HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 6Your Christmas Needs will
be attended to promptly with
choice and fresh
Your China Gifts purchased here will be
very much appreciated by your friends.
We have the sole agency for hand -
painted Nippon China. Quality the best
and prices very moderate.
Agency for Neal's Choice Breads, Fresh
Every Day.
fs TIQMOAT. D[r'gMau 17. 19:1
Csfut Gift Susttoits
Things to Help Cheer Many Hearts, Many Homes, and
Many Pocket Books
Kodaks and
bring back pleasant
mentorie• w ben the
children have grown
up. Get one for them
KUDAKS $7 to $°-2.50
BROWNIES$1 to$12
Toilet Sets
We can give roil a
set from
$4.75 UP, IN EBONY
$3.00 UP, iN EBONY
and Ivory
A vitt •ppreria'ed
by any young lady.
Imported, for
$2.00. $&2b, $3.50
A Safety
ruabOe. a man to
shave him, elf thus
saving theharhrrhill.
ENDER - $1.25 UP
Note Paper
A gentle reminder to
N tlre cerµiorally --
iOC. 20e. 25c
ole Agent
Cr ndy
Perfumes and
Toilet Waters
Imported or ldoute.tic snake
A nice present for any girl or y sung lady
TS - 40 -50 75-1.00 - 1.50-2.50
for the
25'•, 30
Many Other
Gifts Not
Central Drug Sto.e
North St. & Square, aoderich.
Phones : Business 90.
Residence 328.
A Dainty Box
of Dainty
(et the '•O.sly Girl."
Of course it mus• he
a box of HUYLER'S
2bc. 30.. 40 •, 50*.
60r. 80c. $1.00, $2.00.
A Ibums and
ALBUMS 80-, $1.15.
hot Water
ten -4 r '.meed for 2
{ 4-44.6
I'M the ..hl
Thr. Nill bring
sunny comforts.
To theSmoker
A Lox of cigars will
h y ing hours of
pim lure.
We'have t her'
Corner of Hamilton Street and Square
While ole, ing at the schoolhouse.
Holsnd Maras, of Morris. bud one of
his lams broken in three places.
While elimhing over a 'fence on her
way to school. Gertrude Ames. of the
:ted concession of Grey, fill and broke
her ankle. tO
Mr.. %Ym. H*1«►ll, of Fordwich.
who sold her hotssshold furniture hy
Auction last week, will shortly leave
for England.
Brothers in Distress
The wife of tte rolonel was making
the round of the hospital. and paused
at the l.pdssde of a et -minded High-
lander The gallant fellow, one of
Men "Hume legs had en recently arnput-
tnted, was to, ing with a German
helmet evidently • trophy of war.
••Well,' wad the lady. '•1 suppose you
killed 'oast man '•Well. naw."
quietly responded the *Helier, "you
sec it was like ibis. He lay on for
field' pretty near me with an awfu'
wound an' M.ed:n' away som.thin'
ver t tl,e. I was loosin a lot or blond
toxo Into my leg, hitt 1 messaged to
crawl tip to him an' i o ind him as well
a. i nonld, and he dial the **n.e•to me.
Nwwthin' of r.airee was saki between
urs (kn.wnotierm.n andtlt* ither man
not a word o' Rngl,-h ; en when br'd
dost, no *vein' M.o rage tea tbank him
1 just soiled and M way o' token
honied him my OIagarry, and he
smiled %seek sad gave me his
Might Hurt Somebody.
"it was perhaps natural for the donor
of twopence to inquire whether the re-
cipient bad contemplated enlisting.
'1'd go like a shot, sir, rause the an
saver, 'Mit Fire mash L 'tet temper, and
when i reed what them Germans 'ave
done 1 can't 'old mvaelf in. No. sir. If
1 wax at the (rout 1 couldn't 'pip
committing outrage. on 'set. I'm
best at 'none.'
Mamma--" 14ow. Teddy, we mast all
try and give tap somatbing while tbe
war is on." Teddy -"1•m willing."
