HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-10, Page 1TWvoi Greet*Christmas'
reeting. Let as your
order early.
See ssmpiee at. -
The Sipaal Office
'Don't Let
the Christmas trade
get away from yoe.
It you want to s
� W
people know It through
the columns of
The Signal
I xTY eLZTM T1<AJF Ae• -
SAVt, because- No. 136
The most wondertul opportunity for investment
is of use only to the man with ready money.
Heed Mat, Cerner King sad Bay Streets, Tenets
Gersr.l Manager - - A. H. Walks/
A. Perim, M..ser
Gaiwith Dearth
'Jfce `Christmas
sic ci?
When in doubt, make it • Mutual Lire Pulley !
No article of ornament or of utility can possibly
pivot es solid sati.tactioe all through the year as a
policy in the 1Latoal of Caned... A Mutual policy
does not wear oat ur deteriorate. It ircreasee in
value day by day and year by year. Our lite and
limited lite policies are preferable for pr'otectioe
our endowment policies for protection and invmt-
of Canada
Ptotsse : Omcs ; Ho sz 160. P.O. Buz 864
10 res Svrei ma owner or o rrhruo
Mltrrix Ts. rlawss•x
I urvuan[ to t.Bret
awe and Madan gall. the nth et Ge-
tuber. 11411, .1E M e.la the NFD'ahe-
uo,. tit 4 De Kamer a Mk
I Om r‘ at � it 01
T Ao,-tio f Ga u the Ose beer
Town d 0,411115, at Ibis bear ase soleok
pp in. on tee MA day et December. 1Nd, the
t0iirm4,1 Iasi. adse
1. e pereet
y,,. The East Mit -d Mt Number 1Sleet...
MI to tb. Thad Comeedee et the Teeraehip
of wen Wew.s tis, M the C.w10.1 of Bares.
me..,ining ase headed agree et Mad more 1r
=wed with
rataab4. weed. hweol�ie5. wear „d other
to apreparty will be mtgeet
rev fold wbYS5Ms bus ar ed les 000
•ale Ma.4r.
Terme el ani : tee p1, amt. d the Pereheee
price dowa es the axle at sale. balsam, ta be
paid into CNet to the Neck et tyle sem
within thirty dart thereafter. 1s se Ober
▪ et lbstaUU
. tones sad seeues14 0 will
ee.i/tle.e 1► •
court of c 1e
I se. her eartl..lan tea be hall bees fie
under.Igad bmlk'luee ase the pagan.. er cis
...d ArwrIONR.
RE„ber PtaLaud.
Aim lame r.
tared at Gadget* Ode lie dell of Deeembse.
R:t Feat lister at Uo4.eta5.
14* AEId r
be- the u e13 b k
Ike ..uetlm, at let ll sea. 1, ' flee
t 4ere. letisd Mime iso. Mee to ealee
lar tpr1l trailed asf..I w. Mss la adv le
May . 1 rot seen. 4m M Walvis 1ay .
t rade new due to • 5• ►a Jost Me. ten
Proposal to Make Grant for Belgian
Relief Laid Over to First Meeting'
of New Council -Report on Elec.,
InciRailway System to Be Asked
for -Warden Cant.Ion "Caned."
the ,meaty to take over and pay for
the cooetuuetbr .f the beide, known
M iha Westlake bridge in 8t.pben
township wbtch had been built la
September at a coat of 11808. It was
decided that the engines/ should in-
spirit the br dge end if It is in ammet-
ere. with doe retg.leticos the county
will •.euwe the bridge and pay ibis
cost Of eonetruotion.
A bylaw was passed enacting that
the county .weirs, build and mein -
talo ail bridges, ten feet or more be-
tween the anftmenu, on all county
A complaint by Mr. Thome. of West
Waw..oab,aaklog for demotes for ma-
terial baying been placed on his land
The December waren of Huron during the erection of lllckie'a bridge,
county council was brought to a close was Deferred to the road and briJ
just before noon on Friday loot by Use committee, which recommended that
pi "want ceremony of presenting the no action be takers. am the oouuty was
Warden, Mr. D. l,antelob, of Clinton. bot considered liable.
