HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 12la T:huaana', Dormansn 17, 1914 ttGir. w..'t` sT ilei is'4=ir4 ,m,-. r THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO The - Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ et URRA Proprietors Chri stmas S COMING We are prepared with a special line of Ladies' sad Gents' Overcoats These are higb-grade garments of good work- manship and we guar- antee fit. Prices night. Also a full line of gents' wits.new styles and per- fect tilting. These are worth iorpecrloo. \\'e Lir °tiering this week a tint aasuriment of Ladies rind Gent.' Overshoes and Robbers, and are waking a special at tart ion in our Boot and Shoe Department. All theee gnastir ate of hest quality and the price• ate retuarkahly low. Levitz .& Urra Corner Montreal and Square WINTER TOURS TO THV LAND OF Seashise and Sv.see Days THE "CANADIAN" F'AMT TIME B TWEKN MONTREAL-IN/HUN ro DETROIT -CH ICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Assents. or write M. U. Murphy. District Passeaaer Agent, corner King and Yours Streets. Toronto. GRAND TRUNK RAIL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE Dec. x4-25. good for return until Dec. a6 ; also Dec 31, 1914, and Jan. 1, 1915, valid for return until Jan. 2 1915. FARE and ONE- THiRD Oec. sz a3'24 x5•god for return until Dec. s3 ; 71.3 Dec.o and 31. 1914, and Jan. t, 1915, valid for return until Jan. 4 1915. Above reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada mat of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo. Black Bock, Niagara Falls and Buepeneion Bridge, N.Y. LA Wit leNI'IC '« '110N$, T•'wn ger and Ttrket Agents", Phonal 0, 11. /It, "t at ton flop t Ag• rat. P►D.e .b. '11,1.711 I.4,1D Detroit Conservatory of Music Founded In 1174. Arknowl..dged by the leading musicians of Fur and America to be one of the fo.r- rnost institutions of Its kin.) In America. Degrees. of Bachetnr of M iuic and Doctor of Music conferre.l. Every Branch Taught. Sixty thoroughly skilled instructors. Public School Music and Drawi:-r a,':ad• inlr Department Pupil. received dally, Year boos on revue -t Addreet James H. Ball, Secretary, 1013 Woodward Ave . Detroit Micn. eatiEa/IITI1 w+wia Rey: 1MW11 t ontario's Ge,i ra.tleal training -chord. Wi. hare Merest)* roe ries and experienced In.trwctorn in each of nor rho. department• l'omme,rW, shorthand and Telegraphy. ,Our grod- uate. .,:tree. Aad you •hnuld read our terga. tree oust ra.. %V rite for It at arae. D. A. M. LAC'HLAN Principal Owen 10 •1A0 gRfsgl11INOS PATENTS MaRie 011Imutescre 4114. .rq friers* rem tJbete turas order for .ran%1rt1111tme and fruits at Bleak gg riffle ea Ord.re.Wfveted. BENMILLER. What has heooute of The Signal's Beomiller .ot'r The Benwtller ring concluded a very successful mason with an oyster supper in Walters' hall. After the supper there was • program of read- ings, speeches, games, etc. The beef ting is quite a ru.-cesshtl (actor in keeping down the "high Dost of liv- ing and the w.mbsrsbip list for text year is already tilled. AUBURN. Tt•rauAt, Dec. 13. BAITIIIT CMCItcH Sgstvu'rr.-Anal- vereary services wiU be held in the Baptist church on the cornice Sunday, December 21. The seriiors will be at 8311 p.m. in the afternoon and 7.9) in the evening. On Monday evening a motet a, entitled "The Court of Quern Truth," will be given by the young people of the church, In which over thirty characters will take part, all appearing in commase. There will he two tabl"suz- War and Peace. The Mtiatfoud Male Qtartette will supply the special music Liu Sunday and un Monday evening. Wt&TFIELD. Minimal-. Dec. 11. Tie NEw-a or' THi. WEEN. -Mini Emma Sproul. of Dungannon, 'pent a few days visiting at Mr. Wes- ley Farrow s Rural mail route No. 2 front Auburn through here came into operation on the flat da. of December An old familiar land - wart. the blacksmith shop which stood on \Vegfield corner Inc mans ',rare. was torn down and moved away duriog the past week. Bobo. Vito had purchased it early last i spring Wood -cutting. is the ordier of the d.. .....The W. M. S. of West - geld .hunch held a very successful missionery meeting on the loth inst., many ladies of the congteg*tion being preseut The Sunday gchools of ronoyhrook and Westfield are mak- ing extensive preparations for boldine Obristmas entertainments David (look, frost. near Drloraine, M*n.. ar- rived at his old h unexpectedly Sat urday last nn a visit to his parents and other friends.... Rohert McDowell and family moved in' o their new home during the past week. ST. HELENS. 