Mamma "What will it he. dear le
Tedd y -- "$ori p. •'
"Peter. who were IM two *troagest
' man of olden times t" •'rt•msnn and
lllwrcaler." 'Y'an you tall anything
about them t" ••Oh, res. Hamann watt
a regular Hercules!
"Fee Dome," sold a sate who had
t jntt bean .hnwn Moo the editeeNt
tree wA
•'Io o called
helium. • room, y you roe *
pollttral jobber In our paper tndet.
"1 regret the error quite as much as
you. replied the editor "Ab, then
Telt t MASA to call nee 'bat?"
t'Mo. 1 wrote 'reb^er' eery die.
limey r
Might Be Orme.
Iran% wserr. ►•a t Isar..
Tem% two. a .( 4e*'t ee•s.
"TMamWemit 4.
.••1t .dthl t,beca vow-
Mr. Ben. Ke, r, of Londe.bnro, left
on Tue-da., the sth inst.. for England.
wber • he expects to spend Christmas
with hie ft tend..
The death took place on December
tth of the little Hre•months-old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mr.. John Leary, of
Crani trty. The child was ill only e
few days.
Mr. Win. Snell, of Hallett township.
Won the prize at the Guelph winter
fair for the twat steer or birder, two
years or under, offered by the Huron
county- council.
While working on A waffold Wm.
Haney, of Bluev■le, was thrown tote
ground throuoh the scaffold breaking.
He received Injuries to bis hack its
well as a severe shaking up.
The proceeds of an entertainment
given by the Young Prcple'a Society
of the Wrozeter Pr-estoterian cburcb
last week, amounting to $40. were
handed over tc the patriotic fund.
Mrs. R. McRae passed away at the
home of her son, J. A. McRae. of the
McKillop ixoundary. on December 7tb.
She was eighty years of age and came
to McKillop forty-seven yeare ago.
The engagement is announced of
Mina Dell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Terrybeny, of '1lckersmlth, to Mr.
Douglas Holmes. of Tilbury West the
marriage to take place Christmas West, the
Miss Mabel Levis passed away at her
bome, near St. Helens. on Tuesday
nio.hq December Pith. She bed been
in poor health since last spring. The
deceased was In ber twenty-eighth
Miss Tessio Switzer, of ('rsohetioe,
who bed been marking school at Rk-
frid, wise compelled to give up her
'school no account of sickness. The
trustee. of the school presented her
with it cheque for S5'0 as an apprecia-
tfcn of her 'reelects.
Mr. Jame. Cemphell, who has been
tre•snstwacd clerk of the towsabrp of
Mullett for the pet twwwty-sift .paYtR
hae been asked to continue hie serviette
in that oMoe for another year, as it is
p.ohable no municipal election will he
held this year. Mr. ('amphell wished
to rattan.
The nineteen -month. -old .'hild of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Luther, of Grand
Bend, was bureed to death on Satin -
(ley. the 8th inst. The mother had
left the children alone while .he went
to the iarn. On her return the cot
wee in flames and before the infant
rm,ld Iw rescued it was fatally horned.
Robt. I)urnin was • visitor at the
Toronto fat stock ',bow.
IMies Lottie Bell was maid of honor
*t the wedding of her sister, Miss Rose
Bell, which happy event took plate at
I London on Tuesday. the xth Met.
The nodi of George Strathdee was
heresnht twee from MilOwd, i(tssk.,
engaged in rifle practice. The funeral
Mirk place on Wedn•eday, the At h,
hale the home of ('h*.. Sts alhdee,
4th concession of Huron.
Thos. t'hieh"lm, who lived Mat
north of the village, died on Saturday,
dere-mho. 6th, sifter an illness of two
weeks. Mr. Chisholm had an attack
d pleurisy which kept him abed for •
semi. tied thinking he h.sd reeeve,wd
be went to work. This brought ore •
where he was accidentally shot while
Christmas Gift Suggestions
Several Lines Greatly Reduced for the Holiday Trade.
It Will Pay You to Inspect Our Stock Before Buying.
