HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-10, Page 51)oEi YOUR FRIEND OWN AN At To a? You can't present your acquaintances with a more acceptable Christmas Gift than nae of the tetany parts which count for wo touch to a well-equipped car. We have a Gull stock of All Automobile Acceeaories, and can supply all your requirements for the Christmas Season in that line. -:- We do every clam of repair work and have the goods to ❑t.ikc a first-rate job ; one that will uphold our reputation. EAST STREET G AR A G E NEXT TO TOWN HALL, EAST STREET THE SIGNAL : GODBRIOH ONT . _ ' 0 a TMvawAT. DulttMutt 10, 1914 IS 1 Smith's Art Stn re kik tee Christmas Gift Shop Here you will find Gifts to suit all tastes and ages, at such small prices. The largest and most artistic showing of FRAMED PICTURES from 15c up to $75.00. Just think of it ! Colored local views, heads and lantlsoapes, in ,,%.d gilt frames, at 50c. All the new subjects in figures, heads and land- scapes, in square gilt, brown, cirl:assian walnut or mahogany frames, at 25C. Small Ebony or Gilt oval trames, fitted with new catchy heads, at 15c. Pictures to suit all purses.. And you know everybody just loves pictures. Then we aim have a choice assortment of Statuary, Potter Fancy Baskets, l'hina, Leather Goods, Fancy Cushions and Worked Novelties, Ladies' Bair Ornaments. plain and brilliant Beek Combs, boxes of Christmas Note Paper, Calendars. Tags and Seale. Christmas Card- and Booklets from 2c up. When you see our goods the price will do the rest. Smith's Art Store East street, next Town Hall. 1 Christmas 1 Iloods to ted Now Hand l' It will please us to have' an tinier from you, as we guarantee everything Nutt AM) Tat-: BEST, PRICKS THE 1un11 ,T i NEW 000DS Rain '., Currants, Figs, Dates. Oranges, Candies, Nuts and all General Grocer- ies. Ity and flavor unsurpassed. • LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. LOCAL TOPICS. 14eheel Childrea Are Helping. The cause of the distressed people of Belgium makes a strong to the howls of children. A Belgian relief /feud at the Gastral school has amounted to the very bandeowe sum of al. Tbls is very creditable to the school. Oddfellows Elect At the election of officers re- cently held by Huron Lodge, No. 02, I. O. O. F.. the following were.4seted for the emitting term : I. P. O. Nor- man MacAula v ; N. 0., L LKoos V. 0. B. C. Mu treasurer, 0. 0. Wlltely t meet( seefetary. 3. W. Newcombe; financial secretary. Dr. Clark. Offend to Dr. Field. Mr.IJ. C. Pickering, M. A., at pres- ent on tha staff of the scbool of the University of Torooto, bas been appointed to succeed Mr. J. M. Ma (.utcheon as English master at the Stratford Normal School. the Iatter having resigned to become secretary of theWorkmen's Oompeosatloa Board. The position at Stratford was offered to Dr. J. M. Field, ofOoderich. Insperlor of public schools for Bast Huron, but Dr. Field preferred to remain in Huron. County Court. The County Court of the county of Huron opened on Tuesday beton. his Honor Judge Doyle. There were fourteen cases on the docket, but this oumher was materially reduced, as sestet•' of the cases were settled out of court.. Naturalization papers were granted to Jaltoes Anderson and John G. Anderson, of Winghaw, and to Max Panzer, of Ooderich. A report of abs proceedings will be given nest week, a. the Court is still sitting as we go to pr3ss. Fire at Planing Mill. When yes are ptaaccking out ('hrl..tma. pram este ter your 'frleedr dost forget yosraolL Take • look at the fine ruitl and overcast - are and Prldbba will 11die tb.�t a our meow For • Cbrtstma, girt tor your friend at • d� moos what better t an• year's subscription to The Moue t 1•. will rued the rceipMot of the el, sr nh y -two times to the year. A pretty pptpt meoio c rd will be kind. given with Heel The Ahmeek Chapter of the 1.O.D.E. will bold its regular monthly meeting on \Vednesday. December 10th, at 4 o'clock p. m., in the court house. It to hoped that every member will make ane ext to be present. The W.C.T.U. will meet next Mon- day, December 14th, in Temperance Hall at 3 p.m. This is an undenomin- ational organization. Women from all the churches tee invited to attend. Devotional half-hour from 3 to 3:30. An alarm of lire at 11 o'clock Tues- day night took