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Everything in full swing in this establishment
for Christmas buying
Obildren's Books, all the way from • 5, artistic Picture Book
to Blackie's Children's. Annual at 4L00.
Valland's "Flower Children," "Mother Barth (3biidr.r."
'•Animal Ct•ildren," "Bird Children," "L -os Pretend," etc., regular
i1.00, special 90c.
"When a Fellow Needs • Friend," "0 Skin -nay," regular 91,50,
special $1.25.
The new Frank B. Webster books, "Airship Andy," "Boys of
the Wireless," etc„ special 35c.
Comrade hooks, cut price 35c.
Jack Harkaway books, regular 75c. speclal'33c.
Alger, Henry, etc.,'loc, 50c acd $1.(10.
('hums, Boy's Own Annual, Girl's Own Annual. cut price
81.7i. Chatterbox, special $5c.
Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books for all churches.
Christmas. Cards from 5c up. Christmas Postal Cards 4 for 5c,
:i for 5c and 5r each.
Dennison's Tags, Seals, Holly Serape, Holly Ribbon, Gold and
Silver lord, all one price 10c.
A full stock of all the latest Copyright Book., "Patrol of the
Sun Dance Trail." byRalph Connor. special 91.10, "Call of the
East," by Thurlow ser, special 81.10. "Innocent," by Marie
Corelli, $1.25 net, "Eyes of the World," by Herold Heil Wright.
111.25 net. and dozens of other..
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, fully guaranteed and sold on
nit days' trial. price from 82.31 un to $10.00.
Porter's Prefect. Fouutsin Pen, made in two sizes, material and
workmanship the best obtainable, made by the L. E. ‘Vaterman
Co., 14 karat gold ,points, We guarantee these pens to be the best
value on the market. Price: No. 1 fitted with clip cap 81.00, No. 2
fitted with clip cap 81.511.
The Goderich Book and Stationery Co.,
There is
For Ladies
ing makes
For Gentlemen
For Children
A go.'d line of Statiooery for Christmas correspondence
We want you to feel free to call and examine our stock of Christmas
Gifts. Quality considered our prices are surprisingly low.
= - 4111.
Centr.1 Ding "tore, Goderich. Corner North St. and Square.
PHONES : -Business 90, Residence p/.
Carpe vSweepers
Coal Oil Heaters
Carving Sets
Food Choppers
Safety Razors
Scissors in Cases
Hockey Sticks
Silver Ware
Coffee Percolators
Pandora Range
Manicure Set
O'Cedar Polish
Shaving Sets
Shaving Mirrors
Children's Sets
Snow Shoes
Pocket Cutlery
Kitchen Utensils
Parlor Lamp
McClary Coal
Coffee Mill
O'Cedar Duster
-Hl \ \ tit RS AT
Rowell Hardware Co.
Fun ran sa.nteas.-'11e vatted
retriotfo sosistyof (iloderieb towtsehip
have bas. steadily work)a�gR for the
soldiers, sad are now seadl,g their
second hale to head owes at Torosto.
This bale eoetaine . 16 day shirts,
3 night-shirts, 971 pairs of socks, 15
pairs wristkets, 6 pelts pesumonla
jackets, 5 pairs bad socks. and some
malaise. The member. ore grate-
ful to the following who so kindly
donated money or work to help on a
good agues ; Mrs. Rundle. Mrs. Sal-
keld, sr., Mrs. John di 1mes, Mr.
Bert Hopes, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs.
Ha.Ghe, Mrs. D. McEvoy, Mr.. John
Jobwtoo (Stanley). A. the members
have to raise money to buy material
any such cootribuuose ars welcome.
TUESDAY, Dec. 8th.
News Ntnsa.-Miss M. Callahan, of
Wbitecburch, visited in this vicinity
last week. .... Miss Beatrice and Mr.
Oh.sterAr•mstrong, of Brussels, visited
at Wm. Thompeon'e last week ....Mr.
Wm. lt,iylr wee in London one day
last week ..Mie Grubb and Mrs.