$3 to $4.50
$4 to $6.50
$1 to $6.5o
75c to 52.00
soc to $6.5o
$1.25 10 54.00
Inc to 75c
At all prices
Aluminum, 50c
$36 to $65
52.0o to 53.50
$1.00 to $2.00
50c to $ 1.00
25C to $i.00
51 So to $4.0c
Automobile and Razor Blades
40c to S6. of
Complete assortment, all prices
$1.50 to 56.50
$16 to 560
51.25 to $2.50
Everyone says the HOWELL HARDWARE C O Eversame this says
same this year- year
Something Useful SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE 'PHONE 57 Somethirg Useful
relent. and deet h enatsed. He leaves t to Shy. to whom h. is teaching the
a widow and four toeing children to Buglish Language.
very poor cirro,n►t*nces. 1 William Brice was here from bToron-
\\'I\GHAM. itotocelr,atehis tout birthday.
Mrs. Heine w eighty -are years old rind
le '•a marvel of a^tivity and good
Mrs. J. O. Wilton has arrived from
Binde.Kiri% Seek., and intends spend-
ing the wetter herr. Sur was accom-
panied toy Mrs. 1.. 1,'. Munroe, of Sas-
aitoon, who is on a visit to her patent.,
Mr. and Mot. T. K. Hays.
Mire Annie Govenlock recently re-
ceived her certiacete of graduation
from the (lacadfan Academy- of
Mu•i.•. Miss Oovrnleck, who took up
the tiudowaky method, 1* now a qualt-
ded music teacher.
Harry Stobie• a brother of Alex.
Stobie, has returned to town aft r an
ab- ii a ..f thirty-seven y. arv. He had
travelled extews•ely io the United
Stairs end m .re recently had *-t Ord at
Aitken. Minnesota. He baa «ol.l hi•
property there and m. v reside at S. a-
forsh in the future.
Pedometer Griffin hts bean con -
tined to his home for some days by i
Miss Kathleen M. Telford. of Rap-
t-,, England, is Heil Int; Miss L.
Hazel Hr.ndntt.
W..+lev Walter, a former Wing -
hate resident. by porch*.rd the Way.-
erly hotel property, at Clinton, and
will convert it into a feetory.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Currie, of Ed
mouton, *r. .tending a few weeks
with relatiyes and friend.; in this dis-
Harry Whitworth, who has been
in 1Winghaut for some time. left •
week Ago for his home at Norwich.
England. He intends enlisting As
soon as he re*cher home.
Mr. Frank Anglo won forty dollars
in prizes at the Teenwater poultry
show, He made a clean sweep in the
Hondan claw., and also. made a good
*bowing in Orpington., Leghorn..'
game and bantams.
BR !'SSE Lai.
Jacob Wilton has shipped bis house-
hold furniture to Guelph. where he
and his family are now living.
('leve Denbow has gone to Tomoto.
where be la connected with the firm of
Meson t Riscb. piano manufacturers.
The Bell telephone central has been
closed and the 'long distance" till he
looked alter ny the Rurel telephone
Russel Brown, who is working for a
drug firm in Toronto,, baa been rr-
iously i11 with hlood-poi.nning. The
trouble storied from it pimple in his
left hand which he squeezed.
Mise Eli:,'. Roo., of Brussels, was
married on December Alb to J..bo E.
Smith, of Bowdon, Manitoba. The
ceremony, which w.. performed by
Rev. A. i. Mat -n, B. A.. was held at
the home of the Midi's parent., at
high noon, only immediate relatives
being prevent. After the ceremony
the young couple left for their future
homy at Brandon. Mrs. Smith was
made the recit lent of several ad -
drawee and gifts from the various
church societice with which she was
Mrs. Pinney, who is residing with
b -r daughter. Mrs. pili noel,. Huron
arrest, is suffering from in attack or
gangrene'. Her recovery i. doubtful.
