HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-10, Page 7THE LATEST NEWS THE TWO BEST OURCES AT A BARGAIN RATE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL THE TWO TOGETHER NOW TILL JAN. lat. 1915, 35 Certs NOW TILL JAN. 1st, 1916, t$1.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has Earned the Title of "THE WAR PAPER" The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment Order Early for the Bargain Rate Send all Subscriptions to office of The Signal, Goderich, Ont. ent Tle- fees- splen- tr,vice. sp•a.t. OD Foot 111 en - t meat mtort. 'arm slimes It left, It,. He ( brirs- re him ill .p_ lixer The h little 3 •' -, Kira in w rar- PI 116 A. • (*MEM O1PTA111O "No more headache for you. -take these" Duel lest Tessa'' u. bs•dasoe .lama seeerhr the moss. Mho Chmohmedn's asuauasb W liver ?shims. mamt sate sass ib. heaseehe boa sive esu s lteietoak h•ekkfrl fading bemuse flee nee w U. .wew.a the etsssesk "ad erase« the b.weM. Testae& ■quill lea. ar tr rod *f amp, alialineensilleit CO. CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST /9/4.15 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes 3.50 The Signal and DailyMail and Empire3.75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe. 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.85 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.80 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.80 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire i .6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm r1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal. 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 'The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Gram Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o. Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide - 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian .. ' • 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register Nevt1.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These prioes are for addres-es in Canada or Great Britain, The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.10 The Signal and The Scottish • American (New York) 3.25 lnclnding postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Fanuly Herald and Weekly ;n85 Star - The Farmer's Advocate 1t•35 kae ;LW'- .. 1.,35 53.20 -making the price of the three papers $3.20. . The Sigt'al and The Weekly Sun... , , . ;t 85 The Tomato Daily Star ($.1.15o less $1.00) . .. • 1_ao 3.50 $3.65 -thy three papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. . . . Send subscriptions Through iocaiagern or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Goderich Ontario Qean! W. sad Outside COUNTY -AND DISTRICT W. 0. Herr, of Zurich, made a .kip- so disposed. On t be threw actor under meet of MO drone recently. 1 cultivation tbe% expended $373 for H. V. Armetroc has purchased Dr. seed and the crop realised $2514.00, K a oat return of 10141.00. The yield, Whitley's di ug store at (iorris, and is best the houseof refuge bar et In possiw1°' • ! the had, hal all been sold and paid for, Lloyd Mildred, of Bervie, was mar- which also stands to the credit of the rigid to M1.. Marie Cole, of Kinloss, on shrewd management, for owing to the November 18tH. falling off in the dewed • consider - le announced of Malcolm ableportionof the crop throughout The death reel.file canals it still in lbs bands of the D. Stewart, of Seattle, a former ree proJucrris lent of Aabfleld It looks as it the town of Wiogham Rev. H. Wood.. of Brucefleld, has will Wave to flight a heavy damage suit been suffering severely with Isla attack in connection with the death of ('hes othlotwf-poieouiog. tar Hill. Mrs. Hill, the widow, is Fordyoe pn.toffloe was closed on suing the town for Ill0,0I10. 