1Vt:uNr:sn..v, Dec. 111. Mrs. Hugh Rutherford is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Bennett. at Port Alter: t. Miss Margaret McKenzie, of Liu -k- now, spent the week -end at Mr. Js... Duroin's. - Mr. A. H. Dance, of Toronto, is a visitor at Mrs. H. K. Miller's for a couple ct weeks. Don't forget the entertainment and Christmas tree in the ball on Wedoee- dac, December 'SS Mlesrrs. Duncan McKenzie and Me. Kenzie W.•hb attended the fat cattle ah"w at Guelph last week. Rev. Ww. Mackintosh and Mr. H. D. Woods attended the Sunday school institute et Whitechurch last Friday. Mi. and Mrs. R. F:weted. and family bave moved t. Hliud River, where Mr. Everett h is procured wog t on the rail teay. Mr. Robinson had the misfort une to sprain his ankle and the r_bnol was closed for a few de. a. He has resumed his duties this week. A tog IAr. EVKNINi;.-NTewb.r. of St. Helens Lodge, No. 911, C. O. r.. bad a most enjoyable time on Tuesday evening of last' week_ The occasion was a special meeting held for the initiation of a number of new mem- bers, followed by a hanquet to whicb members and their ladies were invited. Members initiated were Mesnre. Elliott Miller and Ross Murrey. After tate business of the evening. Bro. John Joynt, one of the most enthusiastic members of the lodge, invited the members and their lady friends to the home of Bro. W. 1. Miller, where a ban- quet had been prepared. After all bad 'done justice to the good things on the table. an adjouniment was made to the drawing -rout'. whets. W. Miller was chosen toastmaster. Bro. 0. B. Murray proposed the toast to "The King,' and the company sang the National Anthem. Next came "Our Country: proposed by W. R. Miller, and resp.nded to by Bro. ('. Aitchi- son. "'Che Ludes" was proposed by Bro. I). Millar. and the response we. by Rev. W. MAckintnah. "The Order' was proposed by T. B Taylor and the response was by S. Phillips. "The Hort of the Evening" was proposed by Bro. J. Webster, and the response was by Bro. John Joynt, followed hy the company singing, "For John 1. a jolly good fellow • led h Bro. L. Weather - head. I?oloe h; Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt and Miss C. Mark were greatly en- cT ed, as was also a recitation by & ill.r. An wreathe which all will long remember aa one of special plea- sure watt brought to a clone h the singingof "The Maple Leat." Officer, of the lodge for the coming year are : H .9..W+Nts+SShe t El:. ii.. W; Whie - trter;Vier C.R., D. Todd : Fin. leery.. 1'. Ait heeos : Rea t!.- ret.wry, L. W eau h - mimed : Treas.. T. B. Ts Mr ; S. R , R. AlNshemes : J. B,, W. Woods : S. W„ W. J. Tedd : J. W.. IL Tbt.m : Cbaplsi.t, J. Jot. BLYTH. Tt'xsntY. Dec. Ir. ' le WA-. .. 1NONTER -One of the wont *tonna we have bad for a few years passed over hese this week. 1f It bra foretaste of what we are to have later, this winter promises to be vet y severe. A flw1:.T Rrtrtreu.-Tbe membero Of the Red ('rows Circle are to he con gt'stulat.d on the .nerves of their con- teert in Indnatry Hall on Pridau• night. The hall was packed to the doors and a great many had to b. turned Away. The receipts •,*canted to over *14.1 end as the talent was all local prac- tically the whole amount will he ap- plied to the funds of this worthy cause. A CHILD T..wgN.