cannot be named here for you to
choose your New Year's Gifts from.
Handkerchiefs from 2 for 5c to $i.00 each in initial, plain hems, embroidered
corners, colored borders and silk.
A big showing of Aprons. Ladies' Caps, Collars and Cuffs, Wool Hoods, Glove.
and Mitts, Battenburg and Embroidered Centres and Drapes. New Corset Em-
broideries, Waistings in Silk, French Flannels and Delaines.
• A Happy New Year to Everybody
Senate. Jsiswy bead
Ren. Robert Pubtihy. Predawn 01
the Glob. Triodes Oemgamy. Sod tart
week 1. Tercets afar a brise teeP*ssi
Rhea, the reel gravity d tsYE nue
.sly esa•ifeet within twmtplier
leers of the end. The depS1111. thee
r ►b bird year.
Reed headway bw%M thee* tills.
saes moth et the awed* of r>Ibter
*em.mis.t reel Oemnetu.il et l6lrefe
Embroidery Scissors
25 per cent. off Regular Price
We have a surplus stock of goods to dear.
Also specials in RAZORS and POCKET CUTLERY.
Coupled with our deepest wishes for .your
prosperity and happiness is our sincerest
thanks for the measure of success which you
have enabled us to enjoy.
The Howell hardware Co., Limited
Bernard Parte idge, the celebrated
wrtoosist of London Punch." re-
t! drew a strikkast Kaiser le picture in
shown theitddre.s-
haag the heroic k11 of the BNgiaoe.
as the Luer Wends amid the mime at
whet before the war was este of the
most prosperous eemetebs of Europe.
"So you toss. says the 'yogi
bare bet everything." With look or
peaty dation* the se.legeose king
teptles s "Not my rso.L"
Tb. titin or the plant. le "Ueooet
guerabie." and wessgsar.bls this
ration certainly is, tram slag to peat -
set. With bait the esnlvieg po uIa-
tion tsetse stervstien. pose swd poorer
(then i» no looser any rich) have
applied themselves to the work of re-
hebilitatieg the (bled Maude*__ by the
hes herbals d Getaway. Red hes
been sent to them, MR great as hu
been theity fie ether nadm
the suppl ss have siegether in-
adequate to the esaaeme dewed.
Nevertheless the Beigleas have not
been oowteet to sit balk and wait os
the charity of c thous. They have
tinned bons the eon, &Mien whish
has furnitthed them with the one half
the mesal el tday, and have �I
nstae land
edid•el7 t•+ work. pr'!Mpes�rNt
foe that batter dol] w ie to eons
•s merely as Hod Uwe.. Unconquered
by famine as they wan by are and
booed. they have applied themselves
to the task of redo.etrwetiOg road-
ways, buiWag ace mote the brtdgss
whish have been de•troysd. dad eleer-
lsg the wsterw•yys...
Heist mills aftel b were deserted be
fore IM eines of the ssemy have
here reeseneded ; oiler mine, pertianddemsoyed. have been . All b
reedy for the day whom these sills
shell** mdse be bury tei.dleg the
wheat into suer wits than be
rodvdete* bis hues*. lll.t thew W.
.iamb beeibe empty sells, the trop.
'width should have Mesa warred
bare bete rwthketty daittoled
.batt supply tis grub 1
Hese is the oppeellemity for Casa -
dimes Veber el. wbleb le
the gr easy of the lelthe im/ted. A
appal le mode ae this time to
lfanadlanti to help the iMNlane to help
theaewives and we bel sassiest that
web a appeal will est be made in
en's. The BOW & Admiralty. new
that this appeal le
t�t7, hoe enes to puree ply `o
tr....pa r the wheat, sem eh hough it
seeds .A the vends avails/de to .oe-
y y atopies sad m/e5lese of %ev M
the army tied seer.
••Nit my noel„" wise the [hg of the
Bays.., dad It le rtes Sulam tet
the aMtee wbeh Mnphed the wu.W
thet Insie Nes net
Me by b Me eieee .heMd hefts te
sen for the meow to .tab telieleat
bread t feed the And .m tee wham N
hes Int tat tats Ideas-. ae 10110441 cwt.
ado" • le seeded ne bey *best to ins
hli.p.�Gnmu i'besda dtnet t. M0111.1..
dem, dad Is imen el NOW. *11 ewe
ti i hwttene of *lb cuss to M. Pete&
beim" Bee. Twesi a.w B.lgle. Re.
11 1 POM ill til. 'We Wreak Rothtre 1. will 1e grimmer reset ed, am*
ptteseptly aehaewldsd.
"OUR w1sn!
Christmas Happiness and
New Year's Prosperity to
all our customers.
os�. em sane UJ
The Electric Shop
1 have opened In the .t ..d ••n West s• feet sex t t1..
Po.tomcs a complete masa stock of Rle.t Goal., del
lawns t ewe• elf filwastirhtomewIO •••d inspect tin Hi
The stock intlud•, : -
Electric Lampe, Giobes ant! Fixtures
Electric Light Fitting of an kinds
Eiectsic Swiss. salamis .Haulers -
Is'lectrio Toasters
Electric Goobers
El etiiilWaraiegPads.
Hulett le wiring at.d fit int dame is the mast senepremt ani
w.tturltt u sntd•• .gi v.1 hn•.e p114swars
business ieT pet roma pay eery ups. fie emiiitiater7 sed
ver ataetlks .sention •of army arise essfewb* M mfr.
Pkat led eseimalee tsr.!ahed for may desire* week.
Come is add tate it wb.tb •r yen seed eulythlsg Is ear line
J501 *4'. tV
?wrestling Ig1, IS Wer Orsini
the %tonal