The Signal, 1914-12-10, Page 3WITHIN
ntom TIE PLAY Or
coorrieht UM by the H. a. eir
Only Three Years.
WORN at Nat the owner et the
store entered the odic, ithi
face showed eztretim &Mt&
What did they 60 with the Tumor
girl?" We secretary inquired in as
elaborately casual skinner.
Gilder 414 not look up from the beep
or papers, but answerei rather harsh-
doo't know -1 couldn't welt" he
said EN made a petulant gesture as
be went on. 1 don't see why Judge
Lawlor bothered me about the matter.
lie is the one to impose sentence, not
1.„ I am hours behind with my wort
Edwerd Gilder was • Dig man playa -
plainly the poemilieor of that
abundant vital Otsorry which to • mime
requisite for achievement la the order-
ing of modern business concern&
Poem was indeed the dominant qual-
ity of the man. Ills tall figure was
proportionately broad, and be was
brevity limbed. la fact the body was
too ponderous. Perhaps. In that char-
acteristic might be found a chew to
the chief fault tn his nature. "or he
was pooderoes. mph -Really and Wo -
tally, as well as materially. The fact
was displayed ettigestivelY In ths race,
which was too heavy with its promi-
nent jowls and aggressive chin and
rather bulbous nos& But there was
nothing flabby anywhere.
It was vents his accustomed bland-
ness of manner that he presently ac-
knowledged the greeting of Georg*
Detnarest, the chief of the legal staff
hat hooked after the Orm's affairs
Demarestr he inquired.
-Judge Limier gave her three Years."
replied gravely. It was
plain Bono his manner tbat be did not
oltogetber approve
"Good!" Gilder ezcialmed_ "Take
thi., !iamb." And he continued, as tb•
irI ,tpened tier notebook and poised
the pencil "Be sure to have Smithson
po.t n ropy of it conspicuously In all
the 41risdressing rooms and In the
reading room and In Use lunchrooms
and in the assembly room." He clear.
hi his throat ostentatiously and pro
.eeded to tbe dktation.of tbe notice:
-Mary Turner. formerly employed in
Ma store. was today sentenced to pr10-
.13 for three years, having been con-
rieted for the theft of goods valued at
,Ver 1400. The management wishes
itetin to draw attention on the part of
ts employees to tbe fact tbat bonesty
slwdys the best policy. Got tbatr
"TOR. Eir."
"Tske It to Rmitheou." Ceder con
Mead -end tell hten In pint It It
Gftdpr hronglat forth a hos of choirs
'rem5 tireFee of Hoe desk. opened 11
The big vibes Iriellelleatoll
empatelte tooleseees.
As the epee et the tere NO 1110 lop
Maid have* eall Se IONS or
=the Main et teetar asNO
Snaly. Pusausay GUN eel"
wIth an eltert NINA hireheops la 116
"dell tit Nest hew meth be wbe Ode
ea. list the tome rang more MS*
thee my be bed geed ter many • OW.
treisalesta with a/seem
'What bevaght yen Mehl. hs
-way. Not greeted to awe beall
home." he seal lightly. "ADC ter the
vs.4 harm. Stye lailbe all• 1 a.'
rowed It from her to pay the VOL
You dad. I"as broke.
"Of cvi..r WIN the saytee las
wiud Glider reared Giulaultuele WU*.
tar. In the beret et menbeent
post teenage totted their vent Ite wee
atill thudding whoa he @Falk
trout much raporioace ei ocean travel.
'Poker au the oldp. I eappose."
"Ito, not that. *NO 1 did have •
little rim in et Menge Carla RN le
was the skip tint Meshed se at thee.
You sea dad. they Wed Captain KM
and a bunch a pirates as stewards.
and what they did to Ottle Richard
Wil eoesethieg Wl Lad yet. that
wasn't the real freebie ether. The
rrALy snu. NEUTRAL
TTINIWIDAY, 01101111311111 111, 1914
BoM Must be Ready to Reeent Ag.tle
Mon Says We Premise
Premier Salendra declared at h•
opeulag of 'he Hallam Parliameut aso
week Hutt there was no factor ie tee
war situation at preseut which w. u:d
otiose Italy to alter her policy of
n eutrality. The debate ou the ere
e ater's declaration begaa immediately.
and is expected to last a week. The
statement ol Premier Salandra was
interrupted 'request', with appleone,
*Mid when he &Belied to what he terra -
ed the "just aspirations of Italy" ate
whole Extro me Left arose. crying
"Viva Trent! Viva Triest!" Trent
and Triest are two. districts lost to
Austria belt • century ago. The spec-
tators ,colued in the demonstratton.
