The Signal, 1914-12-17, Page 3■
TiiE .11 . ` \ i.
r (►(tr l;i 'It
. ' •t•A Rio
TnrwaoAT. DelCllp $$ 17, 1914 $
■IOscat 11101It 1rC711=11
Susttons for Christmas
3bt liltarmacy
HAVINGjust had installed one of the most modern of store fronts equal to
any in any of the larger centres. we are now in a position to show our
many customers and others the most complete stock of Christmas Goods
and useful Holiday Gifts. '
-T- _ble. PARISIAN IVORY GOOD in Hair Brushes, Combs, Brush Trays,
able. Toilet Seta, Manicure Sets, Clothes Brushes, Bonnet Brushes and Mirrors.
• The Ivory Ware is the newest and most popular line of goods. Don't fail to
see our stock.
EBONY GGOODS. We have a full assortment of Genuine Ebony Goods in,Toilet
gets, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Mirrors and Manicure Requisites.
Gentlemen PARISIAN IVORY Military Brushes, Barll,er Hair Shaving
Brushes, Combs and Hat Btushes.
EBONY GOODS. A splendid assortment of Military Brushes, Shaving Mirrors
and Hat Brushes. Also Razor Strops and Safety Razors.
See oar pluminuttn s Hot \Vater bottlesalso oiir other guaranteed Hot
Seal Wafer Bottle.+- Useful as Christmas Gifts"
NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES- always nice and fresh.
Newest Goods at the Very Lowest Prices
dna 1Dol.t :orgtt (hl .•nday and Saturday, December is ant 19, to
each Lady customer, and Gentlemen Customer as
well, we are flirui: a sample bottle of Portia Lilies Perfume. "Made in Canada "
The newest and most delicate perfume known. We have only a limited r.upp:o .
Come early. One to a customer
C.C. touttt',
'Phone 111
Sunday Hour -2 to ,I and A to :► p.m.
■ O■
♦ day off. • few remem-
brances trove relatives and
trends and a good dinner—Is
that all that Cbr'letwas means to
7o•? Surely lea are going to
make 1t an occasion for mon
tban usual rejoicing this year, •
real old farmland Cbelatwa
Surely you are going to it more
liberal 1n spirit tban ever before
and scatter merriment oe all
sides. Have you bora • little
•eyes!, have you devoted so
mode time to enjoying yourself
that you bare forgotten other
Those yon bave forgotten are
good folks, aren't they, the boa
folks to the world? And ',snare
Nat going to show them bow ap•
prectative you are. Tose don't
Ma this way of turning dear
old Christmas into an uceseloo
for trading sod ercbnngtng gifts.
Ton are going to see all the
Meads Ton can on (hilt day •nd
shake bands with as many: pet
them on the hack and tell them
bow glad you ars to be with
them And to those V00 cannot
dee you are going to wilts
cheery. warm hearted lettere sod
tell them you want to hear from
teem oftenerisn't that bow
you feel stout the grestest of
all birthdays?
♦ very Interesting group of Christ-
mas superstitions ciliate?. shoat plant
t and animal life. Tradition tells on that
after Joseph of Arlmethee end begged
V" Ithe body of our crucified tartan
and bad laid 1t to his own newly beim
- 1 tomb be left Palestine forever MAN
I• band. bo traveled many weary
Meths and anally re■cbed (Heston.
i oMiry. to Kagtand. Here be plaotad Me
staff. and in the course of time it mat
eat leaves and bodes On the triad
Christmas morning the bad. burst Onto
a mass of exquisite ?Moan. Since )hat
w day of bug alp tis. Glastonbury Mora
ILIsower fails to be covered wltb deficits '
whit. Bower. oo Christmas mornlai.
