HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 9Now Ls the Time to Renew for The Signal for 1915. You cannot invest One Collin to better advan- tage. tXTTeRKTH T•*AA-'NS. >� l±I «QYo you tug Oe Signal Calendars? You may secure one by paying g1.(k now ler your Signal for 195. The Signal EUt1ERICH, ONTARIO, 1 HUR*I►AY. DECEMBER U. 1414 THE SIONAI. PItINTINO t'o., LLa1Ts:D. Pustzssam , rip•a.t..g.,tata� - HE STEI{LINGBANKI OF..CANADA _ 'J"�' x��f -nom•`-�"�r-ww•.. SAVE,:because- - No. I37 Friends worth having will under.tand and res- pect your honest thrift. Head Oce. Cerner King sail Bay Streets, Tnronto Guard plias ever - Getiarick Brooch - A. H. Welke, A. Potter, Manage, NM, E-i.r.ersr�eeaer.. 1 1 1 .....+.........m, www the 'hristmas I , ift9rob1em i . ____ . 91tc WVhen in doubt, make it re Mutual Life Policy' No artictle of ornament or of utility can possibly give as solid satisfaction all through the year as a policy in the Mutual of Canada A Mutual policy does not wear out or deteriorate. It ircreaaee in value day by day and year by year. ')tit life and limited life policies are preferable for prate -Lion : our endowment policies for protection and invest- ment. A. G. NISBET DISTRICT &SPRSSENTATIVE OF MUTUAL LIFE ASSURAN4B CO. of Canada. OFFIOE 1N MASONIC TEMPLE. WOT STREET, eOOE*I( B Pumas Civics ID: Bowers 1M► P40. Bvix MN. : , NOTICE SI NCE the fire in our mill on the 8th inst. com- plete repairs have been made and the mill is again in full operation. Farmers and others requiring building material or any other work in our line are assured prompt and satisfactory ser- vice. Grain Chopping We are prepared to do chopping promptly at all times. Are You Going to Build? Estimates furnished to any persons who are con- templating building. A complete stock of builders' supplies always on hand. 1 To all our friends and patrons we extend our best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. OODERICII PLANING MILLS, Limited AA b.Iu . et isty.4.i * . eNWI' the barsmigert at P.T. Dames. in A NbNUAL MRETIMJ. ref General t[.M QgtN t IlaAs1 red General tet N• fore, .►tit Mhems., hewer •%, 1M& le um Own seas of s. sleek �g4., TM reverrevert.pof last )-ear' work win be wkolaef. The pablk ars cordially Invited to bre t. 11141tJjI'DIE LT, President. 0. ICM sae. [#,start. CARD OF THANKS. We take thh• maim of esta.d$ne our hearty these& to the awashees of the fire brht.e and the ether Mi mimeo promptly ea the night or leo Rh b4. ..d gave th.tt timely •.d sonnemefd efforts is estht 0 arises 1 will. therrhy pee- rToon Mitbre 0ODltRI(0 PLANING MIW.S. NITIID. .1 Ames 8t'r•nasae. est Skating The Ines% Christmas Gift you Nis peewit -1y buy for your wife and family or your beet girl is a Season Ticket for -the rink. You will get more real pleasure and beekti-giving exercise for the small sum of .11,00 than in anything dee pills name. wllirsea me and 4,107 glug mom tier J. T. Goldthorpe PORLM moi.. «. TO TUX ('mZKNO OF GUDRRiCH The Rens( b maisMtI.. of tM taws .meld he MINIM w dSMr rasa et ..ya �p�p�a dem V sM. 10g ththy .r� weer eregwrs s 4 [tae swim wta- Prtwt lties .":: Z. � 1.L�.r�r.. ry.ssw sr pticerb me/ be I.te at the teYlns slab the IAbtoelaa tf �e.t ..ads ewes he ts.d1s del vwM thaw, ler as know and we nal rend ler �thaw III -t, Re, JAxatiiitT H t . .er. THE SIGNAL WANTS OORRiIR- PUNDRNTS AT POINTS iN THR DISTRICT NOT ALREADY RRPRR- NRNTED. ENGLAND STRUCK. EAST COAST BOMBARDED BY A GERMAN FLEET. Hartlepool, Whitby and Scarborough the Victims of a German Raid - Eighty -two People, Mostly Civilians, Killed and Nearly Three Hundred Wounded. London." Dec. 18,-10:35 pini. -For the first tithe in centuries, Hovland bas been struck hy it foreign toe. A squadron of swift German cruisers es ept through the fog last night to the eastern [wast and turned their cons against the Britons. %Veen day broke they began the bowlaudm•rot of Ihre. important towns -Hartlepool, at the mouth 01 the Tees : Whitby, 35 miles south- ward, and Scarborough, noted as • pleasure resort, fifteen miles beyond. Hartlepool