HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 10rr
V 0 tstl lglakt, botulism. s. Ul4
Christmas- Suggestions
It is said this is to be a Book Christmas, and we are
fully prepared with a full stock of all the
new books worth reading, including.
••P►trol of the Sun Danes Trail." by Ralph C..en"r,
,pecial ....................... ....... ....*1.10
-Call of the least," by Thuriow Fraser. special . .. 1.10
Eyes of the World." by Harold Hell WrigbtLspselal 1.211
• • Innocent," by !carie Condi i, special .... ....... 1.11116
'•Martha and Cupid." author u( "Martha by:the Day."
-Sunshine Jane." autbo. of "Rejuvenation of Aunt
M.try," net.... .. 1.00
' •L,ttle Eve Edgerton," net 1.00
1l inty little limp leather edi• iota* of Kipling. Dickens.
Rrowniug, etc., from per volume ........... ,.,.....55 to 1.00
Chiistmas Cards, Christmas Polders. D.mmiee.'a Tag'.
Seals and Stickers. ranging in price trees. .05
The Goderich Book and Stationery Co.,
Let the Christmas Gift
de Canadian Made
A KODAK will please the one oil
wish to please the most.
Central Drug .Store, (ioderich. Corner North St. and Square.
PHONES : -Business 90, Residence 3x0.
Skates Sharpened
Have your skates put in shape
for the season.
We have installed • complete
equipment for sharpening and
huffing. and we.bail be pleastd
to take care of any work you
want in this line. Prices as
Cut Out the
Herd Work
.red let a Gasoline En-
gine do ft tor you
F.a.y to operate. perfectly
safe, power always' there
.Juice when it is wanted.
Call in and let me show
you the Engines working
and see for yourself bow
simple and effective tbey
Root Poitiers, Straw Cut-
ters, Grioderr, Roller Crush•
ern. Pumps. Scales, Cream
Peerle.e Corona Mange*
and Heaters.
Robert Wilson
Ha•n..'Me Street
Special ties
Metal' Work
Electric Wiring
Prompt ►Mention to all
..0 iIl joke ankYl general
ivp:rir work.
Phone llYl Hamilton Si reel
(bob are hoomiuu around hotb
Sinai and Arses►. it e•n d1 wne'd
and life (tell of Wo,*
NIT 9111121 COSTO11
dim tine Savegs 2.10. Knew It and
Teen Advantage •t I0-tnspletne
Weeds of Noted General
Yield Mandrel' Sir e..eyn Wend
Mid some Interesting stories at •
.edea watch b. midmost l London
teo.atty. Referring to the charges of
Iiutality made madam the German..
M said:
'•We seed t-ot tear that the British
will ever emceed to making
Thirty -live years ago 1 was
e sssaadag 14,000 teen, who fought
ri,000 brava Palm for time
Wotan aad • kelt. They attacked with
(be taadaua-•d courage of savages wbe
lid not realty the effect of soden
Msad the following morning we
riM, beeldes a vast number else-
tere, U4 close tip to one Lace of
wagose behind welch our men
. .
stood. When the light was over
desired a few trtenlly Zulus who
attached to the companies under
opmmand to collect men of every
(eslasent promising for each uninjured
a 'stick' of tobacco. Next morn -
there was a group outside my
t of magnificent specimens of hu -
When 1 got all the inform -
I required. I said, 'Two months
when atter • skirmish' our doe -
oared for your wounded. and a
few days later you overwhelmed our
D amp, killing 1,600 of our men. Yoe
d4 aot spare those who had been
bag on your own brothers. Will
of you say why I should not kill
roar Bald a young giant. 'May 1
speak, 0 Muter' You ask why you
�ho.l sot kill us; 1 answer, because it
is not the English custom.'
"This is the character our race
1n the North. South. East and
t Africa, and I hope It may ever
*naturae, for reprisals are not only
✓ ele•a, but would sensibly lessen tee
fighting value of our soldiers.
• troop. at the assault of Delhi in
1017. when embttterel by horrible
stones. many exaggerated, and at
Jbenel in 10Md, were seen deliberate-
eliberately lifting women and Uttle children
sat of the nee of fire. Bash conduct
Is s part of our national lnb ritance '
Conditions Which Ars Met With In
Parts of Western Canada
la some semi -arid region. 1n Wes-
tern Canadatracts are found when
the soil Is rendered barren by being
Impregnated with an excess of certain
alkaline salts. These "alkali land."
are more particularly situated to
parts of British Columbia and In
south-western Alberta, but patches
are found also In Saskatchewan and
In Manitoba With the increase in
land values In the grain rowing
prairie regions and In the trntt-raising
valleys of British Columbia, the prob-
lem of the reclamation of these lands
aseumes a more preening and practical
aspect. That they can be reclaimed
b. In moat cases, tolerably certain,
but reclamation 1s Improbable where
the expense involved would exceed
the value of ordinary good land.
