HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 3I
Mea age,
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te realm
er Theo
ISM ha
d. stated
Rapre al
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mhos es,
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O 4001110
MI were
4 lards
A ere sr
dss1 0•
N M t' a
MS. The
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O. the
as erne
eased e5
am/ kat'
D eem vs
It M die
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w oe.
gal •
Csplride. tnth Or the IL L Sty
pea mw ff5rf'_r111lr slap >-
b ilk alliiim 1w� be
• t 1wsrt mow
lose tame at tb Amt a wed yam Weed
pat me be phials► W pm ate gable
de pay ma 1W that Teen are mew M
pay -- Clef the /v teats 1 have storm
isakim swam bar yw.ehet 1051
Tea are beIng to pay wmter altbe
Mals 1 as Ming today. sar-
Tbe garb them. bath ear lett bead.
ea tat aide w*ae steed gee ethic.
4o Marro was Mr ,mem set that
Caallye elan, was iksewti of the
wrist But the heal between the two
WSW sot beebmd. kr teem wrist M
writ showed tang the Mash Maim e[
M. seanadmi The ski sheet ted links
of the hasieatl . M a spslaee selrwer
lbws wads.
Ree are piss be pay sae tar Misr
she said. Her yoke was little mere
Mae a wdsper, bat it was load 1a he
CMAPTIN rv, rsee.et's heart Rao lea are VMS
inferno to pay -ter Oder
IIF toe:oreblw voice west cm In
• • • • • • •
it. mOe°a•. se tt be bad not Tb*• were grim years. thou three
slalom. years dvre.g wbteb Mary Terser eery -
..And wham spa ere really ed bet :Mbaee 15 Bsr5aag. Thera
is sad tare to abp went what ere was no lime ole' for good behavior. The
gas tout to d.. Mee? De yon know. MI learned soon that the favor d these
►. Glider. that the end dine • etrsas*t set to eutborlt7 over bat could only be
rt steels It's often bermes, uta bad to woe at • coat against wbkb bat every
t1 1
oraa doctor or ease. hurley lite maidenly Instinct revolted So ahs
And mome of them do woes, west through ted Wane of date and
strsl Yrs. they d.-s1t15 that thrifts Ina dueness ot stiffener that
+.tele .trelght and wasted to stay was deadly. N.tueany the nfe there
rt Req Rot of east*.. .owte d was altotrotber an evil thing. There
two tet 50 tired of tbe wbole grind was the material 111 Nor preset in the
Sit -that"- rsnsd of wearisome pbuical toil-tbe
To o•.I their guarOlaa 1 can't fume. distasteful food: the hard mar
saw Icer them aur they leave tile ow comb; the constant. gnawing. irk -
Ore, They erre 1151i1 the rarv51 nate 40.555005 of inerieoamsat away from
4 wise. es mach se any other store ijht and air. away from an that
As he &Pok• Ib. anger Pre nates fife worth wbila
hr Ole unexpected saeault ea The best evidence of the fact tbat
r, oat of the month M a rootlet Maty Turners soul was sot fatally
high la rIlivoes rep Batson. .SQ•a moat h. found to the feet that
he wept os rel..w.eaty, "M► drill et the expiration of bar 5e0te00e
liming doe• mote fur hda empto7• the was folly resolved to tive straight
than I do Who gave ted torts le the saying Is which she bad quoted
hoe rest rooms npesabst 1 atilt :co Glider Thle. too. Is the hes of
gave them the cheap tsnebroomel rum knowledge a5 to tie diffidence
that would h..ef the effort and to the
St"lace of the temptations offered to fob.
mot you
.vont pal teas 55054* 15 ow tee weer oath.
▪ pay them the same as the other
Orgy 4. he repeated malignly.
•tut 701) won't pay them u.ongb M
be op -
'Lad awe . you claim that yee were
Med to steal. That's 1b* pima you
VW for yourself and your trfaadm."