with an addree , accompanied by • - The own of Wiogham presented an
handsome gold -mounted walking mete. account for providing water to the
The eddies. wire read by Reeve Leckie pow plant doting tbe erection of
of Hruasele, and the preseotatkm made the bridge. IL was r'eoommebded
by Reeve McKihbon of Wiagbam. that the a00uuut be paid and that the
Apart from a member of 5sotlo . county retain pr°alio° of all unused
arising out of conditions in which the malarial of purchased, ya d that
Reeve 'a mareboe
county Hods itself owing to the war, d1 bored neeither b of the road and
the ses.ionwasot a rather unioteteetioe 1
nature. The greater part of the time bridge oommrttee.
was occupied in examiniug accounta A request to have a bridge built on
and reports. These were very few the boundary between Tuniberry and
motions introduced which were of a Culross was lett over ons it the engin-
debatable character, and any buss- ear's report should be reorived. A
nese which involved the expenditure daviaut►o road is to be coostucted aL
of large suns of money wee lett over once If the ooatty is liable.
to the January ...Moe. The executive Enquiry WAS suede a to how many
committee report was the only one members should cowprus the bowie of
that brought forth much discussion refoite committee. liy motion it was
and most of that centred around the decided to change the number from
propos.( to snake a grant of 4'10,0110 to three 10 four.
the Belgian relief fund. as mentioned The clerk was instructed to draft
in our last Issue. This motion was letter of coodolonee to Mr. W. Coats,
finally laid over to the January ae.- county registrar, expressing the qm-
nion. and in the meantime the clerk pithy of Lbe member. of the council in
end treaatlrer are to racertafo the beet the death tit bis daughter.
medium through which • grant. may A large number 04 accounts were re-
te placed for the benefit of the Bei- ported upon and t roared to be paid.
glens. Paid accounts totalling $1,321.91 in
A motion previously introduced, connection with the county's gift to
which was Deported on bythe execu- the Empire and repaid accounts to
Live committee, was witregard to the amount of $1,359.88 In the same
Staking providon tor the families of connection were endorsed by the
council. An scoottnt of Fred Kerr, of
Stephen township. for 460.70 for dam-
age to en automobile while travellh.g
on the road was not paid and Reeves
Elliott nod Taylor were instructed to
see Mr. Kerr aa,d try to effect a settle-
Zurokey Knox, of the county jail, is
to be granted water and llgbt priv-
ileges according to Provincial-reguls.
With the exoeption of Reeve
Hunter, of Asb*eld. already mem-
Honed, all the members of the council
vete present .4 qts December guest-
114 eek1 with mall pearl rattles. a. s
L�iIft�., Moder wW suis. Mee at 516•
NAL O/FIC5 aid receive rwsA. PA -It.
1 • RENT.--1111,50K
1i1o0..081 WITH
wlatsigWUast yqssttiamm� els riema� d
e. Ol�asea r lswra.a *MO a s7 C.
6Rlr fy.
muse e,.ta�isyis meters emve.ls. .
Mrft* W. A. 1WT15A4 streets. sty
Li .trust. meyR. R v�. - Rent
Trladger reace. el».e a �.
H se Piet eta. Prehmem;
PRe raw ice he dtn,w M law we, dee to tame le Jeieal�
',mad sew. des le 1a Mara; tw�i
L '
IMPI. ' L ~ has Wm
banker t�k it�1r � mise.►:
M..•epy Hhetrtaselebhb�eh t rider.
i. erib1' , ahs a HIM.
a...era -AE corn ilh M
,loan m (eir��t���� Mr :
roust at lh. pita ui< emL per aasem
ten re♦ e• 1�e�t
Ai7. 051, 51 reserve. ea tale _,.,/Delelm le
Tfle a IIR1I``A Wass.. Ifin .Seer
I t T 11 K orrr ars or OUDIRICR
• ...4414 (��(��►►�F d the telt wear w
rmA. aa� menet�a .1 mamit M
them in
he ee the earner e[ mi.. a1M
real. with MI matdene efarealsswa
Meet. swertmen.
*may to ADAM /OeT:lt. Palieta great.
IIS -it
IIm Fort SAL tt-1 haoinsitirebell lead w pM
es meed ,treats le Qederteh; e
tom bads MOM Men 4ma
leea el sewer It
Moweal ms.101.111DRY. =TIM( me knew.
e ars WI. � a L eLmts ► onrjn
Deette.s.a. It -t1
u re_e.wt 5,st l: �mieh b w
ee..ty et 11 a4 the -
4u5 ▪ mem sYe b Fr I v 0 e
Wit.t3 irro . ►,milli Xr�ieweuu `^�It
C rieitwr bailing,.