the brigade to Buch- anan's planing mill, where fire had leen discoveied in the roof of the to oar room. The blaze was quickly extinguished and comparatively little damage was dune except to the roof, as the building is well constricted with Hie walls. A. the mill is a large em- ployer of labor, it was considered es - pedally fortunate at tbla season that the fire was so promptly "nipped in the bud. The Electric Shop. A notable addition to the business houses of Ooderich has been made by Mfr. Robert Tait, the well-known elec- t, tier, who has opened • store on West street.. next the poetofflce, for t he sale of electrical goods. The store is very neatly fitted op and contains a large and varied stock of electric goods ruck as people are looking for oowa- dayr. Mr. hit will be glad to have anyone step in and inspect his stock. He not only wile electrical goods, l.ut does wiring and fitting as well if re- quired,'aad he a. Is an expert in this linepeople may rely upon getting good work at his hands. Hogarth —Glen. The marriage of Effie El'sabetb Olen, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Glen. of Colborne town- ship, to Eher Gifford Hogarth, eldest son of Stephen Hogarth of Exeter, took place very quietly in the vestry of Knox church oo Saturday last. Rev. Geo. E. Ross tied the nuptial knot in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the contract- ing parties. The bride wore • hand - (tome travelling sui- of blue cloth with bat to match end carried a large bou- quet of lily of the valley sad rows. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal part v left on the C. P. R. train for their future home at Guelph, where Mr. Hogarth is connected with the Ontario Agricultural College. If you want to sell cheap tea. you leave all the dust in it. Butcheapoese does not always mean satisfaction. The dust and sterns are carefully re- moved from Salads tea, thus ensuring a perfectly clean bright tea of a gnal- Order, delivered promptly. as we have our own delivery. Let in have your order and be Convinced. .. JOHN SPAHR LHamilton Street Grderieh ism. = — itilit e♦ A court of revision of the . ass- t went roll was held last Thursday even- ing. W. W. 8aulta was given a rebate of five-twslftbs of his Doziness tax, as bis liquor store business had been closed since August led. Two other assessments against which there were appeal" were confirmed. When evening falls you like to gather round the table and read, the wbole family does. The Weekly Baa of Toronto baa departments of Interest to everyone, from the markets and editor -leis for father down to a story for the bons and a bright thoughtful Only Two Weeks TO— CHRiSTMAS Celebrate this year by buying a Heiner man ie C4. Piano of Seid glamme, the gift of hisC brother Aimee of the regimsat. The gift was a000mpanied by an aluminated &d- ame, which was read by Mayor Rasoe, while Major Shaw made the ptrmeotatba. u. -col. Wilson pre- sided aad toes wee • food attendance of uffloere. Death of a Hamilton Lath. The following. truss The Uamutoa Times of December 641, riders to a niece of Mrs. Jane Goldthorpe, of town : Igloo Annie H. Goldtborps pawed away at the residence of bar mother, 199 Stinson serest, yesterday after - fl an illness oil somedaretlee. aflit Goldthorpe was well known and highly respected In this city, when she had been a resident for the last third years. Site was tbe third daughter of the let/ Benjamin Gold- thorpe, and was bort) at Mimioo, Ont., and was prominently connected with the l_burch of M. Thomas, baying been a teacher in the Sunday school for the past eigbteeu years. She Is survived by ber mother, three sisters, Mrs. David Koaggs. of Brampton ; Mrs. Angus Secord and Miss E. Alice Goldthorpe. city. and three brothers, George and Benjamin, of \limico, and John, of this city. The funeral will take place on Tuesday at 2.3U p.w. from 1933 Stinson street to the Church .Pt 8t. Thomas for service Interment at Hamilton cemetery. With the Canadians at flalisbuiy. Mrs. H. Rose, Bayfield road. has received a letter from her a'n, H. E. Rose. with the Canadian Expedition- ary Force at Salisbury ''Iain. It is dated November 22od. tie says On part) : I suppose you heard that the Ger- mans are 'belling Yat mouth and Grimsby, but I think the% will