•l wasn't forted to steal." sumo 1he
mower, spoken to the r•osotose that
Id narked her utterance tbroogbo.t
eat of the Interview. 'I wasn't fora
d M sleet. and 1 dlda't steal Bet. an
Se mase, that's the pi& as yea call
%that I'm makt5s ter the ether giria
the are hundreds of ahem wbo steal
h ome they don't get e.e.gb es eat
laid i would ton you how M step the
WelL t have doss It. Gave
Se ger+. s rah- tissue to he boost
Is Well ren ter the tarsen. Mr 1,14
There' oa17 one name ols wbkh
pat the blame for the whole bust
as, and tat amu Is 1Ddward (1065r!
1, woo t too do anm5tb15g about
at that caked quentioe the °weer of
to stere Isrpd sip from ha chair mai
mw gtowettag st the lirl wee risked
amag..c so tall et vituperation against
Sew dare yew meth to m like
air 1a thi5eed
*7. 1 dared." Mary Turas es -
Moot "because yen Moe dose an
bares, woe este M sln clad sow I'm
ewg to give yore the shame to bo
hider by the others. Tem ase m wb7
Idea i have a rigid to den. I have
rm stralgbt all ay life. 1 hove want -
41 Greet food and wean tease and
e111f1e hauls= all the tithe I here
Intel for Toe. and 1 have gong tett
OS taus things Imat tin dray straight
1` int of 11 all le. yea lie eemdlag
Se to prime for sos5itmi 1 dda't do.
fit's why I darer
Gilder call aft burst hlaemlf Inst
aro r, an amdIthp eammasl. He wee
mcesty estarhal be gee gma.1 5Pa
trstbs that w Mend from the
Offs nu He wee set prepared with
▪ noswer, thoash be betty fathead
awn word of tar sueSstMa
gladd7 teeth aina . art fa W
5a r Beet there wee • tee at be weld
gins sari tbat eat bur myna( toward
deer. Her re5linatimm M whet tab
lent was Shaws 1u bar deal O55r&
Three years tenet terwver." mb* said
b s level ',glen 'wham / seae eat
There was, for example, Aide
Lynch. a fellow cemvlet, with whom
Mao Is•d • slight degree of acquaintance.
°othing more. This young woman. a
criminal by training. offered allure
moots of illegitimate employment la
the outer world when they should be
tree. Mary .adored the companfoa-
abtp with this presser because a sixth
eases proclaimed the tact that bare
was one unmoral rather then Immoral
sad tbe difference 5 mighty.
p'or that teems Agate Lynch was
.et actively o[saal'. es were seat at
the others. tibe was a dainty tilde
blood. with a baby ice, 1a w15e* were
e st two light Klee eyes et • est be
widen; often to demure weeder ever
moat things in • s.sprislsg sad Imagi -
17 world. $be bed been re.vfetd of
H artman, end ode made no pretense
e ven of laud -era 1•ateat. the wee
Method to beast over tt •15417 te
bambooal..sen et ber will. M was
a natural action of the 15/..55 rotda
tad 15 that pose she ovoid saraldmdy
beguile the Mart et the went a
worldly ala
She bed been nand 1. a taint
family. with* INN enema mete.
Long ago she bed Mat true d her
tabor. Her mother she bed seer
kmawt. Har art Madan wee a brea-
redt 01 15d stamen as a Meteorte&
Ge. prl.dpa mom et bet eneteem is
Madding en mem to reale time of theme
selves over ter. le geeb evevaslles no
Bret afterward. b in Ms fart gest le
spits ot .1 the teem riv.mMd11Ms ell
bar lite ttbs renals. cbh.&
The led saw 1• !gars Terser Nod
powilriIties et a learghe per_sem
that Witt men mash Ihearts1 pert
be to 4.vloms mpg et wiere eke was
a mfedest whoa the treatise's clot•
aeteeistae. et bar. she ,.....4 d M 5515
d.wbi patsies et a Mem stored a
lb* and•rs of sode5 sod issues
swabs Mary Terser hawed Wella
eurimity, het sY ems la se were
moved b fellow met a Ota. ems
Heath it alta ed ammeIsess stalhmM
worms tau a frookiemet Maim 5
love. 4o she stoadtestly ~Masi bee
relMala Ube woad Ove straight. '
°Ten will and that yea are ea
against as awful tied." Aught wetly
declare lemtaly.