John Hunter, son of Mr. Simon
Hunter, nied in the West from pneu-
monia. Hie hod was rmought here
for internment. body
his relatives
here be leaves * wife and Iwo
T. H. Newell has converted the
targe open *bed connected with otbe
Commercial hotel foto a garsge, wO
ire, bowie and hen house. He *,111 re -
twins the tato, horn for the conveo-
ienoe of his patroos.
Dr. Harry J. Browning, of Emer-
son. Man.. wait msrrird on November
11) h at Outlook, Montana, to Mies
Eliz %both Clark. They *111 reside at
K,nereon. The DNoctos's old friends
here wish him and his pride much
M... Clare J. I.t.zron became the
tride r.f Mr. Alfred Goatee on Demon
bee Ytb. R... J. R. McAlister tied
Om nuptial knot. After the usual
wedding feast the young empire left
for • trip b. i)etrat and Hamlltoa.
On their return they will reside on tie
nroosn'. fa, ni, 2nd rooeession of
Cele,' neo
G. E. Hand.rsoa buss been suffering
with a poisoned band roomed hi com-
ing in contact with pekoe ivy.
Mr.. iarkin returned lags week,
after spending threw months with rela-
tives In Prime !Cesare Island.
The ladies of •he Seafortb Red ('
Siety Mid a sale of home-made hale
arecently at which they realised
Pearson Orley. has a elms of Rua
elate. rnegi*g ia age freest gamete's'
1 Ntayol Survey of Huron County.
A R a1 Survey of the county of
Huron, Ont., has been made hy c.. -
operating organizations of the Pie.hy -'
terian and Methodist chutche., and a
report of t his sur vey in a bo..k of 311
Page* has just heen looted hy the sec -1
noaty of the survey corumit..rr. Hsv. 1
S. F. Sharp. Rxeter. It it a vet y vela-'
able piece of ii. elstole. dealing, as rt'
dove exhaustively, wish religion. coon•
ditiuns, the young people, r,-ligiona
education, the puhi c schools and tarot
co.tditiou. to this fine part of Ontario.
The discoveries cf the committee ate
s, 1 Furth in the book not to words
only, hut hy pb..t, rapbs and di..
grams. 'rhe rr.vtu of the mu vey we
1 rut altogether conducive to content-
, mint no the pert of the !Cadent In
chun:h au4 state in .Husou county.)
Fur example, since 1M75 the rural see.
libeling have lost forty per cent. of their'
p�opPt.lation. "In the diminished popu-
!'.feast the "vie lapping of different de-
nuwiuAo inns i. re pa i .fully evident.
Divided into so many denominational
gawp* the work among yuuiw people!
an ally one church is made difficult."
The survey reveals the fact that Jit per
cent. of the churches of H'roo have
not gained or lost ten or nose mem-
len to ten years, M 1.2 per cent_ of the
Ichurcbes are dectrasmtr, while the re-
meioing 24 1 2 per mot. are increas-
ing. The women and girls have more
societies than man and hoy•, the pro-
portion is 1': 1.2 to 1. and the memster-
ship in suets ere ieties is on the
women's and girl.nide an against
men's and boys in the proportion of
40 to 1. Altogether the survey report
constitutes almost an indictment of
the conditions olariaing in rural
Huron because of their rrprCesing
effects upon the life of the yaing
people. The light has Iwen let in, the
result ougbt to he so Improving of
conditions. This investigation of
Huron's affairs ought to be repotted
in every county of every Pruvinee.
The politiciao glare" over the (arta
that w survey like this properly ex-
po.es.-(''.nada Presbyterian.
'lire , Bessie Irwin is in Toront,.
'.writing the deaconesses there with
the extra work that accumulates at
Christmas rime.
J. W. Kilbride. ,t1 town. attended a
three days' coofereoce of the lnter-
oatiooal Harvester Or. and its Iran
Hier", last week, at London.
Mr. Frank Walker. of Winnipeg, is
spending the winter •tt bin Mime here.
The students of the Model school
Mid a successful "at home' in the
town bill.
