HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 8• THCRsuai, Docrusisa 17, 1914 Christmas Gifts at Prices that Cannot be Beaten Anywhere r Popular copyright Fiction. heretofore putdi.bed at 111.:7, and *1.50,over Its1 titles to wales• from. full cloth bound. all nae price, 32e, each. These include "Oki Rn -r and Silver." by Myrtle Reed. "Hirable's island,"ly Lnuia Tracy, "Phe Harvester," by Oen, Stratton Porter, "The Melting of Molly," by Davies. 'The Happy Family.- I.y Hower, ale. Special Copyright Rooks ,lust published in time for Christmas. •'The Patrol of the Nun Dance Trail.- 'to? Ralph Connor, special "Tho Fortunate Youth,- by Look,. a1.1o,'•Biombi," liy Cooke. 111.10,'•Fyes of th.. world" by Harold li-ti Wright, 111 26 wet,"laao- cent," by Marie I'orelli, til 25. nod ell the others worth reading. Children's Special Toy Books Including "sic-Tok of Oz," =1.25. -When a Fellow Needs • Friend."' 1411.. ••OBkin-nay $I.23. "Punky Dunk'. Playmates." :i little books Iteeutifully illustrated aced colored, in box, Parc pet .et of a. l hildren's toy books from up to =1.50, Boy's Own, Girl's Own. $1 7e.. Compare these price•, with out-of-town price.. (including depyrtmentat •tore.l. and save money by being loyal to )our own town. Vollaad's Boole Calendars make a welcome gift. Calendar of Dinners. t'alendar of Salads. Calender of Desserts. C'alendara of Luncheons. etc.. special :Ale each. Other pretty calen- dars from 15c up to :41c. Christmas Cards Get away from the stereotyped and commercial tori of having your name printed. Dainty little F'oldele, u, be used with personal visiting card, special ;r each, or :ak pet dos. Other dainty cards, with envelopes made of same material and same tone, 5c, and "Iic each. Christmas Postal Cards from 4 for :rc up to :w each. 1 I Absolutely the most up -I) -date stock of Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Braes Goods. Imported Bnglisb China, including Royal Crown fierily, Royal floitltnn. Minton. Coalport, etc.. at 'pedal est prices The Goderich Book and Stationery Co.. GEO. PORTER game. •gym► • can . mimes • went' 1 LYRICTHEATRE 1 1 I 1 I Christmas. fioods Now to Hand It will please us to have an order from you, as we guarantee everything Nt:w AND THE BEs•[, PRiCESS THR LOWEST. NEW GOODS • Raisins, Currants, Fig.. Mitts. Oranges. Candies, Nuts and alt General Grocer - les. Hamilton Street OoderieLq Orders delivered promptly, as we have our own delivery-. -Let tut have your order and be convinced. 11Ms1 JOHN SPAHR meeMekeeetMeateateeMANIONteeeteksano OUR Specialties Plumbing Pleating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all small joia acid general repair work. use — "me W. R. PINDER ,'hone 166 Hamilton Street Special Christmas Attraction Two nights Friday and Saturday, December 25th and 26th will be presented George Kleine's Stupendous, gorgeous and spectacular Photo "Quo Vadis" complete in eight parte. Also an initial offering of the latest novelty ani- mated Song "Selected," accompanied by Mottos Picture. This program will be absolutely one of the Sheet over attempted i■ Oodericb and should a{lpeal to alt lovers of best. One exhibitloo only each Isle d aria• very • Mar ewteetalbmeet possible. Rv.rybody come early and see the entire .bow. f )cors Open i ADM18S1ON Adults. 1 a. ('bildreo. 1 Oe F. W. Robissos, A.R.C.O. TzACleaa e1. Plenelerto Orgite Mid Dogleg Hells ewe T11.ro s 11mdc Hers not agree SPOT nun TH1 SIGNAL • aspiumon = ONTARIO UTILE LULU AND THE SNOW FAIRIES [ILD wasa eery clay girl ores Inc her els years. Obe wag a good Itttle thing. how- ever, g0tog to school every day and doing her small beet to be helpful to moth- er when she was bona The Ms girls were playing together at recess ties day when Clara. wbo was Lanes &NW est friend, whispered to ber: "What's Saner Claus going to bring you, Calor It was almost Christmas time. Lulu •book her little yellow bead and sighed Mother kid said BIN floe day before that times were hard end perhaps Banta wouldn't be able to b as well as usual for some tittle girls that year. And Lulu waa very sloth afraid when the beard