Mary head the preob*r7 frim Meed
d New Tart She • nee need a
aro 154
o mere re5t t
• tam to these evs Ira, Team .f ter
~Wu M the steer My lad Nese
Mos15M17 pointless for two days. mm4
without 1504 ttro„ah ted g.awes4
boars, wham MM. found 5apleymest 1•
a nommen .hop. Tethered • bNr5fl1
bbrval b wkleb she wetted eenbb►
ab. MOM, ova the ti.a45r -a1MO.
Moo It served to give her .ielltit am
bad be antt7 gamed.
Toe pease Informed Mary's employer
esaet+bs bur record se a meet*
ani sae was Gt ewe discharged_ The
stirtu.ait5 victim of fig 15W
perlimely eke. to deign& t Tat
tsc splrlt trfamphot and again 5b*
persevered fa that reedy, to live
htratebt hie tband a cheap poid5s
le • cheap shop, only to he again Dia` ,
sainted by the pollee. so that she
ep..*111 lost the piece.
A third tine she obtal,ed work sed
tfarle, after a 1lttte, she told kat sin-
Mare'. a matt o.5.f•eterr be a
mean wq. the testa as to her hallos
Tb* ma, bed • Meal
Male to be eau *1*3. Mk. so be al.
lowed bar to remate. Wiese sailed *5 �
t the Ort'5 �
Iha1 1mewl be paid ma band to tbslr ad.
vee age.st titans( hate terrier.
The p5155 bait prawn to bear en
the mea They eves asked be the sr
tdetnsee of allwsrd gut WmaelL
Me d4/les14 mesa vtfsevere b the *54
ter 1u ted time d■eleyer'
MtasA, be dl/aes►
mamwallbmp ammo me Meech tlbw .r...
eh Mir Mals sasses.
ile wee am oaf /pspdr r cash. �,/ tilaom /a Pam �+
Q4a be lett. Oho w Wed w41 .I NM 0lsesel hs
1!s tiResghl st Mr M !Wein WOOLI let (sift ft seamed a
brei. "Pit.hur 1.••••••••. "WIlrer that mho w ahslhmed Windt M
woes nth Jet her IM .owlet(* Mr 011e M flat lour whoa tdb threw ter-
ries asassl•ae. ft 4omiea/d that M atalt *lie tivmr Aliprw.cR
he the MahalMahaln w breaded Mr -it OM far amp lades a. km pari. she w
sed were to rev at a1L Me still Wens beim teeeired be 11pp sad sat within ea
al Ms etyma falteringly. w5tdas ammo aar.rommeet awe sad 'Maga is lar.
-Meda h5 hoer been wee pea eeem . mairh soakle Mr serr
ia. aha
tie as 55 Mrw
guest Pam weds s die5nt a Thad pM5enra 4o sed
thought .t the cher and was glad. (fitmem bat lett /stint M
Go the went thews& the Meg stretch i week 111► wit, mab..pered by bar fe-
et to lighted streets, crossed some toll•
ad islets M • Id"' 0101 w"h uhe sae limit taw hi ht tete. thaaha
Outdid d.5 ib* tar stile. waste it preIger the hemplialld et Attie Ly54. se.
Meted oat le the Sorter menthe et the seer hwldetd fns be feed. 1
lim/oos • Them. althea* giving Mr nae harass. Marry toot herself ihig -
self a aaoaesat's pease for rdeeekte or lmsmrions unman. view bar ever,
Uoeltmtioa she heaped hot as hr as w5* email be readied by the mired
her strewth permitted Into the colt of
mantles et L She wee fad an the
wafers, dot in that Sul ..load oa0 dai5baat et tan. abe was dashed with
ant erne ta the racy of .each our -
the meat delicate rictuses for tie that
'caw the lethargy of despair -a strict �a a• M those mare mysteriousMr•
beret from tip. '.•mat• wakb w0111410 WOO. In additl•a.