Stafford visited Mn. Joe Belk on
Tuesday Mr. and Mn. H. McDon-
ald spent Sunday with Miss M. J.
Robb A number from this vicin-
ity attended a dance in Brher•ve last
Friday evening. All report having a
food time. .Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Wilson visited Auburn friends on
Saturday Mrs. John Craig had
the misfortune to tall "Al was sev-
erelyinjured. We hope sbe will soon
be ale to be around again.
NVRDN . Das, Dec. O.
LAtut KR LOCALS. - Mrs. James
Blue, Amberley, visited at the home
of Mn. K. G M tcKrnzie last week .. .
Tbe Wowen's lo,titute held its month-
ly meeting at the home of Mrs. N. G.
MacKenzie. Tbe ladies were busy
cutting out clothes to be made up for
the Belgians The young folk
hive organised a club -the Leurier
skating club. Tenders were out for
caretakers and last Saturday they
were handed in to the president.
Messrs. Huy McKenzie's and Wilfred
Bradley's tenders were accepted and
we all know the work will be well
done by them Mr. 1). McLean
and Mies Ethel Taylor were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson _Air.
J. McDonald, of Vancouver, is vlaitirg
Iris parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
probably the lest of the season
Mr. (cordo. Young attended She
wells. of ib. Presbytery of Heron
at Olintoe on 'Tuesday. Mr. Tho..
Wilson ably maas..d the estate In
bin abeam.
Rev. Wm. Moistesb, of Loedoa, le
to take the services at Banitb's Hill
Presbyterian cbureb next Sabbath at
3 o'clock p. et.
A Christmas entertainment will be
gives at Carlow on December Bird by
the Smith's Hill Sabbath school A
good program is befog prepared, oos-
e ietiag of solo., ober u.ss, resit atloss.
tableaus and the trial some of 'eche
Merehent of Vosges," Adidiedo. Ile ;
/Sabbath school ohlMren 5'e.
ANNIVIRItajaaT Saw%I('mi.-Asnlver
nary u l.s. will beheld et Smith's Hill
PTs a anima on Smiley, De -
1 oember 271b. at 11 a. in. and 7 p. te.
The special preacher for the da ?• will
he Rev. J. R. Man, B. A., of Port
Elgin. Un Monday evening, Decem-
ber Bith. a cottoert will be held at
which the folowing talented artists
will be present : Mr. H. Oourlev
McKenzie, baritone, late of Scotland.
now of Toronto ; Miss Clarice 8pee-
cer, elocutionist, of Toronto; Is.
Wigbtman, pianist of Weetfieid. Ad -
minion charges will be 35c and Se.
TUESDAY, Dec. �.
DEBATx.-At a meeting of the
Farmer' Club last week the members
debited whether the war was a bene-;
fit to the fernier" or not. Th3 nega-
tive seemed to carry the decision of
the meeting. This club is to give a
patriotic concert for the Belgian fund.
News Nirrete-Mr. George Chaplin,
who fell from an apple tree some
weeks ago, is ou the mend Con-
gratulation. to Mr. Bert Gray on se-
curing a position with a large dairy
firm io Oxford county Mrs.
Rutherford, who was visiting her old BLYTH
home in New York for the put three
week., is back to the manse again.
Gaderich should clean up. Two
pupils attending the Institute there
are home here with the measles.
Mr. Bert Gray and Miss Mabel
Henry, daughter of Mr. J. A. Henry,
of the 2nd, were married at the !pante
on December 1st. We wish them
success in their new borne.
Do your Christmas shopping early
and go to the Port Albert store, where
you will find a fine stock of Christmas
goods tselect from.
1)oe'r Foaotrr.-Next Friday even -
log. Dec?mber 18th, is the date of the
patriotic and Christmas entertainment
in the Foresters Hall, when an up-to-
date program will be given. consisting
of drills, choruses, dialogues, orches•
tra selections, recitations, etc., also
short addressee from Rev. G. Gomes
iod Rev. T. Williams, of Dungannon.
The pr 'gram will be finished by the
appearance of Santa Claus, who will
distribute the gifts' from the ever
popular Chi inures tree.
