HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-10, Page 6Maple leaf Invert( .>•�_ Christmas Shoppers our [stook of Christmas (roods is now complete. Lux- uries and Deceewt fee in great abundance. Nothing could 1* more appropriate for a Christmas Gift 'ban • piece of our be..iUtal Chinaware. We have a large stock in v. and :dainty designs, at es to suit all pockets. CHRISTMAS FRUITS In our grocery department we have a full line of all Christmas Delicacies. Or- anges. Baoaus' and all sea sonable fruits. Raisins, Cur- rent"(, Prunes. Cranberries and all the ingredie ntis nec- essary for the Christmas cul- inary artnneements. FANCY CANDIES Tr a bolo, of our special Chocolates. Put up in artis- tically designed boxes. es pecially adapted for sending .i dainty gift by parcel poet Not the children we bay. a tempting display of Fanc Candies at pewee wbitb bring then[ within the reach ,.f every home. =•rer S. J. Young Hamilton Street !RECRUITS LEARNING FRENCH OM* Sadler* Abashed Whew Told be Try it ea Comrades b tae Intervals between drill and Iterate marching and the bandltng of nee, the new army recruit is pluck ilearning the French laasuage. wants to be able to "parley •nun.. with • sporting chance of being un• tlesstood by his red troueered Allies ,when he goes across the Channel to Itis place la the fighting Ilue Pit In • cherscteristtcally British way he is shy about it. I met (say a representative of A Landon paper►, one of the ladles en gaged la teaching him. and she told ma shout the work. "1t is awfully interesting." she said 'entbualaattcaty. "We go to the.o/loots slid barracks where the men are and take different groups of them. They are a keen about It all -almost as keen as they are to get to the front But their shyness' I mean their shy nes. 111 speaking to each other in • rorelgn language: This 1. the most difficult thing In the world for them to get over. 1Vhen 1 say, 'Now let m• hear you speak to each other to !ranch,' they look as 1f they would rather be shot. You can't Imagine Ike expressions that come to their bees." Deafness Cannot Se Cured by t,w..l ayplu-atk..-, A. they mem* reach the dt.eaaed poltteo of tea ear. There 1. only o.' way to ewe deaf...+, and that 1-b ron.tltu Ilaul remedies. Issamn. eV r.uw by as in n .u.ed ',malaise of the mucous linins of the ►..41 w pian Tube. tt hen this tubo M fsg..wd yob Aare a Humbling .ound or imperfect bear lad. and whet' 1t 4 retire') closed. dealers, i• the re.u!t. and Dale.. the iiiflaoiniattoo can be takr a out and (hi. tube restored to its uoroal condition. hearing will be destroyed forever : Writ e.., out of Teo •:e reused I. catarrh titch i. nor bins but an inflamed condition of tea mumu. surfer... We ai!l giveOt'e Hundred Dollar- for ally ,.aa. of Deafer.s lean -ed by catarrh' that can :u• be cured b,' hull. Catarrh Cure. i -.ad tot circulars. free. .'. J. CH KN Fl" t CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold by druggist.. Take Hall. 'molly 1911. for cou-:Ipatio❑. Come in Oetef the Wet It is easier ".0 KEEP DRY under Wet Conditions, than • TO KEEP WET under Dry Conditions ! . With our large stock of Light and Heavy Rub= bers. Cloth Overshoes and Arctics, we are prepared to supply you With Just what you may need to keep your feet dry, warm and ccmfortsble. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN Notice to the Farmers! 1 GRAIN ELEVATOR and CHOPPING MILL We are now prepared to bray all kinds of Grain at our 'leen- to-, north of MacEwen's coal yards, Goderich, and will pay the highest prices at all times. CHOPPING . W. beg to annoitmee Nus' I Lat we have installed an up-to- date Chopping Mill in sooner - tion with our grain business and are now ready to attend to the wants of t,bc farmer-. In this lune We shall be glad to chop or toll grain any fay in the week, and if you will give us a trial we true( that good work will merit your continued eel renege. J. E. BAECHLER l Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilin nee heir eingeler effectiveness ie v trio khe•tmati.m. Lontbap and Scut to their power of stimulating and s ngtbreing the kidneys. They enable these oxg,aos to thoroughly (.Iter fror. tI-e (.ioo1 ti -e uric acid t•he product ni wane matter) which get Into the )Hints and muscles and , floes these painful disease- Over half a century of constant wee has proved ooncluaivety that Dr Morse's Indian knot Pills strengthen wk kidneys and at Cure Rheum.tios THE GERMAN CREED Here, are two quotations from the writings of Nietzsche. the philosopher who inspired the political creed now current in Germany. 