HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 134 THE MTO}IAL : OODERICH ONTARIO re/WAsn.%T. •) : i : : 17 1111 13 THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET EAST STREET We are headquarters for choice Christmas Poultry and prime Christmas Beef. Pork. Lamb. Veal. Cooked and Canned Meats. Chopped Suet. etc. Try our specialties In home-made Sausage and home -rendered Lard. O'BRIEN & LEGG 'PHONE 31 EAST STREET Che Jmpertsal Cafe whites you 'Si Nerry Christmas You will not make a mistake in tri ing our Hosie -made Candy. Seal.hipped (.)y at r. and Ice Cream. K. C. awards Phoge 200 4 s Let KODAK Answer that Christmas Problem No. 1 KODAK Jr. .\ new model that will delight 'our hay --or girl --or any grown-up— thin, compact, equipped with all the Kodak re- finements -it offers an ideal Christmas suggestion. Every purchaser of a Camera will be. gives a year's subscription FREE to Kodakery, a ' mag-: ;tiitle for amateurs. F. R. SALLOWS Cut Out the Hard wWork and lel a Gasoline En- gine do III /or you! I:a.y to neonate. perfectly safe, power always there t sr when 1t is wanted. Coal in and let me show 7011 :.be Kngines working sed see for ynntself boa *neck and effert,ve they are. Hoot Pulver". Straw Car- ters, Grimier., Ilolk'p Crush- tr. Pumps, 8ralrs, Creetm `eparator.. Peoria's Corona Ranges +nd Hearne.. Robert Wilson JiawdMwt &r of Stewart Orchestra i of twelve members is open for e ng sea em en t for concert, social or fest ivat events. Good music. t -S -Who's., pri !sraisil r if ( desired. Goo. *nits/MT. ' 3( Manager, Godericb. --e- 110_011101011 Mayer abseil kIek with wuffffet.M1, and his toe ae well. HORSES WANTED ) will be at th ('OL1B4 HNE H(YFEi. OODERICH. os Satarray, December 19 To buy. if possible. SIS Horses, weigh- indfror, 1111) to 131) lbs.. h.ittht from 15 to 13.3 hands, ages from five to ten years, any colcrs, hut moat he in good ct.ndlUnn. D. A. DIWAN LOCAL TOPICS. Railway Rates for the Holidays. The railways have trade • soar ee- sion from their recently eatabHebed rub for the Oh, istwas and New Year passenger traffic. The single fare ticket will be good how December 41 to beosmber m, or trout December .SI to January 'L The tare and -ore -t Mrd ticket wilt be good from Decorative= tote ceJanuaryDember1, li, ur from December :11 Poultry Prize Lists Out. The peize lists of the Huron poultry show are being issued and copies may be had on application to Use secretary, Mr, J. H. MoCUntoo. Judging from the number of mounter, many of thew Irons distant point., the exhibi- tion nett month will bring together a splendid lot of poultry. The show will be bald in the town ball. Ood.- rich, on January 12, J:i gad 1t1. W. C. T. U. Meeting. At. the W. C. T. C. meeting which we. held Monday afternoon it w,.s de- cided to withdraw t.be nazt ue,fular meeting on account of the holiday sears.°. MI members are requested to send delicacies to Mrs. A. Davisou two days before Christmas in order that they may be distributed to the sick and shut-in ones. Mrs. J. P, Brown gave a very interesting talk on Wou.an'e franchise, which was fol- lowed by it disco/aeon. Th. First Election Announcement. Councillor Laitbwaite announces that he is in the field for the deputy- reevesbip at the coming wuncipal elections. Mr. Laithwaite, who has been a councillor for several terms, at the beginning of the year stated that he would auk for promoting at the end of this year. There is said to be a movement on foot to secure an electi or by acclamation for the whole -rafted : whether this will work out es proposed remains to be seen. The Home Guard. }regular meetings of the Home (ii Lard err being beld each Monday and Pride), evening for drill instruc- tion.. At the meeting last Friday, the cotupsily was divided into squads and put under sepsrate instructors, Messrs. Muir, DunnaJgr and Jane each having charge of one squad with Captain Dunlop in command of the whole. Owing to the storm on Monday the attendance was not so large and