On the lege of tee pier a mem bed then wore as many of books -and gas`
lest tied ap a motorboat Be steed aD alert as a„et mud wblt
In •lar° at the ere sad was ,Itirt w I He nand. bag starved like bar beds,
tome to sofa • gllspoe at a yawns d.ee as I avldl7 es the aoar*5bment *bus
ender the dim leeeehg$t ee It ewege albrdedto this Interest Agile had
Iowa with the tide, two rads beydmd astls0 share -was estop"•estop"■ tittle (invi-
Ho threw off W cwt esteemed oma oyer Mars's aboorptiou ranla prlatedt
ter oat after the drifting body a• Aggl• took a t pride in b
.me to It in a few Curious strokes and g t
as, with e nnmietakable air d
-:aught it gelersuce. nod Ob. dared to dream of
Then began the Garage struggle le great triumphs to cow. lboui h as
nava her and blmsed. The esry t set sbe carefully arnldud nal ussoet5-
torr at him wrathf0lly, bet be Matt dos to Mars of wrongdoing.
against them watt all the nw
daass of to tine .rale t*.. wtio. fame from
bis eaters. What erred the 1" of Mary Turner herself, to the greet our
thee was the violent tamper et teas baa ot Aggae, and, truth to tell, of
man. Always tt bad boas the demon bossism
ru 8.1 blm "ams. His rep aeambl There ewe two foetus that ehl.•et
and "ave him new power Is the batty. 1a4oemerd tar dec mea. The drat wail..
Under the urge of at be compered tad den to the feeling that sines the w..rtd
at list brought blmalf amid his tbmrgs bad roses" bar, she `nerd no 1,'1 , 1
to tbe clines e5.CRn beset! wttb the worts''. '•' m
Man rrvlved to clear 00lsseb0s0e0*. the or mew also scruple,•'• '•• Ir
w hlcb erns at dant Inclined toward Beet of Wig lay her hittrr erne" ..•e.1
bysMAs. but this peaty ylddd soca Wward tee man who hod t».•. the• •h
pude. thr gmpatbatk mtnbtr.tio.s 'ae1 taraw of bar Imprl."1" .•)G tat
sf ted Wenn Rt. tether low voles was 'urd (Mlle...
sootbtng to her tired soul, and ked 'lbs tacker Nast was the tmmede.►o
whole sir was et once maatenta! a54 ;
slat asg*T. n.oeer.ala 111. MN tat
gs.Q7 tender. When Many she was
able M stand and to walk with the
support of bis arm she went forward
slowly at b1• side without so much
even as a question of whither.
Joe Galion had performed. Reps,
his first erten with no tbongbt of self
at the back of tt. He bad risked his
fife to save that of a stranger. The
sensation was at once novel and thrill-
ing. Bine it was w Womble he
meant to prolong tbe glow of self st-
flefacti.a by ca.tleaing to can for this
waif of the river.
].e Gatsen, the aotorloa forges, led
the drfpptsg girt eastward thro.gb the
squalid streets until at last they came
to an adequately lighted avenue, and
Mere • taxicab was fund. It carried
them farther north, and to the east to
is apartment how that was rather
tweets . set in a street et tambier
Boom Genoa paid the tare and them
baked the girl to angle sod an tats
tbe hallway. Mary went with emete aa9nid. though ort ra
web a
growths eaisa4.
Tie two .sewed and went slowly op
fare. melte of shim d.)5 the tastes
beyond the dirt Sigh the deer et •
mar eat steed ems. sad to the dear
way appeared the Orem et a mum.
• Wok )ata whet the war tai
person 4.aa.dd ei tae mum anal lis
cause of ber dadaon on an irregular
mode a life was an editorial in one
of the daily newspapers. This was a
@rattan, arraignment of a muster an
Wet dance. The p01,t of the writ-
er's attack was the grhn sarcasm ;ut
such methods of (dusty as are kept
within the law. Tbat phrase bald the
girl's fluty. sod she read the article
again wtth't gulcke ed interest Theo
she began to meditate.