Suffered Most. Hartlepool suffered most. There two battle cruisers and an armored cruiser were engaged, and at this place the greatest In.. of life occurred. The British War Office fixes the oowher;of dyad at Hartlepool as seven soldient and 'Ll civilians, and the Wounded at fourteen soldiers and fifty civilian*. At `lcartenrough, where a battle cruiser and an armored cruiser shelled the town, thirteen casualties are reported, while at Whitby two were killed and two woucded. Men. women and children, of the civilian population, were left dead or wounded -struck without warning while at breakfast or et work. In a11, the ceaunity list totals 110, according to the official statement, of which :11 are known to be dead. Terse Churches Damaged. Three churches were damaged ; the gas works and lumber yards at ilert- l.pool were set afire ani the Abbey at Whitby was atrurk. The Balmoral Hotel at. Scarborough received the full effects of a *bell, ands number of houses and shops were .battered and partly burned in each of the towns. The hostile squadron escaped in the mist atter an encounter witb coast- guard vessels patrolling the neighbor- hood, which were reinforced es soon as the presence of the Germans was signalled. Eagland Is Indignant. A wave of intense anger has spread over England because of the attack. and bitter denunciation is beard every- where ole policy which permits tbe shelling A undefended towns. The fortress at the mouth of the lees is supposed to give some protection to tbe importsat shipping base ot Hartle- pool, but Whitby and Scarborough are as open to the enemy as is Atlantis City on the New Jersey twist. Scarborough, witb its old wtle- on • high hill. the big wino with • high tower, and the row of pretentious hotels on the waterfront, Arabella' • shining mark for target practice. Few eIsitote were at the hotels, because of the cold weather, but one invalid is known to have been injured and was taken away on a stretcher Pursuit Impossible. In a dirert line the mouth of the Tees is about th,ee hundred and fifty miles from Heligoland. the important German naval base in the North Sea. The British Admiralty says the Ger- man ships were among their fastest. They chow, a night when a thick mut prevailed to reach the roast and must have left their bars at least two hours before dark, and as they started to return about nine o'clock there still remained about seven hours of day- light for the pursuit, which, however, was rendered almost impossible by the fob ow the Germane evaded all the mines and patrols remains somewhat of a mystery. although experts recall that in manoeuvres British ships per- SITOATIONS VACANT TRACHIM 'WANTED FOR Na l Ashs.0. Dego" tecommease Jas. u ser Ie. Apar to 1. l.. /Milk snretarr. Rumania, - VVANTED.- A uman is ,- WANTED.-A RETdASLE MAN is t re la sewn► mk K .Adiu l)..- aims seethe mask. A the W mks . Write for part Nit ! WF.LLietrroit. root bill Nereselea. Tweet. 37 M. WANTED -AN RN PBRiENCSD toseher roe salon w'leee Nth o. wood-claw 0 M lsad Weaats lissairWawyktgdfineJ l{I: Apply to HI'OH YoCRort Tt r. See. R.11. . Y. Loeksew, Oat sae[. FOR SALE OR TO ROT L fjlp RRNT.-BttiCK 001701 WITHe. j1� 8 Vas �kl As i e C ilii. (LOUSE 1 RUNT.+ -ON NAPIRR - � ma AtIN`. t'BIM10 I l "' `esti WANTED TO RRNTtes T.. -A SMALL r� al ,f,�a�r�ey festertom. wit\ s 1 1. meant, N sw�a. RRN-T1tR leam.1 �~ >RIk is R RALE UR RRNT.-A FRAME home ea theism, of Noma Wrest awl hat seatd pM I modem �ersemytemesessao Abe . tit (i•1'ICIt pt. eatAs sweet > ar INIID1N0 AND FARM PROP RAW =A' ref ...s1s � Ain" R4 a im... "%V"' • ... ' �► .-p .e}R-.. in4im‘h . Aril° 014 *.ir. afArl'ek 1'Z= WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PICNIC, KiNTAiL-JUNK. 1914 formed the resole feat in the rompat- atieel small •pare het••en England and the w- e Scilly islands, whish. bow ever, was not mined. GOOD NEWS FOR CHRISTMAS. Just as The Signet Rites to press word come. that the Ames Iran Reed Machine Co. has received an ortl.