11 ap- November 3I11h. The rural nail de- pears that the work on which Hill was livery will supply its place. engaged when be was killed was being Ikinald 000ducted by the town and not by a Clark. • Dloo..r resident of Kincardine township. and father of cuntractur. It will are remembered Hugh ark, M•_ P„ b dead• Chet a sower wan betegg put iu on Ed- rehai.d tM ward often when 14 who i at F. J. Gadke has pis work in the bottom, was buried by • Strome sawmill at Fordwlch and in- nave -in and crushed to death. The tendo to operate it 'his winter. coroner's fu which passed upon the Dr. Mair has sold his practice at cue rendered a verdict to the effect Heneall to 11r. Bean, of Dashwood, that they were un►hle to place re - and may take a postgraduate course. eponsibility for the accident. The Jeremiah Corrive•u, general mer- view of experts, however, it is said, chant of Urvsd•le, died suddenly on is that the cribbing waafaulty. Should the:7dth ult., aged forty-eight Yea"' George Pollock, of Drysdale, died on Tuesday of last week, • victim of con- sumption. He leaves a widow and • daughter. Miss Maguire. of Gorrie, won the gold medal at the graduation el.ee of nurses at Stratford hospital Lot week. Mr. Sparks, of Clinton. has sold his farm in Stanley to Nathaniel Sunder - cock. of Blyt 5, for 1115,MU11 : possession to bre Laken in March. Miss Winnifred Buchanan. who comes from Uxbridge, succeeds Mr. A. M. Doyle as c'asaical master in the Kincardine bigh school. The engagement is announced of Miss Lexie M. Morton to Thos. i Gear, both of Raaf Wawanosh, the marriage to take place in Deeember. Kenneth McCrimmon, of Kincar- dine, bas been accepted as a lieutenant in the 11315 l atralion, now etatinned at London, of the second overseas .:on- tingent. Wesley (•aldweU, lienaall'i rep.e- eentative in the second overseas con- tingent, was given a public sendoff and presented with a handsome wrist watch. Richard Cunningham and Bert Den- nison, the two armmy volunteers from Walton, were given • hearty farewell I*,.t week. An address and a well. filled purse were presented to each. Apple buyers at Zurich are paying =1.311 per barrel and providing their own barrels. Many apples went to waste early in the season, thus the good prices now. Mrs. Hannah Ballantyne, of Brus- sel-, who went out West to visit her daughter recently, was thrown from a rig on her way from the station and sustained a broken arm. Paul Sturltser ha. sold his pi openty at Lanes, consisting of the blacksmith shop and dwelling, to James Alton. The shop will les occupied by Isaac Cranston, who has installed • grain chopper in it. At Elimville on Wednesday, Decem- ber 2nd, Miss Addie M. John., daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr.. ohn., w•+ married to Nelson H. HenryCoultas. Mr. and Mr.. Couple will reside on the gionni's fern eonth of Elimville. f stronand you would" bre by by a iH*d m keep the skin clean and in rod condition. But what stoat the aside of the body? Too can no mom afford to neglect it than the outside. It is jtat as import- aet that the system be cleansed of the poisonous imparltise mooed b weakness of the digestive organs bf vity of the liver. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery (15n Tablet or Liquid Form) Clams" tike gsaems-sad "owe. It pees tb. liver la seek • t eOs-sr► hesllh that K t• bisect --as 1t Mould. It kelp. ere he Ma ma newt find se thus It ttrmaakees goat Wed -*ipso MMM rooter etnegthes an the Y avail yeersea st K. Maio rw•Ivttvt M ssesd !o. ter • Mum ere • beat of fabless team year e•ed/eb•_ deal•" ar trill lea. Mame kNwOmmee " 1M Y .:FREE a si-=A .em.`mowbmw. Alex. Roes, who resided at Gerrie for the last six or re•en years, wa. re- cently united in marriage to!'r Edythe S. Arnett, of Toronto, and the happy c ,uplr left for Riverside. Cali- fornia, sphere they will make their home. Seventeen young men, under the in- fluence. of 1 gum. invaded a 6.11 et Mnnktnn, where a dance wasin prog- ress, and Acted in a very disorderly manner. As Mont ton is in "dry" ter - u itnry, &II have been summoned to ap- pear before 'the magistrate. Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, t f Amberley, announce the engagement of their third daugbtei, Eltzat,eth Pearl, to J. H. Johnston, son cf Mr. and Mra.John Johnston, of Kincardine. The marriage ib to take place the lat- ter part of December. A.Itaamuseen, of Wroxeter, while in Toronto recently had a novel ex- perience. He was taken fur a Getman spy and was marched up to the city hall and put through • rigid examioa- tion. He was able to prove, however, that he wa. • loyal citizen of W roxe• ter and was acc..rdingly released. Fire destroyed the large frame poultr.