It was the taw tbat had worked tbe
ruin of ler 11fa, whkb ate bad atria
en to make wholesome. In coats
gnenee de felt for the law no genuine
respect, only dete.tatIon u for the
epitome of injustice. ,Tet she Sava it
a superficial rsapect, barn of those
three lean of s.ffsr15s which had
been the rune of the praalty inflict.
ed on her. Now, in the psngrtpb aha
bad Inst read the found a doe 4. sum
gastive tb.sg*t a hint as to t seethe
by which ate might nutty her rawer
against the law that had wakened be.
and this Is satbt7 since the would at•
tempt nought save that within the
(- nr .. • A ,. 1 week.
ebe Zriflr
sir RAalT MYHGG s»t
Mary Were /hose CNM•a,
thefts belted beton be. Then.
allruptl7. the rued. haby-Bke face ea
b5 woman puckered *, amassment
Her • rice shrill. "Well. M 1t ain't
Mary roar"
r was W. reply•
in the time that tallow,* Mary Ihed
fn tbe fat wibtch Agile I.1sc1 fKs-
pied with mer (Mother. 71h5. a pktpoek-
s* much eatitmgd among bis tallow
creations. The pend wtaabt tram
forlornness et a rakes) mad bewilder.
beef sort In beth the appsrasce sad
the ehar•eter et the Idrt.
)o5 Mmes. ebe tarter. bed Mss leen
•cgeeMted with Ache mad bar hurt►
ere though he eoaadered tem hr be-
reatb 1st. be tbe social seals, dace
OHO erlminml wort was set of that
MO *45d ee wbdeh be prided Mem&
Bet as be east shoot ter stroma mum
M Alam be might OM las 10,54
red be had rammed ked taught M
se yen Be ma relieved, rages,
Masa 5tbsr ales is leant hat [hese twee
eawnl,aa 5n
HtRB .-.s a time when
Wealfingtoe had gen . ral-
ly been conceded to be
a brand new genius to
the 1nanctal world -a
marvelous being who
mold change stones into
bread and serpents into
towed; than all ,wt one*
he thud himself In the
throes of bankruptcy.
He lad exhausted h15
consorts sad was tor
the time beteg hopelessly. Insolvent.
bay b7 day Ms little heedful of re•
flag chugs vanished In steadily
diminishing ratio as 110 Heal• bo-
oms cheaper and further apart. un -
p 100117 be had but a dime deft. Tbls
asks be resolved to save for some last
sad mat desperate extremity, and be
mesa 45brmlad to fast for days bs
Pere parting with It And test for
days be 414. white oft titres the days
some much too tart
ay► oat►-t'7,.jaL
met Sethi food ter throe days. He
D. Millar & Son and Staff ex-
tend to one and all their
best Wishes for a MERRY
NEW YEAR -k- •
spat• me .Hoeg* for a sed di
7001 p1wt7."
Wallington stared Into the Mr= dusk as tie fingered i1s tact a�
smoothly worn dime. 1Se itaew 14
enough what th10 other man was
tering. for bad kw net bees In they
same stag. twenty -tour bowel Word
And to dv• a man a dlae la suet
.'ase was 0o grossly' lnadeq.4M. Y'
what could h. dol H. turned •1e11R1
Close beton him was a rwMa=imilli
wherehe lad .pest hssdreda d NV
tan In h1s palmy days end mune
.prtetor be knew wan. Tet b* owed .11
hill there tor hi. last hag after theater'
dinner party of many menthe ago.
be bad never had the osnrege even
bis ..mi -starvation to go la aad
tor mor. credit Tot mew 1d. mast
doa., for hen was a tunas
starvtss epos the streets.
Matto& ab5dd•red. 11.551 1leaeml7
duty to 111 this man% 54o..4
Oat the lest time be womb! .hut
powers et persuades width mime Sp
♦ ♦ • tom;
Slippers for Christmas
What better remembrance can you give
your friends than a pair of dainty Slippers?
You not only offer them many days of
comfort and satisfaction, but also teach thetn
that Slippers are sources of pleasure and con-
tentment. Every morning through all the
year they will think kindly of you.
This season we are showing the largest
variety of colors and styles at the most reason-
able prices.
4- 4
♦ 4 4
i' iv ! i i A
s a time few sea w les arts
arras to belt the staaager 17 1 I
twat 'dines with sada" be osagfe■h�
They mimed the .chinas.
