HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-24, Page 2ill TuvalDay, Decade= :1. 1114 siders this eight he • piece of evidence; etpigb1 be achieved by oaths este of to the discussion. pro and con, of the tbe elarowelK7�a�apiraste to 000teibsie I a hundred"`^ "" to the relief toed. subject of Retired Pori. SIGNAL PRINTING Oa, lose. Pun.nsa. Tao Ma.c Scharr' herr' ��.v+!!�]].� Tb•raW 71. etA••) >!at!•r-•.e: o- ftearrIple and rid nue litre tardy la edv.roa vs ilia sees ise •a4ts�r. �i�t�ar� d •agesm las sew alarms M•a�sa� We amow � liest lre•R a MLfK e sae it Y.• tar Mea• wse Zoe 1st ea* lt tsess�/atllea coy tsar thee."• to il so l� • /Sosle mr coeds of sixil soder, nos Millar wee yr: Mos Snowdon.Woold Bird tee s.tloos ✓ ants r t• Rest. Purse for ••i. r is �nM• far Pole, oto., not as a•mdl•w ��mw►► ave Cost. rob rosettes i oew.tl. Her come toresee Lamar .dverliesreata la r .e.noemente la erdbisay . #11- Casts vee wu Lax ..flea. t►w lid d w�t� t avis an advvir- ..l or .m.el.t enema w ear+. u_ sad warred 0 1.rosoratd To our � �pgu,drr•7.��,.�e. Gentiansvn, d tower& Tim weekly nesse et .n loyal. meaty .ad dtee4stde o Oar raMedM walls Mted.l es it con- tars oo- taus the noire sod adders d the writer not Onrfor ppaablicwtloa. bat se an evid•nos ah. N.w•iltwr• she.ld teach TWA e1e..L otios net later than Wdresda1 D0011 of anal week. who THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1914 EDITORIAL NOTES. A Mf•:iutY CHRISTMAS! Bo It i . to he a white Christmas, after &U. There rimy be the shortest dsys of the) es r, but don't tell that to the youngsters tvho are looking forward so eagerly to Christmas Day. All the British soldiers are to be served with plum pudding on Christ - :Ma Day. That's one day, aaywwy, they won't run .bort of heavy ammu- nition. Pio an Iron Cross on the man who did his Christmas shopping early, and give three cheers for the woman who didn't bun any neckties for her men folks. "Blessed is he wbo doth not expect much. for he shall not be disap- pointed." We cannot give chapter and verse for this, but it is • good sentiment for Chridmes-time this - year. And over in Europe men are fighting, maiming and killing one another in the grektest, fiercest, moat sanguin- ary struggle of ell history. How little wteewlize it in our own happy, peaceful land. So we are going to have a vote on election day to ere whether married wooeo shall have the vote in muni- cipal elections. Wouldn't it be a good ides first to find out how many wo- MM-married or otherwise --want a Tote? TSB 8I(x1YA1. : L1OTIP,RTCH : (I TA RTI ► Mre. Pankhurst is reported as say- ing In $ recent speech. referring to the war, "Much as i love peace, I believe there are times wben it Is right to fight." Somehow or other this sounds retber funny, coming from Mrs. Pankhurst. Halifax. N. S , reports • boom in insurance against bombardment since the O.rmae raid on the English coat cities. 1[ it weren't for the politi- cal truce we should like to say a few words to our Conservative friends anent the Canadian naval policy. Wouldn't it be .Ise thing if we could keep this Christens spirit .0 through the year f If we o°uld kap on looking for opporlunitiee to give instead of to get. If we could keep oo forgiving our enemies and swills( et those wbo have despit.tuUy used us, it we could keep on forgetting the little slights and offences that we have been nursing in our memorise, if w.coma-but. then. this lent heaven. `When a German warship rune away it drops mines in its wake. 1t can af- ford to do thio, because, unlike the British wersbiln, it does not expect to be using the see agaln.