As the session waa about to adjourn,
Deputy Comandial said that htwished
to ask the Thsmber to send greetings
to "heroic and unfortunate Belgium."
The whole Chamber. including the
President, t he Ministers and the
people arose toad shouted "Hurrah.
-Premier Salandra said in his state-
ment that tbe European conflict broke
out suddenly without invoiving Italy
directly and in spite of her efforts.
A careful study of her treaty obli-
gatiorui and the causes a the conflict
convinced the Government that Italy
was not called upon to participate,
and she accordingly declared her
neutrality In view of tbe necessity
of protecting Italian interests, how-
ever, a declaration of neutrality alone
was not !sufficient to safeguard the
country against contingencies which
might arise in consequence of such an
enormous upheaval. Italy, he added,
has vital Interests to protect and just-
ly aspires to maintain her position as
a great power 5.4 10 preserve intact
her policies. She musttherefor., be
watchful, powerful and ready for any
eventuality. Thus the supreme task
of the Government was to bring tbe
army and nr.vy to • state of pre-
paredness, since when law ceases to
govern the only safety of a nation Ls
in force. Italy, had no plans for ag-
gression, but must be ready to pro-
tect herself against aggression on the
part of others.
rind thrust It toward the waiting law
yet whe, however, shook his head la
rotund and coodeismil to move about
the roam rather restlessly.
'Three yeers-three years! Thai
ought to be • wanes( to the root ol
the girls." 0414.r looted toward Dons
snot tor acquissonsce.
"Most ummeal cam, in any eadalaa
Roe." Peenareet replied. "Yoe Oile.tbi
OA keep. oil deetartag tor inseednee
That, at course. common osough is
a way. But hero Ws &fermi Thi
Point is nomabow she makes bit pro
tistalloes more MovInetng than thOl
usually do. They ring tree. as it seems
to me."
'71m stoles goods were found to be
Whet." CHIdar deemed In a tone es
tnanty. num, of than. I Dave bees
given to unberetaud. were actuant le
the pocket of bar coat"
-Well," the attorney said. with a
=De. "that sort of thing makes 4004mossy elreutnetantiel mildew& and
without eireenutandal *Niece* thee,
weeld be few Novices's tor alma
Tet as • lawyer Pm free to admit that
eetiones aloes is novel
MO as peeof of gidlt. Natural
Vail says somp ese eMe nisei berm
Slit the Mists geode Mara That b
°Whet sise said rang true.*
that Mary Turner Is guilty -far from
Itin hull n-nYbow, the giri wants to
see you. and I wish to large you jo
Vent her an interview."
"What's the user Gilder storcoed.
"I can't have her crying all over the
°Mee and begging for mercy," be pro-
tested truculently. But • note of fear
lay under the petulance.
Demarest's answer was given
"Ton. are mistaken about that TM
girl doesn't beg for mercy. In feet.
Mars the whole point of the matter.
11* demands justice -strange as tbat
may seem In • court of law -and noth-
ing else. The truth is„ sloes • very
unusual girl, • long way beyond the
ordinary salesgirl. both In brains and
In education."
-The less reason, then. for her being
a thief," Gilder grumbled In his betty.
lase rote&
And perhaps the lees reseon for be-
lieving ber to be a thief," the lawyer
retorted suavely. He paused for a
moment, then went on Tbere was •
tone of sincere determination in bis
voice. "Just before the judge imposed
senteoce be asked her if she had any-
thing W say. Toe know, It. just a
usual form -a thing tbat rarely means
much of anything. But this ease was
different, lot me tell you. She sur-
prised us all by answering at one* that
she had. It's really a pity, Gilder. that
you didn't wall. Why, that poor girl
made • fine speech!"
"Pooh. pooh!" came the querulous oh-
leetion "Sloe seems to hare hypnotiz-
ed you. Then, as a new thought eame
to the magnate, be spoke with a trace
of anxiety. There were always the re-
porters looking for space to till with
foolish vaporing,.
"Did sbe say anything sgaInst me or
the store r
"Not • worst" the Itwyer replied
gravely. "She merely told us bow her
father tiled when she was sixteen years
old. Sloe was compelled attar that to,
earn her own lering. Then she told
how she had worked for yoo for five
years 'readily without there ever be
;tog to *Ingle thins against hatr. Sha
meld. too. that she had never WOO the
things' found In her locker and she
mld MCP! than that. She salted the
The Useful Gift That Is
Most Appreciated
This Will Be a Season of Practical Gifts and We Have a
Store Full of Such Gifts for Personal Use and for the Home.