- Mr. and Mrs. P. Uttley have the sympathy of the whole community in the lost of their young- est enc. Howard, at the WR. of five year& He waa sic* may a few days aad It was thought he was on tb. road to recovery. when oil Wednesday be took a torn for the wore• and passed sway the. eight. The remains were taken to Bertha for burial on Friday mottling, the family aceotnpanylag them. Rev. W. D.115orner e,ednetad a wrvies at the home es Thoredty n wl►nt A t. Noytm,-'li. °..ting of the local Liberals, in Dr. Mlle's hell, on Thursday evening, was cot very largely atteoded, but the business they were called to do was uaoeacted, namely, the appoiotiog of delegates to the nomination aseetiag at Wiughaw on Monday. Thos going from here wet. Messrs. T. Sloan. L Hill, A. B. Carr, J. Cult, W. Jackson, J. Parrott, Jaw. McMurt bie and it, 1t. Sloan. They certainly had a very .tormy drive, as itiwas one of the wont daylsof the year. _.Rev. Nr. Mclnto.h. of L -to - don, conducted services in the Presby- terian church on Sunday eveniog, dealing in bis address with the tni.- slooary movement .... Miss Annie Spafford, who has been studying for a trained nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, London, has finished her course and Ie Dow a qualified nurse. Sb. re- turned bows on Wedneday for a short vacation with her mother here. The werehcnl• of Blyth have made great preparaii.,ns for the Christinas trade by putting in large stocks of goods sutt.hle for preempts, and are ezpecting a large trade, for the .nett few days before Christina•. Messrs. E. aVatson h &ons shipped a car of bogs to Toronto on Wednesday and • car of cattle to the same place on Saturday . Tax Collector Somers bad a very boar Clay on Moods . receiving the t two's t axes, It bring the rut day for pay • went. Altbougb the receipts were heavy Mr. Somers reports that there are more unraid taxer this year !ban usual. ANtrrn=n to, ono OLD rtiTr-rLithei GINE-Aootbcr of the early settlers in this section passed away lost week, in the person of Mr. James Nesbitt, at the advanced age '.1 eighty-five years. The funeral took place on 1".idao and was very largely attended by has old neighh..ra of Mortis. Those left to mourn hint are his bereaved wife end the following family: -Robert. on the homestead ; Airs. Car, Blyth , Mir. T. McKenzie. Clinton ; and Maurice. Detroit. The deceased • was born in Ireland and when quite young came to ('..nada and hent settled to Clarke tow•usbip, where he remainen a short time, afterwards moving to Morris township shoot sixty years ago. when Morris was nothing but bush. AL Brat his sister kept house for him, until he married Miss 3weltzer. Lit G"dericb township, and a few year. ago the couple celebrated their golden wedding. It it needless to say that ttey had to undergo great hardships in the early days. hut they bad the pleasure of seeing their bush eta dr velup into one of the beat forte. in )Morel.. in the early daya Mr. Ner- bitt used to walk to the Paris district, Where :be harvest season was earlier than here, and work with the cradle in the harvest field there and then walk back and attend to hie own tn.astre hat test. A few years ago he left the farm, and with his wife moved to Blyth, building a comfortable home. He used to delight in telling of hug easily experiences and they were a credit to any wan, as few of the ris- ing ggenerstioo would carr to uudetgu the hal•d►hips that the early settlers had to teidure. COUNTY COURT. Several Interesting Cases before Judge Doyle Last Weea. A number of interesting cases were tried before His Honor Judge Doyle at the sittings of the County Court held last' week. One of the cases which drew considerable attention was that of Gibson vs. Young. These gentlenrety are both farmers of West Wawanowh. Gibson rented Young's farm for a'-tt 1l a yeas, with the undea- standing that Gibson was to work for Young during the.threshipg. 0iG- sou claimed Young war to help him with his harvest and that on Young's failing to do this he was under no obligation to help with Young', threshing, wbeteupon Young a ked for the whole awourt of the ' ent no otherwise due until March 31st, anti failing to get it pot the bailiff in. The action for damages follcwrd. The eerie was dated for trial by jury, but the judge ruled that it was with- in bis jurisdiction to try the case. An entire day was taken up iu the examination of witnesses and the argumeut was postponed to a day to be fixed. Charles Barrow for plaintiff ; Proudfoot, Killoran A Proudfoot for defendant. Another case of local interest was that 01 Davis vs. Gardiner, in which the plaintiff sued to recover damages for injury to a horse. Gardiner, it appeared. bad been in the habit of bor- towing hors.. from Davin livery stable and while driving one of these it suddenly went lame. The horse war brought tack to the stable and after being attended by a veterinary surgeon for nearly • month was des- troyed. It was afterwards proved that Its leg was broken. Expert vet- erinary testimony was brought to show that it was possible that the leg was fractured before the time it went chic.