• house belonging to Gurus, Limited, at H•,riston. last 'Thursday. Thele were nearty 501.10 fowl in the building, being fed and made ready for killing. Practically all were burned or smothered to dee h. The fire re supposed to have originated in the boiling room. This ,..*p). of Hippos hears with . surprise road regret of the death of Mrs. Jas. Crozier at Tugaake. Seek. Mrs. Crosier was the second dnogbter of Mrs. Joseph Upshall. who now re- sides with her eldest daughter, Mrs. Wesley French in Tuckersmith. She was born in Mullett forty -eve year* ago. She leaves her hu.trnd and • daughter to mourn her departure. Mayor's parade at Lo•don, ,aglead, W. R. Veale has disposed d The Seaforth News, which M bad con- ducted for seven years, to R. D. Croft, IM. proprietor of The Ailsa Craig Banner. The two Carter scholarships cowing to Huron county this year have herrn won by pupils of the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute. Jamie Gillespie se- cured the firm and Margeret Knight the second. 8e•forth gave her representatives in the second war contingent a great send-off un Monday afternoon last week. The band, the Howe Guard, the Boy Scouts and the Collegiate Lji- stitute Cadets turned out and formed • procession to the station. Each of the buys was promoted wit h a 410 gold piece. and other presentation" were wade by societies to which one or' other of the boys belong. The volun- teer front Idealorth fur the contingent are J. Klein. N. Weetcott, J. Spier- , point, P. Ralph, G. Cam, J. Hutchi- son, H. H le and H. Dorrance. LUCK NG W. Ales. McPbereon has gone to Water- loo, where he will spend a part of the winter with his niece. Peter MacPber, who recently djed at Chicago of pneumonia, spent Ms boyhood in this vicinity. a big damage omit develop, the out- f :Uri, (Dr,) Torment and Miss Ten -1 istabliaaa. OKIM = 10. lUad 1 LONDON CONSERVATORY OF , MUSIC 1 --:-AND-:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE1 Registrar. Mos. Bac. (Dttesim) Principal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. come will be looked for with a good neat have gone on an extended visit ;' deal of interest. to Aylmer and other placer, I Mr. and Mrs. T. Pierce, of Reston, 1 Man., are spending • few weeks with friends in and around Lucknow. 'MUSSEL'S. Rev. D. B. McRae and Misr Nina, of Arinow, were visiting relatives and friend. in town last week. Mn. 0. (1. ,1lertin, of HmtYdo, a former resident of Brussels, was a guest at the home of Reeve Leckie recently. Fred•Burcbell and K. J. Mcl.auchlin, experienced chauffeurs. have nffeted their services to the British Empire anal are looking for word of tlocep- lance. Mrs. John Leckie, who has been very i11, bar been showing some im- pr.ivement of late, and her friends are beginning to bo,'e for her restoration to bralth. A. 11. Milligan, of Toronto, has been appoiuted t.. the position of ledger - keeper at the Bank of Nuva Scotia bete. W. D. Cottrell, his predecessor, bas been transferred to Barrie. • EXETER. J. Beverly has purchased the Opera House bloc", and will move his furni- ture hurinees there. Alvin Henry had the misfortune to get an inch taken off the index finger of his left band while operating a gasoline engine. Russell Flynn, a member of the staff of The Exeter Times, has gone to Waterloo, having accepted a position on the Sentinel Press there. The death of Mrs. Mary Fannon, a former resident of Exeter, oce,nred at London nn the •271h ult. Deceased was in her fifty-eighth year. Percy James Gillies was married on Monday, November :40tb, to Cora Phyllis Jackson. of London. After a short honeymoon trip the couple will reside in P.xeter. Mrs. I)inney, wife of Thomas M. Duruey, of Exeter, passed away on the Mr. Wm. Blake has returned from Winnipeg, where she spent the sum- mer with her eon. Dr. Matthew Blake. William Gardner, of Cochrane, was in this viciniry last weer buying a few horses to take up to the northern tOWII. The death of Thos. Spear., in his thirty-third year, occurred at Reston, Man. The moraine were brought to the home of hie mother, Mrs. los. Smith. of Lucknow, for interment. J. H. Lindsay is now the Lucknow postmaster, succeeding Miss Campbell. who had charge of the office for thir- teen years. Mr. Lindsay's assistant is Mira