HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 9net ea reel beet se ogee foltam 4s Win w • Nit, flea a. i1 Autry* •twat b Ms La r tone • 1 - IA1 .A\ Chen my day e a, Wang Molise eerie 'anUae wastage a V ('.A, serretery. %a plc $1v erq 100 ens rockery Sale gryLL CONTINUES We still hove • Lade stock of Fanhi ry Clara - ware in verlow pretty dese make igns• Many of the articles would excellent Christmas gifts. Aliso a gooline of d Staple Crockery wtech we are Mining at sett prima, Wears isg our CalelO er• aim - 'sine bar'g•Iws and se In- v,t•• your iwapeellon of our atnek. Christmas goods are ar- riving daily for our Grocery Department and full value for your tie my is guareoterd. smile OW S. J. Young Routiltos Street. • THB t}EA L : OODRRIOH oN'P . ' le XalypsDAT, Rit'Irsaaa S, 1914 0 COUNTY AND DISTRICT lows stIL F gums NAVY 1e The iw.wwr moult., .sow opened' d Mel.mvYM o. Wedwd•y, .w Thursday wt way a large nester d advise. w Dr. Hardt , of Guelph, tut opd ea office 1e Homan and toupees praatl. Ilwgdenttatry there. Out Swallow and Lorca Brews, of ,Oredo movies- tionkoo, attended the Boys' bald le Guelph recently. rid Thomson, of Brunel', ship - 1,d two carloads ret live poultry to Buffalo said New York lest week. The estate of J. D. Haman, of Shlpl.a, has bees wound up, the mote emitters getting 17 mote on this dol- lar. liveries the held. of Hr. Fred L. Pot- ter, l.db la"' Tae *.ewney. wbieb Advanta Res .t MY tbe Immo of she pride's Omni. wee to darkness several eights last week owing to some :e- 1 pairs having to be made at the gas work/ The hotel property •t Wake 'Schen'', hero purchased by Willies'tSchen'', who will use it as a deviling house. Fift on candidates were coofinued Eby the Bishop of Huron in the AntN- cw cburcb,Wroseter, on Sunday. Nov- !ember Taut Dr. Mair of Henson, who aim bee bed an office in Marta, has gold hie practice arid will shortly leave for 'other quarter.. John OoIwill, who bad spent pr•acti- cally all bis life on .harm bear Cea- ' trails, died there un November lltb, aged eighty-one. RUBBERS In buyingyour robber foot- wear ter the all and winter be 1 sere rod get the famous LIFE -BODY brand. They are without ex- ersion the best robber footwear made Alt the light rubber. have a parroted leather Yet that insures double the Weer d any other. i 11Me Otey the car relatives of the magpie presoak prsat They will re - RUSSIomen. BI AN vouim CONTINUES TO an cage e.wtirM•d by Rev. B J. Mist German ales With Mar's Fortis eran Lames [ra*a'tweta. 1—Kaiser New to [ase The Battle a Lodi, as the •gesf*1 Ane .nae doineesatl1.great NEATEIt ttetweea ale Vlatala .eaWorth* Rivers 1s. Russian Polead ►.• J had the mhfestr m to hi I s - as Aad hawk bps lag pone at Kiagstxidge Rims r hewd • were./. deprecate, Lae cans all theaBritish .any there was Fifteen First -clam Ships Ready In vMn—Mr. Churchill Shewe There's No Cave For Nerveuenem Winston tipeacer Churchill, Mirst Lord of the Admiralty, la a epees It la tbe House of t'omm.sns last F'r'day Or scans to be known. n n • evening told the eeestry. that. de- laat week ugly u ever spite the lose of some ut the older !rated Mr. ..a Mw. Rama Heddeo, w pa . of Reardon succeg••a to this ' for nervowaess but every fast week en, t bow la 8ugtatebe-;rine fn a statement of sec I teases for complete confidence to the w I had bees atttttlyf hoe., Ls bete lett reports aimed ec •p. so caw f M. •fly, at the estimates swat d Ib. navy to gave elect l0 base. that have, been published, but rower wales .red navy to a the Best tO SW Haagvw had the misfortune to the enemy has Mager At the The hat Lord told of the Haag thrrehing mashiwe. TM axe went been decisively defeated. through his boot and l.4tcted • severe game time the latest nodal Russian wound. , report states that the advantage in BAY PI ELD. ' the fighting still Iles with eke bus- t be rifle .ssoeiatioa have drill and ata. army. and that enormous losses rifle stashes et the hall every Wed- I have been inflicted on the Germans. ne.day eteriag. "it is impressible as yet accurately Twelve of our local flehernien have -tc estimate the German losses around goo! to Port