get a hot time If they start anything like that. We are still under canvas, but weaxpect to be put in buts this week. I am waiting for my peals to come nut now, so 1 can get a few nights in • good feather bed. 1 will tell you a soldier's life is nut a cream pie, but I am enjoying myself very much. We all got issued out with big jackknives and gloves yesterday, and 1 expect we "ball get sweater coate tourers ow and then we shall be able to keep warm. 1 went up t 1 see the aeroplanes all in • long tow of shed" on Sunday and it was a very interesting sight. Can you send a few Goderich paper-, as I and the boys would like to we the news. Remember me to Mr. Dunlop and tell him all the boys are 0. K. The Home Guards. The Goderich Home Ottani is now an established tact. A meeting we - held on Monday evening at which Captain H. C. Dunlop was unanimous- ly elected as drill instructor. Within a few minutes of his call to office Cap- tain Dunlop had the company fall in, when it was found that the town hall did not supply sufficient space for company drill and an adjournment was made to the roadway below. For upwards of half an hour the newly formed company was kept vigorously on the alert learning the Initial stages of milker y drill. Captain Dunlop will need to exercise much pat ience before bre will be able to get anything like a military bearing to fit upon the Home Guard, composed as it le of men in every walk of life, many of whom have had not the slightest military ex- perience. That the Captain means business was displayed by the fact that ooe of the first orders war: "Pipes out, and quit talking." One thing we did not just understand was why there was such a large number of able-bodied men it) the crowd of spectators,. who might have taken places in the ranks of the Home Guard. Encourage the Children. The people of Goderieb will have an opportunity next week of encourag- ing a very laudable effort which is being made hy a number of yomog children of town. Stirred bythe stories of the pitiable 'ondltn In which the little girls and boys of Belgium bave been placed by the war, these cbiklren for weeks have been planning to aid in the relief efforts which the older folks have inaugurated. To This end they in- tend to bold a bazaar and afternoon tea in the Tempersnoe Hall on Satur- day, the 10th inst., from 2 to 7 o'clock. The charge for admission and era is only 10 Dents. sod everybody ought to go and show appreciation of the ehildren'a effort to assist and et the same time add to tbe fund for Belgian relief. Polite Court. Magistrate Kelly bad a number of cases to deal with on Wednesday afternoon. The first was the case mentioned last week of infraction of the fates law. The penalty meted oat was $90 and Dost,. Oaae number two also was a charge of Acing intozi- for another and the sisia.fr•tad Ise '"dry" tarttitory, was rte 1 IeterestJ X. sed every Isw,s ate aotwalagastiedred and ire detetsd•nt well worth while. How would it be was disdarsted. The third case was • for a Cbrlatmas gift, it would ore- cheege against three young meg for ta.i.ly be • profitable one. and help causing • aWurbanem en tF,Ahrte you make the ferns pay.— _ street,. Prothe evidence it •p- - — peered that os Thur,da d last facet two doge started a t seer the corner of Bast , emit t Ore Sgaare. I It was alleged that defeedasa latent d the dogs and kept them fight iag and a 1arge on crowd sogathered. illayor I Reid. wbo sepsretd the doge, wan one of the witnesses. The magistrate, la letting the boys go with a motion, stated that it was the Intimation of the aetborlUes H ramp not the dog-fight auleonee, which was becoming too general. Militia Melee. of two thdrty-ealaut. periods. 