Besides the alkali lands which
naturally occur. others are liable to
be formed through the injudicious gee
of water In Irrigated districts, and It
is very Important to take precaetkas
to order that these otherwise highly
fertile lands may not be ruined.
The so-called "alkali" consists et
various salts, cheesy the sulphated
and chlorides of sodium and maga*
alum, forming what ts c
'mown as 'white alkali," sad a
boast* of sodium, wbtch torme "b
atkall" and is much more
to plant life.
Bolls containing these salts are trio
vastly met with everywhere, but do
jet toad to aoe.malate near the our,
fl•0s, snc.pt ta dry regions, where%
Ober beteg dissdied to the sod
water aM brought up , by mp41htrll
jettreetlea. they remain atter the
Ltlyolation of the water. The salts,
deeept the carbonate, are Weeks*
e.b versa pretreat to ezesestve reser
IBMn la bumbt regime. where daadr
ape, rather tbaa evaporation, is the
deice in removing serpins
warty, ao dattgeroaa menet*
et these .sets takes piece. 1d
evar, there is mere water 1n the .oil
nail, eossequeatly, even though there
by as ual quantity of halts. the
�egrk eqof the selvtios is weaker
and plant lila Is not Injuriously at
1a dry areas, even where irrigation
M p setteed, It is laapractleabl• to
Dap the OW aay Wsleter tkaa if
f.r the as:emsefal growth eft
lMb ' t[dlr, W a few'
PIM at w..misPre ffw., tt ispow
Able 4* ewe the water to Carry the
et•e*tr d traits tato the deeper layer.
of the sell. and thus omosnosse the
daagereae soeamelstlon near the •.r.
Isa. where seeds must germtnata
This is especially important in some
districts where alkali i•
sig Its appearance on leads that
eters tortaerly tree tram It.
to fry farming districts. musk es•
be doss to reclaim alkali lands by
extra deep plowing. and by tboroagt
settles/Mn to form • mulch on the
serfs*, and reduce evaporation The
apyNoation of manure*oleo very
beneficial. because It gin*the young
tts • reedy supply of available
material. Improves the tetters
of the soil. and arts as • mulch to
check lose of water through drying.
O,rep0mes Neves Sidle
A osepi.ee suit, t.rtedtne cost and
has been 1a*ent.A for mea
west while gaunter or tadel/ttg
ether outdoor pastirass.
It tem ing Hloetvgas
t. rebleeo.(tr. glee the pedant
lire of gramelted
Mesarif tate dee. mat• MONO
Nth, repeat the 4ouq,
LNvtsnaM411evarner H.ndrie el Ow -
1 tart* Eta, ,d smelt Career With
asrveyele Gang
It was no surprise to those who
Item watebed the career of the man
vibes Lt. -Col. Jolla Sestbearn Amer's,
C.V.O., M.P.P., was elevated to the
dbtlaettoa od Ueuteaaat-Oovernor of
the Provtace of Ontario. It was ase
a[ the .segWl steps In the crown-
ing of a career which gave great
Dome.* ever since the youthful days
when he started out upon the earning
highway of lite by carrying a rod and
chain for as engineer's gang os rail-
way construction.
Of the physical type which gives
evidence of latent power, of the mer
tai capacity .which Cas enabled Ides
to grasp gnat problems in the com-
mer'etnl world. of the mlxlsg type
which has permitted him to gala
many tokens of the popular esteem
01 his fellow<itlseas, of the politloal
caste which bas won the silent ap-
proval of his fellows. John Srathesra
Hendrte to now reaping the harvest
et bb earlier industry.
81111 In His Prime
Colonel Hendrie 1s still young to
years for a man who has gathered
about him so many of the world's
things. lits fifty-seven years ett-
upon him lightly. Grizzled of
r and moustache, there is still a
usthJalness about bis features which
bespeaks many mon Years of use
Then is Scotch blood in his veins,
both parents having emigrated from
(Prom Beck's Weekly, Montreal;
Major Rivers Balkeley was a man
whom to know was to reep.ot but
not to the majority was given the
knowledge. Iib was aa exceedingly
quiet and retiring disposition. He
was not one to thrust himself upoa
Ackers. His many medals, worn upon
trooasioa, told their own Lie. His
bravery was proverbial. but his modes-
ty was such, that he really did not
appreciate hes own virtues. Captain
Long -who was aide-de-camp to His
Royal Highness the Duke daring the
term of Major Rivers Bulk.leys
'omptroll'ershlp--told a friend that he
sex "one of the very bravest men he
lad ever known." His reserve cover-
ed a rare character of extraordinary
;Length. He had served with dts-
:n(tion. had been mentioned In de-
spatches oa three different occasions,
Sas the proud possessor of the
4ueen's medal with sex clasps, and
the /tines medal with two clasps,
ret be never spoke of his achieve-
ments, and apparently shrank from
publicity on that count. As Comp -
'.roller and Equerry of the Household
if Their Royal Highnesses the Duke
and Ductless of Connaught, Major
Riven Bulkeley's position was no
.inec•ure. His duties and responsl-
b titles were great.