Mr. Lindsay Burrows arrived home
last week alter spending the season
sailing on the steamer Meeford
Master Harold Swale was out from
Goderich for a few days visiting Mas-
ter Gordon Psersoo.. .. Mrs. Frank
Upshall, of Buchanan, Seek.. is the
guest of her brother and sister, Mr.
and .Misr Hayden, at Shepperdton...
Mr. and Mn. Linnington,and children.
of Goderich, were Sunday visit ire at
Mr. W. G. S. Brown'e....Mles Bertha
McGee returned to Windsor on Wed-
nesday, having spent the put two
weeks visiting at her bowe here. Mr.
Albert McGee accompanied her and
will spend the winter at Windsor....
Mrs. Charles T. Crawford will enter-
tain the Women's Missionary Society
of the Presbyterian oburch on Thurs-
day afternoon Mr. W. Matheson,
of Brandon, Man., is visiting his sis-
ter, Mrs. Alex. Young. and other
relatives in this locality.... .lir. John
W. McGee is now at. automobile
owner, having pureha.ed a five -pas-
senger car last week.
MONDAY, Dec. 7.
FOR Teti BELGIANS -The ladies of
the Women's Institute beta a very
successful meeting et t he home of
Mrs, Neil McKenzie last Thursday,
About twenty-five ladies were pres-
ent and spent the afternoon in cutting
out and preparing clothing for the
Belgian orphans. Thew garments
when completed ale to be left at the
home of Mrs. D. McDonald, KintalL
Anyone having aoytbing in the way
of warm clothing to contribute to
this very worthy cause will please
leave the same at Mrs. McDonald's
not later than Monday, Decemb. r 14th.
Batgrs.-Miss E. G. McMillan, of
Port Albert, spent a few days with
friends' in this vicinity. .... Mr. Don.
ald McKenzie, of Calgary, who wan
visiting friends here, baa refused to
his borne in the Wen. Mrs. Rob-
ert McKay, of Kincardine, spent •
few days at her old home here...
ray .
The AabfieId auxiliaryof the Mission
Society will boldn
its December
meeting at the home of Mrs. Nen
McDonald this week.
TUESDAY, Dec. tith.
Anniveresri .ervices will be held in
the Baptist church on Sunday, Dec-
ember 20th. A cantata will be given
nn the following evening, December
21st, by the young people of the
Thos. Anderson spent Sunday with
bis brother. Wm. Anderson.
Rev. A. taMg teal! .mils'. A paby
girl !memo, to gladden his home.
Mies Mabel Hickingbottom, nurse,
of New York, is home with her parents
on a vacation.
W. D. Wilson, of Brumfield, visited
bis daughter, Mr.. Geo. Hamilton,
over Sunday.
Mrs. E. ',swoon hits returned from
her visit and is hreparing W occupy
ber new home.
Mr. Norman Mutch, moisten oper-
ator on the C. N. R. at Port Colborne,
is home at present.
Mr. Chas. Rtrsugbwn. of Fort
George, B. C., bas arrived home os a
visit to hie parents for the whiter.
Noah Pta.tser is bey taking down
Um placing mill recently por*baesd
from Howson t L.awsoe and intesds
using it to build • barn le the spring.
The concert last Friday under the
auspices of the Canadian Order of
Forster was very well attoded. All
who were there were delighted with
the program and are ewavtnced we
ham local talent here .Me to put the
profesuleNle le the shade.
WBDNP.DAY, De.:. 9.
Mr. Thos. Ramillies eras the first 1s
this adgbbeeboed to pleat hie reed
scall hon.
news. R. Fisher. W.. Bean and
Behan Olen atteeded the tat Moak
dome at Gude*.
• few of Ate aelgbbors are sugag.d
Whig lee' eYo at Harbert Aber s -
TUESDAY, Dec. 6.