• The evfeleise'aie'showed ' that t he horse bad figured in a collision wit h a motor car. There was cosmic'. erable difference of opinion as to the value of the home, the figure varying from $50 to $1W. Atter being out for thief, minutes the jury brought In * verdict for t be plaintiff for $M6, and on .. counter clam of $it„ ill the defendant was allowed bis claim le full. ('holes Gerrow for plaintiff; Proudfoot, Killoran k Proudfoot for defendant. In the case of McKelvey vs. Sada, an action fort be recovery of SIM u( Inc medical ret t endanee, t be defend as. t claimed that the eervin.e were ren- dered to a editor, wbn was a relative. and without request on biro part. His Honor directed tbet judgment h• en- tered Inc the plaintiff for $190. W. M. Sinclair for plalotift; H. 0. (coke Inc defendant Harper vs. Brown was • claim for $201.111 for plumbing and 1 i.ee.itbisg. The care was .et t ted nut of court by the payment of $idt end cost*. Kirkby vs. VU.ge of Brussels --a claim by the pWhti f to recover !Mel° for eonetrec$lng . a drain. Triad was postponed to Deessher 9pth by comment of cootseel. Craigbe es. JoMaa-a claim for gffiItt for failure to carry oat a eootract on the purring* of Iota In the "ity of Noose Jaw. The case was settled out of court. O'Neil vs. Alastair/seal was an action foe slander. The defendant was seemed of stating that the plaintiff had etonfau.ed to plaring rock. on the railway with the Intention of wrack. hog a train. The claim was for a6iM) for de(amatine of character. Verdles for the plaintiff with 1110 damages. J. M. Bacot for plaintiff; F. H. Thompson for defendant. Goveolock vs. C. P. R. -a claim for HOU for injuries to hu'sea while being shipped out Weet. The action was withdrawn hy eootrnt There were six other rases on the docket which did nut •owe up fur 1,1.1, leaving been 0•0184 nit ' f court or past p.ned tea futile a sitting. The Renovation of Neglected Orchards. HulIe i . N bee 79 of the Experi mewed Faro, ientitled "Flrnov.Da.,. Of time Neglected 0r^Fard." It hes been p•rpa'rl ivy M. B. Davis. B.B.A.. mei.. ant 'n • he Dominion no, 1iculttn - iat, top-elal attention,. given tat the following TractIre.: herding hart. old leer ; thinning, sues ping. cleaning and trite surgery; cub ivati •n and cover crop@ ; systems of cub ivation tes t il'z.t ion : @pre yinu and thinning fruit. The tell. -tin is gene.otsly ilio •- t rated.It hat in en prepared with a u•tew of .h -.+ring bow, by a reasonable amount .1 lal.or and care, proetle•a raid r rchards, which are a /venires to the lona) rechard ludus•ry,tn'y Fe made a remunerative part of the farm and a tr'edtt to the neighborhood. l'opies of this bulletin are available at the Pub- lications Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The customer in the grocery store. h»vine twitted hie clothes, was fuming. "Didn't you nee that sign, Fresh P. int ?' ask.d the grocer. "Of course i cot." snapped the customer; "hut I've seen so many sins bung up here announcing something fresh which wasn't the 1 di•in't i.rlirv.