Ord (nary people are apt somettmes
to envy those to the higher walks
tf life, but trouble and sorrow follow
all ranks, and on very many occasions
It proved "the sadness .of farewell."
between the two lives, now so ruth-
lessly torn asunder. Although good
comrades. as fate had thrown them
together, It was not quite a year pre-
vious to their marriage, that Major
Bulkeley and Miss Petty became en-
gaged, with the pleased consent of
Their Royal Highnesses .the Duke and
Duchess, who later meted the wed-
ding by their presence. But even
after that happy event, little time
could be spared from their high social
duties to allow of much intimate inter-
course. During the all too short honey-
moon. death cast its shadow by re -
Moving the bride'■ step -father, Blr
Henry Francis Yorke. In January,
1914, their small son "Bobbie" was
born, followed shortly afterwards by
the death of Mrs. Rivers Bnikeley's
mother, Lady Lillian Yorke, whose
long Illness made It impoasible for
her to join her husband to Canada.
This was again followed by the death
of her grandfather, Lord Waymire.;
so that, In reality only a very la-
aniteslmal portion et their live. was
t.peat together. Tbretp lies the ex-
treme trainer of bis dei liab•W
a striking personality, whish, bevies
paaeed. left Its mark. These of os
who were privileged to hove fast and
known them, even ever so sltgbtly, are
the better for the eatect. Midas
hearts then are la plenty for the
etrieken wife and *timeless boy, wbo,
ft he be spared, will ao deebt la (thee
learn that be had • tether et wheat
be roeld be proud. As sown.*
somewbet•e Atiy says:
"We live in deeds. sot years. le
tbonghts, pot breaths;
In feelings. not la figures ea • dial.
We should newt time
by Mart
throbs-- He most lives
Who thI.k mast feels the sobiest.
acts t� bast-"
Om Non*. Laser*,
.le Lord Mayor of i.aades was
semi to have the nesse of tie ase•
sena i0mperne mused from rim fly K
Sloe/diary Premises of tis City of Iaea-
Me rte replied that the same epos
set be mesa for the saddest ma-
ma that It was sever ea the Yed. 10.
Isreegaevs haws ever been flWntd
to tee moon.ar of the OMy, Y
We enable ter declare slMslasse tem
dM Sev.relga
yreehire. and he Is also of Hugs*
not descent. His edueatfon was re-
ceived at the Hamilton public and
private •chodks and at Upper Canada
College, after which be responded to
the belief that there is nothing untie
so effective as a personal grounding
In the practical side of a life work.
He became rodinan and assistant
engineer on the construction of rail-
ways, working troth to Canada and
the United titates, from which posi-
tion he speedily rose until he become
manager of the Hamilton Bridge
1 Hamilton, being Col. Hendrie's home
elty, gave him ail h1s honors, except
the last. His business enterprises
have boon diversified, but it was not
until he was" chosen Mayor of Hamil-
ton in 1901 that hes merits as • cltI-
sen were recognised In tangible form.
Elected to tM Legislature
The following year saw him in the
Provincial Legislature as a follower
of sir James Whitney. Recognition
from the Ontario Government came
in 1906 when he was selected a Com•
mbsloner for the Hydro -Electric, and
the same year saw him admitted to
the Cabinet as • Minister without
In and about the chambers of Par-
liament Col. Handel. Is looked upon
as a silent man, somewhat indifferent
and when upon the floor of the House
ao one can accuse ktm of verbosity.
Om who has watched the proceedings
ce Parliament for years roadies for
the statement that to hes last tour
session■ he did not make • speech
In the House. One might see bim
sauntering into tee chamber hours
atter the deliberations began, ap-
parently paying little attention to the
routine of Parltameat, sinking lack
In his chair and watching with the
attitude of one to whoa all this was
as old story. Bat while Col. Hendr$.
watched 1n Mend, he also work id.