By the following day they have at
IIIA cutting o[ tis. Glaatooury there
was taken to Buckingbamahlre, where
It becalm as famous as the parent
plant Itself. Thousands of people from
near and tar were wont to go to see
the blosnoining of the thorn on Chraa
maa morning. When about the add•
dl. of the Nghteentb century Magiasld
adopted the Gregorian calendar. wbleb
brought Christmas eleven days 'artier
than under the older s41e of reckoning
time. t1e common people were greatly
dheatisl.d. To their simple minds
they had actually been deprived of
Nevem days of their mtlrbal tit., and
mobs marched through the streets 'cat'
rytng placards bearing the imrcrtptdoa. 1
Dr Spirit of glo
There is hardly •
festival In the calen-
dar which has such a
hold on the hearts of
old and Tang alike as
Christmas Day The
ring of the car bells
and the voices upon
U. streets seem to
take oo a more cheery tone. and the
spirit of the time seems to throw a
glamour over places and things wblcb
ordinarily are devoid of all beauty.
As It 1s • with places. so It is with
people They, too, not only seem to
change, but the transformation does
take place in millions of hearts to a
greater or leu degree. The spirit or
Christmas even affects people who for
the rest of the year are devoid of
sentiment and of feeling tor their fel-
lows. The most interesting stories
et christmastlde are those welch sill
sever appear in print—true stories of
deo and women whose thoughts bate
been only of their own selfish aims
and pleasures. but have been •watt'
nest tf only for a day or two, from
their usual self -complacency, moved
by some force of which they are only
10 eoescloss to do some act of hind-
ers to make the day happier for
emagese leas fortunate than tbem-
selves to a worldly way.—The Chris-
ttta. Herald.
ebristmas 01$1011S.
It la lnteresttag to
trace the origin of
festival customs to
tho.w oonnected wlta
Druidical superstitions
of classic observances,
and it will surprise
many to learn that,
present-day .porta very
closely r.onmbie the celebration. obs LABOIIATELY trimmed Jack 'Give II. Back ()lir Eleven Da. of
Horner pies. within which are That they bad been wronged became
concealed .mull gills and ha. a conviction when the Buckinghatm-
Jack Horner Pies
Popular Feature of
Christmas Parties
served of old in honor of Saturn or
The Roman Saturnalia. which oc-
carred 1n the winter .oldlce, were a von, are conaplcnous at boll- shire thorn failed to blossom on the
season of great festivity and rejoicing. dal parties One desega is In tae shape 'new date. and when the poop* sctr.L 11
h tlonored by many prfvesee and oz"of a huge Christmas bell It le of gold 119 refused to attend ranch on the 28th'
of December the clergy in that part at
England were forced to celebrate di-
vine worship on both the old and the
new dater.
In pagan times special deities were
supposed to preside over the barves%
and the people .ought In every posed.
Ole manner to propitiate theme power-
owerfu1 gods. In out of the way parts of
Europe the trees ore still formally In-
vited to the Cbrho as feast_ Tokio*
acceptance for granted, the remain* of
the Christmas dinner are spread about
the roots of the fruit trees. Tbl. cern
coon, la supposed to insure plentif*
larveee' the foliowfng autumn. In otd
er paces the tree@ wore In olden times
beaten with clubs to mate them more
The Cheeriness Spirit
tDDM don't you see that there 1• •
Ne Ghon! He )sat a man 1, a fur
.sat, mil a reindeer sleigh sal all
hhat. bet he a the IOU et
bw't MT They've limas=
sad made a @slat et b1e and himinied
legends abort lbs -der the ekotie.s
but wits.. were as lsaesr eh04ede al.
Gael balm, ft blit iffia @tit boy'
Mat Ckrletm@a qtr?► -est. fib
that glees prissnta and malme tsa
toward one another. mad sashed CM*
mer what It la' --Harvey J. O111MRaa.
empties.. Tle splrlt of piety lad paper• with cloisters of holly tied in
free charter, and even Vu•rret• were ple
has with .cadet gm". ribbon and
▪ 1peaded, to he resumed after th. tlbboo trout a
holidays le to be .ospeaded by . dandelion. Inside the walla theme pn-
V • tee renewed of tis. a+ • per Itning ars cooceelsd two Omen to -
n tee renewed a sem. gifts
o>< .reths reach one connected wltb a long
vetaral■g march of the sus.. giti• �•w
ozchanged and special kymns were streamer of .eared genus ribbon with
snag. fleas latter were. reatt7 the • little gilt bel at t5. .ed
ROOMS representatives of the modern Th. lam. d.dgn is s 114 oat sa as
card. becomes bell covered with frosted di-
nt the Saturnalia the 'Remo feu*
71111 Wase and decorated with sprays
eel, sang and earned, as we do aL sl mtatletw 1154 with O+•o •� sear'
Christmas. A fuer ' (mien lien was gs 1st tail. The mistletoe beraoatse.