Furs, the Handsome Gift
Furs make a4nost handsome Gift, and more so when bought here, as it is a guaran-
tee of the best value that is to be had. We are showing the following Furs in
Neckpieces and Muffs: Persian Lamb, Muskrat, Sable, Wallaby, Stone Marten,
Squirrel, Electric Seal, Thibet. etc., etc.
Christmas Table Linens
Special showing this week of Fancy Linens
and Table Linen Sets which are so popular
for Christmas Gifts. Damask Lunch Sets,
consisting of one 36 -inch Scalloped Cloth and
half-dozen Napkins to match. The set
53.00 to 55.00
' Old Bleach" Towels --These popular Towels
make a most useful gift. Many designs to
select from. Many suitable for initialing,
50c to 51.25 Each
Ladies' (iift Gloves
All nicely boxed, with greeting card to en-
close, every pair guaranteed. Perrin's Eg-
lantine Gloves, in black, tan and colors, per
Perrins Savoy Gloves. black and tan, per rr.
Perrin't 12 -button Kid Gloves, black, white
and tan, per pair
"I am glad to be hems, dad.°
tact is. I just naturally went broke.
Not a bard thing to do on the other
"Nor on this," the father interJet$.
ed dryly.
"Anyhow. It doesn't matter mixt.°
Dick replied. quite unabashed. "Tell
me, dad, bow goes Ur
"Pretty well, pretty well, son. IV
glad to see you home again, my boy..
There was a great tenderness In the
amally rather cold gray eyes.
'And I'm glad to be home, dad, to
be"-tbere was again that cleating a
tho throat but he finished bravely -
"with row"
The father avoided • threatening
Shipley of emotion by an abrupt
"bangs of 'abject to the trite.
'Mare good timer he tnqtdred
"The time of toy round In. 1 ta•
Ion. dad. Ws a fact that I did almost
weak the bank at Monte Carta. re
taro dolso It mire if cooly my mow
tad held out"
It sooso to as that I've beard man
Mal pot the salt beam." waa OWN%
weaS eminent. Dot Ms mile wee
Mill idiom erolsotseese. 05 took a
mime vicarious delight in the esca-
pades of kle sae. probably bemuse be
hireaell had committed no follies In his
(anew days. "Wby didal you cable
user he &shed, puzzled at such re-
straint on the part of his son.
"Because it gam me a capital ex-
cuse for combat home."
100 clear out of here, boyI" Glider
commanded brusquely. "I'm • work-
ing man. But befe. wait a minute."
he added. H. brought forth from a
pocket • neat sheaf of banknotes.
which he head oat "There's tarfare
for you," be maid, with a chuckle.
"And sow clear out. 111 gee you at
"Toe cm always get rid of we on,
the same terms." Dick remarked .1.711.
Is the doorway he turoed with a dual
womb. which was uttered tn spteedid
disregard for the packet of mooey b.
had just received. "Oh, dad. please
judge if he himitelf understood what It
means for a girl to be sentenced to
prison for something she hadn't Moe.
Somehow, Gilder, the wej she talked
bad its effect co everybody in the court-
room. I know! It's my business to
understand things like that And what
she said mng true. What Me said Mad
the way she said it take brains aod
courage. The ordinary crook has nei-
ther. So I had a suspicion that she
might be speaking the truth." Thula
was • litUe pause. while the lawyer
moved beck and forth nervously; then
be added. "I believe Lawlor wocid have
suspended Pretence If It hadn't bean
for your talk with him"
'I simply did my duty," Gilder said.
"Too am ewer' that I 614 set seek
any conealtation with Judge Lawlor.
He met for me and naked me wtutt I
thought about the esse--whother I
thought It would be right to 1s1 the girt
go on a inumpestled sei,tosca I told him
Mustily that I Mlles. -4 that an exam-
ple should be made of her ter Use sake
ef others who might be tempted to
steal. Property has some rights. Dem
argot, although it 'reins to bs (Udall
sowadays so that anybody is likely to
deny tt." Theo the fretful, Wareham, come 10blm just then. while he was „ant Now; ar "retail,. aleavart
ed aide weeded to lie Trnine WI* ad 1st Is this 1"ftal)44- 11".e.- Bat fats of her entire vtriongth.
to eatelaaat impoipipad het ordained that other events should ,
Advices recetvid from the Austrian
frontier are that the statement ot
Premier Salandra in the Italian Par.