Stanley, where they will I Lodz," says a Petrograd correspon- rog r Ib einag {aduatry, (dent. "The Germans in groups and Mr. and Mee. Clark have removed ccwpanfes. even to battalions, are from Uoderieb township to Hayfield. I wandering, starving and halt -crones, where tbe, occupy Mrs. tyoyder'e la the snow-covered woods and fields. bosses. seeking an opportunity to surrender. M. Roses broke three i abs last week. I "It would require something like Ms He woe out t• hie Iskiag boat lifting or fresh army corps to shut ole W wets whoa he sed and tell. with the German retreat completely." tbe before-montio result J The German Emperor has joined Robert Bailey. manager of the Star- Field Marshal von Hindenburg In Po- ling Smitten,. wee shot through the land to offer his advice and to en - eye while burning squirrels oo ttlatur- courage hIa troops. day. H. was "ken t' the Oodertch I It may be some days before a con - hospital. wbers every effort is being elusion Is reacted in this battle, made to eave his sigfit. which promises to prove the most de LCl'[lYOW. Icisive. and already has proved the Mrs. T. Reid. a E tmostoo, is visit- most sanguinary engagement of the iog het son and other relatives in war. So far. all that le definitely town I known la that the German advance eut M. tool while gp1►telintg wood fora wt the Inference that The Taylor, Scott Co., of Pal..metos bas been reorganised uoder the name of Henry Wise Woodenweer Mfg. Co. and is now In full. operation. Freiman aerie, • former Mitchell resident, wee elected t r the executive hosed of aha Commercial Travellers, Association at Toronto last week. Mrs. S umnh, of Mild ay, whose husband wits kille3 over awn yews ago by the collages of • .caRold. wee awarded $2.000 damages r 'ceotly. Cls too Proctor, of Morris, wbo pre- med his civil service examinations Iasi May, bas received oro appointment to tbe civil service department at Ottawa Ii. V. Armetroes who hes bad wide experience in the drug business In VInoipet, Toronto and Cbiosg••. has taken ch.rge of the drug store et Oon ie. David Collins, of Clawdebeye, re- cently celebrated hi• one bundretb birthday. He was presented with en address and a puree of gold by hie family. Alvin Kilts re, while shingling • barn at Listowe', fell to the ground, a distance of twenty -Ave feet, and sus- tained • broken leg as well es mini other injuries. Joe Warden, of Suite, suffered the loss by lightning of • cow. a put and • number of hens during an elec- trical storm which pesie,t over the village recently. Chester L. Smith, of St. Joseph, has purchased a half interest in the Zurich Herald printing plant. Mr. Smith in- tends to take charge of the mechanical Mrs. Agar has gzoe to Toronto. has been brought to a halt aLd that where eke will spend the winter with the Russians. resuming the offensive. her ane, Tit •m is. I have thrown back the Invaderi at The owners of the Paramount cheese many points cn the line, in sone factory gave smt.50 W the p.trintic' mew wholly or partly eurroundtag fund. This was the proceeds of one' Lae German troops. The latter have day's supply of milk which was made stork to their trenches with the into cheese and cold for the benefit of greatest tenacity, and near the lett tbe fund. ' bank of the Vistula ars still Aghting John McKinnon was accidentilIy stubbornly to break throegh the Rus - killed while working in • [nine at Asn floes, apparently W the north - Seattle. e, Wubiogtao. The remains ward, where they hope to join re - Were brought home, and the funeral latorcemente flat from prem. was held from the home of his pus-, ' ( 'Qjjj i BLEW UP tete, was thin :i, Kinloss. The de -1 si 'I 1 71W Yg ceased wan thirty -nevem years old. I BLYTH. to British ships from mine. and sub marines lied a the possibility of armored sad fast enemy linen escap lag to the blgb seas to prey on the allies' shipping. which. he added, had been prevented thus far. He con eluded his speech wlti. the statement that there was another danger, "that of an oversea invasion—ea enterprise full of danger for those who might attempt 1t." Mr. Cburchtll said that cosalderlrta the work