As a soldier
in the military world his ardor was
felt for years His first activity
Came when 'he naked his interests
with the 4th Battery of Canadian Field
Artillery, in white Company he had
Asea M the mak 1a 1909. it is fa-
terestfsM•to note flat OCL Heade*
has always been se sdvveate re maw
pubory military training. la private
lite • realness for horses has beta
nae of his features. and he has deme
much to promotetbats port He le a
member of many dabs and also • peat
president of the Oaaadian
Association , the dsoo,attm 01.V. O .
mash* daring W eefafaaad et re
- . Arulleq at queen Veheia's
DlafaoM Jabhlm 1a 1097
Tobacco QreuAag In Ireland
Worts are bm�eI�aeugg made t laeresse
the noise* tedustry is tte�aad, the
poll of which s mid to be' suitable
tor ridging almost all varieties of leaf.
apo.eritis Lead
Peres lead. tiled with mieteseseple
sawlike:- r hem isweaW by • Devi
W aeteathe lo tib- -b the weld
pad 1n eeeas lb* Mines et tNMags
Weed Per Lead Peelle
Ongramat eanat• attar Mels have
4.44114 that jests* ward Is the meet
available sebettills for the rigidly
0L•sflearla3 red agar Mr lead psielb
THE MOVEMENT for the giving of Practical Gifts this Christmas is meeting
with great favor, not only through Canada but in Britain as well.
The strong indications are that, while the exchange of gifts among relative,
and friends will be as free and generous as in the past, more people than ever will
select articles that are really useful. • Everything points to this "Practical Gift
Movement," as it is called, winning adherents by the thousands. Everywhere the
idea is taking hold among the people.
This is pre-eminently a "Practical Gift" Store. It is full from end to end,
from top to bottom, with the useful, the sensible, the practical for Chrismas giv-
ing. Moreover, it is THE CHRISTMAS STORE of the town. No pains have been
spared to make it such. Christmas stocks are here and ready for your inspection
and you are welcome to come and examine and look them over just whenever and
as often, as you please. Many a helpful hint is to be found in the big, generou,,
stocks that are here and we :urdially invite you to make the store your holiday
headquarters. It is our desire that you feel free to come and go at your pleasure.
Business conditions are not as usual this season. This applies not only to Goderich but t„
the entire Dominion. In order to keep our Dressmaking Departtaent busy daring this period ..t
depression, we make these moat unusual offerings. In every case the workmanship will be ti '
to the high standard of this department. Nothing whatever will be stinted.
Skirts Made to Measure 11.75
Commencing Saturday morning we will make
Skirts to Order for 01.75. This includes bind-
ing. sewiolp and ordinary Bodiags, bot not
lining it a style is selected which, requires it.
You can have • Skirt .tads in any one of
eight styles which will be shown yea when
your measure is taken. We will make them
from any goods in stock at 01.45 par yard
or over. You simply pay foe the material
used and 01.76, which covers everything
unless lining should be required. One Air Mg
will be Riven with each order. It is • woet
exceptional , opportunity to secure a stood
tailor ed Skirt at a very nominal price.
Sults to Order Complete for $22.50
Witt tam Mull Order we gin you your litotes of
all materials, Kespt serve la stock ap to $2.2;
per yam• sad smite you a Solt
hum thea. eoesplrte for eJ(t�/
Tia inclades the material. the making, button.,
sewing.. maims. bat/cloth sad Whig. and our '
haat gsarentaed satin Reiss in the Coat. Any
irisasinRu of mores would be extra. We guar
antes the same workmanship and Ha(sge as if
full prima were being paid for the garment.
At 124.00
It yea wafts • better Suit we can give you yn,rr
elates d t admiats. :soot se* over B125.Y5 per
',.•ed Mike them to rgeyour .order
$24• 0
and the oppotsorrity is en
This means a saying of at least *1.110 to 010.00 os the price of these Sohl
exceptional one to secure a b1gh-trado tailored Batt at • nosirsal price.
We Bought $400.00 Worth of Handkerchiefs the Other
Day for $200.00
A big wholesale house was giving up the Hatdkerchief business and we were fortunate to
secure part of the stock at the above prices. We are going to sell them exactly the same war,
and clear out the whole lot at One-half the Regular Prices. All are beautiful Embroidered
Handkerchiefs of Swiss or Irish manufacture. We put them on sale Saturday morning anti
strongly advise an early selection, as prices cannot be duplicated. It is a great opportunity to do
your Christmas Handkerchief buying, get good qualities and save looney.
Here are some sample prices :
At 2 for 25c
Ladies Ase embroidered Handkerchiefs, scal-
loped edger, teat daintypatterns and a won-
derful aortatteot to select ect from. Mold 2 JZ„
•t 26c every+, here. Special price It for Jl.
