HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 16IS Tat'IateAY, 14.1491116111 17. 1911
H a u
b `Renew
signal for
feu 00 ' itis
Duller t0 bath
A picture seed not be expensive to
be beautiful. The stores are selling
copies of tbe be pictures by greet
artists and copies of pictures valuable
for their tender. uoble sentiment or
for pleasing colors. The trans are
made of odds and ends of stained or
pulisbed molding and ane in good taste.
If you took some interesting snap-
sbota last summer of your botiday
trips or of your borne, whlcb yo0 would
like to send to 1'elat(ree at • Matinee.
mount them on the regular pbotograph
cardboard. which may be bought for 8
cent a dotes up Fasten them togeth-
er In a long strip by runn'ng a narrow
ribbon throngb bolea made in the low-
er corners of tbe monnta. When bong
In a tong strip on the wall the Mc -
tures add beauty to that particular cor-
oer of the room end giro plessor. 10
the beholder.
To mount a water color picture at
thin cardboard for framing cut the
mat the desired glee. piece tbe picture
bact of it and tine a number of stripe
of paper to join tbe corner' to the
thin cardboard. Passe partont is excel-
lent for the ptirpone, or the mat ma-
terial may be geed. It will not wrinkle
the cardboard. and pictures so arrang-
ed may be carefully rolled. placed In
• tube and sent by twill -
When making picture Data, calen-
dars, booklet and other articles of
soft eardbonrd a blemfab will some-
times occur which 1. difficult to re-
!move. By ribbing the spot with bread
it wilt disappear The bread aboold
be freak and not dry. A putty made
with Boor and ammonia to often need
for cleaning wbft. mita.
The Accusing Coin
A Christmas Parable
It was when Ferdinand was king
In Naples. back 1n a little rine
Of aota7 year• forgot and none.
A whirl of mlet across the dawn
A little legend of those years
Stays to proclaim their toils and tsar;
Orae tittle legend that. 1 wit,
1e to the Book of Judgment writ
And sow the accruement of this Ams
%111 cry 1t into the ear of Time.
Tr.ip king to bind with crafty hold
et Fraocte of Caat.i ammare.
I' ung to the Mar a parse of gold -
You eboold bars aeeo the courtiers atare-
A thousand ducats as an alma
To lay within god's reaching perusal
But Francs. blend of God. stooped down
And. Idling op one coin aglow
haw stamped with Ferdtnand'a head and
He bent It t111 It broke. when. le,
/flood gushed from It 1n scarlet Bowl
-Take back your gold" the friar cried:
-the traitor gold that prone roar prtdel
Beboa4 the people•s blood ram draw
Through stealth treasons ar the laws
Thr blood cies out the griefs and wrongs
Of them to whom the gold belong.
Oleo all to them tt you world sive
Th. gold Into God's head and liver
Bewar.! An dead& even deals et kings.
Bray cry from oat there mortal things.
-New Tort tan
house T,n.ely Yulet.de Season Advice
Fels Children and Others.
Ibis is tbe begtnntng d the time De
fore Cbrtstmas wbeo every une is
thinking of holiday dhlnrs and CbAst-
Mae pre.eoa. This h. f, Is a tine of
greet eacltementwt,en the grooming
get tired thlostnz ur seta( to etre and
often tlrvd of shopping for or h n Thur
again ta a time when we cblldreo are
still at scboot and thinking sometimes
real Chratmany thoughts.
What are Chrtstolney tbougbt.?
They 'book' be tbougtts of wbat am
I going to do for poor little Johnny,
wbo ls eons sod poor/ W born can 1
sok mother to bare at onr Chrtstmas
dinner. wino perhaps would here to
eat all atone were tt Dot for mel
%chow can I befit deliver tittle gift
on (•h rt.tmest And many mora such
(founts But do we thtot those
th,ncs? Are we not mock more likely
to be II,iuking of what we ourselves
are goint: to get/
s.. nUdren 1f you really wont to be
nsppr on Cbristm.s tbiok Cbrtstmawy
Ihoncnt• before Chrtatmaa and do
Chrletrna.r thine. on (.'brietmas Re -
trove rife/ is Nut give gifts y
well gate et Paves. enatM,eba iss aid
tttntinrn' and year enrion•f WIN be
the merriest .urs of day.