-Toronto Star. Somewhat like the mac who crawled into the hole and pulled the bole in after him. Australia hes Increased her tariff preference in favor of Great Britain, partly by an increase is duties oo goods imported from other countries, and partly by an extension of tee prwf- •'Iroc. to certain goods wIa Milano had not been in the preferential clans. The trouble with Bourses& is that be finales himself • tort of hero. a persecuted champion of liberty. almost • martyr. The fact is that he is a bumptious, 0000eited, self -adver- tising. swollen -be dsd nuisance. Many years ago he fell out with the Liberals because he thought they didn't take him seriously 'tough ; then be tried to make bimetal( a national figure se the leader of the Quebec Nationalist'; then he had an alli•ooe with the Con- servative party for a meson, and now nobody much went' to have anything to do with him. He bee hod hie third strike and i. out. Henri Bouruaa, after a rsther try- ing experience at Ottawa, declares that then is more liberty In the Un- ited Batas then under the Unlos Jack. Why doesn't Henri then cross the line in pursuit a the liberty he seek t ,He could he nicely spared in Canada. The Hamilton Spectator remarks that many newspapers are making an Incorrect use of the word "pacifist." The word expressing their thought, says the Spec., is "pacificiet." "A paci- fist is one who pacifies ; a paetficbt M one who follows • school of thought opposed to militarism." What would The Spectator do with "pacifier" and "pacificator," which are the only Words we can end in the dictionary la this connection 1' We ore inclined to think that "pacifist" is a new word which will scorn be found in the dic- tionaries as meaning an Anti -militant, and that "pacificist" is not and never will be a word. With all due respect to our learned friend The Spectator. The Federal and Provincial Garet la- ments -ments are planning a series of meetings through the winter to urge farmers to t d goo' stand thinly to increase their produetlon, in ceder I dderable more supss.nous clothing the belief teat the method of force la kin g.iom of Albania wa conetitut.ed. The Treat by Aoddset. Tomei* Kati sad btti.a•. Written is • New Torts= Poaltnsy Bigelow relayed to Bbaw as "gngtaod's greet lidellest.Sl asset." The paper inside It "iatellee• tu•l ass.' and nobody knew that an error had bees made until the editor pointed it out. Tbs Length of the War. 11.. XMAS= (Lesm...) ••1'be Idea of a two yeses' war V dis- appeerine`,, for no nation (save our oro) eoald `food it Hot pats before next serum. r (after a sluggish winter campaign aid a farce revival in the sono) is the earliest foteoast I have be from anyone in authority." Cetttaats ef the s.ibr. mum rimer Newgate` •'A man wens up to 6is captain just before the Heligoland fight with the question, 'Sir, will you have your bath now, or wait till the fight's over r I believe t8e men at the guns are steadier and surer when facia( the enemy than even when •t 'prac- •'I.Tbre fee Hemet Poverty -r' ' HarlRoa Thor It is tad W think that people should starve in a country like Canada and a city 1i .e Hamilton, and that little superiors in political development a children should die for lack a Dour if they were cattle, merely because ishmeot. But if people hide their Herr Krupp has manufactured big poverty (tom the world the charitably guns with welch she can clay them. inclined are unable to help them. While we admire iniependente of THE ENGLISH QUAKERS AND mind and • spirit that abhors charity. THS t1VA13. • I the C.MCtifes O( ClrCnm- TBEGREAT STRUGGLE of life. -A Oorreepoodent of The New I York Pieties. B 1KklITION OF ITALY. Italy entered into silliest* with Ouse TRH RiGHT TO sNBLA VI . teeny •Dal Aust/ i. in 18171 w a mull A e•reego.drnt fie The Now yerk of her slams and iodirt•1ion at the Medea woe" t A.d hereto idea the program of Franca in the Yeditrree&- tree seasdd of modem Germany. By tons. and the uneasy Oonesiuustetse general agsttetute.l among the Indo- 1641. in spite of het frietodehip with gorepese faces Lima people Ltueope i B, hair, she woul.t find no real e nd Aionkv one of 1hem elves has support from her againet her aggro+ leo nib?, after the manlier of Semis- al" oeigbtwr. Memberab'p in the a1 - sheens, Weo.l.ve another. There are ready eetetiug Dual AU4oee eattapect- 's.