It that mother bad meant ber tittle girl So she an- swered Clare's question sadly: "I don't know what gaiety will being se• this year. It 1 don't net the dolly at '7e ane &err4'U aradaa." the est of dishes or the ply furniture I want ren going to try not to mead. for I am just sure Santa would betas them If be emit" Clara bad beard talk about the ex- pensiveness of toys, too. and wee Lain explained It to her she wondered If really dear old Santa would be too poor to bring ber all she wanted this Quietism "Well, I'm gotag to keep ea wishis& Met the same." declared Oara. "Too know the fairies help Sesta, and the t les eaa 6e anything." Lela was cheered by this view of the cams as ale ran along borne from n elooL retry day ab. kept a .Awry bokost toe fairies. If ever she met elan ash. meant ( beg that fairy to be 1d little beat to help Banta get bis Christmas toys Oe Cbrl.tmaa eve a. Lala got ready is go to bed she lanced that the sty had become qWa dark. 1 wonder if we that bays a addle Otrletnessr Lala's mother said as the drew the curtain. aside. Lola was Wed and the sees woe[ M d eep. demo time laser she eveosd bier ,cyte Otaedag at the window. the saw semethitg white tattering sag waving jset .stude the wisdoms. "Wi.trver can tt bier she wondered and tamped eat of bed and rue te the window. Dewing ea the windowpaas were several mit. Ser.s dad la gti.aulmt whits dews, lest Ilk. des ewow that ly an the glowed. Aad centering Waugh t!. sir 1.al. saw sane lets d lases mtfe wide. aamture. wkleb t!e halm at same won slew hriits. Tier labbo-oared their Mad. and We pet op the window. Stuaw le say. It did sot feel cold. and this Ott,e fairies dew is wttbost seemeng es be in tits WM afraid .t moiling_ nes sew dean Claw tittle Wpm.' em. Wry salt "We gm abase bytes 1e dud sett stmt what rafte skis and boys want Inc Cbirimansa W. eaa"t ems until apes N thew, taesgb, to we ride almost ea the deka and Se mew W been se Ms We year. dad saw. Wee sett eel yen tad es wet yea west Onset le bring peer Lela did set have es cheek sear Sea '717 dilly see a Beset awes. low tare. . ad ber base ls .e gem" les writ 'Waal yes /Ness W hien r Mit me w sew deity?' •'w. certainly .heti." Me !litter sae - el. and tabs. they spree& dear dale ..e..w end ..w bet of Me wfadew. Outside e4 looted NM es.wessee. Lola crawled beck bats bad. mad prwssatiy .be went to deep agate. OW did not know It was Cbrlstenas msew tag until her another called her wit! • gay "]leery Cbrl.tc sr Then obit jumped oat of but 'Rae right downstairs sod see what Baste has ten for 700," her mother Bald And when Lilo cot down to the din - Ing room she sbrieu.ed with delight. for Santa had bang up her stacking and filled ft with goodies, n bile to tittle chair nnderoeath the stocktog was seated s lovely [olden haired doll7. Besi.1. It was a little trunk. nod whys Lola opened It elle round It fail 01 pretty clothes ter the new doll OLCI SANTA CLAUS. [Author 1'aknowo.' 014 Santa Claw eat sal alone to We den Wtth he fes emoted osier 0ts knee Mille a comical took peeped out at hta Ores. For a funny fallow a ha His quer utt1e asp was tumbled and torn. And his wig was all awry. But M sat and named the whale day font While the boars wast ayfne ay. Be luta been as bury as beery ooald b. In talkie his pack wttb toys. H. bad gathered Ills outs and baked he plea To give to the gine and Wye There were dolls for the arta .sd whtps Inc the tors, With wbeslbarrowa, bone. sad And barealts and trunks for dsnf'a new clothe& Alt these to his paak be dimple" Of candy. too* both twbted and striped, He had furnished a pientltn1 .pine. While raisins and flp and prones and grapes Haat ap ao a peg 07 the door. 