Through all thews years It has bees
customary to speak of Philadelphia u
blew, and sow 1t develops that tbs
old rib Is built on a bed of quicksand
Now that ifr. Edtentl bas been eon -
tined to bis room for the first time to
Ma Ilia. we may rea.nnaMy look fer
an Inventlne that will do •way with
Well. after ah nor anttritode, baro is
oer .1d Mend hr alley attain . Ho
arias. to announce that Bee was create
ed before( Adam lot the promotes
German rlrh th.y say. are forming a
society ober members an pledged ts
marry homely men Hitt that Is what
doormen owl of twenty of tbem woOIA
ds ewrway
The Store for the Practical and Useful Gift
This is the place. It is full to overflowing with the useful and practical for Christmas giving. Never
so good a stock, never such variety, never such values. All arranged for easy seeing and easy buying.
Ladies' Initialed Handkerchiefs
Hemstitched edge, neat initial etubroid-
errd in cwnet,good finality Swiss muslin.
I'nacticallc all initials. Each
Silk Mufflers and Neck Scarfs.
St -lea suitable for Indies or gentlemen.
% itis. gree. blue :and fancy cnmLin-
atiuns. Regalia' wires *1.:+1. $I.7:1, and
82161. Cb, .ice
Assortment of (lolls.
liig assortment of bolls. nearly all priers.
(hid Stylet-. comic, etc. Each in a asp•
.irate box. (cannot fail to amuse the
children. I:•teh
1241:, 25c, and 50c.
Fine Handkerchiefs.
Ladies' rine Handkerchiefs, pure linen
with lace edges. or Swiss embroidery,
hemstitched edges. Dozens of patterns.
Regular y,c. and :Sic. Hundreds to
choose from at each
\len's Initial and Plain Irish
Linen Handkerchiefs.
Medium and narrow bean, estraordinary
value. , Practically all initials in stock
now, but we advise early selection if you
want tohe sure -of the right one. Koch
A dozen or more patterns in neat fancy
Aprons. made from fine line daintily
tis ed. at
35C, 5oc, 73c, and S i .00
Persian Lamb Muff...
Persian Lamb Muffs, large pillow .-t Ir.
silk linings. shirred ends. Each
Persian Lamb Mulfe, extra quality. large
pillow style. silk linings. shirred ends.
Best quality down bed. Each
S24. 50
Muskrat Coats for Ladies
Ladies' Muskrat ('Hats, high grade skins
evenly matched. lined throughout with
test linings \Yarm, serviceable gar-
$38.5o, $46.50 and 867.50
Bissels Carpet Sweepers.
A perfect home gift. beautiful finish im
dark and light woods. 'air the latest• im-
prot-enlente, will wear for rears. Each
53.00, $3.5o, $4.00
Laney Towels... ' - -
Fancy (lift Towels, pure linen, plain
hock -a -back or embroidered. .Also some
bcantiful fang- damask .tyle.. Many
genuine "Oil Bleach " At each
25C, 50C, 75c and $i.00
Dressing gowns.
I11 fancy effects and plain colorings, reds.
ge{„ya. blue.. etc. Halt dowse grant styles
$3.3o, $5.00, $6.0.
Boy's f Iandkerchiefs.
(loud quality mercerized handkerchiefs
blue spots on white ground with blue bor-
ders. Special
3 for 25C.
Ladies' Kid Gloves.
Made from choice selected skies, black.
white and colors. Alai: Ladles' heavy
Loathe' Gloves in .tan only. All sizes,
each in a fancy hoz if desired. Per pair
Silk Hose.
Ladies' Silk Hose. An excepIo i ally gun.1
Hose made from pure silk. full fashioned,
toe, heel and sole splicednd reinforced,
garter top reinforced with" lisle. Meese.
pink, sky, white. grey and black. All
size., per petit
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs.