mom room was allowed tor the formation of •unipanirs and fur initial training in marching. A Former Resident of Goderich. The death of $liz• S. (tarry, widow of the lets Rev. John Carry. D. D., of Port Perry. occurred et 'Coionte on Saturday lam, is her seventy-tath year. deeetsed lady will t>e r,-. called b3- • number of people in Gode- riob. She was a member of the Mor - ,an family, at one time well known here, and ber fleet tuarrtege was to the late. James Preston, principal of the Goderich grammar echno). Bite as- sisted her husband in his school work, and several who are now prominent citizens of lioderich weir in her classes. Huron Medical Association. The Huron Medical Association met at Clinton on Tuesday, the sib inst. The following officers were elected for 1015: President, Dr. Kennedy. of Wiagbrwl: vice.president, Dr, Mach - e11, of Dublin; secretary -treasurer, Dr. Redmond, of %Vinghiun. Dr. Taylor, of (i derich, and Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, were appointed delegates to the meeting of the Ontario Medical As'..ciation held at Toronto on Dec- ember IMb. Papers ons interesting subjects were read by Drs. Emmerson. Ross, Dandier and Burrows. The next meeting of the Association will he held a: Winghant in March. Statutory Meeting. The statutory meeting of the town council was held on Tuesday evening. Those present were Reeve Elliott, Denuty Reeve ('lark and Councillors Wille, McClinton, Morris and Leith - waste. with Mayer Reid in the chair. The following motion was carried : That the treaeur.r and chairman of the finance committee have the finan- cial statement prepared and that 20tl copies he printed and published ac- cording to statute, the sum of $A) he paid for peparing the statetuent and that it he ready Clot litter than the 24th irst. Council then adjourned. Men's Sunday Club. The viatica of officers of the Men's Sunday (Imhof North street Metbodi■t chur•h took place on Monday evening and resulted as follows: Honorary president. Rev. W. K. Hager; presi- dent Dr. A. T. Emmerson : vice-presi- dent, A. M. Robertson ; secretary - treasurer, (Clifford McCartney ; tnusinia committee, W. C. Pridbane H Bar- ker. G. H. King: look -out committee. H. Long. A. J. Cooper, E. A. Warner, r L. (`oultk and L. Doherty. Topics were se)e^ted for the next four 10 .11/0* wAU rlva room for gen: viral di .cnseirrw at the meetings.- which are held at 111 o'clock each Sunday morning. Foresters Elect. At the last regular meeting of coop! (ioderirh, No :Et, C. O. F.. the follow- ing officer" were elected for the year 1015: David Sprees!, Chief Itemizer : Robert Bell, Vice Chief Rangel: William Lane, treasurer; J. B. Mc- Kay, financial secretary : William Me - Creech, recording secretary; Thomes Burrower. chaplain ; James A. Wil. son. Hear. Woodward. (icor.? J. James. Jnnr. Woo'iwarrt : WiButin Houston, Seer. beadle: Harold Hog- th, Junr. Reale ; t.nstr.s, James A. Wilson. Arable Redden, William T. Sproul: auditors. Tennant Dren- nan and Thomas Burrows. Public Library At the m.•etin*nf the public lihrat y hoard on Sato ay evening every r ember of the Hoard .xc.pt the Major was present The librarian report ed rec.ipi due Ing Normalcy of 01140 and en imam of 1T72 nooks and magasinee. The lteaaurea was authorised to make a payment of SAO to Mr. Porter on aeeosat of magazines and news- Parpap�r'S for 1015. z. reonl sad In plaee the eitaipa• slew nn the tables and stands ss flee[- eely. They bed, on namount of defeee- sna4 and metilalUtte by a few ysuefes of sot eery striet honesty. bass kept wader the Dara of the librarian mut g iven out toparties asking for them t0 be return agaa15 as etwrt N duut. with. It was. however, thought better to trust the public, Dot to ai.ure their privileges. The chairman was instructed to see that the books returned during the present epidemic be properly fuel. gated before being again given out. The New East Street Garage. Mr. A. M. Glover, proprietor of the East Street Garage, baa