•4 of Dourer. where old-time eon- sal uttered bar ibe tteetweary ettinniel- qwet hat Impoed on certain races a It le eras too mtieb 10 ray tibia bar sr political unbent airy detest. Such is thou rived her a+ • ItrrsiMn power. the ce.. el Policed. But whereas , Tb• adv.n6.g.e woes glut os both oohed Mate,. are tWlrlag Le miotes'. side•. For Italy b ended her l.utatios much t yranny and lineal 4u horror l end mound her of supped t rasions front uodesteking sorb oonq.s••t, F,vncb enoroacbuaeal• in the Medic - whereas Sweden bee alluwed Nurway rr,•ewan. To the D.isl Alllaoo• it to depot t in peace, whereas Eogisod tt.es t the .atrgw.diud of the salt' ba eonf•rrd ui Ireland and on the immutable flank. It promised a t.aval Boers the etleeau1es ut autonomy they bass to the• Mediterranean rad • ear demand d, whereas even Renals bee Iootal rival fur Prance and Onset pledged Worsen to mate a new Pol. B. nt.. o. Ti• otter of Si 11norek it • Germany aloe.. through bre often regarded, especially ,oUermaa7, diplomats. her soldiers and jourualiats. I a • were art of Charity. Really the spatially smelts bur right and loins- adhesion d Italy rensoved the ow Uue to enslave .even minima of tree weaklier" iu the suntbioatlon that had Belgtaas, jou a. In 1864 .6e enslaved been formed agsiost the koruna a Danish population and in 1871 the menace. In Il) ps.vi.rua furs the p.opl. of Alsace-Lnrrslne. She 'loo* weak .tietrstic point woo the Rossi. of modern Mates affects to treat races In the event of a Fresno° German or that are her equate in culture and bee Russo -Austrian war en actively boo- tie Italy would form o deep -rues fee. Her support (aK.,in.t the Dual Alli- anoe)euuld we11 b bought by the bribe of her lost provinces and sgslue. Austria .he would light with the in - wirer ion of It*l1ea unity behind her. The period 1882-1900 wee marked for Italy by crime at home, hostility to Franey, a disaa4rous colonial voter prise io Abyssinia sod not altoeteLher bappy r'elauoos with Butait. During sucb a time the support of the Duel Alliance wee a vital umessity to Italy. leaders would look on the tern ibis con- 1[ she wire to maintain her puts flirt which opined last August. We among the Dat duos. But at the up.u- i t the -- -- - the .itttsttoo tad still we are l stance and honest poverty is neither Nu company of Ubrieti*ns has given a `.rims nor • diagram. nobler proof of its devotion W the A Danger to Canada. cisme of peace than the Society of %'lodour Record. Friends. Many wondered how its This war has shown that the highly - trained "conscripts" of Germany and Austria are not superior. if equal, to Tommy Atkins In fighting efficiency. Tommy fights ail the better because Ibis heart is in the job -not because be is compelled to fight. A very grave danger is that Canada may be carried withaway militare n and bow down were not left in doubt. The message ng ° ce uaterially imppre�t�ved. Her rwt'lial re- "To Mrn and Women of Ooodw.l1 iD i•tiuns'w;th Frauoe--qd Englat.d bed the British hml•ire" had no tram of increared her economic wealtb and mhgiviug. It ,eoognised that war p tion, wear in hosue Ipuluio,. • fair was proceeding upon • terrific stale heuaree ,Gss.ouane y and uAustriaith il to the and axial our countrywas involved in to the very tbiog the allies are trying it. In view of tt situation thecow defisttsiy entered in the pan- to destroy io Germany for the tours- U.rmanist oampa5KD, in which 11017 cipotiou df Europe. Society recognised that '•Jur Uovern I oouW have Du intrraM. and *how eue- meat has made wort .treouuus efforts I oyes would leave bei an easy prey. Playing S.fe to preserve peace, and bas soared into Ten ItaWn taut,ernment. however, re - ale Pacoima. the war under • grave