the navy had done in the protection of British commerce, the restrictions 11 bad placed on tie enemy's supplies and the convoyieg by 1t a great numbers a troops to and fro across the world, with one's eyes fixed on the mischances that had occurred anu knowing all the circum- stances. he was bound to say. "t think we have had • share a the luck.' Even if England were single-handed, then would be no reason to despair, but with the French In control in the Mediterranean and Japan in the Paci- fic and the Russian navy developing "we could go on In efi'nitely, receiv- ing our supplies tr wherever we need them, transporting our troops wherever they are required and coo- tinue the process with our strength growing greater every month. until at the end a perhaps a not very distant date, we achieve the purpose for which we are fighting." As for building, Mr. Churchill .01d, England would add fifteen capita! 'Mr to ber fleet before the end of 111EE to Gs nany'i three, lA feet. he declared, Xngland could lose one superdre•4Lougbt monthly for a year and still maintain her superiority oter Germany- In these ships. • Light cruisers, Mr. Churchill con- tinued, titre {n(i rapidly added Ike British >feet, Ind raglan( lad commisaloned since the commence Ment or the war more than Germany had bad destroyed or Interned. This number, Including the Breslau. he aald. amounted to 51x. T. J. Johneten, of Delaware, s ret •Der his property in this district. r v Bulwark Werra ()euro Thi dea F. Collis, who will be rt A. the British baitlesttip Bulwark memhered,by many of the older real.' dents as a stage driver between Blyth was lying off :sheerness ou Thursday and Clinton for a number of veer.,' there occurred a terrible explosion died in Lxodoo on November 3rd. I which completely Cestroyed the ship. Bridle R rboe, aged eleven. died from Of the crew of nearly 800 men, who inner ur lock j.w last week. Some time ago he were aboard at the time. only fourteen oral { ret og p n ran a rust v pail in his foot and of late survived. The cause a the explosion tt he;bad..ufferedintense pain. His father. 1s not known for a certainty, but it pert of the work. who was in the West, came home for is believed that It occurrds in her The heavy Otto Rubbers for The p!aming mins, horse stable.. tae funeral. forward magazine, whether by acd- tbe faun have the baa repute- and pert of the cant -.beds belongng to Dr. ant Mrs. Sloan, of ;Creme, Alas- dent or design 1s a question to be de- termined by the commission which Prices are right. Sole evict for were destroyed by Are on the 24th Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sloan. Dr. has been appointed to Investigate the 1 bas 1' ted as a to the several days here a week ago looking Nearly woo Lives Leet When H.M.S. Goderieb. 1 Ioceodiarisui is suspected. Sloan enlisted surgeon A meeting of the trustee bzerd of the Atwood Methodist church was recentlyheld at which the piens of the new curch which they propose - to build were fully discuses!. Geo. Mac Vicar • rye trim'. Mots .t.1k id W e. We's seal sea sews Oa reit ta. tweet • d x liaise , etc. gaol Weed res far *sees, let 1 Col.* ed •1 WINTER TOURS TO TEE LAND Or • ttlgb;ae as/ Stua..r Dar THE 'CANADIAN" /'ANT Tt$E itinor :Er l# ONTRBALTORUN TO DETRQfT.0 IOAGO hedonism bam iTicket . Mg: write it " . weer.sneer. les and leas Tweets. ' Mr. A. Goebel, of Mitchell, received a crate of grape fruit and oranges from Porto Rico, West Indies. last week. They were gent by Dr. Lombardi, formerly of Mitchell Ana Logan. • _"-Al Sam funsiri, an Italian who hoe been doing business ss • fruit dealer in Walkertot. closed up his premises (and disappeared. tilting his wife and family. but leaving • lot of unpaid bills behiod. Koss Lout, • former resident of J the 2nd concession of Stanley, while op.nW iog • gasoline engine in Alberta got hie sunk caught in the machinery. He wail quickly extri- cated but expired while befog taken to the hospital at Calgary. AN NUN r "'. <LM TORONTO AND RETURN -TARE AND ONE-THIRD second C aoadian contingent now in traioiog at To:onto. • Luella. elder daughter of Mr. and Mee. A. Hamm. was united