'lament had an immediate echo in
Austrian military circles. The Aus-
trian railway lines poured troops all
along the Italian border, and also Into
Pole, the Austrian arsenal on the
peninsula of Istria. It is estimated
that 200,000 men were"stationed along
the Italian border and 100.000 at Poi%
At the same time anti-Italh.n mani-
festations took plate at various point..
Eight battallans a( Italian troops bave
been ordered to Libya, to reinforce
the troops there and according to the
announcement at Rome, to be ready
for any aggression."
A large variety of all that is new in stylish
Neckwear, and it never was daintier than at
present, in Collars, Sets, Frillings, etc., etc.,
at all prices from each
25c to 51.50
Women's Gift Umbrellas
Gift Handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs arz always the mast Popular
of Gifts. Choice variety of novelty Lace
Handkerchiefs, very dainty, each
25c to 51.25
Initial Handkerchiefs, ladies' and men's pure
Irish Linen, hand embroidered initial, ,neatly
boxed, per box of 3 for
A handsome showing of Ladies' Gift Um-
brellas in the newest styles, handles in gold
and silver mountings and the best 'quality
coverings, including women's and men's Suit-
case Umbrellas. Prices from
51.00 to 55.00
Kiddies' Parasols, 50c, 60c, 75c and.$1.00
Christma sWaists
Christmas Waists just to hand, the daintiest
styles we have ever shown in Lawn, Voile,
Crepe de Chene, Silk, to suit all tastes.'
Prizes from, each
51.00 t� 55.00
Indian Fugitive Struck Down by Bul-
lets of His Purser.
Anthony Jocko. one o' tbe Indian
slayers of Turnkey Robert Coxford in
the jail at Pembroke a week ago paid
with his life the penalty of his crime.
Jocko was surrounded last Saturday
by • posse in the home of a half-breed
named Cha:but, about twenty miles
from the Golden Lake Reserve. The
Indian left the house but failing to
halt *ben called upon to do so, the
posse opened fire. 4-1e was shot twtce
and died of his wounds on Sunday.
But Bulgaria Claims to Have roe in -
of Making Attack
The Bulgarlan Government has is-
sued an °Metal denial to the reports
that troops were being massed on the
borders of Beret*. The report prob-
ably arose from the rumors that Bul-
garia might take advantage of the
present plight of Sorra to get revenge
for the humiliation she suffered after
the second Balkan War.
drool forget to give Sadie tbat 15 I ,
Nineteen thousand Servian prisoners
borrowed from her for the taxi."
have been taken since the Austrians
The owner of the store returroed to
began the present offensive move -
bis hoboes witb a new seat. for the meat, according to a report frank
meeting with bin son had put bim in , Vienna. Report,' from German sources
higb PertisPI it might I 11111/Ort that Rervie's ossualties mince
been better for Mary Turner had she
the beginning of the war will reach
Handsome Lace Scarfs
A most acceptable gift would be one of these
rich Spanish Silk Scarfs. They come in black
and white and are very dressy. Prices from
$2.50 Up
Women's Hand Bags
What would be more appropriate than one of
these useful Leather Hand Bags? We have
them in all styles, many of them Arne fitted
with small change purse and mirror. Prices
From $I.00 to 55.00
Make most acceptable gifts. Nothing will be
more appreciated this season than a box of
Hose. Penman's "No Seam" brand, per pair
Our Leader, Women's extra quality Pen
Angle Cashmere Hose, 35c per pair ,
3 Pairs for 51.00
Women's Silk Hone for gifts, new
to hand, extra r leer
S1P-1 and S1:50 per pair
Mock just
The Store of the Christmas Spirit
w11111.1he mesere et peadiellt tbe
y. she then en-
tr. 11111111111111N et Stag ban tem dee. jug mid tbst ip rim before their Interview
restore him to him usual harder esti
VIHIng Doctor's Tragic End
easseleo• am" twth• ditchle
I would saa tor for ise imam.. dbe bridal:ire wfoathhanis ramtherpreasionvamobros..reout.eoss. ingersoThe triwya:ffounrimilliying. D. Sintidtwh
"And 1111 laid reneger tr. tee ah would rou yea how to ste0 the Soft. 1 amine. Ho mimed atm," nimbly to on the Waterloo road near °aleph
°old to eat anent" .tbose sawn, ratty a tsi girl vents to essfesa wen. les t" erre, as let, .opiorie looktet op wt., atlas tailed to show the cause of
' death. The young usaa's stomach has
thefb have etas emeght to throw ami rogatively.