sense of duty waI t enol t6: close of the B.1 - ID the 1".21f.C.A. building the other to a 'manse -suite towards which we � � were. The clow uolWd from that evening, a poor man who wee peel- had moral and treaty obligetbn• the Triple Alliaoea bed maintained ing off an ez+rs woollen vee au con- White o a Society we an disappeared at twos wben tee Dew IA' meet the expected inereo.e betore going up-stedn to the meetityt no solution of any question. we hold AD itadepeadedt nation un the other in demand from 1lurope. If they of the Canadian Club, ezplaioed that that the present moment is not one side of the Adri•ttc changed Italy's would solve the labor problem he wee obliged every time he left the for criticism, but for devoted service policy enurely. If she were w m•ca• for the farmers, the farmer. would at house to put on all he had to prevent to our oatioe." Cain Poor poritem she must be pane his wife giving them to the Belgian The addt'...laid down the fiat prier mount within that..•. For the coni tend W the increase iD production. relief committee, or one of the many tholes whish should guide Uhriattan reoaon Aurin ie bead a similar opinion The •verge farmer can .fie around • other charitable or missionary organ- mei and wotoei in this nerpleziot(1 and the history of t he next months s. comer about a well as the next torn Isatlots now working so actively, hour, and pointe) out a course of so- a mere record of squabbles and ever d e d need be told that She.. fire. tion which should prove those who increasing rushy. an a doesn't to took it to 6r worthy citizens of present conditions offer him a great Leaden Sketch.Chust'r kingdom. Those principle. it The revolution that had thus been We have read many attempts, sincesoeompli.hed iu the minds of rrnpaus- opportunity, if he can handle a bigger described : "War spells the btok- ibis stateemeu had taken phare long acreage. As it is, 1,043,000 acres have been sown to fall wheat in Ontario this year, as compared with 1898,009 acres sown in 1913. Down in the southern part of the county they are indulging in some criticism of the county council's action, or lack of action, in the matter of the patriotic grant. The H.o.all Observer remarks: "And they dillydally while Chris- tian. ane starving and freezing" L the way some papers refer to the county council. - And The Ezetel' Advocate has this comment : How do you account for the great difference in county council grants toward the patriotic fund? Perth county gives $1400.00 a mooch, Wel- lington give+ $80,000. Middlesex gives IRMO every three months, - and Huron, after the Walden'. committee gave a promise of $20,000, put their promise on the shelf until the January session. it is to be hoped the Huron county council of nett year can pull that promise down off the shelf and do the decent thing. Back in August cod September it was proposed to tail • special session. still we find nothing done even in December at the regular session. Commenting on their action The Clinton News -Record says, "And the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse." it will be all right to bare • muni- cipal eleetiot by acclamation, but on one 000dttion only : that cooditlon be. ing that the council W be so elected . hall be • fairly good one and sot help filled up with hunkenlldirs who wouldn't bare a .badow of a assure of d.eebs it there were &easiest at the polls. lot some good maga present assuasive' fix soy mammies that may need to be filled. he o.41U. Peekrt /MI6 .1 & retired WOWS. by nem* Dee s liesedry. who died at Mhos.s mums meek" ago rid who bequeathed MQ le the Metbodl.t uteri a Amore "is ..add -a01•. Ile ue. 1 ham. wade et be thole due Olg my rlmMwe." The !ambit eco. A Cbristmas Prayer. tv nen CbrMtma. Use soros read each year, Mo tan of Jollity sae! l.ugbtar, Al erases si gase-wW sad sheer Stbapthe tr.rMoo toratter : 1 pray that on Ws arms ores No Ilttio teethes may awakes To ed thole rear 1e bete-- forlorn, TAM` r.