Is MMMba win tt:. Christmas
maw et Ohr.die. Penile steamship
' Male sobbs" rod Allan U.. steam-
•14e.•dlerv4en-' from Went et.
lle,embsr 15 4 the Canadian
■.penny * an operate solid
train eemp$eetl of fink
111816 yemeet sad leach
sermesrw►,�1l5etseob sera. so.
Monday. Deemeeer 14tb, teeming
dim* to w<hmehip . Mite. Parties -
law tom asy O. P. R. ticket �1et,
.er write M. .egse Asset. Tromso illslrieb elm
Kamp tie a yass s Mreeg iy sing Doles
IDente. 0lewersttar$ 0...N.B.. Dos.
Rb.- 1-" 1 have .Now
Ise WIC" t wid.ase soar M.
1 was
•(m J. M. . •t
this -Win I grow to enemas -
wtss told 1 wee ee/Frieg hese
Mede w.akeer, syn I tried several
kinds of seedi.flraa. Let wirier L be
alae iso weak 1 wee so work. loots pellet
gluing op my
Weep at right sad settle hrelltty pet op
the stairs. ed kidney
ger le
dimmer le
sootmot m ease tree M et timid',
eget of arse 4
R Wary Pole. 1 N RDA •
tat the very he very hid M I shgpt ._._
bops, soy. ere
those who had gone to the Irons:. The
committee recommended that the
reeves tete charge of Ude matter in
their respective muuicipaliti.es ; that
they escert•in who are the wives and
widowed mutbers wbose husbands and
sons have gone to the front, and who
require assistance by way of food,
clothing, etc., and that the reeves give
them an order to be paid by the local
treasurers in the meantime, and that
the local treasurers send statements
with the names of the recipients at.
twcbed to the county clerk for repay-
ment, quay only, w long as this may be
required and extending from Decem-
ber Ise. 1914. This motion though fin-
ally passed called forth consider-
able di.cuwton. It was stated that
some families were receiving the liov-
ernmeot grant of $811 per month, also
t t the' husband's pity, and in
Bi.i.ees Trausacied at Last Meeting 0f
Municipal Fathers.
The town council held its lar
meeting last Friday evening. of All the
members with the exceptionprevent. Mayor
Reid pr Cheek. were
e business
was of a very prosaic nature, such se
rending of minutes, pawing accounts.
and reports of corporation officers.
The cemetery sexton applied for •
new wbeelt�arrow. The cemetery
committee was given power- to act in
the matter.
The .thief of police asked for new
it and
reequest waspopessed oubtostb espe-
cial committee.
A letter from Mrs. D. Brown, of
Dunlop, complaining that the col-
lector bad interfered with her collec-
tion of rent on property she owned in
town, was read and sent on to the
finance committee to be dealt with.
A letter was read from the Canadian
Sul rage Aesociaeion asking that a bal-
lot be submitted to the voters at lb
next election on the question of grant-
ing married women the right to vote.
It was sent on to the special commit-
A report was presented from J. W.
McDonald, who had taken an Inven-
tory of all the machinery at the
Wheel Rigs factory. This report was
(intend to be filed, and on motion of
Councillor Wigle, secooded by -Coun-
cillor Proudtoot, some rep tin sug
gested in the report were ordered to
be made. lir. McDonald', account
was referred to the finance committee.
Councillor Morris reported that the
market clerk had left town and that
two other gentlemen had been tem-
porarily appointed. The market com-
mittee was ios:ructed to have the
hooks of the previous clerk audited
end to report In the usual way.
The clerk was instructed to notify
the engineer to send hit report in at
an ear y date, as it was necessary to
leve some local improvement deben-
The Hydro-R:rctri7. Commission
asked the council to adopt a new by-
law, governing the local hydro-electrac
system. The matter was gent to the
special committee for a comparison of
the two bylaws.
The inspector of the water and
light commission is to be ..eked to
furnish his annual report before the
fifteenth of the present mobtb.
The finance committee reported,
recommending that • number of
accounts be paid totalling 483.81;
that no action be taken on the request
u, petition the Legislature regarding
an amendment to the Puede Utilities
Act ; that the solicitor be instructed
to take all necessary proceedings to
close up the Kensington furniture
factory mortgage and collect the bal-
ance owing to the town.
The committee recommended also
that the solicitor look into ftp matter
of the Paget Orcin Door Co.'s state-
ment of the amount dun the town.
This report was adopted.