Miss Drake. who gave • missionftry
address. on Wednesday., evening of
Mast week. to the jnited eimgrrgtUone
of Wesley and Ontario street
ebu,ches, was it gusset at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Courts,*. Mies
Drake and Min Sybil Courthee were
associated in missionary work in
The home of Mrs. Matthias Giese
was the seine of a ptetti wedding on
Wednesday, 0th lost, when her
daughter Adeline became the bride 01
Mr. Robt. Me&eosie. of Detroit, The
cereusony was performed by Rev. F
C. Harper. Atter luncheon and con-
ga at ulatiooa Um couple lett on the
afternoon train for tomato. where
tbrt will visit before proeeeding to
home in Detroit.
The After-dinner Storyteller.
Mani of the hest stories and anec-
deree that yogi bear repeated try min-
isters and other public speaker come
hum The Youth's Companion.
A young man who wishes to make
his eoovr»anon ent.training or to in-
crease the effectiveness of an argu-
ment, can do no better than to study
these witty and apt stories in The
Cueopan ion,
Another feature of value is the doc-
tor'. weeny warm. gaff log well .sod
keeping es. His advv,sr►b sound and
practical He suggests remedies for
mime ilk, describes the symptoms of
others, and urge. the importance nl
consulting a physician whenever the
Indication. are obscure or disquieting.
He recommends certain thisg* to be
dune in caries of accident before the
doctor strives.
These are jest two particulars in
which The l',noorniowl excel, and
they are by nu terse. the hely OOPS.
1f you do not kn-,w l'he Oompania..
let u. Send you one or two current
issues, with the Foreeatt for 1015.
Every new subscriber In Canada
who vends $2.25 for the BRy-two
weekly issues of 1915 will receive free
all the iPtaoee of the paper fox the r e•
'staining weeks of 1011; also The
Companion Home Oale...t*r for 1915
144 Berkeley Mewl . Boston, Maw.
New ss•beelpi IoM receive at this
1t is a popular saying that there le
no such ereature as a waist womaw.
The land4xd of a small NW tlttentewely
named The Quiet Wpmae, Worm/ter
an artist lar paint le stgabrd foe 1t.
anleft It to hiss to ebon..uahis owe
ambient for It. WbO the slgaboard
as n v.d It bad a portrait of • woman
without a head and It w. duly lived
theower tdoor of the Iso
The War Does Not Affect the Nursery
In spite of tlre war we are selling
mote nursery stock than ever !spore.
W. hove r./Om for another agent in
this county. however, and applteatione
ebou!d be scot in at nor.. A goal
man should earn from $115 to $1) per
week right through the winter. No
deliveripot or collecting. Outfit free.
Two*. W. Bownae R SON Con., [RO.,
Ridgeville, Ont_
A Good Christmas Number.
An article that will he read with
great interest Is "Here and "lune in
Belgium;' by K.irIleKerr. Itwppsa.e
In the Christmas number of TM
Oan*dfan Magazine and is illus-
trated by unusually fine etchings
hy Dorothy Stevens. These •tcl.ir.ge
.nolude views of the cathedrals at
Broome Awutre -p. *401 es and Ghent,
all Oases that bum Stowe& promis-
ently in the prse.nt war. Other coe-
tritutiooe to this number are : •'Tbe
Old Gag Houma" by Newton Mar-
Tavi•b, with Illu•tratioo. by Harlow
White ; •'Gbent and the henry," hy
Lyman 13. Jaeass, illustrated : -Our
Allen Koemies," by Thootaa Mulvey.
K. O. ; with *hart sunbelt by Peter
McArthur, Alm Sullivan, Wm. Rego
Pabke, Albert R. ()tarlatan. Carroll
/kitting, with Illwratlawe by electrum
A. Gagnon, Walter R. Doff, J. B. R.
Nandonald, and others.
Bananas Loudly Appreciated.
A tradesman in Onvent Garden
*bowed him appreciation of the Civil
nerviest R pus. hy sending s oue.ign-
anent. of 3.000 h*aanes to their head-
quarters. The nest daythe given weer
matched to Regents ark, and, dar-
ting their rest time, they were Owen
three banana• each. On the return
web tb.y pawed the shop of their
benefactor, sed the whole regiment
immediately carted singing, to the
rase of "Juan Brown's Budy :
Thank you very mush for . our
Meek yowl very smelt kw your
*Mask yen very mush for gone
Wbi i we nM is Begma 's Park."