Ryan, formerly of Dunngaoon postoffler. Mise A. M. Lindsay also will assist. Contracts have been let tor two Wore mail routes out of Lucknow.. Philip Stewart is carrier for No. 4, which serves the 11th and Nth wooer,- I @ion" of Kinloss, and Ed. Purvis has the contract for No. 5, which covers concessions 2 and 4 east of Holyrood gravel road. BLYTH. The ladies of Burne church. Mullett, shipped last week two boxes of wear- ing apparel for tie suffering Belgians. Mr. Jaeksoo, representing the Star: ling Trust Co., was in town on buss - nese teat week. James Burne has been appointed local representative. J. G. B,uigh, who was away 011 a Vigil, to his son Will, at Whitewood, Overloading the Primary Casae end Sask., has returned home, -sod repotte the Animal so Treated Remembers crops in that diotrict fairly good. • 1 WHY A HORSE BALKS Blyth hotelkeepers were before the magrelrate et 1Vrngh•w charged with selling beer containing more than two per cent. alcohol. The cases were ad Lbtth alt in her twenty flft i resp. Iiourord to get more evidence. "411e e:411110. L.. Iowa froutStephen town- H. A. Thomas, C. P. R. agent, ',hip only it few weeks ago. received the second prize fur a well - kept flower insider). The company WINUHAM. offera cash prizes each year to its Fred Hinkley, who had been baud- station agents for the care they take .soler belt' for over s year, has ec- of their garden plata. erpted a similar position at Prince Blyth Oddfellowe have elected the Albert, Sii,.L, and left last week to lake his new position. J. B. Ferguson, of Srn Jose, Cali- fornia, • former prominent Wingham- ite, has sent a cheque for $500 to he used for patriotic end charitable pur- poses. Mr. Ferguson "aye the senti- ment in that district is distinctly with A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Neth- er'', East Wawano.h, on Wednesday, November 26th, when their only daughter. Mies Mary Ella (Minnie), wasnited in matrimony to James Mc6tff 1, in the rereroce of about fifty .nvitrd guests- The ceretnouy was performed by Rev. T. H. Farr. On their return from the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. McOfII will reside on the 's fame on the fob concession of Vawanosh. Them died on the 716th ult.. at Har- rleton. William (Atkinson, formerly of Fordwicb. at the great age of ninety- four years and six months. The de- ceased was born In Ireland and came 10 °sada when eighteen yews of age. For half • century he lived on a farm in Howick tnwnebip, near Pordwkh. He was perhaps the °{dust member of lb. Orange Order in Ontario. having jollied the Order in Ireland jet before coming to Canada, seventy-eeven year's inn. The matuagemewt of the bourse of refuge at Clinton are Laden in oolon following officers' fat next yea. : N. G., 0. E. McTrgg•rt : V. G., T. Wal- lace; R. 8., A. W. Rohineou; F. 8.. John Pett. ; treasurer, Dr. Allison; medical D Milne. examiner, r. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.1 Hamm, on Wednesday evening, Nov- ember Lith. their daughter, Luella J.. the Allies in tae struggle with Ger- was united in marriage to William J. many. Cole, of Waterloo. The ceremony Police Magist ate -Morton had to was performed by Rev. W. D. Turner. deal with five liquor charges last Little Miss Margaret Hill, of Londee- week. John A. Ayeervt, of . Toronto, represented the Crown end R. Ven- etot..• app""red for the five defendants. For selling liquor which proved W be 5.t1'2 per cent. alcohol, the proprietors of the Exchange, King Edward end Brunswick hotels were each tined $100 and costs. H. Shaw, of the National hotel, Was discharged, ae thele was doubt as to the strength of the cider he sold, John Swart.' ease wan en- larged one week for further evidence. CLINTON. T. K. Shepherd, son of Mrs. J. Shep- herd, has been appointed manager of the Royal Bank at Belisle, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. James Medd arrived in town this week and will re•id on Huron street. Mr. Medd 14 the new p. opriet.r of the Princess Theatre. Dr. Wealth, isep.ctor of Model school., visited the Model echo - l herr recently and expressed hioowlf as well pleased with the conduct of the ec h col. twtro was the riogbeerer, and Mrs. W. D. Turner played the wedding march. Guesto were