The public works committee recom-
meaded : That no action be at pres-
ent taken with regard to construct-
ing a vault in conoecl 100 with the
town clerk's office : that woven win
fen( -i og be placed on the south side
of the town dumping ground. This
report was adopted.
-James and Peter Bisset were at
Guelph this week attending the winter
a poi o Dr -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton, of
addition were likely toget. an of t from Wi ham, made a J.
yet visit to town'
the patriotic food. Thus many of the on �
depeodents of the soldiers were in Monday.
better circumstances than when -Mise May Stoddart is visiting her
their husbands were at home. Oce brother, B. W. W. Stoddart, at
ggentleman raised the Ire of Reeve Rochester, N. Y.
S1liott of Ooderich by saying that be -Mr. James Tutt, of Parry Sound,
had heard that a number those who j[ss visiting his sister, Mrs. Ellen
were being °sot back from 8.lisbury' f3.11oers, Bruce street.
Plain as undesirables were from Gode -Mr.F.E.Bued,ite has gone to
rich. Councillor Elliott wanted him I Detroit, where he is sogaging in the
to give the names, and not to route coal business. Mrs. Butdette and Mies
coy insinuations without having Maxine will follow later.
proof. It was finally decided to trust -Mies Minnie Jobust m, of Porter's
bolthe moureeves to. make fundsprfororr elsput, Hill, was the guest of Mimes Anne
hefts, furnishing relief sour- , and Ruby Knight last week.
A grant of *15 was made for the -Mrs. Pinkney, of Senfortb, spent
purpose of repairing the roof of Blyth a few days last week at the home of
look -up. I her brother, Mr. Geo. Bradford.
The house of refuge oomm(ttee --Councillor Harry Morris is around
reported that thee had visited that In-' again and attending to heroines, atter
Win, -twire) since the June session. I suffering for three weeks with broken
-Mrs. Wm. McCarthy. of Ashfield,
was visiting her east -r, Mrs. P. Fano,
Brock .trees, and other friends last
. , county _ �, _� =Mies Nora O'Keefe, of Kingsbridge,
lostrueted to deteod an action in left Godericb todsy for Pittsburg,
which the estate of Mr.. lit. 1. Wylie wham she intends to .pend the
claim. 88611 for board. It was rests- I wiotar.
mended thee Mrs. Hebert Hogg be -Mrs. R. J. Whitely and Mew
�•�d $60 In full of all claims. Nr. ' Little, of Leeknow, were visitors at the
MoR1t died in the bouts of refuge cad I home of Mer. Ttohboroe, An glare&
They had found everything in a most
satisfactory 000dition. At present
there were eighty-five inntetee Mere.
They reoommmded that a cheque for
1125 be seat to Mos M. Harland, a
Olintoo, for her help at religious ser -
nd town Mrs. Neil Rhaw went to
's land Mies Alma Goldthorpe atteeded
!the femoral of their amnia, Miss Annie
Goldthorpe. at Homilies on Towle,.
-Do W.A.. itreAborit. Wog .iseat-
berm aprZI chief medinal
penserbee mission. Dv. atenetinere
T and sow president of the Rooms Old
at- Boys' •ametatios ?moot
off the Falkland Island., in the South Atlantic, on December when •
fleet under Vice -Admiral Sir Fiederick fiturdee sent three Germain embers,
the flagship Scharnhorst, the Goeisenau and the Leipzig. to tbe bottom. Tim
German cruheet e Nurnberg end Dresden emaped, with British ships in puegult.
The British losers were very 'mail.
There has been a rumor of the Kaloer's death, but it is not condoned.
London, Dec. 11. -It is reported the German cruiser Irreaden has been
bottled up in the Straits of Magellan stud cannot escape the British cruisers.
A despatch from Boulogne says the Germans were driven out of Armes -
Gores and hack beyond artillery range on Thursday.
An Amsterdam despatch says the Mlle. entered Roulere, twelve miles
northeast of Ypres, yesterday.
A despatch from Dover reports six German submarines attempted to
enter the harbor last night but were discovered and driven off. The report
states tbree were sunk. The Aduriraity has not confirmed this.
A Capetown despatch states 0 I Botha officiaily announce* the sad
of the rebellion and will now proceed with the work of annexing German
Southwest Africa.