DivtewN OOUwr.-Division Court
was held on Monday of this week be-
fore His Honor Judge Holt. There
was only the one ca.e, of John Shiell
vs. G. Johnston, for wages. The
judge gave his decision in favor of the
REIDY" Molt CHRIsTYAB.-The busi-
ness men are Prepared for the Christ-
mas trade in would like to see some
snow to make sleighing, as they
figure business would pick up if we
had some rlippiog. The farmers.
however. are getting a lot of outside
work done which will be of great as-
sistance to them next spring.
Ligt off Caen.-Tbs two hotel -
keepers here were up before Police
Magistrate Morton, of Wingham, on
Friday to answer to Hie charge of
selling beer above the standard of two
per cent. Mi. Mason did not defend
the charge against hint and was fined
$l00, but Mr. McCaughey, who was
defended by Mr. Descry, fought the
charge and the rase was thrown out.
WEDDING -A very pretty home
wedding took place at the residence of
Mr. and Mn. A. Ham,u, on Wednes-
day evening last, when their daugh-
ter, Luella. was united in marriage to
John Cole, of Berlin. Mrs. (Rev.) W.
D. Turner played the waddles( much,
while the bride entered ,the parlor cm
the arm of bar father, who gave her
In marriage. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. D. Turner. The
beide wore a drew of peb blue silk
with shadow hoe talabstm and
carried a bouquet of cbryea,tbemoms
and ferns. The couple were unat-
tended ezoept by little Margaret Hill,
of Lo,do.bord, who acted as ring -
bearer. After the oer.moc the
guests to the number of thirty-6ve re-
paired to the dining rotes to partake
of a bounteous repast. atter wbich the
party spent the evening vary pleas-
antly is games and daeeing. The
happy couple lett on Thursday for
their hoose at Waterloo with the best
wish.. of their many tetrads.
P.aSovAt AND Gtotnaat..-Miss
Hattie Spafford Is at present visiting
with ber aunt at Woodstock Mr.
Muter Begley, who has been in the
Went ter the past four years, returned
bogie cm Saturday for • few weeks'
beMia7e with ria parents here. The
pest summer he has boon playing
..ssl•prefsssiosal baseball and played
with the Yam that woe the cham-
piesehip of Alberta. He M also a fl st-
P~��na,at, spent a fewer days last
week with the former's brother in
I. skaow. _ ...The Myth Rural Tele -
pima 0o. ere getting a new directory
printed which will be 0alehsd and
reedy for distribution ibis week
Mr. George Burling is arranging to
have an -air rink to operation
h en tri. winter. No doubt it win he
wall pateo,lesd, as there is notifies( in
the Sews foe the young to enjoy them-
selves at during .be long whiter
eights Mr. and Mrs- IL B. M ep.
anbut," Niegaea-ee•tb..
IAM. sones.* th.nt of
*Mr thud damtliter, Melee. to
Dr. Ole eves s. HigleyGeo
d Aachen, formed• ofVIArT.
marriage is to take p 1,lietly �y
Liberals of Myth has been M for
� eer
▪ lea ovoids( to • for �t� M-
ena e.,esetlos to be ball at Mew
base es She 14th.
The y of Ready with a thousand and one things that are
pretty, useful and inexpensive.
HolidayNoveltks Our friends look for this display and we will not
disappoint them. We are sorry we cannot
Is Ready tell you more. Come and see the show. We
J want you to read every word in the following
list .
Why not a Rua.?.
What would be more suitable as a gift for the
home than a rug ? Our line of rugs is most com-
plete and the patterns aro the newest. A useful
gift at a reasonable price. Fawns and greens are
the colon that are the beat and we can supply
any wanted size.
New Laces
W. have put into steak in the last week a ,hew
line of laces. Them are ghat 1s needed for trim-
ming that little present you ere making. Prime
range from per yard 3o to 10e
A Waist Length as a Gift
Fine French flannels in stripes with light grounds
are the newest for weans. We also have a very
fine line of red flannel at per yard 40o
Everyone appreciates a Handker-
chief as a Gift
We expect that this will be a big season for Had-
kercbiefs. A very pretty and a useful gift.
