HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 15IWAlsl,
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THE SIGN 41 • rfVT►RRTfH ; ON'rAR10
TMUIMD•lf. Dw la>raza 17, 1914 1•
• flat
Take One Tonight
_It you fall MMti. '•headachy': andy.-
for that's a sign your liver is out of erdsr, color
feel is at digeslosr tt' it ata, a in the stomach s sour,
feruisated maw, ing the system. Just take a
le sof Client s Satomach and Liver Tablets -
they tasks the liver do its work they cieaner and
bw"spasm asil
hal Ass she m.reia.At :drs�iw ta ..il fres
Qeaahaslsia hlsdieisy Ces.peay. Terease 14
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3 75
The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with
rural postal boxes . 3.5.,
The Signal and DailyMail alai Empire .... 3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to
persons with rural postal boxes .. ......
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1.S5
The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto). 1.85
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star2.8o
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.80
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate...
The Signal and Canadian Farm
The -Signal and Farm and Dairy
New i .6o
Renewal. 1.85
The Signal and The Country Gtntleman 3.25
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35
The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5o
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press r.6o
The Signal and London Daily Advertisera.'go
The Signal and London Weekiy Advertiser 1.6o
The Signal and London DailyFree Press
Mot ing dition 3.5o
Evening Edition 2.90
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.70
Renewal 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40
The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75
The Sinal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) I. ,o
prices are for nddreeee. in Caned' or Great Britain.
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.75
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.5o
The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00
The Signal and The Youth's Companion
(Boston) 3.10
The Signal and The Scottish American
(New York) 3.25
Including pos..age to Canadian .Itbecriberr.
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $t.00
representing the price of The Signal. For instance :
The Signal dad The Family :Herald add Weekly
Star $1.85
The Panner's Advocate (Skis less js.col.... ..... 1.35
-making the price of the three papers $3.20.
The Signa[ aald The Weekly Sim $1-85
The Tweets Daily Star 42.s. less Stool ... s.do
-the three papers for $3.65.
if the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Goderich Ontario
L!f You Suffer From Hot flashes or dizziness, faint-
ing spells, hysteria, headache,
neTvonsness-ail are symptoms and are
not beyond relief.
This a is for You!
*num gmbrimmml
Germane Hard Pressed and Probably
Preparing to Withdraw to Newly
Fortified Line In S.igiwa
The French Government's official re
Pert ou Monday cunt/deed the moot
important nese that has been 'testa
out tor several weeks. They showed.
&Witte cautious phrasing, that the
gambrel offensive movement by the
aides la g.ttiog results all along the
Wattle front
Tbe three features that stand out
moat prominently are that the French
and British have succeeded to pushing
forward the wedge • they had drives
tato the German line southeast of
Ypres. that the Germans hare ap
parently been forced to withdraw
their heavy artillery farther north•
sard on the heights of the Meuse.
thereby weakening their position at
SL Mlhiel, and that the French have
advanced their whole line in Alsace.
The superiority of the allies iu
artillery and infantry, so positively
asserted by recent oflclal reports.
was again manifested Sunday, when
the French and british dealt stagger-
ing blows to the German forces 1n
Flanders, in Artois, betweenthe Oise
and the Aisne, and in the Argonne.
The outstanding features of the de-
tailed reports wens the r ictories galu-
(id at the Yser and at the kilo fe of
the old ba'tle line.
Hammered nlgbt and day by the
heavy guns of the French and Eng-
lish corps, and constantly assailed by
infantry. the Germans have been
forced to evscuate the positions they
held on the west bank of the Titer.
a withdrawal which can have no other
effect than to weaken their position
farther sou h in the region of Ypres.
'Isere L credible unofficial news which
states that the Germans are so bard
pressed that their withdrawal to the
newly prepared fortified ilne from
Antwerp through Brussels and to Na-
mur and Liege cannot possibly be tong
Toronto Real Estate Dealer Murdered
a Married Woman
Because she repulsed his advances,
Gay Argles, a real estate man, on
Friday night 'bot and killed Mrs.
Edith McFarland at the home of her
mother, 423 Crawford Street, Toronto.
He then turned the revolver on him-
self and Inflicted a fatal wound.
The direct cause of the tragedy was
the refusal of Mn. McFarland to re-
main in the house with Argles and
disappoint her four-year-old . son,
"Bud." whom We had promised to
take to a ChMstmas entertainment.