'I am almost ready,' noses h& quoth he. •And Chriatmaa N ahnoat bra But one thing more -1- 01010I them a book And give to math fine this year." So he clapped ire *peas 10 he little round mom And. selaamg the stamp of a p.. 8. wrote more lines le one little hoar Than you weer maid reed ht tea. He foie them stories. an putty oust MM. Ana wrote them an out 1n rims, Then peeked them away with b10 boa et tars Te ditrib.1e one at a time. And ttir(tmas ere when am were to bed Right down the chimney be Sew. And. stretching the stocking lag out Ie. the top. H. dapped 1. a book ter you CHRISTMAS TREE FOR CHILDREN OF THE STAGE. la New Tort city and other large 'Rtes there bas been a custom Inc years to bare somewhere -tor a long time Pony Pastor's theater in New loot was a gathering plate --a (Christmas tree for the children of the stags. a custom that grew, not out of etarlf;7. but It was said with all bade[, from genuine lova borne of the names that the people interested In thestaicals most respect have long been a.sodat.d with these Chrlstmas tree. and some of the cbUdren who knew them years ago would today be names to respect. too, If there were to the coaetr7 a lees ^ ommerctaltsed stags and tisnalss standards of acting. Batt that'. swotir er .tory. They ars at (east seectsL Thee. Christmas erose is the lugs doss, taking oo the proportions at pit - lie functions, are dmptt the oetsewort! . sd .enlarged edittoo oe the away NMI celebrations that take Maas and bees taken place wberever then Is a year star to the company to mak. the macs or less beesestck oldsters think beet end fn afar Mates 'beet Erb r M Interest le the day. It is ebtldrsa's lay after all. and an the .satimest of ehe stereotyped children's Lialet ass dory. from the Vas either type. wit! the tescse of the waft ate the street, Es the Mc! Std grandfather wises. Mari ls sotteoed by he lathe Lord hmetle. ray, might be drew. from feet see company that. traveling west. ase Clebtmr .eemlmg ea .Incon• -mesa. .s.su.d. Is seine beelgb 4 ante eight shear,.. The GYiOltSamar.g.r, itelNtltter eel MM 9.) taltbe.sst li..e woe ewe wee *Am th..aw Over the esearti tarty sag ass ▪ tbse melee se lasebilaban gala "whose N fir two ws. n sale et tes W er Amer wwog 10. ase. MAO a meg .n1 M• os.pr sale 9tyerl n M. Sea 1 sang; !ie view sit lkw es s1As1 flee." tt..b.. rare. "Ida N e... assess A Bert 1 bevel* M • /.em were" e•Its•sar, •Yr. N toe get fir SOK A renal get et pies s s.lt` 11s.• Sus tie giro d tbas woe men M/sa 0.10.4. 0 Wore. Gran try gift Mt -1.a wae.en. • 7-AMerry tbristmas Bo "All Wlp "Wave %o Do With She S3rop1 ey Stuato WE SEND GOOD -WILL TO THOSE WE SERVE AND TO THOSE WHO SERVE Vs: AND WE ASK AS MUCH AS WE SEND. BELIEVING THAT FRIENDLY BVSINESS IS THE BEST BUSINESS. WE WISH EVERY PROPER JOY OF NINETEEN FOVRTEEN'S MOST JOYOVS TiME TO ALL[ '3. W. Z5russier Christmas shoppers OUR stock of Christmas (roods is now complete. Luxuries and necessaries in great abundance. Nothing could be more appropriate for a Christmas Gift than a piece of our beautiful China- ware. We have a large stock in new and dainty design., at prices to suit all pockets. Christmas Fruits la oor •r>cery department we have . full line of all Cbristmas Delicacies. (rano•-s, fiaoap.•e and ell *em .onable fruits Retains, CUrtatite. I'ruues, Oraeberrie., Pineapple. and all the ingredieots nece•a.aty for ibe Cbristm .ve culinary an woe etuents. Fancy Candies Tr a box of our special Chocolates. Put up in artis- tically designed boxes, eapeeiatly adapted for seodiug • dainty gift by parcel poet Fot the children we bare • tempting display of Fancy Candies at prices which tying theta witbio the reach of eve. y hoose. Flowers A varied assortment of House Plants for ler Christ- mas trade. We shall also have • stock of Carnations. S. J. Young = . Hamilton Street 1914 GOOD NEWS 1914 --FOR— MENFOR— MEN and BOYS PI airy your Christmas Presents st M. Rollins and save mosey Mee'. line Cost 8birts. ool AT and tie to match, aocy bases $1. Mss'. Mufflers in silk a wool filo to Men'. B.ttMry. silk Kbi.8 Mes's N1k Aaedl.echieta 1. boars............. Mena Branae Is res US 1• Mao's dee kid Mims. %ad amisad. ate. . is Casey blas. up Men's silk Ties in tan tee.— ..... ffic to Moo'. sire Arm HeAd. 1 easy base. Yee'.8weater Coate.. 91 O4. T SPECIAL Tao doom • amss's A Kalman. boxes ... SPECIAL Boyd wed Girls' Rink • SPECIAL Reewatdte9d initW Head Mete 1 t M. ROBINS MOWN sWourare. therm_ tib ►.Mm. Sol. asset for Peabody's Overalls. BNtle Sbirta and 'i{g.r Braved Usderweer