lives.d. ewpo e ided o eal port. of the aver falser.
tires. He presided over the sports .[ frith the iroegeaa•
the season Probably he is the all- tad tis. tulle M wee !Meter and in►
easter of the lord of sherry., who on tier than the goon* ribbon. The Mill.
grained a similar power in more re- vidoal bNb •re of diwer to ototrat
eget limes. was • Cha phe r1a*t Wide
rope dis, and els joyous wpfdR d pair and with missy Tial. d•O.�OY
Lire artiest* Is sow narrowed M titsvrtsa dnseated bib d fruit meds
fly parties
It 1. the touch that makes DO
whole world tis, and ft is a plesamq
reminder flat. Mier all. Watery vs
cleat. itself.
A big onto podding Berns, pea
Um' 01 da of brows crape
Net Blessed.
yen tour* le ter Ise- aA nother era tener d dodgeee M bang
'!�B elle 't forget to gin te Ten frAo a mistral pie. t rig Is r the
~ � form d • fuseless** met. with man
_ trgtege of wises crap. paper and an
elaborately arrested Rafts .f wilts
them easy. of which ere th. gifts.
The self repriments wires M and is
made .< abort Maga et paps,. Oa
eerie side le fnatmd • spray of mb11e-
toe attained to the go ill or see% reel
dishes Mnates from ti a ttade. et the
When the led Roeser pis Is le be
used as a resterMere as a table a mull
wheal Christmas tree mato• • pretty
&toranes. The gifts eau b• 'imaged
I. a pas sr died giving mere 1n ton
cit tier a erm bane for tee tree
NB etrames*al flowerpot or Jere -
Mere an be fashioned in tel• way.
wefts' the ertstde witb closely aid
rows d talhel peter 1090 and willow'
Ing •rtlBdrl wee armed the base et
q. Arleta.. urea Ctdr this .tart
the ribbons. els tea sorb Sift te •
mtel.te a tree. wbdeb serves sea fever
far sorb perms.
Tiny wlep et ewers'.... kept en.
Mehl by a sped. mate pretty saw
decent me at saes plata The spode
ma be minted red or gees... v IN
severed with timid parse.
et eased paper. le another I►
biles Dseb daul•ted phase le the Man -
Dig peace fora ribbon attsebsd te a
SUL so that .der guest le Kersey set -
id to -poo out • plod trim the rea-
orgents or the lea Melt The else leer
fig. with a ere* of belly Dad with
Slippers for Christmas
What Netter remembrance can non give
your friends than a pair of daint% Slipper` '
Von not onit offer them nt.m% ,Ia' a of
comfort and satisfaction, hnt al,«, trach then?
that Slippers are sources of pleasure anal con
tentmcnt. Every morning throtLh all the
year they will think kindle of von
This season we are showing the largest
variety' of colors and styles at the mast reason
able prices.
1n all geed. Nd fashioned Ger-
man households tea hauefrau
Is very busy fee days baking
he. Christ,.•. rakes. Dee. 1t
seem tw yew rather early? Ne.
indeed. 1t to high time that the
Ye ethle Heedses were be•s..
eenhgr Iw the hues eertheoww
'reeks a stand in the o.N
eterereem. to 'mellow.' They
kwpeve with age. just like fruit
soba Mere ere • few delicious
emotion Met are served at fee.
thee .saves Merino the holiday
Owe mead grease •trn.,d..
.n. Mend pulverised ewes r, ewe-
haN -Nawd west ehe.Nw
(trews.). etittfy Mahn wanes
et Nem •1♦rMee of enc -heel
Ohio the eager iwaM she hasten
whites f r hew minatee. Add
the Whew Jvtee. el..eelob sod
e lmot0M Drop wino • was ea
beddwed Noe and Mar in . very
sea even omen weep M Moe
Oso -?elf peered grows' Meet.
wee., ems • r..N posed grew/
e lmswdo. sae Mead MlverLLM
segM w4 S ol Owe
M 5995.