At 15c
A very large assortment to choose teras at
this price, lam edged Handkerchiefs. pare
linen Haadkerebieb with point Violet 0,iw,
Swiss insulinHsodkerebieh, heath rind
embroidered, dosses of patterns. Regular
prices 116c and 30c. Selling the whole of 15c
this bot at each only.
For Ibis Sale we group this special purchase
into these lots for easy welling. They are the
beet Handkerchief values that have ever been
in the store, eo do not fall to take advantage
of them.
Hundreds at 19c
Thee are beeefiful Handkerchiefs. Pure
hit lies with dainty bah Irish lace edges
ase beeestltehed edge with Ili• daintiest of
embroidered patters,. Regular 40e and 46c.
While this lot Taste, take your choke* of 19c
these at only.
At 25c
In this lot will be !mood Irian Linen Handker-
chiefs embroidered in the finest of Swiss em -
some extt
extra quality with lam edges. Every
nm of thew was road. to sell at 150c or over.
Foe this Sale of Handkerchiefs take v)gC
your choler of this lot at only.. , . , .... L
0? Christmas Handkerchiefs of ail kinds we
harmms nee of the flsest storks we ever offered
a� ow values that you will not easily
Sale of Cloaking.
The big Sale of Cloaklags w111
continue until every one i.
told. We are clearing plain
wird fancy °Soakings suitable
for ladies' ow girls.' wear that
sell regularly up to 08 00 per
yard, at your choice of 1 gS
the lot per yard ..... eJ
eessNt wheal(' he he the Semensriaeratbs is Fur buying. It is
Um principal thing to consider. It le an easy matter to sail at
belt pries er even lees it you sake the Bret pries MO ,sough.
Ws pelt Quality Furs only. We would rather not .e11 them
than offer those that we anew would not RM satisfaction. And
roe tete deemed with •badnte certainty no anything you buy
from us. Quality for quality we ate ready to lmbk our prloes
agalnet any you can get. We have • ee•.RRsslaseat stock to .elect
from and as • prepared 10 give you geotetlons that will save you
money. 1f you ham Pur baying to do, let.. see what we can
do for you.
41:t Fast sad Meek Meese. y.1.1010
in mew of the meat eeriest est.
tweak of sad south dM sty to the
11.ited ata*, wfib kis esbe,Mt
smokes lessee sod sseeeelt• ter &e gee
est mention.. Candies a •'ti'Mosre
.hold es,o.Mt themes. r.-. wit% tis
pottbdaw d tide dIes•• •'. ♦ eerie-
/aogi►lat. •'y Dr. J. orisory .
ter '• As. 0. ata
ISO symptom and oppresses) of the
damage wile he treat.s.mt sod pre.
volitive measure.. le mew of the
felt that It is ons et the mole -safe-
tions dk/wwt k.ow.. &Meat sg Msely
ell morels, of taros a.'ma10. tiled that
ohm ahoy diagram ways lel with Its
game ).lame 9Wes IS my O&Metryed fit'...gime :0
rt. Spred uses w be. MINN IM appeas-
es.* M e tl.asmesfty, preload,
mammy my an of the .tmmst Import -
soft. in this pamphletm tlmmb.r of
mai eallaeurellhalri bees estllsed by
Dr. Mtbeatierd. a knowledge of artist
eho.M peeve es great Talus shoot the
disease rake Its agpr,r•s*e Is Oss-
e. Ogles of chi >,•lspblet. tette
h No. fl of Mt* of Aahmele
�ftb, mm M
pileatioa is the
1108. s.10. legartm. t of Ap�1-
Mee win Pawasag..
tbyAsa Whig.
'the YMletrr of Militia, with all be
era the eels mrblgp diet Is im
to Mho eisamellimi. The
busy. The Gem.
1. *belly wegromod w eh the
k4li e� p•1moor.
First Meal a D.ddh Rebel Pills Madr
116.. Denbo Peal getter.
Yes Qen--Nov. 10th. C'IP"
'iI are dp err rheum*
yd aMssd•e kldne)
le .bows ire et Ufa. J. par'
dote afterbearibetelepalli., lientre*l,
QM'1, es�eed eimm= from • Mi°
heed Soft Mile .a link bosltld Imam Yes. abed
te. was hr
for sales weeks. 11e ieMsre could
not beta eek >a trsulln wcnld
e!7 lg�glble�� and
noire a my
w !Oe i b 00 ^r
to tri
*lira. sodE�p my
k me feel
wee eered. The j iy
bitter. boli." I
t aolds and
Mart ioa WWII* me does.