present from Luckuow, Westfield, Londesboni and Clinton. The young couple will make their home at Vaterino. James Pollock, one of the pioneers of the township of Morris, passed to his reward on the 28.5 ult., at the ripe ape of ninety-one years and two months. He wart the oldest man in the township. He was born in Coun- ty Tyrone, Ireland, in 1fyL4, and came to Canada in 1`417. He lived for a few year.. in Halton county, and married there Jane Creighton, of Milt .n, alae from County Tyrone, who pre- deceased him fourteen years. Cum• ing to the township of Morris, he set- tled on the farm where he had ever since resided. It wee then solid bush, and he and his wife passed through the bardehips of pioneer life until their home was c..rtfortably estab- lished. Deceased leaves one son, %Vrlliarn, and three daughters: Mrs. S. J. Smith, Petoskey, Mich.; Mrs. The county house of refuge enniwit- Mary Wrest, of Halduuand county, are id ►visit to that inwt►tiw let Sind! •, -at hones: also awn th week and was cmtvinerd at flee tor- pr.ndA Ernest Swi' h, at home, etitutton is befog well coni ucied under „lad Wm. J. Snaith, of lhr Bank of timet-elesa management. Hamilton staff, Blyt h. Miss liana Couper, who hes been for SOMA time • tmeomber•of the staff of W.neham high .chool, returned home hurt week, hiving retired from the profession. Her place in taken by Miss B. Cbidley, of town. E. Lewis Evans, of Louisville, Ken- tucky, eerntary of the Tobacco Workers' Inion of the United State., was • visitor among tel•tives in town last week. Mr. Evans while here met friends he had not seen for thirty-flve year. Wm. B. Hale, a briber of C. B. Hale, who has spent the last nine years in Mexico, 1s now in Canada for the winter and 1e at present visiting Clinton. Mr. Hale is m merger of the telephone exchange sat Vera Cruz and thinks Mexico a most interesting coun- try to live In. REAFORCH. Miss Wilkins and Mise Richmond, of New York, who hare been visiting here returned home I. week A Paitiss Far Fall asd Wistar We have a mound bu.lrew oropodtl.s for • tellable energetic seie.taan for the die Viet to .ell fruit trees, small frets. flower. ins .hrobs, eta Pay weekly. petit froo. exeleeive territory. CIPVIOR coo ACMES of fruit and errataes:al mirk seder mita- ration. Weston through ear rimN die sot to the eals"skamw sad goseeetes delivery e... vvatashio by mama .f as espies give and the volume of bushman dens. Ife- Mhiteked la resp. Write WELKAIII MANS !NY Os., Tersete, 0..t P.8. Handsome weals*,e es rawest U nbar a •esneewt ere them w1Wee Nurs- ery Stock The explanation of calking bows Ilea in the horse heti a a delusion that he 1s hitched to - immovable body or is tied. Havc ever lean a man whip a horse a sthilt 1f you did, you notices horse did not try to ge- would jump around. snort, 'ek. pos- slbly, but It would to get away. Why. you tisk toot try to get away' For • good reason It has good bre anal will not try a thing that It s it cannot do. Sometime in the At It tried to break 114 halter, .read ft Impossible. and. like a good. smoothie horse that 1t knows itself to 5M. will not try again. 8o it is with your balky horse. 8clmetlme in the post someone overloaded the bods. got It stuck. then iYeat it far a width, and. as a last wort, unhitched mind left the load; then Wang the ttrtiaet, kaif dead with fright. soaked WOW horse to the barn, unloaded the when, wagon. pried 1t out Oral, K It www In the mud. palled it torp en solid tooting. hitched the balky hares tag again. and, atter • lot of wl0ebg around. limas OM d. Bat. you say, that d ocdd sot pear the horse permanently ba11D. 1164 sometimes It doss sot, bet ono or elan pper .+ overiotds, ams or two same baatlegs, and It is all Geer orb your hoe'ss'r working deo,- If pot b erect scald remorse from ears to egad. the as you, then we would aMmar snob • ming are a hall, IIewos. it met h knows arab Oda. Or Sae ft was rigged top sats • lot et SIMS around its mak (esd>dr}. a belt Ira covering to bots (hMrainelo bad tied to a solid gime (w.,..). - Its seater at that time beat It mmd /naked tt around epttl k was anima Mad. and it oosld sot get awls. se. with the same stay* upon an body. Om tugs last, week peke tip, orrery =refroammnt the sass as Whine R fulled a ga.