•r from the Government for over a hon. drrd rainy wagon.. The order w 11 total about $15,110[1, and will mean the act re resumption of work at the Road Machine factory. HOCKEY NOTES. Godrrich will piey this s*aeon in group No. 8 in the intermediate aerie, .1 the O.H.A., romprisiog Stratford. St. Marys. New Hamburg, Srefnrtb and Oodesich, The following .cbrdale has been arranged : Stratford stilt. Marys. Dec.: 10. IPII. Sesforth at New Hamhur.r, Jan 1. 1015. Rtraifnrd et Seafmth, Jan 7. New Hamburg at St. Mattis. Jan. le Ooderich at Stratford, Jan. t( Stratford at Ni.* Hamburg, Jan. ll. St. Merya at Oodericb. Jau. 12 New Hamburg at Stratford, Jan. 11, Seaforth at St. Mai ye. Jan. 15. Stratford at Goderich, Jan. Int, New Hamburg at Seafnrth, Jan. 19. New Hamburg at Poderirb, 1sn. 30. Seafortb at St.attdrd. Jan. 21. Ooderich at St. Marys, Jan. t!. Sc Marys at New Hamburg. Jan. 2'2. Ooderich at Seeforth, Jan. dfi Rt. Marys at Stratford, Jan. 2,4 Seafnr-tb at Ooderich, Jan. 13I St. Marys et'teefnrth. Feb. Ooderich at New Hamburg, Feb. 4 The Ooderich hockey club will not hold itself responsible for any dries incurred hy any of its members unless accompanied by a requi-ition signed hy the president or secretary. HARBOR NOTES. The steamer Neepewab came in with • cargo of grain on Friday night. She moved up to the Transit elevator Saturday morning and a part of her cargo was taken off, the balaoo. being held in storage. Nay ittpat.ion has now ompletely chaired foe the Deacon. Ice is forming fast in the bcrbor and both north and [meth of the entrance then are bergs which extend several feet above the level of the piers. jt was expected by some that another boat was coming here to go into winter quarters, bot itis evidentli lyiegjais elsewbe s. are now fifteen large "grsinerss ed up here, the largest winter fleet Godericb has ever had. Most of the crews have left for their houses and ooly the engineers and an occasional wa&rbman remain to look after put- ting the boatsi in shape for the winter. THE CHRISTMAS SIGNAL. We present this week the Christmas her of The 'Signal. While we have hail eery little time to prepare for it, we believe it is not altogether an unworthy production : in fa.t, see hope 'bat readers will find in it good .'eel that is of inter•eut and value. lo spite of rather doleful predictions about the Christmas trade beard in • .me gasrters, the enterprising and progressive merchants err again to the fore with attractive announcements, and we bespeak for them the close at- tention of the purchesiog public. At this season the advertisements are al- most the most interesting feature of • newspaper, and The Christmas Signal his a good line of them. They ere pub- lished for the gnidnnce of the Signal readers, and we trust they will he care- fully read and that the advertisers - the men who invite business --will re- eeeve the hull benefit of their enter- prise. CHURCH CHIMES. --- Rev. Wm. H. W' idhton will preach at both services in the Baptist church next Sunday. Strangers in town will be heartily welcomed. Rev. W. K. Hager will preach ai both services at North. street Mei ho - dist :bunch neat Sunday. Morning subject "The Outsider's Share in Christmas." Evening subject: "Christ's Third Gerrit Life Battle -God Most Be Enthroned in the Hearts of Men." Rev. W. D. Tomer, of Blyth, will Preach at ho• b, service' in Knox church next Sundayin an ccordace with the resolution of the Presbytery of Huron for a general exchange of pulpits on that date. A di.eourse re- lating to religious education will he delivered. This it Mr. Turner's lint app+aranoe in tindericb and everyooe will be interested in bearing his wes- nage. RED CROSS NOTES. The Red Cross Society acknow• ledges a contribution of two sheets and three pillowcases from Mrs. Wm. Carey, Sbepp•rdton. The regular meeting of the Ooderich branch of the Red Crow Society was held in the town council ohsmber on Monday at 8 re. w The secretary re- ported that, atter paying foe the ttMte al Inc the thief hale, re balance of rrremaleed otl'baed. 1Jf ebb item, ell was voted for the purchase of yarn. Those wishing to make dona- tions