Fine F:nahroidered Irish Linen Handker-
chiefs with hemstitcbed edges, also the
finest Swiss muslin. Dainty delicate
little gifts tbat are sure to he appreciated.
The higgeet talars we have ever shown.
Worth up to 80k. Special each
Gift Umbrellas.
Tops of uncuttahle and untadable Aust-
rian Gloria .ilk. steel rods, hulk runners,
handsome handl.. with metal and ster
ling silver mountings. ,Each
$I.50, $3.30, $3.50
Coats. •
A Christmas Bargain. Ladies' and Misses'
sizes, curl cloths• and fancy tweeds.
Sizes up to :fit. All new this season.
Persian Lamb Neck Pieces.
Persian Lamb Neck Pieces, great variety
of new and handsome styles, all high
grade. (Specially reduced for Christmas
selling to
$11.50, $22.5o, $32.50, $37.50,
Hand Bags.
Newest styles. solid leather, silk moire or
leather lined. Complete with coin purse.
$1.00, $1.50 10 $3,50
Beautiful Eiderdown Comforters
Top of art sateen or satin. An ideal home
85.00, 87.50 and $io.00
Pure Linen IDoilieQ.
Lace edged i)oilie., pure linen centre
with handsnrne irloh Lace edger. Thrr.•
sizes all matched. Each
10C, 19c and 35C.
These prices are just about one-half or
tual volue.
Beautiful Organdy Collars.
Dozen. of new style* receivs.I this week.
latest New York off-ct-e. different to any
he.'et:nfore shown. Yo}1 wIH like thee.
so will the recipient. Rich
23c, 5oc and 7 5c.
Boys' Fancy Handkerchiefs.
direst variety of patterns and colorings,
silk or mercerized.
2 for 25c.
Our Big One I)oIl r 1)011 k a
Wonder for Value.
Nothing better can be had any„ herr
Dart or light hair, hate or brown eye.,
nlovahle joints. Heal beauties, each only
Ladies' Fine Embroided Hand-
Scalloped and hemstitched edge+. Neat
dainty patterns on golIl quality Swig.
n.nelin.. *Sold at Ss. eve' yNhere.
2 for 25c.
Linen and Swiss Handkerchiefs.
Fine Embroidered Irish Linen and Swiw
Handkerchiefs. A large collection, each
one a dainty piece of handiwork: Not
many of any one pattern hut dozens of
patterns to select from. Each
50C, 75C and St.oto
Men's Ties.
Not one to ..how t ou but ant mag would be
pleased to own. Plain colorings or fancy
patterns. Each
251, 35c, and 50c.
Mink Muffs.
Beautiful evenly matched skins. Very
choice quality. A special purchase ju-t
received the last few days. Selling 01.
One Half Regular Values
LsBig Reduction on Furs.
t'ndoubtedly the driest opportunity you
have had for a lorg time to buy high
grade Furs, for the reason that our entire
tock of high grade Furs of all kinds Is
being offered at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Bead and Mesh Bags.
Bead and Mesh Bags, French manufac-
ture. (sorb headed flags or gun metal,
MOO some handsome styles in black silk.
Special each
$2.25, $3.50 10 $5.00
Satin Underskirts.
Hall dozen or more good style., blacks
and colors. All sit . and the popular
Si .39 to $6. oo
A Hat Special.
Ladies' Trimmed Bali, a special collection
trimmed for Christina& selling, felts or
velvets, trimmed with the best trim-
ming.. actually worth up to $6 on, d to
sell at eacb
One I)ollar Table.
Ready Saturday morning. On it a col-
lection of handsome Ribbon Rage. Fancy
Lind ('entre Piece.. Cushion fops, etc
Reg.lar%aluw up t.. ilanfl. Any article
nn t e table Ralurd y, Inc only
`1 .00
The balsam Br makes the beat
Christmas tree because of !t
regular form and beautiful dark
arose foliage. Spee V geed
also. but 1s not as attractive In
form and color aa balsam. Hem-
lock. plus and cedars arm used
eeeaatonally, but are not tossid-
ered equal to ether the Or or the
sprees. Beery one Interested
should try to prevent clear cut-
ting. but should favor thinning
Of the young forest, leaving the
best formed, moot rapid grow-
ing trees on the ground to form
the future for".L The thinning%
shooks be made in the dewiest
young stands only, and no large,
open spaces should be left The
state will suffer a greet loss it
the young spruce and fir forests
are clear cut for Christmas trees.