Ladies' fine lawn and linen Handkerchiefs in
many different designs in corner embroidered :
fine Green lace edgi Handkerchiefs in a variety of
edges and a large range of plain hemmed Hand-
kerchiefs with • pattern on the four sides at the
very popular price 2So
Fine lace edge linen Handkerchiefs in the newest
patterns of lace... 35s, or 3 for $1.00
A special line of ladies' fine lawn and linen Hand-
kerchiefs in the best designs, at each. 410e
At Iso and 53. we can give you a line of Hand-
kerchiefs that area little tetter t hen usual end
put up In a Christmas box.
Other better lines at ... $1.00 and 51.25
With every purchase of Handkerchiefs we supply
a very dainty box or folder which caa he sent
through the wails. Our Handkerchiefs are all A 1
in quality and the price is rock bottom,
Dainty and Exclusive Designs in
The newest creations In los book muslin and
voile Dollars with dainty pleatlsg and wide wing
sides. These collars and Dollar and antra lista will
be appreciated by everyone as a gift end they
come at prices teat all oat reach, 53., itis.
See, tike, iso and `1.00.
Tray Cloths, Scarp and Centres.
Japanese band drawn centres at prices wbich will
surprise everyone. These est be obtained in all
sires and In round and square cloths.
Scarfs for dresser and stand in drawn work art
batt.enberg, 36, 45, and 54 inches long .nd
18 inches wide.
These good. will be found on display in our win -
low and on tabis@ in the store.
A Velvet Coat or Dress for the
Little Girls
Oar stock of corded velvets is most complete.
Nothing could be more sellable as • useful present
than a nice coat or drew for the youngest of the
Wally. Reda, browns. white ted b(ne ere the
most popular shades and we care supply these
colon in a cloth 17 inches wide, at pee yard s0o
Silk Scarfs
In white, brown, ten, black and grey at the popu-
lar price each ... .. .. 51.00
Heavy silk Scarf in all the wanted shades. at each
These Scarfs make .useful presents.
Fine Voile Waists
Christmas Waists in all wanted sins and at a
rang. of prices. From the heavy Lewo Waists at
$1.00 to the fine, dainty voile at $4.50. lust
what is needed for evening wear.
J. H. Colborne
Regular meeting of council kirk' on
November 18th, as per adjournment
Members all present. Reeve Murray
presiding. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed, on motion of Coun-
cillor Mallougb and Naylor. Fivan-
eiel statement read by treasurer throw-
ing 11828.33 on hand ; this rector t filed
, on motion of Pardon and Mellrutgh.
Communication read by treasurer
from secretary rd the Canadi.n Free
Library for the Blind. asking for help
1n carrying on the work „f betserfng
the lives of those *Meted with blind-
nees, Motion by Johnston and Naylor
that fib be granted. Carried. Com-
mittee appointed at former meeting
to examine Dickie hill re Mr. Thom's
complaint was unable to report at this
dice. Clerk read solicitor's letter re
Young drain. also copy of lettere sent
to lowers. Proudfoot, Oodericb, and
Vanetone, Wingbam. Resolved, that
no action be taken in Young drain
matter until after judgment haat been
received from His Honor Judge Doyle
in Hamilton's appeal. Acoounta a-
mounting to 1512.90 were pawed and
paid, on motion of Mallough and Nay -
Council adjourned to most as per
statute Deoemher 15th. at 10 o'clock.
W. A. Wtuenr. Clerk.
Council met December 7 ; all mem-
hen preneot. The nomination meet-
ing will be held in Holmes' Hall,
Holmesvine., on Monday, December
e6, at 12 o'clock noon, and the election
(11 tiny) will be held on Monday, Jaau-
ry following ac the following
theog persons act ing as
returning officers and poll clerks :-
No. 1 -Orange Hall, Chair. John -
stow D. R. 0., Geo. Falconer poll
clerk ; No. 4 -House of 0. O. Sturdy,
Melville Sturdy D. R. 0., Howard
Sturdypoll clerk ; No. 3 -Rouse of
Mrs. hoe. Harrisoo, John Woods D.