- 1, THE Christas@ Tem Children, as You may gems. live In Christ- mas Tree land, which, as you of course know, is the country where Santa Claw' wonderful palace 1s built And In this palace the Christ - ems Tree children have a place all to themselves Of all the Christmas Tree children the dolls are perhaps the prettiest They have a room where you will find dolls of every kind and of every size. The doll room le just elke a big town, for each family of dolls has a hoose, which to furnished Just like a real house. These doll homes are .et up in rows along tiny streets. Each hoose has its little lawn and toy trees standing In front of it Here and there you will end a toy dog guarding a front door or a plump toy cat watching a make believe. mous& Back of some of the mdre fashionable banes are garages In which toy automobiles am kept or stables 1n which there are toy ear rlagee and toy horses. The dolls have handsome clothes, bot comely they keep them put away until Christmas comes. Then they know they will need them all to wear when they go to nve with the little girls to Real Folks Lend. They dream about this Bach doll lovas to talk about the dear little girl to whom .he 1s going and who. she U sore, will love tad care fur her tenderty. You vee, Santa Clans fa very partic- ular artlyular to take only tbe beat behaved and good tempered dolls to the little girls. He makes a ilst of the.e and on Christmas afternoon goes into thdr room and cells out the namds of the favored ones who are to go with him In his sleigh that year. They all try very bard to be good, and the dolls who are left behind always feel ashen). ed and disappointed. The Candy children are the little candy folk who are hong nes Christmas trees to make it handsome. They live In a room all by tbemo.lver, where they bave a cute village of thetr own. Once Santa said be didn't sae what a Christmas tree would be 8ke without the sweet little Candy children. and after that I'm afraid, the Candy chil- dren hipdren put on a good many funny tin In the Candy village live dear ole chocolate Santa Clauses, colored candy angels with gilt wing& pink ballet dancers with gauge skirts and many cuts little Caody children. There are candy ant - male. ashes sad birds also. One year the Candy children made up their ado& that time would glu• a farewell party fa the other toys They knew that the candy folk would all go w(th Banta discs. He needed them all for the trees, and their esodoct had bees gnit. pee` Mt .ot,a MIMS ',v fact all year. Sanest The dour warm -their hest domes to the part . The/ scant to be very careful amt to gest them stilled or mimed. limy were determha/ to show the Candy aha dyes bow gni and beestlful they were, The Oesdy children had Sato SOS wit of clothes sack, poor thaws. and i 4 sot take them Me Th. Candy ebildres welcomed their Besets beattfly. They were rather awed by tb. etegaoce K tltm a rte dolls who cam. In their entsmold es and meetags@ and wore tie mist stns. sing silk and lace gowns. At drat they allst arose/ quietly aad chatted Them imam per waw started Th. Diode chlldree wished to play only quiet ons.. Met they deo their costs or wrap. oir teems of lbs ptl.t "Whoever beard of . party esteem deart gr es. of the mere styli* dolls said scornfully. New. tete Candy diddles wen afraid to move amend smelt ter test of getting overheated if they do: overheated tb.y wield coact, mid that would be the mid et thea Bellweer, they knew it' w suly pelts he ds r ad, mete wieh.L ee tarp socia brae If the IA ttfll &._ wfrhaa t. Slew will e0 ter ems [[ties 0611 ThE COLBORNE STORE Christmas The Store Show Invitations Is Now at its Best Every counter, shell and table are in the parade of new things expressly for the Christmas business Oift Linens Batteuburg Shams rod 'ic.rfs, deep lacy d..igus, with drawn centres, size Atlziu, Mz31 inches. A large range •1 prices that make buying easy. Bleached Damask Table Cloths with Napkins to match, pure linen. splendid border. These cloths are a good size and the beet of gr setf bleached linen cloths $11.00 .ad 404.50 .1 large range of Napkins, pure linen, g'e,d de- signs, sites 1rtx18, 91:'911 inebr.. Per dozen `1.00, 51.25. 51.50 up to $ .3.0000 English pique Bed Spreads for large double beds. light in weight yet very .ervicesbb, snow white bleach. hemmed edge- Iteoge tr°w............ $1.115 to $3.00 Plain white lines Inc fancy work, one yard wide and very floe. Per yad 1150, S0D. 60c 35o, 40o, 50o and l7lll. Aprons Dainty lace and embroidery trimmed Aprons with satin ribbon ties and small pocket. Each one perfect in every w•y and just the thing to solve the glft problem. Each 25o. SOC .. 