B.ed e *MOW cilli. Add
wpm aid ebb taw waMwM•. Teas.
.a/ eme-MN .metal of ae maim
Sire le be. weed ea Me Mg of
lee .wires Med before bee* .
Rea eel fps mlal.1' mid -clear'
tier Nee �IM?,e bbpear
rid Mi
M.�ea aie an • s
rwlr aw sole Semi ester ism
Only Six Vlore Shupping
Days Till Christmas
These will be the busy days and we have made every
effort possible to •have everything in readiness.
Many new lines have been added the
last few days, and never was
our selection of useful gifts
better selected than
this season
This Will Be a Season of Practical Gifts and We Clave a
Store Full of Such Gifts for Personal Use and for the Home.
Furs, the Handsome Gift
Furs make a most handsome Gift, and more so when bought here, as it is a guaran-
tee of the hest value that is, to be had. We are showing the fol!ow•ing Furs in
Neckpieces and Muffs: Persian Lamb, Muskrat, Sable, Wallahs, Stone Marten.
Squirrel, Electric -Seal, Thibet, etc., e'c.
Christmas Table Linens
Special showing this week of Fancy Linens
and Table Linen Sets which are so popular
for Christmas Gifts. Damask Lunch Sets.
consisting of one :hl -inch Scalloped Cloth and
half-dozen Napkins to match. The set
$3.00 to $5.00
' Old Bleach" Towels These popular Towels
make a most useful gift. Many designs to.
select fronis Many suitable for initialing,
50c to $1.25 Each
A large variety of all that is new in stylish
Neckwear. and it never was daintier than at
present, in Collars, Sets, Frillings, etc., etc.,
at all prices from each ..
25c to $1.511 -
Women's (lift Umbrellas
A handsome showing of Ladies' Gift Um-
brellas in the newest styles. handles in gold
and silver mountings and the best quality
coverings, including women's and men's Snit-
case.Umbrellas. Prices front .
s I.00 to $5.00
Kiddies' Parasols, 50k, fDflc, 75c and 11.00
Christmas Waists
Christmas Waists just' to Land, the daintiest
styles we have ever shown in Lawn, Voile,
Crepe de Chene, Silk, to suit all tastes.
Prizes from, each
1.00 to $5.00
Handsome Lace Scarfs
A most acceptable gift would be one of these
rich Spanish Silk Scarfs. They come in black
and white and are very drv.-. . Prices from
$2.50 Up
Ladies' Gift Gloves
All nicely boxed. with greeting card to en-
close, every pair guaranteed. Perrin's Eg-
lantine Gloves, in black. tan and colors, per
Perrin's Savoy (',loves, black and tan. per jr.•
Perrin's 12—button Kid Gloves, black, white
and tan, pet pair
Gift Handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs are always the most Popular
of Gifts.' Choice variety of novelty Lace
Handkerchiefs. very daintt , each
25c to $1.25
Initial Handkerchief, ladies and men's pure
Irish Linen, hand embroidered initial, neatly
boxed. per box of :t for
Women's Hand Rags
What would be more appropriate than one of
these useful Leather Band Bags? We have
them in all stales. Many- of them come fitted
with small change nnrse and mirror. Prices
From $1.00 to $5.00
Make most acceptable gifts. Isfothiug will be
more appreciattd this season than a box- of
Hose. Penman's -'No Seam"' brand, per pair
Our Leader, Women's extra quality Pen
Angle Cashmere Hose, :Vic per pair
3 Pairs for $1.00
Women's Silk Hose for gifts, new stock just
to hand, extra sheer
$I.O0and $1.50 per pair
The Store of the Christmas Spirit
'Phone 56 • Millar's Scotch Store
'Phone 56
Your Reading for I9I5
Make Il selection from The Signal's Clubbing Li -1t, published
in this issue...and secure your reading for
1915 at the lowest rates.
aQ �►