Cheistime Gifts in Fancy Drygoods.
d, faster scarfs In aeOtal and silk from
et 96e tap.
variety to shoos. f
too Bandeau*. back and side combs.
sod barrette&
The Lihe_ral nominating convention
for the new riding of North Huron is
to be held at Wingham, in the town
hall. on Monday next, December 1 ith,
North Huron as now constituted in-
cludes the townships of Aslafield. Col-
borne, West end East Wawanosh,
the towns' of Goderich end Wingbarn
and the villages of Blyth, Brussels and
Each polling sub -division is en-
titled to "end three delegates to the
convention, and it is expected that. the
chairmen who held office in the old
association. of West and Rest Huron
twill call meetings in their respective
sub -divisions for the appointment of
these delegates.
In addition to nosninating the can-
didate for thenext election, Monday'r
meeting will elect officers for the new
riding association, and it, is eipected
that some prominent Liberal speaker
will be present to address the gather-
All Liberals, whether appointed aa
delegate@ or not, are invited to attend
the meeting.
Leal Liberal Koenig.
A meeting of the Liberals of Gode-
rich will be held in the rooms on
North street on Saturday evening, at
o'3Iock, for the purp-3se of selecting
delegate. to attend the convention at
Wingham on Monday. All Liberals
of town are requested to attend.
• amigos was passed res==tubs ?teatimes. hood.. from 10c arid 15o
sleek sod treseerer to up to the etpenal v• pearl
with Sir Adam Beek, obiderean of the Fero for ladies end ehildren Perms
Hydro- illeeteis Gostatiselea. to request ia all “714w.
list a report es the proposed meaty la Haaseeest.
moon of eleeite railways be reedy T070. don earrlorea. rgIcklett home.
ter tbe Ussery meethig it peoelldr, ow tali* from LUX* 1 .• and Ws op-
ened Wes to ask list she est be P. T. Dime.
K Mod Ow 111•111111911110
pit Ss Lowden sol dos obilr•
' moo of the iltydre
The Christmes Shopping's Number of
The Signal will be issued next week.
AA this will be the last chance of the
mercheats of tioderich to get in on
the Christmas trade, they are invited
to take full advantage of the oppor-
tunity and LILT UR HAVE "UOPY"
people what you have to offer them,
and they will appeciete your effort to
help them in their Christine. buying.
Blackstone@ have fresh oysters.
Phone 840.
"What's better then a broken
All kinds of toy s for tbe children in
the bamment at P. T. Moog's.
Ma* • aed 00.10malits at het keen. I. Oitiltsenw.
hea▪ d ed Wee cows and Miter. at the 'Mee
betel Gedeeteh. J. 116. naautremr. ere -
staying away from their own church
The Presbytery of Huron held it,a
regular Deoenaber meeting in Willis
church. Clinton, on Tuesday, 8th inst.
There were present Mr. Ross, modera-
tor, Messrs. Smith. Turner, Laing.
Fletcher, Reid, McFarlane, Johnston,
Larkin, Richardson and Cerswell,
Harper and Hamilton, ministers. and
Meteors. JAMe•00. Jerrot, Anderson,
Young and Sperrow, elders. The
treasurer made an estimate as to the
requitement. of the Presbytery fund
for the year 1915 and recommended
thee an amassment of thirteen mots
per femily be made. The ameesmeet
was accepted. Only one remit from
ROGrARTII -OLIN. At Kam terehe, Mgr
Gendeli. tat.. wain, Itimetrem.
et the ha• Alemeaw Glee. et
In WON. -Oa Walesa/4M DOOM
I 'sore
Ream to Illeet-Jea. C. OMB,
The Emden Illbew-Reben TAR.
Mae Wonted - -name Weldlegfee.
• OM mans theateetela- W. Illarellee -3 -.
Bright, helpful services will be held
in the Baptist church on Sunday. 'Pbe
pastor will preach morning and even-
iog. There will be a special offering
for foreign missions.
the General Assembly was considered
and the committee's r._•corninendation
that no reduction in the repreeenta•
Lion to the General Assembly be made
wee approved of. The ayropethr of
Presbytery was expressed tow•rd Mr.
Woody. of Brucefield. and Mr. W. J.