W.»Biseos walked straight age r
"Bob," said l* R
tig.a pretty stiff 114 hat 1 ss
M go he work 1a a weak aa/ rail
Mil bees paying 705 en. Dow I wail
Orme te M a a last feeeR I are pal;
about forty dinars, and a eegt• et
Name more won't make sue .loam.
Mee M yes. It M Aristaas eve as/•
ley Mend ever there le se.r,lag. New
1 eat you to 111 bSel mer to d5 aft
Mgaol. solid food and charge R to
zia1 w111 not ask you tor my raver
1t you will d• ibis Mat thtag.-
iThe proprietor looted at W ell iia.
'teen eheugh tele7.
AM right," be asme5sel at
"Belnrs its Christmas eve
lith tela. • Mame on lee even 1d. roe
tars dews and art Tell )101W Mead 1e
I*der what N wants." 44 W.11lagba
laid the stranger mat down tegothor
14x1 Wafl.gtoa instated his eaapes•
110. i1R Masdf with food thus. anti
1, baht with ►is seeaaeh .anis marvel
;the Meat way. the droop gone Cres ids
?shoulders sad ted feverish right ree-
dabel trees his eyes. the Weed olio
rawit be led Wafer* R ao
a.s.r.bsothat be tut sad fast awe/or-
ab eshamlty bed arrived art that
-pow be mut spud *ie dew the
bah dyed deep to neetttaties whoa
railed sem55ms focal Ns ars and
�.r.d abut
lbst4e h1m time stood a meat rasa
IMO imv5'55ee Mesas. fMeeti, w114
ter s. sale a Mama OM ached
Mama wawa mV. Te..ppadaha .4
drooped lbs la a oenk1.s veleta
-Mar OM's mal* 5teassor. "6it7 rte
Metmethig to eat 1 am penai1- .ad
ayes ted verge et .see afttig setae.
!I ham worm eat sty 51w 5Nta4 M
mart, .ad w105 1 have a ha pr.sWt
Mae It wilt be a week bake* t r sepses
r.srwfrp 1 5m esseetm4, hint
.k to tee m+e at aelelg5a-s
Mead." wi it.'rfiiiig.r '1
544 ,et ban endured It emigher day
-bet a< eters. 705 have sever thews
whet tt as to go two days without
Seed. Ash w1.. tonlgbt you go beau
am/ 5k dews to your table to year
PIA resamaler that tbere is an 554
'came tope bang upon rho .treses al
i lleseeag .very atltel that
; so
oat. Geed -by, Chrtsttu.-
waill.stat laid amt Me head. "geed•
'by, Manger; sad good lest 1e lame.
was a name Wee. "am te
1b55s elle be mho 7.r a nit.
Iv weal erg M i/remit7". bath
ma W lb Oasts mirth et osllae
Maki.se Susi( Termer
T5 mak• tough steak tender, pt
throe tablespoonfuls a salad on wad
ewe tabl..ponnl*l of vests? on .
targe let drab. Lay the steak ea
the mixture and tet It rest is this
way for bait an hoar Then Utra It
ever. and let H net &either halt bear
r the same menet, et vinegar and
ser. The _sleet suet will yield te
be be5tmeet and be Mee •d tender
whoa curved.
In E all IT 1 1 OiI1Wet Meg 1M F1Rl54
--M•ieet - *5 54419511 Maw •
trusteeships Often
_,=3st Through
vlany Lifetimes
You may
have ovary confid.nc
in the friend whom int
appoint as the o nal
trustee, but you ave
no voles in the .el.c-
ticn of hie successors.
fhi w;ruse Trust Company 1. permanent and fulfils its duties
`ter more effectively than is passible in ted raw of a private .lata-
,,,-. it is ever cn the wateh la ted interests of it4 clients and
tnr:trgh Its Of!le.rs and Mana(essst it fools On pulse of the Saar.-
. .I world as no private Individual an.
Call or tvri'o far toll information.
c =O. Ot5C 73, C.^., rtyllgN J')try t. 1.:O05!,