•ehism• too Mw Isar f•erken. I pray OM Mar tare ray led Thr p•erwn e8Miss that ors hying. Whams drys faith over 811M, Who tout Me Meters* GUI si givlr.. wee meow that he win sumo that seat SI • rtily War hes erne aievt... Aug star• wadi Wood w abr. S/r C1otrlras gee ahem* with reins. So. fend, l pay this mimes tree May Dom by resists M roared . M• ADtk.sl's seeds tall t• dee Aad be She milder sleds he mothered. 1 p ow as OM attic few r bird. Dean. Les e1r p.gb'e soutl.g• am bead Me ouch• --tee wake a frail TM world as •rplv as W sbekket. Merl Webb • WHAT OTHBR$ Her. the war began, to describe shell -are, rup icy of much that we too lightly � ago io Malian public opinion. Ger- but not one to equal tee easy descrip• call Christian, yet in the darkest hour fin. use dr.erwisdly popular iu Italy tion of this young ofiloer, who does we mud not low heart ; the spirit of io t tie period 18fi61875 hilt Napoleon cot pretend to be a stylist. Listen : love for all must be shown amid the IHLbed dieeppoialed and thwarted the "You bear a boom miles &wav, struggle." Wtrn happier days bring t national bpo de uoity, Germany bad hardly audible la the distance. Then the tremendous Leek errecowtruetioo, been a faithful ally end under her a taint sigh gradually rising W a the address held that no country psiroage ibe /taboo troop. 6.4 rousts e- the .6.11 wbixrae toward would be in a position "co cooepel'ento Route. The German -Italian you. Then a flash, an immense crash, others to struggggle .gain to lchieve the 1 alliance was justly popular, Imo the and the air is filled with tboaseods of infi+ted standard of military_power effect a 11w" spoiled by tt.e furm- bullets and j. ged lumps of iron, each ezistio� be[are the war.' o ooD• rhino d the Duel ♦Iliae*e. To the making a dirt sort of shrieking .tract European cultureupon the oily Italian Dation Awtris *ss, i. sod noise. Then phit-pbit-pbiteverywhere pnusibis peru►anett fswodation-toutaver ora be aught else bet the shoe a they bit the nal."ground. tial taut and goodwill-wuuld need lag a..my .rad oppressor, thesl ifier "This is shrapnel." ••the unit. -d and peratstent piers' o[ IWian libnrtles• and' their one serious foe to 6•trope. rhe eiliasee was renewed iu 1902, but from that 14.ae a definite current of opinion set in against it which bee grown stediIv. -Ten British Review. World's Debt to tie "Unfit" - New Vert ?Abus . The world owes w sett to the Opti- cally unlit. It would be less worth liv- ing in today but for ebe briWWot con- sumptives and cripples and blind and deaf men wbo have enriched it. In our crane for efficiency and for stand- ardising everything we are is of forgetting that there are things in the world, too. We cannot do without the oonrump- Uve Stevenson*. the anemic Voltaire., the blind Miltgo.,th.rsal Hs.16oveos, the boocbbsek Aistasel r Pops., the clubfoot Byrom, the W Pres- oott.. A rule that would hove de - 'Delved Heine of an education would have been costlyW the world. Re- fereed against AexanderN. B/epb*s*, it would have deprived American his- tory ii -tory of one of its noblest fig urea The Real !leaning et it austh.d Brom The Toronto Nein is eo obsessed by partisanship that it monose even view the "lode In Oanada" movies's" in Its true light. The b.sis of this move- ment U la peatotio deal. •*tooi tweak the g the faetorie.. wimp ng people by of toduetrial and Uaanoial deprivation. The objeet And Be WM Sim Mere Yet Brmetes Then. Now taay ray that It was the war fewer lbs Kaiser ws walarlott trout. Wert Mks ti 1ledhsa 7t• fawn" Adesest. Give the boy a shit. a mkt, a pig or a truth to Mad mid mare for this whiter and wgle8 hila out -do 6b dad. Me •meds M55Md. a__arma t7MRrese. There is no nee! en began the mete& "Mawr, as sau.L" Moet ps.