in'narcisge to Mr. John Cole, of Berlin, on Satur-, da} last. The eer.mony was conduct- ed by Rev. W. D. Turner. The young e.taple will reside in Berlin.; WINOH AM. Mr. J ./nee Garrick, a former resi- dent of Wingham, died in Edinooton on Monday, the 2ttrd inst. The bxdy was brought bare for interment. While piling pig iron in the yard of the Western Foundry, F. Hinkley re- ceived •deep would io the thick pert of the thumb. which will lay him off work for some days. $ While in the act of detecbio$ the whiAletrees from a load of wood John A. t'•mpbell was kicked in the heed by . bone, necessitating twelve stitches to dose the wound. James Gockridge, an employee of the Pringle mitt end glove mills, met with • painful accident white working around • ruacbine. Hie band got caught and was Midis -lacerated and it was found n'?oree•ry at the hospital to amputate the Ant finger. Fire destroyed the residence of Dun- can McLaren, lir., of Cromarty. • week ago. the fire occurred at midnight Nd„hbore who noticed the flames soused the family. who were all taken out safely. A considerable quantity of furuiture was saved. There was no iosurance. John Daw. of Hibbert, died very suddenly last week. With Mn. Hib- bert he had been milking the cows his wife bad gone to the house with the milk leaving ber husband to Slab the chores. As be did out come in rest ft•tiooe b O.eada. Hitrgatoo, when expected a march was made Renfrew sed Wast thereat he was found lying in the .table with 0004 gales 1/.a. trues Dec_ I life old extinct. Mr. Daw was sixty -Ave ember I0. snail all trsifas Deesa4r 11 Aad 12 Account -Toronto Pat Amok show”` All Tickets valid to return up to and including December Il, 1014 s•Ir 1e0 MrrieuYn and tlek.ts at 0.T.111. Udall ►. r LA tvRrry (-g k SOYA, Tvwa paw a- iaetA , Amen•.a N. It LA'.11. ta•'roa Ticker AgssL Make ale. Atfeela Per Heroes tadeniably situps has lemma a at greet rule 1s. western Cies- s tel I ad rr las bow 1s fbS _mewl. n•ama Ymist* M le sus dt 1den►le mcg- 11. tbe seep is beraNM/ IK sore•ttmes twee be g•M!+- eetlryp se IWO% pews Ts tad to the etwrwt el pis Illibetb teas• Odrla5O Asa ted a spots. wire bent nulla Is Mos trees tie saws e[ Thomas Doyle, driver of a breed wagon in St. Marys, had a thrilling eppeeterre tsar. work ., Mole crossing the U.P.R. tracks the wages ware struck by • train and Doyle was buried several feet. The train crew picked him up u0000.tiotm and car- ried him to the depot, when be soon regained °ew•cioageam sed was foumd to be uninjured. Th. rig was .snaabed but the horse was not hurt_ CLI ((TON. The coroner's jury which investi- gated the death of Chester 11111, who was recently killed in a sewer cave-in, brought io a verdict of accidental death and no blame was attached to anyone. Crown A.ttoroey Seeger, of Goderieb. conducted the examination ,1 The town of Wingham is being sued for $10,0110 by the widow of en em- ployee who was recently killed in sewer construction work. The -work was being dose by the day and the town clerk was in charge of the Joh. 'Ow ceased jboiytbl, to eut down .eE• passes by doing the work" tbit'wmy. ` waole affair. In the opinion of naval men It was au internal explosion that put an end to the, old battleship which for twelve yeas had clone service at hone and abroad. and lately had t Sen doing her part 10 guarding Engtknd's shores. There was no great upheaval of water, such as would have occurred if she had been torpedoed or struck a mine. Instead the "ship was ea - .eloped in smoke and flames, and when this hsd cleared nothing could be seen butt reckage floating on the tea. House. in towns seven and eight miles away were shaken by the ex- plosion, and even before men on ships ancbored nearby could reach their own decks the Bulwark had disappeared. Tlw Waverly house bas hom par` chased by W♦Volker. who wird o a levees rt it bastctory Rex Cluff..oe a Rev. W. T.Chaff. mime third rIM le t Her race over • mom at EI.