-opgr • prevO fr •n•etha aid ewe not, why ehwld Y try again, acs.ttaiea, by leafing k- pots m get It le eo R ft mass If ess up sealed 14 eailr and thea Mae beak, It Mints tteett tied and esti, try ae mo -Mtwara Vengtia, la Wartmd ?Mew 1rs.. BUS 1 AND I SHORTHAND Subjects tangle by expert Menneters at tb. Mr. sod Mn. P. Robertson have ars I w rived from Herschel. Sank., and in- tend remaining here per 'anon LIy. Tory have sold their property at Her - umbel A. Martens, formerly of the Do- minion Bank here. but now with the Canadian forces at 8alishsry Plain. cultivation and hove every rmaoo to was one of tt'e five chosen from the oo.gratulate tbeseelvse, if they are Queen's Own to take part in the Lo.d Y sie,A LOPIDOMMIN Students assisted to peeitiewa College la miaow (ruse Sept lee Catalogue ire Enter say time. r 'v t,-estendt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. t .•itspl to w.itmer•I ICELAND MS1tAMED Wheat le bigger than IreUtnd. "Of warm we have the same king !M Danmark but otherwise we are ■Aspandent of Denmark -very much lite the relations that existed between leeway and Sweden before the two pnatrsr. separated. We have a Par- Hssaent of two houses. and elect our Porn representatives and our own governor. 4 for our climate. 11 1s no severer than that of Newfoundland, 'lad m the south side of the' island It may be milder. •4moet everybody to Iceland speaks ling/hda, as it L taught 1n our reboots-" Very Uperedets Yam, 1ealemereMaa Corrects Seine rale t...0eewimes Oieli .7 04 .o*, mamoger of tr•le- pttghs and telephoned In Leland, baa amt dl the mental prrtrrea shat buttal tette hal of sedan, whin be reale- Owed at a Montreal betel h otead ed t IMO seta long whiskers mad .Mar dg tars. they saw an athletic young pot wbo might be mietaksn for a Oanedlen. dreamed meeording to the lateen style, sad emelt mere tam filler with R.gtwt than many hoed "darts. 'Iceland 1a intentioned,' Mid Kr outman -The name of our comers amid have been changed with that o f Oreeeland. for 1t 1. 1eetand that Is rally the green land. Why, fame rt las had ever aeon an iceberg emtll tea got near Newfoundland ' "Our eosntry now has about UAW Wo- ws do very little tat way of manufacturing Nor talo - !ewer a good 4.al of the m-nnnd really Mer a good deal of the ground. drib aeatman amdlrom ever arnall stew a t..••- Wster.prooflnp Concrete The following mixture has long been wed by army engineers in water - CILcement: One cement: - One part cement sand. three-quarter of one pound of dry powder alum to each gable loot o< mod. MIx dry and add Claim 1a whbh three-quarters a else pound d soap has been dissolved to look gallon. Thio is *Marty as strews M ordinary cement and is quite tm- ptrvtoma to water. besides rr: t'en"ng Idore.eence. Fora waa:o, a nitztur. K gime pound of lye and two pends d Nee! In two gallons of water is atm need. Masdy Combinsrell Purwitsrs A stew furniture ecsbtaatson serves :liable hkle for a sick bad, high banked Mdir ere earl for conveying Blanes beam= • bitekea sad Mains room. Amb Owe Pry Aar Pewee ti ii. rimier btdlt for a ltaeatan •alp hai a dgwbsped body QT. /rugdIM by a auction turbine elpiondag against the air in front TAlI,COLLECiOR 14 YEARS OLII Expected to Resign on Account of Feebleness - Gained S lad= and Twenty-four 1 Pou by Taking Vinol. Corinth. Miss.: - "I as • alto tax eoll.cter and seventy -fear pars of age. was in a weak foa•41pltl esmdition so diebecemdlenbaureed by every dui. eolt 1 exn. i deeded t Mid to e about exertion My it In a week I noticed enasiderabie improve- ment; I continued Its me and now L have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel moeh stronger I comider Vinol a Am tonie to oust* strength for 'people." -J. A. Ptucz. tis As ane s dill their mom aet meresadleas alr.ctveg Ana In pts t!t eireoleHpopnstfltte pp0000rr. the avblood jer i .e Um weak. Ythol, our irides esd and iron toy e le dm ideal f.Q= irerosrl m m g em and body healer ter e It creates a seed Maltby appy, straeglkeas ftletha. earlobes the bleak Improves natant manner h+1lbstl p, a land gt1and amiseralisa feeble. erstu. nem are oil • pwpls4 end *1trews net dm all we say, we will Day bat year mosey. H. C. Dunlop, Ph m. B., druggist, Bedford block. Ooderleb, Coterie.