�, with the mows. will attend io ties without any reminder. iia I W. This t .tsctsh IlseslL of all who believe fn such a future for mankind." It coned for freedom from vindictiveness. even in war, and trust in God which would survive the shock .van tri this conflict. That is a sum- mary which carries with it all Chris- tian cooecience', and we are grateful to the Society of Friends for thee laying u. under • new debt. -The London Quarterly Review. GERMAN 11CIENCK OVERKSTIM- ATE D. Though German science may boat of unary great name, it can show sur- pri-iogly few of the greatest. The two great epochs of niodern science, marked by the couceptiona of gravita- tion and evolution, were inaugurated respectively by Newton and by Dar- win arwin ... Altogether, it seems not un- fair to say that while the Genuans have cont` i buted heavily to the devel- opment of science and to the applica- tion of ecienoe to pract ical life, rather few of t mem are W be found amosg the initiator. d Inveetig.tion and the creation of eclentlfic ideas. The present war is supposed to be a test of the German scientific 'Noodled." i• not to make me body rich, bot to I have no doubt that it in. nor do i enable all to 11v.. LodWS era WU The deny that w tar the method has News that there is behind this genii - meat a power greater than that of tariff taxation. These are thousands of people io Canada today Insisting npoo g.ttiag honest "Made in Oen- atwho would resent being into buying mythic by in- creased tariff taxation. The tariff "eats lee" these days, and our manutwWr.rs know it. for will it be as l t feature in the future if the rlt they are now displaying in siting bonest goods at fair values is maintained .ndthey motions to show the same bleb regard toe the Internees of their workmen and the general pobik. The spirit of goodwill 6a supplanted that of (tomato°. Tactful. "i an going over to comfort Mrs. Brown." mid Ms Jaekeoe to her daughter Mary. hireeslf is "Ob, mother, �oa't go; you know jou madness for organisation we Mee always my the wrong thing." "Yes. ling .thea tact sight of 1 he rid in the Tut going, Mary. i11 just talk shone means I we her wrepottew that shaped` tfa weather ; that's a ea/ ermegb the Miklos nor the advwtesmseet of *abject." Mrs. imams weed on her Mutsu life ma take pier in the oh - first visit d oo.doleonw "We've had. epees d individual fk.ude� sad ..se- r.imy wenthee lately, bawls% w& Mrs. timeline ; pod the Moe geese is believe Brown r •'Yee," replied the widow, that the ode .s Iug d NM •sial d "1 Mvss't Nova abls to ant my week's oakum ir-lo besrg•hined. wiehlsg dried." "Ob." said Mrs. This era biim Thew d ..situ.- i new Ja.k.Ms. "[ ebonie't thick you'd hies anted fur us by wile* r s*a- ba . any trouble. Teo haus sails a 'lived to he the rise wsanli lie 1a .Me attic tor hrr�ng Wags 1s." ,.Mesa. based ate s sk gem- 'lately MtMe&1. glwstNw. pbtely ruthless rsrenart1 of the ou hisses Into amt is M PS time 1 .bIt. Mat '� for doing cotes M h star M w thee• mets. time lM Pose "Mr. Brews r attic last a good showing. Tet lb. idess uudir- lyin the moimportant +sees are tn ow of them Gentian. Ger- mans bays learned to bulidM8dsuhine in Eoglaad. The automobile hoe been developed toostly in Fronto The aetie- plaw they owe to Langley sed the Yisiltbt breakage. The debt sesgr b t6e development of the dte.gi6ie w all French. while Banton DMmout may be aid to have .cored the (list dfdinet . cotta. Their tslebrated system of sanitation is built upon idw supplied by Lister and Pasteur. Our debt to Garman sebum may be for the most port covered by the Mea ofeaoisatles sed steams!: what the Garman. Mee dos. for %vsstlgg••-- ttoa le to orderlies it. Tor ate, 1 think that the vains of omptell •t ton may b..11 over•'etheated. Where the is tali upon personality.d e ns apttom118. u the scones as liMga _- ilass..ta it you woe . lemma .t Os1u1 away /rush 1t. 1.1j T simians. who M eaaie`d mom mak him e a -Maps. mt O.r1Maaj w ie.ellvoaf vddg1. Ito Mama rrieIra.