*Mos recently. The manegemeet of the house of refuge reel heed • nprofit of $21411.40 the on their acos :roQ mimes bare bee. sold As *shakier) of riotoree, loaned by the American Art Co.. Me hem held le the tows hall. The premeds will go toward • teed for the puseleme of Matures Jfer the C0UMRtate Iratltate. Tweeared airy; ltilabn'p-Williamswo t mMat the earCeb.r.b ow Maeda" wreaks. aeweak. Rev. .1. 0. Pmts. the resew. prssseeed the elms before the 01* -v. Arbiter Ossasioe resolved ward ben disilkdoof tsheave et die eselierreideb et die l . /vibe ..is. w e. white rl, tawUbe Ira b •.110 reierwitt 'pee taws EeNahmeek of C gr. tweak. Ostler lib • stew.. w1\Tf;lt T=fig oto JAN. 4th teen* NOW a mase lie Fames moral. w1<Mtr ,t' l+y p, m,ws 7► KIDNEY HEADACHE ie caused from the blood being thick- ened with uric avid poisons eir.rulating 1 i the heed. Asti Uric Pills cure all Attar to N Mede Ale sere: for es of k(dney trouble. They are so k by 7i00s ng good awl so sure C. L. Ooeh.M Roar- Mew •neem them. 9. •nee dare get Ant' - t'. t. Pala. B V. Va inn o t ey' .rim The first explicit statement as to hos. 8z1d only a' C. L Coulti.' drag the strength a the Turideb army !torr. wblch will attempt the Lamaism a tgypt gives the camber ef mea ander inset Paha and the Khedive las 70,000. Nene! M the P1orMwg Fleet including some 10.000 Bear:Man who The ease of Calmer llarr%, asp- an a little case tax the sort a tlght- Inte ef the Or wolor trews*: Khan/ tang that will take place al*ag the seek. which wee blows M Ur & min. Styes Canal. The Bettis► force*. aa - 1s ted North sea, suet b. want large sated by the sdanse, it 1. coeMeat- ZAPATA IN XZXIOO CITY Capital Pagers Uoder Control of Noted Rebel Leader The forces a General Zapata oc- cupied Mexico City last week and are maintaining order, according to of- ficial telegrams from Mexico CRY - General Zapata was a noted rebel leader against Dias. Madero and Muerte. American Consul Stillman reported that the Lpata forces. atter sharp fighting In the outaklrts of the Mexican capital, to which sixty soldiers were killed. entered just as the forces a General Bianco evacuated the city. There was some disorder tad long In the brief Interval between Me the tour. The King and his son bow- ,tyceat.Los..T Bianca end the arrival .d and smiled repeatedly in respo•se or the Zapata troops. bur tits city was to ale.cs$1al . greetings of the 1.- qufet immediately afterward.. habltants who gathered try thomesds to welcome the British sovereign and tale son. Among the places visited y the King were the hospitals where wounded Britlah cancers and soldiers are being treated. SWEDEN IS THREATENED Germany Wants to Control Prem There and People Resent It The London Dally Mall's ('open- hagen correspondent says that Ger- many er many has demanded that -the Swedish Government suppress unfriendly ut- terances against Germany In Swedlel newspapers and has threatened re- prisals in the event of non-compliance. The correspondent represents that Germany's declaration of wood as contraband of war has caused • tre- mendous revulsion of feeling In Swed- en and Norway against Germany, and agitation for an' understanding with Russia. Sweden's loss by remora a this declaration, as estimated by the correspondent, will amount to $15,000.- 000 a year. "The temper of : -le Swedes," says the correspondent, "!s such that they are discussing „ whether or not H would be advisabie to send cargoes a wood to England under escort of Swedish warships and defy the Ger mans to attack them. it 1s contended that Sweden, Norway and Russia could form a profitable commercial aggrement which would be greatly to the advantage of themselves and the allies and to the disadvantage of the Germans." KING GEORGE IN FRANCE f King George arrived In Fusee Monday morning. The Prince a Wales met Mm and they passed the day visiting the hospitals in Parts and going about 1n •o automobile. The Prince seemed to be extremely well pleased to be with Ma father ors TURNS TO INVADE EGYPT Canal es the roll a berate Inds: for 11 wan Us patrtette notion whisk ied to the 4e.tnetios a hie vetael gad Umwtlf. After resol:kg the Neertb ..dc be *- ironed some $neons alma. He is eared them- god ordered the strew to gut tad a best' is order to mart wheat KM, were. After tads had bees dews Abe /copse to brag the vee- 