shown a prac- tical eye to the planning of bis new building. The building, which is of cement block construction on solid cement foundation, is 41) feet loeg and Gti feet wide. It is heated throughout with bot water and is equipped with many of the latest appliancee for the handling of antomobile repairs. A e ls-horsepower gasoline engine bas been installed which opeiatee the skate-grioding machine. A good idea is the connection of a flue with lbs bottom of the pit which is used for wtrking undernv.ih the cars, this Hue carrying off the itnpless*at odors connected wish gasoline. Each light in the building e. °permed by a sop •rate .witch. A comfortable omoe ' her been fitted up and as soon as the glaziers and kaleominers have dnisbed their work a fine showcase will be in- stalled in the front of the building. Meanwhile Mr. lifover is doing Busi- ness as Usual." Six Months for Theft. Six months in gaol with bard labor was the sentence meted out by Police Magistrate Kellyy, on Friday morning, to Edward Handall, use of the crew of the steamer Neehing, for stealing •85 from Devil Barrett, second engin- eer of the same boat. The prisoner pleaded guilty and elected to be dealt with summarily. The stealing occur- red on Wednesday attar a number of the crew had partaken of the contents of three bottles of whiskey. Herbert Wilde, another member of the crew, appeared on the same charge but was let go, as there was cot evidence to convict him. Crown Attorney Seager appeared for the prosecution and en- deavored to find out where the chi -key was procured. The defend- ant Wilde said he hrougbt it from Fort \Villiarn, while Randall thought it was pur.•hssed in town. In die- eherica ng Wilde the magistrate advised hint to keep away from -the whiskey and referred to the fact that a favor- able report of his record had been re- ceived from Collingwood, which counted in his favor at the prevent time. Honored by France. The daily newspapers publish des- patches announcing the bestowal of a vert high distinction upon Mr.' Myron T. Herrick, who has just returned to the United States from France, where be was the United State. ambassador. These despatches are of special inter- est to a ber of Uoderich people, as Mr. Herrick ie a cousin of the late Mrs. Dr. Meldrum, who was well known here. When the war broke out Mr. Herrick found himself in- volved in heavy responsibilities, as tbousauda of United States people who were stranded on the Continent appealed to him for assistance. He handled the situation in a manner which won the admiration of ob- servers, and in recogoiti..n of his services he has been invested with the Grand Cross ot the Legion of Honor by instructions of the French Govern- ment. This to the highest honor which the French Government can bestow. It is said there are, includ- ing Mr. Herrick, only forty-five living persons throughout the world who have been thus decorated. Death Miss of Loretta Austin. Genuine sympathy will be extended to the members of the family of Mr. and Mre. Philip Austin in the 10.. they have sustained in the death of their second daughter, Loretta Kath- erine. The deceased was torn et Kingsbridge eighteen veers ago and came to Goderich with her parents In 1910. She had been a student at. the Collegiate institute up to June of this year. wben she graduated from the commercial forn, with honors. She had since been employed in the office of Dr. Emmerson. Her death took place on f'hursday, December Ilk h, at the Alexandra hospital, following about ten days after an operation for sippendicitis. Besides her parents she is survived b, four sisters : Barbara, of London : Regina, Hilda and Muriel, at borne. and two brother*: Joseph. ot Wawaneea, Manitoba, and Wilfred, at home. The funeral conk place on Saturday mooning from the parental home on Anglesea street to Rt. Joseph's cemetet y et Kingrbridge. Rev. Father 'Maellormack conducted the obsequies. The paithearsn were Florence MoCartbv, ('lifton Austin, Frank