11 is considered that the shorter periods will not exhaust the players so much as the half-hour periods Hill—Robinson. The bombe of Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, Boiwvalo, Manitoba, form- erly of Ooderiob, was the scene of • pretty wedding om Wednesday. De - comber Rod, when their only deagbter, Adele Holmes, sad G. Rizon Hilt were united in marriage. The bride looked very youthful is her wedding gown of shadow /ace over duchess satta, her loam white v.0 being glugbt up with lilies of the valley. Her only orna• meat was • beautiful pearl brooch. the gift of the groom. Little Miss Ethel Hill, dater et the groom, anted as ring - bearer, dressed to pink crepe de ebene, and carried a basket of pink and white carnations. The ceremony took in the drawing room, under • white bell, and was performed by Rev. J. W. Howerinogg in the presence of a few intimate frleods. After the nup- tial knot bad been tied, a buffet lunch was served to the spacious dining - room. The happy couple left oo the 431) train amid • shower of confetti and good wishes for their future home, the bride travelling in a smart tailored suit of green broadcloth, trimmed with wink fur, and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will be at borne to their friends after Denewber 15tb at Fairford, Manitoba. Children's Aid Society. The regular inontbly meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held in the court house on Tuesday afternoots. The attendance was not nearly so Large as the importance of the work merits. Since the lal.t meeting the following contributions have been wade to the work of the Society : Mrs. J. L. Aitken, Mrs. W. T. Heys and Mrs. D. McDonald, $1.00 each ; W. L Horton and Maxx Peter McFarlane, $2.00 each ; Rev. W. K. Hager, $0.00. Accounts totalling $2L17 were cer fled and passel. A deputation was appclnted to wait upon the county council at its January aewiod to ask that the council aasume the amount, of the county's potion of the agent's salary, the deputation to consist of Sheriff Reynolds, of Guderieb, W. H. Kerr, of lartirsels, and John Beattie, of Sesforth. G. M. Elliott, the county agent, teen gave a most interesting report of the wink Omit is being at- tempted and achieved. Some particu- larly sad cases were cited which re- quite the exercise of great skill and care. It war decided to acquaint the county council with the facie sur- rounding some of the cases, as it is probable they s ill become a perwa- neat charge to the mussy, During the last week or so particularly good work has been done and homes have been found for some who would other- wise have faced a winter of great hardship. The next meeting will be held on the second Tuesday in Jan- uary, and it is eat -neatly entreated that more members of the Society will plan to be at the meeting. Hockey Club Organized. Judging by the entbeeiasm dis- play id played on ooday evening at the meeting calla to discuss the hockey situation there ie a bright future be- fore the local hockey team this season. The council chamber was well filled despite the fact that the Home Guards was attracting considerable attention at the same time. The organization of the executive was successfully car- ried out, the following officers being elected: President. John Wiggins: secretary R. R. Wigle ; treasurer. W. H. Robsetaon : manager. David Thowpeon : additional members of executive, Harry Belcher, Frank Doty, Dan. Wiggins- There were many opinions as to the advisability of en- tering teams in vat roue series, but it was finally decided, owing to the un- certain conditions prevailing this ee•- son, lo enter the latermediate 0. H. A. only. it 1s fully expected that Oode- rieb will we some good hockey during the coming temente of play. At the annual meeting of the On- tario Hockey Association the rules were amended hy providing for three twenty -minute periods of play hatred FALLING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP M5sdMw— Um Parietes Sage. Now :hat Partners Sege can be bad 1 at say drug (rooster It is ceetalol7 ____ares to base thin, brittle, felat:e4 or faded hair. Nn matter bow hang. or the heir. hew badlyIt is Pari- sian Rage Medi much ldandruff. needed. n ne- wsiest aepileatlrsee and well robbed Into the scalp w111 do wonders—it acts like The heir roots are nour- ished arid�nd stiwel•t.d to grew new Mir, kale. sealp, dasdrof and fa11- Isg hair emee—your bard feels flee. emit of all, the hair tremens soft. fineteasaborodant and radiant with life and Toa wet be surprised awl dslkbted with Parisian Sage. at Mast ems INtreerst betide from R. lee. will Weed ahs_ a elves pries K yes Capt A. Rouget* is at Leaden as musketry i•etruetor to the troupe en- camped theme. A prejoet M on foot for the tonna Grin of a seemed n hits• rnmpae.i• In town. Members of the M.neeetung Canoe Club are the leader• In the mnvemeet_ Mr. H. O. Sootheren who has hews the aeeosatast of ahs toed hermit .1 ' Gm Back a Montreal, ase Imae to ' Landoll to take a wfiitary rents* for gmaMlfeaalea es w ewe, are got sat • i.m NA 1 a elev of teterfgeore of :he Weeks. Ordlsre adhered. made the twiggiest of a hauthoure pair The Advantages to the Estate a having a Trait Company administer its affairs are many, yet the charges are no Weser than these allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This Wong, conservative Company. ludas an individual execater, will not fall ill, go am» a defaulter or pass oat eitighlibee, neither will it neglect year affairs for Its own, because Its very life de- pends upon its fidelity to your affai.o and those of others. C,onsult es regarding your will and the administration of year estate. Tants co. WM air *SW elhairdoalflieseliweiMe zee tir. Merchant's Visit. • Dr. F. W. Merchant, Provinciel director of industrial and technical training, paid a visit to our town on Thuraday of last week. He had cotes to confer with the Collegiate institute board in regard to the question of open- ing night classes for practical train- ing under the control of the board. The members were nearly all pre -sent at the meeting in the evening, as well as the members of tbe advisory com- mittee of letsinew men, and Principal Hume. Dr. Merchant explained that he had come not so much to urge the opening of classes, as to give needed information in regard to them, and to explain what the Government would do in the matter. Without going into details if may be said that the. Government seta very liberally, paying two-thif the salaries of tbe teachers of each drama and forty per ceot. of the cost of equiptnent the first year, and twenty per cent. each of the next three years. The board with the aid of the advisory committee would have to make all the necessary ar- rangements for the chimes, and would bave full control over them. Dr. Merchant Judd that classes in precticel dressmaking and millinery had proved very popular and sumesidul in several towns, many married women taking advantage of them, and the cost of eitponateent was comparatively smalL present were very much in- terested In Dr. Merchant's address and explanations, and it was agreed to hold a special meeting this week to discuss what action should be taken in the matter. UODERICH MARKETS. gilit011 Are Yee Andrea Leaning la Save Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account in the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training in how to expend money wisely. Such ao education in thrift and saving will prove invaluable in later life. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Tan 11a13•Y, 111. Nee, whieb le years wing ume farmer from in 10 75 meta • bushel. are new quotedda.30. The extmordinary price is the remit et • small crop and part, of • war „ as it is said t bey are beteg/ seed ha the ;separatism of a eaedee•ed soup for gee by the troops at the front. Wheat, per Mash per beak a. per mon siper ewe. fur ewe stiorto far un cu.: tioollato. tothersper boob Boo. Ihro wolebt. ow sot gal te We art all le iswi 7 ell to .11 to Tallow, vemiegelik 110 es te is GOOD PLUMBING IS NOT A LUXURY It W an absolute necessity. if you would care to tiake tie hall enjoyment of liv• need or CORRECT FAULTY pLuNsakia Our wartmes are very proficient *ad in work. lam fee vet/ MAO 111000v•111111C100 Ihne have •ny plumbing to be dono. will save time and money by to it at ones. FRED HUNT Phase vas Piaseleete. Ones end Siesieg “ougno 11 0571)11., Skates Sharpened I I a.ve your skates put in shape for the season. We have inistalled a complete ipment. for sherpening and buffing, and we shaU be pleaae to take care of any work you want in this line. Prices .0. usual. KELLY'S flARAOE RED CROSS NOTES. The sum of $40 80, which has been realised from tho sale of the nye. apples and potatoes plus the c&sh don- ations from Goderich townehip to the Red Crowe Society, hag been sent to the headquarters at Toronto and acknowledgment of same has been re- ceived by Miss Cetberine Lewis. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will take place in the council chamber on Niondito , Decem- The following are extracts trout "Red Cross News," reicently published by the central committee : The Canadian Red Cross Society is new organized from coast to coast with thousands of members and other thousand. of helpers and supporters. Is will be seen by a, perusal of the following pages the Society has done good work hut much more remains to be done. Tbe vast number of troops employed in this great war and tbe pro- longed and bloody battles being fought make,' & proportionote number of sick and wounded. 11 is stated, on wh&t seeing to be excellent authority. that there are in hospital in France 500,01.10 sick end wounded officers and men of the Allies. It is gratifying to know that on our side owing to the sanitary precautions, which have been rigidly enforced, the number of sick is rela- tively small, but "with the oncoming of winter it is to be hared that they will increase in numbers. It is oar duty as well as our pi ivilege to aid in reliev- ing their discomforts to the utmost of our power. flutocriptions will be thenkfully no -eked by the Hon. Tteasurer. Col. Hon. Joints Mason, or by the treasurers of local branches. hi SW be &II Or *AO to tiria itto 1.10 7.80 7.0 10 7.11 it Nu smatter bow long shindies your MOO way be, don t despair, wet a bottle of Etheen-.o today. C. L dtle sells it with a guerantas to bona% rm. Rheum, is wowderful in ita quick &e- llen. GM pain moos*, the mueeles anal boom are rid of soreness and stiffness, and very soon a Rheurno patient le ante to have tire same stemma and vitality a youth. Rheum) builds blood eo deb &ad tblek that uric acid direst. an themes esiMgror peed. tram IL V. Mario. Oo.. 1114= het- g. Ont. may be sees at *hie office. peeJe to everybody. roou be thinking of i \ to please father and mother and friends at Christmas time. Think of photo- graphs. Your portrait as you are te - day will please them. Make an •ppnintuaent today. THE MALLOWS STUDIO. Sir Alfred Keogh has been ap- pointed chief commissioner of the British Red Cross Society in Franoe. and has established his headquarters at Rouen, and is melting an urgent =for shirt*, pyjama", sheets, ohm, waterproof sbeeting. slip- pers and socks. Rizty-two theorised garments have been reeeived. sod al- thorsgb this number leellie large the stock ls rapidly being depleted. In addition to the hospital at Rouen which is for officers the British Red Orme Society is ounntalaing two hos- pitals near Paris, one at the Chateau Laversine with eixty five beds and an- other neer Competitor at the Chateau D'Anoell. In Peri, the Society con- trols 500 beds, distributed in different building,. The largest is located in the Hotel -Able' is. Tbe central eosomittee of the Society bas transmitted to the Brillsh Society for hanaediate use in the war the tutu oft: 10,000. eentral committee has also bent to the British Red Crtea Society tbe som of 1.5,0(10 for the putties* of twelve motor esohulanceir, for use at the wet of 'vie; the receipt of which the British Society has very bend wooly ackeowledged. The Women's Institutes ot Outario bane mot le tan packages of goods and over filf4,000 in emit, all of which le very greatly to their credit. A third Red Croce hair, valued at $134.45, was sent to the beadquarten at Toronto on Dettember 7. It con- tained 3 comforter", 1 pair blankets, three homnial thghtothirts, 109 pairs of erseke. 24 balaclava Napa 3Ie cholera' belts, is polio wristlets. SO scarfs. 2 boneorwives, 7 Tolle of bantams. Christmas Greeting Omelet. wader's IMMO end printing printed coo Orem ere sousing into ttosiotti me. The diposal Ms a series of cards for this purpose and Imed im good time. Cut Out the Hard Work and let Gasoline En- gine do if lor you ! ftie.y to operate, perfectly safe, power always there it•icr when it is wanted. C.all in an, let me ehow you !be Eneines workiog and we for yourself hoe simple and effective they are. Root Pinyon', Straw Cut- ters, Grinder", Holler Crush - Semi raters. Peerless Coron• Ranges and Heaters. Robert Wilson liamdlon Street sammesessegenteneleteetifteltraMerapanos OUR Specialties Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all small jobe end general repair work. W. R. PINDER Phone US Hamilton Street eileierreefkrinielalerreenatteekeerlarniebeferbe "Carrie doesn't soma to Wu& so mesh of Jack as she mod to._," "11114 VIIIL all the time talking thee Sim SI ale Is tablas. sot Mob-