Where the forest is uu,ler ra-
tlonal metbalre or mnnageIDent
tbe Cbriatmaa tree la t: legiti-
mate byproduct In the develop-
ment of the forest. W betties the
forest In planted or starts nat-
urally from seed there will usa-
•lly be many more trees on the
ground tban soil and moisture
coudltlons and the proper devel-
opment of the tree. justify. If
the small trees which are crowd -
Ing others of greater value are
not removed nature will do It
and (511 In • lees effective way
than 11 the small tree. are re-
moved as a thinning from the
developing forest 'Nees six feet
high and two tnebes in diameter
at the batt are moat in demand,
although larger slue are fre-
quently sold at good prices.
The Christmas tree. provided It
is prop sly cot, le a preliminary
crop from ID. forest wbkb
should be taken out on the same
principle as vegetable crops are
t binned.
at%t8 Tail -11
A Saving* At
Had 0
Coastal llama.
Gatwick lemed
1 Tb. beauty of a Christmas tree does
Dot depend upon the amount of money
whkb hes been expended upon 1L Ca-
pable angers and judicious thought
may weave the magic spell of romance
about 1L lodged. the Butter of prep-
reparation and the merriment of creating
your Own decorations have far more
the real spirit of Christmas than a
hurried visit to a store where them
things can be purchased at short no
Indeed, nothing gaits takes the place
of the old time tree, with 1t boughs
laden with simple gift and botn.mads
ornaments. Bach trifle has some itg-
n iDcanc.--baa a meaning of Its own, or
a tunny incident connected with ft If
you Hee away from the city there are
many thlags right at hand which you
can tarn to good account for the par`
Not may be gilded or auroral or
covered with gold or *leer paper. Pop-
opcorn may w strung, and if you wish
for a bit of gay color It may be dipped
into a dye of the color you want. In-
o-divtdual cranberries, or strings of them.
maks effective trimmings. Crabapples.
In all the radiance of their froth color.
or oranges make a bright spot on the
somber green. Gingerbread animals.
Mita and dolls am . delight. and flow-
er of dome paper. eornocoplaa and
many geometrical agars may los made
with a little ingenntty. Paper dons,
cat from magazines and colorer if
they an sot already so, mottatsd os
cardboard look quite imposing. and
chains of colored els gold papal may
be made by folding the paper in-
n umerable times and cutting it in the
shape required When you unfold it
ane link is fastened with!, the ether.
O S/ a large chain may h• draped ties
Iran* to brooch Oirel's made by
MON a paper in quarters and etrlmg•
ffti a number of these eogetbsr *1 fee
bolded point maks brat, balls. Dolt
Mtn be fashioned tram tamp ekdsete.
A womb holds many gamlMwg,, legs
cud arms and a mews padded dead
Mint foaled to this body. Aid did yea
sew sse • doily shaped trema ri�n1.►.
RM Million Das Peens Owe Teem.
Abowt 6.000i000 dells am torsed oat
In ono year et 9lironoes, /Vasco. The
dolls are not dressed there, but are
e ast to Paris, when amoral hundred
g ids. some of whom art fasatos 's-
ports. elothe them to the *teat styles.
Mach year prises an offered for the
bast design of a doll and foe impto1S
meets to this art of maawfaete,iag
them This 1s one of the reasons why
Os French don baa reached such a
high darn. of Babb droves of vas-
es 1a all parts of the world maks flak
1l.tng by dressing Iloilo and many by
d.stgntng the clothes for the aoyottla@
demanded ovary year.
GIVE (TfMEtel 1.
OhrlebnN Ttieaa
whim its eats .0s.dtar
The W year sees .e fyg
That aey one may Defies
V' re. are ♦t.. ll+