5 bwit me 1e 1011 1s este' .o*. w...b1 &. is order diet esebil beim' ties where Os aloes erere. as/ lave them litres sr end prevent the pessiblflty et aq was Bigg tWes srseet meet ins Ths4 she W btt mime mcg ri/at miler the satins tegti. gbi ebe eat .sAp*tgly is ly asserted. will be able to hold the meal. The chief trouble the Turks most fan L the lack of artillery. SO Adam Beek has aa•.eaeed as early reduction in power rates thro.gb- oat the entire Rydro-eleetrte game. at- feettag betwe.o 00 fwd 70 stgtiedpE It4es. (Intim Cobbold Tarr. the totalsr of Helleybery. Ids there et stager last weak attar • few days' Ultimo. Dr. AmMm. *tastes, era d a cwt.. serebaat. bet woos cost 1h. AtftwlfMwe sear Vtdegr d, IM SS4 by Teres will tae rdre llteenta Tells Asetriese nNtetred betty ureas.l Ili M.ettw Clksb*g*f` far w , tosses 1a 11i11e, weueae tied osmiu- m,* olmes.ss,*b went It fear sea 14 Now Is the Time to Purchase Your Winter Underwear We have all the lead- ing makes and brands in stock from which you can make your selection. STANFIELD'S TURNBULL'S PENMAN'S and WOLSEY'S Combination and two- piece Suits A What About the gig Price ? These well - known in brands range in price from the cheapest at $t a suit to the best at 16. Best all -wool value in Canada at $i,00 a piece. Remember that we are Headquarters for all Gents' Furnishing Goods Step In and Let Us Show You A full line of Christmas Novelties just to hand. McLEAN BROS. The Squre, Godatcb 5EM1.RE.*DY TAILORING Agents for CarlarttOveralls, Stanfield's ad College and Cuffs nder r, F',twell Hats, 11=== =10=10=111:=111# The Singer Store The Singer Store is a good place to go for Children's Furs. All classes of Infants' Wear. Bonnets, Bootees, Mittens and Caps. Also a good line of Ladies' and Girls' Caps. A few lines of good Yarn at exceptionally low prices. Headquarters for D. M. C. ENTER THE GUESSING CONTEST NOW. MRS. L. B. TAPE NORTH MIPK OF nt4UARE - MIXT wBLL ?EL1cPttrrNR Rounding vp the Allem The registration or alien enemies l■ Canada will aot be completed for several weeks yet. but MOM have already been registered and over 1,000 Germans. Austrians and Turks le tune. Quebec has agreed to have the alien *scales wit* are Ietaloed to that province set to work cutting er.weed aed clearing up forest lands that -will be suitable for settlement The Ontario Goverment 1. *gpeeted to make • similar arrangement. Audaeloue Reverted Raised Peemegers arriving at New York os the Masser Genteel* from UT's. - pool, say 11*t 1M dr.sdno.ght Audi °fees, rgcrted seek ell the lilsh least, Wu bees rafted sad le sow 1n • dry - Lock. tederweing repairs. The Moet.•egrles report a victory ••••••••••••••••••••••••: • FreeWarMaPSj • • • Every Reader of The Signal • • May Have a War Map Free • • ,. • • • A Map 3!.i x 2% fee • t, showing clearly every • • boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet • and river in the whole European War area. Each • • map in a treat folder of convenient size. • • • • The • • b h Pre • • G W &C • III•Limited, • h tged It is beyond yue•ttion the most • • • The Sag p g • • • HERE IS OUR OFFER - 0 • • Good for 30 Days only • • The price of the Family Herald and Weekly• Star, Canada's Greatest Newspaper, is one dollar a year. • • The price of The Signal, the Brightest and • • Best Newspaper in Huron County is one dollar a year. • • FamilyHerald and Weekly Star of Mon- treal has secured exclusive rights for the WarMap- pared by the celebrated map firm ofBacon Co., ofLondon, Ung. comprehensive map primed. Signal has completed arrangements by which our readers can secure a copy of this excellent map free of charge. We now offer both papers for one year each, •including a copy of the Family Herald's War Map, size • 30 x 40 inches in a neat folder of convenient size for only • This offer applies to all subscribers, new or • renewal, who pay for the two p.pl inside next 30 days • from this date. • To follow the war situation intelligently the •Family Herald War Map is-secemary. It should be in • ever 'Canadian Hoax. • • ORDER AT ONCE •• • The Signal GODERICH, : ONTARIO KORTH ST PHONE • • • • 1 • • • • • • •• •