Taylor, of Clinton, members &besot
through illness. Meows. Sroith and
Sharp were appointed to make in-
quiry regarding tbe property at
Chiselbuoit. At the request of the
Aseembly's committee ou church
praise, Messrs. Hamilton, Sharp and
Reid were appointed to consider and
report on the proposed revision of the
Book of Praise. In answer to en-
quiries in regard to the proposed
change of time of the meeting of
Synod, the Presbytery expreseed
opinion that an eutumn meeting a
Synod would add no officio ncy to the
Synod Lut that better ettendartee of
rural members might be secured by a
change from the last Monday to the
first Monday in April. W. Johnston
presented e plan of allocation to tbe
various congregetions of the mot re-
quired of the Presbytery for the budget
of the church, which was readily
agreed to. Mr. McFarlane proposed
an exchange of pulpits SI a field day
on behalf of the budget and religious
education. This Was heartily aro
cepted. At the meeting of Pi esbytery
in May next the Presbytery will hold
of .A.uthority in Religion," In which
Mr. McFarlane will lead. An invita-
tion to Hensoll for the meeting in
February waa accepted, and accord-
ingly the Presbytery will meet there
on Monday. Februar 21st , at
8 o'clock p.
Rte. W. K. Hager will preach at
both service* in North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday. Morning
eubject. "The True Story of Santa
Claus." Evening gubject, "Christ's
Second Great Life Battle -for a Simple
The semi-annual service for the
tailor. end fishermen will take place
in Knox church next Sunday evening.
Rev. Geo. K. Roes will deliver the dis-
course. Subject -"Making Port." In
the morning the theme will be "Getio
The two weeks' eerie@ of @seekers in
Koox church by Rev. Geo. 11. Roes
preparatory to the communioa last
Sunday proved to be most helpful
and were greatly appreciated by the
large sedieeem that filled the lecture
MOTO every enren_ing. Fully 5(1)
attended last FrMay evening's
Peoria& at which forty-four new mem-
ber were re :wired. On Suoday morn-
ing 486 were preemie at the Lord's
Table. On account of the epidemic
and quarantine more than a hundred
others were prevemted from attend -
The service@ in the various churches
in Onderich were unique last Monday,
in the tart that all the ministers spoke
upon one subject, that 01 "Christ int cover was Mane hi: in ibis legs
Unity,- and at the mornine eervice 1 by • ',oldie° shell, which put hies
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper , out of business. He deeeribee bow he
wan administered to each cringer. I crawled hack throne,' the burning
ration. In Knox Presbyterian chureh. lege sod saw many of his comrade.
MOOD boo thy larprow hen
Hewn, the eddies** wee Tea at. tIts
evening eiervioe. as the whole at the
morning time of worabip was occu-
pied in dimeneine tba communion.
was reeponsihie for the carrying out
of this simultaneous service, is
anxious that the membero and ad- of writing papsr. He "peaks acitslido
torrents of the respective chambers ently of the time when he will be back
WWI have no reasonable memo for in the Aries line.
Private Wm. Uaztoo Is Badly Wounded
but Makes Light of It.
Littlechild, of Eldon street,
Godes**. is in receipt of a letter
from her brother, teriyaki Win. Cie: -
too, of the 4th Middlesex Regiment,
written in the hospital at Boulogne,
FrancoHe writeein a very jocular
, minimizing bis wounds. He
says thee his right leg is altnost
but the other will take a long Um* to
heel, as the calf is entirely Mown
%way, and "he need" a couple of
pounds of beefsteek to 611 the bole."
Ho der/cellos' bow he received his
wounds. It was on Octobtsr 19Us.
They were given orders to attack i•
village where the enemy was in the
houses firing from the windows.
They got within MO yards end then
made a bayonet charge. They rup-
tured the village, but the enemy
bronght up artillery and succeeded in
driving them out. They insinediately
received orders to retake the' village
and it was while they were doing this
that Priaite Clexton !raw one of his
pets hit and while taring hint under
ors times mho more usable to get
away' from Me -flames- After tying
under a bayeteck, where he managed
to tie up his wounds, he was picked
up hy the doetor and sent to the rear
and afterwarde sent on to Kiulogne
The only word of complaint t brougth•
out the whole letter is that he is *Get
A number of Signal subscribers haye called during the past week
to pay their subscriptions for the year 1915. Out of each dollar so re-
ceived ten cents is credited to The Signal's War Relief Fund, which is
to be divided among the various relief projects now calling for public
AA announced last week, for every N early eabacription to The
Signal paid in advance between this date and the lat of February, 1915,
we will place ten cents to the credit of the War Relief Fund.
Every subscriber so paying its in advance for hia paper for the
coming "war will receive also • handsome 1915 Calendar.
Bring in your dollar and help the good cause.