1. "The dream is dtapelled which made the State begin with a contract What has he to with contracts who Olin command. who is master by nature. who comes on the scene with violence to deed and ,demeanor'" 2. "The essential thing In • good healthy aristocracy is that it should feel Itself to be not • function but the end and Justification, be It of royalty or of commonwealth -that It should therefore. with a good con- science. suffer the sacrifice of a countless number of men, who, for its sake. must he humbled and reduosd to Imperfect beings, to slaves. to in- struments. ' A WOMAN OF FEW WORDS Mry Harry E. Bye, Main sweet north. Mount Forest, Ont., writes: "Your remedy for kidney. bladder aed .tomach trouble has given me g.eat relief. Have taken three tales and now feel like living and better than I have felt for years and 1 give your PIU PILLS all the praise for they are the best i have ever tried." At all deal.r•, and 50 cent-, or The Fit; 1'41 Co_ St., Thoma., One. Sold in Goderich by F R. Wigle, druggist. THE SAW -EDGE BAYONET Responsible Author and COT. ..Idem Gives Proof of Their Use Writing in the London Chronicle of the weapons Lound on the field of battle, RlcbardHarding Davis said: "One M them is the most gruesome weapon of war I have ever known t• have been lamed to a civilised army. Itis a German bayonet, half of widish Is a saw. When in London 1 was asked by English omcers 1f 1 had seen to Belgium these bayonets. which be- cause they rip and tear bone and OW are forbidden by the laws of war. 1 had not seen them, nor did i believe they existed. ' 1 classed them with Use other false charges that are beteg made In every war -tet polsosed wens, dumdum bullets, and firing on ambu- lances. Yesterday 1 saw three saw - bayonets found In trenches abandoned by Germans. The saw edge was [sot given them by soldiers' hamm•rtsg one blade ',gallon another, but was machine -made, and each bayonet bore • Government ■tamp, a number. an Imperial crown; sus the weed 'MP Length of all Settles It le Interesting to recall that to most of the great battles which ware fought long ago, the mslorlty of them were over to • day Tf.e following gives the duration „' =oma famous engagements: Waterloo ........ .. . 4 hours Sedan (the big !Ottani.. 111[ keeps Gravelotte 5 boars Mars -la -Tour .... 10 hours Krentggrats 1 hours 2S hoary 1 lay 3 daysi Alma Gettysburg Lelpsig A tiay pinch of carbonate of soda or salt added to milk as soon as It arrives wi» help to prga.rrs It from terabit 1100r I Mrs. Jack (to Widow Simp..wil- -Nrr. that Peter's awn' tae A helper wort', Mtn. Mltupann, ale y' aye hero wbaor he is at nicht, yes min' 'Il be ea.•." Mee, Biwspann (with a Mehl - "%i tel, y' Doe, 1 still has ms •oast•," He, Oohing for a compliment -"1 don't know whether Logo In los poetry or painting.- 14 • - "Ob,in tot pain. lag, M.. Mnore. H. e-- "Tbilisi C: _hair* PIP/W1 0.,111e of my rib -irises r Nbe -•'No : hitt I have rod .clivi tlf ',tsar par Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ & URRA Proprietors Christmas IS COMING We are prepared with a nl.ecial line of Ladies' and Gents' Overcoats These are high-grade garments ..f good work- manship and we guar- antee fit. Prices right. Al,o • full lint of gents' suits new styles and per- fect fitting. These are worth inspection. Our Friday and Saturday 'Sale includes it good line of Ladies' Millinery. Un- trimmed shapes in plush and velvet. Regular 01.611, *11►,Ir2.50and 83.1*). Fri- Jay- and Saturday, Ifo Levitz & Urra Career Montreal and Square GRANO TRUNK sY, DOUIILR TItAI'K .ILL THL tt'AY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL .U..xesll.dTrain dory lee Htgbe•t 1'U. of Equlpme-.t Winter Tours to California' Florida and Sunny South The Grand