40o JV Boudoir Caps and Fancy Work Bags Another question will be found in the Fancy Work Bags and Boudoir Cape that w•6 are show- ing for the holiday season. They conne in a(bval designs and can be had at 450. .50, seer Neck Scarfs Fine Silk Neck Scarfs for men and women in a range of colors and in different wea- ves. Each 51.10. 51.45. $1.80. 51.75 Handkerchiefs - Women'e Handkerchiefs of tine Swiss muslin, hemstitched and .calloo s m hordee- broldered in a variety o patterns. S for 25c Children's picture Hsndkercbfets in a variety of designs, pictures that *111 Interco'.the little 5C ones , 11 for Boys' Excelda Haodkercbiefe in all new patterns, plain centres with colored borders. Each 25c one fast colors . S for Men's pure linen Handkerchiefs, j and inch hew in vet% fine linen and large sire. Fitch 30c lbc, 20c, Mc and lJ Fancy workHandkerchiefs in new floral 15c and pattern designs. Each Ladies' very fine linen Handkerchiefs with seal loped and plain hemstitched edge, large variety of dainty designs. Each Slo, 3,c, btic. Q MC .. flOc, 75. and 85 The line of Handkerchiefs at rbc is wonderful Never have we carried such a large assortment and each design something new. Fine 25c lawn and linen to choose from. Each Silks for Waists and Dresses What would be wore appreciated as a useful gift than a silk dress or waist? Our stock Cl of plain silk. coe yard wide, per yard Babies' Coats $1.0') %'e have a few of the baby beer cloth coats on band and they have to be cleared this year .4 very good present for the little one. Regular up to $4.011. Now $ •0 Ladies' Coats 10 stock we will have a range of ladies' \Vi ter Coats. Each one perfect in workmanship and all new this season. They can he now nought at 15 per cent. less than esker's price. A useful and a much appreciated gift. They e range in price from 55.00 to . , y . .00 Olft Umbrellas and Parasols Men's Umbrellas with good top and the latest de swiss in handles, with °r without $2 cover. Escb *1.00 to. .50 Ladies' Parasols in a very fine silk [nixed top, fancy wood, sterling and gold handles C with or without cover. Each $1.00 Floor Coverings Extra yalue. in tapestry, velvet and Brussels squares in 3x31, :iso, 3414, two-tone end single color effect* and each one • good rug. A rug front oar large stock at reduced pricer *ill make beautiful ,lift for the hoose. F. on, $26.50 57.00 t t We Wish Everyone' a Very 1(appy Christmas. Jr tie COLBORNE EILBER POR CABINET. South Huron Member Talked of for Place in Governnwnt. Ottawa, Der. II. -'1Vhen Premier Hearst was in Ottawa last week the. was discussion of the pending changes in the Provincial administration. The rein t t bat he would shot tly reltngnish the port folio of Land., F ore, t s and Minas end that Hon.. J. J. Foy would wive up the Attorney -generalship wear practically confirmed in cnnvrt- u'Cons with members of the Federal Goer, nment. l4i,al candidates for places have, however, somewhat complicated the plan of placing Gerrge H. Gooderham e t the head of the Lands, Forests and Mines branch; of making T. W. Mc- (i.irry Attorney -General and giving the Speakership to G. Howard Fer- gn•nn, as had been practically w- ronged. After Premier Hearst's visit to Ot. taws it was learned that the German - Canadian citizens of Ontario bave Allowed It to he understood that they would appreciate it if the\ were given reptee.ntatioo in the Government as the Irish and the French citizens of the Province have been recognised in the put The would be wails/led if Hent y Ei Iber. M. P. P., of Mout b Huron, wet, given a portfolio. The Germans claim that they gave strong support. t t SirJam.. Whitneyin the last Pro- vincial election and that they did their dirty by the Conservative party in the D"winlon general election of loll. Mr. Eilber boa carried his riding in six elect .one ..A,4.