foe tho next tale are r.queeted to sato knitted goods to Mrs. McKim. and other articles to Mrs. Holborn. The next Red Crew westing will be held in the council charnber on the errand M••nday of January, when it is hoped, with a replre•iehed treturn y-, the Societe will be able to push for- ward its work vigorously. A Spacial Warning Against Fire. The Commission of Conservation sends cut a warning regarding the special danger from fire at Christmas. Christmas tree deems[ lone are usually trade of inflammable wateriai and with candles in clow proximity there is constant danger. Where Christ- mas trees are erected in carpeted snows, sheet tin or sine should he placed uoder the tree, to catch the candle drippings. It should be one peI-on's duty to watch the candles. tbat instant action may be taken if the tree takes fire. In public halls, Sundayschools, etc., where nuhers of children m dren are assembled, unusual pregautions should he taken. Fire ex- tinguishers and pails of rester should be in convenient places. Mens Clara costume% should be dipped in a solu- tion of four ounces of phosphate of (ammonia to a quart of water. if clothing catches fire throw the person down, and roil bin in carpet. rug, hianket, Gnat or anything handy, t.o smother the Hamm. The exits should h • kept perfectly clear to avoid danger of panics. In hu,ioess houses electric wiring for special disobeys should be carefully Inspected. Paper or muslin ohsdea should not he plered clo.e to the lamp*, as they mai take fire from the heat. Christmas Gifts in Fancy Drygoods. Motor scarfs in wool and silk from 25c up. Handkerchief, in silk and linen, a variety to choose frets. Bandeaus, back and side combo, and barrettes. Neckbands, beetle, from ii)c and litc up to the expensive pearl. Furs for ladies and children. Purses in all styles. In B,aement. Toy.. doll carrieees, rocking horses, on tables from 5, 10, 15. and 25c up. P. T. OgeN. Corner East street and Sgoere. HORN. THOM. To Mr. aid Mr.. Fit. Thew, 8t Helene, on Sunday. December 13th. • dassbter. WARNER.- In lio4ertch, on Dreemb-r IMh.t. Mr. end Mot 0. A. Werner. a daughter. ANDRLWS.-phi Ik'e.mher 13th. to Mr. sad Mew ( Lela. R. Andrew. LUghtlsoom idiom. • daughter. M, rlONALI) At I:enia:tale. R. ('.. on Wed - 'wieder, ll000aeber Yid. to Mr. end M,, Hugh MoDeeedd. • daughter. 01E0. BATES. In do4ar'o4, ori T6andaf. Deoaas: bw 17, (icer. K Matee..osd 7bsar.. WARREN. -1a Oadoelrh, on » •dae.day. Ds- ee.ber 14 Allen P. warren. agent rep yearn, AUSTIN. le Goderlob. o. Thunder. Deem - tier iota. Loretta Katherine Media. da.,ebtr of Mr. end Mr.. Philip Aeolis. V her elaht..eth year. TNR WINTER FLEET iN OODERICH HARBOR. FIlt.m hirp freighters, largely engaged le the grain traRie, are staking their twister quarters In God.- rieh harbor. Them botulism : Turret Cape, Turret Crown, tecot tMh Hemi, Pal , Attikokan, Rmprsas nt Port Wiliam.. Ns hiag, Winona, inland, Drummond, Senora. Arcadian, RamisIsttyula, Yoekton and Ne.pawab. in addition to Gime are the tags Horton, M*Atnn. Forrest and Rdwtard Rieke, the dodgem Masesstung and Godeeleb, breeds. other nraft, making the Iargast winter fleet ewer aseambled in (iod.rich barber Some of the grain vessels stilt rrnttain a prrrtine of their eaego, whist," awn he uaIoseed as required. Gods/rich 1. r'eeogslssd In the grain busies.. as • flat -slays iistributing point, and when N. prnjeeted im- proverneste are eneepleted Be already largs trade.bosid Memos materially. HISLOP CHOSEN. AS LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN NORTH HURON FOR COMMONS. Large and Enthusiastic Convention at Wingham on Monday Places For- mer Member of Legislature in the Field -Organization of New Riding Association Completed. At a splendid meeting held at Wing - ham on Mondaylast the organization of the North uron Liberal Associ- ation was completed and a candidate for the next election to the House of Commons was placed in the field. Mr. Arch. Hislop, of Walton, who hes carried ties Ltt+eral banner in asy- er.,l electoral contests in old East Hui on, was