R. 0.. Albert iiar.ison poll clerkPro.
4 -House of W. A. Elliott, W. M. El-
liott D. R. 0 , Lewis Anderson .. I
clerk ; No. 6 -Hoose of H. 0. M
H. 0. *spry' I It (ft, he
pp* clerk t o.11 -lore W
GuyHicks U. R. U., Adam
poll clerk.
The following aeconists were ordered
to be paid: -Jame. Alex+eder, tefnstd
dog tax, 91 t• Wes. Mlddletoo, teen'
of statute tither. 94.110 ; RohC, �g��,
refund of statute labor, S6 : Meeleipe)
World, supplies. ,06.69 ; c.>,sadllors,
services at board, 11100: Joe. K.
Whitely, salary as treasurer, illi; N.
W. Trewartba, salary as clerk, 9106;
W. Mestaid, lumber, 910.81; grovel
seeoonle-Jae. Thompson, 96 to ; ('.
Williams, jr., $10.71 ; John Potter,
99,80; Thos. Odadry, 97 ; Ben Rath -
wen, 98-99 ; Tillie Coiclougb, 111115;
D. Glidden, 9114.72 ; John Lindsay,
Council adjourned to meet oe Tues-
day. December 16. at 10 o'el.rck s..
N. W. laserAtrrwa, Clerk.
6th and 4th -Bell. Maslumele 144,
Idol ()rima al, Lottie Meelnerne 147,
Iseh-M MsDoeaU 197, suis Ile-
lena° 1611, Berta MinketMiii96. ill
191, Mary Me! 1x BWWel•W.
11S Joh, McKay 116, palsy Drea-
ms; 111.
es.111. Will Bea J. 4. m. fed and
les--livelys Batt., 101, BareM Col -
Melee 111, [•eharIo. McDonald 96.
J. O. Tee.btr.
Your Christmas Needs will
be attended to promptly with
choice and fresh
Your China Gifts purchased here will be
very much appreciated by your friends.
We have the sole agency for hand -
painted Nippon China. Quality the best
and prices very moderate.
Agency for Neal's Choice Breads, Fresh
Every Day: •
\'uu cel
we coati
all Ail
\Ve do
make a
from 1
new c2
Ladies I
willhrdo 1
an let
gua r.m t e
AND •i'n
lou T
\tit. ,m
Let ,II
1* Cony'
London. Dec. fl -Speaking at a
great demoeetratios at Tusm, lie-
d, today, John R. Redmond. Imam
of the Irish Netlooaliet party, replied
to statemeets that Ireland was not
doing her duty is the prevent stride.
He gaotd ot'•elal .4.46111., showing
that despite t8e faet that emigration
hod draw, tress Inland the flower of
her popsletise. were serving
with the 111111111Ny Neon of the Grown
oe the 91118 M Ifyfeenher M090 Irish -
wee who had Iminele the army beans
the war Mas se had 1.ea.d es
ns.etiftts or rsendW if to ties wore
added tea. at Ikeenade of Irish w
excitePlebg the echoes le
Walt SE won new 1e the
bEd �Met�selbeh �AustwNse r
was sets so say Seel 190.
t hoes se
146,000 iAsbneo were with tete colors.
Mr. Pwdmwd defined ISL now of
Use 61000 Minis ke the beam army
were ath.11es. Ilk soil that 10.11.2
Ulster Voleete.es ilii gins to the
seise fres McMtrt, wiMilt 1he same
014718. alleselet Vel,eb.re, who
npss.sa only a "meter of rite
peO.W`hot eeef.ettcd 8,613 men
111., . bdI wsiMwee .Y7 the he-
gfesirtlef whet Irishmen AMY do.
Mr. Rodammed aoM the saes who op -
d the .m1 el peeve between
ieM hatleseli is and the ismoetacY
et Mists most he divided Into "sow -
AVM*. saehwte, ire menses - or go den
mss, hot Ih.t 18y wars nes sod
sorer bed boot bens teles When
the tweelMnMoAe1 aassem.M W been
hewRht to a binsaspbant Gad mid In
lead hold bre ewe P.Aleme t they
*iambi disimpear. he dseIared.