Trunk Railway 4 the mat direct route from 111 point. East tdrmgh 1'anada, via ('ble.go. Detroit or Buffalo. PAST TRAIN$ -CHOICE OF ROCTKl Full particulars and berth res rvations at H.T.R. tkaet osane_ r. P LAWRItN( F, & :IONS, Town Pas•sn- der and Ticket Ment.. Phone S. O, R. LAUp ER. Station Ticket Arent. Thou. :lb. AN'DIAN PAG I F I -G WINTER TOURS TO THi LA71D 01 Suaahire aaJ s4111>ysr Drys THE "CANADIAN" FART TIMS ritrWSEls MONTREAL-TORUN ro DETROIT -CHICAGO Particular. from Canadian P.ctOc Ticket Agent.. or write K. G. Murphy. Dt.trlet Par.enger Agent. corner King and Yams Street,. Toronto. WINTER TERM OPENS January 4th, 1915, at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWtN SOUND, °aren'O Our catalogue tells you why the Toront t "Globe" said : ''It i, the foremost Swamies School in the Dominion." Ws ire for it, C. A. FLAMING, F.C.A., Pt inoipnl U. D. FttMnsa, Secretary. OVCR 4141 'MARS' CZPCRICNCS PATENTS ON ennieser. NOW 9 a- wessimove. f sir- fer try Husband -"Five rnineas for a het ! It's a sin." Wit. -"Never mind. drar- eet, the bio will he on my bee 1." "Why is • horse Ilse kindest of animal.P' "It gladly gives the hl out of his tni.uth, and listens lo every erne (whoa) " I1 -"1 "(upon., ynu have tried run' nrin Judee Y' dodge "No, I have not, .tit ( have tried a Int of people who mint vv." lC 1 QUICK NAPTHA OMANS SOAP THE LATEST MAWS TeWOS% Gatti* Market pyng rt N.atoN.0 Bandy choke steers 7.76 S.N Bateber Mears. goof 7.40 T , Ts do. medium 7.00 7.40 do. common 6. W 7.00 Heifers. choice 7.36 7.16 do. good 6.76 7.26 do. medium 6.00 7.10 Butcher cows, choice6.60 7.50 do. good ,. 6.00 8.50 lo. medium 6.76 6.50 do common 1.0s 6.76 Botta*, balls, choice . , 9.76 7.26 40- good bulls 8.11 4.76 do. medium 6.11 0,16 do. rough bologna 4.50 6.61I Tseders, 550 to 1.100 lbs. 8.60 0.76 do. bulls 6.00 6.76 Stockers. 760 to 800 lbs. 4.36 6.541 do. mod., 46t, to 760 6.10 4.21 do. light, 600 to 660 4.60 6.60 Canners 3.76 4.60 Catton 4.60 6.00 Milkers, choice, each s0.00 100.00 lo... Ecom. and med40.00 40.00 Springers . 60.00 100.00 Calves, veal. choice5 00 10.50 do. medium 7.00 0.50 do. common 6.00 7.50 Lambs. light 6.26 8.76 do. heavy 7.00 7.60 do. culls 6.60 6.00 6.115 0.00 6.01 4.00 Hogs, 7 00 0.00 do. 7 25 0.00 do. 69u 000 Ewes, Tight Sheep, heavy Culls and backs 4.00 3.00 weighed off cars fed a d watered f.o.b Toronto Groin Pries* The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Lake porta. nesty trop, No. 1 northern, $1.24%: No. 2 northern, $1.31%; lc per bushel more bn track. Manitoba Oats -New crop. No. 2 C.W., 58%ac; No 3 C.W.. 56i(sc. track bay ports. Ontario Oats -New, outside, 4$c to 60c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 car lots. $1.12 to 51.14, outside. according to freights. American Corn -New. No. 3 yellow, all rail shipments, Toronto freight. 71%c. Peas -No. 2, 51.70 to 51.76. car lots, outside. Rye -bio. 2, 91c to 98c, outside. Barley -Good malting barley, out- side 44c to 66c. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, 13 to $3.20; in smaller lots, 53.26,to 53.36, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -73c to 76c. car lots. outside. Mfllfeed-Carlots. per ton, bran. 526; shorts, 527; middlings. $30 to 532; good teed flour. 334 to $39. Farmer's Market Following are the latest quotations for farm produce at St. Lawrence ):'trket, Toronto. Wheat. bushel 81.16 to 11.11 Goose wheat 1.16 0.00 Oats, new 64 .65 Barley , .61 .70 Buckwheat .76 .00 Rye 1.00 1.02 Peas 1 50 1.60 Hay, timothy, No. 121.00 23.00 Mixed.and cover 16.00 15.0u Straw, bundled 16.00 18.00 do. toose 9 . N 11.00 Butter, choice dairy .30 ' -22 Eggs, new 'aid, dos.160 ' .66 Fowl, dreg cd, lb. ,.11 .32 Spring chickens, Ib... .13 .18 Ducks. mining Ib. .16 .18 Turkeys, Ib .19 .21 Geese. Ib. .16 .17 Live hens. I', .10 • .11 do. ducks, Ib .14 .15 do. secs.-, lb. .14 .16 Apples. basket s0 .25 do. barrel,1.76 3.26 Potatoes, /ay .76 .80 Onions, bag 1.50 0.00 Pork. per pound 16 .20 Drearier! hr , -,:i 10.00 11.00 Beef. hlndga.,rtars 12.00 0.00 do forequarters 10.00 0.00 Lard. Ib. .14 .18 C-ttle aK Montreal Bute lteri cattle, eholce.57.75 to 10.00 do. medium 6.00 6.76 do common 6.00 6.76 Canners ... ...90 6.00 Butcher's cattle. cows0.60 6.76 do. medium 6.76 11.00 do. bulls 6.a$ 4.60 Milkers, choice, sach70.011 71.50 do. cum. and mod80.00 06.00 Springers. _ .. __ 60.00 16.50 4.60 4.76 4.90 4.26 Lambs ... 