Austin, Patrick Hogan, and two trr'others, Joseph and Wilfred Austin. Not ool will the members of her family feel keenly their loss, but the students at the Collegiate with ',boon Loretta was a general favorite will mourn her departure from their midst Cotlegtans Debate. Collegiate institute students on Fele. day evening. at the meeting of the U. C. i. Literary Society, debated the relative merits of reading and travel as an educative medium. The resolu- tion under distension was: •'That rrevelling affords mote opportnnit for 'starvation than boobs. The a/ - firma Ise was trgued by Graham Row and Mia. Glad,• Meld, and the nega- tive by Joseph Garvey and Mies dura Griffin. The argam.nt was very esp. tlbe•o•kin. ... ably upheld by all nt the youthful T . per leeub.e+e ...... .0 to Hodge, as lnaplring address by Rev. W. K. Hager, a viol° b3 Visa Adelaide Naysn and a violin eelsetiou by Mise Gladys Jeffreys. The duties of in. cbai, were ably discharged by the president of the Society, Mew Jean Nal. n. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. t% by not.aod 70u, bol or girl awe from hmoe 7lr* t igual ter InI.I ., s hunger eft 1 It would be a wed. me reminder of home afty- two doses to t►w year. he your Lkrktar- buying an reams. end w lib .11a reeve to our actual re.tuirementr. A salt of clothe" a ea overcoat are always needed -don t ggoe without them fur t►* .eke of buyieg romakiag you do .01 orally Deed. hod thlnlclrg of clot*.a will remind >uu of Prtd- h am the Tailor, who turns out the best to be bad. For tba tiniest assortment of Christ- mas poxes of chocolates try Black- tame's. See window display. A musical event that 1. prornt*ed for some date in January is a concert by ibe Stewart orchestra, assist,d by flet -class outside talent. The choir of North street .Methodist church is preparing a concert which will be given on Friday, Januai y lath, the proceed. to go to the Belgian re- lief fund. A little Goderich girl gave her ta' he, a poser the other day. She asked hire, "What kind of lumber is the board of ihealtb:?" We haven't yet braid the father's reply. A pearl tiepin wits advertised as h»t in last week's Signal. It was picked up by & lad whose father takee The Signal and was thus restored t u the owner. It pays to advertise. Mr. C. L. Coultis has bad a new front put in at bis drug store which it much admired. It bas the deep et - trance way in the latest city style and is certainly .tt•iktng and attractive. The West street skating rink was open to the public for the first time this season on Tueedsy evening. The greater part of the ice was in good condition and a large number were present to enjoy the first akating. The first blast of winter appmiently bar disconcetteeji our correspondents in the townships. At at:y rate, a Igood many of them have not sent in ilheir budgets this week. We shall 'hope for better luck next week. Citizens are urged not to forget the bazaar and afternoon tea to be given in the T•rmoerance Hall un Sstur-day next. trona2 to 7 o'clock, in behalf of' the Belgian tenet fund. This is an! effort by a number of young children and should be grnetously enceureged.' The chtrge far admission and tea is only 10c. A change of advertieemeut for the Clinton School of 'Commerce comes to hand too late for insertion this week. The school will reopen' after the holi- days on January 5th„, with four courses - stenographic, commercial, civil service and farmer's. To those who are unable to becomes regular at- tendants lessons will be given by correspondence. PERSONAL MENTION. —Mrs McPherson is visiting her daughter, Mee. (Dr.) Morse, at Boston. — Dr Macfarland returned to his home at Philadelphia on Tuesday. — Miss Clara Wbvard, of Dungan- non, is assisting at the Maple Leaf Grocery during the Christwas season. — Miss Cora Church lett last Thurs- day for Detroit, where she will enter Grace bospitsl as a nurse in training. —Mrs. David Hyslop and family left on Wednesday morning to join her husband at