- by hist citizens as capable of administering '•ne of the Provin'llal portfolio,. There are several other members of the Legislature who are said to b. L'ukiog for preferment and wbo would not be averse to taking places in the Cabinet. Seedy individual (stopping pedds- trip►-"•Pardon me, sir. but you look vary much like a man 1 know." Ped- estrian- - "lodged ! Well, you look like a wan i don't wan, to know. Good -day." Conceited Youth -"I wonder why that roam/ glee neer there look. et tae en much F' Young lady --She has weak eyes, and the doctor told her to relieve them by looking at something twee r Rheumatism. Lumbago and Lame Back can he curvet by the great fruit kidney tad 1ierr remedy, FTG PiLLS. Brantford, Ont., Atig. l:l 1914 Your medicine, Fig 11117, bee worked wooden for me. The rheu- matic mine have already left nae sed i ow.e.rrything toyour remedy. YOU are at liberty to publish this. It H. °AILMAN. At all dealers M and 60 mots or saalll.d by The Pig Pill Co.. Rt. Thomis- m, Oot Sold 1n Godericb by R. /4. Whf1.. drateel- WiNTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4 th 1 Made sow toaster the Faison. Toronto. O"t. This •''hoar -tang. whom", a • V 1' sada W tits tor catalar.s. W. J. loLLIori. Principal. 734 '. mire street. Tri. mento. ' Must You Bet Bald? ertt.rr wird haw yeti demo is at., tried bele Iron twug? Have you R.hhO ••93" Heir Teak t Ir Net. we west you to try It let our risk. 111 you have Y tea •t hair out and yo w4 is not used and shitty. if yes use Began 93" Heir Tonle a.ocrdieg to direr - bons for thirty days. acid at lbs sod el that time you are sot satisfied with the malts sed Tra es so, mi will ammedisesly bead bank your money. We won't ask you le promise anything,. We wool, eves question you. Ws will take year more word aad return your massy. Doesa't it stand to reason that Re•all "93" Hair Tonic mud be a mighty good remedy nod have eves gnat witidas4es to our customers if we .adore at like sew We know e( so tem remedy that's es good. It Y ba cess of what Rear " Bair 'Timis hes dors for others that we bask it with our own mosey. Wby odor scalp and heir tenable rr Me da laid. whoa Re"e3" Nair Ts w5 maw. deeded. trek. cess •5 rM grog seed tw• to prevent Weser - when we ter per ler the treatment skald it faa N pleas yea? We dirt you to say - Gigs Yoe o is the ,te.t- wtr t i it • if f r.t.dplrm.•rds, ameba* to se empty we will brad hark what you paid us. Two spam Me and 71.00 a bottle Tea era bay Resell "OS- Rab Toss Ubls .emeittaity cat, at our saw.: H. C. Dunlop, Pbm. B., Droggi.t, Bedford Block, Goderfch. theamisstare 1 hthrr. b 11e Omen oasrrm aribmile Amwlm'. tanatnt Ty.. • Long, long Way. Must prominent among the neer, Isle who have gone from Norm.. Alas- ka, is Lord William Pere. , son of the Duke of Northumberland. He was in re*Mreb work in the Arctic region when word of war reached him. He immediately made his way to Nose sod then altered the owners of small beats 7$.000 to tithe his to Seattle. They refused became of tb. Melt. and Lord Percy was tweed to wait until the regular boat arrived. To Join the Grenadier snerds. of which regiment lei. an Milner, this nohie- man made a inoreiry of mors Utah la - 000 mass --Portlead Oregonian • MarEwan Estate exoluslim agent. few SCRANTON C-OAL for Goderiob and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8-00 per ton BEST (A)AL MINED Any quantity beat all 34 vie Mahe-,Mizt'd Wood, H,mlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine. TELEPHu!(its, office 9a residence ata or 68 A Ptitlptiss For Fall sad Wiser i eMlaaW sair.e to eilsiaraa Ifr the YF. trtrt in sail halt ta.w, small traits. flower try shrubs. etc. Pay weekly. *stilt free. eze4c.ire territory. oven see *CRIES of trait and peas eetat week Nader ealU tate•. We esu threegk ter salesman dlr eet ten the erred mw see gsaesst.s dM isery d fT'wti. htgk-rrsde trews. Our accedes w veJNaW by mama et the ..rvieo tri• 'flee amid Lb* vefwme of Ndmws. dente. E- fsW4,hed $ years. Write MUM'S MURt- tRe Co.. [.renew. Owe. Haaewm. ,etateg.e w revest either to ap0Maaat se thea whiter Nuts cry stark Wood For Sale u MN iae4 lilts [isms • ted and fry. We o., esft and mixe& int e11 (ache• I. Mr leaat*. •f 19 tote, ewe ars three [ewes or 14 hr 1 Welly, more enast 5. iurr m ass ass g ywttr.wll. wefts aWille oAr.=aAll sr, *soave erre W mlMismss's great. W. HILL & SON B5NKI LLER Rural Phone 0 r ft. 1