7.10 7.00 Hog.. f.o.b .. 7.60 1.71 Calves 2.00 10,50 lib..'. 1St. :lucks and culls East MAN* Cattle Cattle -Fabry active. 'hippie. $8.50 to 59, butchers, 84.75 to 50.60; heifers, 16.66 to *; cows, 83.60 10 47; bulls. 54.71 to 57.60. Vesta -Steady; 58 to 113.10. Hop -Active; heavy and mixed � Yorkers and pip, 51.11 to 11.36; rough*. 24.76 to 57. Sbeep-Active, steady; Iambs, N to 59.26; ewes. BS to 57.66. culls, 13.10. to 54.60 Chicago Live Steck Cattle -Market arm. w esters steers, 51 70 to 58.40; cow* and hatSFs. 1111.1111 to 58.60; calve*. 54.60 to 55.60. Hogs -Market steady; ilgkt, N.M to 17.10; mixed, 50.50 to $7.30; heavy, 54.40 to 87.28: rough, MIKto $.70; pigs, 54.50 to 87111. Sheep --Market weak; reateap, 54.10 to 57.10; lava, native N t0 10.16. as tayssttgatlea tlasb ata 41101111111 a the Pere MartgasNs %OW • set+oe.at.s. Let us show you our Sensible Christ- mas Gifts. Washing Machines A Wasbing Machine and Wring- er wouli save mother a lot of back- breaking work. Danish tb. terrors of wash day. Aluminum Ware Why not give mother one of these articles that she will appre- ciate too much P They are attrac- tive and at the same time useful. Will not let the food burn. Vacuum Cleaners Just consider the ',seta of time and energy in the use of the old corn broom which cannot take out all the dirt. Remember dirty cat - pets breed germs and dir•ase. Happy Thought Range W. live in a practical age. Few f us have any money to burn or throw away. 1f you need a new range but the world-renowned Happy Thought, the best and moot •comomical stove on the market. Electric Fixtures Large assortment'of latest de- signs, attractive and reasonable. Brass Goods Jardinieres Trays Dinner Gongs Candlesticks CHAS. C. LEE The Best Present you can buy is some- thing useful. Sklghs Special 50c - 84.50 Hockey Sticks Special 10c - 75c Embroidery Scissors Special 2& - f 0c Razors Special $1.75 - $2.25 Gillette Safety Razors Special 11.50 - $6.00 Razur Strops Special 75c - 82 00 Carving Sets' Fine aaegrtment Special $2.01 - 5S 01 Electric Irons Special $4.00 - 84.50 Electric Stoves 1:6.00 Up Coal 011 Table Lamps Special 25c - $5.00 Coal 011 Hanging Lamps Special $1.25 - SS. ,II Plush Carriage Robes Special 17.00 - $7.511 Silverware Rogers In47 in newest designs. Great variety to chooae from Hockey Skates We sell Automobile Skates, fam- ous for their superb qualky, splen• did appearance and perfect eer,rice. Do not forget that active still. make you strong and healthy. Special 75c - $f;, (1 Foot Warmers Clarke'. Indestructible Foot Warmer Is au ideal gift. Will en- able anyone to drive in the most severe weather in perfect comfort. New Tools for the Farm Don't forget father. Sometin.en you tbint be has 00sentiment left, but here you are mistaken. 11e likes t0 be remembered at (!bris•- may. Try it this year. Give hilt, something he needs sod will .1, preciate alt the year long. Universal Bread Ilixer A ribald cap &perste it. The bread is evenly mixed with little trouble. Special $2.75 13.2., Coal 011 Heaters Just the thing to heal a room of the morning. Can easily l.t car - ried'from one room to another Pocket Knives Special 1.sc - 2 Cut Glass Fruit Dishes Spoon Trays Glasses, etc. "Oh! Look What Santa Claus Brought' You Can Make This Picture a Reality by Sending Home or Sending Your Friends a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA fir COLUMBIA DOUBLE -DISC RECORDS Any one of the dealers below will gladly demonstrate any Grafonoiar from the one at $20.00 --and it's a real Columbia --to the many other models ranging in price to $650. A small initial payment places any Columbia m your horse ---and on Christmas morning if you wish. Balance can be paid at your con- venience after the holidays. There i.;, a full thousand 85c Columbia Double -Disc Records in the Columbia Catalogue 1' )tl CAN GET COLUMBIA GRAVONOLAS AND RECORDS FROM W. H. HARRISON, Goderich, Ont. Columbia Records are Made in Canada e