Cleveland, where they will reside for the winter. —Mrs. James Ross, of Trenton, with her daughter, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Miro. Patrick Kennedy. Cypress street, last week, —Mr. A. E. Lasbbrook was one of the visitors to the Guelph winter fair, where he was greatly interested in the poultry exhibits. —Seafnrth Expositor : Mrs, H. Bul- lard, of Goderich, and Mrs. %V, Coun- ter, of Clinton, be th former members, attended the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Women's Auxiliary held at the tectory on December 1st. - Clinton News - Record : Misses Mary and Tena Matheson, have gone to Goderich and will probably remain for the winter. Miss Maly is engaged in her profession as a nurse. —Miss Birdie Hays ha. returned from a two months' visit at "Heart's Delight," the estate of ler. W. H. Miner at Chszy, New York State. Miss Louise Tt ainor, of Chicago, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Miner, at Chatty, is now making a visit in town with Miss Hays. Miss Trainor is a former resident of Goderieh, UODERIOH MARKETS. T,,tasmar, Nee. I. Wheat, per Muds ............ .... 1 Le he s t.ret Oats. per bosh M le .ti 1tarMy. per busk i Able .tri Pea.. per bows 141 t. 1.11 Hookwbaa, pee bash. .M t0 .10 le 11.11 Flour. !tallyper e t lour. poseur, par cwt 7.P'to 'tet Brew, pew See., .. ......w,..4.,.;,•„ 1a . !1'11 Short*, per tee ...................:. -te lt+F Hay. per ton . IAM to 14 n Straw, loose. per Ma. SMS 10 v n. Wood. per reed ..... .. Hatter. per Ib ......... 'S to IDmt+. fresh. par dos .. ,,fir Poratoes, per bash ...•• •'syn to Apples. per bbl. . .7.3 to (*tt N. hoteliers.'. . Cattle, Petchotte. --- Hog,,. II re weight, won lehrot per cwt Gus .per ewt :u r�rt 740 it: 7. w it 10) to 'tea 1. el to :m 7.m to ;..le .111 to .e 1 11 epeaiers and the debate was one of w' liorta pad lh . � _ es u .too in IL ..... .... Io to al to the most interesting heard in the Col- i hlrkrr Ieglate hall Inc soma years. The Traklewd judges -Itev. W. K. Heger, Mi.e Dnr- Mn and Mr. W. H. Robertson—gave their decision in favor of the negative. Mr. Robertson, who annosincied the verdict. white detracting not at all from the well earned vic- tory iaWry of the negative speaker&, as - ti lel' xstl irate 3 lb.. for at t ketose , Waft threes. S100.00 IN GOLD tarred the affirmative debaters that We will give one hundred dollars in "bey had no reason to be dbooureged, gold to •07 man, women nr ch.ld that as it was rertalnly easier to argue In es", Ir• tw'nrflted by Megrimrn htir favor of honk• than of trevelling as a "me We an. anile°. In haws ever Maass of educalMn., Another real urs on. try `tagrine, for we know it is , of the evrming'a program which was greatest hair tonic that by ever heels especially praiseworthy was contrl- dlsrnvered. Re/eine will positive) bated D Mr. Wu rrid Dssesy, ?door care an hehy eralp, bring lit. Into dell d the 6. C. 1, Journal, who haulRet 1 imdrd hair and add inches to it. forth a very clever and interesting I.ngth' Nageinr 1. now nblalnahh in prod,tetion, air reading of which was (ioderte+ and 14 sold under s Quar.n• assorted with applanes and tangh- tee to please. A large hotths of Saga - ter. Other numbers no the program 1155 ousts but Illy Dente. B. sure to wee* an le.tremwtrl selection by Vic- rrth.r a (1.Li dcn'ctlt1s' drig eine* for Oar Kursiaka, a reads byMae Regain, te ei is Tmom Ba not OF CANADA i A Valuable Feature of a Joliet Acee,.I opened with the Union Bade of Canada In the names of two persons. Is that If one dies the family funds are not tied up just when they ,are likely to be most needed. The- survivor can withdraw the money without delay or formality. Think it over—then open a Joint Account. Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. visuals. Ycu v �' �1 Friend MVh® Owns an Auto? What could please hint better than 'sums little acces'tiory to make it more convenient ? .We have got into our new building and while the painting is not yet finished every thing elate is- complete and we can promise you a comfortable, waren and light Garage in which to tnake your selection of a pretreat . Our stock has been augmented by a special shipment suitable for presents and we should like to have yon call if only to look it over. At the same tinw we would have a chance to show yon mime of the advantage.the new building has over the old one. Wishing yotlk alt A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. We are, Yours truly, II EAST STREET GARAGE SMOKERS ATTENTION CIGARS We have a large 'assort - mens of choice .Cigars,. packed in boxes of 10. 25 and 50 Cigars. Special low price by the box for Christmas Trade. PIPES Also a complete line of G. B.D., B.B B. and Case Pipes- -the mosi appreci- ated- present a man can get for Christmas. F. H. WOODS TOBACC ONIST Next to Davey's Jewelry Store THE SOUARE To a False Patriot. He earns obedient. to the t all : He Wight hate shirked 1.ke half Ma u.att• Who, white their comrades tight and 1. 1, t3Ull go to reel! tis.• footled' eat. - And you, a patriot in your prime You waved • flag .strove kis head.' And hoped he'd have a high old tin.. And stepped him on the back .id said 'Yeall show ern what we British are' (live u. your hand, old pal, to shake .' And took him round from bar to bar And made hint drunk -for England - sake. That . bow you helped hin, Yest,-rdey. near -eyed and earnest. keen and hard. H. held himself the soldier. way And now they yr got him under guard, flat doss, t hurt you s on re all nein . Veer eery noweleeoe take. no Weser . But N. pier boy. with morning(. H=M. He .ate hi. *sant out, sick with show.. What's that to roe You u,.der.t.nd Mathias e( all kis bitter pain You hers 1.0 regiment t.. Mand Yoe have no uniform to .tale . No row of service to •hue.. No p5•dee to Sing and co,mt, y due t Hut he bad something dear to Ns, And he has log it thanks to yea. _O. ,r., is Punch. . Mow people believe aowedays that cheapness 1* neve rushy • eserspmy„ Cheap tea loaded with drat is a poor hat•gain at any prior. Salad* tea is s11 vii an, •le Marie ss is mar- vellous van Deafs.S 01110 001 OW Cured by heal spunn susses, a. they rennet rrtrh the Atsea".d portion er1 the ear. Thor. 1. only one way to sure dednens, and /sat ish ron.tltu t tonal remedies. Deafness le caused by an In nand rendition of the mumus lining of the s;eate.hlsn Tube. Who, thers turbo t4 inflamed you \eve • rumbling sound er Imperfect hear Inc and when it 1. ontlrely shred, deafness the remit, sod esker I5. te* ..•sauce can be nukes out and this tribe restored to 1- • normal condition. hearing will he destroyers Ineerer nifty owe+0.11 ref tem tae .eased by s. arch, rotten le not Moe but an Infl.nw.d condition et the m,irpu. sertatr We w111 rive tin. Hundred (Milers for say r...e of Ileahi5.. 01'55-I by catarrho toot mimes he eared by Hall's Cuter* eta,, Seed for elrenters. free. 4011 M AriP..11.•(tiHgXXs;t It (`(t.. Toledo, 11 7114 Tek* Halle Family rith ler ew.tlp. los, Bleeketosr's bomeraade ta4it ap- peals to everybody. Their Name Is lwgiee. Plttebwre Harm t.• Time. The German commander-in-chief Gays be is overwhelmed with sugges- tions from rivilians on how 10 ,.nodnct the war There must he almost a• many military cretin. among Ibe amateurs as there We persons w bo Laois bow tr> run a newspaper GOOD PLUMBING IS NOT A LUXURY It 1. an almOl,te seeeesity, If yen would oars utak. tke full a n)Oyment of by tag. We can Innen every olnmblse seeder CORRECT FAULTY PLUMBINfI 4 hie workmate M* very proficient end will von.. von very 111.110 htcor.venlen-e in repair work. llhould you Aare any plumbing to h., done. you will re.o time tad money by attending 1O It at once. FRED HUNT Hamilton Street - Gorient y Phone 135 Choice Cut Flowers tND Plantsifor Christmas ROSES CARNATIONS LILY OF THE VALLEY VIOLETS ORCHIDS Order early. as my stock will be beets./ Geo. Stewart Florist 'Phone roe Brace street The hot headed individual Ease to •:tremors when his gets cold feet.