Agrles was a roomer at the Cres -
f• rd Street house which is owned by
Mn. McFarland'. mother. Mri1. Eliza-
beth Hall. Since McFarland lett to
accept a position in Buffalo, several
weeks ago, t rgles had attempted in
vain to force his attentions upon the
In East Prussia the Russians are
said to have resumed the offensive on
the River Angerspp, 340 miles from
Berlin. In North Poland they have
driven the Germans from Presanysz,
320 miles from Berlin. back toward
the frontier. In Central Poland they
are progressing against German at-
tacks around Lowics 280 miles from
Berlin. South of Cracow, 335 miles
from Berlin, the tattle with the Aus-
trians and Germans still proceeds.
Two or Three Gorman Submarines
Believed to Have Seen Sunk
Half a dozen German submarines
made an attempt early Thursday
morning to enter the admfrslty har-
bor at Dover, England, and for half
an hour the batteries kept up a
furlous fusillade. firing at least 200
shots. it Is reported that two or
three of the ■ubmarinee ware sunk.
but no confirmation of title can be
Tbe attempt was made under cover
of early morning darkness and dar-
ing a heavy rainstorm. The first
alarm was given by the firing of a
naval gun, and won all the batteries
were In action.
The Admiralty said that It bad not
received confirmation of the reported
attack but permitted the report to be
Red Cross (Metal Dead
1 Lieut. E. W. Parker. assistant com-
' mWioner of the Canadian Rad Crass
j to Ragland. died d m
poo eds o. Les.
I doe on Sunday. Lieut. Parker was
connected with the Bank of Montreal,
and was at one time in the bank's
service at Brantford. Lady Drum -
mood. widow of the late prealdent oe
the Bank of Montreal is a sister of
the deceased
Drs Pierce's Favorite Prescription
b dressed te re�mei sew sad mem* reaves Nr AMIS.esi art bee the Mee .t shed gel Misty.Mise�� tnhi/
Mhos hem mid dragglels Ise ever M y+w le a lel hem, se
..etiwW , It tee am be Is
diger er ane�gkeared him, ed ddby t Y Mersa. is. D. SNM 11
eimsrel~e dorm se Md ked by mei se merge of iiia hl arra&
Mem sack healed mar dealt es w _dais abs train Midas +sea
se.•...sriIMIMAMAIIMP ti`'s' w•«,1.wosamammo
Gorman Professore. Quits
Kr Bruno Tapper, one of the three
German teachers to whom the Beard
of Governors M the University of
Toronto gave "leave of absence" oa
hill salary. has resigned from the
university stall.
Limit. -General Mr James Wolfe
Kerrey has beet appotsted Chaff of
the Imperial (Neoral Staff, Is sussed
sloe to the late General Str Charles
Ssveaty4K more Canadian serves
are rewired lamediatsly at the ?r'•sat
w ti. Ws- ole.
ide..tial Nudes at Vyres.war
11s1va e(rwd to raise a reglrsK
By Tilt "Fr to -tins
Says Capt. Sou
Life is very mieeraNs w those who
suffer with Indigrodea, Dyspersia,
Sour Stcxnach sad Biliousness. Tiiis
letter from Captain Swan (one of the
best known skippers on the Great
lakes) tells bow to get quick relief
from Stomach Trouble.
Pont Bt'aw KCl„ ONT., M+. kb, 1)13.
"A swan has a poor chance of li. iug
and enjoying life when he cannot eat.
That was what was wrong with :ne.
Loss of appetite and indigestion was
brought on by Coastipatwn. I have
had trouble with these diseases for
years. I lost a great deal of flesh
and suffered constantly. For the last
couple of years, I bare taken '•hruit-
a-tives" and have been so pleased with
the results that 1 have recommended
them on many occasions to friends and
acquaintances. I am sure that "Fruit-
a.ttves" have helped me greatly. By
following the diet rules and taking
' , bruit -mires" according to directions,
any person with Dyspepsia will get
beArd`" Ii. SWAN
"Fruit-a-live."aresold by all dealers
at hoc. • box 6 for 1112.5o, or trial size
35C. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
by Fruit -a -t vee Limited. Ottawa.
A good many years ago the mlaal n.
arias in Labrsdor began to make nae
of white turnips at Christmas time.