accorded the nomination alter a spirited contest. The meeting was held in 1 be town ball, which was comfortally filled. That Liberalism is a living force in the new tiding of North Huron was emphatically demonstrated by the ta.ge attendance in spite of the cold 001 stnrtny weather which prevailed, se well as by the else Interest taken in the proceedings of the convention. The chair woes occupied by Mr. W. H. Koberteon, of (loderich, the president leo trw., who was confirmed in the afire by the alerting. The flet business of importance be - tore the meeting was t be adoption of a constitution for the new Aaeociatios, and when this bad been concluded the election of officers was proceeded with, with the following result : President -W. H. Robertson. Gods r ice. First vice -president -John Gillespie, Whitecbutcb, Second vice-president -John Benne- berg, Currie. third vier -president -Joseph Dal- ton, Kingsbridge. Secretary -Jewell McMurcbie, Blyth, Treasurer -A. B. t arr, Blyth. Auditor -R. K. dloen, Blyth. Chairmen fur wuuteipaliuee: Hoevick-Ju. Hunter, floret.. Turnben-R. S. Muir, Glens/Doan. Mori is-JoGlens/Doan.bn McAt ter, Brussels, (trey -Wm. Kreuter, Ethel. Kest Wawae.owh-John Shiads, W Ingham. Colborne -R. M. Young. Carlow. Ashfield -Cha.. Stewart KIntail. West Wswanosh--J. H. McNab, Dungannon. Wroxeter -John Douglas. Brussels -P. Scott - Blyth -A. H. Carr. Wingham-Rich. Clegg. Godericb-t'. A. Nauru. The Nominations. The following were prupoeed for the representation of the party in the next election to the House of Common.: Thomas McMillan, of tSeaforth ; R. Vanatone, of Wingham ; Chas. Stew- art., of Ktnuul; R. D. Cameron, of Luck - now ; W. H. Kerr, of Bruesela • W. Proudfoot, K. U., M. P. P., of Oode- rich ; J. W. King, of Btuevale ; A. M. Bradwin, of Gnderich : Wm. Cane, of Ooderich : A. Hislop, ex -M. P. Y, of Walton : J. O. Anderson, ex -M. P. P., of Lucknow. Brief addresses were given by Dearly all of these, several declining, tor var- ious reasons, to allow their names to stand. A ballot was then taken on the following Messrs Hislop, Ander- son, Lane, Bradwin and Cameron, and finally Mr. Hislop was declared to he the nominee of the convention, Messrs Anderson and Lane moving that the nominatioq be heads unanimous. The Candidate. Mr. Hislop addressed the conven- tion, expressing his acceptance of the nomination and his sense of the hon- or dons him in again placing the party standard in his hands. He be- lieved there was a good prospect, not only of the election of the Liberal nominee in North Huron, but alio of the return of Sir Wilfrid Laurier to power whenever the appeal to the people should be made. Mr. Hi.bp was formerly the repre- sentative of East Huron in the Ontario l,t.gielature, retiring at the time 01 the redistribution under %be Whitneybv- eent, which Best H rnmuron out of existence,. He is a practical farmer, an excelknt speaker, and a keen student of public sAafra Owing to an indisposition it was impossible for Mr Hugh Guthrie, M. P., to be present at the meeting. wiliest' ha . was expected to address. Mr. W. Proidfoot, M. P. P. tovOeste* Huron who gave an addree., confined hie attention chiefly to the war aline - tion. Ubristmes special! Mired choco- lates and creams 2 los. for 'Z mots at Blackstone's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -DEC. I Tth Tsarter winter Rote Me(les se • Faros Wanted Renter. The Klima Ogloo.., Flower roe ciei.twaa (leo. StewYI..,,, ..I• open for Raman nuwa(: 6 flay • Sarson 'Nobel J. T. ,idtkerpe • irprnitern for 1 •hMe(raae r:lft.lr.., 1016/84///?11 Hr.e. Wanted 11. A. Deman , ('bri.t magi Aureotton eyrie Theatre . • Raster.. Att./oboe F. H. Weed. M A Merry Christie/to- Ip. T. Edwards >r The Sanitary Moat Mertet-U'pry. di (Ls� Nwie"-Opdrieh Plaale.091. 1.dd-....... • ('are etf Thankaeledelrk Plaids, Nit Lei • The Rrepbey audio J. W. Treader. A•nsal MawApt - ANsandea Ideeles sit en& snit Handtal BIWA • AUCTION SALES, Moan. v, Dan. lb.ed si abyss as'N'1.'d'm.t..«sut.t lat"a'..a. A. !I. ■sanstl pruprtatR: 7lsrarae a.stss.s*c.