ere Mut et decest teethe ultes show% -idecrimkm b„, doziped_...i.been sect to Toronto for analysts. Re
tdeleat es el• honseint ta order is amostreget 1
been marched. and we have fogad slia his "lathy" seri u*rans a me
"ft VA ISO bet ma their trait theme Prstihti" tbs.. II." belle
about $100 weeth of lame au her." presence mar Coheir.. I 1
op In We
" Demonist edatitted. *All
last Thursday n lett and an musts
"III dill", eosin." tb• 1•Tirfor ano erbaratilis anew- teta4.../ b,,,emetti Tteis the desk and spoke witti evident die-
1 Nippon It ought to be had been In the Blind RAver district
11 .5 ilmomeslwas wins the per soon Immo WY, air." be fsetilY. "Wm has
thnco, tee, sod irrideses hes been -perbmai.
-walir 006er sopa
alantraeturea ma* 10 8000 &S101. Nest it mu 60 0. we v 7" ••• big; ly. See\ affairs veer* too Melton la
RIPON the imp WORM" I thossebt len WOeld h. win."' Ss ' the store to make ommeary thie
rr;tisiMilit.el "lila" hils "el"' Mg spoke to 'the district attersey. med he eradaa at the mostter " him. _wilt
bee all'im waifs to 1015gal. hiss _. did roe teem to roe about 117'1
"Piewailaye." Desuireet abet est, "we , 14,w minutes so rise way IDthe oo -rt., elt7 sorrydr. but 1 menu 11
"II esn am Norte ef Neidow W5 (*strati statics. Tater* baldstl issi,s1,1 wiser, dr, to--er-to Ming the WNW
eall them smarts a law." to itnrestng. yes know I will*. 'w• to yew personal .atteutten. The IWO
.4.a7wIt7." Gilder declared. hisoloillIS it. yen would bees a little talk INN imiipom m im tu wife al. ye. 0-
▪ 1 saiss. -les est et ear Made iim. Tta wryer abruptly went eve ton. t" „mops -755 mom.
'MIX es to tbat" tho lawyer ow meet ,,tyr ,,„,eaftvk
impislivimir tbe °Ind. el th. I The Made board of btth
ealen IIN
There's seedag we eis de new."
take= pow•er
Mk glib • lint fai hedtaties. °I Ma „ • • 5 • • 1 derma thud 80 wore _
IN es emu Tee ame. the taut et the ..usim. emir I shall be wed In ?hop 'soy We nee
Not 15.5. who ate
414611r is OK 151515 1 Weed es epee mamas 10gas foot. lb teed sever Nelreeet
1 Asp VW eared ward wee la it
demanded I Om& '
°IliseSil. IS" 1 al. Mt a 1.111 taiMiato MOWS vessme. endlele.
• ausidat the usallea. 1 an ENNIN
an order -in -Council requesting th bars
The Manitoba Government liaseed
and social clubs to elooe at 7 pm..
and who le liquor shops at S.
Richard Pemmet ot Peterboro',
twelve years oh.. wail drowned when
le and his sister brOke through the
lee on the canal while skating.
Scotch Store
Wife -"John, if I should die what
ovbculd you do?' • Hushotoci-"Start •
hank account.'
"1 I.
Extra Specials ia Men's
sad Boys' Fall sad
ts Men's Overcoats priced
to clear SILTS
28 pairs Min's Tweed Pante
to clear $1.48
30 pairs of Boys' Pante to
deer at • 211.11
We are able to supply
your needs its Boya'and Mett's
Rubbers, OVereboes, Lone
Robber Boots and good line'i
of mild Lealh•r Wino
Miss Jennie Carletoo, living 'soar
Belleville. was kilted by a train. It is
thought. Mmes. she did not hear It
hiring to being eV.
Great Britain has promised nee to
delay nodal, United States 11111OSIO
, held tor exankinatioa.
Milts sad Gloves
We bey. huge as•ortonesta
in Ilea of Ilea'. Wear.
Otir NT If NOE IT IS 1 MOM IIII711 Fretiell
00.111CM ICVEPPIP40111
12 more ShoppingDays till Christmas