Maybe our brethren in their Orst Ms
tempts to grow .ometbtttg on this bleak
coast were gladly surprised at the
heartiness and tbs returns this vegeta-
ble yielded. and in order to make the
most of It sod with an eye to benefit-
ing the Eskimos they reserved a gaga -
My of these nice large -turnips for
Christmas. Then on Christmas eve.
during one of the most Impressive sere -
Ices of the year. these same turnips
were served with o small Ugbted car
die sink to the middle. and adds child
In the community, from the Infant in
arms to the boy or girt of fourteen. re-
ceived one of them es a Christmas gift
White tnrnlps aro classed at bones
among the inferior or common fiesta
of the Oe1d. bet this 1s by no measa
the cane In Labrador. Most of these
people of the far nortb Lure never
seen an apple or an orange or pian.
and as Obey cannot think of these fruits
by comparison the turnip occupies the
highest rung of the ladder in their air-
time boa
o-timatloa You ought to see one opt
thee* Eaklmo toys or girls bite into a
turnip. writes Cbrietian Scbmltt in the
Christian Herald. 1t 1s enungb to make
one'' mooch water. At Christmas l
have seen mon than once tot all
the turnip disappear, bat the candle
Legend o1 Christmas W'w.tlta
fa sword and sash and .sarNlt coat
thee a Christmas dee
Thema Crests weer awe hears sass
A seMter rale away.
the weld. him WNW the testas swveti
A leans said le'vety teat&.
M Mky pati dad Bewtes ream
01 velvet er.en errant
With macre es the Metes* wase
The sleuth' wont slowly by
TW ease seen the Christmas bene
Were paling to the sky,
• walking In the lees, weed.
1 hush the maiden blued
With dowse as share as rids .weds
Aad searlet berries srewseL
She leaned amitnet an an..at .ale
Aad wets* wreath te wear
Of Marlen barns, Mehl .n0 sae,
And see it en her heir
And. le. the Marls Spon her reeds'
Ware M.rrgsd to wert.e, tea,
Aa4 fantod t• th. sods a Wawa%
Of misstate* atm vr.w'
t►1i.n r -..t and Near th. celeste... sena
She eel see► wN .nd hill
the '1.rrleis mNl l.te e h ere
18 re. rig M. pNr.r .11/,,
41111 11111 Isar is Ins r-.v.I. Hula.
Dv were, mirth .,•,r re.11.
111 ew051 ane ewerl.l 0111 .Mersa
0.85,4 the win,.,
-Nlnn. n .1n. Ia L.aerN.%
And Sore Lun9s Were Over-
come by Vmol-Mr. Hill-
man's Statement of Facts
Camden. N. J. -" I had a deep seated
' comet, a run- oww enemy ant m lungs
were awfully weak and bore. Iyant an
electrician by occapstion and my trough
kept me awake nights so i thought at
times 1 would have to give up I tried
everything everybody auggested and
had taken so much medicine i was dis-
One evening i reed about Vinol and
decide( to give It a trial. Soon I noticed
an improvement 1 kept oa taking it
and today i are a well man. Tire sore-
ness is all gone from my brigs. i do not
have any cough and have gained Afteen
pounds in weight and I am tell=
friends that Vhsol did it." - FtAlrt
HILLMAN, Camden, N. J.
it is the curative, tisane in-
fluence of ends' Elvers aided by the Mood-
properties of
tonic Iswa. eentalrted M Vfioltint matte
it se noses ensi in Mr. Rilhaea s ease.
W e ask every person M *1. vieinigff
aufferhe trent weak hags, tannic
entre M try a bottle ef Vhar es eel
guarantee as fails le ram your ewsy K
N. C , P .I,
Rdpn..lr.! ,L.rt.e1-1 h n t ro.
tittle. Grand Truett Tsleprap eve
Nwdered at Whitby Jwtctiee
Witham Store. eight operator at
the dread Trunk 'tetra at W11thr
Auction. was shot sad killed early
last /Why morales wile ea duty is
M Dice. The murderer .soaped
without being sera. Stows. who was
112 years of age, himself gare the
alarm. "Bead down the Cider of
Polios; I've been shat," he said, win
he W rung op the tal.ptote central.
"Who did it". coatis' asked.
1 don't know," h. replied, 'but get
the Chief.'
When ('lief McGrotty arrivd at the
'tats he found Stow lytag oa the
floor quite deed. The desk telepheae
which he had been using was hang-
ing down from the desk as It had
taped from his hands Everything
else was In order in the Dace. The
sash drawer had not been touched.