�gtetar �Was.elvlllegtlerr ale Wave`mut lila bite i>11�MIR�MI ~rjij TM Strength of Liberty. "Why, did Greater Britain rally w spontaneously to Great Britain in the smooth of August 8• Because Orem Britain still believes io the sanctity a treaties, that the weak have rights, aid that the snooty have duties. The German °haneetit a was surprised at the attitude at Bir 1-Iward Orey, when war broke out, but be was more atrprired at the attitude of the British Dominion& 1■ Orem Britain. and in Grimier Bettein ea well, we at Ie•et can elalto shot freedom, justice and equality before the law are within the t.eeb, nay. tie birthright of every law-abiding dunes. 'Manystn et.d poops• deeply 0000mmail immune, forsooth, a teotMalltted [laid i Unpins boo not been Mantled (05.101504* p y �i- a sword, O t Belida.ok, Obey 1M*yam eatI has hem negligent and dietetic' lo not owe.'- rnoa ng Germany in the rum of mW- Laeiasa. These Rood peopie forget that limed* and the overseas Dtssitiees stand for Great Britain berates .6e hag faithfully and studiously avoided all these mistakes. Bemuse of that her mos iq.11 parts of she world ors n ew read to give their lives for the nc defee ober institutions. it Is toe lige freedom that her met are pre- pared to fight. 1t Le because Beitieh aessimm met her net bees. beeyMfiq by the mWisvet.d *mom . tent we hats nem oo- eoeplrs every Melees : ra ttend red It i. hat•ad tmlemeM.eM afear of the •afoersc7 wb kb wee' always be port and parcel of oAlgmmy rule that is lasplet.g the Wilke la .0 parts of the *odd to unite in the.upprssslon of milltari•m. Our.treogth is- to the worthless' of our tense, and an Imitation of the neworthy would have brought tsa- tlnod weak neat. W• neate the re- sponse of • free poopb, .troeg is our freedom, sot a1 fighting he endue- b0be threes saw t wile Lr sus weight. to semi Omedtane of lr.seh d.aesst• stated ler Beitigh liberties, and they are happy to ego Ore.. Bribtin and Nassautsuited to a Crest mom, that of fn.dmw seta eiviMmotdos."-Hos. Lmateet . toe Moetrenl. Nov. ACHESON 8 SON AN ATTRACTIVE LIST OF BA RGA JNS WOmeltis ..OMta Wotneu's Fur Coats of Imported Broadcloth, Lining of No. 1 Marmot, Sable Collar, regular $40.(0, for -' $29.00 Coate Sable Collar and Heavy Quilted Farmer's Satin lined, regular 125.00, for $17.50 Fu rat Sable Pillow Muffs, $7 50 and 18.00, for 56.75 mink Marmot Muffs, 1(1.00, for ....... 54.75 Mink Manus: S'.arf', regular 110.00, for 57 110 Western Sable Boats and Throws, regular $12, for $8.00 Men's Black Fur Coats, skills all guaranteed No. 1, deep collar of fine Bocliaran Lamb, special sale price, each ............... 522.00 'Driver's Coat, Corduroy Velvet, Sheep Skin lined, first - crass and very warm. Reduced to, each ........515.00 Ladles' ;Sults Six only Suits, tailornade, finest material and good style. regular 112(100 and 122.00, reduced to . ...., •••• . 512.00 Ladles' Skirts Serge, Tweed and Broadcloth Skirts, splendid styles and tailurmade. We have too big a stock. so all $2.50 and $3.00 skirts for 51.50 All our $1.50, $4,00 and 15.00 skirts for.. 52.50 W. AC ESON & -SON GERMAN ONS CAPTURED BY AWES M/bliT L '0.1 *. O.ri at. egemilbsols MMOM a MISIM11116 at 01 IMMINIMMIO 11. 1114 1010111. I _Hsieh(( .rViiiNaMr faille al anile opal headway tetward sheenh aids dee 1ipm epromm O1MfGlllde t* ftek • Enemy Driven stack all Aleeg Great Line of Two Hundred Mites sueceseee Significant The allies are hammerlag bask the German line from the Betglsa *oast to the heights d the' Mesar. sial 1a the past two days of bial-ts_asad ta- tantry fighting and t rrlsc artillery duels have made more pogroms thea fa any similar perbd glace the Ger- mass ermass lost the offensive. The Fronds Government's hMMMMMer meets covering the oweratbsws of Mere - day are impressive 1a their .! of Inteetry and artillery enuMeMst. Now that the allied ofsSsive le