Kitchener and the Autograph.
Lord Kitchener hates p.ihloaty of
any kind, but one of his greatest aver.
sion* is the autograph fired. (Inc. hr
administered it mut .n a part wide, le
pi toeing young gentleman who asked
the great soldier to write his n.mr to
ars attum.
"Oh. do. photo" give me vnnr anln-
graph. m. rota !" said the . ouch io
pleading tone of voice.
"Young roan," replied Kitchener
sternly. fixing him with a lo'.k. ••,u-.ke
your own autograph worth moan -
It Quickly Removes Dandruff.
Just herniate your hair is full ,f
dandruff, thin, streaky. dull and never
will do up in look vetty, .M not dr• -
par. Beautiful hair. thirk,fluffy. 111 --
crow and Absolutely tree teem dan-
druff i. oily • metier of rare.
Parisian ttsge frequently applied
will work wonders. Just one applic.-
lion atop. itching head, removes deo-
drug and all err -Civ• oil. It gauss
right to the hair ruote and furnishes
the nourishment needed -the hair ie-
contes son, fluffy, abundant and
radiant with life.
Parisian Sege not only saves the
bair but stimulates it togr..w long and
bray . (let a 60 -tent bottle from E.
R ttile at once. Tberr i• r.n other
"Just s* good."
The Latest Version.
How does the Beiti-h soldier come
to he known by the nickname of
Tommy Atkins'• The name which
we have e to use se IS term of af-
fection and honor sae first given in
i$13, the time of the h•tlle of Wet/e-
lm), when the army forms bore the
sip nature "Thont•s Atkin., his
mark." as • outdo to the soldier in fill-
ing up the particulars required. At
that time there were very many
soldiews who rould neither read nor
write-- Exchange.
Dodd's Kidney Pitt Make the Kidneys
Tremblay Settlement, Gloucester
Co., N. B. -Dee. lith (Special) -
Women's health depend. on the kkl•
ne7s. 1f the Iidneys are not right
the result is weakness an 1 wearine..
Dodd's Kidney Pills make the kidneys
i4o$ie. Mre. James B. Roy, of this
Place, gives the foll•.win`` statement :-
'•For two year. 1 suffered from as
esteem* weakness end an awful pato
in the beck. Sometimes my hack was
en weak 1 could hardly walk. 1 was
&twee. ttrrvnms, 1 bad no appetite.
and k was failing vert fast. (Travel
developed and added to my troubles.
1 took medic Ines from • doctor, but
crndaoed to wrote worse. Then I
temaerl to use Dodd'. Bidney.Prf . and
ana y/udtme
1 had lM nib d the tir dhnr f me
completely coned. 1 know 1 owe a
earn to d's KMney Pillai and
wast other sufferers to know that they
also may be cared. -
A Touching Epitaph.
Aa Rogltab Medi home from India on
furlough tried • acid sloe v reesatly.
rhe native ronv.rtt. she sIldiaMd.
are very proud of their knowledge of
colloquial and idiomatic Wsglleh, and
of course there are mane pitfalls for
the unwary. The gi ifs of oils of the
mles,on*rive died rvernt/y, and sit the
fuser.] servios • native pastor spoke
feelingly of the low they had sue -
Mined. ' ib. Mod that rocked the
otedl.," be said, "has kicked the
An Irishman's Wight.
('assy--Ot don't See what th' powers
do want to he scrapp(n' for. anyway.
O'Brien- Yes don't, eh 1 Them
bgrm ra, ye're a dont poor speclmin at
a. (Ms1.k
"1 bear that you have • ,otnise
graduate fora cook. loot that very
eupttsslwe r "Not wiry. f1M worts
for Mr board and efletbw "Wn
how flow ohs some to de that r
le my wife."