There had been a good many traaps
abut the station Lately and this led
Chief McGrotty to telephone the Tor-
onto police to watch a freight trait
that had gone through Whitby Juar-
tton shortly atter the murder. This
led to the arrest of Cecil and Albert
Connors, brothers aged 17 dad 21 who
ea1d they had come from Oshawa. it
L not believed, however, that they
bad anything to do with tit shooting.
Farmer Near Bowmanvlll. Objected to
Notice of Eviction
Angered at receiving a notice of
eviction from his house, Austin Mc-
aDonald, a farmer living near Bowmaa-
vUle, locked himself in with a Win-
chester rifle and a store of ammu-
nitioa, provisions and water sufficient
to withstand a siege, and resisted so
strenuously that a squad of special
constables were forced to surround
the premises and exchange several
fusilades of rifle shots before be sur-
rendered Sunday morning.
Joseph Wright, owner of the house,
Wright's son and Chief of Police Jar-
vis narrowly escaped injury from the
enraged man's bullets. McDonald
gave up after some thirty shots bad
been exchanged.
British Force Cats Control of Terri-
tory at Head of Persian Gulf
It is officially announced that Subht
Bey. late Governor if Basra, Asiatic
Turkey, commander of the Turkish
forces at Kurna, last week surrender-
ed With his troops to the Indian ex-
peditionary force which is operating
at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Kurna subsequently was occupied
by the British, who are now in com-
plete control of the country from the
Junction of the Tigris and Eutfbrates
Rivers to the sea which is the richest
part of the fertile delta. •
The British losses during the whole
of the operations amounted to one
British officer killed and three wound-
ed, with 40 Indians of the rank and
Ole killed And 120 wounded.
Turks Threaten Maasaere If Allies
Land at illeirout
St : louts nelis comes from Beirout,
the chief seaport of northern Syria.
The Turks, fearing that the Allies,
who have a strong fleet on the Syrian
seaboard, would land and occupy the
city. have abandoned Beirout and fled
' the interior, taking with them
Christians as hostages, whom they
threaten with reprisals if Beirou• L
occupied. The position of the mis-
sionaries and of Europeans generally
in Syria le hazardous.
Quadruple Tragedy at Cookeville
-Scaffolding Gave Way
Dropping seventy -flue .eet to the
ground when the nesffold upon which
they were working collapsed, four
men were killed amoet Instantly at
the National Brick Works, near Cooks-
; vine on Saturday. A fifth bad a min-
culous serape, and owes his life to the
fact that he by chance grasped a rope
and slid down to the ground.
The dead are: Andy Webster, aged
Seventeen, Cookeville; H. M`Reapa,
aged twenty-three, Toronto; J. Boller,
Toronto and G. Warner, Tomato.
Seven Hundred Engineer. Likely to
Cross Channel to Build Hospitals
The Canadian Engineers, number
ing seven buadred. may abort* go to
France to erect hospitals and Mbar
bulldings. Rir John Jack.o.. a great
army contractor, asked the: they be
sent. One despatch say. tkq 1ar0
received definite orders to depart
from the training camp at Salisbury
The Princess Patricia Chtnadiaa
Light infantry r.glment expecte to
leave Winchester any day for the
Premier Flemming Resigns
Hoe. J. K. Flemming has rastgd
as Premier of New Brunswick and
Lieutenant -Governor Wood las sated
on Hon. George J. Clarke, Attorsay-
0..rml, to fordo a sew dovereasst.
Kaiser Getting better
The Kaiser who has bast Bi is Der -
Ha M said to be reoovet'fng sad beam
to get back to the front wflhla a twat
A traveller. of eettaowe etas, own
terlawsty dfsapeear.A Fres __
shlan w got of a Wabash dtr
II Christmas
Nc�volt�o.coveltie s
We have a full line of Christ-
mas Novelties. Everything
suitable for hen's wear. A
few suggestions for buyers:
11 Scarfs, Suspenders, Ties,
U ion bre 11 a s, Combination
Sets, Braces and Garters,
H ole11
proof Hosiery, Gloves,
Shirts, Seaters, Caps. In
fact, everything to be found
in an up-to-date Gent.'
Furnishing House.
Buy Him His Gift at This Store
The Square, Godencb
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, SteoSeId's Underwear, Pintail Hata,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs
a0=0= 0
Christmas Suggestions
'krlst- SHOES
House Slippers
Canada's Best Shoe
Repairing Neatly and"Promptly Done.
Workmanship Guaranteed.
111 a MIR If It 1 0404 TM shiver
i IME 11101141111 11111 1di1M taw