gala - hag momentum and 1• pewe/glarr supported by the new Crimea bat - tortes the 'Preset bare to the GAL the Germans are being draw Arm hue gist and second use trenches is dfistrlct after district Moog this treat of Me mallow Such advaaeee se the Drench ale British made to the pot two days represent only • taw boo trod yards, but the .1gaMeaoee d da successes 1s that the captured Ines were extraordinarily Orem sod 11140- pared n►pared with the .cie.tttk thereembesse charsterial k of the German field wort Blmflar galas have boos mode her tin past tea days, gad the only camel m era to be drawn from tae .Maid aspens 1s that the O.reaas ars slosh but soraly belag uprooted in Madera m bonbons France, along the Cheer passe 1111. gad le the Amass Al Lams, sortiwuR of Feiss., the Oorsams made resoluta attempts to regain lost /Ma4, hot were power Imo to break the realities*" d the French. and were Malty drty'u back to their emblem. Two each attacks were decisively repulsed. and tie Preset maintained their told .a she .mond pasltfoa. takes. There was violent fighting along the wrttern este flea IWsprt ea the Belgian coast to La Bases fa .Nee thora France. and mors gamed woe lathed by the allied offewtve. MIgbt progress was .M0'lally reported hear Nlwport atilt Saint Worg.s. Best sal toad oe Tjiess. fie btatiodhis bros.' up r.leforoemeata, prYnlsr tee Iacressing the strength d thdr artillery, aid attempted to lemma the strain ea their ifa.s. They filed. and more grimed was jabot by 161 French mil British. tart' MEN way Fig alga 555+51$17 to use aillasoratait Iadt. dace 1111. Prt c. Howls Kemal has been s' taelnted Khedive sad will take tete title of Ssltaa. B& le •a '.cls of the Mewed KhelIvs Bays, el& asals.Uy torsos wart at the lord* hash`s. bas bees virtually a depsedesq of Cotard. The adslaletxstle5 1• carried on by native miateteee, seldom to the ropy if the tamale-. (Wackily Takeo Over 55 1 Prebses& ate--Turkidt R.1. TMtnh.Msd &opt has been +� Itl protectorate. Tel. aa 1 eras ma& plicially by 18 Leaden Press &area which issued the MAIM oatmeal c5.efai5g the math « Eryµ a 6.11.8 preteMeeate: "Hs Brltaahte Majesty's prheei♦al 8eeretary of State ter Ponta A. styes *Wee that I. view at a sena of war arising est me the MOM N Turkey. iingypt t. placed soler has pre. t•rtlon of M. Mejssty, mad still tunes tent e'Mktttate • IplralO 11M*eAMIw 'The w.eralaty ef T' 1*, alts` =gyps ti ties Mr0/a0.& 17e dg beg Mese p114 N M511*.s tie e► 'ointment of ibeleCe1. AfiI Hoary McMab.t M be tilt > % IMF /Ma TURKS T! UD PLIGHT *Jumble to Tris oars if Tiler Time needs of wwoded TM tlgf M, fit the bre bens et a terrible accord. (rag Le 11- -M Melees. • Tartish ally cower- nttlis Mohd, stasal lest a the bet babble of Ka/r bel mine limn MOM el Se TOAD well we> - M� !• the eraeg.e7 is mid .lm1Me.es. UM cow Pon sl Ilmeme11e maw els ad eesmm tea may IOW tt as apes to the •eras.• 174 r+INIMP et M 7 was vwy Awe s ilkasy idiom Ger that sse5M4 Dana 1r1 1 ka"ee .ss weougl•t !het the moils it tie mete Ibr eke Blamer r- mod moe8JM 651.11. Y lee diem of Sao ha were emwmM wtffh dead amke and lards lies dime Terme Arose Cameo Tim mefie et MUM creep are ass *Wag at Mama reams deg) ea tsaMmpon% sad are IOW& wows a *55.18w. worn" as pemi1 "s The 11~ are =Ma aha peel of Havre albs, Mill hems d segpBes. Oa the ammee a 111 dada timesggrtr artily* dear ben! Seefl wept a. Law an Nes Mme bale Intrad ss ahs beads sNog ilea fibs as/ bas esti We bead beg assent.. . lepsis ease boom golebYeMd, 11ut •rwwso fa& it SesMWvis ad M Oepdabsfea Mat wet a or sum 'smudges maim tole 't the Deet alb if. youharl4Q Thee 1p..bo1e" c sr �� �� ."rill s tete" esachrtE.tw11eyaa .....w�i I per Cent - e t at 1N R•' fg ate ore ' tl anted «1 armt rt -t •1'm out Ore I wai Mil" `Red is ti .41- "S s' Ile a The so s►.ds.de erste. des .t f ..r. • ruse erYesuesef trot wee ie s.he Tft= Assisi* CapNal eel W. L. HORTON.